Creativ ve Oppo ortunitiees to Sup pport Aaron’s A Acres Contacct our office with w questionss 717-917-61001. Susqueha anna Bank During th he months of April A & May, each time yo ou use your Suusquehanna B Bank check card, a portionn of the sale geets donated to o Aaron’s Acrres. In additio on, during thoose months, fo follow Susqueehanna Bank oon Facebook k and Twitter and “Like”, “Comment” “ and “Share” thheir posts andd they will donnate money too local non--profit organizations includ ding Aaron’s Acres. AmazonS Smile AmazonS Smile is a web bsite operated d by Amazon that lets custoomers enjoy tthe same widee selection off products, low prices, an nd convenien nt shopping feeatures as on A m. The differennce is that whhen customerss shop on Am mazonSmile (, the Am mazonSmile F Foundation w will donate 0.55% of the price of o eligible purchases to thee charitable orrganizations sselected by cuustomers. Bennefit Aaron’ss Acres eveery time you shop s through our online lin nk! KidCentss (Rite-Aid Foundation) F Join Rite Aid’s KidCen nts program to round up yo our purchase to the nearestt dollar and ddonate your chhange ganization! Fo or more inform mation pleasee visit to our org Thrivent Financial Are you a member of Thrivent T Finaancial? Do you u want to do ssomething poositive to strenngthen your communitty? Think you u can organize a team to heelp bring it too life in 90 daays or less? Iff you said “yes” to all three questions, q sim mply gather yo our team, subm mit an applic ation to Thrivvent and—onnce your idea is approved— —you’ll receive up to $250 in “seed mo oney” to helpp cover the proomotional, prroduction, maaterial expenses and directly benefit b Aaron n’s Acres. Forr more inform mation and ideeas, go to Thrivent.ccom/actionteaam. Questionss - Contact yo our Thrivent F Financial Reppresentative today! Knight & Day/Park City C Diner Ca ard Benefit Aaron’s A Acres each time yo ou have breakfast, lunch, orr dinner at Knnight & Day D Diner in Litittz, or Park City Diner in Lan ncaster! Both locations are open 24 hourrs a day. Just show your m member card w when a their restau urants and they will donate a portion of your bill to A Aaron’s Acress. There is no you dine at added cosst to you as th he customer.
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