The Church of St. Mary 415 EAST PLEASANT VALLEY • SIGOURNEY, IA Holy Trinity Parish 109 NORTH LINCOLN ST. • KEOTA, IA Parish Contacts Pastor Rev. Charles Fladung .......... 641-622-3426 E-mail: [email protected] Deacon - Jim Striegel ....641-634-2896 Secretary-Bookkeeping-Bulletin Sigourney JoEllen O’Rourke....................... 641-622-2316 E-Mail: [email protected] Fax....................................................... 641-622-2389 Keota Kara Sobaski ........................... 319-461-4501 [email protected] St. Mary Parish Office Hours Monday - Thursday 8:30 AM - 12 noon Parish Office Phone 641-622-2316 Holy Trinity Office Hours Wednesday & Friday 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM Office Phone - 641-636-3883 APRIL 5, 2015 EASTER SUNDAY OF THE RESURRECTION OF THE LORD Bulletin deadline Wednesday at 9:00 A.M. For ease in relaying messages for bulletin, send via email to: [email protected] 2 | WELCOME TO THE PARISHES OF ST. MARY & HOLY TRINITY Parish Staff Religious Education Jenny Thompson - St. Mary Office 641-622-2316 Home 641-622-3698 Shannon Greiner - Holy Trinity Cell 641-660-3063 St. Mary Parish Liturgical Ministers – Weekend Schedule Date/ Time Servers Eucharistic Ministers Lectors Greeter/ Gifts April 11 6:00 PM Lindsey Wheeldon, Khloe Snakenberg Yvonne Pitsch, Connie McLaughlin, Chris Thomann Chris Thomann Megan Snakenberg/ Chris Ridenour April 12 10:00 AM Jasmine/ Becky Abell, Joel Yates Joselyn Abell, Peggy Yates, Gina Garber [email protected] Altar & Rosary Carole Olson - St. Mary 641-777-8358 Kathy Greiner - Holy Trinity 319-330-6166 Becky Morris - HT Parish Center Rental 319-470-8072 Prayer Line Sigourney - Nancy Weber 622-2877 Bibi Glandon 622-3232 Keota Jeanette Besser 641-635-2303 Keota Connie Sieren 641-636-3856 To schedule a Mass intention, please contact Jo O'Rourke during her office hours of 8:30-noon, M-Th. 641-6222316 or [email protected] Mass stipends for the Davenport Diocese at $5 per Mass. Eucharistic Celebration Saturday – 4/4 - 8:15 PM (S) For the People–Easter Vigil Sunday - 4/5 - 8:00 AM (K) † Paul Weber Sunday - 4/5- 10:00 AM (S) † Rob Marget Tuesday - 4/7 - 9:00 AM (S) † Arlene Clarahan Wednesday –4/8 - 9:00 AM (K) † Rose, Robert F. Greiner Fam. Thursday - 4/9- 9:00 AM (S) † Herb Hammes Friday - 4/10 - 9:00 AM (K) † Dick Martin Saturday –4/11- 4:00 PM (K) For the People Saturday - 4/11 - 6:00 PM (S) † Eugene Snakenberg Sunday - 4/12 - 8:00 AM (K) † Butch Baetsle Sunday - 4/12 - 10:00 AM (S) † Melvin/Lorena Bair Ushers Dave/ Vic Jennifer Menke McLaughlin Holy Trinity Parish Liturgical Ministers – Weekend Schedule Date/Time Servers Bryce Greiner, Patrick Clarahan, Kolton First CommunClarahan ion April 11 4:00 PM April 12 8:00 AM Patrick Clarahan, Eli VanRoekel, Cooper Sieren Eucharistic Ministers Lectors Greeter/Usher Casey Peck, Shannon Greiner, Mike/Patty Sieren Scott Flynn Ben Peck, Ben Nadine Peck Greiner, Scott Sieren, Denise Sieren Gifts Nicole Clarahan, Taylor Kindred, Carmen Sieren, Addie Swanson Tim/Angela Clarahan, Bernie/Mary Vittetoe Tim/ Angela Clarahan St. Mary Parish Liturgical Ministers – Weekend Schedule Date/Time Servers Eucharistic Ministers Lectors Greeter/ Gifts April 18 6:00 PM Mac Con- Ed/Denise rad Conrad, Mary Sue Votroubek April 19 10:00 AM Bailey/ Jeff Graff, Darian Graff Rel. Ed. Natalie Steve Wehr, Redlinger Janis Collins Ushers Denise Con- Mary Sue rad Votroubek Rel. Ed. Holy Trinity Parish Liturgical Ministers – Weekend Schedule Date/Time Servers Eucharistic Ministers Lectors Greeter/ Ushers Lee Jaeger/ Lee Jaeger/ Jeanette Besser, Jeanette Cindy/Peggy Besser Weber April 18 4:00 PM Grant Garman, Carmen Sieren, Taylor Kindred Bob/Bonny Weber, Patty/Mike Sieren Bonny Weber April 19 8:00 AM Maplewood Dave Shemanski Ben/Grace Shemanski, Tyler Waterhouse Mary Ann Bell, Jeff Garman, Denise Sieren, Steve Menke Bob Al- 8th Grade Rel. tenhofen Ed. Gifts 8th Grade Rel. Ed. APRIL 5, 2015|EASTER SUNDAY OF THE RESURRECTION OF THE LORD ST. MARY PARISH Announcements—St. Mary |3 Easter Flower Memorials In Memory Of Sunday (Today) No Rel. Ed. Wednesday (4/8) Bread Workshop for 1st Communicants, 6 PM Saturday (4/11) First Communion @ Holy Trinity, 4 PM Sunday (4/12) Rel. Ed./Confirmation, 9:00 – 10:30 AM Confirmation Interviews, 1 PM Tuesday (4/14) KC Meeting, Lunch - 6 PM, Meeting - 7 PM Wednesday (4/15) Confirmation Practice, 6:30 PM Saturday (4/18) Confirmation @ Holy Trinity, 1 PM Sunday (4/19) Rel. Ed., 9-10:30 AM, Last Class for the year Saturday (4/25) Prom Mass @ Holy Trinity, 4 PM A special thank you to the “Trees Forever” member who trimmed our parish property trees. I know who you are! Your labors are much appreciated. Fr. Charles+ NEW BORN For I remember it is Easter morn, And life and love and peace are all new born. —Alice Freeman Palmer St. Mary Stewardship Envelopes Weekly Budget .............................. $2,460 Received .................................... $2,879.50 Envelope Budget to Date ........... $95,940 Actual to Date ....................... $124,663.50 Offertory Weekly Budget ..................................$404 Received ............................................. $301 Offertory Budget to Date ............ $15,756 Actual to Date ................................ $15,831 Given By Bernard/Viola Weber, Francis(Cy)/Daisy Besser…………………….. Frank/Fran Besser Richard Weber, Decease Ulin/Weber Fam…. Nancy J Weber Thomann/Janecek Family Members……….. Chris Thomann Bubsy Strohman, Grandparents…...…………Jeff/Darian Graff Fam Les Wilkening, Bill/Etta Kerber………………..Bernice Wilkening Eugene Snakenberg…………………………...Maryetta Snakenberg Kenneth Krier…………………………………...Katherine Krier Gent/Holderness Families…………………….Dennis/Shirley Gent Ron Wheeler…………………………….....Andy/Connie McLaughlin Family Members………………………………..John/Jerilyn Bowers Family Members………………………………Joel/Linda Yates Fam. Family Members………………………………..Bob/Jenny Mikota Don Oliver & Dennis Strang…………………..Marie Oliver LeRoy/Clea Mertz, Harold/Leona Strohman……………………..Ron/LeaAnn Strohman Thomann/Janecek Family……………………..Alberta Thomann Floyd Hammes………………………………….Jeanette Hammes Rosemary Green………………………………..Ernie Green Harvey/Loretta Benson, Bridgie Cheney……..Shirley Burnett Tim & Jeff Shannon…………………………Pat/Rosemary Shannon Bill/Mary Kerber………………………………….Kerber Family Patrick Carey/Thelma Boan……………………Larry/Jackie Carey Herbert Peiffer, Henry Peiffer Family………….Jeanene Peiffer Henry Klett Family/Frank Waechter Fam……..Velma Waechter John/Lucina Pitsch…………………………….Robert/JoAnne Pitsch Lloyd/Virginia Hammes…………………………Ray/Kathy Hammes Matt Wehr………………………………………...Rosemary Wehr Family Members…………………………………Marjorie Bower Donna/Errol Hahn, Frances/Anton Hahn……...Margaret, Laura & Sarah Hahn Lois Weber…………………………………...…...Alvin Weber Family Rob Marget………………………………………..Marget Family Dale/Verena Snakenberg………………………Rodger/Sharon Aller Ron Wheeler, Bruce Beinhart………………...…Jean Wheeler, Kirsten Benson, Bruce Beinhart Clarence & Terry Appleget, Bernard/Viola Weber, Myrl/Ethel Appleget……Rosemary Appleget Ray/Mary Glentzer…………………………… Mary/Charlie Williams Omer Hammes…………………………………....Burnita Hammes Myron/Joanna White, Jim/Marie Snakenberg……………………...Gary/Marie Snakenberg Kenneth Pfaff, Miriam Leinen, John R White, Lloyd/Valburga White……………………………..Lillian Pfaff Kathryn Berg, Curtis/Hazel Yoder……………….Ron/Anita Yoder A benefit breakfast will be held on Sunday, April 12 at the St. Mary Parish Center for St. Mary Parishioner, Jenny Bell and her husband Lonny and children, Jetta and Tristan. They lost their home to a fire on Saturday, March 14. Serving will be from 7 AM - 1 PM. Menu: scrambled eggs, pancakes, bacon, sausage, biscuits and gravy, fruit and drink. Free will offering. APRIL 5, 2015|EASTER SUNDAY OF THE RESURRECTION OF THE LORD 4 | HOLY TRINITY PARISH Announcements—Holy Trinity Sunday (Today) Sunday (4/5) - Easter Sunday Alleluia No Rel. Ed. Wednesday (4/8) Bread Workshop for 1st Communicants, 6 PM Saturday (4/11) First Communion @ Holy Trinity, 4 PM April Holy Trinity Rel. Ed. Schedule April 5th - No Rel. Ed., Easter Sunday April 8th - Bread Workshop for 1st Communion 6 PM April 11th - 1st Communion @ Holy Trinity 4PM April 12th -Class / Confirmation / Confirmation Interviews starting @ 1 PM April 15th - Confirmation Practice – 6:30 PM @ Holy Trinity April 18th - Confirmation @ 1 PM April 19th - Last Class / Children's Mass (8th grade) / 2nd Collection for VBS April 25th - Prom Mass @ 4 PM Sunday (4/12) Rel. Ed./Confirmation, 9:00 – 10:30 AM Confirmation Interviews, 1 PM Hall Holy Trinity Finance Council mtg., 5 PM Parish Council mtg,, 6 PM @ Rectory Meeting Room Tuesday (4/14) KC Meeting, Lunch - 6 PM, Meeting - 7 PM Wednesday (4/15) Confirmation Practice, 6:30 PM Church Saturday (4/18) Confirmation @ Holy Trinity, 1 PM Sunday (4/19) Children’s Mass, 8 AM Rel. Ed., 9-10:30 AM, Last Class for the year Saturday (4/25) Prom Mass @ Holy Trinity, 4 PM EASTER PEOPLE We are Easter people and Alleluia is our song! —St. Augustine Holy Trinity Stewardship Envelopes Weekly Budget ............................... $3,077 Received ........................................... $2429 Envelope Budget to Date ........... $119,135 Actual to Date ............................. $121,564 Offertory Weekly Budget .................................. $347 Received ........................................ $303.75 Offertory Budget to Date ............. $13,533 Actual to Date .......................... $13,836.75 The Catholic Messenger……………….70.00 Easter Flower Memorials In Memory Of Given By Amy Frederick, Hubert Weber…………………Janice Weber Ron Sieren, Elmer/Bernadine Sieren Jay/Maude Storm……………………………….Eloise Sieren Bernadine/Elmer Sieren, Ron Sieren…………Dan/Mary Sieren Dan Merz………………………………………..Evonne Merz Sheets Family…………………………………..Dianna Sheets Kenneth Clarahan, Darlene Greiner………….Marjorie Clarahan Paul Weber……………………………………..Ardys Weber Jim Flander……………………………………...Isabelle Flander Harold and Mary Sheets Family……………….Luann Cave SEEKING Easter Sunday is a day all about seeking. The early Christian communities gathered around the Apostles, seeking more about the life and ministry of the Lord Jesus. Saint Paul told the baptized Colossians to “seek what is above.” Mary of Magdala went to the tomb, seeking to find the Lord’s body so that she could anoint it. We come to church on Easter Sunday seeking many things. For some of us, this is a once‑a‑year journey, when we seek connection with the foundations of the Christian faith. For others, this day is the culmination of a long journey of Lenten repentance. For the newly baptized, this is the first day of a new life filled with promise and expectation. Whatever it is that we seek, let us be inspired by the disciple whom Jesus loved who, when he saw the wrappings of cloth inside the empty tomb, “saw and believed.” Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. APRIL 5, 2015|EASTER SUNDAY OF THE RESURRECTION OF THE LORD PARISH & COMMUNTIY NEWS |5 2015 Schedule for Easter Day Masses, First Communions, Confirmation & Prom 04-04-2015- Easter Vigil No 4 pm or 6 pm Mass due to the Easter Vigil 8:15 PM Saint Mary Sigourney 04-05-2015 Easter Sunday 8:00 AM Holy Trinity Keota 10:00 AM Saint Mary Sigourney **APRIL 2015 Saturday Mass time Changes for and First Communion-Confirmation-Prom ** Every Saturday Mass During the Month of April will be flipped so the 4 p.m. Mass is at Keota and the 6 p.m. Mass will be at Sigourney. This is just for the Month of April to accommodate First Communion, Confirmation, and Prom Masses. Again this year Harper Knights of Columbus will offer a $200.00 Scholarship to any student planning to attend a school of higher learning. Student’s father or step father must be a member of Knights of Columbus, Council 1457, Harper. Application may be found by contacting their student councilor or contacting Richard Weber (641-6352435) Application must be returned by May 1st to Craig Hansen, 1294 275th St. Brighton, IA 52540 TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Our tradition has a way of honoring ageold customs, and is patient with how practices unfold in different places. The name of today’s feast illustrates this well. English is a Germanic language, and our word “Easter,” or German “Oester,” points back to the pagan goddess Eoestre, the star of the vernal equinox feast. The Greek title “Pasch” reaches back in a more helpful manner to the Hebrew “Pesach,” or “Passover.” “Paschal Triduum” may be slow to replace “Easter” in our vocabulary, but it is clearer about the mystery we celebrate today, the culmination of three days laden with mystery and meaning. You can hear the older term, and the resistance to English influence, in the Irish “Casca” and Scottish “Pask.” Romance languages stay close to the deep paschal tradition, with the French “Pâques,” Spanish “Pascua” and Italian “Pasqua.” Memories of our pagan past with “Oester” will not soon fade away: even Japanese Christians are under her spell, for today’s feast is called “ I-suta.” Swahili, a young language, takes the more traditional route with “Pasaka.” Each language yields a rich insight into the feast. Spanish includes a sense that today is a “big Sunday” by adding the designation “Pascua” to the greatest feasts, such as “Pascua de la Natividad” (Christmas). Once Christ is risen, every step of life’s journey is illuminated by the light of the Pasch! —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. First Communion- 04-11-2015 4 p.m. Mass at Keota 6 p.m. Mass at Sigourney Confirmation- Saturday April 18, 2015 at 1 P.M. 04-18-2015 4 p.m. Mass at Keota 6 p.m. Mass at Sigourney PROM Mass- 04-25-2015 4 p.m. Mass at Keota 6 p.m. Mass at Sigourney First Communion- 04-26-2015 10 a.m. Mass at Sigourney Are you 18-35 years old and single, in a relationship, engaged, married, married with children, separated or divorced, and hungry for more spiritual depth to your life? Why not join together with others like you to explore God’s movement in your life? Living in the Light is a workshop/retreat day that will take place on April 18 from 9:30 AM-4:00 PM at the Newman Center in Iowa City. Dr. Tim O’Malley from the University of Notre Dame will speak and lead you through the day. Free childcare for children ages 2-10 is available. Conference fee is $35 by April 1 and $40 from April 2 to April 15 (includes lunch and materials). Register online at For more information, visit To report child abuse contact: Iowa Department of Human Services Child Abuse Hotline: 800-362-2178 and if it involves clergy or church personnel also notify Alicia Owens, the Victim Assistance Coordinator, 563-349-5002; [email protected] or PO Box 232, Bettendorf, IA 52722-0004. Readings for the Week of April 5, 2015 Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Next Sunday: Acts 2:14, 22-33/Mt 28:8-15 Acts 2:36-41/Jn 20:11-18 Acts 3:1-10/Lk 24:13-35 Acts 3:11-26/Lk 24:35-48 Acts 4:1-12/Jn 21:1-14 Acts 4:13-21/Mk 16:9-15 Acts 4:32-35/1 Jn 5:1-6/Jn 20:19-31 APRIL 5, 2015|EASTER SUNDAY OF THE RESURRECTION OF THE LORD
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