SEAS NEWS April, 2015 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church 2200 West Republic Road Springfield, MO 65807 417. 887. 6472 From the Pastor... Dear Parishioners, Christ is risen, Alleluia! Established 1981 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish, a Roman Catholic Christian community, strives to be a dynamic, welcoming center of faith, where life-long friendships begin and grow. Our mission is: To provide opportunity for worship, ministry and proclaiming the Gospel. To provide education and support for the spiritual growth of every parish member. To build a local community of faith that fosters life, justice and peace in the global society. Looking Forward April 5 EASTER SUNDAY April 12 Divine Mercy Sunday April 25 Celebration of First Communion for 2nd Graders April 26 World Day of Prayer for Vocations Graduation Mass/ Luncheon for High School Seniors The month of April begins with the Easter experience the experience of new life, new beginnings, new hope. It’s a perfect time for each of us to put into effect all of our Lenten pledges to renew our spiritual life. It’s a perfect time for example, to recommit ourselves to attendance at Sunday Mass, to making the Sacrament of Penance a more constant reality and making prayer-meditation a daily commitment in our lives. Because Easter is the most important feast in the Christian calendar-even more important than Christmas-the Easter season continues for fifty days through the Ascension of the Lord and Pentecost, ending on Trinity Sunday, the Sunday after Pentecost. The Paschal Candle remains in the sanctuary to remind us of God’s presence and power in our lives as we hear the marvelous Easter message proclaimed week after week. So, keep on celebrating and wishing everyone “Happy Easter.” On April 25th, eighty of our children will receive their first Holy Communion. We Catholics are a Eucharistic community. The Eucharist is the central sacrament of our faith life. First communion is another step in initiation for the youngest members of our parish family to join us at the table of the Lord. Let us all congratulate these children and their families as they begin being nourished by the sacred food that is Jesus himself. Let it also be a time for each of us to renew our devotion to the Holy Eucharist and a time for us to make a renewed commitment to regular attendance at Sunday Mass. April 15, Tax Day—gives us the opportunity to be grateful for the gift of living in America with the responsibilities that it brings! It can also be a reminder to think about our stewardship to the church. April 22 is Earth Day—all are called upon to promote environmental awareness and reflect upon the gift of God’s creation and the need to protect our planet. May God bless each of you and your family during this beautiful Easter season and may the Risen Lord bring peace, joy and love to each of your hearts. 1 ORGANIZATIONS AND ACTIVITIES... St. Bernadette Guild St. Francis Guild Our focus is spiritual development and projects to support the church community. New members are always welcome to our meetings on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 1:00 PM. Call Kay Maloney at 881-4687 for more information. St. Francis Guild meets at 6:30 PM on the 3rd Monday each month. Join us for fellowship, service and fun activities. New members are always welcome. For Information call Vickie McCune, 894-3412. St. Jude Guild St. Eligius Guild St. Jude members will meet 2nd Wednesday of each month in Seas Café at 1:00 PM. Tina Mallian will provide our spiritual reading. We will continue to support SVDP and our troops in Afghanistan. All women of the parish are welcome to join us. If you have questions call: Shirley, 881-4632 or Tina, 881-2356. Join us in coordinating activities for the children of our church as well as participating in local service projects. Bring new ideas for the upcoming year. We meet the 2nd Wednesday each month, August through May. Child care is available. Call Haley Gillespie, 861-7587 with questions or [email protected]. Comforts From the Heart SEAS MOMS GROUP On the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month from March through November, this group meets at American Legion from 10:00 AM—2:00 PM. They make blankets for the needy and homeless. Newcomers are always welcome. Contact Marilou Reed, 882-4102. Please join us on the 4th Friday from 9:30-11:00 AM for coffee and children’s activities in the SEAS Café—coffee and crafts provided. Follow the group on Facebook (SEAS Moms Group) for updates or contact Erika Warner at 840-7474 or nursewarner@yahoo,com. MEN’s P.C.C.W. CLUB “Good men doing good things.” We meet on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 7:00 PM to pray the Rosary and have dinner and socializing. We also gather on the 1st Saturday at 7:00 AM for Mass and breakfast. We support the parish with fundraisers and are involved in most parish functions. Contact Jim Bach, 848-9637. Did you know that all women of the parish are members of the Parish Council of Catholic Women? This group is actively involved in prayer, church projects and fundraisers to support SEAS faith community. Meetings are on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 6:30 PM. Contact Annie Freelove, 864-5578 for more information. 2 EASTER EGG HUNT/FAMILY PICNIC SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 11:30 AM—1:00 PM Come celebrate Easter with the St. Eligius Guild and Men’s Club, for a fun filled family picnic and Easter egg hunt. Games, inflatable's, food, and of course children need to bring their Easter baskets and see what the Easter bunny has left for them. Questions contact Missy Penkalski at 417-693-1797 or [email protected]. Contemplative Outreach of Springfield SILENT SATURDAY April 11, 9:30 AM—noon AN INTRODUCTION TO CENTERING PRAYER Presents: Holy Trinity Church SATURDAY, APRIL 25 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Now that winter appears to have left us and the signs of spring are appearing, how about joining us for a time of peaceful prayer and reflection. Check-in: 8:30 AM Workshop: 9:00-12:30 PM Advance Registration: $20 before April 15 At the door: $25 Attended a previous workshop: $10 Scholarships available For Registration Form and/or questions contact: Mary at [email protected] or call 884-1318 -orBarb at [email protected] or call 881-1381. If you have questions, contact Barb or Mike at 881-1381 or [email protected]. 3 HARVEST St. Francis Guild’s Annual HOME MEETING A Taste of Chocolate after all Masses Friday, April 17 6:00 PM, SEAS DINING RM April 18 & 19 Time to start planning for 2015 Harvest Home Events include the Garage Sale, Golf Tournament and Festival. Come and purchase bite size servings of various chocolate goodies. All proceeds benefit the St. Francis Guild’s Relay for Life Team. This is a great opportunity to get involved and meet some amazing people. If you’ve ever had ideas or wanted to participate in Harvest is a great time. Main dish and beverages will be provided, just bring a side dish. Please feel free to bring the family, all ideas are needed from every age and everyone. Contact Paul Boeckman, 894-9819 or Rebecca Hallinan, 894-2444. HARVEST HOME GARAGE SALE Don’t know what to do with all those items you find during Spring Cleaning? PUT IT ASIDE! The Harvest Home Garage Sale is Friday, June 12th from 7 AM – 4 PM and Saturday, June 13th from 7 AM – 1 PM. The $1 bag sale will be Saturday from 12 PM - 1 PM. We will be accepting donations starting the first week of June. We start Sunday, June 7th from 1 PM - 5 PM in the library. Mark your calendars! Please contact Elody Tippie via phone call or text message at 417-350-7680 to arrange for drop off of your donations. Any donations are accepted and appreciated! Let’s start out Harvest Home with a successful Garage Sale . 4 SEAS Parish School of Religion April 2015 Happy Easter to all! We praise and thank God as we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord, Jesus. Remember that the Easter season begins on Easter Sunday and continues until the Solemnity of Pentecost, May 24. PSR students participated in various age-appropriate Stations of the Cross activities on Palm Sunday. Confirmation One students had a special class with their sponsors on Sunday, March 22 and Wednesday, March 25. First Communion students will participate in a workshop on Sunday, April 12, from 3:45-6:00 p.m. There will be a banquet for these children and their families beginning at 6:00 p.m., following the workshop. We appreciate the many people who have volunteered to help with the activities for the day. First Communion practice for children and parents will be Wednesday, April 22, at 6:30 p.m. First Communion will be Saturday, April 25, at 11:00 a.m. The last day of Sunday PSR and Confirmation classes will be May 3 and the last day for Wednesday classes will be May 6. Please remember to thank our wonderful, volunteer catechists! Mark your calendars and watch for more information coming soon: Everest Totally Catholic Vacation Bible School will be held at SEAS from 6:00-8:30 p.m. June 14-18. Volunteers are needed to help decorate before, clean up afterward, and to assist during the week. Please contact me for more information about what is needed and how you can help. Thank you! Asking God to bless you, Freda Epperson, Director of Religious Education, [email protected] or 887-6472, ext. 210. Confirmation One students and sponsors participated in a meditation on the Symbols of Faith led by Chris Haik. 5 SEAS SCHOOL NEWS SEAS 3rd & 4th GRADES visited the Kansas City Chiefs Stadium and locker room! 6 S E A S Yo u t h M i n i s t r y CREED Catholics Reaching Each other Calendar of Events Every Day- High School Youth Ministry April 2015 ALL SEAS High School Graduates You are cordially invited to attend the St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Senior High Recognition Mass Wednesday, April 1st—ROC 5-6:30 pm Sunday, April 5th—Easter Sunday, NO CREED Wednesday, April 8th—NO ROC Sunday, April 12th—CREED 6-8 pm Wednesday, April 15th—ROC 5-6:30 pm Sunday, April 19th—CREED- 6-8 pm Luncheon for you and your family will follow Mass in the dining room. RSVP to Melinda Lohkamp at 887-6472 ext 208 with the number of people attending lunch. Congratulations and may God’s love guide and protect you as you begin your new journey. PLANNING FOR THE FUTURE Some suggestions: Take time to think about what you would like to do in the future. Ask yourself how you would like to live your life. Do you want to be married or single? What kind of a job would you like to have? Where do you want to be in your life ten years from now? List your goals. Discuss them with your parents, guidance counselors and trusted friends. Make plans for how your goals can be achieved. Research what needs to be accomplished in order to achieve your goals. Prepare for your future . Do things now that can help you fulfill your dreams and aspirations. What must you do to prepare for your future in terms of education, experience, and opportunities? Wednesday, April 22nd—ROC 5-6:30 pm Sunday, April 26th—11:15 am Graduation Mass w/ luncheon to follow Wednesday, April 22nd—ROC 5-6:30 pm Wednesday, April 29th—ROC 5-6:30 pm ROC Reach Out for Christ 7th & 8th Gr. Youth Ministry April 1st, 15th, 22nd, & 29th SEAS 7th & 8th graders come together for fun, food, games and much more! ROC meets most Wednesday evenings in the Youth Room! Check the calendar & bulletin for details. Everyone is welcome. KRUNCH Kid’s ‘R United ‘N Christ's House LIFE IS SHORT Pray HARD 4th, 5th & 6th Grade Youth Ministry Sunday, May 3rd, 6-8 pm The True Vine "I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." John 15:5 Pray with scripture Pray with Music Meditate or Journal Pray the rosary Talk with Jesus “face to face” Pray with Friends 7 Stacy Letterman Jenny Laney Keith Maggard Jessie Anderson Please pray for these ELECT who will be initiated at the EASTER VIGIL Allison Lesly Charlene Bailey Cheryl Mitchell Nathan Everding Jamon Burford Dawn High Denise Huetll Please pray for these CANDIDATES who will be received into full communion at the EASTER VIGIL Mike Lockman Kathryn Meinhardt Gillian Ray David Weddle Alexis Perdomo Sue Weddle 8 WE WELCOME NEW MEMBERS . . . Andrea Gonzales Jon McElwee Eric & Carla Parry David Kauffman Matthew and Lauren Mueller Daniel & Lindsey Jenkins Merton & Catherine Arnold Please introduce yourselves and let us get to know you. WE OFFER CONDOLENCES... Our hearts go out to... Trina Stevens at the death of her mother Juanita Kovarik Melissa Hart at the death of her mother Jeannene Cameron Sandra Trosper at the death of her husband Wayne Trosper Kelly Hayes at the death of his mother Marylinn Hayes David Kauffman at the death of his uncle Donald Trinkle Joe Pryor at the death of his granddaughter Shannon Leavell 9 PARISH COUNCIL PARISH MINUTES COUNCIL MINUTES March 17, 2015 March 17, 2015 Present: Greg Bolda, Sharon Giboney, Sherry Burnett, Mary Alice Krueger, Paul Boeckman, Judy Carley, Cindy Dittmer, and Gary Grove, Greg Heslin, Freda Epperson. Absent: David Strauss, Jeff Werner, Dan Lohkamp, Melinda Lohkamp, Lon McLauchlin, Mike Sisney, SEAS Prayer & Mission Statement were spoken and meeting was opened with a prayer led by Gary Grove. Living the Word Question of the Week was discussed. Review and Approval of January 2015 meeting minutes was completed. Unfinished Business: Language on volunteer forms – that they must be 18 or have guardian’s consent. Father Reidy will look into this. Increasing Volunteerism within parishioners – They need to be asked in person and for a specific task and possess specific skills for that task. Staff will look at making a list of areas and activities where they are needed. Hope to fit this in with the Rule of One for volunteering. Still looking into security concerns. Building issues – Father Reidy is looking into this but was not present to give update. New business: Council of Churches Board meeting report – Discussed identity of Council of Churches and how it offers/helps with so many social programs within the area and what a big part the Catholic community has in those programs. There is a lot of sharing between churches. Status on newly formed Volunteer Committee – They are working on outline of committee and what they hope to accomplish. Will try to put together a notebook of all annual, monthly, and eventually weekly and daily activities at the church. What is needed for each of those and what volunteers will need to know in order to help in these areas. New Parish Council Members are being recruited at this time – If there are interested parties please get those names to Father Reidy by the April board meeting. SEAS electronic media presence – We do not have much of one at this time but would like to see more done with website, Facebook, tweets, YouTube, etc. Several groups within the parish have their own Facebook and also put items on the SEAS webpage but we could still do a better job of informing people of activities and events that they might want to help with or participate in. Closed with Prayer by Greg Bolda Next meeting scheduled for Tuesday, April 21, 2015 Opening Prayer: Mary Alice Krueger Closing Prayer: Paul Boeckman COMMITTEE REPORTS:: SEAS Youth Ministry CREED- Catholic Reaching Each other Every Day- High School Youth Group Fish Fry- March 13th - Our Fish Fry for the year was a huge success. All profits from this fund-raising event will be used to pay expenses to the Diocesan Youth Conferences in a few weeks. Thank you to all who helped support the youth of our parish. We couldn’t do this without your support! West Plains/Diocesan Youth Conference - The weekend of March 27th-29th, 6 Youth and 3 adults attended this year's Diocesan Youth Conference. The theme of the conference was “Because He is….King of Kings!” featuring Keynote speaker Cooper Ray. This is the largest single event in the diocese, allowing young people to gather, learn, and grow in their faith. Our parish's involvement and attendance supports the Office of Youth Ministry, and affirms the efforts of this year's planning team, comprised of youth and adults from Sacred Heart in Webb City. Continue to pray for the Youth of our Parish. Steubenville - on the campus of MSU July 17th-19th - Deadline for fees and registration forms are April 19th. The cost is $190, deposit of $50 due in to me by May 1st. The $190 registration fee covers conference fee, food, housing and handling expenses. Space is limited and interest is high. Out of the 46 registration openings reserved I have 20 spots still open…spread the word if you know of any youth who will be going into the 9 th grade and up to age of 21. Nationally known teen speakers plan their talks around the theme of the weekend, "LIMITLESS." Each session is a chance to see how these young adults live out their faith in their lives and for the youth to receive the challenge to live out their own faith every day. Also, during the weekend, Mass, prayer and reconciliation is made a priority. My hope and prayer is 10 that these youth will leave this conference with a deeper relationship with Jesus and with his or her Catholic faith. PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES March 17, 2015 Committee Reports: continued Upcoming Events and Conferences we are working on: March 24th- Parish Penance Service April 20th Adoration as a group w/ dinner after April 26th Graduation Mass with lunch to follow June 6th-8th- TEC- Teens Encounter Christ held at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish July 17th-19th - Steubenville Youth Conference on the campus of MSU Oct.????- Lasagna Dinner fundraiser November 19-22 - National Catholic Youth Conference ROC - Reaching Out for Christ-Jr. High Youth Group ROC continues to meet on Wednesday evenings from 5-6:30. This group is still growing leaps and bounds...... I cannot say enough good things about this group. This Wednesday we will be doing something crazy in honor of St. Patrick’s Day-everything green!! KRUNCH- Kids ‘R United ‘N Christ’s House- 4th, 5th & 6th Grade Youth Group March KRUNCH was canceled due to snow. Our next KRUNCH meeting will be May 3rd. No KRUNCH in April due to Easter falling on the first Sunday of the Month. Hope to have a huge group of 4th, 5th & 6th graders in May. SEAS OFFICE OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PSR classes began again this past Sunday, following spring break. Thanks to our many dedicated volunteer catechists, classes are going well on both Sunday morning and Wednesday evening. Second graders have been creating beautiful banners as they prepare for their First Communion day. Because of a weather-related cancellation, we have re-scheduled the Sunday session for this coming Sunday, March 22. First Communion students will participate in a special workshop on Sunday, April 12, from 3:45-6:00 p.m. Many parents and other parishioners will be helping with the workshop. There will be a banquet for these children and their families beginning at 6:00 p.m., following the workshop. Confirmation One students have one more class with their sponsors this school year, offered both on Sunday and Wednesday, March 22 and 25. Fr. Tom will be our presenter. Confirmation One and PSR classes for public school students will continue through May 3/6. Several students, mostly fourth graders, have recently been trained to become altar servers. A pizza party and brief refresher training is being planned for all servers. Dan Harter leads the server training for SEAS. A catechist in-service is planned for Saturday morning, March 28. Dr. Amy Cook, SEAS parishioner and an administrator with the Republic School District, will give a presentation with some simple, practical ways to get the students personally involved and better keep their attention during PSR classes. Our parish will host Everest Totally Catholic Vacation Bible School this summer. It will take place from 6:00-8:30 p.m. Sunday-Thursday evenings, June 14-18. Many volunteers are needed to help with decorating, clean-up, and to assist during the week of VBS. Financial donations in support of VBS will also be very much appreciated. LITURGY COMMITTEE All plans are underway/in progress for the remainder of the Lenten Season and for Easter. Our next meeting will be in April. MUSIC MINISTRY We have two rehearsals remaining to put the finishing touches on the music for Holy Week and Easter. That is our entire focus at this time. We missed one rehearsal due to weather, so we're a little behind where I would like to be. But I'm confident that our liturgies will be prayerful and beautiful, as always. 11 We are grateful to those who made a contribution toward the flowers and decorations for this Easter season. Thank you for your generosity. Contributor… John & Linda Charles Mike & Denise Huettl Thomas & Kathy Bolin Marcia Terbrock John & Shirley Scisciani Brian & Wendy Roberson Paul & Donna Miller John & Lisa Acosta Richard Wyatt John & Kathryn Olah Joe & Hope Goodwin Don & Sue Higgerson Rick & Veronica Straus Evelyn Boll Dale & Mary Anne Beck Marie Pattison Julie Ashurst Kenneth & Bernice Remelius Jane Moore David & Jennifer Cowan Steven Sun Helen McIlquham Ron & Ruth Buening Patti Kent Phil & Mary Ann Gross Richard & Rose Marie Sovich Don & Donna Waters Ron & Tami Bowen Tom & Heidi Martin Ken & Patty Lawrence Bob & Carolyn Bumberry Larry & Suzie Jacobs Joe & Sharon Giboney Louis & Anne Summers Barbara Bumberry Janet Butterbaugh Jim & Jan Dills Michael Pike In memory or in honor of... Ivon Charles, Frances Charles, Bonnie Montgomery Thomas & Eleanore Huettl, Walter Zimmermann, Allen Huettl Sally Hellebosch August & Matthew Virgil Adams, John & Ann Scisciani Ed Guffey, Edna Mae & Chris Roberson, Albert & Claudine Masicvo, Nancy Evans & Carol Saluranta George, Shirley & John Miller, Marilyn Montiel Phillip, Albert & Yolanda Moore, Hilario & Restituto Acosta Hervey Wyatt John & Helen Olah, Joseph & Sophie Sokolowski Baxter & Lucille Goodwin, Cliff, Jo, Paul & Joseph Gander, Marlu Glandt Deceased family members Thomas Michael Walsh Joseph & Lucille Boll, Bill Boll, Alan Snyder Our Parents Ron Stewart, Hollie E. Middleton, Hazel Middleton Mel & Mildred Dark, Bill Lee, Barbara Lee Eddie & Bella Remelius Husband, Lawrence K. Moore Jamie Cowan Eunkyung Teresa Kim Duane McIlquham Mr/Mrs Fred Botham, Mr/Mrs Alfred Buening, Mr Eldone Block, Mr Ray Botham Vincent Minenna, Marie Minenna Phil N. Gross, Sr., Gertrude Gross, Agnes Hilla, Paul Hilla Deceased Family Members The Lindsey, Waters, Hohgrefe families Darrel Baird, Harold Hahn, Buddy Clark, Mary Trokey, Marlu Glandt Betsy Keller, mother of Heidi; Hans Keller, brother of Heidi Our granddaughter, Grace Brooklyn Brock Parents, grandparents, and other family members Margit & David Pruett, Ruth & Virgil Jacobs Family Louis E. & Margaret Bredeman, Jeriel & Gerry Summers, Anne & Jay Summers, Sue Willcut, Michael Bredeman, Irene & Roy Stiver, Amy Grimm & Family, Sarah Eiffert & Family Family & Friends Ann & Joe Kolenc, W. Keith Butterbaugh Families Robert Pike, May, Lou Pike Kayes, Crystal Grant 12 We are grateful to those who made a contribution toward the flowers and decorations for this Easter season. Thank you for your generosity. Contributor… David & Diane Schulty Joan Solum Eleanor Widmer Linda Tinson Judy Cooney Kay Maloney Chris& Marla Witthar Greg & Karen Bolda Don & Sandy Tribby Jon & Connie Gulick Thomas & Joan Hoerschgen Gina Cowin Tony & Trish Wand Carroll & Mary Long Mary Irmen Andrea Hall Marilyn Vydra Mary Foley Jane Gibbs Doris Hottinger Jerry & Trudy Arnold Kent & Sharon Topliff Dan & Tracy Harter Henry Malachowski Stan & Annette Hall Virginia Miller Contributor… Ho Sun Kim Ron & Pam Smouse Tim & Katie Woods Annie Freelove David & Lori Peitz Kevin & Janet Bell George & Mary Connor Don & Vicki Brunk Lynn & Phyllis Gossard Rick & Carol Batson Daniel & Jan Murphy Ron & Mickie Weidemann Carmel Field In memory or in honor of... Our son, Matthew Gregory L. Solum, Garnet L. Solum, Kathryn Bauch, Larry Brauch Ryne Shea Millsap Betty & Roy Appleby My parents, Tom & Irene Mulick Tammy Maloney Hicks, Jerry Maloney, family members Cathy Kliethermes Richard Bolda, Guy J. Killingsworth, Nate Killingsworth Charles Tribby, Doug Tribby Les & Ed Gulick & Bob, Joan & Herb Hooper Hoerschgen & Verslues families Morgan, Vera, & Bill Cowin, Robert Lynn Gene & Stella Boyd, Zachary Mehl, Sherman & Lillian Boyd, Oda & Mamie Cloud, Klene family, Wand family Long family members, Goth family members Clarence Irmen, Mr/Mrs Emmett Dockry, Edward J. Dockry family Ernest B. Hall, Jr., Ernest & Eileen Hall, Bill & Helen Giesen Jim Vydra & deceased members of the Vydra, Grega, Goch, & Matejka families Jim Foley Remy & Bessie Reulit Walter Hottinger, Gary Hottinger, Barbara, Hottinger Bill & Alma Arnold, Joe & Edith Jirik, Margaret Jirik Schorn James & Elizabeth Mulvaney Keya Price Corki Malachowski Ann & Paul Giorano, The Hall Family Chuck Miller No name given... Arlan & Vickie Mahon Larry O’Reilly Rebecca Caldwell James & Alice Simpson David & Robin Donelson Terri Budzyna Michael DeFontes Charles & Mary Ann Dahlgren Joseph Pryor Michael & Gay Ellis Danny & Betty Warren Dustin & Lois Bobbett Susan Prosser 13 Delma Jean Killingsworth Chuck & Vi Mushrush Lawrence & Joann Schippers Tom & Vickie McCune Mike & Laura Osborn Robert & Rene Hanson Tony & Lily Pelliccio Joan Garner Ralph & Laura Graham Ernie & Molly Gapasin Joseph Graves Tom & Gaylene Rykowski Bob & Christine Harris Financials for February, 2015 . . . Larry Davis Jeff Werner Finance Committee Steve Lohkamp Tami Bowen Donna Powers Dan Hoy Michael Hoppman EXPENSES INCOME Salaries & Payroll Taxes $ 20,212 Retirement $ 702 2,454 Medical/Dental Insurance $ 4,050 $ 5,553 Babysitting $ 563 Church Property Rental $ 6,486 Catholic Cemeteries $ 83 Designated Gifts $ 12,151 Office $ 4,702 Other income $ 4,185 Maintenance & Repairs $ 3,567 Other Special Collections $ 11,048 Janitorial/Maintenance Supplies $ 2,183 Total Income $ 120,255 Altar, Sanctuary, Choir Supplies $ 1,149 Cash Available 1/31/15 $ Telephone $ 550 TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE $ 206,497 Utilities $ 8,398 Household Expenses $ 188 Other—Miscellaneous $ 322 Financial Assistance to Needy $ 8,170 Religious Education $ 4,037 Youth Programs $ 3,537 Parish Special Programs $ 2,728 Support of Catholic Schools $ 47,023 Assessment $ 388 Priests’ Mutual Benefit Society $ 2,326 Special Collections Forwarded $ 3,560 TOTAL BILLS PAID $ 118,438 Envelopes $ 77,386 Plate Collections $ 992 Equip/Maint. Contingency Fund $ Education 86,242 Moving Forward in Faith and Community Bank Balance at January 31 $ 11,689 February Income $ 20,940 Cash Available $ 32,629 (1)Payment on New Construction ($ 29,539) Loan from Diocese* Bank Balance at February 28 $ 3,090 14 NOTES & COMMUNITY NEWS... Support our local Catholic businesses! Visit the Catholic Business Network of the Ozarks at for a directory of Catholic businesses in our area. To join the Catholic Business Network, go to or contact the Central Office at 865-5567. Our Diocesan Newspaper We sincerely thank those who have returned their envelopes with their support of our diocesan newspaper and its companionThe Mirror Online. Published twice a month, The Mirror is a sweetheart of a deal at $14 annually, less than 59 cents an issue. Springfield Catholic HS PROJECT GRADUATION Project Graduation is a parent-sponsored all-night celebration funded entirely by donations. To help with this fun night for our 75 seniors, please consider making a tax deductible donation payable to SCHS Project Graduation. Mail your check to SCHS Project Graduation, Springfield Catholic High School, 2340 S. Eastgate, Springfield, MO 65809. If you have questions, please contact Gerri Kielhofner: [email protected] or 849-6794. The bishop requests that each household receive the diocesan paper. Last year our parish assessment was $15,064. We hope many of you will use your envelopes to assist in our parish assessment. To: SEAS CHURCH From: Rory Orgeron, CEO February’s Special Collections The Kitchen Kettle $3,091 St. Vincent de Paul $4,384 Church in Latin America $145 Catholic Relief Services $30 Church in Central/East. Europe $51 Catholic Home Missions Appeal $3,492 Thank you for your gift of $3,091.03. The Kitchen, Inc’s founder, Sister Lorraine Biebel, took $50 and turned it into meals for homeless and hungry people in this community in 1983. The organization has continued to grow from that day. Your gift to The Kitchen, Inc. is greatly appreciated. I hope you are blessed as you continue to support this organization, our community and those we serve-through gifts, service and prayer. 15 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church 2200 West Republic Road Springfield MO 65807 NONPROFIT ORG. US POSTAGE PAID SPRINGFIELD MO PERMIT #309 Address Service Requested Pastor Rev. Thomas Reidy 887-6472, ext. 203 Sacramental Priest Rev. Michael McDevitt [email protected] Office Manager Heather Hayes [email protected] Religious Ed Director Freda Epperson [email protected] Religious Ed Assistant Karen Tippie [email protected] Youth Minister Melinda Lohkamp [email protected] Pastoral Minister Sr. Bernadette Goessling, SSND [email protected] Pastoral Minister Sr. Pat Hall, SSND [email protected] RCIA Tom and Pat Brewer [email protected] Stephen Ministry Dale Buechler, 812-9440 or Tami Bowen, 343-7805 Music Director Dan Lohkamp [email protected] Facility Manager Morgan Trokey [email protected] Custodian Jose Santillan SEAS School Principal Cheryl Hall [email protected] School Administrative Assistant Lisa Ellis [email protected] EASTER SUNDAY Masses at 7:30, 9:00 and 11:15 AM Deadline for articles for the MAY newsletter is Wednesday, April 15. FIRST COMMUNION, Saturday, April 25, 11:oo am 16
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