Lions District 2A2 Mid-Winter Conference January 17, 2015 Hill Country Retreat, San Antonio, Texas Minutes Attendance: 110 Jim Weed, 1st VDG, welcomed all lions to the Hill Country Retreat in San Antonio, Texas to open the meeting. He introduced Ernest Hamilton who brought his Color Guard team procession with flags for each US armed service. The pledge of allegiance was performed by Becky Boss, President, Hill Country Retreat Lions. Doug Thomas, Chaplain, conducted the invocation and also noted “In Memoriam” acknowledgements for the following District Lions that passed away: Lion Ron Hall, Lion Henry Simms, Lion Bill Langford, Lion Ben Paoletta, Lion Jane Bepko, Lion Jack Beebe and Lion Curley Williams’ wife. Rod Chisholm led the group in two songs. Jim Weed continued with introductions of the following Lions dignitaries: DG Sam Pantusa, 1 st VDG Jim Weed & Lion Marilyn, 2nd VDG John Lee, Treasurer Wally Jackson, Administrative Liason Ray Castillo, Secretary Steven Medina, PID Mike Butler, PCC Mike Rourke & Lion Liz, IPDG Rod Chisholm & Lion Mary Jane, PDG Howie Marbach, PDG John Cole, PDG Saul Lopez & Lion Alice, PDG John Kimbrough, Lion Chris Condren, CC elect TJ Tijerina & Lion Juanita, PDG John Seale, and PDG Warren Weir. Hill Country Retreat Boss Lion Becky Boss welcomed all District 2A2 Lions to their facility and invited all to take a tour of the model homes. DG Sam Pantusa continued with announcing this year’s theme of Service and asked all Lions present to congratulate the Lion next to them for jobs well done. A slide presentation showed that 33,000 persons have been served by Lions Clubs in District 2A2 so far for this Lions year (July01, 2014 to January 05, 2015). He invited all present to support the UIW, Alamo Heights, First Ladies raffles, District & Governor’s vest pins sales and see the exhibit tables. The membership gave Hill Country Retreat a big thank you for their hosting the reception the night before this meeting, which included a comedy routine and singers. All members were invited to stay after the main meeting to attend a post lunch leadership forum focusing on How to get younger members. The meeting proceeded with presentation of the following reports: The District Secretary minutes for the Second Cabinet meeting were presented by Steven Medina to the membership and announced to be available on the District 2A2 website through the January 30, 2015. Steven stressed the importance of MMR reporting and service activity reports. It was noted that many of our clubs have conducted numerous service activities but are not reporting the events to LCI so that District 2A2 receives documented credit for all the great services that are being provided by the clubs in our District. The Treasurer Report was presented by Wally Jackson. He noted that the clubs should have received the dues statements for the second half of the Lions year. He reported that all state dues were paid in full before the deadline. The budget report was available to the membership at the meeting. The GLT report was presented by Lion Chris Condren. She outlined leadership opportunities at the District, State and International levels of LCI. She noted the Leadership Forum to be held after lunch would focus on recruiting young members, research on generational differences and club excellence and technololgy. She reminded everyone that the Texas Lions Leadership Forum was going to be held on March 07 and 08, 2015 in Austin, Texas and costs $50.00. This forum contains numerous (too numerous to attend all of them) seminars regarding leadership, LCI programs, leader dogs, mentoring, fundraising, and a host of other relevant issues to operate 1 and enjoy your club experience. She also noted that the US Canada Forum will be held in Grand Rapids, Michigan on September 17 to 19, 2015. She reminded everyone to look at the LCI website and sign up for FREE webinars put on by LCI—training and information without leaving your house or office by simply watching on your computer. She also brought our attention to the Club Excellence programs which have material online at LCI and which she can assist the Clubs with conducting and explaining its full benefits to your club. Global Membership Team report was presented by 1stVDG Jim Weed and IPDG Rod Chisholm. Jim noted that the District was down in membership numbers for the beginning of this year. He reminded clubs to keep the District informed when they add a new member and also if a member is planning to leave a Club. The District has arranged for PDG’s to assist with membership retention and to interview members that have left a club or are planning to leave a club. Zone Chair Reports were presented: Mike Gonzales, Chair for Zone 8, reported that all the clubs in his jurisdiction are active, thriving and going a great job. His Zone includes S.A. Founder Lions, Region 20 Lions, North West Lions, S.A. West Side Lions. Don Khan, Chair for Zone 11, has five clubs in his zone and they are: S.A. Alamo Postal, S.A. Area Family, S.A. Alamo Heights, S.A. Central Park, S.A. UIW, and S.A. Northside Lions Clubs. He reported that Northside Lions recently completed a PET (Personal Energy Transport) by assembling and then delivering 170 units. In November, this Lions Club shipped out 275 units. S.A. Area Family conducted a Tobin Park Adoption clean up day. S.A. Alamo Heights participated in Toys for Tots. S.A. Central Park participated in Blessing of backpacks. S.A. UIW provides assistance by manpower to the Buffalo Valley Lions Club in putting on their weekly teen dances. Eyeglass Recycle / PET Project report: Joe Srubar & Mac McCain presented. A sample PET was present at the exhibit tables for hands on examination by members. S.A. Northside and Del Rio Host have a long standing relationship in delivering PETS into Mexico. Del Rio Host and Bracketville have also been involved in getting a clinic started in Musquiz, Mexico (March 2015) where eyeglasses, eye equipment and PETS will be taken. Lion Mac reports that 45,000 eye glasses have been taken from our District to TLERC in Midland, Tx. DG Sam Pantusa in collaboration with PID Mike Butler presented LCI Presidential Appreciation Certificates to Lions Tom Martin and Joe Srubar for their work with the PET and to Lion Mac McCain for his work in eyeglass recycling projects. PID Mike Butler spoke with LCI President, Joe Preston, who has sent the Certificate Awards in appreciation of the work of these Lions and specifically for their work in Fulfilling the Mission of Lions everywhere. DG Sam Pantusa also made a presentation of a Certificate of Appreciation from LCI President, Joe Preston to Lion Steve Mays for his building and driving the LaVernia Lions Club float to every parade he can to increase the visibility and name recognition for Lions and for bring the float to the S.A. Veteran Parade every year. LSRF (Lions Sight Research Foundation) Report: PDG Rod Chisholm, Chairman of the Board of Directors for LSRF, reminded everyone that this Foundation sponsors research to solve major eye problems and to provide quality vision services to the underserved. The foundation works with UTHSC’s Dr. Johnson and provides funding for the low vision center. The Center has 3 part time doctors and is opened 5 days per week. We have approved a $250,000.00 grant to support the low vision center. MESU have performed 3048 vision screenings this Lions year. There are 6 board positions open for three year terms. The Chief Operating Officer, Jim Wheeler is retiring the end of June 2015 and we will have a transition period starting mid-April for the new Chief Operating Officer, who was announced to be our DG SAM PANTUSA (who will start July 01, 2015). 2 The Stride for Sight Report was presented by 1st VDG, Jim Weed. We have dedicated fundraising proceeds to fund the MESU equipment upgrades and our goal is $30,000.00. There is a 5K Run to be held in Helotes, Texas and flyers for the event are on our tables, announcements of the event are in the District Newsletter and on Soler Sports website. Vision Screening Events, MESU & KidSight presentation by Lion Janie Garza. The state of Texas has passed a rule to permit Spot Pedia vision screening for children five years of age and younger. This passed in August, 2014; however, there was a problem with the wording and is being revised. The program will work by having the Lions perform the Spot Pedia Vision screening and the school nurse will perform all paperwork. The Lions members must be certified in both State Vision Screening and Spot Pedia Vision Screening. A Lions must obtain State certification before the Lions can get certified in the Spot Pedia Vision. She will be sending an email to Club Presidents about the program. This Lion year we have performed 1417 children screenings and 289 adult screenings. There has been a referral rate of 14% for children. There have been a total of 42 screening events. Peace Poster Contest 2013-2014, presented by Lion Janie Garza. There were 11 Clubs that participated. Those clubs were Center Point, S.A. Northwest, S.A. Windcrest, Stockdale, S.A. Northside, La Vernia, S.A. West Side, Del Rio Host, Del Rio San Felipe, S.A. Founder and S.A. Edgewood. Our District winner was 13 year old, Easton Parrish from La Vernia Jr. High School. Unfortunately, he did not win at the state level. The 2015-2016 theme for the Peace Poster Contest is “Share Peace”. Please order your Peace Poster Kits now from LCI as they are available. Participating clubs were invited to pick up their poster contest entry. DG Sam Pantusa transition announcement to membership. Please send Abel Martinez a picture of your club officers and group picture of your club members so he can put your club in the District Convention program. You want your club to be represented. We have 63 Clubs in the District. Youth Contests Report by Abel Martinez. He reminded all clubs to turn in their completed applications for their contestants on or before March 27, 2015. The ideal goal is to have a participant from each club in the district. The applications for each contest are available on line at the District 2A2 website. The applications go to the Chairman for the particular contest but the AD forms, contract, ad copy and photos for ads go to Abel Martinez.. John Kimbrough announcement. The Alamo Heights Lions Club will be having its 75 th anniversary and will have a banquet with speaker, PI President Bill Biggs whose presentations are known to “motivate” Lions. The banquet will be at Earl Abels Café and cost between $25.00 to $30.00 per person. The event will be October 25. All are invited to attend. The Leader Dog report was made by Lion Mary Jane Chisholm. She is available as a speaker to all clubs at their meetings to discuss this great service and LCI project. She explained that there is a Canine Development Center Project which seeks money and volunteers to raise dogs for the program. The kennel houses the dogs in a circle (not linear) format. Morning Break. John Kimbrough noted that middle school student Zach is seeking to raise funds for a school trip to Washington DC and NYC. He needs $2,000.00 and Alamo Heights is seeking to match $1,000 if Zach raises $1,000. Any club interest in assisting with this see Mr. Kimbrough. The tail twisters passed out their money buckets to membership. There was not anyone present who was a first timer to a cabinet meeting. The youngest in attendance was Lion Adrian 22 years old from UIW. The oldest was Lion Leo at 88 years old. 3 MD-2 Hall of Frame. PID Mike Butler informed us that the former recipients of the Hall of Fame from our District had a meeting at the 2nd Cabinet meeting in Natalia, TX to discuss the procedure to have PDG John Seale recognized for this Honor. PCC Mike Rourke presented a candidate announcement for Lions International Director. PDG Sam Lindsey of Buffalo Lions Club was endorsed for support by unanimous approval (first and second of the membersip) of the District 2A2 Resolution presented by Lion Mike Rourke. Human Needs Board Report. Lion Abel Martinez substituted as presenter for this report. He notified the membership to contact Pat Darcy for detailed information on how to seek funds from this board. He noted that the board approved one request from Alamo Heights. The budget for this board was stated to be healthy. Texas Lions Camp Report was made by May Nell Neugent. The Kerrville, Tx camp encompasses 500 acres. Since its inception, 67,000 special needs children have been served. The Lions Camp started due to the 1949 out break of polio. The camp is focused upon making campers feel like they can do anything a child is supposed to do. The camper’s experience is that they do what they never thought they could do. There will be work days at the camp the first week of March, April and May. The regular session for campers runs from June 07 to July 11, 0215. The District is targeting clubs for a giving program of either being a 100% Club or sponsoring Century Club awards. PDG TJ Tijerina presented the membership with the Multiple District’s goal for endowment donations. The goal is to fund $10 million to the Endowment fund so that this principal will not be spent, only the interest made from it can be spent for operations. The Camp has $4 million in pledges so far. Our District has raised $202,000 from 22 clubs, who have pledged over a five year period. TJ reminded members that he only comes once a year to ask for Clubs to donate money and he is making that request today. China Grove Lions presented a check for the 2015 Endowment payment. Lions Alice, LaJuana, Janie and Saul were identified as District Coordinators for the Endowment funding. Hearing Board Report was made by Lion Lulu Garcia. She stated that she will be serving as a consultant to the Board but no longer as a Director. She stated that the board will no longer own audiometers. The working audiometers will be donated to clubs on a first come first served basis. The clubs will have to pay to obtain calibration certification for the audiometer machine. Any audiometer device not claimed by a club will be donated to the State of Texas. There are 25 audiometers but only 10 are in working order. The audiometers are phased out due to lack of club interest in payment for maintaining the devices. Of the clubs who used the audiometer, only Del Rio Lions paid the requested $45.00 calibration fee. Also, there are six positions available for the Hearing Board . Texas Medicaid has dropped children from the program to conduct hearing tests. The Starkey Hearing Foundation does assist with funding of hearing aids. The University Health System also does perform hearing services for children. The following Zone Reports were made: Del DeLa Rosa is Chair for Zone 2 and not available for presentation. Ramon DeLaGarza is Chair for Zone 5 Chair. His zone includes Crystal City Lions, Carrizo Springs Lions, Border Lions, Eagle Pass Evening Lions. Lion Liz Rourke presented the USA/Canada Forum Report. The next Forum is to be held in Grand Rapids, Michigan, September 17 to 19, 2015. If you are a first time attendee a special pin is presented to you. The International Convention is to be held June 26 to 30, 2115 in Honolulu, Hawaii (please see your Lions magazine or the Lions International website for details). The Austin, Texas Leadership Forum will be in March. 4 Lion Liz received an unsolicited call from USA Canada Forum representatives asking for SA to bid to Host the 2019 USA Canada Forum. The State of Texas District Governors agreed that a bid should be made and should be supported by all state districts. A Resolution was presented to District 2A2 membership to host Lions of North America for 2019 in San Antonio, Texas. The Resolution was first by Liz Rourke and second by John Cole. The membership vole was unanimous to approve the Resoution. District Convention Report was made by Kerrville Host Lion Wes Dorman who invited all to Kerrville, Texas April 10 and 11, 2015 for the Convention. Overnight accommodations to be made at the Inn of the Hills at $99.00 per night with breakfast. Registration forms will go out in two weeks. DG. Sam Pantusa also mentioned to all that the lunch speaker for the convention will be TV personality Lion Greg Simmons. District Elections / Nominations Report was made by Lion Juanita Tijerina. There are six positions for the Hearing Board; six positions for the Lions Sight Research Foundation Board, one for the Lions Camp, one for Human Needs Board, and 2 nd VDG. She reminded clubs that a written Club Resolution with President’s signature is required to make the nominations. Please send the nomination resolutions to Juanita and also a copy to DG Sam Pantusa. Resolutions have been received for 7 individuals. Texas Lions Foundation Report made by PDG John Seale. The state has collected $45,000 and there have been zero requests for emergency grants. A $5,000 grant will be made to the Lions Camp to train parents of diabetic kids. We will assist with the Centennial Celebration in Dallas, TX. The District has received $300 in club and individual donations. Our District 2A2 is 13th out of 16 Districts in donations. Please come thru again this year with Club donations to this foundation. Also, pamphlets titled “Texas Lions Have A History” are available here for you to take back to your clubs. GMT Report was made by IPDG Rod Chisholm. We viewed the LCI ASK 1 video which calls for each member of a Club to Ask 1 person to join the club this year. The District membership is at 1816 as of today. We want to add 100 net new members for February. This year we added 211 and dropped 172 members. The way we keep members is by doing SERVICE. The easiest way for us to get a persons interest is by presenting the Texas Lions Camp program. Ask you family, friends, co-workers, as a potential new lion is all around you daily. A new member’s enthusiasm will spread to your older members, they rejuvenate the membership. The District Leos report was not available; however, DG Sam Pantusa thanked the Leos for participating in the San Antonio Veterans Parade by pedaling the PETS for 2 miles. Special Presentations: DG Sam Pantusa for outstanding service work by Sabinal Lions Club, Mando Landeros and all members in handling the many extra folks who showed up for the Cabinet Meeting. There was a food crisis because the RSVPS were substantially less than the actual attendance of 185 persons. Javier Flores and Margie Lopez were also recognized for their work. PIP Barry Palmer awarded Lion Rod Chisohlm a recognition letter with medal; Club Excellence awards were presented to the following Lions Clubs: CenterPoint, Devine, Floresville, Our Lady of The Lake University, Pleasanton, S.A. Alamo Heights, S.A. Highland Hills, S.A. Northside, S.A. West Side, Cibolo-Buffalo Valley. Zone Chair Excellence Awards were presented to Lions: Nancy Hosek, Katherine Willen Darter, Norm Fulkerson, Julie DeLa Rosa; Region Chairs Excellence Awards were presented to Lions: Janie Garza, LaJuana NewnamLeus, John Lee; 5 Vice G’s Excellence awards were presented to Lions: Sam Pantusa and Jim Weed; “Strengthen The Pride” Excellence Presidential Zone Chair award presented to LaJuana Newman-Leus; Appreciation & Recognition was made to Hill Country Retreat Lions Club Present Becky Boss, and to Lion Jane. Lunch Speaker: Larry Johnson, internationally recognized motivational speaker, workshop presenter and author of three new books, as well as a former disc jockey, human resources manager and more. He happens to have been blind since birth. He is a graduate of Northwestern University and has a masters degree in Economics & Latin American Studies from La Universidad de las Americas in Mexico City. He also has his own column in the S.A. ExpressNewspaper. His presentation was moving and inspirational. He provided numerous stories of personal examples of interactions between a born blind individual and the sighted and how each makes and has assumptions of motives and needs of the other. He also showed us how full his life has been despite his vision disability. He ended with the story of a child saving one starfish at a time from among thousands that were stranded on a beach. When a stranger mentioned to the child that he cannot possibly save them all and make a difference, the child picks up one more starfish and throws it back into the ocean and tells the stranger, “I made a difference for that one.” We as Lions can and do make a difference in the lives of others. DG Sam concluded the meeting with drawings for the various raffles. The meeting concluded with the removal of the colors, Lions Song, Benediction and Adjournment. Respectfully Submitted, Lions District 2A2 Steven J. Medina, District Secretary 6
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