Buzz Aldrin Elementary School 617 Boxwood Drive Schaumburg, IL 60193 847-357-5400 April 17, 2015 “Caring and Learning go Hand-in-Hand” Principal: Mrs. Mary Botterman Asst. Principal: Mrs. Tracy Griffin-Langlais Editor: Mrs. Cathie Majeske PTA Presidents: Mrs. Lisa Reck The Aldrin Announcer is your PTA/School news source. Hello Aldrin Community! Keep reading the Aldrin announcer and keep an eye out for details and information in upcoming announcers as well as information that will come home in your child’s back pack about events happening in April and May. Our Next PTA meeting will be a General Meeting held on Thursday, April 30th, starting at 6:30 p.m. We will approve our Bylaws and elect our new officers of the PTA for the 2015-2016 school year. Following our PTA Meeting we will have our Family Movie Night, be sure to RSVP if you are planning on attending. Our final PTA meeting will be held on May 13th at 1:00 p.m. Our PTA will start talking about and signing up for next year’s committees and events. If you are interested in chairing a committee or would like to be a helper on a committee, please contact Lisa Reck. We are always looking for new, friendly faces to join us and for new ideas. Information will be listed an upcoming announcer about where we are looking for help for the 2015-2016 school year. If you ever have any questions, comments, concerns or ideas, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Warmest Regards, Lisa Reck - Aldrin PTA President 2014-2015 [email protected] or Cell # 847-921-3396 PTA MEETING The next PTA Board Meeting is on Thursday, April 30th at 6:30pm. ALDRIN April/May 2015 Sun 19 Mon 20 Tue 21 Wed 22 Thu 23 Fri 24 Sat 25 Market Day pick Hotdog day up 4:00-5:00 Cash & carry $2.00 26 27 28 29 30 1 Fun Food-Jamba Juice (pre-order only) PTA Meeting 6:30 Hotdog day Cash & carry $2.00 2 Movie Night 6:30-8:00 3 4 5 6 7 11:40 dismissal grades 1-6 8 9 Spring Fling classroom parties No school for kindergarten 10 11 12 13 14 PTA meeting 1:00 15 16 Hotdog day Cash & carry $2.00 SHOW YOUR SCHOOL SPIRIT EVERY WEDNESDAY is Aldrin Spiritwear Day or School Color Day (green and gold). KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION Aldrin Kindergarten Registration for the 2015-2016 school year has begun. A child whose fifth birthday falls on or before September 1, 2015, is eligible to enroll in kindergarten. Stop by Aldrin’s school office any school day 8:00-4:00 to register.District 54 follows the Illinois regulations and does not admit students whose birth date is after September 1st. For additional information or questions, please call the Aldrin School Office at 847-357-5400. 2015-2016 Registration The 2015-2016 registration information has been mailed to your homes. It is very important that the information be reviewed and any changes be made. Please return the signed and dated form to the school your child is currently attending. This information is due as soon as possible in order to have your child placed on a future class list. In addition, if you have not submitted your current lease, please provide us with this updated document. If you have any questions regarding the 2015-2016 registration please call the school office at 847-357-5400. “Due to changes in Board Policy effective February 2008 an annual renewal of parental permission for Internet, email and district network was included on your child’s registration form for the upcoming school year in the spring of 2015. Failure to review your on-line registration or to sign and return these documents by the deadline date will deny your child’s access to the Internet or network for the 2015-2016 school year and he/she will not be able to access the above until the new registration and internet forms are returned.” Please note that District and state assessments may occur on secure web based browsers. BIRTHDAY BOOK Happy birthday to all the students and staff who have April Birthdays! On Thursday, April 23rd the Aldrin PTA will honor your special day by presenting you with a book of your choice. Have a wonderful Birthday! HOT DOG DAY Friday, April 24th Vienna Beef hot dogs and potato chips will be on sale during lunchtime. Bring your $$$ the day of the sale. Hotdog and chips-$2.00 Hotdog-$1.50 Chips-$.50 Mustard and ketchup will be available at no charge. Fun Food Wednesday, April 29th is fun food. The fun food is a Jamba Juice Smoothie and is preoder only. If you have any questions please contact Denise Lentz 847-840-1015 or Nicole Villafuerte 847-975-0489. Spring Fling Classroom Party Spring is here and that means it is time for the Spring Fling Party!!!! This PTA sponsored party will be held on Friday, May 8th 1:30pm-2:30pm for 1st thru 6th graders and 9:45am-10:45am for kindergarten students. Please be on the look out for a note home about parent helpers being needed for some classrooms. YEARBOOK The price for a yearbook is now $20. Order now – Don’t wait! We will only get as many books as are ordered, no extras! Please use the Yearbook Order Form! Don’t miss out on your school memories! Order today! Order forms are available in the school office or online VIRTUAL BACKPACK Please be sure to visit the Virtual Backpack often, as the flyers and information are constantly changing! This website was created to eliminate paper in backpacks and provide links to community educational & recreational events for children and their families. The address for the virtual backpack is Attention 4th Grade Students and Parents During April, information about enrolling for school band and orchestra is being distributed to 4th grade students. Students interested in playing the trombone, trumpet, clarinet, flute, cello, viola, or violin should return the Enrollment Form to school, or turn it in at one of the enrollment meetings (listed below). No previous music experience is necessary to play an instrument. More information will be available at the enrollment meetings (Parents and students should attend the meeting at the junior high the student will eventually attend): Monday, May 4, 7:00 P.M. Addams Junior High Monday, May 4, 7:00 P.M. Eisenhower Junior High Tuesday, May 5, 7:00 P.M. Mead Junior High Wednesday, May 6, 7:00 P.M. Frost Junior High Wednesday, May 6, 7:00 P.M. Keller Junior High Band and orchestra lessons will start in September. If you have any questions, please contact the band or orchestra teacher at your school. District 54 Summer Band and Orchestra Registration for 2015 Summer Band and Orchestra program has begun! District 54 students who have completed fifth, sixth, or seventh grade and have had lessons on their instrument for at least one school year are eligible to enroll. Summer Band and Orchestra will take place July 6-23 (Mondays-Thursdays) at Mead Jr High*. Registration forms are available from any instrumental music teacher or at *Please note: due to unforeseen circumstances, this is a change in location from previous posts. If you have questions, please contact the band/orchestra teacher at your school or call 847-357-5138. ALRIN BYLAWS The Aldrin Bylaws have recently been updated. The Bylaws will be up for approval at the PTA General Meeting which will take place on Thursday, April 30, 2015 at our Aldrin Family Movie Night event. If you would like to see a copy of the Aldrin Bylaws prior to the April 30th date, it will be posted on our front bulletin board and there will be copies available in the front office as well. If you would like a copy emailed to you, or if you have any other questions, please contact Lisa Reck at [email protected] or at 847-921-3396. Thank you, Nicki Fitzpatrick, Aldrin PTA 2nd VP ALDRIN PTA NOMINATING COMMITTEE REPORT The Nominating Committee of the Aldrin PTA originally met on Tuesday, March 10, 2015 and submitted a slate of officers for the 2015-2016 school year. We finalized the slate of officers and their positions as listed below. Officers will be voted upon at our General Membership Meeting on April 30, 2015. President: Lisa Reck st 1 Vice President: Nicole Villafuerte 2nd Vice President: Actively Recruiting rd Tracy Olender 3 Vice President: Treasurer: Cindy Rhodes Corresponding Secretary: Annette Barnitz Recording Secretary: Sarah Grossman Respectfully submitted by the Aldrin PTA Nominating Committee: Nicole Villafuerte, Sarah Grossman, Nicki Fitzpatrick, Tracy Olender, Cristina Ranieri and Jose Villafuerte Community Closet In November 2008, District 54 opened the Community Closet in the basement of Addams Junior High in Schaumburg. The closet collects gently used shoes and clothing from members of our community and provides them free of charge to the families of our students in need. Since opening, the Community Closet has served more than 1,600 people. How can I dontate clothes to the Community Closet? • Donate gently used, washed/clean clothes, coats and shoes of all sizes (including pajamas, but excluding any type of undergarments) • Donate new socks and underwear, or gift cards of money to purchase new socks and underwear. • You can drop off your donations in Aldrin’s front office at any time. Donations need to be in bags or boxes marked “Community Closet-Addams Junior High School.”
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