April 2015 - AIQuilters

Am e l i a I s l a n d Q u i l t G u i l d I n c . N ew s l e t t e r
April 2015
Hello AIQ Guild members,
We have a great program scheduled this month, and the
workshop the following day is full! We welcome Linda
Krause to our group, and hope to see everyone on April
14th. Also, we will be introducing our new officers for consideration at the April meeting. See you there!
Leslie Kiger
April Program: Linda Krause, MS
Nature as an Inspiration for Fiber Art
Linda Krause, the speaker for our April Guild meeting, has spent
much of her adult life working in natural settings that stimulate her
artistic creativity. She will discuss how she evolved from a love of
fiber and color, to skills with nature photography and graphic design.
As her art evolved, her textile art creations have come to combine
all aspects of fiber, including hand-dying, painting, piecing and
quilting. Additionally, using graphic design, she utilizes computer
manipulation of her award winning nature photographs which she
then transfers onto her customized fabric. These processes enable Linda to create a unique style of fiber art at this exciting
phase of her career.
Linda has won awards for her exhibited art at a number of shows
over the past several years. She was selected as an Artist in Residence at the Great Smoky Mountain National Park for August and September 2014.
Linda will be presenting a workshop for AIQG the day following her lecture entitled “Flights of Fantasy: Fish” during which attendees will create a tropical looking fish using a single piece of fabric.
Am e l i a I s l a n d Q u i l t G u i l d I n c . N ew s l e t t e r
Habitat For Humanity (Pam Wise)—Bed size
quilt for each Habitat home in Nassau County.
Hospice (Kathy Dean & Theresa Megna) Lapsize quilts (45X 55, 40 X 50) for all ages.
Shands (Sheri Inserra)—Placemat size (18 X
22, up to 30”square) for neonatal unit; laundered at hospital and sometimes go home with
baby or parents.
Kits are available at the meetings, or contact
the coordinators. The Charity Quilt Ladies
(see Small Groups) work on these quilts. People are needed to help rotary cut the kits.
Quilts of Valor (Gail Niedernhofer) - bed
sized quilts for wounded service men and
women; preferred size is 54 X 67, but they can
be from 50 X 60 to 77 X 87; masculine quilts
are especially in demand; a label, perhaps just
saying thank-you and a pillowcase are helpful.
There are many other one time projects.
Small Groups
Meets every Monday at 2 pm
Kathy Dean’s home
2406 Via Del Rey
• Call Kathy at 261-7189
• Show & tell, sharing, advice, hand sewing
• Meets the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 12:30 pm
• Sandi’s home 1716 McArthur St.
• Everyone is welcome.
• Meets every Tuesday of the month at 9:30 am noon
• Fernandina Shores Clubhouse 631 Tarpon Avenue, 3rd entrance.
• Bring your sewing supplies. We have 2 sewing machines, cutting mats, rulers, etc.
• Call Theresa Megna (277-2143) for information
• Drop-ins Welcome - come pick up fabric to work
on at home!
Am e l i a I s l a n d Q u i l t G u i l d I n c . N ew s l e t t e r
March 10, 2015
President Leslie Kiger called the meeting to
order at 7 PM. Two new members, Lauree
Hemke and Lucille Hagg, and four guests were
introduced. A motion to approve the February
2015 minutes was received from Stuart
Vanderbloemen with second by Judy
Cynthia Janney, last month’s presenter,
suggested having a showing of members’
modern quilts in a future meeting. Thank you
notes showed appreciation from Habitat for
Humanity, Hospice, and special thanks from
Isobel of Hospice for the quilt made with Faye
Justice fabrics. March birthdays were
announced by Membership Sherry CobbThompson.
From Julie Keith, Programs, there is now a
wait list for the April workshop in the event that
openings become available. In upcoming quilt
shows, Pasty Troxell has two quilts in
Savannah and Pam Baity has “Big Bella” at
Paducah. Encouragement was made to
submit quilts to shows, including Smoky
Mountain Quilters, Machine Quilters (MQS),
and the Jacksonville Quiltfest. Stuart
Vanderbloemen suggested that multiple
people could work on one quilt together.
Information on links can be sent to Charlie
Russ for inclusion in the Newsletter. In April,
Andrea Golding has graciously agreed to sub
to take minutes and Mindy Chabot will take
Show and Tell pictures.
In new business, Leslie is composing the 2015
-2016 slate of officers. While most officers will
continue their terms, Sherry Cobb-Thompson,
Membership, will be stepping down after her
two years. Nominations or volunteers for
Membership should be made by April 14 to
Leslie. Sherry described duties: maintaining
attendance forms, visitor sign in and name
tags, Membership Directory information,
distribution and sign-off (Charlie Russ
prepares the Directory for the printer),
birthdays with notification to Charlie for the
Newsletter. Elections will be in May, with
installation in June. Although not elected
offices, volunteers are needed for Hospitality
and also for Tickets (includes door prizes and
50/50), and possibly Pins.
Show and Tell included the many talents of the
Guild, including many patriotic quilts, State
Flower quilt, baby quilts, plus a spectacular
Quilts of Valor display ending the evening.
The Sandi Neal monthly group did Block of the
Month resulting in eight beautiful QOV. These
can be seen on the AIQ website link.
AIQG Vice President Roz Warren’s
presentation, "Keep Your Creativity Flowing",
engaged members in an activity "shifting
perspective" to show one way to enhance
After 50/50 raffle ($32.50 to one lucky person),
meeting was adjourned at 8:40 PM. The next
meeting is Tuesday, April 14, at 7 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jenny Chen, Secretary
A Note from the Charity Quilts Group:
If you are interested in quilting small sized quilts (up to 50" x 60"), we could use
some extra help due to vacations. Quilt tops, batting, and back are packaged together for your quilting magic. Please contact Theresa Megna, 277-2143.
Am e l i a I s l a n d Q u i l t G u i l d I n c . N ew s l e t t e r
AIQ Meetings—Woman’s Club at 201 Jean La Fitte Ave on the 2nd Tuesday
Sign up and ticket time
Meeting Starts
☺Let Sherry Cobb-Thompson know about any address changes
☺Wear your Name Tag
☺ Bring your Show and Tell
Many thanks to Tony Baker who recently donated a refurbished Singer
sewing machine to the Guild. The machine is getting a weekly workout at
the Charity Quilts small group.
Thanks for thinking of us!
AIQ 2014-2015 Board Members
Vice President
Quilt Show
Leslie Kiger
Rozlyn Warren
Jenny Chen
Patsy Troxell
Sherry Cobb-Thompson
Julia Keith
Charlie Russ
Charlie Russ
Mindy Chabot
Mary Lynn Torchia
Debbie Dunman
Pam Wise
Kathy Dean
Theresa Megna
Rozlyn Warren
Janet Sebastian
Diane Keagy
Cyndee Brown
Mindy Chabot
Am e l i a I s l a n d Q u i l t G u i l d I n c . N ew s l e t t e r
2014-2015 Programs
September 9:
New Quilting Tools: Creative Grid Rulers
Laurie Malm & Mary Davis, Lollipops Quilt Shop
October 14:
The Magnificence of Stitchery
Leslie Kiger, President, AIQG
November 5-9:
November 11:
Pathways to Better Quilting - Sally Terry, Internationally
Recognized Expert of Machine Quilting
December 9:
Pot Luck & SAQA Trunk Show
Jayne Gaskins, MBA, BFA, SAQA Representative, FL
My Quilting Journey - Molly Waddell, NQACJ
February 10:
Modern Quilts and Cutting Techniques - Cynthia Janney
March 10:
Keep Your Creativity Flowing - Roz Warren
April 14:
Nature as an Inspiration for Fiber Art - Linda Krause,
MS, An Artist in Residence, Smoky Mt. Nat’l Park 2014
May 12:
Life Quilts - An Marshall, Creator of the Life Quilt Concept
June 9:
Pot Luck & Installation New Officers
April Birthdays
Diane Keagy
Jane Marmontello
Jackie McCracken
Barbara Tucker
Karen Tompkins
Cindy Herring
Judy Constant
Margita Walgren
Laurie Malm
Barbara Anderson
Emma Jo Sanders
Debbie Lott
Am e l i a I s l a n d Q u i l t G u i l d I n c . N ew s l e t t e r
Quilt Retreat
October 7-11
[email protected]
Quilts of
Great news! Our eleven new QOVs have landed in Colorado, making a total of
165!! We will hear more about them once they are unpacked and delivered to
the Wounded Warrior Barracks. Surely the quilts by Sandi Neal's quilting group
are some of the loveliest we have sent, so thanks gals, once again, for your devotion to a critical cause.
Thanks, Gail
Am e l i a I s l a n d Q u i l t G u i l d I n c . N ew s l e t t e r
New Members to AIQ 20142015
(Not in the Directory)
Lucille Haag
1743 Ocean Village Drive
Fernandina Beach, FL 32034
(H) 904-310-3791
Email: [email protected]
BD: Dec 16 Spouse: John
Lauree Hemke
751 Barrington Dr.
Fernandina Beach, FL 32034
(C) 301-580-5545
Email: [email protected]
BD: Feb 12 Spouse: Dale
more chances to win!!
Door Prizes: 1 Ticket when
you sign the
roster & 1 Ticket when you wear
your name tag
50/50: $1 = 1 Ticket
Am e l i a I s l a n d Q u i l t G u i l d I n c . N ew s l e t t e r
April 15 Workshop!
Fantasy Fish Wall Hanging
Fiber Art with Linda Krause
Using a colorful print fabric, attendees will be taught to create a “Flight of Fantasy: Fish” wall hanging on a background of your choice. See Supply List. Kits
will be available from instructor with the standard kit price for this workshop
being $16. Alternatively, specialty kits will also be available and will be priced
as marked. This fun and creative 6 hr. class will be taught at the Holy Trinity
Anglican Church Social Center on the Island. Fee is $15/members and $30/
non-members. Class size is limited and already filling. Register by contacting
Julie Keith, Programming ([email protected]). Class fee is payable to
Patsy Troxell, Treasurer.
Visit instructor’s website www.blueflagstudio.com for more information on the
class and to view additional creations.
Example of Flights of Fantasy:
Fish Wall Hanging
Created by instructor Linda
Fabric selected by instructor Linda Krause
to create Flights of Fantasy: Fish
Wall Hanging (shown above)
Am e l i a I s l a n d Q u i l t G u i l d I n c . N ew s l e t t e r
The workshop currently has two openings due to
cancellations. Contact Julie Keith
([email protected] ) to join the fun!
Please See the March Newsletter for the Supply list
Visit instructor’s website for more information on this class: www.blueflagstudio.com
Two twin size quilts were
made by Charity Group
members for Cedar
Haven, a transitional
home for women in
Fernandina Beach. They
were received by Valerie
Baker, Director, on
3/17/15 with many thanks
from Valerie to the Guild.