Print Registration Form - Academy for the Performing Arts

Registration Form – All Lessons
Summer 2015 – June 1 thru July 24
1750 20th Street, Vero Beach, FL 32960
Phone: (772) 562-7265 Fax: (772) 567-4440
Email: [email protected]
Office hours: Mon. thru Thurs. 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Music Lesson Scheduling (Check one)
30 Minute Lesson
45 Minute Lesson
60 Minute Lesson
Group Lesson
Lesson Day and Time Availability
1st Choice
2nd Choice
3rd Choice
New students, how did you learn about the Academy?
Student Information:
Name (Last, First)
Instrument & Instructor
If under age 18, Date of Birth & Age
Home Phone
City, State, Zip
Mailing Address:
Student Cell Phone
E-Mail Address for Academy business (only)
Name (Last, First)
Work / Cell Phone - MOM
Name (Last, First)
Work / Cell Phone - DAD
I understand that I am responsible for payment of the full tuition even if the student discontinues lessons.
I have read, understand, and accept all conditions of registration as described on this registration form (pages 1 & 2)
and agree that electronic transmission of typed signature is intended and accepted as original. I will advise of contact
Parent (or student over 18 years of age) _____________________________________
Date _________________
Non-Refundable tuition may be paid in full or by agreement to a payment plan (see pg 2).
Payment at Registration $ _______
Credit Card Payment:
Card No: _____ _____ ____ ____
Check, Number: _______
Mastercard Discover
Exp. Date: ____/_____
CW2 Code (back of card): ______ Zip Code: _________
Street Address: ___________________________________
Amount to Charge: $_________+fee (No corporate cards please)
Name (print as it appears on card): _____________________________
Authorized Signature:
I want to auto-pay for payments - 15th of June & July
Date Received in APA office _____________
Credit (+small processing fee)
Payment Plan Fee
Credits / Late Start,Week____
Scholarship Award _____%
Balance after Credits
Paid at Registration
Balance Due
June 1 – July 24 (8 Weeks)
Length of Lesson
In Full
30 Minutes
45 Minutes
60 Minutes
On-Line or Credit Cards
$20 registration fee is included for private lessons, $10 group lessons
Group tuition based on a minimum of 5 students; tuition will be pro-rated if less.
There are no holidays this semester
The Academy accepts cash, check, Visa, MasterCard, & Discover (and PayPal online)
A small processing fee for credit/debit cards will be applied.
(For payment plan, there is an auto-pay option - just check box on pg 1)
PAYMENT PLAN (optional)
Lesson Length
30 min.
45 min.
60 min.
Payment Due:
At Registration
$ 135.00
$ 200.00
Jun 15
July 15
Payment plan fee included - THERE IS A $25 LATE FEE FOR PAYMENTS RECEIVED 7 DAYS LATE.
Credit Card or Online Payments require a 3rd party transaction fee for each payment – please add 3.5%
Full tuition must be paid even if a student discontinues lessons. The non-refundable tuition is to be paid in
full at registration or by following the payment plan option. The only exception with the Summer Semester is that UPON REGISTRATION
you let us know if there are planned vacation days and you cannot come certain weeks, we will either credit your account or provide a makeup
lesson. Registration & payments can be made online, mailed, faxed or brought in person to our office during office hours (9:00 am–12:00 pm
Mon thru Thurs), there is also a convenient drop box at STUDIO 1305 and is available during lesson times. Registration is complete upon receipt
of the registration form and payment. Payment reminders are sent via email. Scheduling is on a first come-first serve basis each semester.
Please list the student’s preference of day/time or availability on the top of the form.
Payment & Scheduling ~
If a student is not able to attend a scheduled lesson, please contact the office during office hours or instructor if you have
been given their phone number. Makeups or credits cannot be offered for student absences. At the beginning of the semester, specific days and
times for lessons are agreed upon between parents/guardians, students & instructors through the Academy Office. If an instructor is absent,
every effort will be made provide make up lessons. Once a makeup appointment has been confirmed by both student and instructor,
cancellation by student is considered a student absence. If instructor absence makeups cannot be scheduled, a credit towards future tuition
costs may be issued. The same policy will apply to cancellation due to inclement weather.
Absence Policy ~
The Academy will not share or sell your personal, credit card or bank account information through email or any other means
unless directed by law enforcement via summons or court order.
Privacy Policy ~
From time to time still and video photography is made during APA activities and used in the seeking of grant
funding, and promotional and historical documentation. I/We hereby grant permission the above mentioned minor may be included in
photography of APA activities. I/We hereby irrevocably grant to APA, the right to use these photographic images as a result of the student’s
participation in activities of APA.
Photography Consent ~
Other ~
Children arriving for private and group lessons are to be escorted to studio and all children must be met at the classroom door at the
end of each lesson. For lessons provided at off-campus locations, there is a $20 late fee if child is picked up more than 15 minutes after
lesson ends.
The Academy is not responsible for musical instruments or any personal belongings left on the premises.
The Academy will place a message on the telephone answering system regarding cancellations/resuming classes in the event of
inclement weather.
The Academy for the Performing Arts admits students of any race, color, religion, handicap, national and ethnic origin to all rig hts, privileges, programs and
activities generally accorded or made available to students at this school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, handicap, national or ethnic
origin in administration of it’s educational policies, admission policies, scholarships and other school-administrated programs.