the Voice March 2009 The Official Newsletter of Hosanna Lutheran Church From the Pastor talking, thinking or learning but defending. The Holy Spirit has no room to call us to repentance or show us God working in unexpected ways because our mind is closed off from the message. Why listen to the words to a hymn or sermon, our mind is closed to anything different than our prejudice! “I Can’t Hear You, I Have a Banana In My Ear” Did the title get your attention? Good. I saw this title on a book over thirty years ago. I don’t remember the book’s content, but the message it left me was this: if you want to “hear” a person, first take those preconceptions out of your mind that will alter what you hear. Jesus understood this detour in communication. He often began his teaching with the announcement: “he who has ears to hear, let them hear.” Here’s a message for those who follow Jesus Christ. Jesus gathered disciples from every cultural and political persuasion: fishermen, revolutionaries, businesspeople, religious conservatives and liberals. Unless God has decided to change His Word and color with one crayon, the Holy Spirit still “calls, gathers, enlightens and makes holy” from every persuasion. When the Word speaks, it demands we remove our bananas to hear a message from God that is going to shred our preconceptions. I was reminded of this challenge to receiving an important message in a recent meeting I attended. We were shown a movie with a controversial topic. The information was solid and truthful. But, the message was obviously colored with a cultural bias that demeaned those with an opposite point of view. At least 50% of the listeners would have their ears blocked by the banana! Time to hear again the radical Word that God has graciously saved the whole creation on His own, through The Son whether we asked for it or not. This is the radical Word that commands us to remove our bananas (the “God’ word for this is repent), that we might hear the quiet voice of the Spirit calling us to return to God and love that person with the banana in their ear as Christ has loved us – with our life. May God preserve His people from the destruction of polarization; from God and one another. Last night I read an article on the effects of today’s media presentations. Whether one gets their information from the internet, television, radio or print; we tend to only read those messages that affirm our way of seeing the world. Here’s some obvious examples: one watches network news or fox news; enjoys country or hip hop; votes Republican or Democrat; worships with fundamentalists, mainliners, or no one. The consequence? We reinforce our biases and block truth with our bananas! The most dangerous consequence is polarization; nations, families, people are no longer Pr. Wayne 1 March 2009 The Newsletter of Hosanna Lutheran Church Births Congratulations… Continuing Prayers of Concern: Many suffer ongoing challenges to life and health. Please keep these names near at your times of prayer and hold them before God who knows our every need: Mark Redick, Lil Evans, Don Smith, Earl Davis, Darla Spring, Becky Holtcamp, Charlene Williamson, Pat Howell, Bob & Yoshi Campbell, Linda Rodichok, Bud Parker, Evelyn Hosler, Hazie Huston, Tom Johnson, Barb Strong, Andrea Witt, Dorothy Clayton, and, all those who continue to suffer from illness. For all those who risk their lives for the sake of freedom from oppression, especially men and women in uniform. Twin grandsons of Linda and Randy Rodichok were born to their daughter Laura, and her husband David Gattshall on January 27, 2008 at OSU Medical Center. William (Will) Franklin and Nathan (Nate) Randal Gattshall weighed around 4 pounds each. As of February 6, mother is at home and doing fine and babies are at Neo Natal Unit at OSU breathing on their own and doing fine, also. Congratulations… Larry & Nicole Walker on the birth of their daughter, Isabelle Marie Walker. Isabelle was born on February 3rd and weighed in At 6 lbs. & 12 ozs. -- 18.8 inches long. She has one Older sister, Lanna who is two years old. May God Bless Isabelle and her entire family. Sunday Worship Hours: 9:00 AM & 11:00 AM Sunday School 10:10 AM Money Matters and Figures Hosanna's financial operating position through January 31, The Newsletter Deadline is the third Sunday of each month. The FYI Sunday Announcement Page Deadline is Wednesday by Noon. Please email your articles to: [email protected] 2009 is as follows: Total operating income from all sources thru 01/31$ 26,538.96 Total operating expenses paid thru 01/31$ 28,762.61 Expenses over income thru 01/31: $ 2,223.65 Beginning operating balance for 2009: $ 387,932.00 YTD Deficit: ($ 2,222.65) We have completed the first month of the new year in the red: deficit of $ 2,223.65. Let’s keep the contributions coming in to make up this deficit. This will greatly benefit the workings of our CHURCH. Thank you. From the Treasurer, Mary Seal Our Shut-ins Mary Bauerle, Irene Krafft, Harry Siebert, Ruth Wood. Communion Visits…Please be aware that if you, as a member of Hosanna, become seriously ill and cannot attend one of our Sunday Worship Services, you may contact the church office at 740-927-3548 to arrange to have Holy Communion brought to you at your home. Hosanna House… Women’s Retreat at Deer Creek State Park. Ladies, mark your calendars for March 21st & 22nd. The cost will be between $35 - $60, depending on your room choice (Double-Quad occupancy). More information coming soon! We need volunteers to work on the Hosanna House....Any skill level welcome. Mondays 5-9 PM, Thursdays & Saturdays from 8 AM – 4 PM. Call Annette Tracy to sign up at 964-2700. Congratulations to Spencer Truett on receiving his First Communion on Sunday, February 22nd at the 11 AM Worship Service. Spencer is the son of Jason & Tamar Spencer. Hosanna’s Calendar of Events is online at Scroll to Resources and double-left click. 2 March 2009 The Newsletter of Hosanna Lutheran Church Saturday, April 11th is the date for the Easter Egg Hunt From 10 AM – noon! DONATIONS NEEDED Small wrapped candy; tootsie rolls; hard candy; bubble gum; Small toys, balls or items that fit into plastic eggs We do NOT need any plastic eggs! Just the items to stuff in the plastic eggs. Large prizes are needed for raffles and general prize table: stuffed animals, books, games, puzzles. THANK YOU for any donations received! The kids will love you! From the Treasurer and Bookkeeper: To get reimbursed from HLC: 1. Have the receipt or copy of the receipt. 2. Provide this to the appropriate Committee Chair Person who will attach it to the Payment Request Form. This form is available in the church office. 3. The Chair Person will complete the Payment Request Form, assign the appropriate account number, and sign they are giving approval for the payment to be made from a specific account. 4. The Committee Chair Person will place in the Treasurer mailbox. 5. The Bookkeeper and Treasurer meet weekly (usually on Mondays) to review and disburse payments and checks. CAMP OPPORTUNITIES Youth should start thinking about summer camp. Early registration/discount before March 31st. Go to for more information. Basic Leadership Training Lutheran Memorial Camp- June 21-26 Any high schooler that has completed their freshman year can apply for this camp week. Contact Angela Newland for more information. [email protected] Confirmation Camp Lutheran Memorial Camp-June 29th – July 3rd Early registration discount of $30 for registering by March 31st brings your fees down to $314. There is also an additional discount for siblings. YOUTH NEWS Kids’ Klub typically meets on Sunday evenings after dinner from 6:00 – 7:30 PM. Kids’ Klub is an extracurricular activity for children ages 3 – 5th grade. Each Sunday evening is filled with music, crafts and games. Contact Melissa Fettrow with any questions [email protected] or 740-739-2257. Summer Seminary Sampler KIDS’ KLUB NEWS Have you noticed a passion and/or potential for ministry in the youth of your congregation? Consider encouraging them to participate in the Summer Seminary Sampler program offered by Trinity Lutheran Seminary in Columbus, Ohio. This fantastic threeweek program is open to high school sophomores, juniors and seniors from across the country. Youth explore their gifts for ministry through service projects, seminary classes, special worship services and more. The program has influenced college choices, majors, volunteer activities, and vocational direction for over 200 faith-filled teens. If you know someone who would be interested in Summer Seminary Sampler, please direct him or her to for more information. The application deadline is April 15, 2009. Please contact Pr. Ruth Fortis at 614-235-4136, Ext. 4619 with any questions. Kids’ are gathering again for Sunday Night activities at the church. We took the month of January off, but are ready to start up again. In December, we performed the Christmas Play on Dec. 21st. The children also made special cards and sent Wal-Mart gift cards to all the post-high school graduates. Our first weeks back, the children made and decorated snowmen for themselves as well as for the Hosanna staff. They had fun giving these items to the pastors, secretary and HLCC directors. Plans for this spring include grooming kits for the homeless. Donations needed: small packages of shampoo, toothpaste & brushes, deodorant, Kleenex, q-tips, cough drops, gum, bars of soap, combs/brushes, hand lotions and other similar items. We will be taking these kits down to Faith Mission. The spring program will take place on Sunday, May 17th. The children are learning all of their favorite songs for that special day. Preschool Enrollment… Open enrollment for preschool and pre-k classes for Hosanna Lutheran Childhood Center continues. Register early to secure your preferred spot. Please stop by the HLCC office or, contact Jenifer or Amy at 9646333 or via email at [email protected] for more information. 3 March 2009 The Newsletter of Hosanna Lutheran Church SUNDAY SCHOOL… 3rd, 4th, and 5th, grade Sunday school class: Sunday school news: STEPHEN Our Sunday school class is currently studying about Biblical heroes. We have studied Sampson and David in particular. Also to continue with our hero program we are sending home-made cards to our very own heroes, the American soldier. We would like to send a card to someone you may know who would like to receive one of our home-made cards. We have sent cards to those listed on the Hosanna contact list and to soldiers recovering at the Walter Reed hospital thus far. If you know of someone who is a hero serving our country, please email the address to Darlene A. Gillenwater at [email protected]. Thank you! MINISTRY® Recently I was asked, “Why did I become a Stephen Minister?” Well, the story is long and full of anger, anxiety, fear, frustration and hatred. Yes, all of the noted evils ran strong and deep within me. My journey to becoming a Stephen Minister began as I approached my pastor and told him I needed help. My life was shattered. I was broken. Nothing made sense to me anymore. After speaking with my pastor several times he suggested the Stephen Ministry to me. I was very hesitant. I was attending a new church and had made many friends. I did not want anyone else to know of my situation, especially those of my new friends who I may encounter within church services. However, I consented. My Stephen Minister allowed me to work through my most sought after question, “Why.” Though, I have to state truthfully, my Stephen Minister did not answer my most ardent question of why was my life in such a mess, however, she did help me to work through that pressing question slowly and painfully. Through my Stephen Minister, I was able to learn that the answer to the “why” was not as important as learning to deal with my problems by turning them over to God. Turning my problems over to God may sound like an easy thing to do but at that time in my life I felt God had abandoned me, therefore, turning to him was very difficult. My anger at God, and my life situation, lessened through working with my Stephen Minister. Though I must admit, still today, I have to deal with the brokenness of my life. Many years have passed since my first encounter with the Stephen Ministry. My encounter began with my brokenness. Through my encounter with the Stephen Ministry my brokenness was addressed allowing for my healing process began. I am very happy to state today I am strong enough to deal with my life problems with full knowledge that I am not alone. I have learned that through the strength of the Spirit; the love of Christ; and the tender mercy and grace of God I am healing. So… why did I become a Stephen Minister? My life is an example of how the Stephen Ministry works and works well. I highly recommend the Stephen Ministry to those who want to serve and those who may need to be served. Examining Life Through the Mirror of Faith (Adult Sunday School, 10: 05 AM) March 5th Getting through Life’s Storms March 12th A Heavy Burden: Anger March 19th Why am I Never Satisfied March 26th Life is too Loud Rob Hill, pastor of Mars Hill Bible Church in Grandville, Michigan is an excellent presenter of the Gospel as it speaks to our everyday life situations. Each Sunday we will watch a 12 minute video presentation of Rob’s followed by reflection and conversation. You will find his presentations moving and thought provoking. KNIT AND CROCHET AT HOSANNA Please mark your calendars for Monday, March 16th at 7:30 PM. We continue to make blankets (sized baby to teenager) for Project Linus of Central Ohio, which provides security blankets for sick or needy children and gives them to many local organizations and hospitals. We also continue to knit full size prayer shawls and minishawls for the Stephen’s Ministers and others in need. The mini-shawls should be about 4” by 5” and rectangular or square in shape. A tassel is a nice addition to give them something to hold onto while they pray. All shawls can be made with any yarn and any pattern. Patterns for all of the above projects are available from Liz on request. Everyone is welcome to our meetings! Please contact Liz Ellis at 740-964-6007 or, by e-mail [email protected] for more information or, see our brochure in the Welcome Center in the Narthex. 4 March 2009 The Newsletter of Hosanna Lutheran Church Nominations for Hosanna Church Council…The Nominating Committee is now Lenten Dramas 2009 accepting nominations for the following positions for Church Council: We think we have Jesus pretty well in mind. In truth, most of us do; in our mind. But, how much is the mental image of the one we turn to shaped by all our experiences throughout our life? Lent is a season to challenge our vision; as we contemplate once more the great grace of God who gave us his only begotten Son that we should not perish in this life or the next, but have fullness of life in his name. This year we have a new set of images written by Richard Eddy and published by CCS Publishing, Lima. The personages we will experience are: Who Is This Man Jesus? President Vice President Treasurer (Incumbent running for office) Secretary (Incumbent running for office) Worship Committee (Incumbent running for office) Care Committee (Incumbent running for office) Trust Fund Committee-One person needed If you are interested in serving in any of the positions or, you know someone who would like to serve in a position, please contact a member of the Nominating Committee. The members of the Committee are as follows: Pr. Wayne, Pr. Ann Marie, David Bauchmoyer, Ron Cross, Darla Spring, Denny Weinzierl. If you are recommending someone for a position, you must first receive permission of the person who you are nominating. March 4: A Soldier of King Herod (struggling with obedience to orders and the consequences to his conscience) March 11: Malchus, Servant of Caiphas (a servant of Jesus’ enemy, victim of Peter’s sword and beneficiary of Jesus’ healing) March 18: A Guard At the Tomb (trying to rationalize his understanding of reality and his experience at the tomb) MORNINGSTAR BIBLE STUDY We only recently began our study of I Corinthians so anyone wishing to join us may do so and not be left behind. Book 26 is available for $6. see Darlene Butler for a copy. It is the Gospel that Paul preached to the Corinthians that opened the door. It's the Gospel that made these pagan gentiles finally come out of their gross immorality. It was the Gospel that made them new creatures in Christ. It was the Gospel that transformed the Jewish believers from legalists to people of Grace. Join us here at Hosanna in the music room on Mar. 19th at 10 a.m. March 25: Mary Magdalene (reflecting on her experience as an outsider who trusts in the dignity given her by Jesus) April 1: Mary, the mother of our Lord (wonders and reflects what it meant for a mother to watch her child become someone other than she expected) ALTAR GUILD The Lenten and Holy Week plans and duties were finalized. February 25th is Ash Wednesday; the service will be at 7 PM. Throughout Lent, the Wednesday drama services will also at 7 PM. Please check your duty schedule for service. If you not have a copy of the 2009 schedule, please call Bobbi Dopslaf at 614 861-4313. The Maundy Thursday service will be the Last Supper re-creation at 7 PM. Members will be needed to assist in stripping the Altar during the service and afterwards to prepare the Sanctuary for the Good Friday service. Help is also needed following the Good Friday service to prepare the Sanctuary for the Easter Vigil service. Again, all are encouraged to participate. Many hands make light the work! Please note: The March regular meeting will be WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11th following the Lenten service. HOSANNA PIECEMAKERS We'll resume tying quilts for Lutheran World Relief and SE OH Appalachia Project (Lutheran Social Services) on March 12th and 26th at 10 AM at Darlene Butler's (187 Brandon Dr.). Bring a scissors and a sack lunch and plan to become a part of this worthwhile project. We continue to collect wrapped bars of soap (box for them in the hallway next to the church offices) for LWR, and any worn blankets and sheets for fillers for the quilts. We have plenty of fabric for tops, but we can always use better sheets for backing and use spools and spools of thread. Mark the above for "Quilting" and leave them in the hallway. Call me if you have any questions. Darlene Butler 964-1411 5 March 2009 The Newsletter of Hosanna Lutheran Church Please pass the pew pads…Did you ever wonder why we pass those pew books, encouraging everyone to sign in? Could this be an old-fashioned way to keep track of who's here/who's not? It could be, but it is more so an instrument to connect worshippers with each other (whether long-time members or newcomers). IT IS WHEN WE SIGN IN, THEN PASS THE BOOKS BACK TO THE BEGINNING OF THE ROW, that the connectivity happens. Take a peek at who you are sitting with, and have the enjoyable opportunity of introducing yourself and learning the name(s) of your neighbors. Ladies of Hosanna, please join us for an evening at the movies! The documentary “A Powerful Noise” will be shown at the Marcus Cinema in Pickerington on Thursday March 5th at 7:30 pm. This movie is a documentary that chronicles the efforts of 3 extraordinary women. Women’s Via De Cristo weekend • Hanh is an HIV-positive widow fighting AIDS in Vietnam. ONE Campaign Movie Event will be held March 26, 27, 28 and 29 . Hosanna has several members serving on the team, Karen Schwartz, Sandy Bricker, Karen Reliford, Rhea Mathias, and Linda Green. Also attending the weekend will be Debbie Snyder, Debbie McCathran, Julie Weinzierl and Lynn Starling. Please keep these ladies in your prayers. If you would like to be part of the 72 hour prayer vigil, please contact Sandy Bricker. Or, if you would like more information, please contact one of the ladies mentioned above or Pr. Wayne or Pr. Ann Marie. th • Nada is a survivor of the Bosnian war who is rebuilding her community through a woman’s cooperative. • Jacqueline is an activist working to educate girls in the slums of Mali. The movie will be followed by a town hall that will feature panelists such as former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof, CARE advocate for maternal health Christy Turlington Burns, and CARE president and CEO Dr. Helene Gayle. This presentation is a part of the ONE campaign supported by the ECLA. To find out more about this event, you can go to The movie begins at 7:30 PM and the entire event is scheduled to last less than 2 ½ hours. Tickets are listed as $13.50 at the Marcus Cinema in Pickerington, which includes both the movie and the town hall. Please sign up on the poster in the Narthex if you are interested in attending. Please contact Liz Ellis (740-964-6007 or e-mail [email protected]) or Pastor Ann Marie if you have questions. Hosanna Red Hat Honeys… NOTE Change of DATE & TIME!!!! DATE: Tuesday, March 10th Our trip this month is to the Spaghetti Warehouse for dinner and Mystery Theater. We will leave Hosanna at 5:50 PM and will be seated at the restaurant between 6:30 and 6:45 PM. Anyone who is working and cannot meet us at the church can meet us at the restaurant. The name of the mystery is “Cosmos Crossing”. The cost of $23.95 includes dinner choice of one of the following: Chicken Parmesan, Spaghetti, Lasagna or Fettuccine Alfredo, which also includes your salad, rolls, non-alcoholic beverages plus the Mystery Theater ticket. We must make reservations so, please RSVP no later than Tuesday, March 3rd to Karen Schwartz at 740-964-0324. We will carpool to this event. Our Red Hat group is open to ladies from Hosanna, 50 years old and older. Arrangements can be made to pick up those who cannot drive after dark. If you have any questions, please contact Karen Schwartz 9640324. THANK YOU…THANK YOU…THANK YOU Thanks to the generosity of our congregation and the enthusiasm of our youth; Ben & Doug Connor, Kristy & Nate McLeod, Charlie Mollenkopf, Jacob Nelson and Anna Stewart, a total of $ 531.55 was collected on Souper Bowl Sunday for LSS Food Pantries of Central Ohio. WOW! This gift of money will allow LSS to purchase food at their discounted rates and thanks to you all, know that many families will not be hungry due to your donations. CARE Committee 6 March 2009 The Newsletter of Hosanna Lutheran Church Below from left to right: Gary Fettrow and Annette Tracy. Cookies for Kairos Tom Wolf, Randy Rich and a team of volunteers are preparing to go into The Marion Correctional Institution as part of Kairos Prison Ministry to give a three day course in Christian Community to 42 inmates. On each weekend we take in nearly 10,000 dozen homemade cookies which turn out to be a ministry of their own. Like God’s love they are: available to all, abundant, sweet, and can be shared with others. Many inmates find it VERY touching that somebody on the outside baked cookies for them. But the Body of Christ is bigger than just us volunteers so we need help. We need prayers and we need cookies. Please consider baking as few as two dozen cookies (Please no raisins, icing or dusting with powdered sugar). Place the cookies in gallon sized zip lock bags marked “KAIROS” and leave them in the church kitchen by April 19th. You can bake them NOW and we will freeze them. If you’re not into baking but want to help, financial donations are greatly needed. Romans 12: 20-21 “If your enemies are hungry, feed them…Do not let evil defeat you; instead conquer evil with good.” God Bless You, Tom Wolf and Randy Rich It takes team work to tackle the most challenging jobs with grace. Thanks to this latest dynamic duo that are bringing the Hosanna House into reality. Stewards of Hosanna Lutheran Church For the Month of March Below from left to right: Dean Shrigley, Ray Mauger, Bob Wood & Mike Drozdowicz. Evangelism Committee To be good stewards over the resources God has entrusted us with, the Evangelism Committee will be spending the next couple of months with other committees. We asked each committee if we could be a guest and attend one of their upcoming monthly meetings. We want to gain a better understanding of their duties, challenges and future plans along with sharing ours with them. We feel this will strengthen our purpose and will help make 2009 another great year for Hosanna. Also, the Evangelism Committee continues to send welcome letters to all new residents of Pataskala. Keep your ears opened, the Evangelism committee has decided to purchase some audio speakers for the ability to listen to the sermon within the nursery and entrance sitting area. Add their ages together and get 282 years (more or less). Add up their hours of faithful service to Hosanna and their worth a million! Thank you for keeping Hosanna beautiful, safe and sound guys! Our March meeting will be at 10 AM on Wednesday, March 11th at the home of Jane Starn, 31 Jefferson Ct. The next group of three studies will be on the book of Esther: Two Queens in Versia. Esther acts heroically out of loving loyalty, to save her people. Please come to enjoy fellowship, study, prayer and lunch at the Nutcracker. If you need a copy of the study materials, please contact Nancy Sander at 740-927-3972. Praise Band News…Thanks to the Congregation for their encouragement and patience during this transition time. We welcome new members to join the Praise Band each Thursday evening at 7:30 PM. We look forward to seeing and hearing any new ideas that you may bring to Praise Band. 7 March 2009 The Newsletter of Hosanna Lutheran Church March March 2 3 3 4 5 5 5 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 11 12 12 13 13 15 15 17 17 18 18 18 19 22 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 25 Pr. Ann Marie Winters Jane Starn Benjamin Newland Karen Schwartz Robert Thornton Cathi Varnum Nathaniel McLeod Justin Mohler Annette Plasterer Christina Myers Dean Shrigley Paul Reliford Karen Combs Darlene Gillenwater Stephanie Keane Ericka Stemen Bobbi Dopslaf Todd Spring Don Burkey Cristi Lemaster Michael Seal Julie Martin Dee Dee Jimison Ronson Reliford Dave Engel Linda Taylor Zach Young Bryce Bulderbergs Jim Southard Mathew Kaufman David Lynd Sue McLeod Colleen Sass Neil Von Ahn Marie Lester Nancy Dickerson Stacey Blum Susan Kleeh Jason Frownfelter Fred McLeod Brian Bricker Bryon Smith Ava Killilea Aubrea Rhoades 27 28 28 29 29 29 29 29 29 30 30 March Shai Rhoades Justin Walters Jason Walters Rosanna Moore Carolyn Harne Susie Zavotka Rodney Ruark Jackie Roach Blain McCormick Kayla Napier Jim Krebs 5 14 17 21 27 March 1st March 8th March 15th March 22nd March 29th Brian & Shelly Bricker 4 Years Scott & Marlene Kirkpatrick 11 Years Steve & Mary Seal 36 Years Jim & Donna Roberts 22 Years Alan & Becky Stephens 23 Years In Celebration of Elaine Willey’s Birthday by Bob Willey In Celebration of Zachary Bricker’s Baptism by Grandparents Jan & Bill Powers For the Glory of God by Charlotte Kurt OPEN for your occasion OPEN for your occasion Altar Flowers are provided by an individual, family or group of individuals weekly. There are still quite a few OPEN weeks. Please take a moment to review the chart in the hallway by the Pastor’s offices and sign up to provide the Altar Flowers to enhance the beauty of our Sunday Worship Services. 8 March 2009 The Newsletter of Hosanna Lutheran Church Take Time to Laugh … It’s good for YOU! Wheat Ridge Ministries Letter… January 21, 2009 Forget Rednecks, here is what Jeff Foxworthy has to say about Ohioans... Mrs. Darlene Gillenwater Hosanna Lutheran Church 7714 Hazelton-Etna Rd. Pataskala, OH 43062 If your local Dairy Queen is closed from September through May, you may live in Ohio. RE: Stephen Ministry Program If someone in a Home Depot store offers you assistance and they don't work there, you may live in Ohio ... Dear Darlene, Thank you so much for sending us the final evaluation report for the Stephen Ministry Program project. It was our pleasure to provide a seed money grant to Hosanna Lutheran Church to assist in the implementation of this important new ministry. If you've worn shorts and a parka at the same time, you may live in Ohio ... If you've had a lengthy telephone conversation with someone who dialed a wrong number, you may live in Ohio ... We appreciate your taking time to provide a thoughtful and thorough report. If "Vacation" means going anywhere south of Columbus for the weekend, you may live in Ohio ... Please congratulate all those involved in the development of this program. While our grant has now concluded, we do hope you will keep us informed about your future efforts. If you measure distance in hours, you may live in Ohio ... If you know several people who have hit a deer more than once, you may live in Ohio ... If you have switched from "heat" to "A/C" in the same day and back again, you may live in Ohio ... May God be with you and bless you as you continue to find ways to reach out with the healing touch of Jesus Christ to people in your community! If you can drive 75 mph through 2 feet of snow during a raging blizzard without flinching, you may live in Ohio ... In His service, Brian C. Becker Vice President for Ministry Programs If you install security lights on your house and garage, but leave both unlocked, you may live in Ohio ... If you carry jumper cables in your car and your wife knows how to use them, you may live in Ohio ... If you design your kid's Halloween costume to fit over a snowsuit, you may live in Ohio ... If the speed limit on the highway is 55 mph - you're going 80 and everybody is passing you, you may live in Ohio ... If driving is better in the winter because the potholes are filled with snow, you may live in Ohio ... Tuesday, March 17th If you have more miles on your snow blower than your car, you may live in Ohio ... 9 March 2009 The Newsletter of Hosanna Lutheran Church medics pull my stretcher out of the ambulance. He was bending over me asking questions (probably something like 'Have you taken any medications?') but I couldn't make my mind interpret what he was saying, or form an answer. Then, I nodded off again, not waking up until the Cardiologist had already threaded the teeny angiogram balloon up my femoral artery into the aorta and into my heart where they installed two, side by side stents to hold open my right coronary artery. ATTENTION LADIES… FEMALE HEART ATTACK I was aware that female heart attacks are different, but this is the best description I've ever read. Women and heart attacks (Myocardial infarction). Did you know that women rarely have the same dramatic symptoms that men have when experiencing heart attack ... you know, the sudden stabbing pain in the chest, the cold sweat, grabbing the chest & dropping to the floor that we see in the movies. Here is the story of one woman's experience with a heart attack. 'I had a heart attack at about 10:30 PM with NO prior exertion; NO prior emotional trauma that one would suspect might've brought it on. I know it sounds like all my thinking and actions at home must have taken at least 20-30 minutes before calling the Paramedics, but actually it took perhaps 4-5 minutes before the call, and both the fire station and St. Jude are only minutes away from my home, and my Cardiologist was already to go to the OR in his scrubs and get going on restarting my heart (which had stopped somewhere between my arrival and the procedure) and installing the stents. Here is a list of things to REMEMBER: 1. Be aware that something very different is happening in your body not the usual men's symptoms but inexplicable things happening (until my sternum and jaws got into the act). It is said that many more women than men die of their first (and last) MI because they didn't know they were having one and commonly mistake it as indigestion, take some Maalox or other anti-heartburn preparation and go to bed, hoping they'll feel better in the morning when they wake up...which doesn't happen. Female friends, your symptoms might not be exactly like mine, so I advise you to call 911 if ANYTHING is unpleasantly happening that you've not felt before. It is better to have a 'false alarm' visitation than to risk your life guessing what it might be! I was sitting all snugly & warm on a cold evening, with my purring cat in my lap, reading an interesting story my friend had sent me, and actually thinking, 'A-A-h, this is the life, all cozy and warm in my soft, cushy Lazy Boy with my feet propped up. A moment later, I felt that awful sensation of indigestion, when you've been in a hurry and grabbed a bite of sandwich and washed it down with a dash of water, and that hurried bite seems to feel like you've swallowed a golf ball going down the esophagus in slow motion and it is most uncomfortable. You realize you shouldn't have gulped it down so fast and needed to chew it more thoroughly and drink a glass of water to hasten its progress down to the stomach. This was my initial sensation—the only problem was that I hadn't taken a bite of anything since about 5 PM. 2. Note that I said dial THE ESSENCE! After it seemed to subside, the next sensation was like little squeezing motions that seemed to be racing up my SPINE, gaining speed as they continued racing up and under my sternum. This fascinating process continued on into my throat and branched out into both jaws. 'AHA!! NOW, I stopped puzzling about what was happening -- we all have read and/or heard about pain in the jaws being one of the signals of an MI happening, haven't we? I said aloud to myself and the cat, Dear God, I think I'm having a heart attack! I lowered the footrest dumping the cat from my lap, started to take a step and fell on the floor instead. I thought to myself, If this is a heart attack, I shouldn't be walking into the next room where the phone is or anywhere else ... but, on the other hand, if I don't, nobody will know that I need help, and if I wait any longer I may not be able to get up. I pulled myself up with the arms of the chair, walked slowly into the next room and dialed 911... I told her I thought I was having a heart attack due to the pressure building under the sternum and radiating into my jaws. I didn't feel hysterical or afraid, just stating the facts. She said she was sending the Paramedics over immediately, asked if the front door was near to me, and if so, to unbolt the door and then lie down on the floor where they could see me when they came into the house. I unlocked the door and then laid down on the floor as instructed and lost consciousness, as I don't remember the medics coming in, their examination, lifting me onto a gurney or getting me into their ambulance, or hearing the call they made to St. Jude ER on the way, but I did briefly awaken when we arrived and saw that the Cardiologist was already there in his surgical blues and cap, helping the 911. Ladies, TIME IS OF 3. Do NOT try to drive yourself to the ER - you are a hazard to others on the road. 4. Do NOT have your panicked husband drive you to the ER. 5. Do NOT call your doctor -- he doesn't know where you live and if it's at night you won't reach him anyway, and if it's daytime, his assistants (or answering service) will tell you to call 911. He doesn't carry the equipment in his car that you need to be saved! The Paramedics do—OXYGEN. Your doctor will be notified later. 3. Don't assume it couldn't be a heart attack because you have a normal cholesterol count. Research has discovered that a cholesterol elevated reading is rarely the cause of an MI (unless it's unbelievably high and/or accompanied by high blood pressure). MI's are usually caused by long-term stress and inflammation in the body, which dumps all sorts of deadly hormones into your system to sludge things up in there. Pain in the jaw can wake you from a sound sleep. Let's be careful and be aware. The more we know, the better chance we could survive. 10 March 2009 The Newsletter of Hosanna Lutheran Church SCRIPTURE READINGS MARCH 2009 3/1/2009 Mark 1:9-15 The temptation of Jesus 3/2/2009 Job 4:1-21 Eliphaz speaks of sin 3/3/2009 Job 5:8-27 We are to seek God 3/4/2009 Matthew 4:1-11 Matthew’s account of Jesus’ temptation 3/5/2009 Proverbs 30:1-9 Plea to be safe from temptation 3/6/2009 1 Peter 3:8-18a About suffering 3/7/2009 Psalm 77 Prayer for God to remember us 3/8/2009 Mark 8:31-38 The passion prediction 3/9/2009 Genesis 21:1-7 God gives Abraham and Sarah a son 3/10/2009 Genesis 22:1-19 God asks Abraham to sacrifice Isaac 3/11/2009 Mark 10:32-34 Jesus foretells his death 3/12/2009 Jeremiah 30:12-22 God will restore Israel 3/13/2009 Hebrews 11:1-3, 8-19 By faith Abraham obeyed 3/14/2009 Psalm 105:1-11, 37-45 God promised life to Abraham 3/15/2009 John 2:13-22 The cleansing of the temple 3/16/2009 Solomon builds the temple 3/17/2009 1 Kings 6:1-14, 21-22 2 Chronicles 29:1-11, 1619 3/18/2009 Mark 11:15-19 Jesus cleanses the temple 3/19/2009 Ezra 6:1-16 King Darius orders the temple rebuilt 3/20/2009 1 Corinthians 3:10-23 You are God’s temple 3/21/2009 Psalm 84 How lovely is God’s dwelling place 3/22/2009 John 3:14-21 The lifting up of the Son of Man 3/23/2009 Exodus 15:22-27 God gives the people water 3/24/2009 Numbers 20:1-13 God gives water from the rock 3/25/2009 John 8:12-20 Christ the light of the world 3/26/2009 Isaiah 60:15-22 God is our light 3/27/2009 Hebrews 3:1-6 The faithfulness of Moses 3/28/2009 Psalm 107:1-16 God gives food and light 3/29/2009 John 12:20-33 The grain of wheat dying in the earth 3/30/2009 Isaiah 43:8-13 God is our savior 3/31/2009 Isaiah 44:1-8 God gives life to the people Hezekiah cleanses the temple 11 March 2009 The Newsletter of Hosanna Lutheran Church 7714 HAZELTON-ETNA ROAD PATASKALA OHIO 43062 NON-PROFIT ORG. 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