Z-D PUNJAB STATE POWER CORPORATION LIMITED (O/O CE/Commercial, Patiala, Ph.No.017 5'22144951 ' Regd. Office- PSEB Head Office, The Mall, Patiala-147001 Iele Fax A175-221A320 emailr ce'comnercial@osDcl in Commercial Circular No' 1l /2015 To AII EIC/CE (DS) Under PSPCL. Memo No. 290/94 /DD/SR-32 Dated: 13.4.15 Connection/Extension in load of persons/ consumers involved in theft of electricity / UUE & Defaulting Consumers - Amendment thereof in Clause 3.3(viii) (a) & (b) of ESIM: Sub:- Release of In order to bring the provisions of ESIM in line with the Supply Code-2014/Electricity Act-2003 and the Regulations framed under the Act' clause 3.3(viii) (a) & (b) of ESIM are hereby amended, the clause 3 3(viii) (a), (b) &(c) appearing at page no.6 of ESIM shall be read as below:- Theft of Electricity / UUE Cases /Defaulting Consumers (unauthorized load, peak load violation' overhauling of account on the basis of MMTS testing and re-assessment by audit etc') i) An applicanvconsumer or their associates applying for a new connection/extension in load shall give an undertaking that he / she/ they or his/her/their associates are neither involved in any case of theft of power/UuE anywhere in the state and nor any case for recovery of defaulting amounl charged against him/her their associates is pending and subsequently during processing of application if some amount becomes due or undertaking is found to be contrary to the facts then his/ her/their application shall not be processed and action shall be initiated as per prevailing regulation of Hon'ble PSERC/lndian Electricity Act-2003 till such time 100% of outstanding dues are or ii) recovered. For the applicanvconsumer or their associates against whom any outstanding amount is due and no dispute of applicant / consumer or their associates is pending adjudication before any of the Dispute Settlement Committee / Forum / Ombudsman / Court Appellate Authority then their application shall be registered only after recovery of 100% of outstanding due / or their assoclates ls In case, any dispute of applicanuconsumer "' iii) ?::fly ;Tt{l:ilfl ,3:'"11,fl :u,': i:ii,",il"1i":1ili'ffii 'lTi"ff ff ';: ill"fiil'fl shall ::kt"s:"'linx"::Tff or their associates that he/she/they consumer iv) "oofi""iV atioe oy tne aecision of adjudicating authorilY While accepting A&A forms i ana atto*ing tte in load' instructlons ln feasibility clearance/sanction of extension officers as per ii"-ot"""ai"g paras shall be followed by thecases to the CE i" them While forwarding such p"t!t """t"i j::,"":i'ff lii 5/:; info ll;i::::*;['3"-?r:,:ili:f of eligibility for feasibility clearance/sanction i"O[rti"g "1""t extension in load shall be furnished circular This circular supersedes commercial no 4112014 dated 1118114. instructions may Please Meticulous comPliance of the above be ensured. authority' This issues with the aPproval of comPetent ''^/)' r$im5 SE/Regulation' for EIC/Commercial' PSPCL, Patiala *u*P'r=-."##-it#*uo**5#"*t'1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. L 10. 11. 12. 13. 15. '16. 17. d'di-AEF tx ir# dr,--fi'{ir ;-fei-d"d. tiq's q'a tl'{dLfzfs fi'}'. ' F i fri<eFa. tf,E dF u'e! a'd8iFA $tES)l'6Ef if?r? t€d DF# frs,+dl ant e- #*"Lt"-" e F?i-d/ ffi fud-dr' tirE F..did d5rnq #. .-" "--",+", t" -r'dg iqtd" f,Fs FrdE dBtd_{ u?irs'' rax m;.ff"='ff +q+;#:H#ff PgX;H'"',f'".i; :;;;;;. ;;, Naoar (N,lohali)-1 60055 *?H' I ri#-il#. ffi ;du;i;'| A;a' phr' Fagar 't-" !-<a riF€ Fdaq, qlarro t-'E r<.dq ii+dq sAS I €FtfzE' Lrc Chief Auditor,PSPCL, Patiala chie{ EnqineedaRR&TR, PSPCL, Patiala qtiE-f,i rirE sec-l7' ffn.?' #i:';ffi, g"d" ""'-eu 3re+e'd Ib-€ trt ct4' ,i"; ,J.t. ut.tg.f .* '). .u?"-6' rr'DF PSPCL Dv.CElsales-l Dy CE/Sales-2 and Dy CE/Billing orsanization PSPR\' X"i iioiiit i si i*" I rEEs under commercial -,' XP.A\ fr-*.a..Pq:irix.)r't. e'; {_}iu €Ft614rd,€€q, rjt >te.uLr1.*o.,uiart'6' I
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