7 may 13 - 19 | 2015 k/31d24065/20-15 NorthEast JOBS Circulating in Wangaratta, Myrtleford, Bright, Mt Beauty, Beechworth, Yackandandah, Rutherglen, Chiltern and districts To place an ad, phone 5723 0101 or email [email protected] www.northeastjobs.com.au KEATING AVERY SOLICITORS seek a SOLICITOR to join a busy Wodonga practice. An opportunity exists for progression in a general law firm, including for long term professional development in a supportive environment. Different levels of experience considered. Applications should be sent to the Director at 72 High Street, Wodonga, Victoria 3690. McDonald’s is currently seeking a permanent Part / Full Time MAINTENANCE / CLEANER to work Monday - Friday at a local restaurant in Glenrowan. Previous cleaning experienced preferred and available to work early mornings. We are offering a competitive salary package. APPLY IN WRITING TO: The Manager, McDonald’s PO Box 856, Wangaratta Vic 3676 or Email [email protected] www.lsquarry.com Bright Sports Centre Attendant x x Part time 20+ hours per week Find out more by visiting the employment section on www.alpineshire.vic.gov.au Serenity is an award winning salon who is seeking a fully qualified Beauty Therapist to join our award winning team. The position is full time and the successful applicant must have excellent skills in facials, massage, body treatments, manicures and pedicures. Send resume or apply in person to Serenity Skin, Nail and Body 42b Vlandis Arcade Murphy Street, Wangaratta Position Closes 20/5/2015 Personal Care Assistants BRIGHT Supported Residential Service Applications are sought from suitably experienced and qualified Casual Support Staff to join our team in Bright. CAASS is an innovative and progressive service that requires team members to be self-motivated; have sound communication skills; and be willing to actively promote positive resident outcomes. Applications close 22-5-15 Experience with aged care, Mental Health and acquired brain injury highly desirable. Important Notice Casual work is available Typical shifts include days, evenings, sleepovers and weekends. Discrimination in Advertising is Unlawful The Victorian Equal Opportunity Act 1995 makes it unlawful for an advertiser to show any intention to discriminate on the basis of sex, pregnancy, race, age, marital status, political or religious belief or activity, industrial activity, parental or career status, physical features, disability, lawful sexual activity/ sexual orientation, HIV/AIDS status or on the basis of being associated with a person with one of the above characteristics, unless covered by an exception or granted an exception under the Act. As we could be legally liable if we print an unlawful advertisement we will not accept advertisements that appear to break the law. For more information about discrimination in advertising, contact your legal advisor, the Equal Opportunities Commission on 1800 134 142. Desirable: Certificate III in Aged Care or equivalent For Further information and Job Description please contact: Ruth Belan – CAASS Manager on (03) 5722 7605 Applications including resume and two contactable referees to: CAASS Manager Merriwa Industries Ltd PO Box 392 Wangaratta Vic 3676 By close of Business Wednesday 20 May 2015 4(%2/,%/& 05",)3(%23 !DVERTISERSPLEASENOTE -UCH HARDSHIP AND DIFlCULTY IS CAUSED TO JOB SEEKERS BY MISLEADINGADVERTISINGPLACEDINTHEEMPLOYMENTCOLUMNS /UR%MPLOYMENTCOLUMNISRESERVEDFORADVERTISEMENTSWHICH CARRYASPECIlCANDGENUINEOFFEROFEMPLOYMENT !DSFOR@"USINESS/PPORTUNITIES@#OMMISSION/NLYTRAINING COURSESANDEMPLOYMENTSERVICESSHOULDBESUBMITTEDUNDER THOSEHEADINGS 0LACINGMISLEADINGADSISANOFFENCEAGAINSTTHE4RADE0RACTICES !CTANDSTATETERRITORYFAIRTRADINGACTSANDALLADVERTISEMENTS ARESUBJECTTOTHEPUBLISHERSAPPROVAL &ORFURTHERADVICECONTACT 4HE!USTRALIAN#OMPETITIONAND#ONSUMER #OMMISSIONONORYOURSTATE CONSUMERAFFAIRSAGENCY .ORTH%AST*/"3 COMPANY ACCOUNTANT/ FINANCIAL CONTROLLER LS Quarry - Benalla/Mansfield Permanent Part time – Up to 4 Days/Week This varied position will allow you to play a major role in the further development of a locally owned company with exciting growth plans. We are seeking an experienced and enthusiastic person to provide the owner with monthly management reporting and analysis of all facets of the Company’s operations. You will report to the Managing Director and be located in new offices at their head office. Salary will be negotiable based on qualifications and prior experience. Key responsibilities of the role include:3UHSDUDWLRQDQGDQDO\VLVRIPRQWKO\ management reports &DVKIORZEXGJHWLQJDQGUHSRUWLQJ &RVWFRQWUROPDQDJHPHQWDQGDQDO\VLV %$6VWDWHPHQWSUHSDUDWLRQ 3D\UROOSURFHVVLQJDQGUHODWHGRQFRVWV 'HEWRUV&UHGLWRUVPDQDJHPHQW 0DQDJHPHQWRIRIILFHVWDII 6SHFLDOSURMHFWZRUNDVUHTXLUHG To be successful in the role you will need to possess the following:6ROLGILQDQFLDOPDQDJHPHQWDFFRXQWLQJ knowledge and experience &$RU&3$TXDOLILFDWLRQVSUHIHUUHG 0LQLPXPRI\HDUVH[SHULHQFHLQDVLPLODU role 6WURQJFRPSXWHUVNLOOVLQFOXGLQJ0<2% 3UHPLHUDQG06([FHO 3OHDVHFRQWDFW%UHQGDQRQ should you require any further information. Written application and CV to be sent to [email protected] by 22nd May, 2015. [email protected]
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