All Saints Lutheran Church Saints Alive! April 2015 In This Issue From the Pastor Spring Cleaning 2 Men’s Group Easter Breakfast Blood Drive 3 Easter Worship Mission of the Month Back Pack 4 Kids 4 Financials Hanging Baskets 5 Sunday School VBS 6 Crossways Camping 2015 Administry Team Girlscout Sunday 7 I decided to clean out some drawers in my home recently. One drawer in particular had a whole stack of recipes I had printed, dating back to 2001. As I paged through the stack, I saw a marked difference in what recipes struck my interest over the past 14 years. I have improved my cooking skills and my tastes too have changed. I could see where I’d been, and where I am. There was a noticeable difference. Throughout the season of Lent, which began on Ash Wednesday back in February, we have had six weeks to do some “spring cleaning” on our lives. It is a time to consider where you have been, where you are, and where you are going. Lent is a reflective time, to consider where your life has moved away from God’s intent for you: abundance and delight. It is a time to “Return to God,” for God is gracious and merciful. As we once again shout “Alleluia! Christ is Risen!” continue to sense where God is leading you in your own journey, closer to God. Easter provides us, once again, a reminder of our freedom to live new lives in Christ. Alleluia! Pastor Kim New Members Mother/Daughter Banquet Coffee Bar Mozart’s Requiem 8 A-team Minutes 9 April Calendar 10 Guatemala Mission Page: 1 All Saints Lutheran Church 1072 Honey Creek Rd. * Oshkosh, WI 54904 * 920-426-4142 (web site) Pastor Kim Krogstad Saints Alive! March 2015 ATTENTION MEN OF ALL SAINTS! Are you looking for a chance to network and grow in faith, maybe just relax and enjoy some Christian fellowship? Here’s an opportunity – the fledgling All Saints men’s group got started in October. Our simple goals at this point are to have a relaxed atmosphere, to promote fellowship, and provide service to the church and growth for the individuals. We viewed a video titled ”May You Be Covered in the Dust of Your Rabbi”. We discussed other topics and events for our group, and we will continue gathering on the fourth Thursday of each month. Upcoming dates will be April 23, and we will meet at All Saints for now (6:30pm). Check us out! EASTER BREAKFAST—APRIL 5, 2015 9:00 – 10:00AM Please join us for breakfast in celebration of the risen Christ. Breakfast will be served in Halleluiah Hall between church services. Worship at 8:00 and stay for breakfast or come early for breakfast before the 10:15 service. There is a sign up in the coffee grounds area to volunteer to bring a dish to pass, help serving and clean up. If you have any questions, email Donna R. Nelson at [email protected]. Page: 2 Saints Alive! March 2015 Holy Week and Easter Worship Holy Week Schedule Maundy Thursday—Thursday, April 2 6:30pm Holy Communion Worship First Communion for some of our children Good Friday—Friday, April 3 6:30 pm Worship Easter Sunday—Sunday, April 5 8:00 and 10:15 am Festival Holy Communion Worship Easter Breakfast Served from 9:00 -10:00 am Mission of the Month The mission of the Month for March and April will focus on seniors residing in assisted living facilities. We hope to enhance their daily lives through music, projects, meals, travel logs, etc.. If you have visited seniors and have ideas of what we could do to be helpful, or would be willing to help in any way, please contact Robin Whitney at [email protected] or 233-3643 or Marlene Mielke at [email protected] or 233-0997. Thank you for any of your ideas and or assistance. We look forward to your participation in this mission outreach. Back Pack 4 Kids The Community Food Pantry and the families benefitting from this program are so very grateful for your generous donations. In March we collected 110 cans of tuna. Our food item for the month of April is small cans of vegetables. Please continue to place your donations on the shelf in the Common Grounds. Thank you for making this program a priority! Page: 3 Saints Alive! March 2015 Year to Date Unified Giving Expenses Financials 02/28/2015 Budgeted $65,559 $65,553 Unpaid Bills Actual $53,726 ($55,361) ($21,681) Unified Surplus/ (Deficit) ($23,316) Special Gifts Actual Giving-including Scrips $18,065 Expenses-including Scrips $18,001 Net $64 Loan Balance 2/28/2015 $1,301,771 Unpaid Bills: ECSW-Mission Support Wisconsin Public Service - February unpaid Snowplowing unpaid Other Bills Unpaid Capital Campaign contributions Total Unpaid Bills $10,645 $1,970 $623 $1,969 $6,474 $21,681 Detailed Financials attached to Kiosk. **** Save the Date ***** Hanging Basket Sale Sunday, May 3rd We are again ordering 50 hanging baskets to sell before, between and after services on Sunday May 3rd. The baskets make wonderful Mother's Day gifts (Mother's Day is May 10th) and are a beautiful reminder that Spring is finally here! We have had wonderful feedback from past purchasers as to their quality and beauty. The price will be $25.00 each and the proceeds will go to Youth Programs. Page: 4 Saints Alive! March 2015 Sunday School Thank you to all of the families that have helped out with service projects, the Christmas program, and inside the classrooms this year! We are planning an All Saints Family Picnic again this year for our kick off to summer event and celebration of the end of the school year. This will be held on May 17th. If you are interested in volunteering for this event please let me know. As always, if you have any questions/concerns I am always available! Casey Hanson 920-203-7716 or [email protected] SAVE THE DATE: Vacation Bible School at All Saints August 3-6, 2015!! At Everest VBS, kids embark on the coolest adventure of the summer! Everest VBS is filled with incredible Bible-learning experiences kids see, hear, touch, and even taste! Sciency fun gizmos, team building games, cool Bible songs and tasty treats are just a few of the standout activities that help faith flow into real life. We’ll help kids discover how to see evidence of God in everyday life— something we call God Sightings. Get ready to hear that phrase a lot! Your kids will also participate in a hands-on mission project called Operation Kid-to-Kid that will let the kids in our community show God’s mighty love to kids in Thailand. What a way to have fun and make a difference! VOLUNTEER MEETING DATE: April 26th at 6:30pm We are in the planning stages of this epic week and looking for teen and adult volunteers and helpers…if you think you’d like to help, please attend this informational meeting at All Saints in the Common Grounds area. We’ll go over each station of VBS and what volunteers will be doing to bless and help our VBS kids! Can’t make it? Call Sarah Hopkins 376.0396 or email Stephanie Schacherl at [email protected]. Page: 5 Saints Alive! March 2015 2015 Synod Assembly Service Project Crossways Camping Ministries “Crossways camping ministries brings people together in Christ so that lives are changed and communities enhanced.” God has blessed our synod with the gift of Crossways Camping Ministries. Imago Dei Village in Clintonville, Pine Lake in Waupaca, and Waypost on Mission Lake in Hatley are rich resources where people of all ages find community, restoration, and faith formation. At this year’s synod assembly our focus will be to support Crossways Camping ministries through donation of supplies and intentional support. Crossways staff has carefully compiled a wish list of items needed for this coming year. Because the list is long and varied – we will collect items under various categories by conference. Please bring any donations to church by May 9 and our Synod Assembly delegates will deliver them. Oshkosh: canoe paddles, sand toys, vest life jackets, flip chart paper, easel, white or color copy paper, HP 12A, 15, 78, 56, 57, 96 printer ink, file folders, stamps, post-it notes, gas cards for canoe trips 2015 ADMINISTRY TEAM AND OTHER REPRESENTATIVES At the 2015 Annual Congregational meeting, the following were elected: Administry Team (A-Team): John Zimmerman, Lois Gruetzmacher, Mat Wolfgram, Mike Klich. (Continuing members of the A-Team include Linda Dittburner, Mike Norris, Deb Mellgren, Jody Lahr and Donna R. Nelson). Bethel Home Representatives: Laura Giffin, Paula Rae Rost Synod Assembly Attendees: Marlene Mielke, Dave Koch Endowment Committee Ratification Vote. The following will comprise the Endowment Committee: Jan Helwig, Steve Scheuermann, Roger Foust, Pastor Kim Krogstad, Nancy Austin, Debbie Herman. Calling All Girl Scouts: Girl Scout Sunday April 26th! Join Girl Scouts in giving back to our community by participating in Girl Scout Sunday! Current and previous Girl Scouts are welcome to wear their sash, vest or hat on this special day. We are planning on the girls singing the “Friendship Song” as well as helping during worship with reading, ushering and communion. A participation patch will be earned for those who contact Sarah Hopkins to volunteer at 920-303-0513. ***WE’D LOVE TO SHARE YOUR GIRL SCOUT PICTURES!*** We are hoping to put a slideshow together of our congregation girls and women who have been scouts in the past and present! Send them to Sarah at [email protected]. Page: 6 Saints Alive! March 2015 Are you interested in finding out more about All Saints? You are invited… You are invited to attend a New Member Info Chat. We will set them up during times that will work for your schedule. There will be a chance to talk about All Saints, our ministries and where you fit in! We'll be talking about formal membership and answering your questions. If you're here, you're already part of this community and for that we praise God. We will announce and pray for new members on Sunday, April 19. Talk to Pastor Kim or Deb Sieth, the Ministry Coordinator to set up a time for a New Member Info Chat. Pastor Kim Krogstad, [email protected], 920-426-4142 Mother/Daughter Banquet Our Banquet will be May 5th this year starting at 6.00p.m. We have lined up Christopher Banks to share their wonderful clothes with us. Please contact me right away if you would like to model. We also have MatildaJane clothes for our younger models. They sell clothes for babies through teens. We are also looking for girls from the age of 8 to 14 to model. Please contact me if interested. We have lots of openings for modeling if a mom would like to model with their kids for MatildaJane. This year ticket prices will be $8 for adults and $5 for kids younger than 17. We will be selling tickets April 18, April 25 and May 3. Everyone is welcome. It’s a buffet for everyone. Please call or email me if you want to participate in the modeling or if you have any questions. 859-0249 [email protected] If you would like to donate a dish for the banquet that also would be very much appreciated. Agnes Arbuckle HELP WANTED: Please consider being a “host” on Sunday’s a.m. at the Common Grounds. We are willing to meet with you and show you how to make coffee; how much to make etc. Also we are looking for bakers or store purchased “sweet treats” to go with coffee on Sundays at 9 AM. After church is a time to get acquainted with new people and visitors; get your scrip cards, and maybe do a little church business. There is a HELP WANTED sign on the counter of the Common Grounds. You may sign up there; or we can explain more about the Common Grounds if you would like to call Karen Scheuermann (279-5314) or Deb Romme (658-3232). Mozart’s Requiem April 25 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s powerful and moving Requiem will be the featured work at a performance by the Oshkosh Chamber Singers, Saturday, April 25, at 7:30 p.m. at the magnificent sanctuary of Sacred Heart Church, Sixth and Knapp Streets. The choir and soloists will be accompanied by an orchestra. Other works that evening include Mozart’s Ave Verum Corpus and Barber’s Agnus Dei. Dr. Carl Chapman conducts the Chamber Singers, and Marianne Chaudoir is the accompanist. Tickets are available at Heid Music on South Park Avenue or Gardina’s Wine Bar on Main Street in Oshkosh; or by calling 920312-8290. = Page: 7 Saints Alive! March 2015 All Saints Lutheran Church Administry Team Minutes March 12, 2015 Attendees: Pastor Kim Krogstad, Donna R. Nelson, Lois Gruetzmacher, Deb Sieth, Mike Klich, John Zimmerman. Excused: Jody Lahr, Deb Mellgren, Mike Norris, Mat Wolfgram and Linda Dittburner. Attended a portion of the meeting: Matthew Sommers, Barb Wussow. Devotion and Prayer: Read a passage from Luke, Ch. 5; discussed the meaning of discipleship- how we show that we are disciples of Jesus and challenges that we face. Eagle Scout Project – Matthew Sommers. Matt proposed plans to construct a cedar arbor in the vicinity of the fire pit. Motion made by Donna N. to approve the basic concept for this project. Seconded by Mike K. Passed. Mike K. will be the direct A-Team contact for Matt in this project. Next steps will be for Matt to research whether a Town of Algoma building permit is required for this project. Matt also encouraged to consider including features that will provide for easiest maintenance of the structure including ease of mowing. Action items (new & old business) Finance report: Issues, discussion. Barb Wussow explained the current cash flow and lack of funds to pay several current and past due bills. Although March is a “five Sunday month”, our recent past giving pattern is not expected to result in sufficient funds to meet obligations. Over the past several Sundays, John Z. and Mat W. have each addressed the congregation regarding our current financial situation. However, no increase in giving has been noted. Extensive discussion was had regarding our financial situation. Pastor Kim has scheduled a meeting with Bishop Jerry and Pastor Jean, Director of Evangelical Mission, at the Synod office for March 13 (tomorrow). Assignment of Liaison positions and Term Designations.Mike K. is serving a 2-year term. John Z., Lois G. and Mat W. are serving 3-year terms.Liaison positions discussed. Due to several missing members final liaison assignments will be tabled to next meeting. Reports: Pastor’s Report highlights: Lenten worship continues with the theme of “The Lesser Lights of Lent”. Pastor John P. will be preaching on March 18. Sacred Rhythms continues in it’s second month. Attended the March Outreach meeting, focusing on the theme of visiting nursing homes and assisted living facilities. Meeting with the Bishop and Director of Evangelical Mission at Synod office on March 13 re: our financial difficulties. Ministry Coordinator Report highlights: Deb will be putting the newsletter together until a new newsletter editor can be identified. Still looking for more volunteers and a coordinator for the nursery, which is re-located to the back of the sanctuary. Glimpses of God: Deb M., Pastor Kim and Deb S. working on a new opportunity for congregation members to share their faith. New member Sunday – April 19. Secretary: February minutes previously approved. Motion and second to Adjourn/passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:45. Meeting closed with the Lord’s Prayer. Next meeting: April 16, 2015, 6:30pm. (April meeting rescheduled to the third Thursday). Minutes recorded by Lois Gruetzmacher in Secretary’s absence. Page: 8 Saints Alive! March 2015 Page: 9 Saints Alive! March 2015 The Guatemala Group is Back! And we want to say “Thank You” A group of twelve left for Antigua, Guatemala on March 7th on a mission to build two homes in the village of San Lorenzo el Cubo, Guatemala. We’re back and we did it! It was lots of hard work, but so very rewarding! The lives of two families have improved immensely because of the contributions from our congregation. We want to thank the members of All Saints who helped us with their prayers and gifts. In addition to the homes we helped the two families with food, cooking stoves, replacing the family’s lost week’s wages, and more. The members of our group cannot thank everyone enough! We love to talk about our trip and look forward to answering any questions you might have. Those who were on the trip are: Emily Coniff, John Coniff, Peggy Coniff, Austin Kennebeck, Tisha Kennebeck, Marlene Mielke, Patty Mielke, Ruth Tritt, Kristian Weber, John Weber, Madison Weber, and Robin Whitney. Oh my goodness—All Saints has made another move again into the technological world! We have a QR code for Smart phones that will take you right to our donation page ( The QR code is included here for anyone that wants donate online. We will also post it in the Common Grounds area. All Saints’ Mission Statement Anchored in God’s word, love and grace, we are disciples called to share the Good News All Saints Lutheran Church 1072 Honey Creek Rd. * Oshkosh, WI 54904 920-426-4142 * Pastor Kim Krogstad [email protected] Deb Sieth-Ministry Coordinator [email protected] Worship Times: 8:00 & 10:15 am Nursery Provided @ 10:15 am Barb Wussow-Church Financial Officer [email protected] The Weekly Bulletin [email protected] The Newsletter “Saints Alive” [email protected] Signed Worship @ 10:15 am Sunday School 9:10-10:10am Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:00am-4:00pm Page: 10 Saints Alive! March 2015
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