Arla Foods Ingredients Recipe Date May 2014 Page 1/1 Swiss roll Egg free with Nutrilac® Benefits of our products Nutrilac® BK-7900 is a highly functional milk protein developed to provide excellent cake structure. Can be used to replace egg components in cake batters. Nutrilac® BK-1530 is a highly functional milk protein. Can be used to replace egg components in cake batters. Key features Egg free Excellent structure Excellent roll-ability Easy handling Formulation INGREDIENTS GRAMS % Wheat flour, Cake 1279,3 25,46 Sugar, Sucrose white 1279,3 25,46 34,1 0,68 170,5 3,39 Sodium Bicarbonate 13,6 0,27 Baking powder, SAPP 10 20,5 0,41 Emulsifier, Emulpals 116 Salt, NaCl Starch, Corn 119,4 2,38 Gum, Xanthan 200 2,0 0,04 Flavour, IFF vanilla 25,0 0,50 ® 170,8 3,40 ® 204,6 4,07 Nutrilac BK-1530 Nutrilac BK-7900 Water, tap 1705,9 33,95 Total 5025,0 100,00 Procedure Mix all ingredients with whisk for 15 seconds at low speed Mix 6 minutes at high speed Scale 600g or amount required to form a layer of approx. 4 mm thickness on baking trays. Bake in deck oven at 230 °C for approx. 6 minutes. Cool for 10 minutes NB: Improve handling by apply starch before turning the sheet for filling and rolling. Apply filling and roll into a Swiss roll Cool for 1 hour and pack Arla Foods Ingredients Group P/S Sønderhøj 10-12, 8260 Viby J, Denmark, Tel. +45 89 38 10 00, All rights to the information contained herein belong to Arla Foods Ingredients Group P/S. The information is confidential and may not be disclo sed to third parties or exploited by users without prior written consent. Statements contained herein do not constitute permission to infringe any patent or license rights. The information contained herein is reliable to the best of our knowledge. The details given are intended only as a source of information. Users should evaluate the products to determine their suitability for the user’s own specific purposes and compliance with relevant food legislation. No warranties, expressed or implied, are made.
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