w i l l yo u g i ve t o one great Hour? 2015 Planning & ResouRce guide Photo by Craig Thompson w w w. a b c - o g h s . o r g Photo by Craig Thompson Contents Special Thank You from the World Relief Officer...............................1 A Message About This Year’s Theme: “Give and Change the World.”........................................................2 Guide to Your Promotional Materials..................................................3 Promotion Checklist...........................................................................4 Bulletin Insert Mission Stories............................................................5 Meet Your World Relief Committee.................................................11 Where Your Gifts Made a Difference in 2014..................................13 From the Offering Plate to the Needs of the World.........................15 Sample Congregational Letter..........................................................16 Worship Resources: Creating a Fair Balance....................................17 Order of Worship.........................................................................17 Sermon Starter: “Our Fair Share” 2 Corinthians 8:9-15...............20 Children’s Sermon: Sharing Our Lunch........................................21 Children’s Activity: Sharing Our Favorite Food ............................... 22 Coloring Page...................................................................................24 Youth Activity or Intergenerational Activity: Movie Night.................25 Dramatic Interpretation: “Hopes and Dreams”................................27 Sharing Calendar 2015..................................................................... 30 Clip Art..............................................................................................31 Special Thank You from the World Relief Officer W hen the Ebola virus broke out in West Africa in mid-2014, we responded immediately. Long before our news media picked up the rapid spread of the virus, we provided One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) funds to our partner, IMA World Health, who was working alongside the Liberian Ministry of Health to educate people on Ebola prevention. And equally as important, we were supplying the proper protective equipment to healthcare workers to prevent them from contracting the virus as they provided life-saving medical services. In total, $125,000 of your gifts to the Annual OGHS offering were used to make possible life-saving remedies in a situation that was quickly spiraling out of hand. My ministry on your behalf is to stay on top of what disasters are plaguing our world. Honestly, at times it can feel daunting. But knowing that through your generosity to OGHS we have the resources to make a contribution to these needs, it makes this sometimes daunting ministry feel possible. I would be remiss if I didn’t note the extraordinary nature of 2014—at least from the perspective of my ministry. Last year was punctuated by many disasters, but what was different is that a good number of them weren’t of natural origin—they happened because of the actions of people against people. Think of the chaos in Ukraine. The terror of ISIS on the people of Iraq and Syria. The suffering of millions of Syrians who have been displaced now for up to 4 years due to the continued fighting within their country. The people of Gaza who endured another 51-day war with Israel. Boko Haram’s murder and pillaging of thousands in Nigeria. The list, unfortunately, is much longer than this. I don’t have to comment on nor even consider the politics behind any of these situations, for that would be a distraction. All I can see in each of these situations is the suffering of millions of men, women and children—all victims of violence, and all having to find a way to carry on with life in the midst of grief, uncertainty, and continued fear. Your gifts to the OGHS offering are with people in each of these areas— ``One brave Baptist pastor in the Ukraine who risked his own life daily to bring aid to those in his war-torn town; ``One brave pastor of the Baptist Church in Baghdad, Iraq, who provided refuge to many fleeing ISIS; ``Our partner in Lebanon who continues to ministers to Syrian refugees who cannot go home; ``Christian Mission to Gaza who delivered food and medicine to 700 families trapped within the war zone in Gaza; and ``Our ecumenical partner, the Church of the Brethren, who is providing aid and shelter to thousands of Christians who have fled their homes after being attacked by Boko Haram. Know that you are there. And through your gifts to this year’s annual offering, you will be there again. Honestly, all of the above situations will require more of our support. And we’ll provide it— both to the conflicts that exist today and those that develop tomorrow. In addition to receiving the annual offering, I encourage your congregation to continue giving to special disaster situations through OGHS by taking a special offering for that specific relief work. Thank you for your continued support of the One Great Hour of Sharing offering. Sharing resources really does change lives! Joyfully serving with you, Lisa Rothenberger-Winter World Relief Officer www.abc-oghs.org | One Great Hour of Sharing 2015 1 A Message About This Year’s Theme: “Give and Change the World.” “For if the eagerness is there, the gift is acceptable according to what one has— not according to what one does not have. I do not mean that there should be relief for others and pressure on you, but it is a question of a fair balance between your present abundance and their need, so that their abundance may be for your need, in order that there may be a fair balance. As it is written, ‘The one who had much did not have too much, and the one who had little did not have too little.’” A 2 CORINTHIANS 8:12-15 s we look around, it is easy to see a complicated, conflict-ridden, unbalanced world with needs almost too great to measure. And yet, by the grace of God, we have been given resources to share, and the gifts we give make the world more the way God intended it to be—a place where everyone has what they need. Together, even in the midst of what can seem like staggering need, we can work to achieve a fair balance on this planet we all share, giving right back to God what God has so richly bestowed upon us. The One Great Hour of Sharing offering is this opportunity to share our abundance with others in need. When the Apostle Paul visited the early churches in Macedonia, they became incredibly excited about the ministry opportunities he laid before them. Namely, to be a part of an offering that would be received for the poor and the suffering in Jerusalem. These early followers of Jesus couldn’t help but get caught up in Paul’s contagious zeal for the ways God was working in their midst. So much so, in fact, that they actually pleaded to be a part of the “service to the saints” Paul spoke of while visiting their community—even though they were themselves living in poverty. This “ministry to the saints,” referred to in his Second Letter to the Corinthians, is another name for the offering Paul and the early churches were organizing for those in distant Jerusalem. Never once is the term “offering” used anywhere in the text, yet it is referred to as a “ministry,” or a “service.” The offering was considered a ministry; in other words, a spiritual calling, a living out of one’s faith, an expression of religious conviction. So why, exactly, was Paul facilitating this offering? For those who were hungry, povertystricken, and in crisis. The needs among the people in Jerusalem, due to a devastating famine, were immense. Thus, Paul’s church-wide offering was not only practical in leveraging funds so they could make the most impact, together, but it was also one of the first visible expressions of the early Church’s unity in Christ. As people whose lives are intimately connected, we are granted the opportunity to give back to God by giving to others. The Message translates it this way, “Nothing left over to the one with the most; nothing lacking to the one with the least.” This is still our ministry today. The One Great Hour of Sharing offering reaches those near and far, sometimes changing the life of someone in distress in your own congregation or community, and at other times impacting the lives of those we may never meet but who are in desperate need of our compassion and generosity. For almost seven decades we have been making a difference, together—and glorifying God—through this offering which funds relief, development, and refugee ministry all over the world and in the U.S. Together, we will achieve a fair balance, bringing about a world the way God intended it to be. Give and change the world. 2 One Great Hour of Sharing 2015 | www.abc-oghs.org Guide to Your Promotional Materials Your box of resources includes the following items. If you need additional quantities, call Judson Press at 1-800-458-3766. 2015 Planning and Resource Guide Inside you will find great content to help you promote the offering. Each page is perforated to be removed and distributed to those who can help build enthusiasm for the offering—the pastor, worship team, teachers, etc. NEW! Four Short OGHS Videos A DVD containing all 4 videos is included in your box of materials. Each of these videos is just 1 minute in length—making them perfect to show during a worship service or as a conversation starter in Sunday school classes. The videos focus on 4 different ministries made possible by OGHS—providing water, disaster relief, empowerment, and food security. Enjoy the animation in each one—the children (of all ages) in your congregation will probably enjoy it too! These videos are also available for download at: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Da4iZYgn1lA – disaster relief www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSOKcNYlUzs - water www.youtube.com/watch?v=9leTdf7C_yM – food security www.youtube.com/watch?v=_M-YR1uv0os – empowerment One Great Hour of Sharing Poster (available in English and Spanish) Create a prominent display featuring the poster. Play up the “hour” theme in the new logo. Do you see the stylized image of the clock with one hour highlighted? The one hour is our One Great Hour of Sharing! Call attention to the poster each week through announcements in worship and Sunday school hours and in newsletters. Printed Bulletin Insert Use this fold-over bulletin insert as an educational resource in worship, in your newsletter, and at meals and meetings. Offering Envelopes (available in English and Spanish) Distribute envelopes generously. Include them in a letter from your pastor to all members and friends, in pews and Sunday bulletins. Put envelopes in several places to make it easy for people to give when it is most convenient. Coin Boxes Children and adults can use them, especially in combination with the Sharing Calendar in this guide. More than simply coin boxes, use the boxes to collect folded paper money and even checks! Announce the date when offering boxes should be returned and dedicate the monies received during Sunday school or worship. AVAILABLE ONLINE (Not Included in Your Box of Materials) “One Great Hour to Share” Sheet Music American Baptists Leslie Lee and Steve Gretz co-wrote this song for One Great Hour of Sharing. Try out this new song with your whole congregation, or ask a soloist to perform it during worship. You will be inspired as the song reminds us that this is our One Great Hour to Share. Download from www.abc-oghs.org. Making Poverty History Skits, simulations and worship resources around the issues of poverty and hunger. Useful for CROP Hunger Walk teams, youth groups, women’s groups, etc. Visit http://churchworldservice.org/hungerbooklet/ to download or call Church World Service at 1-800-297-1516 to order. w i l l yo u g ive t one great Hour?o Photo by Craig Thompson 2 Corinthian s 8:13-15 onegrea thourof sharing.org OGHS15-1 OG 1509 www.abc-oghs.org | One Great Hour of Sharing 2015 3 Promotion Checklist w i l l yo u g ive t Thanks for saying “Yes!” to coordinating the One Great Hour of Sharing offering for your congregation. Here are some tips that we hope are helpful to you. Photo by Craig Thompson PREPARE! (During April) Involve others! Share the individual resources found in the 2015 Planning and Resource Guide with the pastor, the worship team, teachers, etc. as appropriate. Choose a leadership team if you need one. With your leadership team, set a realistic, but challenging, offering goal. Challenge your congregation to reflect on 2 Corinthians 8:12-15. Set a date(s) when you will receive the offering. Put this date on your church calendar. Plan promotional activities to involve people of all ages. Ask teachers to use the materials in the weeks leading up to the offering. Familiarize yourself with each of the promotional pieces: • 2015 Planning and Resource Guide • New Videos—4 separate ones, each 1 minute in length • Poster • Printed bulletin inserts • Offering coin boxes • Offering envelopes • ONLINE ONLY: Sheet Music for “One Great Hour to Share” EDUCATE AND PROCLAIM! (During May) Know what the offering is and what it provides. Yes, OGHS is a tangible way American Baptists provide for the human needs of our world. The offering provides: • Emergency relief available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for urgent or acute needs brought about by disasters of natural or human origin; • Development projects focused on meeting chronic human need by enabling individuals or groups to establish or maintain a more adequate quality of life; and • Refugee ministries focused on holistic ministry to immigrants, refugees, and migrants in detention facilities and refugee camps in the United States and in local communities. Mail a letter from the pastor to all members and friends, with an offering envelope. A sample Congregational Letter/Announcement is provided in this guide. Will you use your newsletter? A separate mailing? An e-mail? Include announcements and mission stories in your newsletter. Make sure offering envelopes are in the pew racks each week. One Great Hour of Sharing 2015 | 2 Corinthian s 8:13-15 onegreat hourofsh aring.org OGHS15-1 Review all promotion resources; order additional quantities if needed by calling Judson Press at 1-800-458-3766. 4 one great Hour?o www.abc-oghs.org OG 1509 Display the offering poster in a prominent place. Set up a visual display to track the offering. How many creative ways can you think of to emphasize the clock theme found in the new logo? Update your display each week. Enclose bulletin inserts in weekly bulletins. Create additional bulletin inserts by photocopying the mission stories found in this guide. Distribute coin boxes and Sharing Calendars to children or the entire congregation. WORSHIP! (During June) Personalize the offering with a testimony from a church member or guest about why giving to this offering is important to them. Many people have personal testimonies to share about when they have experienced the joy of giving to others—invite them to share. Read mission stories during worship services as “Mission Moments.” Have a One Great Hour of Sharing sermon and children’s chat prior to the week you receive the offering. Use the worship resources during worship services and in small groups. CELEBRATE! (During June) Announce to the congregation the final result of their gifts and celebrate their generosity. Offer thanks and announce the gift total in your newsletter and worship bulletin. (If you did not meet your goal, celebrate what you have received and announce that you have set aside one or two more Sundays for people to give.) FOLLOW-UP Keep a record of promotional activities and what worked well for your church. Archive resources for future years. Forward offering receipts to either your region or the ABC Mission Center, P.O. Box 851, Valley Forge, PA 19482. Complete and return the evaluation form enclosed with your resources. Your feedback and suggestions are important to the development of future materials—especially the Planning and Resource Guide. Alternative schedule Does your worship attendance drop in June? Does your Sunday school “shut down”? Consider receiving the One Great Hour of Sharing offering in May—before people get into summer mode. Receiving the offering on a Sunday with potentially maximum attendance can make a big difference. Meet Your World Relief Committee H ave you ever wondered how the gifts that you give to the One Great Hour of Sharing offering get to the places where they are put to work? This is the responsibility of the World Relief Committee (WRC or “Committee”). The Committee’s purpose is to support, enable and encourage emergency relief, refugee work, disaster rehabilitation, and development assistance. The source of funds for this work is the gifts you give to the One Great Hour of Sharing offering. The WRC is made up of people from different parts of our American Baptist life: 7 voting members elected as follows: • 2 from the Board of Directors of the American Baptist Foreign Mission Society; • 2 from the Board of Directors of the American Baptist Home Mission Societies; • 2 from the Board of General Ministries; and • 1 from the Executive Committee of the American Baptist Women’s Ministries. 3 staff members: a representative each from the American Baptist Foreign Mission Society, the American Baptist Home Mission Societies, and the American Baptist Churches USA. The World Relief Officer serves as staff to the committee. Although only the voting members vote on final decisions, all members have the opportunity to give input on each of the project requests prior to the decision being made. The World Relief Committee meets face-to-face two days a year to consider development project proposals. Each individual project proposal is submitted via a completed application which is presented by the appropriate staff representative and then considered by the committee. A formal vote is taken on each project, and the approval process is followed by a time of prayer for the partners who will receive the funding and for the people whose lives will be made better in some way by the project. The committee also receives and reviews the annual financial report of the income and use of all One Great Hour of Sharing monies. Continued on next page “It’s not a coincidence in the Scriptures, poverty is mentioned more than 2,100 times. It’s not an accident. That’s a lot of airtime, 2,100 mentions.” —BONO www.abc-oghs.org | One Great Hour of Sharing 2015 11 Continued from previous page Your committee members are as follows: Mrs. Shirley Fair (Alden, KS) has served as Chair to the World Relief Committee since 2010. She is an active member and moderator of the First Baptist Church in Alden, KS and spent most of her working life at a bank and later in economic development. She has been very active in leadership of the American Baptist Churches, currently serving on the ABC of the Central Region Board of Directors, Mission and Stewardship Vision Team, the American Baptist Foundation Board, and as treasurer of the American Baptist Historical Society. She enjoys her four grandchildren and their activities and making quilts and sewing. Mr. Manuel “Manny” Hernandez (Portage, IN) is a retired machinist with the Inland Steel Co. Hernandez is the past vice-president of the Board of International Ministries and has also served on two Biennial Planning Committees (Richmond and Denver) as well as serving as president of the Indiana/Kentucky Region. Originally from Puerto Rico, Hernandez is a licensed lay minister at Iglesia Bautista de Lake Station in Lake Station, IN. He and his wife, Gloria, have 3 children, 5 grandchildren, and 3 great grandchildren! Rev. Danny Jack (Fresno, CA) has worked in a variety of American Baptist Ministries. He has served as a home missionary for the Neighborhood Action Program at Bethel Neighborhood Center, Kansas City, KS, and was executive director of the Asian Friendship Center in Fresno, CA where he worked jointly with NAP, New Church Development and Asian Ministries in order to help with the 12 One Great Hour of Sharing 2015 | many Hmong, Lao and Cambodian refugees immigrating to the United States. In conjunction with that work, he started the first Hmong American Baptist Church in the country. He has served as a pastoral counselor, marriage family therapist, hospital chaplain and is now the senior pastor of First Chinese Baptist Church in Fresno where he has been for the last 19 years. Danny continues to be excited by the local and global outreach of our American Baptist family! Rev. Kevin “Scotty” Robertson (La Porte, IN) is married to Jami, Dad to five-year-old twin boys, Jake and Chase, and he and Jami are expecting a baby girl in April 2015. Currently serving as the pastor of Mill Creek Baptist Church in La Porte, IN, he’s also an MDiv student at Northern Seminary and serves on the American Baptist Home Mission Societies Board of Directors. Scotty very much enjoys working with the World Relief Committee because he gets to be a steward over, and see at work, the OGHS dollars that are so faithfully given for disaster and relief projects all around the world. Mrs. Bonnie Sestito (Arlington, MA) is a member of the First Baptist Church, Cambridge, Massachusetts. She enjoys ministries of mentoring, listening, and compassion, which is expressed through her involvement in a host of mission and ministry endeavors. She serves as national AB Women’s Ministries Coordinator of Mission with Women and Girls. She is also a leader in her association and region, and serves on the visionary team for “All Hands In,” a ministry of awareness and education of human trafficking and support for victims of exploitation. www.abc-oghs.org Mrs. Nancy Shaver (Wyckoff, NJ) is a life-long American Baptist and has served in many capacities in her churches. Currently she is chairperson of the Board of Missions, vice-moderator, and Love Gift chairperson for the Women. She also serves on the Board of Directors for International Ministries and the council of ABC of New Jersey. Nancy has a Masters’ degree in Education and spent 20 years working as a social worker with the mentally ill. She currently works as a substitute teacher. Serving on the World Relief Committee has been especially rewarding due to the special people on the Committee and the important work that is done. Rev. Dr. Laura Sinclair (North Babylon, NY) is a graduate of Hartford Seminary, Union Theological Seminary and Adelphi University, where she received her Doctor of Ministry, Master of Divinity and Bachelor of Arts degrees respectively. Dr. Sinclair also earned a certificate in Pastoral Counseling from the Blanton Peel School of Religion and Health. Licensed in June 1977 and ordained in May 1981, she was later certified as a Prepare/Enrich Seminar Director in 2006. She has earned 1 CPE unit and is working on her 2nd unit. She was the assistant pastor of Antioch Baptist Church of Corona for 20+ years and was elected pastor of the Parkchester Baptist Church in the Bronx on January 9, 2005. She is an Affiliate Professor at New Brunswick Theological Seminary. Where Your Gifts Made a Difference in 2014 AROUND THE WORLD W hen you take a global view of our world, natural disasters occur every week. If you include disasters of human origin—especially in the past year—the opportunity to respond to people in need is even more frequent. The larger disasters are captured by our news media, and word of these tragedies is brought into our homes. It is difficult to imagine the suffering of those whose lives are forever changed. But many needs of our world—whether in a neighboring state or half the world away—remain uncovered by our news media. However, with our extensive network of international and domestic partners, American Baptists are able to make a difference wherever and whenever disaster strikes. 2014 was a year punctuated by many man-made disasters—think Syria, Iraq, Gaza, Ukraine, Nigeria and South Sudan. These situations have uprooted millions of people. In fact, according to the United Nations High Commission on Refugees (UNHCR), at the end of 2013 there were over 51 million people who were refugees, displaced in their own country or seeking asylum. That’s the highest number since the end of World War II! Yes, your gifts to One Great Hour of Sharing brought relief in many of these situations. Here is where your gifts made a difference in 2014. Country Situation Calling for a Response Argentina......... Flood Relief Bosnia.............. Flood Relief China................ Yunnan Earthquake Relief Croatia............. Flood Relief Gaza................. Conflict Relief Haiti.................. Fire Damage to Convention Office Liberia.............. Ebola Relief and Prevention Mexico............. Hurricane Odile Relief Nicaragua........ Refugee Relief Ukraine............ Conflict Relief HERE AT HOME State Situation Calling for a Response California......... Crosswalk Community Church, Napa—Earthquake Relief First Baptist Church, Vallejo— Earthquake Relief Redwood Glen Camp, Drought Relief Colorado.......... ABC of the Rocky Mountains, Flood Relief New York.......... Penn Yan, Food Relief Ohio.................. First Baptist Church, Tipp—Food Relief Washington..... First Baptist Church, Darrington— Mudslide Relief Various............. Spring Storm Relief—through Church World Service “The supposition that there will always be poor is an excuse for inaction.” —GUSTAVO GUTIERREZ www.abc-oghs.org | One Great Hour of Sharing 2015 13 In addition to emergency relief, One Great Hour of Sharing also provided funds for development projects—projects which address chronic needs— in the following countries and states highlighted below. AROUND THE WORLD Argentina Cambodia China Hong Kong India Indonesia Kenya Laos Lebanon Liberia HERE AT HOME Illinois Indiana Massachusetts Nebraska New Jersey New York Ohio Pennsylvania Puerto Rico West Virginia Wisconsin 14 One Great Hour of Sharing 2015 | www.abc-oghs.org Mexico Thailand nated 19% 1% From the Offering Plate to the Needs of the World 2014 One Great Hour of Sharing Financial Report How you changed the world in 2014. Designated Gifts 19% International Development 24% Domestic Development 13% Refugee Assistance 9% Offering 81% OGHS giving from churches and individuals Offering Designated Gifts $1,175,937 $ 277,476 Total $1,453,413 International Development 24% Administration and Promotion 12% DID YOU KNOW? This offering began sixty-six years ago in response to the devastation of World War II. In March 1949, a national broadcast on a Saturday evening asked Americans to Administration and morning in their give generously the next Promotion 12% churches. A remarkable assembly of national leaders and celebrities gave their efforts to the broadcast, and more than 75,000 churches responded the next day. Today, One Great Hour of Sharing serves people in over 80 countries around the world. Sponsored by nine Christian U.S. denominations and Church World Service, Emergency 42% One Great HourRelief of Sharing makes sure that we can respond to needs as soon as they happen and that tens of thousands of people receive support for ongoing relief, rehabilitation, and development. The World Relief Committee of the American Baptist Board of General Ministries reviews each development request for funding from the One Great Hour of Sharing offering received from American Baptists. Gifts reach the ministries and people in need through a network of regional and international partnerships with the following: American Baptist Foreign Mission Society American Baptist Home Mission Societies Baptist World Aid—the compassionate arm of the Baptist World Alliance, supporting three areas of ministry: relief, development, and support of national partners. Domestic Development 13% Refugee Assistance 9% Emergency Relief 42% Changing lives through the offering Emergency Relief Refugee Assistance Domestic Development International Development Administration and Promotion $ $ $ $ $ 620,929 130,150 187,000 355,030 180,242 Total $1,473,351 Church World Service—Founded in 1946, Church World Service is a relief, development, and refugee assistance ministry supported by 36 Protestant, Orthodox, and Anglican denominations in the United States. Working in partnership with indigenous organizations in more than 80 countries, CWS works to eradicate hunger and poverty and to promote peace and justice around the world. For a complete listing of how gifts were disbursed in 2014, call or e-mail Lisa Rothenberger-Winter, World Relief Officer. 1-800 ABC-3USA x2156; [email protected]. Figures are unaudited. www.abc-oghs.org | One Great Hour of Sharing 2015 15 Sample Congregational Letter Dear Friends, It’s that time of year again when we are given the marvelous opportunity to share in the abundance of needs of our sisters and brothers by contributing to One Great Hour of Sharing. By the grace of God, all of us have the power to give, and the gifts we give make the world more the way God intended it to be—a place where everyone has what they need. Together, we can achieve a fair balance on this planet we all share, giving right back to God what God has so richly bestowed upon us. The Apostle Paul modeled this ecumenical offering in his Second Letter to the Corinthians, making an appeal to the early Christian communities to respond to those in Jerusalem who had just experienced a devastating famine. Thus, Paul’s ecumenical, church-wide offering was not only practical in leveraging funds so they could make the most impact, together, but it was also one of the first visible expressions of the early Church’s unity in Christ. This offering, or ministry, was a way for Paul to model the unity of all believers and to provide a pragmatic mechanism for demonstrating their care and concern for one another—even if they did not know each other personally. Just as we do through One Great Hour of Sharing. The One Great Hour of Sharing offering reaches those near and far, sometimes changing the life of someone in distress in your own congregation or community, and at other times impacting the lives of those we may never meet but who are in desperate need of our compassion and generosity. God provides the gifts and resources so that we can give back. It’s not the size of the gift that matters; it’s that we give of what we have. We’re simply giving back to God what is already God’s—and everyone has a gift to bring! “For if the eagerness is there, the gift is acceptable according to what one has—not according to what one does not have. I do not mean that there should be relief for others and pressure on you, but it is a question of a fair balance between your present abundance and their need, so that their abundance may be for your need, in order that there may be a fair balance” (2 Corinthians 8:12-15). The Message translates it this way, “Nothing left over to the one with the most; nothing lacking to the one with the least.” As the Church in the world, through One Great Hour of Sharing, we have the opportunity to act in one accord as the body of Christ, to ensure that all of God’s children have what they need. This is the offering that Paul was promoting, and this is still our ministry, all these centuries later. Together, we will achieve a fair balance, bringing about a world the way God intended it to be. Sincerely, Pastor/Offering Coordinator 16 One Great Hour of Sharing 2015 | www.abc-oghs.org
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