ARCHBISHOP JAMES UNIVERSITY COLLEGE (AJUCO) (A Constituent College of St. Augustine University of Tanzania) P. O. Box 466 SONGEA, TANZANIA, EAST AFRICA Mobile no: 0766 11 12 13 Tel: 025 260 2862, Fax 025 260 2861, Email: [email protected], website: APPLICATION FORM FOR ADMISSION ACADEMIC YEAR 2015/2016 Note: Please use block letters PART A PERSONAL PARTICULARS OF THE APPLICANT 1. Surname:…………………………………………………………………… First Name…………………………………………………………………. Middle name………………………………………………………………. Note: Names and initials entered in this form must be exactly the same as those appearing on your form four, form six and other Academic Certificates 2. Sex ( ) Female ( ) Male 3. Postal Address:……………………………………………………….. 4. Mobile:…………………...................................... Fax:……………………………………………… E-mail…………………………………………….. 5. Office Tel:................................................................ 6. Marital Status…………………………………..Residence Tel:.......................................... 7. Date of Birth……………………………………Nationality………………………………......... 8. Profession………………………………………………………………………………… 9. Father’s name:………………………………Occupation……………………………… 10. Mother’s name:……………………………..Occupation………………………………. 11. Do you have any kind of disability? ( ) Yes ( ) No If yes, please specify………………………………………………………………………. Note: This information will not affect the decision to admit you; will instead help the University in arranging appropriate means of assisting you once admitted. FOR EMERGENCIES: Person to be contacted Full name:………………………………………………………………………………………… Relationship:……………………………………………………………………………………… Address:……………………………………………………………………………………........... Telephone:………………………...Fax:…………………………….E-mail…………………… PART B ACADEMIC BACKGROUND Please, list schools you have attended SEC. SCHOOLS ATTENDED LOCATION DATES FROM (MO/YR) TO (MO/YR) CERT. INDEX No Please list all Colleges you have attended S/N INSTITUTION STATUS(GRADUATED/ DISCONTINUED/ABSCONDED) IF GRADUATED GIVETHE QUALIFICATION ATTAINED DATES PART D PROGRAMME APPLIED FOR PROGRAMME CODE MD FULL NAME OF THE PROGRAMME DOCTOR OF MEDICINE PART E LANGUAGE FLUENCY LANGUAGE SPOKEN Fair Good WRITTEN Very Good Archbishop James University College Application forms 2015/2016 PART F REFEREES Name and address of two referees who know your ability as a student and can assess your competence in written and spoken English. Full name:………………………………………………………………………………….. Address:…………………………………………………………………………………… Full Name:………………………………………………………………………………… Address:…………………………………………………………………………………… SPONSORSHIP The sponsor should indicate here that the candidate would receive financial support for he/she will spend at AJUCO Name of Sponsor:……………………………………………………………………………… Address:………………………………………………..Tel:………………………………….. Business/Activity………………………………………Fax/E-mail:………………………….. I……………………………………………………….confirm that my organization will give full financial support to……………………………………………..during the period of his/her studies at Ajuco University College if she/he will be admitted. Date…………………………………………Signed…………………………………………… Official Stamp/Seal DECLARATION I declare that all information given in this form is correct. Signature of the Applicant………………………………Date……………………………….. PAYMENTS Your non-refundable application fee of Tsh. 30,000/= or US $ 30 should be paid to Archbishop James University College CRDB BANK. Account Number 0150085128519.No any other type of payment is accepted. Archbishop James University College. Application forms 2015/2016 ATTACHMENT Please include the following with this application: a) A medical Doctor’s Certificate stating that you are fit to follow this course b) Two (2) passport-size photos of yourself (Colored) c) A short story of your life in English (500-750 words or two foolscap) in your own handwriting, describing the important details of your life, reasons for pursuing this course of studies, and your plans for the future. d) Photocopies of your school certificates or result slip (Form IV, Form VI and College if any) e) Birth Certificate. f) Original Pay slip of Tshs 30,000/= (For Tanzania) or Us $ 30 (For Non Tanzanian) When you have attached all the required materials including certification of sponsorship, kindly send this through EMS to the Admissions Office, Ajuco University College, P.O BOX 466, Songea. …………………………………………………………………………………………… FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Archbishop James University Application forms 2015/2016
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