2015 ASCRS GLAUCOMA DAY Sponsored by the ASCRS Glaucoma Clinical Committee EXHIBITOR PROSPECTUS SAN DIEGO Friday, April 17 www.ASCRSGlaucomaDay.org ASCRS•ASOA 2015 Exhibitor Prospectus / 56 2015 INVITATION TO EXHIBIT Dear Exhibitor: We are pleased to invite you to exhibit at the ASCRS Glaucoma Day 2015 program on Friday, April 17. This exhibit hall, opening one day prior to the ASCRS•ASOA Annual Symposium & Congress exhibit hall, offers a unique opportunity to connect with the most important target market for your company’s products and services. This important one-day program attracted more than 500 ophthalmologists and their staff members in 2014. In addition to the targeted access of this special pre-meeting exhibit hall, exhibiting companies will be highlighted in the show issue of EyeWorld new smagazine and in the Final Program of the ASCRS•ASOA Symposium & Congress. To become part of this exhibit opportunity, please read through this prospectus carefully, and fill out and submit your application by August 29, 2014. Thank you for your support and interest in participating in our educational programs. We look forward to seeing you in San Diego! Douglas J. Rhee, MD Jamie Barbera Program ChairExhibits Manager ASCRS Glaucoma Day ASCRS•ASOA ASCRS•ASOA 2015 Exhibitor Prospectus / 57 EXHIBIT DATES/HOURS IMPORTANT DATES TO REMEMBER Friday, April 17, 2015 7:30 AM–4:00 PM August 29 SPACE ASSIGNMENT October 15 ASCRS Glaucoma Day exhibits are an extension of the continuing education program. To be accepted by ASCRS Glaucoma Day, the products and services should be related to ophthalmic or medical administrative fields. November 17 Applications received by the August 29, 2014 deadline will be assigned space on a first-come, first-serve basis. Exhibit space is limited, thus companies are limited to one tabletop space. Requests for additional tabletop spaces will be reviewed on an individual basis. Applications received after August 29, 2014 will be honored provided space availability. ASCRS•ASOA reserves the right to reconfigure the exhibit hall floor plan and reassign any exhibiting company at any time. Should the affected exhibitor cancel his space as a result of his booth reassignment, space payments will be refunded in full provided the Exhibits Manager receives the written cancellation within the designated time frame. The affected exhibitor must submit his cancellation notification in writing within 30 days of notification of space reassignment. The exhibit hall will be open for ASCRS Glaucoma Day attendees only: • Morning and afternoon food & beverage breaks as well as lunch will be provided. All food and beverage for the program attendees will be served within the exhibit area. BOOTH SPACE GUIDELINES Exhibits are for disseminating information and displaying products that can easily fit within the allotted tabletop exhibit space. The maximum height of products and display materials on the table may not exceed 7ft. from the floor, nor can the products wrap around to produce any type of sidewall. All exhibits are subject to review on-site and modification where necessary. All exhibitors are required to keep their materials within their exhibit space. Portable, pop-up back walls are NOT permitted. Custom-built booth displays are strictly prohibited. Any requests to substitute the 6’ table with equipment must be made in writing no less than 60 days in advance of the exhibition. Booth Space Application/Contract due with 50% deposit Booth space confirmation letters emailed Last day to cancel exhibit space without incurring a penalty November 18–December 18 Booth cancellation will forfeit 20% of total booth fee December 19–February 16 Booth cancellation will forfeit 40% of total booth fee December GES Exhibitor Service Manual available online January 23 Final booth payment due February 17 Booth cancellation will forfeit 100% of total booth fee March 20 EAC form and EAC Certificate of Insurance due to GES March 20 Laser Safety Use Form due April 16 Exhibit installation April 17 Exhibit dismantle Please note that the exhibit hall configuration is subject to approval by the local Fire Marshall. Any exhibitor who will be utilizing or displaying lasers or other hazardous optical sources will be required to review the ASCRS Laser Safety Guideline and submit the Safety Use form by March 20, 2015. Please see page 26 for complete details. ASCRS•ASOA 2015 Exhibitor Prospectus / 58 EXHIBIT SPACE RENTAL FEES • 119 days from show date (December 19, 2014)–60 days from show date (February 16, 2015) forfeit 40% of total booth fee The fee includes: • 59 days from show date (February 17, 2015)–0 days from show date forfeit 100% of total booth fee • Space rental, 6 ft. draped table • Two chairs • If the exhibition is sold out and the canceled space is sold, the penalty will be reduced to 40%. • Registration for two representatives • Mailing list for the meeting upon request. Please note: A sample of the marketing collateral must accompany the request. • A booth identification sign with company name and booth number • Company listing in the ASCRS Glaucoma Day 2015 Final Programs if provided by company • 625 Priority Points toward exhibiting at the 2017 ASCRS•ASOA Annual Symposium & Congress • Company listing in the show issue of EyeWorld news magazine • Company highlighted in the ASCRS•ASOA Annual Symposium & Congress on-site Final Program Exhibitors that fail to pay the cancellation fee will not be permitted to exhibit at future ASCRS•ASOA meetings until the balance is paid in full. Payment Methods ASCRS•ASOA accepts VISA, MasterCard, American Express, checks, and wire transfers. If you are paying via wire transfer, please include the transaction fee in the total. ASCRS is not responsible for this amount, and you will be billed for the balance. For wire transfer instructions, please contact Bryan Sheering at 703-591-2220, or email [email protected]. Fee: $2,500 HOUSING 2014 ATTENDANCE PROFILE The official housing management company for ASCRS•ASOA is OnPeak. Housing opened on-site at the 2014 ASCRS•ASOA Annual Symposium & Congress in Boston, MA and is open to all exhibiting companies. PHYSICIAN 507 RESIDENT/FELLOW 76 STAFF 28 CORPORATE/OTHER 23 TOTAL 634 PAYMENTS AND CANCELLATIONS Payment Schedule The deposit of 50% of the booth cost is due with the application form. The deadline is August 29, 2014. Contracts submitted without payment will not be binding, and space will not be assigned or held. Final booth payment will be due January 23, 2015. Returned payments will be charged a fee of $30. Cancellation Policy Please note: Housing for the ASCRS Glaucoma Day exhibit hall is part of your rooming block for the annual meeting. Please see pages 18–20 in the ASCRS•ASOA Exhibitor Prospectus for complete details and requirements. OnPeak is the official housing management company for 2015 Phone (US Toll Free): (800) 370-8282 Phone (International): (312) 527-7300 Fax: (312) 329-9513 Email: [email protected] ASCRS•ASOA has contracted rooms in 26 different hotels in San Diego for the 2015 ASCRS•ASOA Annual Symposium & Congress. Any of these hotels are considered “official” hotels. Hotels not listed are not within the ASCRS•ASOA block. In order to secure your exhibitor room(s) or block, you will need to submit your request online. This will notify OnPeak of your requested housing needs and on which nights you will need them for your staff. Cancellation of assigned booth space must be submitted in writing to the Exhibits Manager. Cancellations will not be taken on the phone. •For 19 rooms or less please visit: onpeak.co/ascrs/exhibitorhousing •For 20 or more rooms please visit: onpeak.co/ascrs/exhibitorhousing Exhibitors canceling after space has been contracted will forfeit a percentage of the total space fee based on the following schedule: Any exhibitor requesting a room block of 20 rooms or more will be required to accept the terms of the ASCRS•ASOA attrition agreement along with their Exhibitor Room Block Request online. • 150 days from show date (November 18, 2014)–120 days from show date (December 18, 2014) forfeit 20% of total booth fee ASCRS•ASOA 2015 Exhibitor Prospectus / 59 ASCRS•ASOA reserves the right to make adjustments to your room block based on your organization’s history of rooms reserved vs. rooms utilized. Any request for an increase in excess of 5% of your total room pick-up from the previous year will only be granted when extenuating circumstances exist; this is subject to approval by the ASCRS•ASOA Meetings Department. AFFILIATE FUNCTIONS/MEETING SPACE REQUESTS All meeting space requests are subject to the ASCRS•ASOA Meeting Space Guidelines & Procedures. Please refer to page 21–23 in the ASCRS•ASOA Exhibitor Prospectus. Headquarter Hotel ASCRS•ASOA has designated the Hilton San Diego Bayfront as the headquarter hotel for the 2015 ASCRS•ASOA Annual Symposium & Congress. The exhibitor room block is limited at this location. Exhibitors will be permitted to request a maximum of 50 rooms per company at the headquarter hotel. Please note this is subject to availability and is not a guarantee of rooms at the headquarter hotel. When requesting any type of suite, please note that it will count for more than one room from your headquarter hotel allotment. A one-bedroom suite will count as two rooms and a two-bedroom suite will count as three rooms. All requests for suites that will be used as sleeping rooms must go through OnPeak. Hospitality Suite requests for the purpose of entertaining must be requested through the Affiliate Function Process. Please see guidelines in the Exhibitor Prospectus for more details on the ASCRS•ASOA Affiliate Function Process. INSTALLATION OF EXHIBITS Installation hours are: 1:00 PM–5:00 PM on Thursday, April 16. All exhibit crates must be empty and tagged for storage no later than 5:00 PM, and all crates must be removed from the exhibit floor by 5:00 PM on this day as well. Display space not claimed and occupied by 4:00 PM on Thursday, April 16, may be canceled or reassigned without notification or refund. If the exhibit is on hand, ASCRS•ASOA reserves the right to assign labor to set up any display that is not in the process of being erected by 4:00 PM on Thursday, April 16 and/or order the removal of all display materials and crates not in the process of being set up by 4:00 PM on Thursday, April 16. The charge for labor to complete either of these options will be billed to the exhibitor and ASCRS•ASOA shall have no liability for such work. Labor within the booth can be provided either through an exhibitor appointed contractor or the official service contractor. All individuals working in the hall must be badged at all times. All installation must be completed and be show ready by 6:00 AM, Friday, April 17. Room Assignment and Confirmation All housing assignments will be made in the order they are received. If your hotel choices are not available, an assignment will be made in a hotel comparable to your requested choices. OnPeak will send you a confirmation of your hotel assignment. You will be able to distinguish email communications from OnPeak, as the official housing management company, as they will have the ASCRS•ASOA 2015 Official Meeting logo within the communication as well as the official onPeak seal. Rooming Lists Exhibitor group block rooming lists are due to onPeak by Friday, February 20, 2015. SHOW RULES AND REGULATIONS ASCRS•ASOA Show Rules & Regulations detailed within the 2015 ASCRS•ASOA Symposium & Congress Exhibitor Prospectus (pages 38–42) are in effect. DISMANTLE OF EXHIBITS The dismantling period is 4:00 PM–7:00 PM, Friday, April 17. All exhibitor displays or materials left in the hall after 7:00 PM will be packed and shipped at the discretion of the show management and all applicable service charges will be applied to the exhibitor of record. IN NO CASE WILL DISMANTLING BE ALLOWED BEFORE 4:00 PM, Friday, April 17. If Exhibitor violates this regulation, a loss of Priority Points for future booth assignments will apply or may be denied exhibit space in future trade expositions. Please book your travel arrangements accordingly. Exhibit booths must be staffed during all open show hours. FLOOR COVERING The ASCRS Glaucoma Day exhibit location will be carpeted, and companies are prohibited from providing their own floor covering. HANGING SIGNS Hanging signs are strictly prohibited within the ASCRS Glaucoma Day exhibit area. ASCRS•ASOA 2015 Exhibitor Prospectus / 60 ASCRS GLAUCOMA DAY TABLE TOP EXHIBIT DISPLAY GUIDELINES S IMPORTANT NOTE REGARDING ELECTRICAL SERVICES: This year we have limited space for booths requiring electrical service. Electrical services can be ordered, however you MUST notify ASCRS the Exhibits Manager, Jamie Barbera, in advance to reserve placement where **Exhibitors will be asked to remove any exhibits not in compliance Glacoma Day / Cornea Day Table Top Exhibit Display Guidelines electrical service can be provided. If you require electricity please contact with these guidelines** Jamie Barbera at 703-591-2220 or via email at [email protected] by March 20. Your exhibit space any includes: ill be asked to remove exhibits not in compliance with these guidelines** • One draped table, 6’ Long x 2’ Deep x 30” High. The table is topped in white and skirted purple. Move-in/Move-out Move-in is April 16, from 1:00 PM–5:00 PM signHigh. hung on thetable front of table. in 11”white Long xand 17” skirted High. purple. 6’ Long x•2’Standard Deep xID30” The is the topped Move-out is April 17, from 4:00 PM–7:00 PM ng on the front of the table. 11” 17”each High. • Two chairs are provided, oneLong placedx on side of the table. ided, one placed on each side of the table. • One wastebasket is provided. hibit fixtures, signage, products, etc… must be placed on top of the table top. e allowed in lieu of provided 6’ x 24” table. Carts must not exceed display area limits of 66” High x 6’ Table Display Guidelines: • Tabletop Height: Exhibit fixtures, signage, products, etc. must be placed not extend beyond the table on top of the table top. surface. aching a maximum of 6’ Long x 30” High may be hung from the drape on the front of the table. • Equipment carts are allowed in lieu of provided 6’ x 24” table. Carts must ermitted on top of the table is 3’ 0”. not exceed display area limits of 66” High x 6’ Long x 24” Deep. p is your only display space. • Display space doesisnot extend beyond the table surface. carpeted, no other flooring allowed. Signs or banners reaching a maximum of 6’ Long x 30” High may be ge is not• permitted. hung from the drape on the front of the table. e not permitted. e will not• be permitted, will ordering additional chairs or a different size table be permitted. Maximum height nor permitted on top of the table is 3’0”. • Note: Your table top is your only display space. ING ELECTRICAL SERVICES: • The Exhibit area iselectrical carpeted, no other flooring is allowed. ace for booths requiring service. Electrical services can be ordered through the MCCA, • Freestanding signage is not permitted. SCRS Glaucoma / Cornea Society in advance to reserve placement where electrical service can be ctricity please contact Gailare Reggio at 703-591-0196 or via email at [email protected] by April • Pop-up displays not permitted. • Additional furniture will not be permitted, nor will ordering additional chairs or a different size table be permitted. th 4 , 2:00pm to 6:00pm. h , 3:30pm to 4:30pm. ASCRS•ASOA 2015 Exhibitor Prospectus / 61 ASCRS GLAUCOMA DAY 2015 TABLE TOP DISPLAY GUIDELINES AGREEMENT FORM Please review the ASCRS Glaucoma Day 2015 Tabletop Display Guidelines. You are required to sign and return this form to Jamie Barbera no later than March 20, 2015. I have read and agree to comply with the ASCRS Glaucoma Day 2015 tabletop guidelines. I understand ASCRS (and or its general services contractor, GES) reserves the right to require modifications to my tabletop exhibit on-site should it be deemed out if compliance. Name: Company: Signature: Date: Please return to Jamie Barbera no later than March 20, 2015 Email: [email protected] Fax: 703-547-8840 ASCRS•ASOA 2015 Exhibitor Prospectus / 62 ASCRS GLAUCOMA DAY EXHIBIT SPACE APPLICATION Friday, April 17, 2015 • San Diego Convention Center • San Diego, CA COMPANY INFORMATION—Please complete the information exactly as it should be published in the Final Programs. Company Name: Address: City: State: Zip: Country: Phone: Fax: Company Email: Website: CONTACT INFORMATION—Will not be published but must be completed. CEO/President: Marketing Contact: Title: Phone: Exhibit Contact: Title: Exhibit Contact Address: Exhibit Contact Phone: Payment Method Please Check One: VISA MasterCard Fax: American Express Email: Check Wire Transfer Amount Enclosed: $ Account Number: Expiration Date: Name of Cardholder: Signature of Cardholder: AUTHORIZATION Contracts will not be processed unless signed and include full payment. I am an authorized representative of the company with full power and authority to sign and deliver this application and contract. The company listed on this application agrees to comply with all the policies, rules, and regulations contained in the Exhibitor Prospectus and all policies, rules, and regulations adopted after publication of the prospectus. Authorized Officer Name: Authorized Officer Signature: Date: Please complete the application/contract as well as the company listing information and mail, fax or email to: Mail: ASCRS•ASOAFax: 703-547-8840 Attn: Glaucoma Day Email: [email protected] 4000 Legato Rd., Suite 700 Fairfax, VA 22033 ASCRS•ASOA 2015 Exhibitor Prospectus / 63 COMPANY LISTING INFORMATION (MUST ACCOMPANY APPLICATION) Please provide a company description in 50 words or less for publication in the ASCRS Glaucoma Day 2015 Final Programs. If no company description is supplied, the company name, address, telephone number, and booth number will be the only information published in the program. ASCRS•ASOA 2015 Exhibitor Prospectus / 64
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