THE TIDINGS MONTE VISTA GROVE HOMES 2889 SAN PASQUAL STREET PASADENA, CA 91107 April 2015 (626) 796-6135 “All the news that fits” MINISTRY MAUNDY THURSDAY WORSHIP Please join the MVGH family for a Maundy Thursday Communion Service at 4:00 pm on Thursday, April 2nd in Marwick Place Homily by Martin Miller-Hessel Music by Judy Ballenger Worship Leader: Carole Bos Residents of the Hearth and Health Center are especially invited. APRIL CONVOCATIONS Thursdays at 4:00 pm in Marwick April 2 – MAUNDY THURSDAY SERVICE April 9 – THE INSPIRING STORY OF GENEROSITY WATER, Jordan Wagner A born entrepreneur, raised in Los Angeles, Jordan has been starting businesses since age 14. After visiting East Africa in 2008, he was inspired to use his business acumen to make a global impact. In just five years, he’s led Generosity Water to raise over $4 million to bring clean water to over 377,000 people in 19 countries. He also produced the critically acclaimed documentary La Source, narrated by Don Cheadle, and was named the Humanitarian of the Year by the Small Business Council of America in 2013. Jordan is committed to seeing his generation step up and end the global water crisis. April 16 – TOWN MEETING – Debbie Herbert and Staff April 23 – LOS ANGELES CHILDREN’S CHORUS Founded 1986, the mission of Los Angeles Children’s Chorus is to educate, develop, and inspire musically talented children and has educated more than 1,200 young singers who have sung with Southern California’s most prominent performing arts organizations as well as presenting their own local concerts. LACC currently includes 270 choristers from 60 communities in its ensembles, and we are privileged to hear the Chamber Singers, a select group from the concert choir. April 30 – HARMONY IN WORSHIP – The Uses of Music in Worship Traditions Catherine Thompson, Pasadena City College We are delighted to welcome Catherine Thompson, our beloved music teacher at The Grove for the past seven years. She will explain and demonstrate the changing ways music is used in a variety of worship traditions. Catherine is a faculty member at Pasadena City College since 2006. Her education includes a music degree at Loyola University (New Orleans) and a Master of Expressive Arts from Lesley University in Cambridge, MA with additional music studies at the Royal Conservatory in Toronto, Canada and in the former USSR. She is an active music professional in Los Angeles with recent appearances on NBC's The Voice and Rihanna's Diamond Ball charity event. She is the music director at Throop Unitarian Universalist Church in Pasadena. 2 MVGH Men’s Prayer Fellowship When: Monday Mornings 9:00 am – 9:30 am Where: The Hearth Lounge (All MVGH men are welcome) April Leaders: 6 – Dick Dosker 20 – Bill Van Ness 13 – Ken Grant 27 – Bill Stackhouse Come share this time for thanksgiving, intercession and fellowship with one another as brothers in Christ. For more information, contact Cecil Hoffman, Facilitator MVGH Women’s Prayer Group When: Wednesday Mornings 9:00 am – 9:30 am Where: The Hearth Family Room (All MVGH women are welcome) We read the day’s passage from the Mission Yearbook of Prayer and pray for our world, our MVGH family, our families and friends. Both silent and spoken prayers are welcome. For more information, contact Evelyn at (626) 316-1586. PRAY FOR AFRICA Join us as we continue pray that the vast and varied continent of Africa, the first Tuesday of each month in the Gamble Room at 1:00 p.m. Our next gathering will be Tuesday, April 7 in the Gamble Room at 1:00 p.m. EASTER PRAYER God of salvation, you have rolled the stone away and the tomb is empty. Nothing can defeat your love for humankind. The night is passed and with dawn comes new creation. Christ is risen to bring us new life. We herald with gladness your anointing of Jesus and rejoice in your promised redemption from sin. Hear our shouts of glad adoration as we enter the courtyard of your redeeming grace. We thank you that Easter is not about a people, but all people, that your love and your salvation are for all who confess with voices, hearts and lives that the tomb is empty because Jesus is risen, that we might know forgiveness, that lives might be reborn and your name glorified now and for eternity. Amen. -- From When We Gather by James G. Kirk 3 HEALTH AND WELLNESS Living with Vision Loss How Can You Make It Easier To Move Around Your Home with Vision Loss? If you are among the more than 10 million people in North America who are visually impaired, you know how important it is to find ways to accomplish routine daily tasks. These are the skills that enable you to live independently and productively, read and write, enjoy family, have a social life, travel, maintain career or interests —or launch new ones, enjoy recreational sports and games, and In short, lead a normal life. lighting in hallways and stairwells is bright and even. Add motion sensor nightlights to common areas. Use railings when climbing stairs. Make it easy to locate electrical outlets and light switches, oven dials, hot pads, and doorknobs by using color contrasts. Life doesn’t all happen inside. Are You Concerned About Traveling Safely Outside of Your Home? Some simple tips may help you navigate the world outside more safely. Wear comfortable and supportive shoes. Plan your route before you go and identify landmarks that are easy for you to detect and use them as reference points. Cross streets only at crosswalks. If you are uncertain about when it is safe to cross, don't hesitate to ask for help. When walking with another person, it may be helpful to hold onto his or her arm slightly above the elbow and walk about a half step behind. This will allow the person to guide you comfortably. These are goals that can be achieved. With the help of specially trained Occupational Therapists you can learn the essential skills for living with vision loss. To safely move around your home when your vision is impaired be sure to replace worn carpeting and remove area rugs. Move electrical cords away from walkways. Use nonskid products to clean and polish floors. Use contrasting colors to make doors and stairs easier to see. Move furniture out of the main traffic areas in your home, and keep desk chairs and table chairs pushed in. Keep cabinet, closet, and room doors fully open or fully closed—not half open. Make sure that If you are living with vision loss your Therapy Specialists Occupational Therapist can complete a custom evaluation of your needs and help to recommend which techniques and/ or items will be most helpful for you! CONFERENCE ON HEALTHY AGING SAVE THE DATE FOR THE 2015 PASADENA CONFERENCE ON HEALTHY AGING! Saturday, April 11, 2015 from 8:00 am - 1:30 pm at the First Church of the Nazarene, 3700 E. Sierra Madre Blvd. Receive practical information and resources that will help you plan ahead and get the most out of life. FREE – including lunch! REGISTER NOW – Call: 866-402-6797 or 4 NEW TREATMENT FOR ALZHEIMER’S Four years ago Mae and I joined the federal study at USC to understand the changes that occur in the brain with normal aging, Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and related disorders. At that time researchers did not know the cause of Alzheimer’s. Participants at USC are just one group among many across the country recruited by the National Institute of Health (NIH). Would you be interested in being part of that clinical test? We are. To qualify you need to be between 65 and 85 years of age, in good health, and showing no symptoms of cognitive impairment. Applicants will be screened including a PET scan of their brains. Those accepted for the study will be persons who may be at a very early stage of Alzheimer’s disease but “asymptomatic”— showing no evidence of cognitive impairment. We had accompanied an early participant in the study until he could no longer go for the checkups. Each year we are tested, give blood samples, and receive a report of what the researchers find about us. As requested we have also volunteered to donate our brains for study when we die. Participants chosen agree to receive an intravenous infusion (IV) every four weeks for four years. They will be randomly assigned to receive either the antibody drug under testing or a placebo. At the end of the 4-year study, however, all participants can receive the drug if proven to slow memory loss. At Mae’s annual visit this month, we received the exciting news of progress made in learning an important cause of Alzheimer’s. You may have read about it—a protein known as “amyloid” or “beta amyloid” which forms plaques in the brain. Scientists believe that it accumulates in the brain and may play a key role in the eventual development of AD-related memory loss. USC is also seeking participants in the lifelong brain study that Mae and I joined which involves testing one morning a year. Soon staff members from the USA Memory and Aging Center will visit the Grove to share information with us and answer questions. Let me know if you would like to meet them. Feel free also to contact John J. Danner at USC, (323) 442-5775, who spoke earlier at the Grove about this program. The exciting new development is that a drug is ready for clinical testing that may slow plaque development in the brain. It has a potential to delay symptoms of memory loss. -- Norm Thomas EASTER SUNDAY LUNCHEON SIGN-UP SHEET is on the Commons’ bulletin board. Please sign up no later than April 3rd. Thank you. 5 EXERCISE CHALLENGE 2015 Our 8th Annual Grove Exercise Challenge will be held from April 13 to May 12. Both residents and staff will participate. Each person will be challenged to exercise at least fifteen minutes each day. Use an activity of your choice—alone or with others. Try to raise your heart rate as you exercise. Soon you will be receiving in your cubby a Registration form. Upon returning it you will receive your passport and other helps for participants, including slips on which to report each week to your neighborhood leader your hours and minutes of exercise. In this our eighth year of Exercise Challenge we hope to exceed last year’s record registration of 101 persons. Our theme this year is “A Presbyterian Missions Pilgrimage.” Edmundo Vásquez has helped design a course that will take us around the USA to historic sites where Presbyterians led in pioneer education and medical work, especially with and for native, Hispanic, and African American peoples. We have an exciting new course and new challenge this year. Our minutes of exercise will be translated into miles walking with a goal of together exercising the equivalent of 8,756 miles walking. Dr. Wally Bortz of Stanford, in Dare to Be 100 writes: “Fitness for a young person is an option. Fitness for older people is an imperative.” In Living Longer for Dummies he elaborates: “Disuse accelerates our aging process. Three-quarters of our aging would vanish if we remained fit. Exercising allows us to age and grow old naturally… It provides a 30-year offset. A fit person of 70 corresponds to an unfit person of 40. Exercise is the centerpiece of healthful aging.” We will trace our progress on a large map in the library. Each participant will receive a passport with a picture and facts about each mission to be visited. In addition, a notebook in the library will contain more information and photos about each place to be visited. Get ready to count your exercising on Monday April 13th. Plan to attend the Kickoff event on that day at 11:00 am in Marwick Place, followed by an opening mile walk on the refurbished MVGH course and lunch together. See you there. -- Norm Thomas TEN THINGS “WE” KNOW ABOUT YOU 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. 8. 9. The title made you curious. You’re reading this. You can’t say the letter “P” without separating your lips. You just tried to do it. You’re laughing at yourself. You have a smile on your face and you skipped number 5. You just checked to see what number 5 is. You’re amused because despite all this personal information, no one can use it to steal your identity. 10. You’re thinking of someone you can share this with who doesn’t get “The Tidings.” -- Submitted by Gene Terpstra 6 (AD) MINISTRATION PRESIDENTIAL PONDERINGS As we move into Holy Week, I’m reminded of the once and only time I saved some palm fronds for the next year’s observance of Ash Wednesday. We had fresh palm fronds to wave in the congregation as the children walked down the center aisle singing, “Hosanna, Loud Hosanna.” After church I gathered the palms and carefully put them away to dry. The following year they were dried out and crumbly. In my office I proceeded to crumble the fronds into a large metal container in order to burn them for use in the coming Ash Wednesday service. What happened next, you are already ahead of me, the palms began to burn, filling my office with smoke. By God’s grace I was close to an exit door and rushed the burning, smoking palms outside. Returning to the office, I was hoping not to set off the fire alarm. Opening the door was enough to allow the smoke to settle down. In my imagination, I saw fire trucks arriving, the fire alarm still ringing and worst of all the entire fire sprinkler system flooding the offices. Do you have a story to share? I would like to share or funny or forgettable stories during your ministry. May this Holy Week and Easter Day bring you great praise for Jesus who said, “I am the resurrection.” “Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted. -- Don Maddox STAFF APPRECIATION FUND NEWS (Formerly called the Staff Christmas Fund) I hope all residents received a letter from me on how to give to the Staff Appreciation Fund in 2015. If not, contact me and I will get one to you. We begin the year with a fund balance of $3,585.17. I included with the letter a sheet you can use to plan and record your giving. I am more than willing to receive donations on a monthly, quarterly, or annual basis, whatever is best for you. Since we are late in getting started for 2015, April would be a good time to start if you plan to give monthly or quarterly. I will send you a thank you note for each donation so that you know that your gift has been received. The Resident Associations’ Treasurer and I will keep your gift confidential. It is important to know that this giving is an expression of our APPRECIATION for the staff and the amazing services we receive from them. They are not tips or bonuses. -- Bill Cunningham [email protected] 626-795-5707 7 PHILANTHROPY CORNER Monte Vista Grove Homes 2015 Events Volunteer Appreciation Week: April 13-17th Cornerstone Society Lunch Event: April 23rd Annual Pancake Breakfast: Saturday, May 2nd from 8-11am Monte Vista MUSINGS: Norm Thomas, God's Revolutionaries: Sub-title: African church leaders in politics: a Zimbabwe case-study. Monday, May 11th from 6-7:30pm in Marwick Place Annual Fall Sale: Saturday, October 3rd 5th Annual Gala: Saturday, November 14th 6-9pm at Descanso Gardens in La Canada -- Meagan McClellan 8 Ask the Executive Director… Questions are accepted in any format: in writing (signed or unsigned), email ([email protected]), voicemail (626-796-6135 ext. 415), or just in passing… Thank you to all who attended the “Tea & If you truly are a winner, there will be no Cookies with the Executive Director” fees. This is actually illegal. meetings! I receive valuable feedback and suggestions from these meetings. We are 2. NEVER believe a caller from the already working on concerns that were IRS or Jury Duty system. They brought up. I will share a summary at our handle business via U.S. Mail. next Town Meeting. 3. NEVER give out your social This month, I want to focus on a very security, Medicare, driver’s license, important topic: credit card or banking information over the phone. SCAMS!! 4. NEVER download anti-virus software or other things from windows that pop-up on your computer. All of us on staff find it disheartening that residents are a target for conniving, ruthless, despicable, heartless criminals who seek to con you out of your life savings!! 5. NEVER respond to an email from the IRS or other institution requesting personal information. The top 10 scams targeting seniors, according to the National Council on Aging are: 6. If it is too good to be true…IT IS! FRAUD.ORG lists the following “red flags”: 1. Healthcare/Medicare/Health Insurance Fraud 2. Counterfeit Prescription Drugs 3. Funeral & Cemetery Scams 4. Fraudulent Anti-Aging Products 5. Telemarketing 6. Internet Fraud 7. Email/Phishing Scams 8. Homeowner/Reverse Mortgage Scams 9. Sweepstakes & Lottery Scams 10. The Grandparent Scam You can avoid all of these by following some simply rules: 1. NEVER pay fees associated with winning a sweepstakes or lottery. • A promise that you can win money, make money, or borrow money easily; • A demand that you act immediately or else miss out on this great opportunity; • A refusal to send you written information before you agree to buy or donate; • An attempt to scare you into buying something; -- Deborah Herbert 9 MARK YOUR CALENDARS! DISASTER DRILL April 20, 2:00 pm First Aid Seminar Lisa Derderian, Disaster Preparedness Coordinator for Pasadena, and members of the Fire Department will join us for a seminar and demonstration of basic first aid on April 20. Meet at Marwick at 2 P.M. and bring your red notebook. Fi (The seminar takes the place of the regular drill on this day.) -- Jane Vásquez THANK YOU! Thank you to staff and residents. It has been a joy for me to receive so many expressions of appreciation for the development of the Disaster Drills and serving as the Coordinator; as well as the serving as the treasurer for the MVGH HC/Hearth Auxiliary Board and Stores for over the last sixteen of the twenty years I've been here at The Grove. I am grateful to all of you and the staff for your cooperation and encouragement all these years. I am also grateful for the skills of both Jane Vasquez for taking on Coordinating the Drills and Emergency Preparedness and for Rachel Christopher serving as the Treasurer of the Stores. I am truly impressed with their competency and commitment in taking on these responsibilities. The future is in good hands. I do believe I am really retiring from retirement. -- Noreen Nazarian MVGH STORES SPRING CLEANING …when you’re doing your spring cleaning, please remember that the MVGH Stores would love to have the items you no longer need… clothing, books, jewelry, china, gift items, and the list goes on and on! Thank you! 10 MISCELLANY FROM THE TREASURE CHEST Monte Vista Grove has a fascinating history. Founded in 1924, we have had six Founder-Benefactors in our history. Three of our Founder-Benefactors have been connected with three different major American corporations. First, there was James Marwick of Peat, Marwick and Mitchell – the world’s largest accounting firm. Then there was James Gamble of the Proctor and Gamble Corporation, one of America’s foremost producers of home products. Our third founder-benefactor was Mary Stewart, whose husband Milton founded the Union Oil Company of California, one of America’s largest energy businesses. Our three Founder-Benefactors held in common the fact that they were all persons of great wealth. They also held in common the fact that they were all Presbyterians whose roots lay deep in the soil of Scotland. They were all personally involved in the affairs of the Grove and invested in the lives of the residents. Mary Stewart not only built the first Rest Cottage, she personally ministered to the patients! Members of the Gamble family served as trustees of the Grove and were intimately involved with residents. The Grove’s annual free Thanksgiving dinner that we all celebrate is a gift from the Gamble family. It began in the first years when the Gambles invited the residents of the Grove to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday in their famous home. Another of our Founders, Dr. Robert Freeman, Pastor of PPC, became the traditional carver of the Thanksgiving turkey. James Marwick, our quintessential Founder, was so closely related to the Grove that he ended up marrying the first housekeeper! So don’t you think that all of that is fascinating? -- Bill Hansen Interim Position Wendy Tajima, Interim Executive Presbyter of the San Gabriel Presbytery, has received word from interim pastor, Charles Svendsen, who is serving in Feilding, New Zealand. He writes: “I am also working with a parish in nearby Palmerston North, (North Island) New Zealand. The Ministry Settlement Board (like our COM) is looking for an experienced and skilled Transitional Minister for St. Andrews and St. Marks in Palmerston North. They are hard to come by in NZ, so they are looking farther afield. If you know of someone up for an adventure, I can provide them the details.” – Rev. Charles Svendsen 11 THOSE MYSTERIOUS TURTLES We have a tourist attraction at Monte Vista Grove – turtles in our fishpond. Many visitors stop to look at them as well as our residents. Research has given us their history. First, a groundskeeper gave us three. Then another staff worker supplied us with more. Then we were given three more – twelve in all. They have fancy names: Red Eared Sliders. They like to perch in the sun on the stones. At night they hide under the pond bridge. -- Warren McClain And they lay eggs! AN INVITATION FROM PAT HOFFMAN As some of you know, I am devoting whatever time I can to writing. I was fortunate that writing often could be incorporated into my work, resulting in articles for the religious press and three books and some curriculum. I invite you to visit my website, and look at the small collection I’ve posted there, which can be read or listened to or downloaded to people’s mobile devices. I hope through these prayers I can provide spiritual support during times of challenge. Now, free from so many responsibilities, I’m working on several writing projects. One project is with prayers. If you know someone in need of a prayer due to sorrow, anxiety, or a hectic life, or someone wanting to feel God’s presence, THANK YOU My appreciation and thanks to MVGH residents and staff whose cards, phone calls and personal visits at the Health Center tempered my disappointment over my walking accident. Two months of inactivity is not easy to bear, but it is behind me. I have learned to be patient and slow down and count my blessings. It is good to be back home. I am advised to go slowly and take it easy. Having a good physical therapist three times a week among other services of Home Health Care make my days go by easier. Thanks be to God. -- Alyse Fung od borho h g i e our n share enjoy n as they e m o e r C l child ng! schoo ices in so o their v WILLARD SCHOOL CHILDREN’S CHOIR Thursday, April 30 at 3:30 pm Marwick Place 12 APRIL BIRTHDAYS Carole Bos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . April 04 Bill Van Ness. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . April 07 Elaine Hintzoglou . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . April 08 Lee Hawthorne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . April 08 Jane Vásquez . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . April 08 Franklin Woo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .April 11 Evelyn Thomas Heyne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . April 11 Cecil Hoffman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . April 16 Warren McClain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . April 17 Howard Den Hartog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . April 17 Dorothy Newhall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . April 19 Bob Lodwick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . April 22 Al Lorenz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . April 23 Andy Jarvis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .April 24 Cheryl Prentice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . April 25 Bill Van Loan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .April 26 Marilyn Symons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . April 30 13 COLLECTION CABINET Do you have a hobby, a craft, a collection of things you have gathered in your travels that you might share with other residents and staff at the Grove? The monthly schedule for displays is wide open after May. Please call or speak with Joan Stackhouse if you have something to share. The Cabinet brings enjoyment to all of us, especially to those who do not get out much. The “Love One Another” series has been discontinued. April 22nd A special THANK YOU to the entire staff and all those who submitted their articles before the 15th of the month deadline! THE TIDINGS 2015 GUIDELINES • • • • • • Articles to be 235 words or less Articles to be submitted in Arial - 12 point type Articles to be to the point with content and information Personal experiences, ponderings, thank you notes, other news are wanted Informational news, ideas and stories from committees and individuals Articles due on the 15th of month prior to publication NOTE: All submissions will be reviewed for inclusion by the Tidings Team6 THANK YOU FOR HELPING TO MAKE OUR NEWSLETTER INVITING TO READ. THE TIDINGS MONTE VISTA GROVE HOMES Executive Director: Deborah Herbert President of the Residents’ Association: Don Maddox Publisher: Marilyn Manning Editor: The Tidings Team (Carole Bos, Joyce DeGraaff, Jim Hinch, Cheryl Prentice) Consultant: Jack Lorimer Printing and Distribution: Nancy Lain 14
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