View - AGNA Leadership Academy

Vasil Naçi MBA New York University, Prague, President & CEO, Agna Group
Alma Bici DBA candidate, Bradford University, MA Leicester University, Marketing & PR Director, Agna Group
Kosta Sotiri zv.President & Vice CEO of Agna Group, President & CEO of Alfa s.a
Kristo Naçi Administrator of Agna s.a & Alfa s.a
Behar Male Administrator of TID sh.p.k
Avinash Ananda Director of Global Academy of Meta mind Managament (GAMMA) and Dean
of Management Insitute of Behavioral Sciences (MIBS)
Claude Varley President of Somodi, Monaco. Professor of Financial Accounting, Managerial
Accounting, Financial Analysis at various Universities
Artan Koxhuku Director of Human Resources, Agna Group
Arti Marko Commercial Director, Agna s.a
Vasil Paguna Financial Director, Agna Group
Grigor Xhumba Production Director, Alfa s.a
Leonard Elezi Sales Director, Alfa s.a
Dhimitraq Ilia Logistics Director, Vrisera
Jani Lica IT Director, Agna Group
Genti Kaçi Director of Training, Agna Group
Besnik Pepi Recruiting Director, Agna Group
Juliette Henderson
Cover design:
Harri Aleksi
Suela Bendaj
© Agna Leadership Academy 2014
Table of content
CORPORATE CULTURE What is the corporate culture?
Corporate culture benefits
How the organization’s culture is created.
Focus on Values. ‘Numbers are the consequence’,
whereas ‘values are the cause’.
The benefits of core values
Internalizing the core values
The core values at Agna Group
Our Fundamental Beliefs about Leadership
Cultivating and empowering the leadership spirit.
Once you have a senior position, what does
‘being a good leader’ mean?
III - CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT Continuous Growth And Development Of People
Hiring The Best
Feed A Culture Of Belonging & Engagement:
“The employee is the first customer”
Meritocracy: Performance-Based Differentiation
Establish a Knowledge Sharing culture
Constant Care For Superior Quality
Apply the right technology solutions
What does open communication with respect mean?
The benefits of open communication with respect.
How to create an environment of open communication.
V - WISDOM IN DECISION & SPEED IN EXECUTION Be open to good ideas from everywhere
Simplicity & Speed
Teamwork mindset
Face reality
See changes as an opportunity
Set challenging goals
Culture of Discipline
Work hard & Play hard
After twenty-four years in business, we have learned a lot
from our experience, from the new knowledge we have obtained,
from our business partners, and from our reflections to become
better. Building on these, we shaped our “AGNA WAY”, to lead
us in the years to come towards the achievement of our vision,
and fulfillment of our mission.
“... AGNA WAY” represents Agna Group’s business philosophy, our path towards success.
“... AGNA WAY” is a blend of the values, beliefs and experience of Agna Group founders, the best practices and wisdom of
the most successful business models around the world, and the
experiences of the people who have left their legacy in the history
of our business throughout these years.
“... AGNA WAY” represents our leadership principles, the
way we work, and the way we inspire work at Agna Group. It
shapes our organization’s distinctive characteristics. It is a guide
for every employee who invests time and energy in to this business and sees the future within it. It drives what we do in the present and envisions the future.
Our business philosophy is solid, simple and clear. It is driven by a set of values and principles, which are salient to both the
organization and our dynamic relationship with internal and external stakeholders. It helps to attract the best employees and the
best partners, forge superior relationships with customers, and the
environment overall, in a strategic and more farsighted manner.
Our business philosophy is the ‘unique formula’ that helps
every member of the organization to understand how success, a
better quality of life, and added value for us and the stakeholders,
can be achieved, and sets the direction. This ‘unique formula’
is found in the pages of this book. It is simply written, but with
much love and responsibility.
The secret of learning it and making it your own, is in your
passion for what you do, your trust in Agna Group, and your purpose and desire to live a fulfilled life. The more knowledge we
gain and the more experience we build, the more we understand
and love our philosophy of business, the more we will enjoy the
path we have chosen to follow and the more proud people will be
to be part of it. The more we talk about what kind of company we
envision us to be, and the more we act upon it, the closer to reality
our vision becomes.
We are proud for the things we do well, and there are many
other things that we aspire to do, and will do. We believe that the
enemy of ‘good’ is ‘great’. That is why we embrace continuous
improvement, adaptation, and become part of a dynamic process
of acquiring, sharing and implementing the best practices. We always learn, striving to reach our full potential as individuals and
as an organization.
We do not want to leave our path to growth, improvement
and success to the hands of chance or fate, instead we want it to
be a conscious process where everyone contributes with passion,
dedication, and wisdom. All the beautiful and important things in
life are usually shared with the people we love, and Agna Group
shares this “unique secret”, its way to success, with YOU.
Vasil Naçi
President & CEO of Agna Group
What is the corporate culture?
e believe in the organization as a central and enduring differentiating force, but this requires a distinctive
corporate culture.
A corporate culture consists of values, beliefs, principles,
ethics, habits and practices that guide behavior, and are reflected
in decision-making and in the way of doing business. It is the air
that you breathe inside the organization. It is that unique spirit,
that spark that gives life to every project and idea. It is the driving force of business.
The culture reflects and affects the employees’ collective
feelings about the organization, sets the tone and the norms for
the organization for what is acceptable and what is not, and is
demonstrated through the behavior of each employee from its
founders down to its newest employees. The corporate culture is
a powerful force in determining how an organization operates. A
distinctive corporate culture helps to build a distinctive identity.
Our corporate culture exists in the written and unwritten
things, in the stories we tell new employees while answering the
question: “How are things done in this organization? “At the very
core of our corporate culture is the organization’s DNA, the core
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