www.saintv.org APRIL 19, 2015 THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER April 8, 2015 CONFIRMATION & Blessing of the New Rectory 2 N E W S & MASS INTENTIONS Monday, April 20 *6:30 am Carl & Sharon Minick 8:00 am Denny Mockenhaupt Acts 6:8-15/Jn 6:22-29 Tuesday, April 21 *6:30 am John & Winifred Wyss 8:00 am Michael Miller Acts 7:51--8:1a/Jn 6:30-35 Wednesday, April 22 *6:30 am Deceased Members of Parmeter Family 8:00 am Pamela Gregory ALL MASS Acts 8:1b-8/Jn 6:35-40 Thursday, April 23 *6:30 am Edgar Finton 8:00 am Kevin Stopher Acts 8:26-40/Jn 6:44-51 Friday, April 24 8:00 am Mary Grant *5:30 pm Tom & Florence O’Reilly Acts 9:1-20/Jn 6:52-59 Saturday, April 25 8:00 am Mimi Dineen 1 Pt 5:5b-14/Mk 16:15-20 5:00 pm Jeanne Neumann Sunday, April 26 7:15 am Willard & Wilma Lenkendofer 9:00 am Susan Lawrence 11:00 am Jon Didier 12:45 pm For Our First Communicants 6:00 pm For the Parish (Life Teen Mass) N O T E S F RO M T H E P A S TO R In the Gospel of this third Sunday of Easter, we see how the disciples on the road to Emmaus come to recognize the Risen Lord Jesus first in the words of Scripture as interpreted by Him and finally through the “breaking of the Bread,” which is to say the sharing of the Holy Eucharist. On the following two weekends (April 25-26 and May 2-3), our secondgraders will be celebrating their First Holy Communion. For those who regularly attend the 12:45PM Mass, please note that you will have much more company in the coming weeks in the families celebrating this Sacrament at those liturgies! This is a moment of celebration for our whole Parish, so everyone is welcome. Everyone is also welcome after all the Masses this weekend to the Open House at our new rectory at the southwest corner of our parking lot. Special thanks to Bob Buescher and his good people at Bob Buescher Homes who have worked so well to bring this project to happy completion. Every detail of this rectory is meant to serve the goal of happy, healthy, holy Priestly living for St. Vincent’s clergy, seminarians, and (hopefully in time) a senior Priest of our Diocese. Finally, thanks to all of the families who are able to donate one dinner or lunch plate from your home to our rectory-home. Connecting your table to our table is a visible reminder of the holy communion we share around the Table of the Lord. It also affirms the truth that Priests and seminarians are ultimately beggars for and with Christ, relying on you--our family---for our daily bread. If you wish, you can drop off your plate at the parish office anytime during the week, or in the appropriate baskets in the gathering space. *Chapel In St. Vincent’s love of Christ, Fr. Daniel Scheidt TV MASS NEXT SUNDAY LOST AND FOUND ITEMS Fr. Dan will celebrate the TV Mass next Sunday, April 26. You are welcome to join him at University of St. Francis chapel at 10:30 am. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Items which have been found in the church and gathering space are located on tables near the west entrance of the church (near the restrooms). Please check for any items you think you may have lost! Sunday: 12:00 pm—5:30 pm Wednesday: 9:00 am—5:30 pm PLEASE TURN IN YOUR RICE BOWL! Acts 4:8-12/1 Jn 3:1-2/Jn 10:11-18 Let us pray for our sons and daughters of St. Vincent’s as they prepare for their wedding day. III Rodney Freeman & Maggie Heiny II Ryan Fischer & Sara Koerner II Bruce Wilson & Becky Davis I Dane Starkey & Cara Greulich I Joshua Wickersham & Kimberly Stump ADULT EDUCATION NIGHT— CATHOLICISM REVEALED Mike Kelly (from our parish) will present “The Nature of True Love: Understanding and Living Truth in Charity” this Wednesday, April 22 at 6:30 pm in the Spiritual Center. Don’t forget to place your rice bowl in the basket located at the table near the parish office. Please join us for the new rectory Open House this weekend after ALL Masses!! NOTICE OF ANNUAL CLEANUP AT THE ST. VINCENT CEMETERY We will be conducting our ANNUAL CEMETERY CLEANUP from Monday, April 22—30. All decorations must be removed no later than April 20 or they will be discarded. Please do not place any decorations on graves from now through April 20. You may begin to place approved decorations beginning May 1. Thank you for your cooperation. C HURCH N EWS ST. VINCENT de PAUL SOCIETY PANTRY The St. Vincent de Paul Society food pantry is in need of: Pasta sauce Canned beef stew Crackers Boxed potatoes Pancake mix and syrup Thank you and God Bless you! KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS—BLOOD DRIVE Saturday, April 25 in the Parish Hall, from 7:30—11:30 am. Please call Jeff Schafer at 489-1965 for an appointment time. TO THE MEN OF THE PARISH Meeting this Sunday, April 19, 7:00 pm in the Parish Hall. As we celebrate 10 years of an awesome apostolate in Rekindle The Fire, we’re also welcoming to an RTF meeting our own Rev. Daniel Scheidt. Men, let’s fill the Parish Hall to listen to Fr. Dan’s Faith Share as well as Catechesis. There will also be a Scripture Reflection, Food/Drink & Fellowship. All men of the parish are welcome! YOU DID IT FOR ME Ronald, a 17-year-old teen with autism, had struggled to find a place where he felt like he belonged. His family had moved into a Catholic Charities shelter, and he felt isolated and alone. But because of the patient and charitable outreach of the shelter staff, he began to come out of his shell, and soon began to co-lead a social group in the shelter. "I've never seen him so happy," Ronald's mom says. "He's really come out of his shell." Last year, the Catholic Charities network provided human and social services to over 9 million individuals, serving them in a way that respects their God-given human dignity. To learn more, please visit www.CatholicCharitiesUSA.org. FAITH & FERTILITY: KNOW YOUR OPTIONS, LIVE YOUR FAITH Fertility and Midwifery Care Center presents “FAITH & FERTILITY: Know Your Options, Live Your Faith” (a presentation on Creighton Model Fertility Care & NaPro Technology). Saturday, May 30 from 9:00—noon in the Spiritual Center. Speakers are Dr. Christopher Stroud, Lea Oberhausen, CFCP and Fr. Andrew Budzinski. BAPTISMAL PREPARATION CLASSES Attendance at two Baptismal Preparation Sessions is required before your child is baptized — Session I and Session II. You may attend Session II before Session I, if necessary. Each session will begin at 7:00 pm. It is recommended that both parents attend before the birth of your child so that there will be no delay in setting a date for the baptism once the baby is born. Godparents, too, are welcome. At least one parent and one godparent must be practicing Catholics. Also, parents must be registered in the Parish. Please call the church office to sign up for your sessions. Session I (Parish Library) - May 14 Session II (Church Conference Room) - May 21 3 MEETINGS OF THE WEEK Monday, April 20 6:30 pm Light Weigh—Parish Library 7:00 pm Athletic Committee—Athletic Conf. Room Tuesday, April 21 8:45 am Two-By-Two—Parish Library 6:00 pm Adult Confirmation—Church Conf. Room 6:30 pm Shepherds of Christ—Blessed Sacrament Chapel 6:45 pm RCIA—Community Rooms A&B 7:30 pm Respect Life Committee—Church Conf. Room Wednesday, April 22 9:00 am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament— Blessed Sacrament Chapel 9:00 am WINGS—Life Center 6:30 pm Catholicism Revealed—Comm. Rooms A&B Thursday, April 23 9:00 am WINGS II—Community Room A 11:30 am St. Vincent de Paul Society Luncheon— Life Center 7:00 pm Eucharistic Faith Committee—Church 7:00 pm Knights of Columbus 1st Degree Admission— Community Room A and Chapel 7:00 pm Booster Club—Athletic Conference Room Saturday, April 25 7:30 am Knights of Columbus Blood Drive—Parish Hall 9:30 am Disability Retreat—Spiritual Center Computer Sign Up for Photos—Parish Library after 5:00 pm Mass 6:30 pm SALT Date Night—Life Center Sunday, April 26 Computer Sign Up for Photos—Parish Library after ALL Masses 12:00 pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament— Blessed Sacrament Chapel HARVEST HOUSE—WHAT IS IT? It is NOT a house. It is a movement for persons 55 years and older. Here at St. Vincent’s, it is a small group of people, both men and women. We meet once a month. Maybe we are a small group because many don’t know about us. That means you don’t know what you are missing! We don’t want to be a small group, so please come Wednesday, May 13 at 9:30 am to the church parking lot to carpool to St. Louis Church, Besancon, for rosary at 10:30 am, Mass at 11:00 am and catered noon lunch followed by entertainment. Tickets $10 each, IN ADVANCE ONLY. Mail checks to “Harvest House”, c/o Margaret Freiburger, 6416 Baytree Dr, Fort Wayne, IN 46825, BEFORE APRIL 28. Phone 482-2085 for more information. Y O U T H M I N I S T R Y We need your help to make our 2015 Pictorial Directory a Success! 4 See saintv.org for a link to the signup page (or if you’re You will also have the opportunity to sign up for an appointment after all Masses next weekend, April 25/26, in the Parish Library. viewing this bulletin online, click here) here). YOUTH MINISTRY CALENDAR Sunday, April 19 - NO Life Night: Into the Deep Retreat Wednesday, April 22 - Mini Hour 7:30-9pm @ Life Center Sunday, April 26 - XLT: Into the Deep INTO THE DEEP SPRING RETREAT Huge thanks go out to everyone who made this amazing retreat possible!!! Thank you teens for being so willing to open up your hearts, be welcoming to one another, and to just smile and have fun. You are the reason that we are all here. Thank you Mary, Marie, Geri, Tom, Dorothy, Julia, and Bruce for your prayers, help, advice, moral support, and patience with retreat craziness! Thank you to Vicki & Craig Welch and all the amazing parents for organizing breakfasts for us! Thank you to Kathy Dawson and Nancy Hagar for coming up to serve the teens and also to her food parent team who were able to provide us an amazing lunch!! Thank you to the parents who came up to help clean the cabins! A huge thanks to all the members of FHR for providing amazing music for the entire weekend! You all have such a servant’s heart and serve the teens through your presence and talents. Thank you to all the terrific extra adults we had help out. It makes such a difference! Thank you to the AMAZING and Talented Life Teen Core Team who so selflessly serve Jesus by serving His teens week in, week out and weekends too! You are the heart of this ministry and keep it beating strong. Thank you to Nick Oberhausen and Lindsay Klinker for sharing the brunt of all the planning details. Thank you always to Fr. Dan, Fr. Andrew, and Fr. Polycarp for their tireless support of this ministry! It is a blessing beyond belief to serve alongside such holy men of God. We are so very blessed! Praise God and may God continue to bless us! Coming up in Edge: April 27: Got a Question? May 11: FaceTime XLT: INTO THE DEEP Please join us next Sunday for an amazing night of Eucharistic Adoration along with some praise and worship music. It will flow directly from the Life Teen Mass and all are invited to stay and spend some time in prayer. Teens it’ll be a great way to reunite after the retreat as well as to involve others who were unable to make it with us. Bring your friends and your family as well. All the parish is invited to join us in adoring our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament and we hope to see you there! TRAINING Teens - are you on fire from the retreat? Do you want to become more involved in the Mass? Prayerfully consider becoming a Lector, a Server, or an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion. We will be having training dates for this soon so don’t miss out! H.S. SENIOR NIGHT Attention all High School Seniors - you will be receiving an invitation in the mail soon, but put Sunday, May 17 on your calendar and join us for our annual Senior Night. Please RSVP before Sunday, May 10 by email or by phone with how many of your family will be attending. Thanks!! LIFE TEEN ON THE WEB To stay current on what’s going on with Life Teen, especially when it gets to inclement weather, we will post notices on our FB page, our Twitter account, and our webpage: www.saintv.org/lifeteen. So be sure to Like, Follow, or check us out. CORE TEAM Have you felt God calling you to serve Him, but aren’t sure how? Maybe He is calling you to serve His teens. This is an amazing ministry and I encourage you to pray about joining the Core team. If you are interested, or if you have someone else to suggest, please talk to Sarah (435-0453) or any of the Core for more information. For information about our EDGE Program, please contact Lindsay Klinker [email protected]. SCHOOL & YOUTH NEWS Religious Ed News SAVE THE DATE—ST. VINCENT’S CATHOLIC KID’S CAMP Be on the “look-out” for SET SAIL with the HOLY TRINITY featuring St. Patrick coming your way June 15—19 from 9:00 am to noon. Those eligible to join the voyage are children 4 years old (if potty trained) through students entering 5th Grade this fall. Stay tuned for exciting details about the adventure! CATHOLIC KID’S CAMP ADULT/COLLEGE LEADERS NEEDED Adult and/or college student volunteers are needed as we prepare to SET SAIL with the HOLY TRINITY. Volunteers are needed for the following positions: Bible lesson leader (all ages Pre-K thru 5th grade), snack leader, outdoor activity leader, craft leader, skits leader and music assistant. Lessons are already planned in this wonderful program; leaders follow the outline or can get creative if they choose. Call Debbie Blackburn at 489-3537 ext. 204 or email [email protected] to volunteer or if you have any questions. FIRST COMMUNION First Communion April 26, 12:45 Mass & May 3, 12:45 Mass (or at any Mass on the weekend of May 2/3 by written request to Debbie Blackburn) 5 COME ONE, COME ALL!! The FIRST St. Vincent de Paul School Carnival will be held Friday, May 1 from 5:30—7:30 pm for students in grades K-5. Pre-sale tickets will be sold for 4/$1 after the 5:00 pm Mass on Saturday, April 25, and after the 9:00 and 11:00 am Masses on Sunday, April 26. Tickets will be sold 2/$1 at the door the day of the carnival—so take advantage of the reduced price next weekend! Games and Prizes include plinko, duck pond and more! Food available will be Chicken Enchiladas, Taquitos, Club Sandwiches, Hot Dogs and more! SCRIP—TIP REBATES Please note that TIP credits earned from SCRIP purchases made before May 1, 2015 will be disbursed in June of this year. Beginning on May 1, 2015, we’ll begin accruing for the following year (TIP credits earned from SCRIP purchases made between 5.1.15 and 4.30.16 will be disbursed in June 2016). Please contact us if you have any questions: SCRIP office 489-3537, ext. 234 or Kyle Davis at ext. 319. RE CALENDAR NEW SCRIP VENDOR! Preschool April 19 Sunday April 19 April 26 Wednesday April 22 April 26 April 29 We now carry Discover Universal Gift Cards! The denomination is $100, and the profit is 1.25%. These can be used anywhere Discover cards are accepted. These make great gifts; they also come in handy when you are shopping at a store that doesn’t offer SCRIP. We have a limited number of these cards on hand right now. For more information about this card (terms and conditions), please contact the SCRIP office – Margee or Danielle – at 489-3537, ext 234 or [email protected]. Preschool—FINAL CLASS RE—6th Grade Retreat RE—7th & 8th Grade Battle of the Saints RE—6th Grade Retreat RE—7th & 8th Grade Battle of the Saints RE AMERICAN HERITAGE GIRLS ANNUAL FLOWER PLANT SALE You can order online or view photos at www.tinyurl.com/ ahgflowers2015. Orders must be received by Sunday, April 26, and pick up is Friday, May 8, from 2:00— 6:00 pm at the Scout Lodge on Auburn Road. Orders may be paid for by cash, check, or credit card on the day of pick up. Please call 705-0584 if you have any questions. Thank you for your support! (Photos on website were added by volunteers and may not be the exact shade.) MARKET DAY—THANK YOU! Our 3 year old Preschool students learned that the death and resurrection of Jesus brings us new life. They had fun watching the different stages of bean seeds sprout and grow into plants that will produce food to sustain us. The April sale added another $290 to our total, bringing it just short of $4,000 for the year. The May sale has a new Pizza and Cookies promotion with a minimum of 15% earned for every package purchased! There is a FREE 4-pack of cheesecake pops with a $90 order and MAYBONUS in the promo code box. It is finally time to redeem the FREEquent buyer present to those who qualified, but a minimum $40 order required. Thank you to all those who support this wonderful parish program. Orders will be due by May 8, with pick-up on May 14. Questions, please call Eva at 490-9329. 6 M I N I S T R Y INDIANA BISHOPS REQUEST FEEDBACK— PASTORAL ADDRESSING POVERTY IN INDIANA All Catholics are asked to read the Pastoral Addressing Poverty in Indiana published by Bishops of the dioceses in Indiana. After reflection, you are encouraged to complete a survey of questions that can be accessed from the diocesan website, diocesefwsb.org (there is also a link to this website from our website—saintv.org). The survey will be closed May 1 and the results forwarded to the dioceses across the state. BEREAVEMENT GROUP In a time of loss, it is important to know that there is a place where you can be with others who understand your pain. This is a time when being with others who have walked their own path of grief may be of comfort and offer solace in a way that your family and friends cannot. Your loss need not be recent for the sessions to be helpful. St. Vincent’s Bereavement Ministry is currently holding support group sessions. We will meet each Tuesday until May 19. If this is something you are looking for, contact Carrie Boedeker (418-8054 or [email protected]). LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS FOR SALT CHILD CARE Are you a fun, creative, loving servant for others? Do you enjoy playing with children? Are you looking for ways to serve in the parish? If you've answered "Yes" to any of these questions, please join us to help lead "Kids Night Out"! We are looking for ADULT and TEEN volunteers to staff childcare during SALT Date Night. The next event is Saturday, April 25. Please consider discernment in this ministry to help serve our parish children. Contact Liz Arnold for more information: [email protected] or 417-6186. Thank you! DIOCESE OF FORT WAYNE-SOUTH BEND PROTECTION OF CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE It remains important for our Church to protect children and young persons from the evils of abuse. To abuse a child is a sin. The Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend remains committed to upholding and following its guidelines, policies and procedures that were implemented for the Protection of Children and Young People. These can be reviewed on the Diocese’s website, www.diocesefwsb.org under Safe Environment. If you have reason to believe that a child may be a victim of child abuse or neglect, Indiana law requires that you report this to civil authorities. If you or someone you know was abused as a child or young person by an adult, you are encouraged to notify appropriate civil authorities of that abuse. In addition, if the alleged abuser is or was a priest or deacon of the Catholic Church, you are encouraged to contact Mary Glowaski, Victim Assistance Coordinator, 399-1458, email: [email protected] or Rev. Msgr. Robert Schulte, Vicar General of the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend, at PO Box 390, Fort Wayne, IN 46801, or at 399-1419, email: [email protected]. The Diocese is committed to helping prevent the abuse or neglect of children and young people and to assist those who claim to have suffered harm as a result of such abuse. L I F E HELP SVDP HELP OTHERS Join us for our FREE Estate Planning Luncheon on Thursday, April 23, at the Msgr. John Kuzmich Life Center from 11:30 am--1:00 pm. Information about basic estate planning, wills, power of attorney, etc. from lawyers Jane Gerardot and Josh Burkhardt. Fr. Dan will address end of life issues from the Catholic perspective and Darrel Dodane of the St. Vincent de Paul Society will explain how the Society serves the community and how you can help us help others through estate planning. Please make your reservation with Cheryl Mowan (747-7006), Frank Oddou (415-5744) or Darrel Dodane (602-7534) by Friday, April 17. It's never too early to plan these things. SAVOR YOUR MARRIAGE BY COMING TO OUR SECOND DATE NIGHT! Saturday, April 25 from 7:00—9:00 pm. Hospitality begins at 6:30 pm in the Msgr. John Kuzmich Life Center. Email [email protected] or register online at www.saintv.org. Space is limited, so please register early! Childcare is provided for children of all ages! Upon registration you will be contacted to discuss further details. Questions, call Liz Arnold at 417-6186. REDEEMER RADIO SPRING SHARATHON Support the St. Vincent Sharathon Hour, “Casting Our Nets,” on Thursday, April 30 from noon—1:00 pm. Donate by phone (888-436-1450), online (RedeemerRadio.com) or in person at Redeemer Radio (4618 E. State Blvd. Ste 200). CATHOLIC SCHOOLS OFFICE—PERSONNEL MANAGER The Catholic Schools Office of the Diocese of Fort WayneSouth Bend is accepting applications for Personnel Manager. This is a full-time, year-round position. Please see the posting on our website for more information and details regarding the application requirements. www.diocesefwsb.org/Job-Openings. The Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend is accepting applications for Principal of St. Jude Catholic School Fort Wayne, Indiana Grades Preschool—8 Enrollment: 500 We are seeking a candidate who possesses: A strong and vibrant Catholic faith Elementary administrative licensing Teaching or administrative experience Commitment to maintaining our strong Catholic identity Strong leadership and management skills St. Jude is a school with a long history of academic excellence. As a Catholic school, we are interested in the well-rounded development of the whole human person. Receiving applications through April 24 Contact the Personnel Manager at the Catholic Schools Office: 260-422-4611 or [email protected] Applications available at www.diocesefwsb.org/AdministrativeApplication 7 Registration Deadline is April 25! Registration forms are available on the school website at saintv.org, “School”, “Current News Page”, “Family Service Day” (or at http://www.saintv.org/school/Main_Departments/Current_News/ Current_News_Docs/FSD%20registration-2015.pdf) or at the Information Center in the Gathering Space. 8 OTHER NEWS THANK YOU! The following is a letter to our RCIA program. I would like to extend my gratitude to you and to the members of this year’s St. Vincent de Paul RCIA Program for donating your time and talent to Queen of Angels Parish on Saturday, March 28, 2015. I appreciate all of you taking the time to: (1) clean and paint our Activities Center kitchen, (2) clean and paint the pre-school restroom stalls and doors, and (3) repair and paint the boy’s bathroom doors. Everything looks great! The service project areas needed some significant attention and I am very pleased and grateful for the superb job you all have done. Also, on behalf of our St. Vincent de Paul Conference, I would like to extend my sincere appreciation for the generous donation of food items for their pantry. With your donations, we will be able to help those less fortunate in our surrounding area. May God bless each of you for giving of yourself so freely to help others. Sincerely in Christ, Fr. Ajay Tiru Pastor, Queen of Angels Parish DIOCESE OF FT. WAYNE-SOUTH BEND MINISTRY FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES IN OUR FAITH COMMUNITIES MEET & GREET Thursday, April 23, 6:30—8:00 pm at the Archbishop Noll Center (915 S. Clinton Street). Everyone is invited to enter into a conversation with us as we develop ideas on effective ways to engage all people with disabilities, such as cognitive, physical, emotional and mental illness, into a full and meaningful participation in our Church. A light meal will be provided. To help us plan for food, please register by April 20 by visiting www.diocesefwsb.org/Disabilities-Ministry or contact Allison Sturm at [email protected] or 399-1452. BD SUMMER CAMPS AVAILABLE Bishop Dwenger High School offers multiple Summer Camps for students of all ages. Visit bishopdwenger.com for a complete list of camps and details. Register now before your summer calendar fills up! SPRING RUMMAGE SALES St. Joseph Hessen Cassel— Thursday, April 23 from 6:00—9:00 pm; Friday, April 24 from 8:00 am—4:00 pm and Saturday, April 25 from 8:00 am— noon ($3 sack sale). St. Louis Besancon— Friday, April 24 from 9:00 am—6:30 pm and Saturday, April 25 from 9:00 am— noon. Baked goods also available. CHILD CARE AVAILABLE College student who attended St. Vincent and Bishop Dwenger is available to babysit your children in your home over the summer. Please email Samantha at [email protected] or call 438-0386. Thank you! CHILD CARE HELP NEEDED Seeking a college student to watch our 5 active children (ages 5-11) during the summer. 20-30 hours per week. Please call/text Michele: 341-6235. Seeking child care for 3 children about 3 days a month in the Dupont area. Days are prescheduled (3-month schedule in advance). 7:30 am—3:00 pm w/occasional half days. Contact Kristen at 317-417-9755. MINISTRY SCHEDULE April 25, 8:00 AM April 25, 5:00 PM April 26, 7:15 AM April 26, 9 AM April 26, 11 AM 9 April 26, 12:45 PM Bair, Mary Jo Reuille, Melissa Beard, Suzanne Walsh, Laurel Penisten, Ramona Penisten, John Pollock, LeeAnn Solosky, Tom Ehinger, Carl Ehinger, Carol Ann Campbell, Douglas Meehan, Michael Palermo, Daniel Wood, Thomas Amstutz, Keith Franck, Lawrence Jones, Thomas Brown, Joseph Miller, Donald Moore, Max Scrogham, Thomas Thelen, Dennis Dusseau, Lowell Moreau, Paul Osborn, Thomas Stroud, Chris Stroud, Ian Becker, John Helbing, Timothy Mugambi, Jospeter Thelen, Randy Mericle, Sammi Richardson, Ryan Tucker, Katie Yolevich, Rose Schiffli, Luke Wilder, Noah NOT FILLED NOT FILLED Baumgartner, Frank Sarrazine, Joseph Simcox, Max Simcox, Mary Hamrick, Catie Noll, Braeden Parrish, Landon Patterson, Anthony Cortezano, Sabrina Hudson, Thomas Schuhmacher, Jackson Woenker, Luke Lead Server Yolevich, Sam Reith, Danny Falater, Nathanael Beeber, Jack Harris, Jack Lector Meehan, Mary (1) Trego, Mary (2) Hooten, Gary (1) Scoles, Richard (2) Kalb, Mary (1) Falater, David (2) Noll, Kevin (1) Kelly, Michael (2) Dumford, Amy (1) Von Rohr, Robert (2) Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion Alderdice, Monique Baird, Esther Berkshire, Mary Bezdon, Dianne Brouwer, Allen Fox, Kevin Kerlin, Patricia Kiraly, Sandra Lallow, David E McAllister, Michael McCarthy, Linda Piropato, Len Rowe, Allison Springer, Peggy Welch, Vicki - Captain Welch, Craig - Captain Bloom, Cheryl Bloom, Ken Hooten, Janice Kleber, Pam Kleber, Thomas Scagnoli, Albert Schanbacher, Mitchell Schanbacher, Lisa Schanbacher, Alexandra Schanbacher, Thomas Mikulski, Frank - Captain A'Hearn, Barbara A'Hearn, Robert Ehlerding, Mary Kay Gill, Kris Goffer, Kathleen Johnson, Valerie Lake, Amber Lomont, Jennifer Patterson, Jean Pequignot, Robert Turner, Mary Vickery, Nancy Werling, Constance Williams, Lester Parent, Rosemary - Captain Black, Cindy NOT FILLED Byrne, Leslie Emerson, Nancy Hamrick, Scott Kearney, Katie Knepper, Diane Lane, Sarah McComb, Ted Motz, Suzon Nieuwlandt, Amy Nieuwlandt, Brian Olinger, Tom Sandor, Jane Noll, Rhonda - Captain Arnold, David Arnold, Ann Black, Edison Cook, Scott Fisher, Elise Hake, Timothy McLeish, Scott Swaim, Teresa Williamson-Falbe, Jean - Captain Baird, Esther Schanbacher, Thomas Sorg, Kevin Lane, Sarah Smith, Darryl Greeter Usher Server Sacristan Dumford, John Schreck, Benjamin Steele, Nora NOT FILLED Schafer, Mary To volunteer for an open position, request a sub, or update your profile visit www.rotundasoftware.com/ministry/SaintV or if you're viewing this online, click HERE PARISH STAFF BULLETIN DEADLINE Pastor.......................................................... Fr. Daniel Scheidt Parochial Vicar........................................ Fr. Andrew Budzinski Parochial Vicar...................................... Fr. Polycarp Fernando Deacon ............................................ Deacon James Fitzpatrick Pastoral Associate .................................... Dorothy Schuerman Pastoral Associate .................................................... Julia Thill Business Administrator................................... Tom Schuerman School Principal ................................................ Sandra Guffey School Assistant Principal .............................. Elizabeth Kleber Dir. of Religious Education ........................... Debbie Blackburn Director of Music ............................................... Tony Andorfer Facilities Manager ............................................. Bruce Cadwell Youth Director.......................................................... Sarah Hill Youth Director.................................................. Lindsay Klinker Parish Secretary .............................................. Mary Berkshire Parish Secretary ...............................................Marie Andorfer Parish Secretary ................................................. Geri Schmidt Parish Nurse/Homebound Ministry....................... Deb Andrews Parish Pastoral Council Chairperson...................... Dan Rohloff Rectory Housekeeper ………………………… ..... Corrine Boyer Items should be e-mailed to [email protected] by Monday at 9:00 am. TELEPHONES A Catholic education for children (grades K-8) Office Hours ........................................................ 7:15 am-3:15 pm School Office, Mary Tess Roof................. (260) 489-3537 ext. 213 School Attendance Line, Ellen Ryan ................................... ext. 214 School Kitchen ................................................................... ext. 220 School Secretary, Kathy Palmer ......................................... ext. 212 Church Office…Hours: 8:30—4:30 pm M - F ......... (260) 489-3537 Church Fax ...................................................................... 497-9405 E-Mail ................................................................. [email protected] Religious Education Office .................................................. ext. 204 Youth Ministry Office .......................................................... ext. 228 Director of Music ................................................................ ext. 210 Wedding Coordinator Rhonda Noll .................................. 341-1249 Development Director Linda McCarthy ............................... ext. 247 Scout Lodge..................................................................... 489-1763 Prayer Line Laurie............................................................ 755-0816 Mary ............................................................. 483-4369 MASS SCHEDULE Weekend: Saturday 5:00 pm; Sunday 7:15, 9:00, 11:00 am, 12:45 pm and 6:00 pm Life Teen Mass Weekday: Monday—Thursday: 6:30 am and 8:00 am; Friday: 8:00 am and 5:30 pm; Saturday: 8:00 am Holy Day: WILL BE ANNOUNCED Holiday: 9:00 am SACRAMENTS Reconciliation—Wed. 4:30 pm (priests must finish by 5:30 pm). Sat. 8:45 - 9:45 am or anytime by appointment. Baptism—Sunday following the last Mass; also baptisms may be scheduled during Sunday Mass. Baptismal Catechesis is required prior to baptism. Matrimony—Arrangements must be made at least six months in advance. Sick and Communion Calls—Please keep us informed of the sick and homebound, particularly when there is serious illness. ST. VINCENT de PAUL PARISH SCHOOL (1720 E. WALLEN ROAD) NEW PARISHIONERS Registration for new members is held on the second Sunday of the month following the 9:00 am Mass. CATECHUMENATE— We welcome persons interested in embracing the Catholic faith. Please call the church office.
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