How to get started with the Green America Affiliate Program! Step #1: Sign Up! 1. Go to this website to sign up to the program: 2. Click the "Join Our Affiliate Program" link to get to the "Publisher Sign Up" page 3. On the "Publisher Sign Up" page, please do the following things: Click the "Accept service agreement?" checkbox Provide information in every field marked with an asterisk * NOTE: - The "Payment Method" section shows payment options for you once you've earned commissions. You can opt to either get a check in the mail or receive payment directly into your Paypal account. When you are finished with the form, click the "Signup" button on the bottom right Step #2: Receive Confirmation E-mails & Approval After signing up, you will receive the following e-mails: Email 1: Subject: [Performance-Based Affiliate Network] Email Confirmation Required This email will thank you for participating and asks you to confirm your email address. Click the link in the email to confirm your email address. Email 2: Subject: [Performance-Based Affiliate Network] Publisher Signup This next email confirms that your application has been received by the system and that your information is being reviewed by the Performance-Based network administrator. Email 3: Subject: [Performance-Based Affiliate Network] Publisher Approved Within one business day, you will receive a confirmation that you've been approved into the affiliate network. This email contains a login link and important information Version 0.2 Green Business Network Affiliate Program: Get Started Guide 1 about program subscriptions. No action on your part is needed as the members-only Green America affiliate program will be submitted automatically. Email 4: Subject: [Performance-Based Affiliate Network] Your subscription to program [Green America] has been approved Within one additional business day, you will receive this separate final email confirmation that you've been added to the Green Business Network affiliate program. If you have do not receive an e-mail stating that your subscription has been approved within the given time frame, please contact [email protected]. Step #3 Login to get your "Creatives" Now that your Affiliate account is all set up and your access to the Green Business Network program has been approved, you can start incorporating the special code fragments known as "Creatives" onto your website or blog. NOTE: You must log into your account on to access personalized creatives embedded with your custom tracking codes. There is special code embedded in these Creative to make sure you get full credit for any new members that join Green America by clicking through these images and links. To access your “Creatives”, please complete the following directions: 1. Use the login and password information you submitted while signing up log-in at: 2. Click on the link >>Campaigns to access the Green America affiliate campaigns page 3. Click on the link Creatives to view all available Creatives Version 0.2 Green Business Network Affiliate Program: Get Started Guide 2 Q: Don't see a Green America program with a link to Creatives? A: You need to wait until you receive an email with the subject line: Your subscription to program [Green America] has been approved. See above. 4. You will now see a scrolled list of all available Creatives for the Green America Affiliate Program. Each row of this table represents a particular piece of content which you can embed into your website or email communications. NOTE: The fourth column shows you a preview of the artwork and the fifth column contains the actual tracking code you need to insert to both display the artwork and – importantly! – include the custom tracking link which will credit you with any joins off this artwork. Tracking Code Fragment Sample Artwork 5. When you've chosen the Creative that best matches your needs, you will need to copy the respective tracking code fragment: Click inside tracking code text box Select all the code by using Ctrl-A (Windows/PC) or Command -A (Mac) Copy by using Ctrl-C (Windows/PC) or Command -C (Mac) 6. Now, you can paste this code into any html editor you use to update your website or blog or to create your emails. Be sure to copy the entire Tracking Code box into your web document. . Version 0.2 Green Business Network Affiliate Program: Get Started Guide 3 Congratulations on successfully completing the Affiliate Program sign-up and installation process! If you refresh your webpage, you should now see the Creative and be able to click through to a join page on the Green America website. Please test your Creatives by clicking on them to make sure you see a Green America donation page. From this point forward, the system will automatically track anyone joins Green America after clicking on one of your Creatives. On a monthly basis, you will receive payment from automatically whenever your affiliate balance is over $25. If you have any problems, please contact [email protected] Version 0.2 Green Business Network Affiliate Program: Get Started Guide 4
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