The First United Methodist Church FAN{ILY AT-,BUIN{ April 2oL5 "Our Holy Week and Easter Offerin5.. ." by Rev. Steven M. Smith Please know that you are invited, and please invite others to anv and all of our Holy Week and Easter morning offerings! The children and youth, the Carthage area clergy and hosting church, the bakers and cooks of our church, and your pastor have worked hard and are ready to welcome you to these meaningful and enjoyable (and delicious) offerings! Friday, April 3'd at 11:00 & 12:00 Noon CAMA GCIad Friday Lunchean and Worship Our Corthage Area Ministerial Alliance community luncheon and Good Friday service will be held this year at First Presbyterian Church (321 Main Street). The Lunch is at l-1:00 a.m. with the Good Thursday, April 2nd Friday service to follow at 12:0O noon. at 5:00 p.m. Covenant Eibte Study,.. in the Fellowship Hall. We are finishing the second of three eightweek sessions this evening.We looked at the the Covenant" during the season of Lent. We will do the third segment sometime in the summer! Creating Covenont" in the Fall, and now, "Living The theme th is year is the Hymns of Christ's Possion." All are invited and most welcome to attend this luncheon and Good Friday worship service! " " Please feel free to come to this Bible Study and help to plan when to begin the final unit! Thursday, April 2nd rsday Serviee ! We will gather together to remember our Lord's lost Supper. Most likely a celebration of the Jewish Seder, which recounts God's loving, saving, and liberating actions th roughout history, we too will share bread and cup saving, and liberating actions in Jesus! ,, lt Lenses." N! o u n dy Th u ljr* God's Esster Sunday Worship snd Ereakfast! We begin the day at 7:00 a.m. with our Easter Sunrise Service led by our youth! This service will feature a "Multi-Media Message" by our Senior High Youth entitled, "Golgotha's Gldsses" or " Love's at 7:00 p.m. memory celebration Sunday, April 20th at 7:00, 8:00, 9:30 in and of loving, is WONDERFUL and you really don't want to miss thisl Then at 8:00 a.m. we'll head to the Fellowship Hall for our Sunrise Breakfost! And finally, our regular Easter morning worship at 9:30 a.m. will feature some special songs from , children ! All are invited to these " you -do n't-we n na -m i ss" Easter celebrations ! .nttr frearfs, our minds, andour rtors aro a6+ajs o{r*' , , ,:r Special Guest Speaker on Sunday, April 26th Graduating from Eighth Grade, High School, or College? Rev. Jeff Rasche tn the Sunday, fvtoy 7/h Worship Buttetin and in the Mdy Fomilv Album Newsletter. we plan to recognize and while Steve and Cindy are in New Orleansfor Jazz Fest. ln addition to sharing information about our new partnership with Chaddock in being one of six sites throughout lllinois that offers a space for 'telemedical' services for our graduates from the Eighth Grade, from High School, and all those graduating from College (whether or not they are active in the life of the church recently), with a photo and brief one ,* paragraphF description of the graduate's accomplishments, interests, and future plans. lf your son or daughter will be graduating from Eighth Grade, High School, or College this May, we ask that you mail, e-mail, or hring in a photo of your graduofe (it will be returned), so that we can scan it and use it in the bulletin and newsletter. We olso ask that you write a brief one or two parogroph piece about your graduofe that would include the following: date of birth, age, School or College graduating from, interests and involvements, academic and athletic honors and recognitions, future plans, and the names of each parent. Please also include a college address and an e-mail address for the High School graduates (if you have it). PLEASE We are pleased to welcome the Reverend ieff Rasche back to our church get us this brief paragraph and photo no later than Sunday, April 19th at the latest! Pleose shoot me dn e-mailwith the brief paragraph and photo to Rev. Steve Smith at [email protected] so that I don't have to re-type everything! ln addition to having these photos and biograPhical @ p'kd,bs"k ;#iiJl""n'nJt;':*"';: presented with a check for Chaddock for $L,000 from our United Methodist Women who raised this money from the Valentine's Soup and Sandwich luncheon! r' , - ii As you know, Jeff is the Associote & Director of Stewordship for Chaddock, rt a Golden Cross Ministry of lhe lllinois Great Rivers Conference. A lifelong lJnited Methodist, Jeff was born and raised in Decatur, lllinois. Prior to his appointmenl to Cltoddock in 2007 he served 23 years as pastor of Camp Point/Centenniol Ebenezer IJMC, San Jose, snd Pleosant HilURockport IJMC's. He is a graduate of lllinois Wesleyan lJniversity in Bloomington and Perkins School of Theology in Dallas; he has also completed the academic work toward Cou nseling f rom Qui ncy a U nive Master's degree in rsity. Jeff has written 17 devotional books for Abingdon Press as well as numerous articles and curriculum materials for The united Methodist Publishing House, The lJpper Room, and other religious or secular publications. newsletter and the May 17th worship bulletin, we will post them to our website. Jeff and his wife, Shelly, a freelance commercial artist, reside on a farm near Camp Point. They have three grown sons-Ben, Zach, and Nick, and have also been blessed with three new granddaughters. Thank you for your help and congratulations on this accomplishment as a student or parent! Please come and welcome Jeff pulpit on Sunday, April 26th! information in the MaY to our church and eonfirmation Sunday May 3'd, 2015! a Lng On Sunday, May 3'd, we will celebrate eight students (seven from our church and one from Hamilton UMC), "Claiming the nome" of 'Christian' and 'United Methodisf for themselves! Having been raised in the faith, and nurtured in the community of faith, they now come to the point where they choose for themselves to follow the way of Christ in the community of United Methodist Christiansl Please come to celebrate and confirm their commitment! Students "Claiming the name" include Karli Artman, Hunter Boston, Olivia Clark, Kylee Freeman, Taryn Groth, Ben Hollis, Karina Kammerer, and Dane Pfeiferling. Please check out the "Confirmation Kids Photo Match" page in this newsletter - and see if YOU can match their current photos with their baby pictures! ttRltUl!fiS'[",iJ. April frAsy $chedule! ALL Youth - EASTER Sun., Apr. Sth, 7:00 a.m" Easter Sunrise Service led by the youth of our church ! The Easter morning multi'media meditation " Golgottto's Glosses" or " Love's Lenses" is both hilarious and touching! Please come and support our youthl The Easter Sunrise Breakfast willfollow at 8:00 a.m. * Sun., Apr. 19th, 5:00 - 6:3S p,m. Our Jr. & Sr. Highs will walk over to First Baptist ALL Youth Church for our combined youth group meeting. lt should be FUN! Youth - Sun., May 3'd, 5:00 - 5:30 p.m. Our Jr. & Sr. Highs will drive over to Homilton lJnited Methodist Church for our combined youth group meeting. This may be our final regularly ALL scheduled meeting as a combined group until the Fall- so please plan on joining us. lt'll be FUN! through !.?tl' Graders * August and to Ith We are planning a Youth Mission Trip with Hamilton UMC for "Dead Week" - when no practices or camps are scheduled at the High school. We will leave on Sunday, August 2nd after church, and head to Chicago for a week working and having fun with the Center for Student Missions. We will return on Saturday, August 8th. 7th $heph"td's food fantrg Again this month the Shepherd's Food Pantry Cart is in need of - Cereal qnd Fruit! Please think of donating the following: . Any Breakfast Cereal . Any Canned Fruit . Canned Fruit Cocktail Thank you for whatever help you are able to givel Please bring your items to the church and place them in the wicker basket in the Welcome Center. - Your Missions Committee Looking Ahead... Sun., May 3'd - Confirmation SundaY - Mother's Day! Sun., May !7th - Graduation Sundayl Sun., May l-Oth Sun., May 24th * Pentecost and MemorialSunday May 26'h - 30'h - Sun., May 31't - VBS Sundayl vacation Bible School! Please plan to be a part of this Mission Trip! APRIT Mission of the Month: VOUTH MISSION TRIP As you can see above, we are planning a Youth Summer Mission Trip * and our April Mission of the Month will go toward helping to defray the 5390 per person costs. Please help to enable our youth to have this experience in compassionate Christian missions by giving a check in April and marking "Youth Mission Trip" in the memol We appreciate your generous Christian supportl - Your Missions Committee OUR HETPERS FOR APRIL APRIT Apr. 5 Apr. 12 Apr. 19 Apr. 26 ACOLYTES LITURGISTS Olivia Clark Claire Greiner Tanner Freeman Dennis Royalty 13 Kelly Greiner Bev Hickenbottom 13 L4 L7 18 Sierra Cheney Cynthia Smith Kit Kelly Jim Hardy Angie St. Clair GREETERS 19 JeriAsbridge April5 20 22 22 23 23 24 26 26 27 28 28 Rytee Reed North Door - Linda Clark West Door - Jean Freeman South Door - Mark & Abbie Ray 2 April 12 North Door - Doris & Geane Reed West Door - Leonard Hardy South Door - Mike & Ruth Russell April t9 North Door - Janice Rosenboom; Maxine Johnson West Door - Cindy Struthers South Door - Larry & Judy Vance April26 North Door - Ann Thompson West Door - Maxine Bennett Roger Johnson 2 Calean Kokjohn 6 6 7 7 8 10 11 11 Tammy Huls Tom White Mark Twitchell Stephanie Willey Ava Shutwell Nadine Blair Shannon Hickenbottorn Ruth Ann David Janet Grimm L2 Fred lutzi 9 South Door - Craig & Jetty Calvert - Devan & Keara Weber; Stephen & Melita Finney Mark & Michelle Hitz; Russell& Jane lutzi Rick & Karen Garnett; Jim & VickiHardy Friendly Crusaders Sunday School Class NURSERYATTENDANTS Apr. 5- Easter Sunday N0 Nursery Apr. 12- Melita Finney Apr. 19- ValeriDittmer Apr. 26- Angie Reed Tanner Freeman Lance Massey Cindy Struthers Danny Walker Nancy Huls Cassie Twaddle Phiri 28 MichaelLink Nicole Dornon Sci Hickenbottom Margaret Rosenboom Wm Keith Twaddle 30 Megan Bastert 28 spFl WELCOME CENTER HOSTS Apr. 5 Apr. L2 Apr. 19 Apr. 26 RandiSumn'lers Jennifer Feagans rqru$vffirsffirrffi t.,f*****.- 4 Charles & Lina Kill 7 Rex 7 Stephen & Melita Finney Greg & Tammy Huls Rusty & Janice Baird Ray & Nellie Benn Tony & Kelly Freeman t7 23 z4 27 & Ellen Dornon APRIL 2015 Mondav Sundav Wednesday Tuesdav 1, 3:30 pm Kid's Club 7:00 pm Choir 5 Easter 7:00 am Sunrise Worship 8:00 am Breakfast 9:30 am Worship 6 8 5:30 pm Girl 3:30 pm Kid's Scouts Club 6:00 pm Bldg in 5:00 pm Missions 7:00 pm Choir Use Thursday Saturday Friday Good Friday 2 Maundy Thursday 3 9:30 am U.M.W. 1.0:00 am CAMA 5:30 pm Bible Study 7:00 pm Seder Meal LL:00 am Luncheon 1"2:00 am Good Friday Service @ Presbyterian Church 10 11 t7 1_8 24 25 Usher-Craiq Colvert 12 13 8:45 am VBS Mtg 9:30 am Worship 10:45 am S.S. 14 15 16 7:00 prn Worship 3:30 pm Kid's 6:30 pm Prayer Shawl Club Ministry 7:00 pm Choir 4r00 pm Confirmation Usher-Dovid Walker 19 20 21, 22 23 9:30 am Worship 3:30 pm Kid's L:00 pm Bldg in 10:45 am Club Use S.S. 4:00 pm Confirmation 5:00 pm Youth Group 7:00 pm Choir 7:30 pm Finance Usher-Howard Perry 26 9:30 am Worship 10:45 am S.S. Deadline 8:00 pm Ad Board 28 29 Newsletter 27 3:30 pm Kid's Club 7:00 pm Choir Usher-Ruth Royolty 30 HUGS Meeting Tuesday, April 7th at 5:30 p.m. First Christian Church Speaker: Nancy J. Huls, RN 'Things to Consider When Choosing a Medical Provider" Can veu match the current and infant pictures of our 2015 CoxrrcMATtoN CuEs SruaenTs? : O) = o) J : b f o @ o o ; il ......Match the Current Pictures <: o) o to the Baby Pictures OJ - of our 2015 Confirmands....... Draw a Line to Match ...Kylee Freeman... ...Taryn Groth... ! T"{<S g^Nn t&z-' }{HART lrnant you, to all of you, who i donated to Cale's benefit l(and there were a lot of youl) We cannot thank You enough, not only for your generous donations, but also for the support you've shown to this family. We especially thank you for all the prayers, and ask that you continue to pray for Cale and his family. This is an awesome reminder of what a wonderful church family we have, and how blessed we are to be a part of it. Thanks again, we truly appreciate itl KaDee, Maddie & Girls -Jared, Thank you to those who helped with the March newsletter: Barb Walker, Maxine Bennett, Marla Clark. Our Sympathy To Kent & Maria Wildrick. Their sister-in-law, Bev Wildrick, passed away Saturday, February 28th in River Hills Village in Keokuk. Services were held Saturday, March 7th in lmmanuel Lutheran Church, south of Carthage. To the Family of Fern Wier, who passed cabin fever, come and join the United Methodist Women on Thursdoy, April 2'd at 9:30 o.m. We will meet in the church lounge, and refreshments will be served. All women are invited to attend. Devotions and Bible readings will prepare our hearts for Easter. Also please bring ideas for our "Mothers and Others" Spring Banquet. to It's time to start planning for VBSI VBS will be Tuesday, May 26th to Saturday, May 30th. lf you would like to help with VBS, please join us on Sunday, Apri! 12th at 8:45 a.m. before church in the basement. lf you are unable to help, but would like to contribute in some way, please contact KaDee Shutwell {357-6695). away Wednesday, March 4'h in Macomb. Services were held Saturday, March 7th in Clugston-Tibbitts Funeral Home in Macomb. & Since the weather is changing and we see an end Vacation Bible School Meeting Thank you To Darin United Methodist Women Marla Weirather. Darin's father, Jerald Wells, passed away Saturday, March 21't in his home in Montrose, lowa. Services were held Friday, March 27th in Schmitz-Lynk Funeral Home in Donnellson, lowa, Welcome Center Needs You It gets harder each month to fulfill two couples per Sunday for Welcome Center, and each month I feel really bad calling and asking the same people continuously to host a Sunday so often. To Judy Fuellborn, who was awarded the Memorial lf everyone here would stop and think how they truly enjoy that food and fellowship-how "blah" our Sunday would be without it-then please look at the signup sheet on the bulletin board, pick a Sunday and sign up to help. It does not have to be elaborate, just do what you want to do, and we'd enjoY. And l'd Hospital Auxiliary Volunteer of the year at the Carthage Area Chamber of Commerce Annual Meeting. appreciate your help so much. Thanks. M axi ne Be n nett 3 57 -9281 Congratulations To Ben Hollis, a sixth grade student at Hamilton Elementary School, who won the Hancock County Spelling Bee by correctly spelling the word "latke." Ben is the son of Bill & Brigit Hollis. Worship Attendance Last Yrs. Attendance Budget Offering 1 3775.O0 0 snow-0 737 8 3775.00 4697.65 128 136 Feb. 15 3775.00 2275.OO 130 Feb. 22 3775.00 2t66.06 LL7 t37 to7 15,100.00 9,138.7L 30,200.00 20,612.23 Feb. Feb. Total Yr. to Date ,&"*5 tr" \ \l"q*..-."*-j First United Methodist Church 402 Main Street Ca rthage, I llinois 62321. RrruRN SERVIcE Re quESTED The First United Methodist Church FAN,{ItY At]BTJ}V{ Apnn 2015 First United Methodist Church 402 Main Street Carthage, lllinois 62321, Pastor: Rev. Steven M. Smith Secretary: Nancy Huls Office Phone: (2I7) 357-3324 Office E-Mail: [email protected] Web Site: http:/ Dir. of Children's Ministries: KaDee Shutwell Organist: Moira Rothert Choir Director: Glen Rothert Rev. Steven Michael Smith Cell Phone: (217) 2L9-1978 Parsonage Phone: (2I7) 357-2964 E-Mail : [email protected] Accompanist: Moira Rothert BellChoir Director: Glen Rothert Custodian: Jared Shutwell Worship With Us - Sunday's at 9:30 a.m. Join Us for Sunday School- Sunday's at 10:45 a.m.
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