NO ENTRY FEE REQUIRED Registration deadline MAY 10th Proceeds from this event will go to WOUNDED WARRIOR PROJECT Pierce Brothers “Valhalla” Memorial Park FD‐916 (Burbank/North Hollywood) 10621 Victory Blvd. North Hollywood, CA. 91606 Show Cars/Motorcycles, enter through Valhalla Drive (East) Gate @ The Portal of the Folded Wing Memorial Pierce Brothers “Valhalla” will pay your $20- entry fee for you, if you register before May 10th. “Really!” It’s that simple. - Late Pre-Registration May 11th –thru- 24th $10.(Via email ONLY) Pay at the Gate. - Registration on May 25th will be $20 at the Gate. Free Breakfast & LUNCH. Balloons, Memorial Day Ceremony (Dove Release, Brass Band) –and- Country Trio Show Shirts @ $17/ea. Beautiful Designer Dash Plaque, “Goodie Bags” 50/50 and Opportunity Baskets Send your application (Before May 10th) (Snail Mail To: “Valhalla” Memorial Day CAR SHOW – 1012 N. Fairview Street, Burbank, CA. 91505) ‐or‐ EMAIL To: [email protected] In the SUBJECT put “Valhalla” Car Show ‐APPLICATION‐ Show Times: Gates OPEN 8AM to 9AM for registration. Free Continental Breakfast. FREE BBQ Lunch Served 11AM‐1:00PM ‐ That’s A Wrap! 1:30PM (Drive Safely) Name>____________________________________________ (Please Print) Email>_________________________________________ Mailing Address__________________________________________City______________________Zip_______ Will you (named above) be the driver of the vehicle? YES>____ NO>____ If NO, please give name of the person who is permitted to drive your vehicle_____________________________ Vehicle Make>____________________________ CAR>___ ‐or‐ M/C>____ Please sign this HOLD HARMLESS. I, (as named here‐on this application, and signed below) hold harmless Pierce Brothers “Valhalla” Memorial Park and Mortuary, Employees and/or Staff and/or Volunteers, for personal injuries or property damages while attending this show. I also warranty with my signature below, that I have at least the State of California minimum PLPD/Liability insurance. Signed> _______________________________________(same as printed name above) Date Signed> ___________ If your Application/Registration is received on or before May 10th/NO FEE is Required. Thereafter, however by May 24th, a $10 Fee is to be paid at the gate. What? You didn’t send your application? A $20 Fee will be collected at the gate, coming UN‐announced. ************************************************************************************************************ ONLY IF UNDER 18/years of age, your parent or guardian must sign the below agreement for you as a minor to participate> I (PRINTED Name of minor applicants Parent/Guardian )>_____________________________________ Do give my permission for the named person here‐on, to enter the specified vehicle at the Pierce Brothers “Valhalla” Memorial Park and Mortuary CAR SHOW, and agree to the Hold Harmless in their behalf. Adult Parent/Guardian signature>____________________________________ Date:________ Email (attach this Registration) to: [email protected] Our Staff will confirm your application and respond with driving directions, parking and a detail of the days events. DEADLINE for FREE REGISTRATION entries, by May 10th. CONTINUED> You or a Business you know, can SPONSOR one of 12/Trophy’s to be awarded Here is how. Select a trophy you would like to sponsor (or promote to a business you know) Contact us at [email protected] We will set‐up payment arrangements with the Trophy Sponsor. These Beautiful Red/White & Blue “Acrylic” Trophy’s are $75/each, except Best of Show @ $95 which is the most coveted and a larger trophy than the others. 1. BEST OF SHOW (Speaks for itself/selected by the Car Show Committee and based on all tabulations combined of the other trophy’s presented) You can SPONSOR (Best of Show) for $95 Sponsored by: I‐CAR/Burbank 2. MAYOR’s CHOICE (Voted by the Mayor of Burbank as his favorite) $75 3. Miss TEEN‐CALIFORNIA AWARD (Voted by Miss Teen and Co., her favorite of the show) $75 Sponsored by Bob’s 4. CAR OWNERS CHOICE This Trophy is Taken (The Ralph Marshal Memorial Award, Road Kings Charter President) 5. PEOPLES CHOICE ($1/a ballot to help avoid ballot box stuffing.) $75 6. VETERANS CHOICE Taken Aero‐AutoBooks (Choice amongst all active military or Veterans at the show) $75 7. BEST PAINT & CHROME (Anybody can vote) $75 8. BEST INTERRIOR This Trophy is taken (by: Sure‐Fit Upholstery of Burbank) $75 9. FAVORITE “OPEN” CONVERTIBLE (Open to everybody) $75 Sponsored by Rodfathers SFV 10. FAVORITE “CLOSED” TOP (Open to everybody) $75 indicates that the Trophy 11. BEST MOTORCYCLE (Open to Everybody) $75 has been sold 12. BEST RAT‐ROD –or‐ UNIQUE SELF BUILT (Open to Everybody) $75 Please select another When you SPONSOR A TROPHY, you get advertising in our programs. An advertisement placed in the “Goodie Bags” given to all show entries. Place to Display your advertising on the “Pick‐Up” Table for the general public, and we make periodic announcement throughout the day, in promotion and appreciation of your sponsorship. Those who sponsor the trophy can present the trophy, or we will handle that procedure as desired. ************************************************************************************************** ORDER your Car Show Shirts NOW! If you order after the deadline (of May 10th) we can not guarantee delivery. To have your Show Shirt(s) for ONLY $17/each, order today. (this included tax & shipping) in your URL put: and follow the Prompts in the PAY‐PAL system. If you SNAIL MAIL your orders, please send it early to: Valhalla Car Show. 1012 N. Fairview St. Burbank, Ca. 91505 (Checks made to Jim Etter) Car Show Chairman. Email or Snail Mail orders received later than May 10th, might not be in time for our vendor to silk screen them. Order early!
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