ANN’S CHOICE WOODSHOP MAY 2015 BULLETIN MAY MEETING will be MONDAY MAY 11, 2015 Village Clubhouse – Music Room @ 1:00 p.m. Next scheduled meetings are: June 8, September 14, October 12, November 9, & December 14. MINUTES OF April 13, 2015 MEETING Meeting opened at 1:00 by President Ed Bates with staff Charlie Bustard, Treasurer Julia Strimel and Jim Meyer subbing for Dick Longcoy. Attendees besides staff: Perk Crook, Angelo Fanelli, Walt Gozdan, Joe Haering, Bill Harding, Matt Hill, Wendell Hjertman, Alan Kane, Bill Karasch, Fred Keil, Winton, Kutz, Ed Lashen, Joe Nerz, Dan Pfeiffer, John Pisciotta, Martin Pontell, Lowell Schultz, Delmar Schumacher and Bill Strimel. TREASURERS REPORT: Feb. Balance 3487.99. Income –Dues 70.00, Donations 341.80. Expenses-Petty Cash 80.00.Leaving a end of March Balance of 3819.79. Treasurer’s and Secretary’s reports were approved. Treasurer Strimel recommended that we complete the outside repair work cards in more detail. The information should include the hours worked and the cost of materials. If money is given at the time of submission this should be noted. Detail on the work required is suggested so there cannot be any misunderstanding. President Bates indicated that Joe Alles resigned the position of Shop Manager and asked for someone to volunteer. DISCUSSION AND DECISIONS: A member challenged “the only water based stain rule”. President Bates said we will allow oil based stains as well. The Shop will be closed until 10:00 on Saturdays to permit the clean-up crew to do their work. President Bates reminded the attendees that such things as paper towels and utility knives are not meant for personal use. Anyone using the planner should warn members at least 1 minute before turning on the machine to permit them to have proper ear protection. Need to have more people to sign up for work duty. Will bring board to next meeting. There was concern over the availability of lockers in view that many are not actively being used. There are presently 1 and ½ lockers available. Some members expressed concern that workers in the shop were not using proper safety procedures, especially eye protection. The ensuing discussion included: o Everyone coming in must wear safety glasses. o Safety glasses at each piece of equipment for easy access. o Members who do not wear safety glass will not be permitted to continue working. Problem …. Who monitors and controls. DISCUSSION AND DECISIONS: (Cont.) Paint removal. All unmarked paint will be deposed during the Bucks County Hazardous waste pick up. Water based paint will be deposed by adding Kitty Litter and put in regular garbage. Bill Strimel will try to sell the router stand for 125.00. The Cutter is to be thrown out. Meeting adjourned at 1:55 Respectfully submitted, Jim Meyer Note: Not mentioned at the meeting was that the Chop Saw was sent out for repair and is now functioning properly.
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