» Mixed berry frozen yogurt

• 168 calories
• 1.9g saturated fat
Mixed berry frozen yogurt At itsu we
use super-healthy pomegranate, blueberries and strawberries in our frozen yogurt
because they’re packed with all the vitamins you need for a healthy life. Why not
make double quantities and freeze the rest to enjoy another day?
Serves 2
2 tbsp honey, or any sugar alternative
200g natural yogurt (any type you like)
200g mixed frozen berries
1 Chill 2 small bowls in the freezer.
2 Put the honey and yogurt into a blender and whizz together. Add
the berries and whizz again.
3 Spoon the mixture into the chilled bowls and serve immediately.
Variation: Use any frozen fruit you like; just remember to freeze it in small
pieces so that it blends easily.
Nutritional tip: As well as being a good source of vitamin C, berries are
rich in anthocyanins, which help maintain firm skin and flexible arteries, and
they’re good for your memory too.
• 99 calories
• 1.7g saturated fat
Green tea iced smoothie Whizz up
this refreshing, energy-boosting smoothie in the morning for breakfast, or pop it
into a flask and enjoy as a low-calorie snack to perk you up during the day. It uses
matcha, a powder made from ground green tea leaves.
Serves 2
handful of ice cubes
200g natural yogurt (any type
you like)
1 Put all the ingredients into a blender and whizz together until creamy and smooth.
2 Pour into tall glasses and serve while it’s still ice-cold.
1 tbsp honey, or any sugar
Nutritional tip: Yogurt is full of bone-building calcium, while green
1 tsp matcha
against heart disease too.
tea is famed for its antioxidant properties, and is thought to protect
Recipes taken from
100 low-calorie eat beautiful
recipes for only £15.99
Click here to order at Amazon.co.uk
Every recipe under
300 calories and
under 30 minutes
to make