M I S S I O N S TAT E M E N T: To contribute to the expansion of cross-border trade and investment opportunities between Canada and the United States, through active development and promotion of economic and political issues. WHY SHOULD YOU JOIN? ADVOCACY Have the opportunity to interpret and present the point of view of Canadian commercial interests to the business public and to lend practical assistance to Canadian interests seeking to enter or develop the U.S. market. Distill and represent the business views of our members before government in Washington and Ottawa. Promote the two-way flow of trade and investment, primarily between the USA and Canada, and to help business links with other countries and American Chambers of Commerce in other countries. NET WORKING Enhance the standing of its members in the local, national and international business communities. Provide a forum in which American business executives in Canada and Canadian business executives with American interests may identify, discuss and pursue common interests and opportunities. B U S I N E S S D E V E LO P M E N T Develop programs directed towards business, governments, academic and consumers to encourage a better understanding of the role of business in the competitive North American market and to contribute in a positive way to the community at large. American Chamber of Commerce Canada - Pacific Chapter W: amchampacific.com | P: 855.542.6623 | F: 877.612.6358 | E: [email protected] AFFILIATE M E M B E R S H I P A P P L I C AT I O N F O R M PAC I F I C C H A P T E R This level of membership is designed to mutually benefit the incoming Affiliate Association and the American Chamber of Commerce in Canada - Pacific Chapter through the *reciprocal promotion of events and discounted event registration. A P P L I C AT I O N F O R M Date of Application (mm/dd/yyyy) Title Applicant Name: Mr. / Ms. / Mrs. Email Phone Address Province / State City Postal Code / Zip Code MEMBERSHIP Membership expiry: October 31, 2015 Affiliate Size Pricing Granted 1-100 employees $750 CAD + GST 2 memberships 100-500 employees $500 CAD + GST 3 memberships 500+ employees $250 CAD + GST 4 memberships Applying For Membership fees will be prorated monthly Member #1 Name Title Email Member #2 Name Title Email Member #3 Name Title Email Member #4 Name Title Email All incoming applicants will be reviewed by the AmCham Pacific Membership committee and approved applications must be ratified by the Board of Directors. All fees will be pro-rated on a monthly basis. For example: a new member who applies 6 months into the fiscal year will be required to pay 50% of the annual fee. The American Chamber of Commerce in Canada is a premium business focused organization. As such we hope to have a high level of input and attendance from owners, directors, senior managers, key government officials and valued stakeholders in each member organization. AmCham Pacific memberships granted to Affiliates are extended only to designated employees of the Affiliate not to the Affiliate’s membership roster. To gain an understanding of applicants and members of AmCham Pacific, we are requesting that our accompanying questionnaire be completed. By applying to AmCham Pacific you agree to receive our electronic notifications and reminders of various events and activities. AmCham Pacific Member Only events can be attended only by Affiliate employees and not extended to the Affiliate membership roster. *Affiliate memberships are granted in anticipation of reciprocal marketing, namely AmCham Pacific events will be advertised by the Affiliate to its membership roster and the Affiliate’s events will be posted on AmCham Pacific's website. American Chamber of Commerce Canada - Pacific Chapter W: amchampacific.com | P: 855.542.6623 | F: 877.612.6358 | E: [email protected] AFFILIATE M E M B E R S H I P A P P L I C AT I O N F O R M PAC I F I C C H A P T E R A P P L I C AT I O N S U B M I S S I O N T O I N C LU D E A high resolution company logo in .jpg or .eps file format. PAY M E N T S U B M I S S I O N Cheque is attached. Payable to: American Chamber of Commerce in Canada - Pacific Chapter C/O Maria Rajanayagam RBC Suite 328 North Tower 650 West 41st Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Z 2M9 By fax: 877.612.6358 By email: [email protected] Return this application along with your payment by mail: Note: A cheque must be submitted with application, and will be returned if application is not accepted. “I consent to the collection, use and disclosure of any personal information relating to my membership for the purposes of updating the AmCham records and websites” Signature: Print Name: Title: O F F I C E U S E O N LY Processed By Date Confirmation Number American Chamber of Commerce Canada - Pacific Chapter W: amchampacific.com | P: 855.542.6623 | F: 877.612.6358 | E: [email protected] AFFILIATE M E M B E R S H I P A P P L I C AT I O N F O R M PAC I F I C C H A P T E R QUESTIONNAIRE Affiliate name Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Number of members Number of full-time employees Number of part-time employees Briefly describe your organization’s main activities: Describe your present interests or affiliations with the USA: Which other Organizations or Chambers are you a member of in Canada? What value do you hope to gain by becoming a member of AmCham? What contribution can you make to AmCham as a member? American Chamber of Commerce Canada - Pacific Chapter W: amchampacific.com | P: 855.542.6623 | F: 877.612.6358 | E: [email protected]
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