Ashland City Church of Christ The Ashland Visitor Meals for FUNERALS in March: Angela Shivers Volume 42 FOCUS SUNDAY Those To Serve In March Secretary: Angela Shivers Church: 792-4740 879-0324 Jerry Burnett Jeff Burney Leonard Crouch Paul Mayberry Jamie Wayman Deacons: Worship - 1:15 p.m. Topic……….... “The COMMISSION of Jesus” Minister: Drake Jenkins Jack Fisher Jamie Wayman R.D. Huffines Bryant Green Noon - Fellowship Meal 792-7144 792-7202 246-1278 Bruce Gibbs Jerry Burnett Paul Mayberry Matthew Mayberry Worship - 10:30 a.m. Topic………………….“The CROSS of Jesus” Elders: Bruce Gibbs Paul Mahaney Tim Shivers Presiding: Leonard Crouch Serving: Sunday School-9:30 a.m. Topic……….….“The CHARACTER of Jesus” (The teenage class and all adult classes will meet in the auditorium for Sunday School.) Times of Worship: Sunday 9:30 Bible Class 10:30 AM Worship 6:00 PM Worship Wednesday 7:00 Communion: SPECIAL SPEAKER - Jeremiah Tatum 110 Cumberland Street P.O. Box 81 Ashland City, TN 37015 Run the Sound System Austin Shivers, Todd Pewitt, Jason Hughes Greeters Grace Albright & Doris Sanders Prepare the Trays Elaine Gibbs Baptismal Garments Sherrie Cannon Communion to Shut-Ins Phil Lunn - 3/15 Malvin Allgood - 3/22 Building Lock-up Paul Mahaney Announcements David Mahaney March 29, 2015 FOCUS SUNDAY– We want to encourage everyone to invite a guest to attend our first Focus Sunday, this Sunday March 29th. As noted above our speaker will be Jeremiah Tatum. We will have a potluck meal following the morning worship service. We are asking our members to bring plenty of food for our visitors as we want to encourage them to stay and enjoy some time with us. There are invitations in the foyer that you can use to invite family and friends. Let’s be sure to set this day aside for a wonderful time of worship and fellowship. Issue 13 Order of Worship: March 29, 2015 YOUTH GROUP NEWS Girls Night Out - Sunday, March 29th Boys Night Out - Sunday, March 29th Lock In - Thursday, April 2nd in the FLC EASTER EGG HUNT - will be this Sunday, March 29th at 4 pm at Riverbluff Park. Please bring plastic eggs filled with wrapped candy and leave in the foyer by Sunday morning. MEN’S LEADERSHIP MEETING - will be on Saturday, April 11th. Breakfast will be served at 8 a.m. This meeting is for our deacons and any of our men who are interested in accepting assignments for 2015 programs and projects. WEDNESDAY NIGHT YOUTH ACTIVITY - This activity will be discontinued beginning next Wednesday night, April 1st and will resume after the summer break. CHILDRENS CHURCH PROGRAM - We need a teacher for Sunday April 5th. Sign the sheet in the foyer if you can help. TEACHER/WORKER DINNER - Will be held on Saturday, April 11th at 5 pm in the Family Life Center. This dinner is for all of our teachers who taught over the last 12 months, our minister, our elders, deacons, song leaders and their spouse or a guest. Please sign the sheet in the foyer if you plan to attend. UPCOMING EVENTS Lads to Leaders Convention - Friday, April 3rd thru Sunday, April 5th CHANNEL 4 WEATHER NIGHT - Thursday, April 9th in the auditorium. YOUNG AT HEART DINNER - on Friday, May 1st at 5 pm - for all our members age 55 and over. GRADUATION RECEPTION - Sunday, May 17th Vacation Bible School - June 7th thru 10th 9:30 A.M. Bible Study 10:30 A.M. Worship Song Leader ………………..Keith Crouch Scripture Reading………...Jason Hughes Scripture…..…………...Matthew 22:36-40 Opening Prayer …………….......Phil Lunn Lord’s Supper–Acts 3:13-15-Leonard Crouch Lesson ……….…………..Jeremiah Tatum Announcements ...………David Mahaney Closing Prayer ……………...Jerry Burnett 1:15 P.M. Song Leader………..……….Keith Crouch Lesson………………..…..Jeremiah Tatum Lord’s Supper…...…........Leonard Crouch Nursery Attendant: March 29th - Carla Wayman April 5th - Angela Burnett BIRTHDAYS THIS WEEK Berry Turner - 3/25 Rebecca Burnett - 3/31 FOCUS T-SHIRTS with the Ashland City church name on them are available. If you would like to order one, please sign the sheet in the foyer by this Sunday. Approx cost $10. CATFISH FUNDRAISER DINNER - Friday night, April 3rd in Nashville. The bus will leave the building at 5:15 pm. Please sign the sheet in the foyer if you plan to attend. WANTED - Pictures for our church scrapbook for activities over the past year - Please give to Kim Mayberry ASAP as we will be turning in the scrapbook at the Lads to Leaders Convention the first weekend in April. The last scrapbooking session will be this Saturday night at 6 pm in the FLC. Prayer Requests Prayer Requests (Continued) Grace Albright, recovering at home. Alla Bernett, Dot Jones’ cousin, struggling with her health. Melba Blue, Undergoing therapy for her back. Also undergoing tests on her ankle. It was wonderful to see her at church Sunday. Bettie Booker, liver is failing. She has been in the hospital off and on over the last 3 weeks; went home Tuesday. Bob Craven, Kim Turner’s father, bladder cancer, starting his second round of chemo. Vernon Dotson, friend of R.D. Huffines, shattered both of his legs from the knees down, unable to work for 8 to 10 months. Linda Emler, Melinda Williams’ mother, recovering from heart surgery, at home. Donna Freeman, Paula Hooper’s aunt, Carl Baker’s sister, lung cancer. Hollis Gill, transferred to a rehabilitation center on Friday. Jerry Gross, was admitted to Parthenon Hospital on Friday, March 13th. Trish Hawke, Lindsay Morris’ friend, cancer. Adrian Johnson, recovering from surgery on her ankle/leg, 2 broken bones. Paula Lee, Acute Lymphatic Leukemia. Alexis London, student at Sycamore, inoperable brain tumor. Dorenda Mahaney, has shingles; she is at home. George Mangrum, Kathy Todd’s nephew, chemo treatments. Roy Mangrum, recovering at home from the pain pump implant; in the process of regulating the pain meds in the pump. Betty Matson, Kathy Mangrum’s mom, in Ohio, has been blacking out, running tests. Betty McCool, recovering from shoulder surgery. Donnie Mitchell, recovering from an infected wound on his leg. Rachel Pruitt, Jean Fogus’ sister, stroke, she has completed her therapy. Leanne Pulley, cancer, needs prayers for complete healing and strength. Paul Sesler, Kendra Story’s Grandfather, bone marrow cancer; at Christian Care. Beth Story, struggling with her health. Sherry Simpson, at home. Kathy Williams, recovering from surgery on her right ankle; good to see her out again. Remember in Prayer Shut-Ins at Home Martha Bellar, Bettie Booker, Nannie Conner, Ann Glasgow, Jerry Gross, Hattie Hooper, Carol Legg, Grady & Madolyn Mitchell Remember in Prayer Nursing Homes/Assisted Living Jay Green (CCC-Jamie Wayman’s granddad), Shirley Hamilton (HC) PRAYER REQUEST - Jeri Johnson has asked that we remember her family in prayer. Her cousin, Dennis Cash, passed away a couple of weeks ago due to unknown causes. SIGN UP SHEETS have been posted on the bulletin board in the back of the auditorium to host Youth/JAM Devotionals and for Fellowship Meals. Please indicate which date you would like to host. POWER FOR TODAY- new copies for April/ May/June are available in the foyer, or in the rack next to the baptistry. POWER HOUR - Tuesday Morning Bible Class meets at 10 a.m. each Tuesday morning in the Ladies Classroom adjacent to the church office. GOSPEL MEETING at Little Marrowbone will be held on Friday, April 17th thru Sunday, April 19th. Speaker is Calvin Schlabach. See flyer on bulletin board for more info.
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