frq q> qqd aBDIF-6 fufufr-r E€Td: t{ f*i}dDrd,€fr, '.fa'r-6' E n? rF ri< ?i: /6 /201s ffidm lls n1e,rll *fr&re(ij), ,,rrt6 ffii Sub: r {ru F> u.d a.d,)iF_61bffal f,+, 1 \17 /Kt n.,nrua' v s.)c/f Tine olDay (ToD) Ta.iff for LS/MS codsumers. Punjab state E ectricity Regutatory commissjon (psERc) order dated s.5.2015 with referen.e to Peririon No, 71 of 2014 fited by pspctrelatins to Tariff for the year 2015,16, wheretn the Hon bte Commisston has approved the Time of Day (ToO) Tarlff for Larse Suppy lndusftial category and Medium supply rndustriat consumeB w.e.f 1/10/2015 to 31/03/2016 on opuo.albasis detailed as below:- i) For Laro€ su.blv lndushirr .atedoru (a) The fo lowino Tarff s apprcv€d for a I Larse Suppty Industrialcateoory consumeE duang the perod of 01.04.201s to 30,09,20151 Norma Tarifi for Fr2015-15* Norm6l T:ritr for F/2015-16* p us PLEC'durinq oeak load hou6 a5 approved by tbe comhission in the Tariff order for FY 2013 14 Norm:lTartr for ' t As per Schedule FY 2015 16i af hdtr fo. ft/ 2015 16. Peak Laad hotrs sha nol be for hore than 3 (three) hou6 belween 6 Pl4 b 1A PM deFehdins upon dtt'fetent seasans, Note (t)Theresha be no ToD rebates/ToD T:iiff dudns the months ofAprtand May 2015. Note (2)The road to be run duriig peak oad houB sha tbe as per sancton qranted by cElPP&R to the respectve Industra mnslmers and on th€ basts ofwh ch PLEC shatlbe Ib) The rotbr' 9 ToD T.'i doprolcd,o' La se Supp,charqed. 's hdusvialCateqory consumeE, who opt for roD taritrduring the period 01.10.201s to 31,03,2016: NormalTaritr for Ff 2015_15' NomaLTarlff for FY 2015-16* NormalTariff for FY 2015-16i a$ M schedule of fadff for Ff 2015-16 Tha followhg tartr s appov€d for Larce onsumere, who do.ot optforToD tanffdurnq the period 01.I0,20rs to 3103 2016' supplv ndustriaL NormalTanff for Fr 2015-16i Norhal Taritr for FY 2015_16i plus PLEC} during Peak load hours as exlsted Prior to Fl Normal T€ritrfor FY 2015-16i + as Der schedule al fa 6forFv2015'16 , h;k L.6d hous shdh nat be ta, a.rc rhan 3 (rhrce) ho!6 be\veen 6 PM ta to PIt dependtng upon dtffercnt For M€dlum suop v l^€ sas're' The folLowlnq ToD tarif ls approved for Medium Suppv Industrla cateqoryconsumers,whooptfortheeme: Norm6lTarlff for F/ 2015_16' \2) Norma Tarffor ft 2015-16t Norma Tartr for FY 2015.16r as per schedule of 7a fffarF/ 20t5-16, The following t.riff is apprcved f6r Industri.l c.tegory .onsumeEr who do Norma Tarlfffor FY 2ors 16i iii) iv) v) ' As Der Schedula ol fatitl tor FY 207s-76, lheToD t.rifis 3hall beapplicabl. for the perlod as in theabovettbles. tarseSupply.nd Medium Supply industri.l .ategory consumers have to subnlt frcsh option tor optlng for loD tariff by Larse supplyand Medium Supply industrial.atesory @nsumerr opting lor ToD tariff have to their own neters c.pabre of re.ordinq ToD r€adingr/data.r pertheabov€ time blo.ks by 15.o9.2o1s. PSPCI- shall €nsure lts testin9 and .ommisrionlng bv 30.o9.2o1s. as the toD ta.ifts shall be appli.abl€ rr6n vi) tars. supply and vii) vlll) Medium suDply rndustrial catesorv Consumeri who 5re unabl€ to sive their option andlor arranse their own neteE by 1s,o9.2015r (as per para (iv) and (v) above) may submit thelr option and 6rr.nge their own m€ter capable of re.ordlns ToD readings/data as per abov€ time blocks, .ner 1s.o9,2o1s. Th. m.ters or su.h .onsumeE will be instatl.d by PsPcL within 15 days 6f re.eipt of option and met€r from the consume(s), lhese.onsunerr will b€ able to avail the ToD Tariff frcm th€ billing .y.le falllns imm€di.telv aft€r install.tion ofthe€nersy m€t r by PsPcL. specifi..tiont shortlistins of vendors & rates for th. ToD Meterswill befix.d/laid down by PSPCL. TOo Met Rfor .6ns!me6 who wants to .vail the TOD fa.ilitv, will b€ install€d by Pspcl and m€ter rentals will be charg€d to su.h @n3um.F sccordinsly, lt) Note For os & NRS @Bumer. having sancrion.d toad above sOKW and lpto loo Kw, rh. donthly reading. of .u.h shall.l.o b. r€.oded In Klrh a.d t(vAh unitscoBuhed during Mettculous @mplane af thse thsLadioE be enswed, rhls a.cutar @n be downloaded frcn the psrcL webslte www, This ssues wrth the aoorovalof omoeteit authorl uzf ffi 7.5 to7 qr.€' a6 trflt d ar6l rf r ) 9q;€ d-+* d.dc€ da ttu4, re, "' Jr3i-6-E){-t:f#d d'ft +r.d. f :€':u:+:fsnr:. l,fars r ,F ftsqtrc, d:o:{,*:tufi{:. 3) ftu af{Trdrc-E:F g ffitz 4)F*i.;fu;6t krar. fd's fru !t}r@l !i's )}dF-rrH Fffi. dl }Fd, {i,s .,r L-€ 2ols a: eiiE6 tuE J*dr5l fen, lhs F.d.{, +jld{r blt$+.. ft ffi€" *6 d5,rr (dqr. sco +. rooe..0. +{.d-22. .r}c /+ i+?iarE aED ,"-dx,. in- . rF. E€F. aE_k q +. u:brT,l 8) Fnsdnh! F H +.drFd dFF. tF F 6 ;: 220-2r. l-Fd rr ? ++rq 9) Ombodsnan, Etectncity punjab 66 KV Grid Sub-Station, ptot No.A-2, s)rrd?d, Fd_c'E/ ru3: f.r, d'lidF Indrqr-ial Area, Pha5e-t, SAS Naqar {t4ohati)-r60055, 10) hrf Fd-rd fr:q' !Td. rt*s rr-r+;. iti-s ;.d-E. #d; I " gedar 11) fr< a-bi-r#:.d, Fd'tud rElc?E brd eFdn, fd,s, trr& 12) Chief Administration & rR, pSpCL, pariata. 13) rlrc f&f{.d, tm Ffc.d, vfa;@ 14) FinancralAdvisor, PSPCL, patiata. 15) Chief Aoditor, PSPCL, patiata. 16) CVARR&TR, PSPCL, Patiala, "fl 1?, I ri+dql ffi 17) 13) EIC/PP&R, PSPCL, Patiata, 1iard,6 Fr:,1rre1.a, {r.':!':a':ffir:, ,11.6-r ad6 ft31 d.* x'Ete i 19)^ gu f- ?i:F-Fr-I. tu {v F":/t=-2 ,fJ €1r !s S!:/,hrFr. farr6' d tn.tF.1.1.ff.*6_ 2O) All Addl,Scs/sr, xens/AEEs/Sates rr de- Conmerciat Or9anrzatio& h-d ffirte l "frd ri:€':{:d':tu8{:dta6 [q)
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