c case study y | th he sterling ressidences The archite cturally sign nificant Sterliing Private nds 50 storie es tall and iss Residencess Tower stan located nea ar the Chicag go River in the prestigious and popularr River North h area of Do owntown Chicago, Illiinois, USA. The building’s 389 unitss are home to mo ore than 750 0 residents a and in early January of tthis year, the e Sterling ad dded a TZ Concierge¥ ¥ Intelligent Locker Systtem to its residents’ li st of high-en nd amenitiess. olled Comprising 49 state-of--the-art, softtware-contro e TZ Concierrge¥ System m automatica ally lockers, the manages, m monitors and d tracks the high volume e of incoming pa arcels — an average of 252 parcelss — delivered to o residents a at the properrty on a weekly basis. “Before our o Condo Board B made the t decision n to install the e TZ Concie erge¥ Syste em, our entire e parcel management system was s entirely pap per-based — a real time e-consuming g task for myy nt team,” said Todd Kee ene, The Ste erling Properrty Manager. “As packa ages property managemen w would log g them into a booklet ma anually, crea ate a copy off that log by building uniit and arrived, we post it in our mailroom. t our mailroom attendant more th han two hou urs a day to llog all the pa arcels using our It would take manual, paper-based d process. Every E day be etween 8:00 and 9:00 AM M, there wass a continuo ous esidents into o our manage ement office es to collect ttheir packag ges. We also needed to o flow of re dedicate at least one e hour of one e person’s time to mana ge the packkage pick-up process. T The TZ Concierge™ Systtem not only y frees up my managem ent team to focus on ou ur primary tasks, d mail m room atte endant”. but also reduces ourr need for a dedicated y manageme ent staff now w simply dep posit parcels directly into o the System m and The Sterling property the Syste em automatically notify residents r via a SMS or em mail that their parcel is avvailable for secure pick-up at the eir own conv venience. Th he whole de elivery processs is tracked d automatica ally end-to-en nd to ensure e complete chain c of custtody from dro op-off to pick-up. Resid dents are ablle to retrieve their t parcels with the inp put of a self-s selected six--digit passw word. Deliverries are complete ely secure. A TZ Business | pad.tz.net | © Telezzygology, Inc.. 2011 www.southwestsolutions.com The Sterling deploym ment was custom-design ned to match h the beautifful wood ven neer of its surround dings on the building’s lo obby level, ad djacent to th he mail room m. Not only d does the TZ System match m the ae esthetics of the t décor, but it complem ments the busy lifestyle of its reside ents as well. mographic off the average Sterling re esident dicta ates a need ffor the level of convenience “The dem that the TZ T Concierge provides”, says Keene e. “They are e a young, te ech-savvy, u upwardly mo obile group of people who live and wo ork right in th he area and ttend to rece eive numerou us parcels p per week. kages the da ay they are delivered d — even though h most resid dents are nott at They want their pack nagement offfice hours. With TZ Co oncierge™ in n place, theyy can pick up p home during our man d and any time. In fac ct, since insta allation, we’vve seen thatt 65% of their packages any day s delivered are a picked up u after hourrs.” packages In the 90 days since initial deploy yment, the TZ T Concierge e™ System has proven its value to the managem ment team and a residents s. The avera age time ela apsed betwe een package e drop-off and pick-up has h decrease ed by 54%, which w mean ns that tenan nts are pickin ng up packages sooner than they were e with the prrevious syste em. A surve ey of registe ered residentts who have used the system in ndicated an overall satis sfaction ratin ng of 4.8 out of 5, with 24 4/7 access a and SMS or email nottification being the top tw wo system benefits. b Paul Hofffman, Sterlin ng resident and a President of the Co ndo Board ssays, “I quickkly saw the return on n the TZ Con ncierge™ inv vestment wh hen the conccept was inittially presentted to the bo oard. There is absolutely no n downside to the installation. It’s a as significan nt an amenityy as our poo ol or our tennis courts. P As sset Delivery y team made e sure we ha ad a solution n that fits ou ur needs The TZ Packaged dents and perfectly. They researched our package p logs, understoo od the needss of our resid d to make sure tthe locker sizzes was righ ht. The resid dents mapped the mix of parcel sizes delivered y really apprreciate TZ’s attention to detail to cusstomize a and management of this property f our prope erty.” solution for TZ has signed s a 10 year y lease with w the Cond do Board forr the deploym ment and ma aintenance o of the TZ Concierge™ System at th he property. pad.ttz.net www.southwestsolutions.com
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