Iowa City Intergroup Meeting Minutes May 2, 2015 ATTENDANCE: CHAIR (Eric R), SECRETARY (Margaret F), CO-CHAIR (Miriam V), TREASURER (Nora H), WEBMASTER (Joe M), DISTRICT LIAISON (Geri), GROUP REPRESENTATIVES: Misfits (Nora H), Midwest (Margaret F), Living Room Group (Eric R), Happy Hour Group (Sue V), Tues Night Grp (Miriam V) TREASURER’S REPORT: Beginning balance $752.58 Deposits: Group Donations Personal Donations Banquet Ticket Sales $170.00 $40.00 $912.00 Payments: Windstream – Jan Uptown Bills Banquet* Total Deposits: $1122.00 Total Payments: Ending balance: $814.17 $147.31 $25.00 $888.10 $1060.41 *Banquet cost breakdown: Venue $75.00 Food $636.00 Drinks $67.10 Babysitters $50.00 Decorations $60.00 - all is included in “banquet payments” for this month’s report above CO-CHAIR REPORT: We should come up with a document for next year with instruction for next year’s banquet. It would include things that went well and things that didn’t go well. We discussed doing tickets differently next year. We sold 75 tickets total, but some of those people did not show up. We sold tickets to people at the door who did not have tickets, effectively selling the same meal twice. We also had a lot of donated tickets that no one needed to use. It all worked out, but there might be a better way of doing it. All of these ideas will be hashed out in a document that will be attached to these minutes next month. This is Miriam’s last Intergroup meeting, so we will need to elect a new Co-Chair eventually. TELEPHONE CHAIR: Nothing to report. WEBMASTER: Joe is working on the website to make it more interactive and possibly more catered to smart phone use. DISTRICT LIASON: There was a written reported, appended to the minutes and emailed to the Intergroup list. This can be found below. Groups can donate $15-20 to the hospitality room for the Area 24 Conference. These donations should be given to Tim. Jenny (Treatment Chair) would like more groups to volunteer for the Prelude Monday and Wednesday night meetings. They need groups to cover starting in June. Pat G. is taking care of Cedar County Jail meetings and would like to step down. Pat would like someone to take over the job of organizing that meeting. It is co-ed, and there is also a women’s meeting that Geri covers as well. These meetings are in Tipton. GROUP REPRESENTATIVE REPORTS: Nora H. (Misfits) - Things are going well. The barbeque in April was a lot of fun. There are lots of newcomers at their meetings lately. Sometimes half the meeting is newcomers, often from Prelude or the IOP at the hospital. This makes meetings very long, sometimes going for 3 hours. Margaret F. (Midwest) - Nothing to report. Meetings remain fairly large, around 40 people. Eric R. (Living Room Group) - There have been a couple of newcomers at their meeting, which is exciting. Someone got their 30-day chip last Monday. They have close to 12 people at the meeting lately, which is larger than usual. They are doing well financially. Miriam V. (Tues Night Mtg) - She is standing in for Michelle. Everything is going well. They are getting a new babysitter. They also just had their first group inventory, which is very neat, and it went well. Sue V. (Happy Hour Grp) - Things are going well. They are getting some newcomers and have around 12 people attending their meeting now. OLD BUSINESS: Banquet Wrap-up: Supplies will go to the upstairs corner at Melrose to keep track of for next year’s banquet. Bee knows where this is. The supplies for the New Year’s party are already up there. People danced at the banquet for the first time people can remember, and the speakers were really great. Set up went smoothly, and the tables were beautiful. There was lots of participation. Tickets – They were often sold the day of the event in the past and people are used to that system. There could have been a little more food honestly. We sold 75 tickets, and there was just food enough for 75 people. Next year, we should bring raffle tickets in advance. We needed to tell the church in advance that we needed the childcare room opened. We should choose someone to be in charge of clean up, and this should be someone who can show up at the start of the event and then the people who show up to do decorations and set up don’t have to stay for the entire 5 and a half hour event. NEW BUSINESS: Phones: John should do another revision of the 12-step list to make sure it is current. Maybe this could be done every 6 months. Make sure each new person covering the phones knows what each list means and how the lists will be combined next year on the new answering service. We will hopefully discuss this with John next month, as he did not attend this meeting. ANNOUNCEMENTS: None The next meeting will be held on June 6 Intergroup District Liaison Report 5-2-15 Highlights from the District Meeting held on 4-26-15 at Melrose meeting location DCM - Terry V. Groups who would like to donate $15-25 (suggested donation) to the Spring Conference hospitality room can do so give check or cash to Tim R., the district treasurer. The District group is still in need of an Activities chair and Communicating with the Professional Community (CPC) chair. Archives – Eric R. If any group has items for the archives please contact Eric at [email protected] Corrections – Kathleen H. Things are going well. The women from the Johnson County Jail have moved to the Muscatine County Jail while the Johnson County Jail is undergoing renovations. Pat G. is the contact person for the Cedar County Jail in Tipton and is requesting help in taking in meetings. He is also looking for someone to be the outside facilitator which entails organizing who is taking in the meetings to the jail. Let Kathleen know if you’re interested. Pat’s contact information is [email protected]. Grapevine – Nathan B. He is collecting Grapevines and La Vinas to take to correctional centers and treatment centers in the area. If you have any, please give to Nathan. His email is [email protected] Literature – Jean H. Please contact Jean if you need literature. Public Information - Nora H. The open meeting at the Shelter House has stopped at this time because of low interest. The staff will call Nora if clients request a meeting. In the meantime, they are being directed to call the Intergroup hotline. Shelter House staff asked Nora to take meeting schedules to the Dream Center for the Inside Out Reentry program for people returning home from being in jail/prison. Treatment – Jenny T. Jenny asked for more volunteers to take meetings to the treatment centers. She needs a group to take the Prelude meetings (formerly known as Mecca). The Monday night meeting is at 8 pm and is a discussion and the Wed. night meeting is a speaker meeting. May is covered for both meetings. She needs volunteers for June and on. Contact Jenny if your group is interested in this – her email is [email protected] Area 24 Conference Planning Report – Terry V. The next planning meeting will be 5/17 at 2:30 pm at the Clarion Highlander Hotel. Great progress is being made on the planning of this event. Please register for the event as soon as you can. Highlights from the GSR Reports Midwest Group (Kathleen H.) – Things have been going well for the Midwest Group. Attendance has been steady. We recently attained some Spanish pamphlets for our racks and are looking to get a Spanish Big Book as well. Our group met and discussed some of the topics from Area Conference which was discussed at the General Service Meeting a few weeks ago. We sent our thoughts on certain topics to the Delegate, Tom C. to keep in mind while in New York and thanked him for his service. Our group continues to go through our inventory items and we will likely discuss a new item at our next business meeting. All are welcome! Legacy Group (Seth D.) Attendance is steady. We were recently able to donate to district, GSO, and hospitality committee. We are currently going through the 12 traditions. Come join us Thursday nights to learn about AA’s three legacies. Flimsy Reed (Chris B.) – This meeting is a Big Book study group which meets Sundays @ Melrose from 5:30-6:30p. Always welcome new home group members. We are currently reading from a re-print of the 1st edition. Melrose Group (Becky) – 8pm meetings attendance is down. June 7th from 12p-5pm Upper City park Shelter 3. Hotdogs, burgers, drinks, and plastic ware provided. Bring a dish if you can. Volleyball. By the Book (Heather) - Everything is fine. Margaret C. will be the new GSR. Next District Meeting – 5/24 at 212 Walnut in Muscatine at 2:30 pm. -Geri D., Intergroup Liaison
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