15 MCALE E M EL SHIP ON PI R C N HAM E P O B OU 0 2 RN E Syllabus 2015 Championship & Premiership Registered with AIDA Inc and the An Coimisiun le Rinci Gaelacha Langwarrin Performing Arts Centre, Elisabeth Murdoch College, 80 Warrandyte Road, Langwarrin Saturday June 6th and Sunday June 7th 2015 2015 McAleer Open Championship Championship Syllabus Championship Dates: Saturday June 6th & Sunday June 7th 2015 in theatre Championship Dates: Saturday June 6th & Sunday June 7th 2015 Championship Timetable: Saturday June 6th 2015 All female dancers aged 13 & Under on January 1st 2015. All male dancers aged 14 & Under on January 1st 2015. Sunday June 7th 2015 All female dancers aged 14 & Over on January 1st 2015 . All male dancers aged 15 & Over on January 1st 2015. Championship Adjudicator: Mark Adams ADCRG Australia Glen Ryan ADCRG Australia Mary Sweeney ADCRG Germany Musician: TBA Venue: Langwarrin Performing Arts Centre Elisabeth Murdoch College 80 Warrandyte Road, Langwarrin Fees: $60 per dancer per championship Family maximum of $135 for Championship entries only $15 Venue Fee (Payable by all families entering the Championship) Payable to McAleer Dance Fundraising Direct Debit into BSB: 633 000 ACCOUNT: 140 572 678 (Please use competitor’s surname as direct debit reference) Due Date: FRIDAY MAY 15TH 2015 Entries To: Fiona Holmes TCRG email: [email protected] 2015 McAleer Open Championship Championship Syllabus Championship Dates: Saturday June 6th & Sunday June 7th 2015 in theatre CHAMPIONSHIP YEAR OF BIRTH SYLLABUS Under 6 Mixed Championship Under 7 Girls Championship Under 7 Boys Championship Under 8 Girls Championship Under 9 Girls Championship Under 9 Boys Championship Under 10 Girls Championship Under 11 Girls Championship Under 11 Boys Championship Under 12 Girls Championship Under 13 Girls Championship Under 13 Boys Championship Under 14 Girls Championship Under 15 Girls Championship Under 15 Boys Championship Under 16 Girls Championship Under 17 Girls Championship Under 18 Ladies Championship Under 19 Ladies Championship Under 20 Years Ladies 20 & Over Ladies 15 & Over Men Championship 2009 or later 2008 2008 or later 2007 2006 2006 or 2007 2005 2004 2004 or 2005 2003 2002 2002 or 2003 2001 2000 2001 or 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 or earlier 2000 or earlier Choice Reel (Bun, Tus or Ard) & Light Jig Choice Reel (Bun, Tus or Ard), Light Jig or Single Jig Choice Reel (Bun, Tus or Ard), Light Jig or Single Jig Treble Jig (32 bars), Reel, Traditional Set Dance Treble Jig (32 bars), Reel, Traditional Set Dance Treble Jig (32 bars), Reel, Traditional Set Dance Choice Heavy Dance (32 bars), Choice Light Dance, Choice Set Dance Choice Heavy Dance, Choice Light Dance, Choice Set Dance Choice Heavy Dance (32 Under 10, 40 Under 11), Reel, Choice Set Dance Choice Heavy Dance, Choice Light Dance, Choice Set Dance Choice Heavy Dance, Choice Light Dance, Choice Set Dance Choice Heavy Dance, Reel, Choice Set Dance Choice Heavy Dance, Choice Light Dance, Choice Set Dance Choice Heavy Dance, Choice Light Dance, Choice Set Dance Choice Heavy Dance, Reel, Choice Set Dance Choice Heavy Dance, Choice Light Dance, Choice Set Dance Choice Heavy Dance, Choice Light Dance, Choice Set Dance Choice Heavy Dance, Choice Light Dance, Choice Set Dance Choice Heavy Dance, Choice Light Dance, Choice Set Dance Choice Heavy Dance, Choice Light Dance, Choice Set Dance Choice Heavy Dance, Choice Light Dance, Choice Set Dance Choice Heavy Dance, Reel, Choice Set Dance DANCE Championship Treble Jig Under 8, Under 9 & Under 10 Championship Treble Jig all other ages Championship Hornpipe Under 10 Championship Hornpipe all other ages St. Patrick’s Day Blackbird Job of Journeywork Garden of Daisies King of the Fairies Jockey to the Fair Three Sea Captains SPEED 73 73 113 113 94 144 138 138 130 90 96 NUMBER OF BARS 32 48 32 40 MOVE TO THE MUSIC (enter on the day) This is open to all non-registered dancers 6 years & under, who would like to perform on stage on the Saturday prior to the first set of results in the theatre. The entry fee for this special event is $2.00. Please register & pay your entry at the ‘Registration’ desk on the day. 2015 McAleer Open Championship Premiership Syllabus Premiership Date: Sunday June 7th 2015 All ages in stadium Premiership Date: Sunday June 7th 2015 Premiership Timetable: Sunday June 7th All ages in stadium Premiership Adjudicator: Gabrielle Hall ADCRG AUSTRALIA Venue: Frankston Basketball Stadium Elisabeth Murdoch College 80 Warrandyte Road, Langwarrin Fees: $20 per dancer per Novice Premiership $30 per dancer per Bun, Tus and Adult Premiership $5 Solo dance $15 Venue Fee (Payable by all families entering the Premiership) Payable to McAleer Dance Fundraising Direct Debit into BSB: 633 000 ACCOUNT: 140 572 678 (Please use competitor’s surname as direct debit reference) Due Date: FRIDAY MAY 15TH 2015 Entries To: Fiona Holmes TCRG email: [email protected] 2015 McAleer Open Championship Premiership Syllabus Premiership Date: Sunday June 7th 2015 All ages in stadium PREMIERSHIPS Novice Premiership* Novice Reel & Novice Light Jig OR Novice Single Jig Bun Premiership Bun Reel , Bun Light Jig and Bun Single Jig Tus Premiership Tus Reel, Tus Light Jig, Tus Single Jig OR Traditional Set Dance Adult Bun Premiership Bun Reel , Bun Light Jig and Bun Single Jig Adult Tus Premiership Tus Reel, Tus Light Jig, Tus Single Jig OR Traditional Set Dance Adult Mean Premiership Mean Reel or Slip Jig, Mean Treble Jig or Hornpipe (32 bars), Traditional Set Dance *Novice Premiership This premiership is for dancers who have not competed in a registered feis before. SOLO DANCE – GRADED HALL ONLY Novice Novice Reel Bun Bun Reel Tus Tus Reel Adult Bun Bun Reel Adult Tus Tus Reel Adult Mean Mean Reel or Slip Jig SPEEDS AND LENGTH OF DANCES DANCE SPEED NUMBER OF BARS Novice Reel 122 48 Bun Reel 122 48 Tus Reel 116 48 Mean Reel 113 48 Championship Reel 113 48 Novice Light Jig 116 48 Bun Light Jig 116 48 Tus Light Jig 116 48 Bun Single Jig 124 48 Tus Single Jig 124 48 Mean Slip Jig 113 40 Championship Slip Jig 113 40 Adult Mean Treble Jig 73 48 MOVE TO THE MUSIC (enter on the day) This is open to all non-registered dancers 6 years & under, who would like to perform on stage on the Saturday prior to the first set of results in the theatre. The entry fee for this special event is $2.00. Please register & pay your entry at the ‘Registration’ desk on the day. 2015 McAleer Open Championship Championship & Premiership Syllabus Championship Dates: Saturday June 6th & Sunday June 7th 2015 in theatre Premiership Date: Sunday June 7th 2015 All ages in stadium GENERAL RULES OF THE CHAMPIONSHIP This Championship is conducted under the Rules and Regulations of An Coimisiun le Rince Gaelacha and the Australian Irish Dancing Association Inc. (AIDA Inc.) RULES 1) In order for entries to be accepted teachers must note that all Competitors: a. must be pupils of teachers who at the date of entry are registered with An Coimisiun for the year 2014-2015 b. must not on the date(s) of their competition(s) be ineligible to compete due to any rule. c. must have been formally entered and have had their entry fees paid in full in due time in accordance with these rules and the General Rules of the Organising Committee. LODGEMENT OF ENTRIES ENTRIES CLOSE 8:00PM FRIDAY MAY 15TH 2015 via email: Fiona Holmes TCRG at [email protected] 2) Victorian based dancers are requested to enter via their teacher submitting their updated pupil entry sheet as provided by AIDA Vic. All overseas and interstate dancers can submit their entry by downloading the entry form from www.mcaleerchampionship.com.au and follow the instructions for submission or use the form attached to this email. 3) Following lodgement of entries, an email confirming all entries submitted will be sent. 4) Entries received after the due date will be treated as late for 7 days only, and will be charged a late fee of double the total entry fee. Entries can not be accepted after May 22nd 2015. 5) No refunds will be made for any entry money received. AGE LIMITS 6) The age of a competitor shall be taken as on 1st January 2015. Where a competitor’s birth date falls on 1st January he/she shall, for the purpose of the McAleer Championship be regarded as under the age attained on that day. PRIZES 7) In all Championship sections all dancers will be recalled and 60% of those dancers will receive a placing, whilst the remaining 40% will receive a Championship award. 8) All dancers will receive a prize for one dance in the premiership. The final premiership result will be 1st, 2nd, and 3rd and one in every three. 9) All dancers in the solo section will receive a prize. 10) Dancers are permitted to enter in both a Championship and Premiership if they are eligible in terms of gradings. ORDER OF DANCING, CONDUCT, MISHAPS 11) Competitors must: a. Obey all instructions of the Organising Committee otherwise permission to dance will be withdrawn. b. Dance in numerical order as published in the official program. c. The organising committee has the right to commence a Championship not more than 30 minutes prior to the scheduled commencement time. d. With the exception of the first section of the day, dancers must be in costume and ready to dance not less than 30 minutes prior to the time scheduled for their competition. e. Present to the marshalling area when called to do so by Stage Personnel. Sections will only be called for ONCE. 2015 McAleer Open Championship Championship & Premiership Syllabus Championship Dates: Saturday June 6th & Sunday June 7th 2015 in theatre Premiership Date: Sunday June 7th 2015 All ages in stadium 12) Should a dancer lose a heel or a complete shoe or have an open lace, he/she may stand back, allowing the other dancer(s), where applicable, to continue dancing uninhibited. In such a case the dancer concerned will be permitted to re-dance as soon as it is deemed practicable by the stage personnel. 13) No liability is accepted by the organising committee for any injury caused to any person, including but not limited to, competitors, however caused and whether or not caused by the negligence or default of the organising committee, its servants or agents. The lodgment of an entry will be deemed to be an acceptance of this provision. 14) Should a dancer fall, slip or bump into another dancer on stage, whether in solos or in teams, the adjudicator MUST ring the bell thereby stopping the performance of all dancers on stage. Dancers so affected will be permitted to redance and will be marked then at the discretion of each individual adjudicator. 15) Should in the opinion of the Stage Personnel (in consultation if deemed necessary with medical personnel) a dancer be unfit to re-dance, and if such dancer insists on performing the dancer concerned will only be permitted to re-dance on completion of a formal declaration which removes the organising committee of any liability. Any repeat accident/ incident which results in that dancer being unable to complete the required number of bars in any round, will result in the dancer withdrawing without question from the championship. 16) If a dancer falls during the last 8 bars of any performance, then he/she will only be required to dance the last 16 bars of that dance again at a time convenient to both the dancers and the stage stewards. 17) A competitor must not walk off the stage during a performance unless instructed to do so by an adjudicator. A dancer who dismisses himself or herself from the stage without the permission of an adjudicator will not be marked for that particular dance. 18) If at any stage during a performance on stage an adjudicator feels that, due to the health and safety of a performer on stage that the performance should be stopped, the adjudicator must ring the bell. 19) Respect for fellow competitors on stage is a requirement at all times. Lack of respect or courtesy for fellow competitors by aggressive dancing on stage will be subject to penalty at the discretion of each individual adjudicator. 20) The light rounds from 10 yrs upwards will be danced 2 at a time and the heavy rounds will be danced 2 at a time from 10 yrs upwards if time permits. All other age groups will dance 3 at a time. McALEER CHAMPIONSHIP PHOTOGRAPHY POLICY The organising committee of the McAleer Championship has appointed Milton Baar as the official photographer. Actions shots as well as presentation photos will be taken. Such photographs may be subsequently used for the marketing and promotional purposes of the organisation including the publication of such photographs on the official website www.mcaleerchampionship.com.au. Should any dancer or dancer’s parent or guardian wish to be excluded from any of these photographs, please contact the organising committee with relevant details. No cameras, tape recorders, video cameras, mobile phones cameras, pagers or mobile phones are to be used by members of the audience. Under Government copyright, privacy and safety laws all unauthorised recording of sound and image is strictly prohibited. Any offender will be requested to leave the audience and delete illegally copied sound/vision. Considering coming to Australia for the International Oireachtas? Why not fly into the Gold Coast, then fly out of Melbourne, and have the ability to compete in 2 states while taking in all that these 2 states have to offer. M EL 15 R EN CHAM OP SHIP ON PI MCALE E Cheap domestic flights are available now! B OU 20 E RN For further information including accommodation and updates please visit www.mcaleerchampionship.com.au or contact [email protected]
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