Aaron Baumann – 2016

Support the Election of
Aaron Baumann – 2016
Arizona House of Representatives
Legislative District 2
Aaron is running for the Arizona Legislature and he appreciates your support. He is investing in
Arizona and he hopes you are willing to as well.
Please make checks payable to: Baumann For AZ
Mail to: Aaron Baumann, P.O. Box 26092, Tucson, AZ, 85726
The following information is required for campaign finance reporting purposes:
Full Name:___________________________________________E-Mail:___________________
I would like to contribute:
___$1000 ___$500 ___$250 ___$125 ___$50 Other $________
Spouse Name:__________________________________________________________________
Spouse Employer:__________________________________Occupation:___________________
Spouse’s Signature (if joint contribution):____________________________________________
Are you a registered AZ Lobbyist? Yes______ No_______
Contributions are not tax deductible for federal income tax purposes. The maximum contributions are $2000 per
person and $4000 per couple for both the primary and general elections. Contributions from corporate and foreign
nationals are not permitted. The law requires us to obtain and report the above requested personal information.