Newsletter of the Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers Inc. Volume 9 | number 1 | Jan–Feb 2013 ANZSI News Welcome to 2013 new year, new colour banner for the Newsletter and the start of an exciting year for ANZSI and indexing, with the work on specifications for indexes in the EPUB standard progressing well. As you sort out your diaries and plans for 2013 I hope you are including a trip to Wellington in March to attend the ANZSI Conference. I remind you that registrations are due by 10 February 2013. An extra fee of A$50 will be charged after that date. So book now!! A Indexing the ANZSI / AusSI Newsletter In the December issue we announced the plan to produce an index to the ANZSI / AusSI Newsletter. We received a wonderful response from members and non-members and have 30 indexers busy indexing various years of the Newsletter. Armed with the style sheet some are indexing for the first time, while others are brushing up their skills or diversifying into indexing newsletters. Some are also submitting their indexes for peer review. With such a response we decided to go back to the very first AusSI Newsletter and even include the issues for the Society of Indexers in Australia Newsletter. This means 40 years and over 280 issues of indexing history! The McMaster scanner has been running hot and we nearly have all issues scanned and placed on the ANZSI website. This is an amazing achievement. So far only a couple of anomalies have been discovered. In 1990 there appears to be some missing pages and in 1989 there seems to have been only three issues. If you have information to the contrary, could you please let me know? There are still a few years to be allocated to indexers, so if you would like to be part of this indexing project and assist with indexing some of the very early issues, please let me know. When all the indexes to the various years come in they will be checked and edited to ensure consistency throughout. The indexes to the various years will be placed on the webpage with their issues and there will be a combined index formed and placed on the website as well. This is a wonderful opportunity to showcase an index to an organisation’s newsletter and to provide guidelines to other organisations contemplating a similar project. Why not explore the past issues when you have a spare moment? <> Articles required It was obvious from the ANZSI survey that members love the Newsletter, however there were many suggestions for more variety and for articles from other members. There is no reason why you can’t write about something. Do you index in a specialised subject area and have tips and hints you could share? Perhaps you have read a book members would be interested in? Have you seen an unusual index? Do you know of any local indexing projects, perhaps organised by a museum or local history group, you could write about? Many institutions are producing Apps that are really an index of something. For example, National Trust of Australia – Victoria has an App of significant trees and another on Lost Melbourne buildings (< au/trust_register__1/trust_trees> and < au/trust_register__1/lost_app>). Are there any index–based Apps you would like to describe? Why not add writing for the ANZSI Newsletter to your to-do-list? Don’t forget to include photos and/or images. Local ANZSI News In an effort to encourage more content from around Australia, we are introducing a new regular feature to the Newsletter: State/Territory News. Each state/territory has been allocated a month, starting with Tasmania. Best wishes to all for a happy and successful year. Mary Russell ANZSI 2013 Conference update B y the time you read this, the final program schedule should be set and, together with the abstracts and biographies of our speakers, will be available online. Remember the cut-off for early bird registrations is 10 Feb, after which a late fee of $50 applies. Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers Inc. ANZSI Newsletter ISSN 1832-3855 Editor: Peter Judge <[email protected]> About the newsletter The newsletter is published monthly 11 times a year, with combined issues for January and February. Opinions expressed in the newsletter are those of the individual contributors, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the society. For details about contributions and editorial matters, refer to the ANZSI website at <>. Advertising rates Full page: $200.00 Half page $100.00 Quarter page: $50.00. These are all per issue – the former annual rate has been discontinued. ANZSI contact information ANZSI’s general email address is: <[email protected]>. Further contact details in PDF format are available on the ANZSI website at <>. 2 | ANZSI Newsletter Travel One of our members reminded us that Gold Card members get free rides on the Airport Flyer bus service to the city. Sadly this does not appear to apply to the Australian Seniors Card – <> – says that AU card holders in NZ can get discounts using their AU cards but this doesn’t include state and/or nationally funded initiatives such as the free off-peak public transport available to NZ SuperGold Card holders. You could always try your luck with the bus driver ... Conference book sale specials A special conference sale is being held for copies of The Indexing Companion and The Indexing Companion Workbook: Book Indexing that are ordered and paid for before the ANZSI conference to be held in Wellington, New Zealand, in March. Early orders will help ensure that the right number of books will be available. Payment is due by Friday 8 March, and books will be available for collection at the conference. A limited number of copies will be available for sale at the conference at a higher price. Details about the books are at <>. Pre-ordered cost The Indexing Companion AUS$30 The Indexing Companion Workbook: Book Indexing: print (with electronic as well) AUS$25 The Indexing Companion Workbook: Book Indexing: electronic AUS$20 Conference cost (limited availability) The Indexing Companion AUS$40 The Indexing Companion Workbook: Book Indexing: print (with electronic as well) AUS $35 The Indexing Companion Workbook: Book Indexing: electronic AUS$20 There are a small number of indent problems in the printed workbook. These have been corrected in the electronic version, which is provided with print purchases. Payment is by PayPal or direct bank deposit. Details available from Glenda Browne at <[email protected]>. If pre-payment is difficult, or you wish to pay in New Zealand in NZ$, please contact Glenda to discuss. The following American Society for Indexing (ASI) books and back issues of The Indexer will also be available for sale at the conference or as preorders. Pre-ordered books and journals are to be collected and paid for at the conference. Deadline for pre-orders is 28 February 2013. All prices are in NZ dollars. Please visit the ANZSI website at < asp> for further details and to access the order form, or contact Mary Coe at <[email protected]> or +61 401 832 865. The Indexer: NZ$18 per issue (or NZ$87 for the set of 5 issues): September 2009 (Chinese issue) March 2012 (Digital issue) July 2012 (ANZSI issue) September 2012 (Biography Indexing) December 2012 (continued overleaf ) (Conference update, continued from previous page) American Society for Indexing (Information Today) Indexing Names NZ$52.00 Marketing Your Indexing Services (3rd Ed) NZ$33.00 Index it Right! Advice from the Experts, Volume 1 NZ$33.00 Indexing it Right! Advice from the Experts, Volume 2 NZ$33.00 Starting an Indexing Business (4th Ed) NZ$30.00 Indexing for Editors & Authors NZ$38.00 Indexing Specialties: Scholarly Books NZ$33.00 Indexing Specialties: Cookbooks NZ$38.00 Indexing Specialties: Psychology NZ$23.00 Accidental Taxonomist (Heather Heddon) NZ$47.00 Running an Indexing Business NZ$30.00 ‘Glossary of Terminology’ in Abstracting, Classification, Indexing, and Thesaurus Construction (2nd ed) NZ$16.00 Genealogy & Indexing NZ$30.00 Tordis Flath SA group report – 2012 ANZSI comes alive in South Australia ersonal and work commitments dictated that only Jane Oliver and Silvia Muscardin (pictured below, at left and right respectively) met for the 2012 ‘End of Year Do’ in Adelaide. The ‘intimate’ event concluded a successful year for the small ANZSI group in South Australia. ANZSI does not have a South Australian branch and it depends on the Victorian Branch, with Jane Oliver performing the role of SA Liaison. The Committee, formed early in the year, was successful in organising the first ANZSI training program in Adelaide. Three training sessions were delivered at DOME in Currie Street: Max McMaster was the tutor for Book Indexing 1 and Book Indexing 2, and Glenda Browne for Website Indexing. All three sessions were booked out. Participants came from different professions, proving that indexing is needed in many and varied situations: state librarians in charge of special collections, law librarians entrusted with organising specialist literature, and book editors were all represented. The feedback was very positive from all participants and tutors. P The climate of friendship and engagement was cemented over a pleasant drinks and dinner at Saldechin Restaurant. We would like to thank Jane Oliver, Janet Wilkinson and Silvia Muscardin for organising the event. Silvia Muscardin, Committee Member, ANZSI in South Australia. Practical indexing course N SW Branch will run an Intermediate/Practical indexing course, led by Glenda Browne, from 1 February to 28 February. Students will work at home, indexing a short book over four weeks. An optional face-to-face meeting is held after the first week, so that students can meet one another, have a chance to discuss planning issues and hear practical information on running an indexing business. Students have access to a YahooGroups mailing list on which they introduce themselves, discuss their approaches, and can ask questions of each other and the trainer. Students will also receive individual, written feedback on a draft and final copy of their indexes. Further details, including prerequisites and software use are at <>. Glenda Browne ANZSI Newsletter | 3 State/territory news: Tasmania T here are currently just three members of ANZSI in Tasmania, namely, Clodagh Jones, Vivienne Wallace and Christopher Brennan. We meet from time to time informally to discuss indexing matters, but, for more formal continuing education in indexing, we attend Victorian Branch training courses or the ANZSI Conferences. The local members Clodagh Jones, as a science graduate, initially worked in a College of Further Education in England. But from early on in her 50-year marriage to Roy, she has indexed books, the first being one of Roy’s that dealt with fish migration. In 1984 she and her family moved to Australia, settling in Hobart, where she has continued as a part-time freelance indexer. As well as meeting other indexers in Melbourne and beyond at meetings, conferences and workshops, Clodagh has been a Tasmanian Contact for ANZSI. While Clodagh has tended to index scientific texts, especially those dealing with Antarctica, as an accredited indexer she has nevertheless successfully fulfilled commissions to index biographies and Tasmanian historical works. The latter have included colonial diaries, notably the Journal of Annie Dawbin 1858–1868, edited by Lucy Frost, and the second edition of Friendly Mission: The Tasmanian Journals and Papers of George Augustus Robinson 1829– 1834, which Clodagh indexed with the help of Vivienne Wallace (see below). Clodagh is currently assisting with the indexing of back issues of the ANZSI Newsletter. There is more about her in ‘Quiet Achievers in indexing – Clodagh Jones’, ANZSI Newsletter 2012(4):10–11. Vivienne Wallace, like Clodagh, is a past Tasmanian Contact for ANZSI. Vivienne writes of herself: I joined ANZSI in late 2006, after decades working as a librarian, and attended some ANZSI indexing courses and also the 2007 ANZSI Conference. In 2007 I was able to take part in an ANZSI mentoring program, indexing Louisa Meredith’s Notes and Sketches of New South Wales (1844) under the supervision of Alan Walker. A wonderful opportunity! My first indexing work came in 2008 when Clodagh Jones asked me to assist with part of the indexing of a republication of Friendly Mission: The Tasmanian Journals and Papers of George Augustus Robinson 1829−1834, a mammoth task she had undertaken. As a result of this I was also offered the opportunity to index Reading Robinson: Companion Essays to George Augustus Robinson’s Friendly Mission. This was my first solo indexing job. In 2009, I indexed, in cooperation with Colleen Wilson, Electric Eric: The Life and Times of Eric Reece, an Australian State Premier by Launceston historian Dr Jillian Koshin. My only other professional indexing work has been for a local lawyer, to edit a commentary on a Tasmanian Act of Parliament and to rework the index. Since completing 4 | ANZSI Newsletter that, however, I allowed my membership of ANZSI to lapse for a couple of years, due to health issues, but I have now rejoined. As for me, Christopher Brennan, my formal, academic background is in, first, the health sciences – dentistry and clinical epidemiology – and, more recently, in philosophy, theology and editing. As a theological student and graduate, I worked for ten years in-house as editor, then senior editor, with St Pauls Publications, Sydney. Subsequently a call to help establish an ecumenical monastic community brought me to Tasmania, where I have continued editing as a freelancer, joined the Society of Editors (Tasmania) and, encouraged by editorial colleagues, taken on indexing. I joined ANZSI in 2010, have completed several ANZSI training courses, and have since contributed indexes to several books in areas ranging from philosophy, education and the fine arts to theology and church history. Along with Clodagh, I too am indexing of some of the back issues of the ANZSI Newsletter. I am the current Tasmanian Contact for ANZSI. Forthcoming events of interest The Tasmanian Writers’ Centre (TWC), in association with Ten Days on the Island, will present the Tasmanian Writers’ Festival 2013, entitled ‘The Shock of the Now’, from 22 to 24 March. The festival promises to be a weekend of ‘literary and cultural inspiration’ (to quote the TWC), where ‘thinkers will come together to engage in conversation and exchange ideas’. Participants will have the opportunity to ‘delve behind a writer’s words, or to hear about their motivation, inspiration and aspirations’. Distinguished authors will speak about what is important to them, to us and to our planet. They will include Peter Singer, Anita Heiss, Robert Dessaix and Anne Summers. Peter Singer, ethicist, international author and controversial provocateur of thought and analysis, will present the keynote address. Frank Moorhouse will host the Martini Lecture. Other writers attending the festival will include Michelle De Kretser (Vic), Peter Timms (Tas), Isobelle Carmody (Australian, but residing in Prague), Judith Rodriguez (Vic), Tony Birch (Vic), commentator Damon Young (Vic), foreign correspondent John Martinkus, and many others including writers who live and work in Tasmania. Events will be staged around the city of Hobart and feature masterclasses, forums and presentations. For full program information for ‘The Shock of the Now’, including individual session details, and master class and other event details, see <>. (The Tasmanian Writers’ Centre and ANZSI have mutual web links on their websites via their ‘links’ and ‘Tasmania’ pages, respectively.) (concluded at foot of next page) IDPF Indexes Working Group Glenda Browne, report January 2013 he IDPF EPUB Indexes Working Group (IWG) has continued to meet most weeks by telephone – usually for two hours to get through more content – with discussions continuing by email if required. T Specification document We are now working on writing and refining the EPUB Indexes specification, with Michele Combs as editor. The spec is being developed in GoogleDocs, where all members can change the content and add comments. These comments can be edited or responded to. When consensus is reached the comments are resolved. As soon as we resolve a few issues we raise a few more. Mainly they are technical decisions about what coding would be best for certain features, and whether the extra 'clutter' and effort of coding is warranted by extra functionality. The spec should soon be ready for review. Working Groups can choose whether to offer public review or just review by other IDPF members. The IWG has decided to offer public review as we are interested in getting feedback from a range of people, especially indexing software creators. Once review comments have been taken into account the proposal will be finalised. It will then be discussed by the general IDPF EPUB Working Group (on which IWG members can participate). Rather than summarise the many decisions we have made, I thought it would be useful to describe the spec to make it easier for people to read and comment on when it is publicly available. XML, XHTML5 and EPUB EPUB is based on XHTML5, i.e. it uses the core XHTML tags like <p> and <img> and <a>. XHTML is the XML flavour of HTML, i.e. it is HTML written according to the stricter rules of XML. Both XML and HTML are simplified descendants of SGML (Standard Generalised Markup Language). EPUB also includes the epub:type attribute. A lot of the work of the IWG has been in determining which values can be used with epub:type to ensure that reading systems can rely on a consistent list of values that they have to support. (News from Tasmania, continued from page 4) The Society of Editors (Tasmania) is arranging for a social media expert to conduct a workshop on the social media (Linked-In, Facebook, Twitter etc.), especially on how editors (or indexers!) could use them practically to promote their work. Details of the event will be published on the News and events page at <> once they are available. Chris Brennan Tasmanian Contact Overview The spec includes informative and normative sections. Informative sections provide context, and include the purpose and scope of the spec (including the value of indexes in ebooks) and a natural language summary of the way that indexing will work in EPUB. There is also a terminology list. Content Documents and Components The spec then provides the following information about each of the parts of an index: • EPUB Structural Semantics Vocabulary • Definition • HTML Usage Context For example, for 'Index Group' (chunks of the index such as all of the main entries starting with 'A') the draft EPUB vocabulary is 'index:group' (this is the value of the epub:type attribute) and the definition is 'Collection of sequential main entries'. The HTML Usage Context describes the HTML elements that can be used to wrap the section (e.g. <section> or <div>) and any children that index groups may or must contain. Allowable children of an index group are index entries, headings (e.g. 'A'), and page breaks. In the lines below, <section> is an XHTML element (with a start and end tag); epub:type is an attribute (an EPUB-specific one, not present in the regular XHTML tag set), and 'index:group' is the value assigned to that attribute. <section epub:type="index:group"> … </section> Identification of the Index in the Package Document Reading Systems need to know if documents in an ebook are indexes. The spec includes ways of saying that there is one index, or one index split into multiple parts, or multiple indexes (along with a few more complicated options). Schema and Examples We will be adding a schema and a simple and complex example of a marked up index. Reading System Implementation Suggestions The original Charter document for the IWG listed four use cases. As discussions progressed, we discovered that three of these were not separate use cases, as they could be implemented using the coding required for the basic index. To keep these great ideas alive they have been written up as implementation suggestions. In addition to the Charter proposals (index accessible from the text, search for all index terms used for a range of text, and display of contextual information for an index term) we also have suggestions for filtering of indexes and navigation to index groups. Glenda Browne ANZSI Newsletter | 5 Indexing Indaba – February 2013 The great work of indexing ecently I discovered Take Note, an online interactive exhibition aimed at exploring note-taking in the collections of Harvard University. Among the fascinating collection of exhibits is one that covers the history of periodical indexing, including the deep interest in this area of physician and poet Oliver Wendell Holmes. In his dedicatory address at the Boston Medical Library in 1878, he praised the then recent development in periodical indexing. ‘This idea has long been working in the minds of scholars, and all who have had occasion to follow out any special subject. I have a right to speak of it, for I long ago attempted to supply the want of indexes in some small measure for my own need. I had a very complete set of the American Journal of the Medical Sciences; an entire set of the North American Review, and many volumes of the reprints of the three leading British quarterlies. Of what use were they to me without general indexes? I looked them all through carefully and made classified lists of all the articles I thought I should most care to read. But they soon outgrew my lists…. Nothing, therefore, could be more pleasing to me than to see the attention which has been given of late years to the great work of indexing.’ The exhibit includes a page from a notebook written during Holmes’s early years in medical practice. It contains the classified lists he mentions in his address and references articles he found of interest in the subjects of anatomy, pathology, surgery, midwifery, chemistry, and therapeutics. Periodical indexing developed during the 19th century as a result of scientific knowledge being increasingly published in periodical rather than monographic form. It was pioneered by medical and scientific investigators who began to create ever-more elaborate personal systems for keeping track of scientific literature. Examples of such projects include the massive index to zoological literature compiled by Louis Agassiz, a contemporary and Harvard colleague of Holmes. It was eventually used as the basis for the Ray Society's Bibliographia zoologiae et geologiae (4 volumes, 1848–54). Another project was the Royal Society of London‘s Catalogue of Scientific Papers (1867–), which attempted to list every scientific paper published in a periodical during the nineteenth century. A review published in Nature in 1896 commented on the burning issue of the day – ‘how best to grapple with the task of recording and indexing the ever-increasing mass of scientific literature’. It was at this point that several international bodies began to compete to index and classify the world‘s scientific literature. <> R 6 | ANZSI Newsletter Indexing images of our colonial past An impressive new publication is Peter A. Dowling’s privately produced two-volume, 1490 page Index to imagery in Australian colonial newspapers. It is an index to the approximate 12,000 images in nearly all of Australia’s colonial illustrated newspapers, including those in the four major papers: Illustrated Australian News (1861-96), Illustrated Melbourne Post (1862-68), Illustrated Sydney News (1864-94) and Australasian Sketcher (1873-89). Volume I indexes the imagery by subject, region and date, while Volume II indexes all images with any attribution by creator (illustrator, photographer, artist and engraver). 100 years of crosswords This year marks the 100th anniversary of the publication of the world’s first crossword puzzle. Created by Arthur Wynne for the FUN section of the New York World newspaper, he had intended his ‘Word-Cross’ to serve as a space filler. His original numbering system later gave way to the ‘Across and Down’ system used today, and he also introduced the idea of using black squares to separate the words in their rows and columns. A few weeks after the appearance of the first ‘Word-Cross’ a typographical error was made and the puzzle was published as a ‘Cross-Word’. The name has been with us ever since. <http://inventors.> In a recent interview on 774 ABC Melbourne, David Astle, dictionary expert on the SBS program Letters and Numbers and author of the book Puzzled, spoke about his passion for crosswords. He pointed out that because they cover almost every topic under the sun, they contain a myriad of stories and act as valuable records of trends in word usage. Today, crosswords in newspapers and books are produced by professional crossword compilers or setters, well-versed in producing puzzles catering to enthusiasts with a variety of interests and capabilities. Little wonder then that their profession has crossed paths with ours in the form of crossword indexes. For example, Eddie James who produces straight and cryptic puzzles for a number of UK magazines, including Private Eye and the Guardian, indexes the puzzles available on his website by theme and level of difficulty, along with a couple of notes. My favourite note is ‘UK political/topical – N.B. some clues are bawdy’. <> Another way to index crosswords is by title, as in the index to the Puzzler section of the literary magazine, The Atlantic. This can be a little bit hit and miss as while titles such as ‘Craftwork’ and ‘Rock Climbing’ give some clue as to the theme of the puzzle, others such as ‘What’s (continued on next page) (Indexing indaba, continued from previous page) What’ or ‘Your Turn’ are fairly meaningless. Shades of the shortcomings sometimes found in cookbook indexes? < puzzler.htm> Cruciverbalism, as crossword setting and solving is also known, is an area made for blogging. Blogs provide opportunities for solvers to share their views and to assist newbies (without giving the answers away!) as well as for setters to interact with solvers. One prominent blogging community is ‘Times for the Times’, which has commented on almost every crossword published by the Times since 2006. Some of these puzzles end up in the ongoing series of crossword books published by the Times and those who collect them need have no fear of being unable to locate the blog posts associated with the original newspaper version. Some generous solvers have taken it upon themselves to index the puzzles in the books by their identifying numbers, and then matching these to the different set of identifying numbers assigned to the newspaper version, along with links to relevant blog posts. <> Nikki Davis Arthur Wynne’s first Word-Cross puzzle: Fill in the small squares with words which agree with the following definitions. You can find the solution at: <www.>. 2-3 What bargain hunters enjoy. 4-5 A written acknowledgement. 6-7 Such and nothing more. 10-11 A bird. 14-15 Opposed to less. 18-19 What this puzzle is. 22-23 An animal of prey. 26-27 The close of the day. 28-29 To elude. 30-31 The plural of is. 8-9 Cultivate. 12-13 A bar of wood or iron. 16-17 What artists learn to do. 20-21 Fastened. 24-25 Found on the seashore. 10-18 The fiber of the gomuti palm. 6-22 What we all should be. 4-26 A day dream. 2-11 A talon 19-28 A pigeon. F-7 A part of your head. 23-30 A river in Russia. 1-32 To govern. 33-34 An aromatic plant. N-8 A fist. 24-31 To agree with. 3-12 Part of a ship. 20-29 One. 5-27 Exchanging. 9-25 Sunk in mud. 13-21 A boy. ANZSI Newsletter | 7 Patterns for the Plucky: a prelude (or, what you might like to know before attending this session in Wellington) A s an introduction to a recent day-long workshop on using patterns in CINDEX™, I had intended to spend just five to ten minutes quickly reviewing the FIND and REPLACE screens before embarking on the more challenging task of learning and applying the language of patterns. Instead I unleashed an overwhelming desire among workshop participants to explore fully the existing FIND and REPLACE options and operations. An hour and a half later we were still exploring ways in they could be most usefully employed – without a single pattern on the horizon! So, if you are planning on attending the Patterns for the Plucky session in Wellington (or even if you are not), here are aspects of searching and replacing text with which you should familiarize yourself, especially since we will not have time in Wellington to cover the same ground. I invite you to call up the FIND screen in Cindex and follow along ... Case sensitivity • Any search for a string of characters is case-insensitive unless you request otherwise. (The opposite is true for REPLACE). Thus searching for the character string ‘cat’ might find Catacomb, cat, Cats, communication, classification, Indicator, etc. • Checking the ‘Case’ box (bottom of FIND screen) and still searching for ‘cat’ will only retrieve cats, communication, classification, Indicator • Checking ‘Whole Word’ instead of ‘Case’ will retrieve only cat • Should you wish to find both plural and singular forms (but avoid using a pattern), you can enter ‘cat’ in the text box and select the Boolean operator OR from the drop-down menu to the right of the text box. A second text box will appear. Enter ‘Cats’ in this second box. Check ‘Whole Word’ beneath both text requests and the search will now retrieve cat and Cats. Excluding characters from the search • You can also use the Boolean operator NOT to exclude a specific character or characters from the search. For example, you may have entered author names and subject content in the same index file, and now wish to quickly spell-check only the subject material. – If the author names were entered in “last name and initial letter” format, then exclude the full stop (.) from the search. To do this simply type a full stop in the text box and check the NOT box immediately to the left. The search will retrieve all records that do not contain a full stop. Now run the spell-check. The search will also identify name entries where you failed to provide a full stop – another editing check satisfied! 8 | ANZSI Newsletter Including/Excluding records from the search • The FIND screen has two areas that allow you to restrict your search as you wish: Scope allows you to define how much of the index you wish to search; and Only Among which lets you determine the ‘types’ of records among which you wish to search • Within Scope the default setting is to search the whole index (or whatever is currently displayed, such as a group), but you can also search: – within a highlighted array of records by checking the Selected Records button – among a range of records (j-s, for example) or by record number, (200-500, for example). In the first instance you need to display the index in an alphabetic sort; in the latter you would need to place the index in Unsorted order (i.e. the order in which they were entered). To do this, go to the View Menu and uncheck the Sorted option. When finished, recheck the Sorted option – by date of the last action (adding or editing) in records. – by User ID. This is particularly useful in a team-indexing project. To ensure that each record is ‘stamped’ with the User ID, it should be set, prior to beginning work, on the Preferences/General screen (in Windows editions of the program Preferences are found on the Edit Menu; under the Cindex Menu on the Mac). • The Only Among section of the FIND and REPLACE screens provides ways to restrict searches (and replacements) to certain kinds of records. For example, to search among (or simply locate and group) all New records ensure that the following two buttons are checked: Records That Are and New. Cindex defines a new record as one that has been added to the index since the file was last opened. A Modified record is one that has been either altered or edited, or newly added since the file was last opened. Records that have been Deleted can also be found, but only when records are displayed in Draft view (VIEW Menu/Draft Format). Labelled records can also be located, either by individual label colour or all at once. Marked and Generated records are the result of other operations in CINDEX and are not discussed here. Searching by Type Style or Font • The Attributes button allows you to search for words or characters with specific type styles or fonts. This is most often used in conjunction with pattern searches, but sometimes you may simply wish to locate and review all book titles or Latin terms you have entered in italic type into your index. Or you may have entered some text in a font different from the index as a whole. When you click on the Attributes button, any additional fonts used will be listed on the drop-down menu. (continued on next page) (Patterns for the Plucky, continued from previous page) Confining the search in record fields • You can instruct CINDEX to only ‘look’ in certain fields of records by selecting the appropriate option from the drop-down menu immediately below the text box. When Page is selected, the adjacent setting Evaluate Numbers is automatically checked. This means that if you search for ‘267’ CINDEX will identify it not only as a plain character string but also when it is contained within a page range, e.g. 265-268. If you literally want to search for the string ‘267’ uncheck Evaluate Numbers Bear in mind the following: • The above options to include and exclude characters, words, and text-style attributes are also available on the Replace screen. The Replace screen also allows you to ignore, change, or remove text-styling or fonts • Use the Reset button to clear the settings on the Find and Replace screens. • Should you make a replacement in error, use the File Menu/ Revert to Saved feature to restore the index to its last saved iteration. Frances S. Lennie, Indexing Research <fl[email protected]>, +1 585-413-1819 News from Queensland Branch Q ueensland Branch’s 2012 year wound to a close on 27 November, when a small group of Queensland members and their spouses met for the Christmas dinner party at the Salisbury Hotel Restaurant in Brisbane. After dinner, our Secretary Beryl Macdonald provided a crossword puzzle for the group, based on the October 2012 ANZSI Newsletter, to the delight of all who attended. Thanks to Beryl for her ingenuity and for entertaining the group. Thanks also to all Queensland members and our resident author Graham Potts, who attended to see the old year out. Tuesday 26 February will be our first General Meeting and dinner in 2013, to discuss in-house indexing projects with guest indexer Mei Yen Chua. Please come to the Salisbury Hotel and see the New Year in with us. The following month, on 26 March, we ask, ‘Have you ever met a Palaeontologist? What would you ask of her?’ Guest speaker Dr Susan Turner will provide the answers. Moira Brown President ANZSI Newsletter | 9 The Festive Season Index ... The Vic in December A t the VIC meeting in December, 2012, a small band of indexers and friends got together to create a list of index terms related to the festive season. Participants were asked to think laterally and include not only traditional Christmas topics like the Nativity or Christmas fare, but consider other topics which revolve or are associated with the Christmas season, such as traffic jams, travel, overindulgence, Myer Christmas windows, etc. As terms and cross-references were suggested, they were written on the whiteboard by Mary Russell and then entered into Macrex indexing software by Max McMaster, and displayed via a data projector. It was amazing to see the diversity of topics which were included. In the one hour allowed for the exercise, 130 terms were entered. Our Festive Season Index is given on the next page. Invariably in an exercise such as this some topics which should have been included were forgotten, but as an exercise in group indexing it was very worthwhile. The whole activity was very enjoyable, as it allowed everybody to contribute, including some non-indexing colleagues who came along. For them, seeing an index developed in real time was a bonus. Max McMaster (See the Festive Index spelt out on the next page) Meditations, by Marcus Aurelius Camberwell, Vic., Penguin Group (Australia) 2011 W e have a wonderful quote by Marcus Aurelius in the ‘positive future’ section of The Indexing Companion. I was therefore a bit startled to hear that he had committed suicide, but was assured that this was in line with Stoic philosophy. (I have since discovered that he died after a short illness, probably a fever or the plague). Because I had quoted him I thought I should perhaps read a bit more, and bought myself his Meditations for Christmas. The Penguin Classics edition has three indexes: Names, Quotations and General. Names include people (e.g. ‘Dio, either Dio of Syracuse or Dio of Prusa (Chrysostomos)’), gods (e.g. ‘Zeus, god’), peoples (e.g. ‘Sarmatian (Germanic tribe) prisoners’), places (e.g. Asia) and geographical features (e.g. Athos, mountain). The author comments that ‘Not all the passages cited name the referent. For example, Marcus refers to his mother several times, but never by her name, Domitia Lucilla’. The Index of Quotations ‘lists both direct quotations and those passages of other authors which either clearly or probably lie behind Marcus’ thought and/or expression at various points.’ They include many familiar authors such as Aristophanes, Epicurus, Homer and Sophocles. The General Index notes that a comprehensive index would be almost as long as the book itself, and that the General Index aims to ‘strike a reasonable balance between completeness and utility’. ‘A good number of otherwise trivial entries’ have been included to help readers seeking to recapture a striking phrase or image. He gives the examples ‘bath-water, cucumber, puppies and rubbishdump’. This is a good example of indexing what might otherwise be considered a passing mention (after all, the reader is not being led to a substantial discussion on cucumbers, for example). The headings of fifty major 10 | ANZSI Newsletter entries are given in bold capitals for ease of reference. These include BODY/FLESH, DIRECTING MIND and STOIC PHILOSOPHY. What I find most interesting about the index/access, however, is the linkage of the index, through emboldened locators, to the notes, which often contain ‘synoptic treatment or a mini-index of the point or issue discussed’. Thus the core structure of the index is kept manageable, but great detail is provided elsewhere. Apart from keeping the index uncluttered, this enables the provision of more contextual information at these references. For example, the note for 2.14 lists four categories into which Marcus’ considerations of death mainly fall. The third one is the longest and reads: ‘Reflections, with varying degrees of focus, on the inevitability of death (‘where are they now?’) for the greatest of men, the wisest of men, ordinary men, those who buried others: 33.3, 4.32, 4.33, 4.48, 4.50, 6.24, 6.47, 7.19, 8.25, 8.31 (the whole court of Augustus), 8.37 (‘all stench and corruption in a bag of bones’), 10.31, 12.27’. Marcus’ meditations are largely unstructured, often repetitious, and sometimes contradictory, so the notes – and the ‘indexing’ within them – are important for access to the work. Having read (or, in places, skimmed) this book, my favourite quote remains the one in The Indexing Companion (p.199): ‘Never let the future disturb you. You will meet it, if you have to, with the same weapons of reason which today arm you against the present.‘ Here’s to the exciting future of indexing! Glenda Browne The Festive Season Index Advent Advent calendars alcoholic beverages angels Baby Jesus barbeques baubles Bethlehem beverages, see also alcoholic beverages bills bonbons booze buses Boxing Day bush Christmas camels cards see Christmas cards carollers carols Carols by Candlelight Chanukah see Hanukkah charities children chocolates choirs Christmas Christmas appeals Christmas cakes Christmas cards ‘A Christmas Carol’ (Dickens) Christmas crackers see bonbons Christmas Day Christmas decorations Christmas eve Christmas greetings Christmas lights Christmas meals Christmas parties Christmas stocking Christmas trees Christmas wrapping Church services credit cards crib debt decorations see Christmas decorations desserts Dickens, Charles, ‘A Christmas Carol’ donkey (see previous page) Emmanuel family family ‘brag’ sheet/letter family tensions Father Christmas food frankincense free public transport friends ghosts gifts see presents gingerbread houses gold grog see beverages ham hampers Hanukkah hangovers holiday time tables holidays holly house decorations ivy Jesus see Baby Jesus Jingle Bells jokes Joseph last minute shopping late night shopping left overs loneliness manger Mary Messiah Midnight Mass mince pies mistletoe mulled wine music Myer windows myrrh New Year Noël North Pole office parties overindulgence pantomimes paper hats plum pudding pork presents Queen’s message queues reindeer religion St Nicholas see Father Christmas salads Santa Claus see Father Christmas school holidays seafood sheep shepherds shopping shortbread silly season sleigh snow stars street decorations sunburn Three Wise Men tinsel traffic chaos travel trees see Christmas trees turkey TV Christmas specials Twelve Days of Christmas Xmas see Christmas yule log Yuletide see Christmas nativity new toys ANZSI Newsletter | 11 ANZSI and Branch events Date and time Organiser Name of activity Venue Contact details Mon 18 Feb 9.00–4.30 Vic Branch Basic Indexing Pt 1 Holmesglen TAFE Details at <> Tues 19 Feb 9.00–4.30 Vic Branch Holmesglen TAFE Details at <> Wed 20 Feb 9:30–12.30 Vic Branch Holmesglen TAFE Details at <> Wed 20 Feb 2.00–5.30 Vic Branch Holmesglen TAFE Details at <> Tues 26 February 6.00 pm dinner Qld Branch In-house indexing with Mei Yen Chua Salisbury Hotel, 668 Toohey Rd, Brisbane Details at <> Wed 6 March 6.00 pm Vic Branch The VIC: multiple authors Holy Trinity Church, Kew Details at <> 13–15 March ANZSI ANZSI 2013 Conference Wellington, NZ Details at <> Basic Indexing Pt 2 Embedded Indexing with MS Word Annual report indexing ANZSI Newsletter ON OTHER PAGES ANZSI News ANZSI Newsletter ANZSI 2013 Conference update SA group report 2012 – ANZSI comes alive in SA NSW Branch indexing course State/Territory news – Tasmania IDPF Indexes Working Group Indexing indaba (with a crossword!) Patterns for the Plucky: a prelude (Frances Lennie) Queensland Branch news The VIC December – the Festive Season index Meditations by Marcus Aurelius Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers Inc. PO Box 2059, Wattletree Road LPO, Malvern East VIC 3145, Australia 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 8 9 10, 11 10 Published by the Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers Inc. PO Box 2059, Wattletree Road LPO, Malvern East, VIC 3145, Australia © Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers Inc. ISSN 1832-3855 Opinions and statements expressed in the newsletter are those of the respective authors. Newsletter schedule The next Newsletter will appear in March 2013. The contribution deadline is Friday, 1 March. The editor welcomes your contributions submitted by email to <[email protected].> Postage paid Newsletter of the Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers Inc. Volume 9 | number 2 | March 2013 ANZSI News ANZSI Conference t is March 2013 already! March 2013 is ANZSI Conference month. For many members it is a chance to take a break from work and travel to Wellington. It is a wonderful opportunity to meet other indexers, put faces to names, to learn new tips and hints and to be stimulated and inspired. The New Zealand Branch has been working very hard to produce an interesting and diverse programme that even includes a chance to take a break from the formal conference and do something else for an afternoon or to take a Lord of the Rings tour. For members not going to the Conference, many of the papers will be made available, either via this Newsletter or the website. I Do you read ebooks via your local library? Have you been exploring downloading ebooks for free via your public library? OverDrive is one of the main suppliers of ebooks to public libraries. The ebooks are usually available in PDF and/or EPUB versions. I understand not Kindle versions at the moment. I have experimented with a few non-fiction titles and I am finding they are stripping the ebook of the index that was in the printed version. I mean totally stripped. No mention of the index at all in the ebook version. Have you had the same experience? I would like to find out if, with my little sample, I have just managed to find the few with indexes stripped or if this is a common occurrence. Could you please send me specific examples of titles you have found for non-fiction with or without an index via OverDrive? Mary Russell The last Conference update! H ave you registered for the Conference yet? If not, be quick! You can still get in … The full program is available at <>. Here are some last minute ideas for the Conference: Lord of the Rings tour tickets There are still tickets available for the LotR tour during the Conference on Thursday 14 March. Cost is $100, payable on the website, which includes lunch and refreshments. Dress up for dinner at The Roxy There will be a competition with a prize for the Best Dressed at dinner. The theme is Art Deco /1920s / 1930s. Jazz up your outfit with a scarf, eye-catching jewellery or go the whole hog and hire a costume. Costume Hire places in Wellington include: The Costume Hire Company <>. 214 Willis Street, Wellington open until 7.00 pm Thursday. They will give ANZSI Conference participants a 20% discount and do a hotel pick up the next day (or bring them back to the conference venue). Dress Ups for Grown Ups <www.>. Creative Show Off Costume Hire <>. See you there! Tordis Flath The Victorian Indexing Club (The VIC) Indexing with Gusto! Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers Inc. ANZSI Newsletter ISSN 1832-3855 Editor: Peter Judge <[email protected]> About the newsletter The newsletter is published monthly 11 times a year, with combined issues for January and February. Opinions expressed in the newsletter are those of the individual contributors, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the society. For details about contributions and editorial matters, refer to the ANZSI website at <>. Advertising rates Full page: $200.00 Half page $100.00 Quarter page: $50.00. These are all per issue – the former annual rate has been discontinued. ANZSI contact information ANZSI’s general email address is: <[email protected]>. Further contact details in PDF format are available on the ANZSI website at <>. 2 | ANZSI Newsletter During February, the Victorian Indexing Club was pleased to welcome guest speaker Mei Yen Chua to a meeting with a distinctly culinary flavour. A Queensland Branch member, Mei Yen is the publisher of the popular eateries guide, Brisbane’s Budget Bites. How Mei Yen got into this area of publishing is perhaps a little unusual; it resulted from a dare put out by a friend. She rose to the bait and set about pulling together a collection of gastronomic gems – eateries, bakeries, coffee spots and providores with great food at budget prices, often overlooked because of the lacklustre appearance of their premises from the street. Mei Yen found that convincing advertisers to purchase space in Brisbane Budget Bites was a little more challenging than she had at first imagined. Undaunted, she soon turned this problem into a plus by making it into the only advert-free eateries guide in Australia. With this point of difference, Mei Yen set about developing her readership which has turned out to be far more well-heeled than the backpacker market that she had expected. Now well-seasoned in the business, Mei Yen works with a team of reviewers she has handpicked for their knowledge of different cuisines, in order to produce the annually updated guide. Suggestions for new and different eateries are welcomed from readers, but a warning for restaurateurs thinking of posing as happy diners – Mei Yen has a knack for sniffing you out. In addition to researching (i.e. eating out!), editing and publishing the guide, Mei Yen naturally indexes it too. In the latest edition of Brisbane’s Budget Bites the original single index was expanded to create three – a Cuisine Index, a Suburbs Index and an Alphabetical Eateries Index. The guide has not been untouched by the demise of Angus & Robertson and Borders bookstores, who were major distributors. Not one to give in to a challenge too easily, and in keeping with the times, Mei Yen is currently looking at producing the guide as an app. The choice of the State Library of Victoria Conference Centre as the venue for the February meeting was a deliberate one. The Library’s current exhibition, Gusto!, looks at the culinary history of our state with major themes and ideas that cover: Food and identity, Early days and going without, Meat and ethics, The fashion for food, Spoilt for choice, and Immigration and cultural diversity. After Mei Yen had given us a peek into the world of food reviewing, members enjoyed afternoon tea and a wander through the exhibition. Nikki Davis NSW Intermediate Indexing workshop I was the incredibly lucky sole student participant in a Saturday morning workshop, held as part of the Intermediate Indexing course with ANZSI. I spent the morning with not one, but two of our best indexers (Glenda Browne and Mary Coe), all to myself! The workshop was quite loosely planned, allowing for my many questions and some deviations, but over the course of the morning we managed to do a lot. What we covered included: • a look at some publications available to help new and experienced indexers, not only with indexing itself but with some of the grammar decisions that we meet as indexers. I will certainly be buying that book by Pam Peters! • a thorough critique of two of my own indexes that I had brought along for show-and-tell. These were very different jobs and the advice given by both Glenda and Mary was invaluable. A bit more about that later. • a look at my progress with the index that we are working on for the course. • some advice on setting up and running an indexing business. • ample time to answer an endless stream of questions that had been puzzling me for ages – we covered, among other topics, subheadings, ‘see also’ refs, page spans, the decision whether to index an item or not, indexing the ‘extras’ like a preface – my questions must have seemed endless, but were answered patiently and expertly by both indexers, who offered at times different but equally valuable insights. Having two facilitators was in no way confusing, but quite the opposite. A few times I sat and listened as they discussed the different approaches to tackling an indexing job. Whether to read carefully through a text before starting, marking everything on the copy for inclusion or consideration later, or whether to dive straight in, open a new file in the software and start making entries while moving through the text? Whether to note down every minute of time spent working on the index or whether to make a guestimate, subtracting for time spent on Facebook and other distractions? Among my many questions, there were technical puzzles that had been bugging me about my indexing software (I use Sky). Glenda uses SKY, while Mary uses CINDEX, so there was plenty of opportunity to find answers to these puzzles. I will be upgrading my version of SKY as soon as I can get around to it! The most valuable part of the day was the chance to have these two wonderful indexers look at my own work. They raised points that I had never considered, and this is the difference between a beginner/intermediate like me and an experienced indexer. Economy in an index was something I hadn’t thought of – I had been guilty of making long strings of locators as well as long lists of subheadings with the same locator as the main heading. I can now think about different ways to present these that make an index ‘look’ better. My samples were a community cookbook with an index of two pages and a book of proceedings from an ophthalmology conference – a detailed index of eight pages. The advice I gleaned from the morning session was treasure! One take-home message from the workshop was that no two indexers will produce the same index. There are many ways to work and to deal with those indexing conundrums, and this is illustrated in one of the reference books that Glenda brought along (Inside Indexing by Sherry L Smith and Kari Kells), in which two indexers give their interpretation of the same book. No one way is ‘correct’, and a lot depends on the target audience. The workshop included all the face-to-face advice and wisdom listed above, but also unlimited tea, a lovely lunch at Wagamama, handouts containing business advice and back copies of the journal The Indexer. The inspiration gained will benefit me for a long time! Sally Pope Pictured at the workshop are Sally, Glenda and Mary ANZSI Newsletter | 3 New South Wales Branch N SW Branch has had 40–50 members over the past few years. Most are located in the Sydney metropolitan area, but regional areas are represented as well. Currently, in addition to the Sydney-based members, there are seven members in the Blue Mountains, three in the Illawarra/ Southern Tablelands region, three on the Central Coast, and a couple of members in Mudgee and Bellingen. The distance between us makes face-to-face meetings on a regular basis impractical, so we try to arrange events and courses in a central location, usually in the Sydney CBD, several times per year and the Branch Committee meets monthly via teleconference. We have also organised joint regional events with the ACT Branch, meeting in Bowral in the Southern Tablelands, roughly halfway between Canberra and Sydney. Over the past year, NSW Branch has organised the following events and courses: • Intermediate/Practical Indexing course (February 2013): Glenda Browne’s course combined a month-long online component with a face-to-face meeting in Sydney. Six students participated, including two from South Africa (who unfortunately did not attend the Sydney event!) • Social lunch/end-of-year gathering (November 2012): Frances Lennie presented ‘Indexing as Art’ then joined us for lunch in a Sydney pub. (See newsletter article last December) • Joint ACT/NSW Branch regional conference ‘From pbooks to ebooks’ (July 2012): We gathered over a weekend in Bowral with ACT Branch members and local publishers to investigate ebooks and how to index them. (See newsletter article last September) • Basic Book Indexing (July 2012): Nine students met for Glenda Browne’s course over a weekend in the Sydney CBD. • Introduction to Embedded Indexing (September 2012: Jon Jermey introduced students to LibreOffice Writer and took students through the basic process of adding, modifying and deleting embedded index entries. Mary Coe demonstrated the use of CINDEX in embedded indexing projects and introduced a range of other tools used by indexers for embedding (Microsoft Word, WordEmbed, DexEmbed, InDesign). Glenda Browne finished the session with a discussion of the use of embedded indexes in ebooks. The Branch would like to encourage members to attend events run by related professional groups, to ensure that: • we learn about other people’s interests and priorities, and • other professionals learn about indexers, indexing and the things that matter to us. (continued on next page) Members of NSW Branch enjoying their end-of-year (in this case 2011) social lunch at Sue and Martin Flaxman’s home in Bowral. Round the table from the left: Tricia Waters, Glenda Browne, Madeleine Davis, Mary Coe, Alan Walker, Tim Tyler, Oran Rusidov, Sue Flaxman, Pamela Johnstone, Elisabeth Thomas, Frances Paterson, Jon Jermey. 4 | ANZSI Newsletter (NSW Branch, continued from previous page) NSW Branch offers sponsorship of up to $100 for attendance at an approved event. An additional allocation of $50 may be made for long-distance transport costs. The Branch Committee currently has nine members and meets monthly via teleconference. We are an eclectic bunch, ranging from full-time freelance indexers to students to library professionals. The committee officers and members for 2012–13 are: President: Frances Paterson Vice President: Glenda Browne Secretary: Mary Coe Treasurer: Sue Flaxman Committee Members: Madeleine Davis, Lorraine Doyle, Helen Enright, Elisabeth Thomas, Michael Wyatt In addition to local and regional matters, the Branch committee has assisted in general ANZSI projects, such as hosting the 2009 Conference in Sydney and the current redevelopment of Indexers Available. NSW Branch first sent a ‘Proposal to Enhance Indexers Available’ for discussion at the full Council meeting in March 2011. Since then, feedback from other Branches and recommendations from the P&P Committee have been considered by the NSW Working Party on Redevelopment of Indexers Available. A report and recommendations will be forwarded to the Council for its meeting on 28 March 2013. Final consideration will be made at the full Council meeting in May. We encourage any ANZSI NSW members to join us on the committee or to contact us with suggestions for events and courses. In future, we are hoping to extend our online course offerings, such as the Intermediate/Practical Indexing course, and to offer one-on-one mentoring for new indexers. If you would like to join the committee or offer suggestions, please contact the NSW Branch Secretary, Mary Coe, at <[email protected]> or <0401 832 865>. Mary Coe News from Queensland Branch A General Meeting of Queensland Branch was held on 26 February. The meeting was well attended and plans were hatched for a new and exciting indexing training adventure using Glenda Browne and Jon Jermey’s text The Indexing Companion in conjunction with the accompanying Workbook by Glenda Browne. It is a mentoring type of indexing training to be run online by Queensland Branch member Mei Yen Chua for the Branch. It is a pilot run and a work in progress, which will be an exciting adventure for the 11 participants who have so far signed up. We aim to accommodate all trainees who have a day job, so we have an extended training itinerary. Time frames may shift and morph, so please feel free to join us over the next three months. Any ANZSI Branch member, or any industry colleague, is welcome to participate in this training adventure online. All enquiries to Moira Brown <[email protected]. au> or <0416 097 629> Moira Brown President, Qld Branch) At the meeting were (front, l to r): Jeni Lewington, Mei Yen Chua, Moira Brown; (back) Beryl Macdonald, Dr. Peter Mountney, Cate Seymour-Jones, Jane Douglas, Franz Pinz, Teresa Hayward. ANZSI Newsletter | 5 Indexing degustation W e go on a dizzy tour this month, from Pudding Island (UK) to Timbuktu and Nevada; chasing music, crosswords, endangered documents and legal brothels. Take your pick. There is absolutely nothing that cannot be indexed and I have made it my mission to hunt up some more unlikely subjects for future discussion. Internet Beatles Recording Index Back in the 60s I was in thrall to the Beatles, or to be precise, George Harrison. My sister went for Ringo which always was a mystery. We were lucky enough to see them live at Festival Hall and ‘see’ is the operative word because piercing shrieks drowned all sound. Imagine my excitement when I discovered the Internet Beatles Recording Index, a site which is bound to stir the cockles of many an indexer’s heart. Each song released by the Beatles between 1962 and 1969 has a page made up of sections for producers, engineers, sessions musicians, musical context and lyrical context. One may find all the songs in which the harmonica features, or where George Harrison plays the violin. There is a cross reference of musical and lyrical context, for example, in which songs do the Beatles mention death in their lyrics. Who was the engineer on Hey Jude? Song lyrics are included which is a boon for those who suffer from Lady Mondegreens. There are even guitar chords. If you click on the instrument mentioned on a recording page you will find a chronological listing of appearances of that instrument in these recordings. There is also a helpful page on information about the links. I pursued a line which began with songs recorded in 1963, and selected I Saw Her Standing There. Here were listed the producer, engineer, date of release, who played the various instruments and sang, and lyrical references, i.e. subjects. In this case, dancing, holding hands, and romantic love. Click on one of these and you get all the other songs that share the reference. Then there are links to the author, covers, lyrics, trivia, notes, oops, other instances where, for example, Ringo Starr provided Ludwig Drums, and live performances. Here was a list of all the performances, including 16 June 1964, when we had our ears bored out. Another link went to all the songs performed on the night. Then there are statistics! What a gem! <> More on crosswords As a tyro cryptic crossword enthusiast, I was fascinated to read Michael Shmith’s account of Guardian crossword setter, Araucaria. Araucaria (Latin for the ‘monkey puzzle’ tree) is really the Reverend John Graham MBE, a 91-yearold vicar. Recently, he announced his terminal cancer in 6 | ANZSI Newsletter the cryptic clue; ‘sign of growth’. Michael Shmith writes, ‘For the cryptic solver of average mind (i.e. me) this clue is fairly straightforward. You just have to deconstruct it to arrive at the right answer. Thus, ‘’sign’’ is not an indication or a printed notice but, rather, astrological - a sign of the zodiac; ‘’growth’’ is not positive expansion but something darker and anatomical. Answer: cancer.’ As a paragraph above the grid explained: ‘Araucaria has 18 down of the 19, which is being treated with 13 15.’ In other words, he has cancer of the oesophagus and is receiving palliative care.’ Araucaria creates six crosswords per month for The Guardian, several for The Financial Times and two a month for the magazine he founded in 1984, 1 Across, where his premature death-notice crossword first appeared last month. Until then even his brother did not know he was Araucaria. He will be sorely missed. enigmatic-to-the-last-crossword-king-araucaria-will-besorely-missed-20130116-2ctoy.html Index to Nevada’s Legal Brothels by Region A useful little site for aficionados. Speed Racer has divided the state into four regions; click on these for more detail or click on the map of Nevada alongside. Both options take you to the same page; a local map and a list of bordellos within local areas. For example, the trail would go as follows: Main Page - Southern NV - Pahrump-area Brothels (Chicken Ranch & Sheri’s Ranch). Once here, there are very detailed directions from Las Vegas and Southern California to the chosen brothel. A potted history of each establishment adds a lot of interest to the site. Additional information includes weather links for Nevada and surrounding areas, information on major Nevada Road Construction Projects, and tables listing Nevada’s Legal Brothels & Locations (by house name) and Nevada’s Legal Brothel Websites (by house name). One imagines a visit would be no small matter when wayward roads and weather are thrown into the mix. Historic Timbuktu texts saved from burning As French tanks were closing in on Timbuktu on the night of 23 January, the al Qaeda-backed militants who had governed Timbuktu since April left a departing blow. They broke into one of the world’s most valuable libraries, ripped centuries-old manuscripts from shelves, and began burning the priceless artefacts. However, to the relief of bibliophiles the world over, the vast bulk of the library was saved by wily librarians and a security guard—and help from modern technology. About 28,000 of the library’s artefacts were smuggled out of town by donkey cart, stashed into bedrooms and over the next few days were carted to small boats along the nearby Niger River. From there, the boats (continued on next page) (Indexing degustation, continued from previous page) sailed four days south to the first town under government control, Mopti. A truck carried the priceless artefacts to the capital, Bamako, where officials with the University of Cape Town said they were safe. The rescue mission was yet another example of local determination to preserve their heritage from invading armies. Locals have long stashed ancient documents under the brick floors of their houses, or under furniture to keep them safe. Others were plastered into the house’s walls by a great-grandfather who had accused French soldiers of stealing and destroying his parchments when they conquered this desert in 1905. More recently, technology offered a way to put Timbuktu’s ancient manuscripts out of reach of pillagers. In 2008, the University of Cape Town helped finance a multistory, glass-panelled library and preservation complex, whose staff sought to digitize Timbuktu’s written heritage. It was fortunate that the the papers burnt by the gunmen had been digitised. However, locals were slow to bring in their papers and only 2000 texts were stored at the centre. About 28,000 parchments stayed in Timbuktu’s older, more modest library nearby. Both institutions came under threat in April, when the city fell to separatist rebels fighting to carve this northern half of Mali into an independent nation for the Tuareg people. The gunmen looted the town, and several tried to break down the doors of the new library. AQIM (Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb) and an allied militia called Ansar Dine stopped the looting. Islamists sent a more-menacing message on 30 December, when they came to the old library, which housed the bulk of the literature. They had plans to convert the building into a Quranic school, but, to the relief of all involved, these plans were thwarted. < 8276003922396218.html?mod=WSJ_hpp_LEFTTopStories> Jane Purton Website Indexer & Metadata Analyst needed ... • Great central Sydney location • Be responsible for indexing NPS digital content • 12-month maternity leave contract We are a highly regarded not-for-profit organisation aimed at making Australians more medicinewise. Forward-looking, with a culture of innovation, we develop evidence-based, unbiased information about medicines and medical tests. We connect people with this knowledge, to enable more informed conversations and healthier decisions about medicines and medical testing. We can offer you a number of benefits including salary sacrifice, a professional development allowance, additional leave arrangements and flexible working conditions. The team Our Content Development and Distribution unit manages the creation, editing, production and distribution of external print and online publications and resources. The Digital Producer will fulfil a key role ensuring the ongoing development of NPS’s presence and effectiveness in the digital environment, working in a collaborative team which delivers to the needs of stakeholders across the organisation. The role For the duration of this 12-month maternity leave contract you’ll be responsible for indexing NPS digital content, training and mentoring others in the optimal use of metadata tagging and maintaining the NPS website thesaurus. This role assists in showcasing NPS content to effectively help consumers make the best decisions about medicines and meeting the organisation’s key performance indicators (KPIs) on audience reach. You will have • • • • ACT Region Branch Conference catch-up, Canberra, 22 April CT Region Branch members are cordially invited to attend a ‘Conference catch-up’ meeting in Woden Library meeting room, Monday 22 April, from 5.30 to 7.00 pm. Members who attended the Conference in Wellington will share information and opinions about its papers and proceedings. Please RSVP (for catering purposes) by close of business Thursday 18 April to <[email protected]>. See: <>. Sherrey Quinn A • • • Tertiary or industry certifications in a relevant discipline (information management or information architecture), or experience equivalent to same. Demonstrated indexing and abstracting skills. Proficiency in MultiTes or other thesaurus construction software. Demonstrated ability to manage and maintain an electronic database. Proficiency in Microsoft Office, internet and email. Demonstrated ability to work independently and as part of a team. Excellent communication and negotiation skills. More information: Ami Khandhar on 02 8217 8619 For a full position description and to see why NPS is such a great place to work at, please visit: <> You must be eligible to work in Australia. Please note that while NPS appreciates the effort you have taken to submit your application we will only be contacting those candidates who have successfully been shortlisted for further consideration. ANZSI Newsletter | 7 Consult a higher authority When space permits, the Editor would like to look back occasionally to earlier issues of the newsletter to see what concerned us then. This item is taken from the Jan-Feb 2005 issue. onsult a higher authority’ was the title of a discussion held by AusSI ACT on 17 August 2004, on problems posed by indexing. We had notified our members of our plans and several people had sent queries, which Geraldine Triffitt, the ACT President, passed on to experts in Australia, NZ, USA and UK. Thirteen people attended, including local experts Michael Harrington and Barry Howarth. Max McMaster opened the discussion with his ‘Thoughts on speeding up the indexing process’: • The major determinant of indexing speed is the quality and style of writing of the text. If the document is well structured, with appropriate headings, and is well edited then it will be considerably easier to index. Unfortunately the indexer has no control over the quality of the original text. • Ensure you have a reasonable knowledge of the subject before you begin. If you don’t, maybe you shouldn’t be compiling the index. • Skim the text to get a feel for the content. • Know the audience for whom the text has been written. • If there are page constraints on the length of the index, calculate how many entries you can include in the index, and then determine the approximate number of entries per indexable page. If you are only allowed five pages for an index, there is no point wasting your time compiling a 10-page index, as you will have to spend further time cutting it back. • During the indexing, make one pass through the text only, rather than going through the pages several times. • If highlighting text is slowing you down, don’t highlight. Key the entries directly into the indexing software, and if you need to go back and check what you have indexed from a given page/series of pages, use the software to put the index into page number order. Tracy Powell, Thesauri Administrator, Bibliographic Services, National Library of New Zealand gave the following tips for indexers and managers: Indexers: • Use your system as much as possible for those things at which computers are much better than humans; spell checks, validations (e.g. start every text field with a capital letter), macros, run reports to check for common errors, etc. • Aim for perfection but focus on the important stuff; how is the usefulness of your indexing going to be measured? We focus on the ‘searchable’ data; cosmetic stuff comes second. Managers: • Ensure that your Quality Assurance process and accuracy and timelines standards are the basis around which your indexers work. They need to know what you expect of them. ‘C 8 | ANZSI Newsletter • Design your QA process to be flexible enough to work around the strengths and weaknesses of individual indexers – no point in treating them all the same if they produce work of differing standards. • Recruit carefully – we give interviewees an indexing test to assess their comprehension and literacy skills. • Give them constant feedback until they reach the required level of competence and then give them some space. John Simkin said, ‘I don’t aim to speed up jobs while not allowing them to stretch indefinitely. If this was my concern I would have invested in the niftiest indexing software I could find. In fact I take the point of view that I am part of the team creating the book ... It means that I do whatever grows out of the indexing job which will put the work in the best possible shape for publishing.’ Garry Cousins keeps copies of old indexes, so that if he gets a new edition, he can load the old version into the computer, delete the page numbers and add new ones. (Michael Harrington does this as well, especially annual report indexes). Garry uses Cindex. He recommends frequent breaks, every hour or so, which he finds increases his productivity. Michael disagrees but this is obviously an individual preference ... Glenda Browne wishes she had practical answers to this for herself, and suggests the following: ‘Editing a bit as you go probably saves time as you are indexing to a consistent structure from early on. I try to keep a bit of extra detail in my entries in case later indexing shows a need for a different approach ... 'Certain types of indexes lend themselves well to the use of macros. If you have a lot of acronyms, for example, and they all need to be entered as acronyms and doubled as full text, or as acronyms with See references from full text, this can be done quickly by entering only one form and letting a macro do the rest. Similarly with treatment of common and scientific names of plants. Some people use the Grouping function in indexing software to good effect ... 'For simple well-structured texts (e.g. with subheadings throughout chapters) don’t read first. Mark up page ranges for chapters and sections then start indexing. 'Work to the brief from the beginning. Always find out space limits, specific requirements for appendixes, notes, names, etc. from the beginning. Overindexing wastes time at the entry stage and at the editing stage. So if there are four pages for the index, calculate roughly the average number of entries per page and then try to stick to a bit above this as you enter (as some will usually be discarded at the editing stage). Target indexes to the budget available. A cheap index can often be OK if it is a good index to a more limited scope, rather than a quick index trying to cover everything.’ Barry Howarth suggests that a computer indexing software program would help an indexer work more quickly. Some of the other experts have taken for granted that an indexer would have one. (continued on next page) (Consult a higher authority, continued from previous page) Madeleine Davis indexes many different kinds of publications, relies on dictionaries, suggests asking for full text, including abbreviations, glossary, etc. Frances Lennie sent tips on using Cindex to best advantage. Michael Harrington started off the discussion by commenting that all the tips were mechanical things, and what was needed was practice and experience. However we are trying to help new indexers, and all these tips would do that. Barry Howarth said we had all had the problem of working to deadlines, and how to do that was a matter of individual preference. On the question of checking names, raised by Madeleine, Michael and Barry differed, Michael saying he would not check them for annual reports unless it could be done quickly but would for other publications. Barry said it depended on the economy of the situation, that sometimes double entry can be quickest. Another question was, ‘What authorities do indexers use?’ Most of the experts present cited Indexing from A to Z by Hans Wellisch and Book indexing by Nancy Mulvany. Also mentioned was the chapter on indexing in the Style Manual for authors, editors and printers; 6th edition edited by Loma Snooks. Tracy Powell uses an in-house manual and Glenda Browne uses clients’ style manuals. Hazel Bell, long associated with The Indexer has written a bibliography for indexers, published in Logos, which we hope to reproduce in our newsletter. Lynn Farkas spoke next on how and where cataloguing and indexing diverge. She sees the two disciplines as having a difference of purpose, and being different ways of accessing information. Every kind of indexing is matching up information access with the needs of the user. Cataloguing has standard rules, e.g. MCRl, LC Name Authorities, and is used to enable the sharing of cataloguing information. Indexing does not, and each data base has its own manual. These manuals should be more standardised and shared. There are indexing standards, though they do not apply to data base indexing. Perhaps indexers should be consulting the cataloguing rules more. Prue Deacon asked about the problems of website indexing. If a website is fairly static, then a good back-of-book index will suffice. However if terminology changes, then global changes will have to be made, which is what Prue does with metadata. Do websites change much? Yes, they do, and the index entries must change with them to be useful to readers. Website managers need to know how to create thesauri, and to have a concept of good searching. Links between web managers and indexers would be useful. Perhaps this work is the job of the information architect. Prue suspects that the work flow problem is not solved and doesn’t think the issues outlined above are solved yet. All of those present found this discussion very helpful, and we hope that our fellow members who could not attend will do so as well. Edyth Binkowski ANZSI Newsletter | 9 Quiet achievers: Sherrey Quinn Who has been the greatest influence on your career? y working life has been spent in libraries or working with libraries, and indexing has been part of that work for many years. I learned the principles of information organisation from rigorous teachers like Carmel Maguire and Jack Nelson whilst studying for my post-graduate library qualification. These principles underpin much of the most interesting work I’ve done in libraries, including database design and indexing, back-of-book indexing and work with controlled vocabularies. At the Australian Road Research Board I was fortunate to learn from Mary Bays (I’ve tried to emulate her achievements in information service delivery) and from Max Lay, former Executive Director ARRB, whose leadership and strong belief in the value of information services is admirable. I’ve learned a great deal from my partner, Ian McCallum, with whom I’ve worked on many projects in libraries and in our consulting business. M How did you come to an indexing career? I came to indexing via librarianship. My first job, at the National Library of Australia, was in cataloguing (descriptive and subject cataloguing) and I recall that my first boss, Frances Rose, was a stickler for accuracy and thoroughness. I also worked after-hours in the main reading room dealing with readers’ enquiries. So whilst I received a solid grounding in the practice of cataloguing and information description, early on I also learned another fundamental lesson – why it matters, that accurate and consistent indexing is vital in helping people find relevant information. Next I worked for many years in special libraries and information services in research organisations, where amongst other duties I indexed for various Australian and international databases and in-house ones as well – subject matter such as roads, transport, vehicles, engineering, general science, physics, metallurgy, earth sciences and natural resources exploration and conservation. My interest in controlled vocabularies stems from this period – as well as using them in online searching in a wide range of online databases, I also used thesauri in indexing and developed them for databases I worked on. I became interested in creating back-of-book indexes in the late 1980s, and I joined AusSI in the late 1980s or early 1990s, I think at the suggestion of colleagues at what was then CSIRO Information Services. The flexibility I had when working on various databases and indexing projects at CSIRO was invaluable to me when my children were small. I’ve been a Registered Indexer (now Accredited Indexer) since 1992. Since the late 1990s I’ve worked as a library and information consultant through my company Libraries Alive! Indexing projects of various types have always been a significant part of my practice. 10 | ANZSI Newsletter What do you see as your greatest achievement? In life, bringing up my daughters – two bright, intelligent and independent young women. In work in indexing and libraries – making a contribution to research projects; connecting people with the information they need, whether that is by finding the answers (‘the thrill of the chase’), or creating the information resources they need to make the connections themselves; and helping libraries refine their services and their customer focus. Specific projects of which I am particularly proud include: helping to make Australian information more easily findable through specialised subject databases; developing a large corporate glossary (the Australian Defence Glossary), involving specifying a host system, managing its development and overseeing its implementation and population with diverse vocabularies from across a very large organisation; developing a whole-ofgovernment thesaurus (TAGS – Thesaurus of Government Subjects); and, with Ian, writing the services specification for a public library branch to replace a 25-year old demountable temporary building, and a few years later attending the opening of the brand new library. I’m proud that our company is successful in our chosen line of work. I’m proud of winning the RD Williamson Award for contribution to information science in Australia, and of being made a Fellow of the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA). My professional associations ALIA and AusSI/ANZSI have been major sources of learning, encouragement and comradeship and it’s been important to me to find time to contribute to them by serving on committees and in other ways. What has been your biggest challenge? My biggest work challenge is estimating how long it will take me to do something. Fortunately my partner has an innate and precise sense of time, which I rely on a lot. I also keep detailed records of indexing projects to help in tasks like quoting and planning. I have no trouble meeting deadlines – I do the job to the best of my ability in the time available, and have the flexibility to work late or early to get things done. How do you try to achieve work–life balance? This is another big challenge. I’ve worked in my own businesses for a total of more than 25 years, and I have learned that work can consume all time if you let it (and if you love what you do). It’s certainly easier to manage peaks and troughs of work demands in my current two-person business than when I worked alone. Work-life balance? This (continued on next page) (Quiet achievers: Sherrey Quinn, continued from previous page) is especially important when your work partner is also your life partner – we make time to read, cook, garden, spend time with family, walk the dog, go motorcycle touring (me as pillion), spend days at the south coast of NSW (two hours’ drive from home in Canberra). The flexibility of working from home is great – you can work as long as you need to get the job finished, then take time off as the opportunity arises. The downside is that work stuff can take over. Good lessons to learn – shut the door on the home office when you’ve finished for the day and regularly cull accumulated records. What do you like most about your work? What do you like least? I most like the range of different library and indexing projects that I do. I love indexing – it’s endlessly interesting to read books on all sorts of subjects, and I enjoy the intellectual challenge of making the information accessible in an organised way. I bore my family with fascinating, odd (and occasionally useful) facts. I like to learn how to use new software. We do many interesting jobs for libraries – services reviews, strategic plans, and various other projects and training for libraries all over the country. We have fun running workshops for readers’ advisers in public libraries – the staff who help people identify books that they are likely to enjoy reading – we work and talk with library colleagues about books, reading, authors, genres, and related information resources. Biblio Turismo, ‘The Mild Ones’ annual tour for librarians (and friends) on motorcycles to promote regional public libraries, is also enormous fun. I like working at home and I like the flexibility that has enabled me to be available when my family needs me, compensating by working late or at weekends. Like everyone else in the indexing world I’m usually juggling deadlines. All deadlines can slip, but I like least the jobs in which the time allocated for indexing is eaten up so much by deadline slippage earlier in the project that there is insufficient time to do a thorough index. I also dislike it when a late project (that is, late for external reasons) has a major impact on my other projects and deadlines. This can lead to late nights and very poor work-life balance! What advice would you offer to indexers just starting out? Join ANZSI (of course), network and talk about indexing with your colleagues. Buy and read the standard textbooks (especially Browne & Jermey, Booth, and Mulvany). Practise indexing (perhaps start with a pro bono or collaborative index). Find a mentor. Read indexes and look at indexes in a constructively critical way so that you learn from them. Practise time management – it’s vital that you can meet deadlines. Learn some basic (at least) editing skills. Be flexible. Foster contacts with other indexers with whom you can share work and balance workloads when projects and deadlines change. If you could dine with a famous historical figure, who would it be? I’d like to dine with Queen Elizabeth II. Her reign has spanned almost my entire life, and I’d like to hear her insights into the enormous social and political change that has taken place since the 1940s. If Edyth Binkowski agrees I’d also like to join her dinner party with King Richard III. After being colleagues on the ACT Region Branch Committee for some years I discovered only through Edyth’s Quiet Achievers column that we share an interest in Richard III. Indexing always leads to the discovery of unexpected things. If you were a letter of the alphabet, which letter would you be and why? I think I’d stay with ‘Q’, because I have an enquiring mind so – question, query, inquiring/enquiring, quiet (I’m not an extrovert), quite and quibble (I’m pedantic and I ‘do detail’), quality (always striving for quality), quantity (I get through a lot of work), quick (at indexing); I like quizzes and quinces. But I’m conciliatory rather than quarrelsome, and independent rather than quiescent. [For motor cycling enthusiasts: the bike is a Honda VFR, 1994 model (750cc, V4, sports-tourer). I asked specially! Ed.] ANZSI Newsletter | 11 ANZSI and Branch events Date and time Organiser Name of activity Venue Contact details Wed 6 March 6.00 pm Vic Branch The VIC: multiple authors Holy Trinity Church, Kew Details at <> 13–15 March ANZSI ANZSI 2013 Conference Wellington, NZ Details at <> Tues 26 March 6.00 for 7.00 pm Qld Branch Palaeontology Dr Susan Turner Wed 3 April 6.00 pm Vic Branch The VIC: indexing software Salisbury Hotel, 668 Toohey Rd, Brisbane Holy Trinity Church, Kew Mon 22 April 5.30–7.00 pm ACT Region Conference catch-up Woden Library meeting room Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers Inc. PO Box 2059, Wattletree Road LPO, Malvern East VIC 3145, Australia Details at <> Details at <> ANZSI Newsletter ON OTHER PAGES ANZSI News ANZSI 2013 Conference – final update ANZSI Newsletter The VIC – Indexing with gusto NSW Intermediate indexing workshop NSW Branch News from Queensland Branch Indexing degustation ACT Region Branch – Conference catch-up Consult a higher authority Quiet achievers – Sherrey Quinn Details at <> 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 Published by the Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers Inc. PO Box 2059, Wattletree Road LPO, Malvern East, VIC 3145, Australia © Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers Inc. ISSN 1832-3855 Opinions and statements expressed in the newsletter are those of the respective authors. Newsletter schedule The next Newsletter will appear in April 2013. The contribution deadline is Thursday, 28 March. The editor welcomes your contributions submitted by email to <[email protected].> Postage paid Newsletter of the Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers Inc. Volume 9 | number 3 | April 2013 ANZSI News The 2013 ANZSI Conference in New Zealand – ‘Intrepid indexing: indexing without boundaries’ group of over 70 intrepid people interested in indexing set out on a three-day voyage to explore all aspects of indexing. The voyage was led by Jan Wright with her keynote paper on intrepid indexing. Various excursions explored ebooks and EPUB3 indexes. Publishers, editors and typesetters were included in discussions on these aspects of book production. Excursions into database and electronic indexing explored Index New Zealand, archives of Samoa and Niue, as well as Indigenous collections. Several excursions explored Asian and Māori names as well as Japanese indexing. There were excursions into the ethics of indexing, running an indexing business and plenty of tips and hints on how to use the various indexing software packages and how to prepare for accreditation, as well as how to cope with numbers in your index and exploring the metatopic. You could also learn how to index military histories, mystery fiction and a thesis on creative writing. There were opportunities to take non-indexing excursions with an afternoon tour focusing on Lord of the Rings filming sites and a visit to Weta Cave where all the special effects were done. Dinner at the Roxy Cinema provided an opportunity to dust off 1920s clothing and to enjoy the theatre sports type entertainment followed by a seemingly never-ending flow of dishes piled high with tasty food. The voyage concluded with a presentation on indexing without boundaries, the other part of the Conference title. This focused on visual indexes and how these can cope in the new world of user interfaces where linked magazines and books are being read on tablets and apps are presenting books, such as the Oxford Dictionary of English and simple databases, in very different and accessible ways. Contrary to popular perception, Wellington is not always windy. In fact the sunny days in the low 20s were a very welcome relief from the record run of days in the 30s Melbourne was going for when I left. A Many of the papers, presentations and summaries of these excursions are already up on the website at <>. The rest will be added as they become available. The leaders of this intrepid voyage were the organising committee of Tordis Flath, Elizabeth Fisher, Jill Gallop and Meredith Thatcher, with assistance from nearly all the members of the New Zealand Branch, who came together to assist in making sure the Conference ran smoothly and we were all made to feel very welcome. A VERY BIG THANK YOU to you all. Write, Edit, Index This is the theme of the 2015 Conference to be held in Canberra, 6–9 May 2015, and jointly hosted by the Institute of Professional Editors (IPEd) and ANZSI. Lock these dates in for the next voyage into all aspects of indexing. ALIA ebook and elending ALIA (Australian Library and Information Association) held a think tank at the Information Online 2013 Conference in Brisbane on ebooks and elending. They prepared an issues paper < Elending.Issues.Paper.v4.130107.pdf>. ANZSI Council Executive asked Glenda Browne for assistance to prepare a submission. This was prepared and submitted. ALIA will be adding the submission to their website. For ANZSI members the submission is available at: <>. Mary Russell Jan Wright and Glenda Browne at ‘The Matrix’ Carol Dawber and Sandy Liddle were the two lucky people who ANZSI supported to go to the Conference. The downside for them was having to write reports on what they had experienced, but from the happy accounts that follow this wasn’t too dreadful a chore ... Carol Dawber’s report on the Conference Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers Inc. ANZSI Newsletter ISSN 1832-3855 Editor: Peter Judge <[email protected]> About the newsletter The newsletter is published monthly 11 times a year, with combined issues for January and February. Opinions expressed in the newsletter are those of the individual contributors, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the society. For details about contributions and editorial matters, refer to the ANZSI website at <>. Advertising rates Full page: $200.00 Half page $100.00 Quarter page: $50.00. These are all per issue – the former annual rate has been discontinued. ANZSI contact information ANZSI’s general email address is: <[email protected]>. Further contact details in PDF format are available on the ANZSI website at <>. T he motif for this Conference was the Royal Albatross, Diomedea epomophora, whose giant three-metre wingspan lets them cross the southern oceans and soar the world without boundaries. We New Zealanders know the albatross as toroa and their only mainland breeding colony in this country is just across the harbour from where I live in Dunedin, one of our southernmost cities. For me therefore the motif had a special resonance, not least because like so many indexers I work alone and seldom have the opportunity to interface across geographical and cultural boundaries. It was inspirational to do so. Jan Wright’s opening address inspired on many levels. She used well-chosen examples of a sailing ship, an aircraft carrier and a spaceship, each called Intrepid, to emphasise the bold and adaptable yet logical and disciplined nature of the craft of indexing. She set the scene for the Conference by referring to paper as another interface, and carried on the voyaging and adventuring metaphor by discussing the potential of online navigation tools and information retrieval systems and the necessity for indexers to upskill and move forward. She made it clear that controlled vocabularies and standardised formats are essential to online indexing strategies, that the index has moved on from being useful to being essential, and that the time has come for indexers to step up and shine. The theme of birds was carried through by Claire Stent and Trish O’Kane, ‘outsiders’ to indexing, whose presentation on digital technologies I particularly enjoyed, not least because of their analogy of IT workers as battery hens, barn dwellers or free-range chickens. I was interested in the number and nature of freelancers at the Conference, confirming my suspicions that we Australians and New Zealanders tend to multi-task more than most because our markets are small and our margins slim. Interesting too to realise that the ‘number-8 wire’ approach (‘you can fix almost anything with 8-gauge fencing wire’) we New Zealanders take for granted really does define us culturally and as indexers – it was very apparent that many conference attendees are equally comfortable in writing, editing, publishing or marketing roles and that we cut our cloth to suit. As always, dual sessions make for difficult choices, and although the ill health of two presenters meant some last-minute reprogramming it was pleasing to note that concern for their well-being far outweighed any disappointment or frustration. Birds again – the organisers moved like serene and graceful swans with little sign of what must have been at times frantic paddling beneath the surface. I chose to attend sessions with a multicultural focus. I was impressed with the work of Takashi Matsuura (at left) on Chinese classical poems, and awed by the manual effort involved in building an index with card and paper. Indexing across boundaries took on a new dimension as we discussed the German occupation of Samoa with archivist Uili Fecteau, learned about Japanese, Chinese and Korean names from Lai Lam and Nellie Bess, enjoyed (continued on next page) 2 | ANZSI Newsletter (Report on the Conference, continued from page 1) Margaret Pointer’s discussion of Niue Island history and were fascinated by Judith Cannon and Jenny Wood’s explanation of the careful protocols of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Index. Frances Lennie’s intermediate session on CINDEX was particularly helpful to me. It was good to focus on practical skills for an hour or so – and the pen in my goody bag is beautiful to write with, thanks. Once again the message was clear – upskill and get to grips with the process. Publisher Fergus Barrowman commented during a panel discussion that while we are concentrating on academic issues we should also be leading the technology change, and Glenda Browne and Jan Wright underlined that with their zippy and challenging session on ‘The Matrix’. Mary Russell brought the Conference to an end very cleverly by reminding us that visual indexes have been around for a long time and touch-screen technology is simply a natural progression of a familiar process. For me the highlight of the week was hearing Jan, David Ream and Pilar Wyman describe their pro-active work with software designers and device manufacturers to ensure that indexes are not only fixed into the equation but also coming out from the backs of books to become critical marketing tools. New Zealand is a long way from the centre of things and we seldom hear directly from those in the front line, so it was exciting to feel included in cutting-edge technology. Also on a parochial level, it was interesting to see Wellington through the eyes of international visitors and to realise that things we value, such as multiculturalism, bilingualism and stunning scenery, really do matter even if we are still naive about promoting ourselves. It was great to be part of a small, friendly group of highly skilled professionals, and I’m sure I wasn’t the only one used to working alone who came home exhausted by the valuable interchange of information and ideas. The Conference was stimulating and challenging and I feel very privileged to have been part of it. Nga mihi ki a koutou – my best regards to you all. Carol Dawber Sandy Liddle’s report on the Conference W ith a Maori welcome and introduction, the first day of the 2013 ANZSI Conference began on a beautiful day in Wellington, New Zealand. The rest of the week was to see the beautiful weather continue. Jan Wright’s Intrepid indexing: from the sea to the stars presentation was a fabulous way to begin the Conference. Jan spoke about indexers being on a voyage of change and that to survive the change we need to ensure we are one step ahead. We therefore need to keep on top of new technology and tools and place ourselves in a position to provide input and act as advisers and educators to technology makers and publishers. Twitter is a valuable information tool for indexers to stay informed and keep up to date with current trends as well as opening up contact with publishers and others. Jan contends that it is unusual these days for indexers to just be undertaking simple back-of-the book projects. We therefore need to be ‘brave’ and adaptable and ready to take on the challenge of indexing in the new age. One piece of advice from Jan that rings true is to ask other indexers for advice and input. They may have already had to cross the bridge you are approaching. I would be remiss if I didn’t use these great quotes from Jan: ‘Go boldly where no indexer has gone before’ and ‘Be intrepid – the ship is sailing now and we are on board’. Being a recent convert to ebooks (especially when travelling), I opted to learn more about the future of EPUB and ebook indexing. David Ream discussed the EPUB3 standard for publishing ebooks and the impact for indexers. The draft specifications for EPUB3 have been written and it is expected these will be open for comment later in 2013. The EPUB3 platform will be a global platform and EPUB2 will be compatible with it. According to David, EPUB3 is expected to be better for non-fiction. Mention was made of current indexing software not being able to support EPUB3. David also believes that indexers should be asking publishers if they are intending to publish as an ebook and if there is any way they can help. This last question scared me as I do not know much about ebook publishing; however, David said that you should ask anyway, and if you have no idea then ask others within the indexing circle who may know. Following on from David’s EPUB presentation, Glenda Browne spoke about EPUB3 indexes and the future of indexing. As Glenda pointed out, ebook indexes to date have only provided the bare bones with bad links or no links at all. As I am familiar with coding, I am quite excited about the future of ebook indexing, although I can see I still have a lot to learn about it. The potential is there for greater usability for ebooks (non-fiction in particular) having searchable indexes that are able to take users straight to the information they are after. The cross-referencing and filtering capabilities are also exciting. The Metatopic Menace or Indexing in the age of search presentation by Kay Schlembach resulted in some discussion and gave attendees something to think about. With my librarian’s hat on, I found myself agreeing with Kay that indexers need to think like the user when creating an index and that sometimes indexers need to break the conventional indexing rules in order to meet the needs of the user. Who (continued on next page) ANZSI Newsletter | 3 (Report on the Conference, continued from page 1) is the user? Academics and non-academics tend to think differently. Kay’s suggestions were to do a mind map before doing the index and to look at other indexes of similar genres as well as Wikipedia. Most importantly, always ask yourself what you would expect to see in an index if you were the user. In his presentation, Converting legacy books to ebooks with linked indexes, David Ream discussed a project he worked on and described some of the issues to consider when relinking a print index to an ebook. A few of the issues David came across included page numbering, viewable text being smaller than in the print book, and page breaks landing further away from the index target. Sadly, Madeleine Davis was ill and not able to present her paper on Biography indexing: different approaches and challenges. This is one session I had been very much looking forward to attending particularly following on from Kay Schlembach’s presentation the previous day when she discussed biographies and her belief that metatopic is important for biographies. I am hoping Madeleine will make her paper available for us to read. Mary Russell very ably filled in for Max McMaster for the Roundtable – Numbers in indexing. This session was a hands-on one. It was great to see how others deal with numbers (e.g. popes, kings, wars, telephone numbers) and the reasoning behind their decisions. The SKYIndex workshop run by Jon Jermey provided some very handy tips and tricks that I was not aware of. I am keen to experiment with some of the advanced functionality of Sky that until now I had not utilised such as swapping acronyms and creating reciprocals. Jon also pointed out some of the SkyIndex macros created by John Beale which are worth looking at purchasing as add-ons. At lunch on Day 2, those of us booked on the Lord of the Rings tour, headed off on the bus for this – dare I say it – ‘intrepid’ adventure. We had a very knowledgeable tour guide/bus driver who took us to Helms Deep, Rivendell and Weta Cave. It was fabulous to see just where the filming took place and to hear some of the trivia behind the shooting of the Lord of the Rings movies. The Matrix: Indexing techniques and EPUB was presented by Jan Wright and Glenda Browne. Once again electronic publishing (this is definitely something to bear in mind is happening) was discussed. Some of the indexing techniques described by Glenda are well worth noting and I would encourage members interested in ebook indexing to view the paper on the ANZSI website. The Conference certainly challenged many perceptions I had about indexing and opened my eyes to some of the issues facing indexers in the 21st century. It was a shame I could not be in two places at once as it was hard to choose which presentation to attend. I had a wonderful time, met some great people and learnt so much. Thank you to ANZSI for giving me the opportunity to attend the 2013 Conference. Sandy Liddle The 1920s–30s costume dinner at the Roxy Theatre saw some very imaginative outfits, but Tracy Harwood just danced away with the prize for the best costume. Here she is receiving her prize from President Mary Russell. (Photos in this issue are by Denise Sutherland and Ray Price) 4 | ANZSI Newsletter ... and some more from the dinner ... Nikki Davis and Glenda Browne having a great time! Jan Wright and Pilar Wyman en route in all their finery. A pensive Tordis ... ‘How is it all going?’ But there was no need to worry – it was all going marvellously! Pilar Wyman, Sarah Lester and Tordis Flath. ANZSI Newsletter | 5 Indexing Indaba The Most Beautiful Books – Australia and New Zealand he winners of the inaugural ‘Most Beautiful Books – Australia and New Zealand’ (‘MBBANZ’) award have just been announced. Presented by Monash Art Design & Architecture, this biennial award program was established to recognise innovation and excellence in book design and publishing in Australia and New Zealand. Its aim is to emphasise the most innovative contemporary book design and publishing activity, including titles from independent and small press publishers. The program also seeks to minimise barriers so there are no entry fees and nominations are welcome from readers and collectors in addition to those from designers and publishers. Over 315 nominations were received for the 2013 awards and judges selected a shortlist of 37 books before narrowing this down to 11 winners. All the books were published in Australia and New Zealand during 2011 and 2012. The judging panel included architect Peter Corrigan, UK designer James Langdon, design lecturers Denise Whitehouse and Warren Taylor, and Auckland’s split/fountain director Layla Tweedie-Cullen. Take a bow if you had anything to do with the following books which are currently being exhibited at Monash University’s MADA Gallery: Anthology of New Zealand Literature (edited by Jane Stafford & Mark Williams, Auckland University Press); A Bell is a Cup (Matt Connors, Rainoff); Incomplete Discography (Karl Nawrot, Horizon Pages); Louise Menzies’ Local Edition (Louise Menzies, DDMMYY); Luminous: Celebrating 50 Years of the Australian Ballet (edited by Kate Scott & Lorelei Vashti, Australian Ballet); Form Next to Form Next to Form (Nova Paul, Gwynneth Porter & Karl Steven, Clouds and Dent-de-Leone); Owl Know How (Cat Rabbit & Isobelle Knowles, Thames & Hudson); Ildiko Kovacs: Down the Line 1980-2010 (edited by Daniel Mudie Cunningham & Terence Maloon, Hazelhurst Regional Gallery); The Anatomy of Business (Louis Porter, Twenty Shelves); Institute Zagreb 1986 & The Air Of Conquerors T 6 | ANZSI Newsletter (S T Lore, HRH Publishing); My Abuela’s Table (Daniella Germain, Hardie Grant). <> Books + Publishing Daily 21 March 2013 Reviving an Australian tradition The tradition of planting a memorial avenue of trees or ‘Avenue of Honour’ is an important part of Australian culture and has its origins in the Victorian Goldfields during the time of World War 1. Because soldiers were grouped according to the place where they were recruited, many Australian towns suffered tragic losses with entire populations of eligible men being killed in military defeats. A tree would be planted for each man lost and many avenues include metal plaques with the names of the victims. Concerns about the disappearance of many of these avenues were raised at the Inaugural National Street Tree Symposium in Adelaide in 2000. It was clear that no comprehensive national survey of memorial Avenues had The entrance to the Avenue of Honour at Ballarat ever been undertaken, meaning that many had probably disappeared and that many more whose significance had been lost were also likely to follow. In 2004, the Avenues of Honour 1915-2015 Project was launched as an initiative of Treenet, the not-for-profit national urban tree research and education organisation based at the Waite Arboretum, University of Adelaide. With principal researcher Sarah Cockerell at the helm and aided by the support of the community, the project has been working towards documenting, preserving and reinstating (continued on next page) (Indexing degustation, continued from previous page) avenues where possible as well as establishing new Avenues of Honour by the centenary of Anzac in 2015. A total of 567 avenues have been recorded - 2 in the ACT, 67 in NSW, 52 in Qld, 38 in SA, 69 in Tas, 312 in Vic and 27 in WA. With large amounts of arboricultural and historical data being collected, Treenet is working on developing an interactive database that will allow anyone to access the research as well as to add to it. This one is definitely worth keeping an eye on as the centenary approaches. <> The photo of the memorial arch at the head of Ballarat’s Avenue of Honour is from < Avenue-of-Honour-256951097> Planet ARCHI Sometimes the thing that inspires someone to create a database is as interesting as the information in it. ARCHI, a database of the positions of more than 200,000 archaeological sites and worldwide landscape features is the culmination of eight years of work by a modest archaeologist known only as Chris. It grew out of the frustration he experienced as a university student. ‘A well presented assignment would require a knowledge of the distribution of UK archaeological sites and how the landscape/geology/availability of materials etc. could influence that distribution. However, one could not begin to discuss the latter without a knowledge of the former and as it was very difficult at the time to find precise site locations within the literature, it was necessary to create my own database holding this information. This lack of information also contributed to a missed opportunity in my early youth to ‘discover’ archaeology. It was known that ‘somewhere’ on the moors was a Roman Fort. This notion obviously inspired all sorts of imaginings and was a distraction from the sometimes grim reality of life on a council estate in a Northern town. However, despite attempts to find its location from teachers, the local library etc, myself nor my equally inspired friends could find where it was. Hence, at least the opportunity to challenge the stereotypical view that a ‘gang’ of kids from the town could only be up to no good was missed. The above are the initial reasons for ARCHI’s conception, however, this initial concept became a labour of love and desire for completeness. Further, technological advances such as the rise of the internet and the ability to integrate information from different databases hosted by different web sites coupled with my passion for all things archaeological, presented a challenge which could not be resisted. Hence, the continued development of the database.‘ <> Beyoncé’s ‘crazy archive’ American singer Beyoncé Knowles caused an uproar earlier this year by lip-synching her way through ‘The Star-Spangled Banner’ at President Obama’s inauguration. Here’s another surprise… Beyoncé employs a personal archivist to catalogue and maintain the 50,000 (and growing) hours of video footage that she has of herself. Her ‘crazy archive’, as she calls it, covers ten years and includes intimate private events, public appearances and interviews she has conducted. The superstar is said to be very proud of the digital archive which is stored in a temperature-controlled room in Los Angeles, and delights in being able to locate items very quickly. <> Nikki Davis ACT Region Branch Conference catch-up, Canberra, 22 April CT Region Branch members are cordially invited to attend a ‘Conference catch-up’ meeting in Woden Library meeting room, Monday 22 April, from 5.30 to 7.00 pm. Members who attended the Conference in Wellington will share information and opinions about its papers and proceedings. Please RSVP (for catering purposes) by close of business Thursday 18 April to <[email protected]>. See: <>. Sherrey Quinn A Frances Lennie and Pilar Wyman at the Conference dinner ANZSI Newsletter | 7 Quoting to a budget The March Newsletter reprinted a record of a discussion held by AusSI ACT in 2005, ‘Consult a higher authority’, which included a comment by Glenda Browne, ‘Target indexes to the budget available.’ There are other issues with respect to estimating and It prompted this response from Don Jordan: quoting that I’d appreciate some feedback on, also. In looking was asked by an editor to quote for indexing of three more closely at, for instance, the number of words per page books of a fairly solid nature, all of them pretty high-level I found there is a huge variation from book to book, largely textbooks, with one of them being a first edition. I had not due to page size, how much white space is left and, more indexed previous editions of the other two. I asked for, and importantly, what font size is used. The first edition book that got, a sample chapter from each book, marked them up, I’m indexing is almost unreadable because of its tiny font. and guesstimated the likely size of what I thought would be There are roughly 770 words/page – about twice the number suitable indexes. I went through my records of similar books in my informational books. The other two texts had around I’ve done in the past and checked times taken for them, and 550 words/page, so there’s a huge range here that I hadn’t fully worked out the number of indexable pages/hour I’d take for appreciated before. I hadn’t thought to estimate the words/ the jobs, calculated the resulting hours of work, multiplied page of books I’ve worked on in the past, so my database is that by $65/hour going rate, and sent off my quotes. lacking in that regard. Can I get some guidance from others as My quote for the first edition book was accepted, but for to what records they keep of their indexing work, and in what the other two the editor said that my quotes exceeded the detail, so that they have ready access to reliable and useful data indexing budget for the books (by 17% in each case, quite on which to base quotations for work? fortuitously). I had some email discussion with the editor regarding the times I calculated to do a professional index and Glenda replied, on what I’d based my calculations. I have no one approach, but deal with each situation as it I’ve done a number of indexes for this publisher on a arises. Quoting and negotiation depend on the nature of the series of informational books that are very straightforward book and the client. There are some books where I know I to index, and I told the editor what my average charge per will be able to work quickly - usually because the book is wellindexable page for these tended to be. For some time now I’ve structured, but sometimes because I have experience with the been working to a budget for these, which the editor of the topic or approach. There are others where I know the work series has, at least partly, been basing on figures I had given at will take time; here I am unwilling to agree to a lower price for one stage. When I told the editor of the textbooks what this a quicker job because I know I won’t be able to do it. page rate was, I was told that this sounded fine for estimation I have clients who I know will provide me with well-edited purposes. However, the number of words per page in the books, on time. I am more likely to agree to their proposals informational books is much less than for the textbooks and than I am to a client who is unreliable. Self-published authors I checked my calculations for the quotes by proportionally might be treated more strictly or more gently than the average increasing the rate/page according the number of words/page client, depending on circumstances. This is because they often and got a similar result to my estimates based on a trial have jobs that demand extra time (eg, in the discussion of indexing of the chapters. requirements), but, on the other hand, they are usually driven I communicated this to the editor, but my pleas for by the desire to communicate and I am happy to share in consideration of this were in vain. I stuck to my figures, and that. lost the jobs! Did I do right? I have been surprised over the years to find that the depth In 2005 Glenda Browne recommended readers to 'Target of indexing I consider to be ideal is considered by some indexes to the budget available. A cheap index can often be clients to be unnecessary. Discussions about expected depth of OK if it is a good index to a more limited scope, rather than indexing sometimes show that for what they want, the client’s a quick index trying to cover everything.' Should I have price is reasonable. It’s just that we were planning to give them accepted the jobs and only spent the hours on it that a division so much more. of $65 into the budget figure would give? If this is thought to In my view the quality of the index with respect to the be OK, should I tell an editor that that’s what I propose to do brief is my responsibility, but the quality of the brief (e.g. the and that the index will not be as good or comprehensive as I depth being paid for) is up to the editor. I might suggest that would like for the book? I feel a bit out of my depth in trying I think the book needs more, but I leave it up to them. to negotiate this sort of thing with an editor, particularly as I don’t know on what the budget figure is based. Should I have Even after 25 years indexing I still struggle to quote asked that? I would appreciate some guidance here, please, and at times. There are always new topics and new formats to I imagine there might be a number of other indexers who feel consider. This, of course, is one of the things that make such the same way. a wonderful career. But it also means you never get to sit on your laurels and think you know everything. When I first Should I now ask the editor to keep me on his list, as I still quote for a new client I might give a range of quotes with want to have the opportunity to index his books? How do I do a range of possible depths. Most easily defined are indexing this without grovelling, or letting down the rest of the indexing just from section headings and indexing in full. I explain community? There’s not so much work about that I can afford to lose jobs, so I’d love some guidance here, please. (continued on next page) I 8 | ANZSI Newsletter (Quoting to a budget, continued from previous page) that ‘from section headings’ still involves analysis, rewording, multiple entries etc, but that it means specific concepts that can only be derived from a detailed reading of the text won’t be indexed. If I quote for an index and the client says it is too expensive, I might say ‘for the money you are suggesting I can do a briefer index from section headings’. Or if they mention a price and give a sample from a previous edition, I might say ‘I can index for that price but not for that detail.’ When I can see a past index for an annual report, previous edition etc, I also use my rule of thumb of $1 to $2 per locator as a guide. If the client insists on a low price for a detailed index, I’ll say I’m sorry I can’t do that but I am happy to suggest a beginner indexer who might be interested. While I don’t want to promote the idea of beginner indexers undercharging, the first few jobs are crucial for building a business, and they can be hard to get. Some of the jobs I have recommended beginners for have been self-published local histories which are being written for love rather than money. These give a beginner the opportunity to get an index published, while also ensuring that a community book has a useful index. (These jobs can, of course, be more challenging than the average trade book index and newbies may find they have been thrown in the deep end.) If I feel a request for a cheap index is unreasonable, however, I might just decline with no offer of help. I think editors sometimes apply inappropriate considerations when budgeting for a book. To be fair, I also think indexers are probably extremely inconsistent and editors must often be bewildered by the variation in quotes they get. I have lost two jobs recently for over-quoting. I would rather say ‘No’ than do a bad job quickly or do a good job but be underpaid. But I’ll always negotiate if there is a chance of a satisfactory compromise. I try to be consistent, but if the job is wonderful (e.g. index ‘snorkelling holidays in the South Pacific’) I might negotiate less toughly. If I have underquoted I accept that I only get paid what I quoted, but I might mention to the editor that I should have quoted more, so that my low figure doesn’t go down in history as the appropriate price. Twice this has resulted in a $100 increase (still didn’t mean the job paid the ANZSI recommended rate, but a welcome gesture nonetheless). than someone else’s. Negotiation over quoting in indexing involves swings and roundabouts. Sometimes you need to work at a lower rate, or include less detail, to secure a contract, but that is counterbalanced by other jobs where you can earn a higher rate for less effort, and hence boost your profit. What I am saying is be flexible in quoting. However, this does not mean taking jobs at say $30/hour. As has been said many times before, 'if you pay peanuts, you get monkeys'! Leave these jobs for someone else. The publisher will be the loser in the long run, with poorer sales, and in many cases, a very disgruntled author. And a final word from Don Thanks, Glenda and Max, I appreciate those comments very much, and they will be of great help to me in the future. I’m gaining so much from this, and I’ve had further correspondence with the editor of the books that sparked all this, which I’ll share at a future date. The basis for the budgets for the two books I didn’t get to index (which were 2nd and 5th editions) was what the indexer of the previous editions charged, upgraded in line with inflation. It seems to me that’s not a very good basis, as that puts later indexers at the mercy of what their peers have charged, and we don’t know what standard those peers have edited to. I was sent indexes to the previous editions, together with a representative chapter of each, but I didn’t take much notice of them as I prefer to index each book from scratch. I’ve had some bad experiences trying to update earlier indexes, even my own, so I tend not to use them. However, if editors are basing their budgets on these, then obviously I’ll need to look at them at quoting time!! What do other members think? ... Join the discussion! News from Queensland Max replied The principled approach you have taken with the editor is quite reasonable. However, Glenda’s 2005 advice also makes good sense. Once you have been told that you are 17% over the production budget for the index (for example you may have quoted $1500, but the publisher has only allowed $1300), you have to decide whether you can do a competent indexing job for $1300. Although this lower figure will mean a less than ideal level of detail within the index, providing you can live with slightly lower standards, then go with a lower quote. You also need to decide whether $1300 is better in your pocket Queensland Branch’s recent general meeting welcomed palaeontologist Dr Susan Turner. At the meeting were (back row l to r): Teresa Hayward, Jane Douglas, Franz Pinz, Cate Seymour-Jones; (front): Moira Brown, Vicki Law, Dr Susan Turner, Graham Potts, Beryl Macdonald. ANZSI Newsletter | 9 Quiet achievers in indexing – Nikki Davis Who has been the greatest influence on your career? definitely owe a lot to my former boss Christopher Walton, Managing Editor of the Book Editorial Department of Reader’s Digest (South Africa) during the 1980s. Chris’s idea to have a member of staff undertake an indexing course in order to have a trained indexer in-house propelled me down the path to an indexing career. My husband Sid was responsible for revolutionising my method of working by tossing out my shoebox and replacing it with (to the best of my knowledge) the first custom-written indexing software program in South Africa. I’m also very appreciative of the support I received from Max McMaster when I resumed the indexing career I’d given up in favour of part-time library work, while my sons Jared and Asher were growing up. I it is something that all indexers should aim for, so I’m very pleased to have this under my belt. Serving on the Council of ANZSI has also been a privilege and is very rewarding. What has been your biggest challenge? The earliest days of my career were definitely the hardest. As one of only a handful of indexers in South Africa in the 1980s and with no formal networks (ASAIB was yet to be formed) it was hard not to feel a little bit isolated. I got through sticky situations by reading lots of other published indexes and by consulting The Chicago Manual of Style. How do you try to achieve work-life balance? I haven’t always been able to avoid it, but I definitely don’t like having more than one book on my desk at any one time. I’m very conscious of pacing myself, particularly because of my other busy life in peer support work with breast cancer patients and How did you come to an as a consumer advisor for two clinical indexing career? trials groups. I first discovered indexing while To maintain balance in my life I working at Reader’s Digest. In those need human contact, exercise, and a bit pre-internet days, the commissioning Nikki and Timmy, her indexing companion, of time to dabble in yet more reading of an index always involved face-to- who likes to put in an appearance at Vic and hobbies. For human contact I face contact between the indexer and Branch Committee meetings. make time for family and friends. For in-house staff and I got to know Ethleen Lastovica, a exercise I do heaps of walking and I make the very most librarian and SI Registered Indexer, who wrote most of our of living just a stone’s chuck from Port Phillip Bay. My indexes. reading tastes are quite varied but one of my favourite Indexing always appealed to me. This is probably not areas of interest is Australia, especially books that help to surprising – I was working as an editorial researcher which, fill in the gaps in my knowledge of Australian history and like indexing, requires a love of information and an ability literature. I realise that I will probably never entirely catch to pay attention to detail. up but I’m having fun along the way! I also have the sewing At that time indexers were few and far between in South and knitting bug that seems to afflict so many indexers. Africa and Ethleen was in high demand. This issue was What do you like most about your work? the catalyst for our Managing Editor’s idea that it would What do you like least? be useful to have a trained indexer in-house. It didn’t grab I enjoy being my own boss and having the ability to set my colleagues but I leapt at the opportunity. As training my own working hours and leave entitlements, as well as a was not available in South Africa, I sought advice from SI jeans and t-shirt dress code. I like that indexing can expose and enrolled in Ann Hall’s BIPT course. (An article about you to all sorts of areas that you might not otherwise have my experience of indexing in South Africa in the 1980s delved into. I also like the project nature of the job – you was published in the August 2010 edition of the ANZSI can see the results of your work very quickly. I still get a bit Newsletter.) of a kick seeing a book that I have indexed in a bookshop. What do you see as your greatest Some of my best experiences have involved working achievement? directly with authors. Many of them like face-to-face Building up an indexing business is an achievement in contact (the demise of which I lament) and really do see itself and I’ve managed to do this twice on two different you as part of their team. continents at two very different phases of my life. I’m a strong believer in the accreditation process and think that (continued on next page) 10 | ANZSI Newsletter (Quiet achievers: Nikki Davis, continued from previous page) The things I dislike most are the long hours spent at the computer, and the often fluid nature of publishers’ dates (in their favour) that can throw a spanner in the works. What advice would you offer to indexers just starting out? Being a newbie indexer is a little bit like being a P-plate driver. You have the skills to manoeuvre your car but you have yet to confront all the hazards of being on the road. It takes time to develop good indexing skills and to do this you’ll need to have the experience of indexing a few books with a variety of challenges. Invest in a good library of indexing books. My most consulted books have been Glenda Browne and Jon Jermey’s The Indexing Companion and The Chicago Manual of Style chapter on indexing. I can’t stress enough the value of being a member of an indexing society and the networking opportunities that it will offer you. Apart from being a great form of social contact, it’s the best way to build on your knowledge about indexing and to keep informed of the changes happening in publishing. Get involved with volunteer indexing projects as this is a very good way to kickstart your career. When offers of paid work do come your way, and this may be slow in happening in the beginning, be sure that you can manage the topic and the deadline. Something that my indexing teacher said has always stuck with me – you can’t nibble at indexing in odd hours. You also need to present yourself as an indexer right from the start. So avoid saying things like: ‘I’m trying to get into indexing.’ Be brave and call yourself an indexer. If you could dine with a famous historical figure, who could it be? Thomas Hardy because it was through the The Mayor of Casterbridge that I experienced that first sense of wonder at how a book could transport me to an entirely different time and place. I would talk to him about his self-education, his work as an architect, and his writing of course, especially his poetry which I discovered later. Despite the often hideous taste of the Victorians, it would be fun to learn more about Hardy’s numerous visits to the Great Exhibition of 1851. I probably also wouldn’t be able to resist asking him how he came to name one of his large troop of cats KiddleywinkempoopsTrot. If you were a letter of the alphabet, who would you be and why? The letter ‘A’ because it represents the beginning, with the promise of more to come. I’m an optimist. It’s also the first letter in the names of the two continents where I’ve spent my life, Africa and Australia. ANZSI Newsletter | 11 Branch events Date and time Organiser Name of activity Venue Contact details Mon 22 April 5.30–7.00 pm ACT Region Conference catch-up Woden Library meeting room Details on page 7 and at <> Tues 23 April 6 for 7.00 pm Qld Branch 5th birthday dinner party, with Jane Douglas speaking on the 2013 Conference Venue is still to be confirmed. RSVP by 22 April <[email protected]> or 0416 097 629. Details at: <> Sat 11 May 2.30 pm Vic Branch Indexing Asian names State Library of Victoria RSVP for catering via <> ANZSI Newsletter ON OTHER PAGES ANZSI News ANZSI Newsletter Conference report from Carol Dawber Conference report from Sandy Liddle Conference photos Indexing indaba ACT region Branch – Conference catch-up Quoting to a budget News from Queensland Quiet achievers – Nikki Davis 1 2 2 3 4–5 6 7 8 9 10 Published by the Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers Inc. PO Box 2059, Wattletree Road LPO, Malvern East, VIC 3145, Australia © Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers Inc. ISSN 1832-3855 Opinions and statements expressed in the newsletter are those of the respective authors. Newsletter schedule The next Newsletter will appear in May 2013. The contribution deadline is Friday, 26 April. The editor welcomes your contributions submitted by email to <[email protected].> Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers Inc. PO Box 2059, Wattletree Road LPO, Malvern East VIC 3145, Australia Postage paid Newsletter of the Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers Inc. Volume 9 | number 4 | May 2013 ANZSI News NZ Conference papers now on web ost of the NZ Conference papers or reports on presentations have been added to the website <www.anzsi. org/site/2013Confpap.asp>. Worth a look, particularly if you were unable to attend the Conference. M Web indexing award for 2013 Members are invited to enter the Web and Electronic Indexing SIG’s Web Indexing Award for 2013. Details at <>. The winner will be announced at the ASI annual conference in April 2014. SI Publishing Technology Group website If you haven’t explored this website, you are in for an informative time. To quote SI ‘The UK Society of Indexers Publishing Technology Group (PTG) website goes public at <>!’ The PTG is a working group set up by the Society of Indexers (SI) in 2011, its remit being to advise SI members, publishers and authors on reconciling powerful text retrieval techniques with emerging publishing technologies. The website covers topics such as linked and embedded indexes for use on devices with fluid pagination, embedded indexing to cut turnaround times and to facilitate multiplatform delivery, and the prospects opened up by the arrival of standards like EPUB3. It also looks at widespread misunderstandings about ebook indexing; explains why many non-fiction ebooks are barely usable and looks forward to a maturing of retrieval technologies that builds on but goes beyond existing techniques.” I would say this is essential reading to help you to understand all the various aspects of ebooks <>. Well done, SI. International Digital Publishing Forum ANZSI Council has decided to renew membership to IDPF while the work on indexes in the EPUB standard continues. ASI Conference I am just back from an enjoyable time in the US attending the ASI Conference. Details of the Conference are in a separate article on pages 6–7. Mary Russell The VIC in April – Indexing software W hile you may have compared the three indexing software packages (Macrex, CINDEX and SKY) when you started out indexing and selected one to purchase, have you gone back and looked at the others again? This was the basis for The VIC session in April. We had the three indexing packages loaded with the same sample index and asked users of each software package to explain how they would enter entries and edit the index. We also asked them to show features of their software they could not live without. I am not sure many will be changing their software packages, but it was very interesting to see how differently the packages handled basic and advanced indexing processes. Also expert users of each package were able to answer questions from other users in that package. It turned out to be a very informative session for all present. Mary Russell Jan Wright and Glenda Browne at ‘The Matrix’ Queensland Branch is five years old W Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers Inc. ANZSI Newsletter ISSN 1832-3855 Editor: Peter Judge <[email protected]> About the newsletter The newsletter is published monthly 11 times a year, with combined issues for January and February. Opinions expressed in the newsletter are those of the individual contributors, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the society. For details about contributions and editorial matters, refer to the ANZSI website at <>. Advertising rates Full page: $200.00 Half page $100.00 Quarter page: $50.00. These are all per issue – the former annual rate has been discontinued. e were born on 28 April 2008, so last month we celebrated our fifth birthday. In this time we have been ‘staying alive’ and keeping afloat because our solid achievements in the service of our members convince them to pay their annual fees – and to keep doing so, year after year. Without them there would be no branch. It all began with Jean Dartnall, our current North Queensland contact. She managed to hold several meetings of indexers in local Brisbane hotels or at the University of Queensland back in the 1990s. Then, in 1997, the Society of Editors (Qld) President, George Bernard Sterling, invited local indexers to join his editors at their meetings, to give them an avenue to network with colleagues in the industry, because at that time they had no branch of their own. A well known and respected indexer, Ian Odgers, was the Queensland contact for ANZSI for many years in the 1990s up until the 21st century, when I (Moira Brown) came along and was keen to network with fellow indexers. I became the ANZSI contact in Queensland in 2006. It was not until March 2008 that things started to move, when Max McMaster of the Victorian Branch came up to Brisbane for a ‘nuts and bolts of indexing’ meeting and to run five indexing training courses. With the support of over 25 industry colleagues (editors and librarians) and six brave souls who came on the night and made it happen, the Queensland Branch was inaugurated on 28 April 2008. This was some 32 years after the Australian Society of Indexers (AusSI, now ANZSI) was formed in 1976. Venues and Branch activities The meeting rooms of the Toowong and Carindale Libraries, and the Salisbury Hotel in Brisbane, have been the free venues for our General Meetings over the last five years, in which time we have enjoyed 25 different guest speakers. ANZSI contact information ANZSI’s general email address is: <[email protected]>. Further contact details in PDF format are available on the ANZSI website at <>. ANZSI President John Simkin was our first guest speaker on a rainy Wednesday evening in June 2008. John travelled up from Melbourne especially to celebrate with us. His knowledge of his field was impressive and we all had a great thrill from his attendance. The photograph shows John and Moira on that auspicious day with the brand-new Branch logo. Well-known and highly regarded indexers and published authors Mei Yen Chua and Max McMaster have spoken to us several times, along with Franz Pinz (editor, indexer, records manager, librarian), Alice Stephens (librarian, researcher, indexer), Wendy Sargeant (editor, poet, author, publisher), Carl Craig (editor, musician, publisher), David Mason (librarian, researcher, Secretary of the Historical Society of Beaudesert Museum), Margaret Shand (teacher, librarian, indexer), Colin Sheehan (ex-John Oxley Librarian, (continued on next page) 2 | ANZSI Newsletter (Queensland Branch is five years old, continued from previous page) researcher, historian), Hazel Bell (UK indexer, ex-President of SI – via DVD), Frances Lennie (owner of CINDEX computer software, indexer, ex-ASI President), Elisabeth Wheeler (archivist, research consultant), William S. Kitson (surveyor, ex-Curator of the Museum of Lands, Mapping and Surveying) and his successor Curator Kaye Nardella, and Gary Thorpe (Manager of 4MBS FM Radio Station and Museum). It was also a great honour when Mary Russell (our own ANZSI President, mathematician, librarian, author and indexer) came especially from Victoria to be our guest speaker at Queensland Branch’s AGM held on 26 July 2011. Other guests have included Adam LeBrocq (editor, writer, indexer), Sue McQuay (editor, indexer, publisher), Belinda Weaver (University of Queensland research data strategist), Lesley Bryant (researcher for University of Queensland, librarian, indexer, author, historian), Amanda Greenslade (graphic designer, website maintenance, copywriter, editor and PR communicator), Lisa Jones (Master in Museum Studies, archivist, Curator of the Queensland Police Museum), and Dr. Susan Turner (science historian, palaeontologist, Fellow of The Geological Society, Fellow of The Linnaean Society of London, editor, indexer). For our fifth birthday our guest speaker was Jane Douglas, a freelance writer, a blogger, a student in the home stretch of a Bachelor of Arts in Writing and Publishing and an indexer-in-training, who was lucky enough to attend the ANZSI Conference in Wellington, New Zealand in March 2013. Regional Branch meetings These have been held in Townsville in North Queensland on two occasions. Firstly, Jean Dartnall and her husband Allan provided a luncheon at their home for seven interested members and industry colleagues in September 2008, just five months after our new Queensland Branch had been formed. I, as Queensland Branch President, was lucky enough to travel to Townsville for the occasion where I met Branch members. Many thanks again to Jean Dartnall for her continuing assistance to our Branch. In August 2012, indexing guru Max McMaster conducted a ‘Dinner with an indexer’ at a local Townsville restaurant. Max, along with local indexers Jean Dartnall and Suzie Davies and other industry colleagues enjoyed a successful evening discussing indexing and networking. News from Queensland Over the years, items included in the ANZSI Newsletter have been written by visitors (i.e. industry colleagues attending our meetings) or by new indexers, who had undergone indexing training with Jean Dartnall, Max McMaster or Glenda Brown. Among these authors were Jacinda Wilson, Maureen (Mo) Dickson, Mary Trabucco, Mei Yen Chua and Des Stephens (ex-Queensland State Librarian). Our thanks to all of you for your contributions. Indexing training A number of courses have been held by Queensland Branch for the benefit of its members and interested industry colleagues in 2008, ’09, ’10, ’11 and ’13. This year, our Branch has a new project for members’ continuing education. It is an online indexing training/ mentoring project running from March to June 2013. We have 12 colleagues who are undergoing this pilot project, using an Australian-written and -designed textbook by Glenda Brown and Jon Jermey. Mei Yen Chua, a very experienced indexer, is coordinating the online training. Anyone is welcome to join us in future projects of this kind. As you know, indexing training can only be held when you the indexer makes a show of interest in different training spheres, so keep a look out for our future plans. Our interest in EPUB and its adjuncts, pointed out by those Queensland members who attended the ANZSI Conference in New Zealand (Jane Douglas and Sandy Liddle), is another path which we in Queensland hope to pursue. Thanks to Max McMaster, Jean Dartnall, Glenda Brown, Mary Russell and Mei Yen Chua (to mention but a few in ANZSI), for their care and concern for others to gain and maintain their continuous professional education. We are well aware that a professional indexer needs to stay ahead of the many challenges facing our industry today. The Future Queensland Branch currently has 29 members scattered about the State. Seventeen of these are in and around Brisbane. We are urging them to consider helping to run their State indexing branch. If no one helps or makes an effort, it will fall over! General Meetings: We need members’ continuing support – by attending ‘General Meetings’ for just one to two hours a month they can network with industry colleagues, editors or publishers who may become prospective employers, while being entertained and educated by a guest speaker. Queensland Branch Committee We hope that Branch members will continue to offer their time and knowledge in the Branch Committee. Here they have the chance to put forward their opinions and be at the decision making end of the Branch activities. The Branch has worked hard to help and support its members ever since it was formed five years ago. It needs their help to secure and develop the future. Moira Brown (President, Queensland Branch) ANZSI Newsletter | 3 Queensland Branch’s birthday meeting O n our fifth birthday, we welcomed our new indexerin-training, Queensland member Jane Douglas, as our guest speaker for the evening. Jane had just returned from the 2013 ANZSI Conference in New Zealand, bringing back the latest news in the indexing world as told by fellow indexers from America, Canada, the UK and Australia. What great tidings she brought back to us. It was a mind blowing evening, but oh, so enlightening. We wished that we had all had the opportunity to attend the Conference. EPUB, EPUB Standards and electronic indexing and techniques are the way forward for indexers in this 21st century. ASI Digital Trends Task Force updates were also on the agenda – Jane involved us all in these fascinating and intriguing conference sessions. Jan Wright’s wonderful keynote address, Mei Yen Chua’s 'Publishers, Editors and Indexers' panel session, together with Mary Russell’s closing address on ‘Indexing without boundaries’ were the highlights of our evening. We thank Jane for a very comprehensive, entertaining and educational evening on this important birthday date. Moira Brown (President, ANZSI Queensland Branch) At the fifth birthday celebration were (left to right): Cate Seymour-Jones, Jane Douglas (guest speaker), Jeni Lewington (standing), Moira Brown, Franz Pinz, Graham Potts (kneeling) and Marisa Trigger. Lesley Bryant took the photo; David Crosswell also attended but left early. Queensland Branch entertains a palaeontologist extraordinaire P ressure on space prevented publication last month of this account of Queensland Branch’s March meeting, where they welcomed Dr Susan Turner, a distinguished palaeontologist (the photo shows her relaxing with us after her talk). Dr Turner gave a lively account of her scientific career and work, which began in post-war England and eventually brought her to Australia. Palaeontology as a discipline does not have a very high public profile, so it was fascinating to hear a first hand account of what palaeontologists do, as well as learning about the environment in which they work. Dr Turner was a student of geology and palaeontology, who became interested in vertebrate palaeontology and pursued an interest in fossil fish throughout her career. So the audience quickly learned about living fossils. One such example is an ancient species called a Coelacanth, which has survived over hundreds of millions of years in a few isolated locations, such as the Comoro islands, and also in Queensland. Palaeontologists go into the Australian bush in their hunt for ancient bones and fossils. They love it and have all sorts of stories to tell. But they are not rough Indiana Jones types, fighting dramatic battles to recover these treasures. They are ordinary – yet extraordinary – people, 4 | ANZSI Newsletter dedicated to their scientific work, often poorly paid, with no fixed tenure, who pursue their interest under tough physical conditions. Dr Turner is from a generation where women scientists, and especially earth scientists, were an extreme minority. Most of the time they were the only woman in their university year and then, if they pursued a career in their field any further, at the workplace. In this regard, Brisbane has a proud tradition of being somewhat of a trailblazer. When our guest speaker Dr Susan Turner arrived here in the early 1980s, following her new university lecturer husband, she found some exceptional women palaeontologists at the Queensland Museum and the University of Queensland. Mary Wade and Dorothy Hill are widely recognized role models for successful women scientists. (continued on next page) (A palaeontologist extraordinaire, continued from previous page) Dr Turner also spoke about the precarious financial situation of scientific niche subjects. Traditional employers for palaeontologists are universities and natural history museums. In the last 20 years or so many of these institutions have closed these ‘unprofitable’ departments. Scientists who may have spent a lifetime of work in the field lose their livelihood and have to find outside project funding, consulting work or career opportunities abroad. This situation led Dr Turner to China, where she was able to pursue her teaching and research interests, and to Canada. Through UNESCO, she is now also involved in the establishment of geological parks at places all over the world that have interesting geological features. Strong and supportive personal relationships are a feature in the life of scientists pursuing a common interest. It starts with strong teacher-student relationships and continues amongst these dedicated professionals, ignoring political or racial boundaries, demonstrating the truly international scope of science. Building upon earlier work as an editor of scientific journals, Dr Susan Turner has also developed a freelance career as editor and indexer in her scientific fields. It was an absorbing evening, hearing a first hand account of the problems and successes in the life of a dedicated scientist. Franz Pinz (Branch Treasurer) Quoting to a budget Don Jordan adds a postscript to last month’s discussion. Is there anybody else out there with strong views on this topic? n looking more closely at this issue, I became aware of had 20 indexable pages and only 4 pages of end-matter in several things. One was that the number of words per this chapter. This makes a big difference to the calculated page varies enormously from book to book, for a variety of proportions – 22/29 x 100 = 76% compared with 20/24 x reasons. The first edition book that I’m indexing is almost 100 = 83%. The number of pages that I was given for the unreadable because of its tiny font. There are roughly 770 book was 544, whereas it finished up at 598. The indexable words/page – about twice the number in my informational pages then calculated are 413 and 496, respectively. As books. The other two texts had 450 and 550 words/page. I based my estimate on the average number of entries It is obviously unwise to use a rate per page as a basis for per page for the manuscript version of chapter 9, it can estimating unless you are sure that the new book has the be seen that my estimate was going to be seriously wrong. same number of words per page. Also, many books include After I had finished the index, I discovered that chapter 9 pages containing material that is not indexable, so in contained proportionately more entries than the other keeping records of books indexed, this statistic should be chapters, so that led to a considerable estimating error also. included. I hadn’t thought to estimate the words/page of Don Jordan books I’ve worked on in the past, so my database is lacking in that regard. I would love some guidance from others as to what records they keep of their indexing work, and in what detail, so that they have ready access to reliable and useful data on which to base quotations for work? The editor of the books that sparked all this subsequently told me that the basis for the budgets for the two books I didn’t get to index (which were 2nd and 5th editions) was what the indexer of the previous editions charged, upgraded in line with inflation. But that puts later indexers at the mercy of what their peers have charged, and we don’t know what standard those peers have indexed to. I was sent indexes to the previous editions, together with a representative chapter of each, but I didn’t take much notice of them as I prefer to index each book from scratch. I’ve had some bad experiences trying to update earlier indexes, even of my own, so I tend not to use them. However, if editors are basing their budgets on these, then it’s obviously going to be a good thing to look at them at quoting time! Another potential trap I discovered was that I was given a manuscript copy of a chapter of the first edition book, and not a page proof. The manuscript chapter contained 22 indexable pages of text and 7 pages of end-matter, which the editor said could be used to estimate the proportion of indexable pages for the book. However, the final page proofs I ANZSI Newsletter | 5 ASI Conference in San Antonio 18–19 April A bout 100 people attended the ASI Conference, spread over Thursday and Friday with workshops on the Saturday. While most were from the US, there were several from Canada, three Australians, a couple from UK and one from The Netherlands. ICRIS meeting On the Wednesday afternoon the ICRIS group met. This is a great opportunity to hear what the other societies are doing. One topic that was discussed was the various societies’ equivalents to Indexers Available, as the Society of Indexers prepares to launch their updated version. I was surprised to learn that ANZSI is the only society that doesn’t charge their members to advertise in their IA. Costs to advertise your services on the list range from about $40 to $150 per year. ASI has found that while their membership numbers had dropped their revenue from their IA equivalent has not dropped. Hines Award The ASI Hines Award is ASI’s highest award and is given in acknowledgement of services to the Society. This year the award was presented to Jan Wright, seen receiving it at right. This was such a popular choice that Jan received a standing ovation. The citation can be found at: < cfm?pageID=3341#hinesrecipients>. Wilson Award The Wilson Award was awarded to Kate Mertes for her index to My Thoughts (Mes Pensées) by Montesquieu, translated and edited by Henry C Clark and published by Liberty Fund. A section of the index can be found at < pdf>. In future this award will be known as the Ebsco Publishing Award. Order of the Kohlrabi Members and non-members of ASI are recognised for their contribution to ASI beyond the call of duty. In recognition for their services they are presented with a certificate and membership to the Order of the Kohlrabi (yes the vegetable). One of this year’s recipients was Glenda Browne for her work on the IDPF Indexers Working Group. For the history of the award and the reason for the kohlrabi see <>. Papers ASI Conferences start with a group breakfast before the speaker starts at 8.00 am. The Plenary sessions were good. Judith Pascoe, author of the article ‘My last index’ in The Chronicle of Higher Education < 6 | ANZSI Newsletter article/My-Last-Index/131162/> spoke about indexers and indexes mentioned in books, particularly books by Barbara Pym. Joshua Tallent then spoke on ebooks from the point of view of ebook producers, which was interesting. He was tagged by Dave Ream on EPUB3 Indexes 1.0 draft. I then went to a session by Kate Mertes on indexing historical documents from before about 1850. This type of indexing has many problems not typically faced by indexers indexing present-day books. Obviously seeking guidance from the author is not possible, but are you actually working with original texts or is it a translation of a translation, for example translated from Latin to French and then to 18th century English. Terminology of the day could have different meanings today and the spelling is sure to be different. Kate provided useful tips on what to look out for, how to cope with spelling variations by using square brackets in the index and the importance of qualifying entries. Knowing the period in which the book was written is important, as is knowledge of what present readers are likely to be interested in. For example it may be of interest to index every quote, as this gives an indication of what literature the author had access to. I found it a fascinating session and full of useful tips and hints. Another interesting session was by Kay Schlembach explaining how the indexing company Potomac compiled a subject index to Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations to assist the development of it as an App. There were approximately 20,000 quotes. There were five facets: aboutness, emotional content, positive/negative, use for special occasion (e.g. Mother’s Day) and special qualities, such as humour. The indexers needed to assess each quote against each of the five facets. They ended up using 16 indexers, who were paid $0.75 per quote and expected to index 18-20 quotes per hour with entries expected in up to five fields. In addition they had to develop their own controlled vocabulary and all in a three month time frame. An amazing accomplishment. The App can be purchased in iTunes for A$4.49. Further details on the project can be found in Seth Maislin’s article at <www. 206%20No.%201%20.pdf>. Friday was another early start with breakfast and ASI Business meeting. Next was a presentation on DTTF (the ASI’s Digital Trends Task Force), which was very similar to the Wellington presentation. (continued on next page) (ASI Conference, continued from previous page) person buying the supplies and ASI has created a publications the school, who may have also to index mash-up to a few of their prepare lunches? Quickly thinking publications, something publishers of things and putting them on are becoming very keen to do. This post-it-notes enabled us to group gives you a wonderful idea of what these in to two or three main they are talking about and how it themes. This exercise would then could look < assist in determining the various files/mashup/default.htm>. options for the fields. Kay Schlembach presented At the international session I a session that was written by promoted the ANZSI Conference Seth Maislen on image tagging 6-9 May 2015. A few ASI members strategies for business. This was told me they were keen to visit really how you would set up a Australia ‘one day’ and would keep database for images for a company those dates in mind. and determining the sort of fields you would require and developing The Conference concluded for an input screen including setting ANZSI at ASI (l to r): Elizabeth Riley (QLD Branch), Terri me with an Alamo Battlefield specific options for the various Mackenzie (V-P Vic Branch, who provided the photos) and Mary tour. I hadn’t known much about Russell (ANZSI President). fields. This was a very new area the Alamo and so I was able to for most in the room. To assist, Kay ran a very useful exercise visit the buildings later with greater understanding. to highlight and explain how stakeholders in a project like Attending an ASI Conference is a wonderful this can have very different requirements. Dividing us into opportunity to combine a holiday with your continuing four groups we had to come up with things that would professional development. In 2014 the ASI Conference be important to each of four different stakeholders for will be 30 April – 3 May in Charleston <www.asindexing. school lunches. What would the child consider important org/2014AnnualConference/>. Why not consider going? factors in their lunch? How would these requirements vary Mary Russell from the person preparing the lunch (such as parent), the ZAKUSKI H i, I just wanted to welcome you to my new column entitled Zakuski, which is taken from a Russian word meaning ‘appetisers’. I feel honoured to be following in the footsteps of Jane Purton, who has decided to step down from writing this column. I will alternate with Nikki Davis every other month, and provide you with quirky snippets about indexing and other matters which take my fancy. I thought of many different titles for this column but decided that since most of our indexing events take place around a meal, this would be appropriate. Volunteering in indexing I happen to be a member of my local U3A and just recently an advertisement appeared requiring an indexer at the Box Hill Historical Society. Needless to say I jumped in and said ‘yes’. The project requires me to create an index to their ratebooks from 1947 to 1953 using Microsoft Access database, and to key in data from original handwritten rate assessment books, which are held at the society’s premises at the Box Hill Town Hall. I am also going to create indexes /indices to any of their books that do not have one. Volunteering with a historical society is the best way to practice one’s indexing skills. (Their website is at <>.) From the Box Hill U3A home page… We have just observed another ANZAC Day. In 2015 it will be the centenary. To commemorate this occasion an Avenues of Honour research project is being set up. This is a national initiative to honour with a tree the memory of every individual who has fought in wars. This involves documenting, preserving and reinstating the original and establishing new Avenues of Honour . The first stage is sourcing out the existing and lost Avenues and the people commemorated by them. The project will use all aspects of digital media such as blogs, mobile apps, wikis in order to collect and share information. Darren Peacock and David Lawry are the coordinators of this project. (Website <>.) (continued on next page) ANZSI Newsletter | 7 (Zakuski, continued from previous page) Barbara Pym A few weeks ago I was lunching with some friends and we were talking about indexing. One of them mentioned the books written by British author Barbara Pym, who actually has characters in her books who are indexers. While my friend could not mention the title of her books, the following day I went on the web and looked her up. On the Barbara Pym website there is a very detailed index which has been created by our English colleague Hazel Bell (pictured below). Hazel was one of the delegates at the San Antonio Conference and let me say what a pleasure it was to meet her. Coincidentally, Barbara Pym was discussed in great detail in the ASI’s keynote address, The secret lives of indexers, delivered by Judith Pascoe. Check out Hazel’s index on <>. Are you an evil indexer? At the recent ASI Conference in San Antonio a postConference celebration took place: The League of Evil Indexers Pub Crawl and River Walk Extravaganza. The league originated at the previous ASI conference in San Diego in 2012. Paul Sweum, Steve Ingle and myself got up to some mischief one night and were discussing in the light of the session on Ethics in indexing who could be an evil indexer. Think about it – have you been tempted to put something in your index that may or may not be kosher? Needless to say it was a fun event and 16 evil indexers enjoyed the fun and frivolity at a nearby pub. Due to the fiesta it was impossible to get a table by the River Walk. We adjourned to the Hotel Contessa later in the evening so that I could read a poem dedicated to evil indexing. This poem is written by Graeme Turner, a Melbourne poet and writer who has a very quirky sense of humour and has recently attended some indexing events. Everybody enjoyed the poem immensely. Here it is ... Literary Ethics So you’ve morphed in your career, From a dubious librarian From a suspect primary teacher To a palpably terrifying evil indexer of books. I thought that sinister actuaries, spooky museum attendants, Corrupt curators, anarchic archivists and chilling children’s authors are bad. When you with your macabre scheming File every human reference Under D for dead. You turn over an old leaf, Use the blackest ink, Print in .6 gray on gray And before you’re finished You’re drinking quantities of what they call cold tea. You play Scrabble to the death or at least Some grievous bodily harm, where it is more Than a figure to triple score. You’re filing with a fiendish intent, Labelling lasciviously, Ordering content orgiastically And engaging in unprintable things between covers. You are the indexer who can’t be named Who embraces the dark side of the page, And can only be defeated By the white cataloguer of light Whose mind is perfectly ordered. You are the arch organizer The perpetrator of bibliophilia At least until arrested. And I’m going to place you under N For naughty. Graeme Turner (2013) Queensland Branch General Meeting Terri Mackenzie Tuesday 28 May at 6.00 for 7.00 pm At The Ward Office, 2/63 Annerley Road (corner of Crown Street) Woolloongabba, Brisbane (office of Cr. Helen Abrahams of BCC). Entrance to the meeting is through the Meeting Room back door entrance, which will be marked with the Queensland Branch logo. Free parking will be found at the back and side of the building, so please enter via Crown Street. Entrance fee and supper is $2.00. Program 6.00 pm: Networking & nibbles with Queensland Branch members & industry colleagues, including registration. 7.00 pm: Elizabeth Riley – Highlights of the 2013 ASI Conference in San Antonio, Texas. 8 | ANZSI Newsletter Quiet achievers – Jenny Restarick Who has been the greatest influence on your career? can't really pinpoint anyone in particular - perhaps my mother who found my first job for me (CSIRO Dairy Research Laboratory at Highett – on the train route) after years of my childhood obsession with stamping books and setting up a small lending library for the neighbourhood kids – with my books and paper recording systems I What advice would you offer to indexers just starting out? Join and attend as many clubs, workshops as you are interested in, to enlarge your network of friends and contacts; offer to assist these groups to organise their records, publish their newsletters etc. Marry someone whose subject speciality is different to yours so you can always ask for advice re terminology etc. How did you come to an indexing career? I saw the approaching demise of special libraries, so I enrolled in the late 1980s with Michael Ramsden at RMIT. Fortunately, with a knowledge of scientific terms and how to spell them, work came along in regular bursts. What do you see as your greatest achievement? Encouraging the use of the invaluable tool SSAL (Scientific Serials in Australian Libraries) by library staff, in the days when one ‘looked up’ paper-based finding aids. SSAL, in its huge looseleaf format, contained amazingly invaluable information regarding serials titles and their publishers, authoritative institutions etc. – a veritable treasure trove of knowledge in alphabetical order, complete with see and see also references – also useful for standing on, in the absence of steps, and as door stops ! What has been your biggest challenge? Changing roles in 1997 from front-of-house Librarian in a CSIRO Library to Information Officer in a world-wide one-call answering service for the organisation meant losing personal contact with the scientists and support staff who had supported me, to gaining a wider knowledge of the ‘whole’ of CSIRO and, with my years of service, I became a keeper of its corporate memory. How do you try to achieve work–life balance? I have been fortunate to get job-sharing, short stay locums for 9-day fortnights, recreational and confinement leave positions for 25 years whilst my family was growing up. This was the era of social change in the workplace and I was lucky to be a part of it. What do you like most about your work? What do you like least? Least: Confinement to barracks during the working day – little interaction with scientific staff and fellow indexers. Most: Meeting peer groups (indexers, editors etc.) at conferences, visits, meetings etc Jenny with husband Cliff. If you could dine with a famous historical figure, who would it be? Dame Elisabeth Murdoch – for the patience she showed over the years, for the never-ending acts of generosity and her personality, which somehow seemed to rise above politics and petty ‘gossip’ and made her such an endearing lady. If you were a letter of the alphabet, which letter would you be and why? All of them – A to Z – I love words, languages and order which is most appealing to an indexer. ANZSI Newsletter | 9 Authors’ lists of keywords F ergus Barrowman, a publisher-speaker at the ANZSI conference in Wellington, said that he asks authors to provide a keyword list for indexers. I commented that many indexers find these lists useless and time-wasting, but was told by another indexer (Frances Paterson) that she sometimes asks for lists of keywords when indexing complex post-graduate texts. Why the different experiences? Determining what terms to include is usually the simplest step in indexing. Choosing when to include them (i.e. selecting important discussions) and creating meaningful subheadings and useful cross references are more difficult, and are not aided by a simple list. Indexers usually work through texts in page number order, so an alphabetical list means the indexer has to take their focus away from the book to the list and then back again. A list organised chapter by chapter, or better still, page by page, is more useful. The most frustrating thing about these lists – which happens with surprising frequency – is their inclusion of terms for concepts that are not in the book. When authors are finally queried they check and say ‘Sorry, I forgot that I had removed that section’. The lists are also inevitably incomplete, so exclusion from the list doesn’t necessarily mean that the concept shouldn’t be included in the index. When the lists have been structured they sometimes break indexing rules, e.g. by using adjectives as main headings (‘social’ as main heading with ‘class’ and ‘studies’ as subheadings). Indexers who are provided with these lists may look at them before indexing and then load them into their indexing software. Here they can function as prompts, and the indexer can check at the end that they have all been included in the index (if appropriate). When used in this way they are more an aid to quality control than an aid to index construction. Some of the guidance that could be provided by authors would be especially useful for multi-author works, but this is when lists are least likely to be available. Lists of terms are more important for books that assume knowledge rather than leading the user through the topic step by step (as a textbook should), especially when they are academic works on obscure topics. Useful information to provide to indexers Rather than receiving a list of keywords, I would like to have a brief that: • articulates the general ideas that a keyword list might display; • describes the author's preferences for index structure; • describes the author's preferences for language use in the index; • includes guidance on new concepts and potential problem areas; 10 | ANZSI Newsletter • provides information that the author has found useful in their own work with the text. General ideas One keyword list that I was provided with informed my indexing because I discovered that the author was interested in providing access to brand names of all equipment, rather than to the categories to which the equipment belonged. This preference could have been more directly provided to me as the instruction ‘Please index brand names of all equipment’. Similarly, it is useful to know whether the author wants pharmaceuticals indexed by brand name and drug name, and whether plants should be indexed by common name and/or scientific name, but the indexer doesn’t need to see them all listed. I have also had useful instructions from an author that included suggestions on how to decide which of the many place names in the book should be indexed. Index structure If the author has preferences for the way they would like terms displayed in the index they should say so. Suggestions could include treatment of names (e.g. single and later married names of students in a biography of a school principal) and grouping of entries (e.g. indexing of artworks under the name of the artist or as entries in their own right or both). Language use If the author has preferences for the use of language in the index, they should say so. Suggestions could include sensitivity issues (eg, use of people-first language such as ‘people with disabilities’ not ‘disabled people’ and use of terms such as ‘half-blood’) and the use of foreign languages (eg, Indian translations of recipe names in a cook book). New concepts and potential problem areas When terminology has recently changed, it is useful to indicate to the indexer the version that is preferred (e.g. when ‘appropriate dispute resolution’ started to replace ‘alternative dispute resolution’ the journal I indexed included both options, so I changed my index entry to ‘alternative/appropriate dispute resolution (ADR)’). It would be difficult for an author to identify all problem areas, but if they are aware of concepts that often get confused, they should mention them. For an information management book, for instance, they might explain to the indexer that IEE and IEEE are different, and note that the acronym OCLC has changed its meaning over time. For legal works it is important that the indexer knows that some words and phrases are used with specific legal meanings and should not be changed (e.g. a ‘Charge and Summons’ is one single document, even though the words (continued on next page) (Authors’ lists of keywords, continued from previous page) ‘charge’ and ‘summons’ can also be used individually). In most cases, however, a legal dictionary is likely to be more useful than a selective list from the author. Supplementary information General supplementary information that the author has gathered– even if it is not to be eventually published – can be the most useful material. This includes family trees, timelines, military hierarchies, lists of abbreviations, and glossaries (including alternative terms). The concepts and relationships that the author has struggled with are likely to be those that the indexer also needs guidance on. So many decisions in indexing and the commissioning of indexes depend on the nature of the book and the indexer. Communication between editor and indexer, rather than simply relying on one standard set of guidelines, will help to ensure the best possible indexes for all books. Glenda Browne A different insight into the ANZSI New Zealand Conference. W e have just received this photograph, taken by Jan Wright, which is too good to miss, showing Uili Fecteau (NZ archivist) and Ray Price absorbed in professional discussion during a lunch break. You have to admire their choice of seats! ANZSI Newsletter | 11 Branch events Date and time Organiser Name of activity Venue Contact details Sat 11 May 2.30 pm Vic Branch Indexing Asian names State Library of Victoria RSVP for catering via <> Tues 28 May 6 for 7.00 pm Qld Branch The Ward Office, Highlights of the 2013 2/63 Annerley Road ASI Conference in San (cnr Crown St) Antonio Wooloongabba, Brisbane Details on page 8 and at <> Wed 5 June 6.00 pm Vic Branch The VIC: Visual indexing Details at <> Thur / Fri Introductory Book 11/12 July NSW Branch Indexing Course 9.30 am–4.30 pm Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Kew Sydney Mechanics School Queries to <[email protected]> and see of Arts (, <> 280 Pitt Street, Sydney ANZSI Newsletter ON OTHER PAGES ANZSI News The VIC in April ANZSI Newsletter Queensland Branch is five years old Queensland Branch’s birthday meeting Queensland Branch entertains a palaeontologist Quoting to a budget ASI Conference in San Antonio Zakuski Queensland Branch May General Meeting Quiet achievers – Jenny Restarick Authors’ lists of keywords Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers Inc. PO Box 2059, Wattletree Road LPO, Malvern East VIC 3145, Australia 1 1 2 2 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Published by the Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers Inc. PO Box 2059, Wattletree Road LPO, Malvern East, VIC 3145, Australia © Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers Inc. ISSN 1832-3855 Opinions and statements expressed in the Newsletter are those of the respective authors. Newsletter schedule The next Newsletter will appear in June 2013. The contribution deadline is Friday, 31 May. The editor welcomes your contributions submitted by email to <[email protected].> Postage paid Newsletter of the Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers Inc. Volume 9 | number 5 | June 2013 ANZSI News Full Council meeting he May Council meeting is a chance for Branch Presidents as ex-officio members to join Council members, to discuss matters face-to-face. I’ll spare you all the details of the meeting as the Minutes will be placed, along with all the other Council documents, in the members’ area of the website. This will occur after they are approved at the next Council meeting, so late June. The photo shows full Council members: (l to r): Moira Brown, Alan Eddy, Glenda Browne, Michael Ramsden, Shirley Campbell, Mary Russell, Julie Daymond-King, Nikki Davis and Iris Bergmann. Max McMaster took the photo and Karen Gillen was absent. T Glenda Browne joins Council Glenda Browne has joined Council and we welcome her input into Council. Financial management The financial management of ANZSI was one of the main items for discussion. Managing the Council budget is always a tricky job as we look for ways to increase Council revenue and reduce expenses. If income and expenditure remained unchanged we would be in deficit in 2013/14. Council to adopt GST While decided at an earlier Council meeting, I remind you that Council will adopt GST from this month. Membership rates for 2013/2014 There is always reluctance to increase membership rates. Membership rates for 2013/2014 will not increase, but will include GST. Membership fee will be $88 for Australian members and NZ$80 for New Zealand members. Organisational members will pay A$110 for Australian members and NZ$100 for New Zealand organisations. Pay to advertise on Indexers Available Council decided that from 1 July a fee will apply for advertising in Indexers Available. From 1 July 2013 any Jan Wright and Glenda Browne at(continued ‘The Matrix’ on next page) (ANZSI News, continued from previous page) Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers Inc. ANZSI Newsletter ISSN 1832-3855 Editor: Peter Judge <[email protected]> About the newsletter The newsletter is published monthly 11 times a year, with combined issues for January and February. Opinions expressed in the newsletter are those of the individual contributors, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the society. For details about contributions and editorial matters, refer to the ANZSI website at <>. Advertising rates Full page: $200.00 Half page $100.00 Quarter page: $50.00. These are all per issue – the former annual rate has been discontinued. ANZSI contact information ANZSI’s general email address is: <[email protected]>. Further contact details in PDF format are available on the ANZSI website at <>. member wishing to have an entry in Indexers Available will pay $35 (A$38.50 inc. GST or NZ$35). This will be an annual cost and, like all fees, will be reviewed each year. This fee will apply to all members, regardless of when their membership is due for renewal. When will Indexers Available improve? The NSW Branch is working on improvements to IA including trying to set it up so you will have a unique URL that you can use to promote your business and being able to list more than three books you have indexed. Whilst we are asking you to pay before the changes are implemented, this was thought by Council to be a more palatable option than increasing membership dues that would apply to all members. Don’t forget this is advertising and you can probably claim it on your tax. NZ members able to pay in NZ$ Working with Australian and New Zealand dollars means that while we try to set the A$ membership rate at something approximating NZ$80 (currently set at A$73), members in New Zealand can sometimes pay up to NZ$95 when bank fees are added. Council is working with the New Zealand Branch to develop a way to enable NZ members to pay membership dues and fees in NZ$ directly into the bank account of the NZ Branch. Funds will then be transferred to ANZSI Council. New Zealand members will be notified of all the details of this via email. Financial year membership renewals Adding GST and new Indexers Available fees together with new payment arrangements for NZ members will take some time to set up. We know there are many members who like to pay their membership renewals before the end of June. I ask for your patience as we bed all these changes down as quickly as we can before the end of June and for your understanding if you have to make two separate payments for renewal and Indexers Available fee. We will let you know via email about your renewal process as soon as it is set up. Calendar year memberships Managing calendar and financial year memberships has been causing headaches for the Membership Secretary and members are confused as to when their membership is due. Council has decided to abolish calendar year memberships. There are about 25 members who have calendar year membership and from 1 January they will be asked to pay $40 (plus GST for Oz members) for the first half of the year to bring them into line with financial year memberships. Newsletter to be email only in 2014 Council decided not to continue with a print version of the Newsletter from the first issue in 2014. There is no thought of cancelling the Newsletter as Council knows members enjoy reading it. It will be continuing, but only in an electronic form via email. This will save $3,000 in a full financial year. Did you know that the email version is in full colour and you receive it quicker than the print version? You can opt for the email version by ticking ‘Receive Newsletter by Email’ box when you ‘Update your details’ in the members’ area of the website. Make sure you scroll down and save your request. Renewal of Accreditation Renewal of Accreditation has caused lively debate amongst Council members. The main reason was the proposal, while called ‘renewal of accreditation’, did not include any form of assessment of the quality of the indexer’s work. (continued on next page) 2 | ANZSI Newsletter (ANZSI News, continued from previous page) Accredited indexers were being asked to list two indexes they had done in the last five years. These indexes would not be checked to ensure the quality of the indexes or even that they existed. The proposal gave additional options if accredited indexers could not list two indexes they had completed in the last five years, and was to that extent a proposal to ensure Professional Development rather than a renewal of accreditation. Council members are supportive of the idea of a Professional Development scheme, but not in the form being suggested. Council decided that renewal of accreditation will no longer continue. Only about 20% of members have Accreditation. The 2012 survey revealed that over 55% of non-Accredited indexers earned some income in the previous year from indexing and 25% earned between $5,001 and $90,000. Council will focus on encouraging more non-accredited members to become accredited. ANZSI Constitution With changes to legislation and wording updates (such as Registration now called Accreditation), quite a few changes are needed to the ANZSI Constitution. Michael Ramsden has been working to incorporate the necessary changes and to improve the layout of the Constitution. Full details of the changes will be available well before the AGM. Victorian executive not seeking re-election The Victorian members of Council will not be seeking reelection at the AGM on 2nd October. This was announced at the May meeting to give ANZSI a chance to determine the best way for Council to be formed and plan for the handover for 2013/14. Victorian Branch has been leading ANZSI Council since March 2007. I thank all Victorian Council members for the tireless way they have donated their time to the Council and for all their support. If you are interested in being part of Council or have any suggestions, please contact your Branch Committee or Council. Ebooks and your August Newsletter Peter Judge will be away for the preparation of the August issue of the Newsletter, so Denise Sutherland has kindly agreed to prepare the issue. We hope to have a focus on ebooks. We welcome your comments and observations of indexes in ebooks. Have you seen a good index? If so, please write a few paragraphs and let us know. Do you know of any publishers who are producing indexes in ebooks? Have you had personal experiences of producing an index to an ebook? We would love to hear from you. Content for the August issue is due at the end of July – contact Denise at <[email protected]>. Style Manual questionnaire The Department of Finance and Deregulation is seeking feedback on the sixth edition of the Style manual for authors, editors and printers as it prepares to develop a seventh edition. To quote the email they sent out: ‘The current 6th edition is over ten years old and requires updating to reflect changes in electronic publishing, language and style. ‘As part of this exercise we are seeking input from users of the Style manual to identify areas of content that need to be revised and added to create a 7th edition. In order to collect this information we have developed a short survey. We would appreciate your assistance by completing the survey at <>. If you have any questions in relation to the survey please contact us at <>’. Order of the Kohlrabi ANZSI Medal It is time to look back at the indexes you created in the past year and consider entering one you are proud of for the ANZSI Medal. If you have seen a great Australian published index as you browse new books, why not suggest it for the Medal. Details for submission are at <www.anzsi. org/site/medal.asp> What is ICRIS? You have seen the acronym in the Newsletter, but what does it mean and what does the group do? Answers and past minutes of meetings can be found on a new webpage located at < ntent&task=view&id=115&Itemid=69.>. In our last issue we reported that Glenda Browne had been presented by ASI with a certificate and membership of the Order of the Kohlrabi (yes the vegetable), for her work on the IDPF Indexers Working Group. Here I am handing her the certificate. Mary Russell ANZSI Newsletter | 3 ACT Region Branch T he ACT Region Branch currently has 35 members and is the second largest branch of ANZSI after Victoria. The Branch Committee meets regularly. Workshops and activities for members are scheduled from time to time; popular workshops include annual report indexing, thesaurus construction, update sessions on indexing The ACT Region Branch was well represented at the recent Wellington conference. Five of our members attended: Shirley Campbell, Sherrey Quinn, Denise Sutherland, Geraldine Triffitt, and Tracy Harwood. Sherrey Quinn gave a very practical paper on the final day about ANZSI accreditation, and what to look out for when submitting an index for assessment. Our next major event is the 2015 joint national conference for indexers and editors. The ACT Region Branch will be hosting this conference along with the Canberra Society of Editors. The Write, Edit, Index conference will run from 6 to 9 May 2015, at the Rydges Lakeside Hotel in Canberra. There is close cooperation between the two societies as most of the organising committee belong to both. Planning is already underway, and we look forward to welcoming you to Canberra in 2015! Our history – the beginning The idea of a Canberra Branch of the Australian Society of Indexers (AusSI) was discussed at a weekend back-of-book At the Bowral conference (l to r): Denise Sutherland, Shirley Campbell (President), indexing course organised by the Online Users group of the Library Association of Frances Paterson (NSW President), Sherrey Quinn, Tracy Harwood (seated) Australia in the winter of 1992. This idea did not come out of the blue, because there software, and discussion sessions with the Canberra Society were a number of members of AusSI in Canberra. Over of Editors. We have occasional excursions to places like the the years there had been some membership recruitment Parliament House Library. In 2012 we enjoyed hosting drives by AusSI interstate committee members particularly visits from Frances Lennie (from CINDEX), and American targeting librarians. In 1986 there were 22 members in the indexer Diana Witt. Some members met with ANZSI ACT, but the number had declined to 15 in 1992. member John Simkin, who is writing a history of ANZSI. An inaugural meeting was held in October 1992 at The current committee consists of Shirley Campbell the University of Canberra, at which 30 people attended. (President), Sherrey Quinn (Treasurer), Edyth Binkowski, The motion to form a Canberra Branch of the Australian Geraldine Triffitt, Barry Howarth, and Denise Sutherland. Society of Indexers was carried unanimously by the The secretarial role is shared amongst members. financial members of the Society. The ACT Region Branch collaborates with NSW An interim committee was appointed to examine the Branch in biennial seminars held at Bowral, a central National Constitution and to draw up a constitution for location in NSW. These seminars are significant professional the Branch. The first meeting was held in November 1992. development and networking events, well-attended by A questionnaire was given to all participants to fill in their members of both branches. Topics covered have included preferences for activities, particularly courses. epubs, cookbook indexing, indexing aids we can’t live Because of the proximity of Queanbeyan, and the without, and criteria for index evaluation. In July 2012 the possibilities of indexers from other parts of southern New seminar theme was ‘From pbooks to ebooks: Focusing on South Wales being able to attend functions in Canberra, it digital publishing’; 23 indexers attended. was decided to name the branch the ACT Region Branch, Our members are involved in a wide range of indexing rather than Canberra Branch of the Society. projects, from academic projects, volunteer indexes, to trade The Canberra Online Users Group and the embryo books. We are always particularly busy in the third quarter ACT Region Branch of AusSI jointly sponsored a one of the year with ‘annual report season’. Canberra is home day seminar held at the National Library of Australia, in to many national and government institutions, who need indexes for their annual reports and other publications. (continued on next page) 4 | ANZSI Newsletter (ACT Region Branch, continued from previous page) In 2001 it was the ACT Region’s turn to host the November 1992, which 45 people attended. Issues and Biennial Conference, and it was decided to host a joint problems of indexing, indexing of certain databases and conference with the Canberra Society of Editors. This a comparative demonstration of Macrex and CINDEX was the first joint national conference ever held between indexing tools were on the program. Australian editors and indexers. The second such conference The Branch Constitution and the collated questionnaire will be held in 2015, also hosted in Canberra. were ready for the first Annual General Meeting in February 1993. By then we had 25 members, and 20 people attended National Committee of AusSI/ANZSI the AGM, which took the form of a dinner and meeting. On 26 February 2002 the ACT Region Branch Committee That has been the pattern since for our AGMs. was elected as the National Committee for 2002–03, The activities for the Branch that year were a 'Meet the taking over this responsibility from the NSW Branch. We Indexers' panel in May, a 'Meet the Data-base Indexer' continued in this role until 18 October 2006. Under the panel in June, a dinner for members in September, at inspired leadership of Lynn Farkas as President during which the speaker was Peter Judge, formerly head of this time, two significant changes to the Society occurred. CSIRO Information Services (and now the Editor of the Firstly, on 17 November 2004, following the formation of ANZSI Newsletter), and a talk about indexing videos at the the NZ Branch the name of the Society was changed from National Film and Sound Archive and the Sports Video the Australian Society of Indexers to the Australian and Library at the Australian Institute of Sport in October. New Zealand Society of Indexers. Secondly, on 18 October At our AGM in February 1994, the President commented 2006, the Constitution was altered to change the name on difficulties of publicising activities to reach potential ‘Committee’ to ‘Council’ in order to remove problems of new members. During that busy year work had started nomenclature when referring to the main body responsible on indexing standards and the criteria for registration for for the affairs of the Society. document indexers. Local member Robert Hyslop was a On 8 March 2003 the National Committee held an finalist for the Society’s medal. Outlook Workshop in Canberra to which all members In 1994, the Branch held four activities as well as of the National Committee including ex-officio members the Annual General Meeting and dinner. There was an were invited. Its purpose was to determine a blueprint Abstracting Workshop in April, a panel discussion on for the Committee’s activities for 2003. The issues database indexing in June, a talk by Max McMaster on discussed included goals for 2003, the role of the National becoming a freelance indexer Committee, membership, in September, and ‘Indexing website, Constitution, and and editing from a publisher’s education and training. perspective’, by the publisher These formed the basis Pat Woolley from Wild and for issues and tasks to be Woolley, as well as a dinner for dealt with by the National members in November. Committee. In 1995, ACT Region Following an interim member Barry Howarth won period without a Newsletter the Society’s Medal. Eleven Editor, a position previously ACT Region members went held in a voluntary capacity to the Indexers – Partners by a member of the Society, in Publishing conference at Committee members Edyth Binkowski and Barry Howarth an experienced editor, Peter Marysville, presenting four Judge, was appointed to this at our 2012 AGM dinner papers and chairing two position in October 2004. sessions. Peter has been Editor ever since. An idea had been canvassed for the following year to Website redevelopment was an important project and hold a weekend meeting about ‘Indexing in the electronic was funded in a shared arrangement by the national age’ for the NSW and ACT Region Branch to meet, at a committee and branches. The NSW Branch developed venue between the two areas in the Southern Highlands. the proposed information architecture and input from This developed into a major conference attracting eighty members was sought by means of a survey. On finalisation participants from the Eastern States and New Zealand of the information architecture and tender specifications, at Robertson. It included the presentation of the Society quotes were sought for the design and implementation of Medal at the dinner. The papers were published in LASIE, the redeveloped website. On 15 May 2006 the successful with some papers in the AusSI Newsletter. This gave the (continued on next page) ACT Region Branch valuable publicity. ANZSI Newsletter | 5 (ACT Region Branch, continued from previous page) tenderer, Link Digital, was awarded the contract and has been responsible for the development and management of the website since that time. A special meeting was held in Canberra in May 2006, named the GAMES (Guidelines, Archives, Mentoring for the Society) meeting to differentiate it from other meetings. Sherrey Quinn was chairperson and the participants included the National Committee as well as representatives of all branches. The principal aim of the meeting was to examine the current guidelines and policies of the Society. Some policies were endorsed without further discussion, some were revised (including a significant revision of the Registration Policy), while others were referred for further work. Other topics discussed at this meeting were mentoring, the Society’s archives and the role of the Education Committee. Lynn Farkas and Shirley Campbell completed the production of the endorsed and revised policies and procedures before handing over to the new committee in October 2006. And finally … Throughout its history, our members have contributed to ANZSI National Committees and Subcommittees, such as various incarnations of the Education Committee, and the Registration Committee/Board of Assessors. And, no doubt, we shall continue to be actively involved in ANZSI activities and the development of the Society into the future. Denise Sutherland A multiskilled ACT indexer C anberra indexer Denise Sutherland is also a wellestablished puzzle writer. She is the author of such books as Solving Cryptic Crosswords For Dummies and The Canberra Puzzle Book. Denise recently became the ‘captive cruciverbalist’ on ABC regional NSW radio, on Chris Coleman’s ‘Statewide Afternoons’ program. In this spot, she challenges the audience with her cryptic clues, and chats with Chris about solving cryptic crosswords, and with listeners about their answers. You can hear her on ABC Radio across regional NSW every Wednesday, just after 2:30 pm. You can also listen online, live or later, on the ‘Statewide Afternoons’ website: < riverina/programs/south_east_nsw_afternoons/>. Shirley Campbell 2013 ANZSI Medal Applications T he Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers Medal is offered annually for the most outstanding index to a book or periodical compiled in Australia or New Zealand. The index must be in print and published after 2009. It must have been compiled in Australia or New Zealand, even though the text to which it refers may have originated elsewhere. The index should be substantial in size; the subject matter should be complex; and the language, form and structure of the index should demonstrate the indexer’s expertise, as well as serving the needs of the text and reader. The publisher of the winning index will be presented with a certificate recognising their promotion of work of outstanding quality. The judges may also make ‘Highly Commended’ awards. Nominations, with bibliographical details and a copy of the book (which 6 | ANZSI Newsletter will be returned if requested) should be sent to the address on the nomination form. Publishers, indexers and all interested people may nominate indexes, and indexers may nominate their own work. We invite you to have a browse around your local bookshop too. If you find an Australian or New Zealand title with an index, which looks as though it could be a Medal contender, complete the nomination form on the ANZSI website and send it to Garry Cousins, Chairman of the Awards Committee. Entries close on 31 July 2013. A nomination form is available on the ANZSI website: <> Contact: Garry Cousins, Chairman, Awards Committee, 41 Gould Avenue, Lewisham NSW 2049, Tel: (02) 9560 0102; email <[email protected]> Indexing Indaba Thank you Adobe! SI’s Jan Wright and Leverage Technology’s Dave Ream are to be congratulated for their part in an exciting new development for Adobe InDesign. The next version, InDesign CC (Creative Cloud), will be able to use embedded index markers to create live linked ebook indexes, using the EPUB export. Jan and Dave met with InDesign engineers to help facilitate this new feature, which you can see demonstrated by Terry White, Adobe’s Worldwide Development Evangelist. Creative Suite Design Evangelist at: < A watch?feature=player_embedded&v=4pWMKGDpbnc> Adobe is listening to indexers and the DTTF is encouraging us to thank them. You can let them know how exciting this new feature is and how much indexers appreciate it by leaving a note for Terry on his blog at: <> Style Manual’s 7th edition – have your say The Department of Finance and Deregulation’s Style Manual for authors, editors and printers is to go into its 7th edition to reflect changes in electronic publishing, language and style. The manual includes a chapter on indexing and the Department is seeking input from users to identify areas of content that need to be revised and added. Information is being collected through a short survey available at: <>. Questions relating to the survey can be directed to <>. Come fly with me If you fall into that lucky group of Qantas’s ‘most valued passengers’, you’ve probably just received a nice surprise – a set of paperback books timed to be read on 10 of the airline’s main flying routes. Qantas has teamed up with Hachette Australia and Sydney creative agency Droga5 to produce the ‘Stories for Every Journey’ set. In a statement Hachette said that ‘with the average reader reading approximately a page per minute, the shorter reads will take you from tarmac to tarmac, while the longer flight-timed books also allow for a great meal, a glass of something delicious and a rest break’. And according to David Nobay, creative chairman of Droga5, ‘in this world of Kindles and iPads, it seems that the last bastion of the humble paperback novel is actually 40,000 feet. You only have to look at the bulging shelves at any airport bookstore.’ Book + Publishing Daily, Tuesday, 21 May 2013 Amazon the behemoth Amazon’s newest acquisition is the social reading site Goodreads founded in 2007. Goodreads co-founder Otis Chandler says that the deal with Amazon means that ‘we’re now going to be able to move faster in bringing the Goodreads experience to millions of readers around the world’, and that ‘we have no plans to change the Goodreads experience and Goodreads will continue to be the wonderful community we all cherish’. Others are not so sure. American writers’ organisation the Authors’ Guild says the acquisition is a ‘truly devastating act of vertical integration’ meaning that ‘Amazon’s control of online bookselling approaches the insurmountable’. Its president, bestselling legal thriller author Scott Turow, says that it is a ‘textbook example of how modern internet monopolies can be built’. ‘The key is to eliminate or absorb competitors before they pose a serious threat,’ says Turow. ‘With its 16 million subscribers, Goodreads could easily have become a competing online bookseller, or played a role in directing buyers to a site other than Amazon. Instead, Amazon has scuttled that potential and also squelched what was fast becoming the go-to venue for online reviews, attracting far more attention than Amazon for those seeking independent assessment and discussion of books. As those in advertising have long known, the key to driving sales is controlling information.’ Incidentally, indexers who believe that our profession tends to attract the less outgoing among the general population might be interested in the Goodreads top nonfiction book for 2012 as voted by its members - Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking by Susan Cain. <> If you can’t say something nice… Renowned pioneer of blogging, Jason Kottke, began back in March 1998 and now has the support of paid advertisers and involvement from guest editors, including one Sarah Pavis. A mechanical engineer who designs hydraulic systems she also has an in interest in writing about technology and culture. A couple of months ago she had a go at us… ‘“The index of a book. Sometimes it’s, uh, not great, you know? But like, eh.” That about sums up my thoughts, and I’m guessing most people’s thoughts, about the indexes of books. But not everyone. No, for the Society of Indexers, book indexes are a topic that holds endless fascination. And I do mean endless. 'The Prime Minister of the UK wrote to the Society of Indexers at the society’s founding back in freaking 1958. “I can scarcely conceal from you the fact that I am at present somewhat occupied with other matters, so that I cannot say all that comes into my mind and memory on the subject of indexing.” ‘Nice dodge, Mr Prime Minister.’ (continued on next page) ANZSI Newsletter | 7 (Indexing Indaba, continued from previous page) ‘One of the longest running features of the society’s publication, The Indexer, is its reviews of indexes which are snippets culled from book reviews that pertain to the book’s index. ‘Finally, the four-page single-level index is a joke. In a book entitled Satan, what possible use is the entry ‘Satan’ with 84 undifferentiated page numbers, or ‘Devil’ with 102, or ‘demon’ with 79, out of a total of 190 text pages? You’d think a scholar would know the importance of a good index”. ‘The reviews of indexes are only a small part of the publication. They also regularly publish articles that meditate on what it means to be an indexer, defend indexing, and look at the history of indexing societies. ‘I really hope the Society of Indexers is actually a front for some creepy Eyes Wide Shut sex cult because the possibility that people have been earnestly compiling and discussing indexes for 54 years is too depressing to contemplate. ‘The complete December 2012 issue of The Indexer isn’t available online, but you can buy it for only $17.89. For 52 pages of reviews and discussions of indexes? A bargain. ‘If everyone buys it and leaves reviews about the index of the book of reviews of indexes, I can review your index reviews and combine them into a review of reviews of indexes in index form that –HELP PLZ SEND ORIGINAL CONTENT ASAP I’M DYING OF RECURSIVE CURATION ASPHYXIATION. ‘UPDATE: The Society of Indexers are not a creepy sex cult and are in fact a serious society as is proved by them having a Twitter account. ‘Jason [Kottke] told me to stay away from politics but he never mentioned the partisan kerfuffle I’d encounter by taking a cheeky view of indexes. ‘For all the fans of indexes, here’s a short story in index form written by J.G. Ballard which was originally published in The Paris Review [link supplied]. ‘I’ll go back to engineering with my indices and leave the indexers their indexes.’ <> Probably a good idea, Sarah. Not much we can say except… engineering see boring Nikki Davis Victorian Branch presents Peter Dowling on his Index to imagery in Australian colonial illustrated newspapers Saturday 6 July, 2.00 – 4.00 pm, State Library of Victoria Conference Centre When Peter Dowling began his PhD on imagery in Australian colonial illustrated newspapers, he went on a journey through the wonderful pictorial accounts of this era. He discovered an extraordinary visual resource, sadly neglected because it was too difficult to access the images. Peter’s passion for rectifying this became the impetus for a fifteen year project – an index to the images in almost all of Australia’s colonial illustrated newspapers. Free event but RSVP is essen�al Afternoon tea provided Contact: Nikki Davis 0414-758712 For more details and to RSVP online: <> 8 | ANZSI Newsletter Quiet Achievers in Indexing: Mary Coe Who has been the greatest influence on your career? y mentor, Maria Coughlin. Without her, I may never have discovered indexing or believed that I could make a living as an indexer. Another great influence has been Helen Ochej, my mentor at the National Institutes of Health when I was working as a PubMed (MEDLINE) contract indexer. Helen not only helped me with database indexing skills and medical knowledge but became a great friend. M How did you come to an indexing career? Almost by accident! My husband and I returned to the US after three years running pubs in the UK as managers for Bass Brewery and one year of travelling around the world. I was looking for work and my brother mentioned that one of his clients might be able to help me. He thought that she might be some sort of science editor. Although my bachelor’s degree is in English literature and history, I had started out with a great interest in biology, and my brother thought that she might have some ideas for me. Well … it turned out that she was an indexer, specialising in health sciences. She agreed to take me on as an apprentice. I started out typing entries into CINDEX from her marked-up pages and eventually moved into writing indexes under her guidance. I was very lucky to start this way, with paid work and an excellent mentor. Maria also had other employees at the time, including Pilar Wyman, who is currently president of the American Society for Indexing (ASI). Another of Maria’s employees, Dina Dineva, has won the Wilson Award, which is the ASI equivalent of the ANZSI Medal. What do you see as your greatest achievement? I consider my greatest achievement to be maintaining full-time work as a freelance indexer for over 20 years. I think that I have achieved that by both specialising (in health sciences topics) and by diversifying between book and database indexing as well as with different topic areas. Although I have considered adding editing or writing to my list of skills, I have never had to do so. What has been your biggest challenge? My biggest challenge has been managing an indexing business, Potomac Indexing LLC. After years of freelance work, I decided to start a partnership in 2006 with three other indexers in the Washington, DC area (John Heffernan, Suzanne Peake, Richard Shrout). We decided not to pursue a model similar to Maria Coughlin’s (e.g. hiring employees or new indexers) but to use established freelance indexers as subcontractors. In 2006, shortly after starting the business, I moved from the US to Sydney, and then in 2007, the partnership dissolved and reformed with two new partners (Seth Maislin and Kay Schlembach, and with Richard Shrout and myself remaining). We managed to survive all of this upheaval and settle into building the business. In 2011, I decided to leave the partnership as I had established my own freelance business in Australia and it no longer made sense for me to juggle this with management of a US company (and the associated tax headaches!). Establishing and running Potomac Indexing was a challenge, mainly because I had to spend so much time working ON the business instead of working IN the business. It did reinforce for me that I love indexing first and foremost. I am happy that the business had continued over the years, despite many changes and only one remaining original partner (Richard Shrout). My original goal was to establish an indexing business that was not reliant on my name and reputation only, and that has certainly taken place. Since leaving the business, I have started working on a Masters Degree in Information Studies, and I am hoping to do research on index usability. No doubt that will be another challenge, but at least I am back to my first love…indexing! How do you try to achieve work–life balance? I don’t always achieve this…just ask my children! When they were younger, it was difficult to find a balance and I would often be working at odd times or into the evening. Now that they are teenagers, I am able to work much more to a schedule. My usual routine is to start work early in the morning, take a break at lunchtime (which might include a walk to the shops or something away from the computer), then back to work through the afternoon. I also try to take short breaks throughout the day, doing small chores. It’s amazing how attractive hanging out the laundry can seem when you are deep in the middle of a chemistry textbook! Since I work full-time from a home office, I find that I need to schedule activities away from home in order to relax and socialise. I love sports, and I am often out in the evening playing something (futsal, netball, tennis, hockey, I will try just about anything!) or walking with friends. I find that keeping active and scheduling time away from my desk really helps to keep me focused and more productive when I am at work. I also try to lock the office door on Sundays and give myself a full day off (though I don’t always succeed…). What do you like most about your work? What do you like least? I like the variety of topics and the ability to manage my own time. Time management can be a huge challenge, but I am always thankful that the amount and timing of work I do is under my control. I still get excited when a new project comes in, especially if it is a topic that I am not familiar with. I also enjoy the challenge of learning new skills, such as embedded indexing. (continued on next page) ANZSI Newsletter | 9 (Quiet achievers – Mary Coe, continued from previous page) What I like least about my work is quoting for jobs and doing the bookkeeping. At one point, I was the bookkeeper for Potomac Indexing, and I learned a lot during that time. Eventually, I outsourced some of the work, however, and I was very happy to get back to indexing and leave that job to someone else! Doing the bookkeeping for my own freelance business is not nearly as onerous, but I still don’t enjoy it. And, quoting for jobs always makes me nervous. It was particularly difficult when I first started in Australia, as the system differs somewhat from the US. Before I came here, I had rarely been asked to quote on a job or to calculate hours worked. In the US, indexers are usually paid by the page or by the entry, and the publisher usually determines the rate. It is up to the indexer to accept it or not when they take on the job. While I like the Australian system (and especially the ANZSI recommended rate!), I still get nervous about quoting. What advice would you offer to indexers just starting out? Be patient, network, find a mentor, and be willing to learn. Getting those first good clients, who will hopefully come back to you with repeat work, will take some time. Don’t give up your day job just yet, but do believe that you can make a living as an indexer. Get involved in ANZSI and other related societies. Talk to everyone and anyone about indexing, in whatever context you can. I found one of my first clients in Australia when I discovered that a soccer teammate was an editor at a major publishing house, and I recently discovered that one of my tennis partners is an editor, too! It’s these kinds of connections that have helped me to build my Australian business. I was very lucky to have Maria Coughlin as a mentor. While I don’t want to follow Maria’s business plan and hire employees, I do sometimes subcontract out work to new indexers or offer some mentoring. I’ve been asked countless times about indexing as a profession, often by people with little idea of what is involved, and I am cautious about giving away my time. If I see someone at an ANZSI event or course and sense that they truly are interested in indexing, I am more inclined to work with them. Finally, be willing to learn throughout your career, not just as a new indexer. I have constantly had to adapt – learning new software, figuring out different ways of quoting, tackling topics that I don’t know much about – but, as I said earlier, that is one of the reasons that I like indexing as a profession! 10 | ANZSI Newsletter If you could dine with a famous historical figure, who would it be? Ernest Shackleton. I love reading about Antarctic exploration, especially the early explorers’ journals. South is one of my favourites. I would like to know what was going through Shackleton’s mind as he watched his ship, the Endurance, being crushed in the ice and how he managed to successfully bring his crew back alive. He was not only a brave explorer but an excellent leader. I have been following Tim Jarvis’ recreation of Shackleton’s voyage, and I am pleased to see that events such as the Shackleton Epic Leadership Round Table in Sydney have been inspired by this tribute. I would love to go to Antarctica one day and go into Shackleton’s hut at Cape Royds (from his second Antarctic expedition). It’s amazing how much of it has been preserved in the Antarctic conditions. Who knows if that will happen, but it’s top of my bucket list! (Can I also mention that anyone out there writing anything on Antarctica who needs an index, please call me! Sadly, I have yet to index a book on that topic ... L) The photo is of me with the James Caird, the small boat that Ernest Shackleton and five other men sailed from Elephant Island to South Georgia, when it was on display at the Australian National Maritime Museum in Sydney in 2002. If you were a letter of the alphabet, which letter would you be and why? Z – it comes at the end of the English alphabet, like indexes at the end of books. No one is quite sure what to call it (‘zee’ or ‘zed’?), a bit like indexers, who don’t seem to fit into any ATO occupation code, let alone any other professional box. There aren’t many ways you can use it in Scrabble, but when you do, it’s worth lots of points! And, when anyone sings the alphabet song, they always sing it out loudly when they get to the end. I think that Z is the quiet achiever of the alphabet, as indexers are definitely the quiet achievers in publishing. And, as one of the youngest members of a big family (number six out of seven children), I’m used to going last, and I’ve discovered that sometimes keeping your head down and waiting for your opportunity can be an advantage! T Indexing software he VIC software comparison session in April, summarised in our May Newsletter, sparked a lot of interest. We thought we would examine each package in greater detail, asking users of each software package to answer specific questions in a similar way to the ‘Quiet Achievers in Indexing’ articles. If you have any specific question you would like answered or if there is a feature you would like highlighted or explained, please contact Mary Russell: <[email protected]> Queensland Branch General meeting Tuesday 25 June, 6.00 pm for 7.00 pm start Show & Tell indexing evening bring your indexes to share We meet in the Helen Abrahams Ward Office, 2/63 Annerley Road (corner of Crown Street), Woolloongabba, Brisbane Contact: Moira Brown 0416 097 629 or <[email protected]> and see <> ACT Region Branch Working with words Saturday 6 July, 2.30 - 5.00 pm Come along to ACT member Denise Sutherland’s home in Gordon, ACT, to discover how she writes crosswords, cryptics, and other puzzles. RSVP by Wednesday 3 July to Denise, on 6294 1732 or <[email protected]>. Address details will be supplied when you RSVP. <> ANZSI Newsletter | 11 Branch events Date and time Organiser Name of activity Venue Tues 25 June 6.00 for 7.00 pm QLD Branch Show and Tell Sat 6 July 2.00–4.00 pm Vic Branch Contact details Contact: Moira Brown 0416 097 629 or 2/63 Annerley Road <[email protected]> (cnr Crown St), Details on p. 11 and at Woolloongabba, Brisbane <> Indexing images in State Library of Victoria colonial newspapers Conference Centre Free, but RSVP essential, See page 8; details at <> Sat 6 July ACT Region Working with words Branch 2.30–4.00 pm Thurs/Fri Introductory Book 11/12 July NSW Branch Indexing Course 9.30 am–4.30 pm Wed 7 August 6.00–7.30 pm Vic Branch Denise Sutherland’s home RSVP by 3 July. Details on p. 11 and at in Gordon, ACT <> Sydney Mechanics School Queries to <[email protected]>; details at of Arts (, <> 280 Pitt Street, Sydney Old Op Shop, Holy The VIC: Details at Trinity Anglican Church, indexing numbers <> Kew ANZSI Newsletter ON OTHER PAGES ANZSI News ANZSI Newsletter ACT Region Branch – our June featured branch 2013 ANZSI Medal applications Indexing Indaba Vic Branch meeting 6 July: indexing images Quiet achievers – Mary Coe Indexing software comparisons Queensland Branch in June – Show & Tell ACT Region Branch: Working with words 1 2 4 6 7 8 9 11 11 11 Published by the Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers Inc. PO Box 2059, Wattletree Road LPO, Malvern East, VIC 3145, Australia © Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers Inc. ISSN 1832-3855 Opinions and statements expressed in the Newsletter are those of the respective authors. Newsletter schedule The next Newsletter will appear in July 2013. The contribution deadline is Friday, 28 June. The editor welcomes your contributions submitted by email to <[email protected].> Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers Inc. PO Box 2059, Wattletree Road LPO, Malvern East VIC 3145, Australia Postage paid Newsletter of the Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers Inc. Volume 9 | number 6 | July 2013 ANZSI News Membership renewals due for Financial Year members f your subscription fell due on 30 June, your renewal email was sent on 18 June. New Zealand members can pay into the NZ Branch bank account and details are on the form included in your email or via <>. I Update your details Sending out renewals highlights members with old email addresses. Please could all members take a moment to update their details on the ANZSI database? To update your details: 1. Go to the ‘Update your Details’ webpage in the members’ area <>. 2. Scroll down and check we have your latest contact details. 3. Make any changes required. 4. Scroll to the bottom and save changes. Advertising in Indexers Available As mentioned in the last Newsletter, Council decided to charge members for advertising in Indexers Available. Information and payment details are available at <>. • What happens if I do nothing? If you do nothing, your entry in Indexers Available will be removed after 1 October 2013. • Can I still pay after 1 October 2013? Yes, you can pay and advertise in Indexers Available for 2013–14 at any time. To list or update your details on Indexers Available: 1. Go to the ‘Update your Details’ webpage in the members’ area <>. 2. Make sure there is a tick in the Indexers Available box. 3. Tick items you want included. 4. Add details of recent publications indexed. 5. Scroll to the bottom and save changes. National Family History Month August is National Family History Month. Family historians are big users of indexes and are big fans of indexers. Have a look at what is on, as there are events listed for all states, plus New Zealand. Why not go along to an event and promote indexing? Or approach your local history group and offer to talk about indexing. Let Max McMaster know if you require some ANZSI bookmarks to hand out. Details at <>. The Indexer The March 2013 issue of The Indexer (Vol 30, No 1) is now available for free on Ingenta <>. This is an extended issue, dedicated to consideration of issues relevant to indexing in the digital age. The latest issue of The Indexer June 2013 contains all sorts of articles of interest: • The National Index to Chinese Newspapers and Periodicals (NICNP) in the digital age (Han Chunlei) • The Chinese Periodical Full-Text Database (1911-1949): searching the literature of the Republic of China (Xu Shu) • Ereaders: exploring how well they work (Pierke Bosschieter) • Newcomers: readers’ comments (Adam LeBrocq, Sylvia Coates, Ann Hudson, Elena Gwynne and Linda Stumbaugh) • XIndex: a cautionary tale (Denise Sutherland) • EPUB3 versus HTML5 (Ori Idan) • Tools of Change (Pilar Wyman) • Portrait of the indexer? (Susan Curran) • Letter: A tale of two cultures? • ANZSI conference 2013 (Carol Dawber and Sandy Liddle) • Bibliography and the indexer; cullings from the Almanacco bibliografico (Maureen MacGlashan) Jan Wright and Glenda Browne (continued on next page) at ‘The Matrix’ (ANZSI News, continued from previous page) (The Indexer, continued) Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers Inc. ANZSI Newsletter ISSN 1832-3855 Editor: Peter Judge <[email protected]> About the newsletter The newsletter is published monthly 11 times a year, with combined issues for January and February. Opinions expressed in the newsletter are those of the individual contributors, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the society. For details about contributions and editorial matters, refer to the ANZSI website at <>. Advertising rates Full page: $200.00 Half page $100.00 Quarter page: $50.00. These are all per issue – the former annual rate has been discontinued. ANZSI contact information ANZSI’s general email address is: <[email protected]>. Further contact details in PDF format are available on the ANZSI website at <>. Plus a Centrepiece featuring: • Chinese, Japanese and Korean (CJK) names: resources for the indexer (Lam Lai Heung) • Asian names in an English-language context: negotiating the structural and linguistic minefield (Fiona Swee-Lin Price) If you don’t subscribe, details can be found here: < php?option=com_content&task=view&id=13&Itemid=27> Mary Russell News from Queensland Q ueensland Branch members enjoyed General Meetings in May and June at our new venue in Woolloongabba, Brisbane. In May our long-standing member Elizabeth Riley told us that she had made a dream come true by attending the American Society for Indexers Conference in San Antonio,Texas. Elizabeth, currently a Metadata Librarian with the Learning Place (the eLearning environment of the Queensland Department of Education, Training and Employment), seemed quite at home talking about the database fields which many of us are totally uneducated about. Sadly the evening was too short, as our guest was double booked for another event. Thanks Elizabeth for sharing your trip to the ASI Conference. The June meeting was a great networking session. We discussed different approaches on how to index books on Burmese history, family histories of the Kilcoy area, Queensland Transport Department histories of North Queensland and Mackay areas, a book on Captain Bligh and his Breadfruit, a beautiful pictorial gardening book, as well as a history of the Brookfield Show Grounds, a two volume Danish family history and St Hilda’s School Centenary book also full of photographs. Special thanks to Lesley Bryant, Cate Seymour-Jones and Beryl Macdonald for their contributions to our ‘Indexing Show & Tell’ evening. Tuesday 23 July 2013 is our AGM, so please return your application forms and help run our Queensland Branch. All positions are open. See <>. Moira Brown (President, Queensland Branch) At the May meeting, l to r: Elizabeth Riley (Guest Speaker), Jeni Lewington, Mary Ann Martin, Beryl Macdonald, Cate Seymour-Jones, Teresa Hayward, Moira Brown (photo Franz Pinz) A new branch library! See page 8 ... 2 | ANZSI Newsletter P ANZSI Annual General Meeting reliminary notice is given that the Annual General Meeting of the Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers Inc. will be held at 7.00 p.m. on Wednesday 2 October 2013 at the Elsternwick Club, 19 Sandham Street, Elsternwick Victoria (Melway 67, F2). Any members wishing to propose a resolution at the meeting must give prior notice of motion. A copy of the resolution to be moved, signed by a proposer and seconder, must be received by the Secretary at the address below no later than Wednesday 14 August 2013. The Council will be proposing amendments to the Constitution, consequential on the passage of the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012 (Vic). These amendments, with commentary, will be posted on the website well before the AGM and there will be a facility for members to comment on the proposals. Office bearers and council members (other than the ex officio members) will be elected at the meeting. Nominations are therefore called for the positions of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and five ordinary council members. A nomination form may be downloaded from the ANZSI website <www.anzsi. org/site/calendar_details.asp?id=319>. Nominations must be mailed to the Returning Officer at PO Box 2059, Wattletree Road LPO, Malvern East, Vic 3145 to arrive no later than Wednesday 14 August 2013. Michael J Ramsden, Secretary Introducing ANZSI South Australia J ane Oliver is the SA contact for ANZSI. She has a background as a librarian working in health libraries in Melbourne and moved to Adelaide in 2005 to be closer to family. While in Adelaide, Jane has reindexed a book on the history of the Parliament of South Australia and has indexed two editions of the SA Department of Health’s publication ‘You’ve got what?’, which is intended for the public. There have been a couple of ANZSI SA Christmas get togethers; you may have seen the photos in the Newsletter. Jane, together with Janet Wilkinson and Silvia Muscardin, was also involved in organising the indexing courses ANZSI held in Adelaide in August 2012 and, after the success of the courses, hopes to encourage enough new members to form a SA branch of ANZSI. There is a plan to hold a networking dinner in Adelaide in August this year. Jane was a Victorian Branch committee member but, as there is no ANZSI branch in Adelaide, she has joined the Society of Editors SA and attends their committee and members meetings. The Society of Editors SA recently held an interesting workshop, presented by Elizabeth Spiegel from Tasmania, on editing for the web that had some indexing content. ANZSI and IPEd (Institute of Professional Editors, the national body for editors) will be holding a joint national conference in Canberra in 2015. Judy Richter is a cataloguer for a library cataloguing firm and is looking forward to attending a meeting of the ACT Indexers in early July and plans to go over to Melbourne in August or October to attend one of the Victorian Branch’s monthly meetings. Janet Wilkinson is Metadata Coordinator at the State Library of South Australia and has written a separate article (see page 5) on the ANZAC indexing project at the State Library. Janet joined the Society in 2007, when she accepted a new position in the State Library to index a myriad of hard copy vertical files of previously answered reference enquiries and convert pre-computer created index cards into electronic catalogue records. In searching for a professional source of support and expertise on indexing, Google easily found ANZSI. The newsletters and networking with like-minded people have been invaluable in creating, hopefully, high quality avenues of discovery of buried South Australian contemporary and historical details that were previously recorded only in paper or card format. Silvia Muscardin is the librarian at the Adelaide Zoo. Silvia has been calling South Australia home since 1980, when she migrated from Italy. She arrived at the world of librarianship a bit late in life after trying other careers in the fields of scientific research, teaching and motherhood. In 1996 she landed the job at the Adelaide Zoo by sheer serendipity; she considers herself incredibly lucky to work for a group of fine and dedicated people (the Zoo staff and volunteers) in pleasant settings and surrounded by animals. Silvia has written a separate article on indexing at the Zoo. I would like to thank the above for their assistance and we all look forward to the formation of a SA Branch of ANZSI. Jane Oliver (Our featured branch, ANZSI SA continues on pages 4 and 5) ANZSI Newsletter | 3 Indexing the historical documents of the Adelaide Zoo I is carried through the entire database, and in this Library am the Librarian of the Royal Zoological Society of Bookmark is used for cataloguing. So it was a matter of South Australia Inc., a conservation organisation that ‘fitting’ index entries into software designed and used for runs Adelaide Zoo and Monarto Zoo, as well as a variety of cataloguing. To overcome the problem, I created a simple field conservation programs. manual, which explains the difference between cataloguing In 1996 Adelaide Zoo embarked on a major and indexing and gives guidelines on the use of Bookmark redevelopment that saw the demolition of some old exhibits in this context. and buildings and the conservation of heritage listed sites. That resulted in the collection, re-housing and recording of As part of my work I am called upon to answer questions a mass of historical photographs held in parts of the Zoo about Zoo animals, staff, Zoo buildings and events. For the about to be redeveloped. first few years many questions were common and I created fact-sheets that have served me well. In the last decade, The promotional value of this material became though, the demand for information about Adelaide Zoo immediately apparent: old photos in particular have an and Monaro Zoo increased many-fold: historians, people undoubted charm that appeals to all of us, especially when writing their family history, historical societies have been they come with a ‘story’ that explains them and enhances requesting more detailed information. The fact sheets their inherent power to evoke memories and feelings. were no longer sufficient for the task. The need to have Thus started the huge project of collecting and re-housing the information directly from the primary source at my these objects, and of capturing the information contained fingertips was plain. This called for a comprehensive index in a mass of historical documents: from photographs to and this is the next stage of the project. animal records and from departmental diaries to newspaper The job proceeds in clippings. leaps and bounds. The For the first lot of migration of the manual photos the Adelaide Zoo records created by the employed the assistance three volunteers is nearing of staff of the History the end and we are on to Trust of South Australia, scanning the departmental who carried out the rediaries. With volunteers housing and description undertaking scanning, of that collection. I can focus on making Although this effort available the information ensured these precious that is in the indexing. historical documents I started with a book would be preserved, the published by the accessioning approach Society in 1978 on the lessened the effectiveness 100th anniversary of its of the records. In keeping formation. The annual with the method used The Minchin family, that gave the Zoo its first three Directors, outside the reports will be next, as by photographers, some Director’s House, Adelaide Zoo, circa 1890. Courtesy RZSSA. they are the best source photographs were allocated of ‘stories’ for the photos. batch accession numbers At the request of keepers, I will tackle the departmental so that it was impossible to identify a single frame; the diaries soon and that will imply the creation of a controlled ‘subjects’ assigned in the records were often too broad. So, vocabulary. when a few years later three Zoo volunteers offered to review The choice of indexing software fell on SKY Index as, the work done and to accession a second lot of photographs, after a few trials, it proved to have the right versatility to I jumped at the opportunity. Together the volunteers, two cope with different types of locators. Each type of resource retired librarians and a retired schoolteacher, did a sterling (book, diaries and, in the future, newspaper articles) will job of reorganising the collection and indexing it. Only be indexed separately; the separate indexes will then be one problem remained: this was a manual record, thus time manually merged into a comprehensive index. consuming to use. In conclusion, what they say about an index not only After a hiatus of some years, another volunteer, trained leading a person to specific information in a haystack as a library technician, offered to migrate the records into of data, but also enhancing the material indexed is the Library computerised database. This introduced us true. Without an index a treasure trove of records is an to another hurdle in the shape of Bookmark, the library software used in this Library. Any change in the field names (continued on next page) 4 | ANZSI Newsletter (ANZSI SA, continued from previous page) amorphous mass without head or tail. It is the index that makes it come alive and speak to us. I wish to thank all the volunteers who contributed and continue to contribute to this project by dedicating thousands of hours of their time to scanning, cataloguing, re-housing, collecting, naming, labelling, documenting, re-naming, re-labelling, listing, and typing all the historical material they have been presented with. And for doing it always with a smile. Silvia Muscardin SA Red Cross Information Bureau records A web resource and indexing project at the State Library of SA to commemorate the Centenary of ANZAC n the first World War the Red Cross Society established Metadata Harvesting) standards will be applied enabling information bureaux in Australian capital cities to linking of information and contributing to rich networks provide a communication and tracing service between of information, linking knowledge in ways SLSA never has. the families of serving soldiers and the overseas bases. The Imperial War Museum (UK) and the National Archives Advertisements were placed in newspapers and enquiries of Australia are also building new web resources based upon flooded in. In SA, 8000 queries were answered, resulting these new standards which will enable connections between in a ‘packet’ of information for each soldier enquired upon, our records. included in envelopes which made up the main work of the This web resource will enable researchers and family SA Red Cross Information Bureau. A typical card from a historians worldwide to interrogate and contribute to the packet is shown below. database and further understand South Australia’s role in In 1922, the Bureau closed its doors and donated its the conflict. The records digitised for this resource will feed records to the State Library of SA. into other SLSA projects and can be used by other agencies and cultural institutions. To mark the centenary of ANZAC, the State Library is digitising and indexing the 8000 plus packets to create a The State Library of South Australia is currently utilising web resource that will be launched in time for the centenary. its internal resources to digitise the Bureau’s records as well Indexing will initially be carried out by a team of volunteers as managing all aspects of this project where the Library who will use a controlled vocabulary developed with advice has the necessary skills. And the Library will continue to from the Australian War Memorial. The Library will also manage this site once it has been completed. endeavour to introduce crowd sourcing techniques like To learn more about this project, see the short film at Trove to complete the indexing. <>. The web resource that is produced will comprise three Lest we forget. elements, namely: 1. The original packets of information related to the 8000 Janet Wilkinson, Metadata Coordinator requests made through the Bureau – digitised so that Andrew Piper, Project Manager the community can see the original documents 2. A place for members of the community to contribute additional information. This may range from family photos of the subjects, or letters and diaries that the family may hold, to personal reminiscences of loved ones. 3. An automated “harvesting” of data from 3rd party sources such as the National Archives, Commonwealth War Graves Commission and Trove which directly relates to the soldiers who are the subjects of the Bureau’s enquiries. Linked Open Data and OAIPMH (Open Archives Initiative Protocol for I ANZSI Newsletter | 5 Draft vision for a multi-location ANZSI Council T he next election of Council on 2 October this year is an excellent opportunity for the discussion of issues to do with communication between Council and branches, and for a proposed multi-location structure for the ANZSI Council. The NSW Branch has developed some ideas about how this might work. Our main purpose is to stimulate discussion of all the options, and to hear from all branches and current Council members what works for them and what doesn’t. Once comments and ideas have been exchanged it is then proposed to publish a summary online and in the September issue of the ANZSI Newsletter, to encourage participation in and nominations for Council at the AGM in October. The summary paper will not be a final blueprint, but an outline of the first stages toward developing a Society that recognises the geographic distances, the voluntary nature of Council/committee membership, and the juggling of work demands and at times onerous committee responsibilities, and tries to put in place a structure for decision-making that alleviates some of these problems. Communication between Council and branches is time-consuming for both Council and branches, yet it is highly valued, and worth the effort. Council has systems for seeking and incorporating feedback from branches in its decision-making process, however the ultimate decisions have nearly always been made only by people who are able to attend the regular meetings (currently held in Victoria). Rather than continue the tradition of handing over Council to different states, we would like to see decisions made more broadly across the whole of ANZSI. Below are a few things that could facilitate this: • Meeting documents could be grouped online so they are available to all Council and branch committee members at the same time • Documents could be amended/developed online - by a Working Group or Committee - during or following a Council web conferencing meeting • Meetings: - use of teleconferencing or web conferencing - monthly? bi-monthly? minimum requirement ie quarterly? • Communication between Council members – a dedicated email facility • The appendix in the long version of this paper on the web is a case study of broad consultation. The long version of the paper has been loaded on to the ANZSI website on the ANZSI Documents page in the members’ area at: <>. Comments and any other ideas can be posted in the members’ discussion area on the website at: <>. Or, if you wish to add to, and see the ongoing comments inserted in the document on Google Drive, let me know at <[email protected]> and I can invite you to ‘share’. Madeleine Davis (on behalf of the NSW Branch) 2013 ANZSI Medal Applications T he Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers Medal is offered annually for the most outstanding index to a book or periodical compiled in Australia or New Zealand. The index must be in print and published after 2009. It must have been compiled in Australia or New Zealand, even though the text to which it refers may have originated elsewhere. The index should be substantial in size; the subject matter should be complex; and the language, form and structure of the index should demonstrate the indexer’s expertise, as well as serving the needs of the text and reader. The publisher of the winning index will be presented with a certificate recognising their promotion of work of outstanding quality. The judges may also make ‘Highly Commended’ awards. Nominations, with bibliographical details and a copy of the book (which will be returned if 6 | ANZSI Newsletter requested) should be sent to the address on the nomination form. Publishers, indexers and all interested people may nominate indexes, and indexers may nominate their own work. We invite you to have a browse around your local bookshop too. If you find an Australian or New Zealand title with an index, which looks as though it could be a Medal contender, complete the nomination form on the ANZSI website and send it to Garry Cousins, Chairman of the Awards Committee. Entries close on 31 July 2013. A nomination form is available on the ANZSI website: <> Contact: Garry Cousins, Chairman, Awards Committee, 41 Gould Avenue, Lewisham NSW 2049, Tel: (02) 9560 0102; email <[email protected]> Zakuski W elcome to another tasty morsel of Zakuski. I must say thank you to those who emailed me and told me how much they enjoyed my first column. ABBA I am not a regular watcher of Sunday Night on Channel 7, but a few weeks ago they had an interview with one of the singers from ABBA. During the course of the interview they mentioned a very interesting museum devoted to ABBA. This museum is on Stockholm’s island of Djurgaarden. Its exhibits feature costumes, very kitsch dance routines, childhood photos, gold records, replicas of their recording studio, dressing rooms, stylist’s worktable, as well as a computer simulation where one can dance to the band’s very catchy tunes. It is open from 10.00 am to 8.00 pm and methinks ’twill be extremely popular with locals and tourists: <>. To continue the pop theme Country and Western singer Dolly Parton has established an ‘Imagination Library’, now 17 years old. Dolly was keen to encourage pre-school underprivileged children to read, so she posted high quality books directly to children’s homes, to excite them about the magic of books. Dolly’s library now is in many US states, Canada, UK and also Australia: <>. Wonderful, wonderful Copenhagen Whilst planning a future journey to Scandinavia and Russia, I came across another interesting museum. The Musical History Museum of Copenhagen is presently being renovated, but will open again in 2014. Hopefully I will visit this fascinating place soon. This museum contains an index of organs and organ builders in Denmark. The index is only written in Danish: <>. What the @!*& Browsing through the 2013 Summer edition of SIdelights, someone has been having a grand old time indexing this title: Holy Sh*t : a brief history of Swearing. I had a look at the index, where all the rude words are indexed in italics. It makes for interesting reading! < 0199742677#reader_0199742677>. What are you reading? I am a member of two book clubs, CAE and U3A, and I’d love to hear what you are reading when you are not indexing. Please email your current titles to me c/o the Editor of ANZSI Newsletter, <[email protected]>, and he will forward them to me for publication. I have just finished reading Crossing to Safety by Wallace Stegner, and Gillian Bouras’s A Fair Exchange. Away from book club stuff I am hooked at the moment on Maureen McCarthy’s The Convent. This a story woven around the Abbotsford Convent, which the Vic Branch visited in February 2011 for a tour of 3MBS. Another recent book was Barbara Pym’s novel No Fond Return of Love, where indexers get mentioned quite a lot. I just want to leave you with some quotes from the book. Here they are: • The opening line: ‘There are various ways of mending a broken heart, but perhaps going to a learned conference is one of the more unusual.’ (pp. 1, 11) • ‘It’s [an] unusual idea, having a conference of people like us … Do we all correct proofs, make bibliographies and indexes, and do all the rather humdrum thankless tasks for people more brilliant than ourselves?’ (pp. 13–14) • ‘People always look on indexers as unintelligent drudges … but a book can be made or marred by its index.’ (p. 31) I think the last quote is so true. [And reminds your Editor of Samuel Johnson’s definition of a lexicographer (i.e. himself ), ‘A writer of dictionaries, a harmless drudge.’] This large print edition of Pym’s novel is published by BBC Audio Books, 2009 Kohlrabi recipe It is soup weather in Australia, and in a recent edition of The Age’s Good Weekend magazine a recipe for Kohlrabi Soup appeared. As you know the Order of the Kohlrabi is an ASI award presented to indexers for work above and beyond the call of indexing duty. Glenda Browne is a most recent recipient for her work with the DTTF. Here is this very timely and appropriate recipe: Creamed kohlrabi 1 large kohlrabi cubed 1 small brown onion, finely diced 2 cloves garlic cut in half 2 tbsp unsalted butter ¼ milk warm Sea salt and freshly cracked black pepper Bring a medium pot of salted water to the boil, add kohlrabi, onion and garlic, simmer for 15 minutes, or until kohlrabi is tender, then drain well. Place the warm vegetables, along with the butter and the milk in a food processor. Process until combined adding a little more milk to get the desired consistency. Season to taste. Return puree to warm pan and heat through as needed. Serves four people. Kohlrabi is not easy to find but an organic fruit and vegetable shop may have it.! The Age, Good Weekend, 15 June 2013. Terri Mackenzie ANZSI Newsletter | 7 Indexing Society of Canada Conference H alifax, Nova Scotia, was the location for this year’s Indexing Society of Canada/Société Canadienne d’Indexation conference. It was the first time the Conference had been held in Atlantic Canada, and was run jointly with the Editors’ Association of Canada from 7 to 9 June. The Conference was held at The Lord Nelson Hotel in Downtown Halifax, halfway between The Citadel, a fort that overlooks the city, and the harbour front. The preconference activities included an ICRIS meeting as well as a cocktail function for the launch of Macrex v9. The keynote address was given by Nancy Mulvany, a name familiar to nearly all indexers as the author of Indexing Books (University of Chicago Press, 2005). Nancy’s paper was titled ‘The repurposed book index and indexer’ and looked at a way to repurpose a book index so that the book itself is enhanced. She emphasised that for this process to work, a well-designed, thorough index was paramount. Pilar Wyman’s presentation was on ‘Metadata, marketing and more: using indexes as discovery tools’. She discussed using indexes as metadata as the basis for digital search, discovery and recommendations. This will become increasingly important for digital editions of books. As one of the most detailed metadata sets available, indexes can be used to search and explore, make recommendations to buyers and increase sales. Louise Spiteri, from the School of Information Management, Dalhousie University, spoke about usergenerated metadata in Web 2.0 applications. In this field of folksonomy, social tags are chosen and assigned by users to any web-based information source, based on terms they perceive as useful for information retrieval, rather than relying on traditional indexing and controlled vocabularies. Caroline Diepeeven, from the Netherlands, spoke about her experience of team indexing, as encountered during the indexing of the five-volume Encyclopedia of Jews in the Islamic World (Brill, 2010). The index was created by a team of three indexers from the Netherlands, led by Caroline, working with a content management system. This was a most informative session on the process of team indexing. She emphasised the importance of planning prior to the commencement of indexing, and the need for regular communication between team members whilst the indexing was under way. An indexing software session, outlining recent innovations in CINDEX, Macrex, Sky and TExtract rounded out the final session on the first day. This was followed by the official ISC/SCI banquet at the Dalhousie University Club. A very enjoyable evening was had by all. The second day commenced with a presentation by Elaine Ménard from the School of Information Studies, McGill University, on image indexing, using TIIARA, a bilingual (French and English) taxonomy. She compared the indexing terms assigned by two indexers (one French speaker and one English speaker) to an identical group of 8 | ANZSI Newsletter images using the new taxonomy, and provided examples of similarities and differences in the terminology chosen by the two indexers. The next session was described as a panel, but in reality constituted three separate papers. The first paper, by Marnie Lamb, offered a glimpse into the mind of an indexer working on the memoir of a well-known and controversial Canadian politician. The work, titled Michael Bryant’s 28 Seconds, refers to the 28 seconds it took for a cyclist to die following a road accident in which the politician was involved. Indexing of the memoir, a form of biography, raised issues such as whether the author’s name should be indexed, and how an indexer can decide which of the many proper names are worth including and which are just passing mentions. The second paper, by Mary Newberry and Margaret de Boer, offered a taster about the indexing of 100 oral histories recorded as part of the Harbord Village Oral History Index <>. Harbord Village is in Toronto. The most fascinating part of this project was the use of time stamps within the oral histories as locators. This project has just begun, and will be reported on more extensively at next year’s ISC/SCI conference. The final paper of the session was presented by Marjorie Simmons, an editor of memoirs, who provided a highly amusing presentation on the importance of an index. The time allocated to her presentation was much too brief and warranted a much longer session. The final paper of the Conference was given by David Ream, who provided a walk-through of the EPUB3 indexes specification. As was typical of Dave, he gave a very polished presentation that captivated the whole audience, even those who had heard much of the information before. The Conference was very enjoyable and very worthwhile. The Canadian indexers are a hospitable bunch, so if you have the opportunity in late May/early June next year, make the effort to attend the ISC/SCI Conference in Toronto and meet some of your fellow colonials! Max McMaster The VIC – new Branch Library! T he August meeting of The Victorian Indexing Club (The VIC) will be extra special – in addition to Max McMaster’s presentation on indexing numbers, we will be launching the new Victorian Branch Library. Join us and be among the first to borrow from this fantastic collection of indexing resources. See the full list at: <>. At 6.00 pm on Wednesday 7 August at The Old Op Shop, Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Corner High and Pakington Streets, Kew. Further information at: <>. Indexing to a budget – letter to the Editor I was very disappointed that no-one other than Glenda Browne and Max McMaster was willing to respond to my calls for help and information on this topic in the April and May Newsletters. Although Glenda and Max both gave useful information, it only answered some of my questions. If ANZSI is a professional organisation, I would have hoped to have had a lot more responses from my professional colleagues. A question that appeared in both issues was: ‘Can I get some guidance from others as to what records they keep of their indexing work, and in what detail, so that they have access to reliable and useful data on which to base quotations for work?’ I’d have thought that other indexers would have sought to contribute an answer for the common good of everyone. I don’t believe I’m the only person who would like to get their recording system into a more useful state. Without writing a paper on the subject I’ve already contributed a lot of information that I’ve discovered about page and type sizes, MS pages, indexes to previous editions of books, and so on, and their relevance to quoting. I’d appreciate responses in kind, please, otherwise what’s the point of the Society? Our Newsletter is a very lightweight document compared with, say, The Indexer, but it’s all we have. As a professional, I’d like to see it used for sharing serious information about our profession. Interesting though it may be, the ‘Quiet Achievers’ item each month, for instance, doesn’t offer much in the way of hard information. I’d much rather see that space filled with material immediately relevant to my work as an indexer. I asked Mary Russell for a write-up by her, or someone who attended, of the VIC in April (May Newsletter) meeting where expert users of the three indexing packages (Macrex, CINDEX and SKY) demonstrated the capabilities of the ACT Region Branch Working with words Saturday 6 July, 2.30 - 5.00 pm Come along to ACT member Denise Sutherland’s home in Gordon, ACT, to discover how she writes crosswords, cryptics, and other puzzles. RSVP by Wednesday 3 July to Denise, on 6294 1732 or <[email protected]>. Address details will be supplied when you RSVP. <> packages and answered questions from attendees. I was unable to attend that meeting (and neither were most other members of ANZSI!) and I would dearly like to read such a write-up. I’m a bit fed-up with Macrex, which I find timeconsuming and clunky, and I’d like to be able to compare it with the other packages without the time-consuming task of having to do it on my own through sample CDs. Would other members appreciate access to such an article? I’m afraid that Mary’s offer in the June Newsletter of members submitting specific questions about the packages or asking about a specific feature, while well-intentioned I’m sure, is of little use if one has no experience of packages other than one’s own and therefore can’t ask any useful questions. Please would someone write-up this meeting for the next Newsletter? I’ve asked several times to no avail for a hands-on workshop to be run for experienced users of Macrex, so I’ll ask again now. As well, would any Macrex users in and around Melbourne like to get together as a group for some sharing on their use of the package? We may well each have understandings, techniques and ways of using it that others could benefit from. Contact me on <antipodindex@gmail. com> or 0488 218 185 and we’ll find a suitable time. We can have it at my place if you wish. I’d like to see workshops or courses on e-publication indexing, too. I’ve looked at the ANZSI website Courses page and there’s no sign of anything there. How are we going to come to grips with the rise of e-books if we can’t do courses on indexing them?” Please, let’s have some more rigour from the Society in bringing much-needed services to members to address our day-to-day, nuts and bolts concerns. Don Jordan Digital to print? I have been reading a book with a footnote format that I have not met before. The book is The Book of Barely Imagined Beings by Caspar Henderson, Granta, 2012, very beautifully, and no doubt expensively, produced. The word or phrase to be footnoted is printed in red and the ‘footnote’ is actually an adjacent side bar also in red; a hyperlink without even the bother of clicking! This made me ponder if something similar could be achieved in a less expensive format, and also, if some of the new and exciting developments in ebook indexing might contain ideas adaptable to print. Perhaps by embracing new formats and new techniques, we might also be able to enhance our more traditional practice. Jean Dartnall ANZSI Newsletter | 9 ALIA ebooks and elending think tank O n 28 May, Mary Coe and Glenda Browne attended this think tank at the State Library of NSW. There were 76 delegates, mainly from academic and public libraries. The ALIA issues paper and the ANZSI response to it can be accessed at <>. Key points from the sessions were: • The software platforms that public libraries use (e.g. Overdrive) do not allow for the inclusion of locallyproduced materials (e.g. digitised items from local history collections). Ebook collections are also difficult to integrate with normal discovery services, meaning libraries are locked into using one aggregator, and users have to look in two places (library catalogue and aggregator software) to find all formats of a book. • There are high costs to discovery (i.e. making ebooks findable to library users), especially because the quality of MARC records for ebooks is often poor.1 • Collections of ebooks from overseas aggregators often don’t include much Australian material. • Licences for use of electronic materials limit interlibrary lending and document delivery services that have been traditionally allowed through exceptions in the Copyright Act. • Overdrive is the dominant aggregator in Australia, but Wheelers has recently quickly grown its market share, partly through competitive pricing. • ALIA has a representative on BICC (Book Industry Collaborative Council, < Industry/BooksandPrinting/BookIndustryCollaborative Council/Pages/Membership.aspx>, largely due to support from government agencies. Many publishers do not think they have a place in the group, but apparently Greg Combet and Kate Lundy have been very supportive. • More discussions are needed between publishers and libraries to find common ground in which the aims of both sectors can be met. Publishers are concerned about anything that will erode their already-challenged income security. Libraries feel that the work they do can support publishers, e.g. in the areas of literacy development, encouragement of reading in general, and knowledge of their users. • The needs and situations in public and academic libraries are quite different. Public libraries tend to focus on fiction ebooks, and may lend devices to users. • Both public and academic libraries offer technical support to users. There is a need for broad education about what is possible. E.g. one attendee said she had overheard a shop assistant telling a purchaser that a certain ebook reader would allow them to download ebooks from libraries. In fact, only about half of public libraries currently lend ebooks, and these are limited to certain 10 | ANZSI Newsletter • • • • • • devices. We heard the phrase ‘Kindle regret’, referring to people who had purchased a Kindle and found that its proprietary reading system didn’t allow them to read the range of books they would like to. Device neutrality is a major priority – allowing users to read ebooks on whatever device they own. Both public and academic libraries have problems with negotiation of licences and selection of material (e.g. being pressured to purchase packages of material, not all of which is useful to them). Some people spoke about ‘digital dust’ – the unused portions of bulk purchases. Many academic libraries have an 'e-preferred' policy, and will automatically choose an ebook over a print book if one is available, assuming that both products are equivalent as far as content goes. The learning management system not the library catalogue is the key starting point for information access for students, so linking to resources from the learning management system is crucial. There are some unnecessary technical barriers to ebook use in many corporate libraries, mainly caused by unwillingness of IT departments to support new software or services. Some librarians have been told that they will have to register for new services at home, because their organisation’s IT policies won’t support the process. The market for ebooks in libraries is immature. The librarians who had been through the process of introducing electronic journals into libraries felt that we are going through the uncertain stage, and there will be more clarity in the future. Although cautiously optimistic, they also agreed that the future is unpredictable. Indexes in ebooks The major issues for libraries are collection development, licensing and other legal issues, and technology. The insides of books, including full inclusion of all content (e.g. images and maps) and quality indexes are not high priorities. I asked a question about this. A colleague of the academic library speaker2 said that this was not an issue in their library (University of NSW) as the books they bought had active indexes, and if the quality wasn’t there, their users would have let them know. The public libraries speaker (Margaret Allen) answered that she envisaged the books of the future being quite different, with multimedia and interactivity, and that this was therefore a problem only in the transition period. I think the academic answer is a reminder that the word ‘ebooks’ encompasses many different formats, and that academic library ‘ebooks’ are often PDF documents (which have fixed pagination, and are therefore easier to index) or ‘o-books’ (online books) – print book equivalents presented as web-based documents. The problems of reflowable text (continued on next page) (Think tank, continued from previous page) in handheld devices are therefore less common in academic libraries than they may be for individual non-fiction book owners. At the roundtable discussions, a special librarian mentioned problems with lack of images in her ereader, saying that tablets were better in this way, and another special librarian agreed with my comments about the internal quality of ebooks being important. Two websites to keep an eye on for general ebook information are listed below. Neither had any mention of indexes that I could find. • from the State Library of NSW <>. • ebooks in libraries advocacy from State Library of Western Australia Policy & Research <>. Notes 1 MARC is a standard format for the sharing of catalogue records. See < ebook-marceting-how-do-your-ebooks-look, http:// ebookMARC.pdf?sequence=1> and <> for some background information on MARC records for ebooks. 2 The academic librarian who spoke was Andrew Wells, but his colleague Janet Fletcher answered this question. Glenda Browne NSW Branch AGM Tuesday 3 September 2013 6.00 pm for the meeting and 7.30 pm for dinner At the Golden Cinnamon restaurant, first floor, above Cafe Kasturi, 767–69 George Street, Broadway (about a block downhill from Central Station). $30 per head banquet menu, including drinks. RSVP by 30 August to Frances Paterson at: <[email protected]> or (02) 4274 2600. We will be electing President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Committee members for the year. An online version of the nomination form is available. Details at: <>. The NSW Branch Committee meets by webconferencing once a month. If you would like to join the Committee from wherever you live, all you need is an Internet connection to overcome the tyranny of distance. New members will be very welcome. ANZSI Newsletter | 11 Branch events Date and time Organiser Name of activity Venue Contact details Sat 6 July 2.00–4.00 pm Vic Branch Indexing images in State Library of Victoria colonial newspapers Conference Centre Sat 6 July 2.30–4.00 pm ACT Region Branch Working with words Free, but RSVP essential, Details at <> Denise Sutherland’s home RSVP by 3 July. Details on p. 9 and at in Gordon, ACT <> Th/Fr 11/12 July Introductory Book NSW Branch 9.30 am–4.30 pm Indexing Course Sydney Mechanics School Queries to <[email protected]>; details at of Arts <> Tues 23 July 6.00 for 7.00 pm Qld Branch Woolloongabba, Brisbane Wed 24 July 6.30 pm WA Group Wed 7 August 6.00–7.30 pm Vic Branch Tues 3 Sept 6.00 for 7.30 pm NSW Branch AGM Details on page 2 and at <> Contact: Linda McNamara (08) 93674445 or Dinner with TBA <[email protected]>. Details at Max McMaster <> The VIC: Old Op Shop, Holy And the new library! See page 8 and details at indexing numbers Trinity Anglican Ch, Kew <> AGM Golden Cinnamon Restaurant ANZSI Newsletter ON OTHER PAGES ANZSI News ANZSI Newsletter News from Queensland ANZSI AGM – preliminary notice ANZSI SA – our July feature A multilocation ANZSI Council 2013 ANZSI Medal applications Zakuski Indexing Society of Canada Conference The VIC and the new Branch library Indexing to a budget – letter to the Editor ACT Region Branch: Working with words Digital to print? ALIA ebook and elending think tank NSW Branch AGM Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers Inc. PO Box 2059, Wattletree Road LPO, Malvern East VIC 3145, Australia Details on page 11 and at <> 1 2 2 3 3–5 6 6 7 8 8 9 9 9 10 11 Published by the Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers Inc. PO Box 2059, Wattletree Road LPO, Malvern East, VIC 3145, Australia © Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers Inc. ISSN 1832-3855 Opinions and statements expressed in the Newsletter are those of the respective authors. Newsletter schedule The next Newsletter will appear in August 2013. The contribution deadline is Friday, 26 July. NOTE: your usual editor will be away Please send contributions by email to guest editor Denise Sutherland <[email protected]>. Postage paid Newsletter of the Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers Inc. Volume 9 | Number 7 | August 2013 ANZSI News — August 2013 Update your details When we sent out the renewal notices several emails bounced back as unknown. If you have updated your email address, postal address or have a new webpage, please take a moment to update your details. It is your entry in the ANZSI database, and it is up to you to maintain it. Advertising in Indexers Available We have had a few queries about how to remove yourself from Indexers Available: 1. Go to the Update your Details webpage in the members’ area: _ details.asp 2. Make sure there is not a tick in the Indexers Available box 3. Scroll to the bottom and save changes Information and payment details are available at: _ advert.asp. Nominations for Council If you would like to serve on ANZSI Council for 2013-2014 nominations must be received by the Returning Officer by the 28 August. This is well before the AGM on 2 October, so there is time for members to vote (should there be more than one candidate for one position). Forms are available at _ details.asp?id=319. Society of Indexers Conference I am just back from the Society of Indexers conference 12–14 July at Wyboston Lakes, England. The title of the conference was ‘Revitalize your business; Refresh your skills’. There were over ninety there, with quite a few SI indexing students attending. Wyboston Lakes is a purpose-built conference and accommodation facility a few kilometres out of St Neots, west of Cambridge. It was definitely warm with temperatures around 30ºC. The conference started late on Friday afternoon with a talk by Nicholas Hiley on the British Cartoon Archives The main focus of the archives is on political cartoons, as this is how they justified funding from University of Kent to set it up. Nicholas highlighted the difficulties of indexing political cartoons, particularly when a cartoonist uses illusions to depict politicians. They also have the DPP archives of naughty seaside postcards. This includes the card index of postcard prosecutions associated with the Obscene Publications Act The Archives website includes lots of images, and is sure to raise a smile. The next speaker, Eilidh MacGlone, spoke about cataloguing the Scottish Screen Archive She highlighted the additional challenges of indexing films over 2D cartoons. Saturday morning started with an update from the Publishing Technology Group, including details of their website at Well worth examining. Parallel sessions followed, and I attended the session on indexing personal names lead by Christopher Phipps. Names are always tricky, even English-language names. This session highlighted how to distinguish namesakes, handling pseudonyms, Jan nicknames and serialBrowne nameWright and Glenda at ‘The Matrix’ (continued on next page) changers, and dealing with all the various English titles and honorifics. For example, we learned when it is ‘Spencer, Lady Eliza’ (Lady by birth as daughter of an Earl) and when ‘Spencer, Edith, Lady’(Lady by marriage). Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers Inc. ANZSI Newsletter ISSN 1832-3855 Guest Editor: Denise Sutherland <[email protected]> About the newsletter The newsletter is published monthly 11 times a year, with combined issues for January and February. Opinions expressed in the newsletter are those of the individual contributors, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the society. For details about contributions and editorial matters, refer to the ANZSI website at <>. Advertising rates Full page: $200.00 Half page $100.00 Quarter page: $50.00. These are all per issue – the former annual rate has been discontinued. ANZSI contact information ANZSI’s general email address is: <[email protected]>. Further contact details in PDF format are available on the ANZSI website at <>. Publishers and indexers were the focus of the sessions after lunch. Masoud Yazdani spoke on how he, as a publisher, adds value to publications. This was followed by a Publishing Panel of authors and publishers who were asked questions about how they outsourced their indexing, whether the author had a say in the indexing of their books, and their expectations of indexers with technical matters. The next session I attended was on the history of Cambridge University Press and its archives presented by Ros Grooms. CUP was granted the right to print in 1534, so has a long history and fascinating archives. CUP has established a museum, which includes many oral history archives. They were lacking pictures of CUP indexers, so this gap was fixed during the conference. Ann Kingdom retired as Chair of the SI Executive Board. At the dinner her contribution to SI was acknowledged by awarding her the Bernard Levin Award The after-dinner speaker, Dr Joel Greenberg, gave a fascinating history of Bletchley Park, the centre for the code breakers during WWII www. Joel launched a detailed demonstration of the Enigma machine and explained how codes were broken. It was wonderful insight into the workings of Bletchley Park. I am certainly adding it to my list of places to visit when I am next in the UK. Sunday started with the international session with details about ICRIS and the new webpage at _ co ntent&task=view&id=115&Itemid=69, with news from the various societies with the focus on training. The Association of South African Indexers and Bibliographers have a new website The next session I attended was given by Pamela Birch, a conservation archivist, on how books are made, and how to care for books. Pamela had several books on display to highlight how to handle and repair books to ensure they are preserved for the next generation. SI has also recently revised their publication Last but not least: a guide for editors commissioning indexes. It is available at If you’d like to look at the papers from the conference, they are available on their website: Next year’s SI conference ‘Tesserae to tablets, uncovering the future’ will be 5–7 September 2014, at Royal Agricultural University, Cirencester. Why not consider adding it to your trip to the UK next year? Mary Russell 2 | ANZSI Newsletter Annual General Meeting P reliminary notice is given that the Annual General Meeting of the Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers Inc. will be held at 7.00 p.m. on Wednesday 2nd October 2013 at the Elsternwick Club, 19 Sandham Street, Elsternwick Victoria (Melway 67, F2). Any members wishing to propose a resolution at the meeting must give prior notice of motion. A copy of the resolution to be moved, signed by a proposer and seconder, must be received by the Secretary at the address below no later than Wednesday 14th August 2013. The Council will be proposing amendments to the Constitution, consequential on the passage of the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012 (Vic). These amendments, with commentary, will be posted on the website well before the AGM and there will be a facility for members to comment on the proposals. Office bearers and council members (other than the ex officio members) will be elected at the meeting. Nominations are therefore called for the positions of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and five ordinary council members. A nomination form may be downloaded from the ANZSI website: site/calendar _ details.asp?id=319. Nominations must be mailed to the Returning Officer at PO Box 2059, Wattletree Road LPO, Malvern East, Vic 3145 to arrive no later than Wednesday 28th August 2013. (NB: This is two weeks later than the date in the preliminary notice that appeared in the July issue of the newsletter. That date was in error.) Michael J Ramsden Secretary NSW draft vision for multi-location ANZSI Council T here has been a lively discussion (as they say) in the members’ area of the ANZSI website about the ‘NSW draft vision’ proposal outlined in the previous Newsletter. Comments have been encouraging and have also highlighted some misunderstanding about the proposed process. There will be no additional expense for individual Council members. Subscription to any web-based conferencing service will be borne by Council, and any additional equipment (e.g. headphones) will also be covered. If there are technical capability problems, all services offer both VIOP (participation via your home computer’s communication system) or via your home telephone linked with screen access. Where this involves long distance or international phoning, all services offer a dedicated phone number as part of the subscription. Documents can still be downloaded, printed out and perused as per normal, or can be viewed online with comments inserted by individual members. All documents will simply be placed in a ‘cloud’ deposit site by the Secretary, for Council members to access from wherever they are located. This incurs no additional expense. A suggestion for a private Council blog or private Facebook page has been mooted to also assist with discussion between meetings. 3 | ANZSI Newsletter The comments received recognised that this proposal will allow for a much broader discussion of Council issues and participation across our membership, without one Branch having to shoulder all the work. It also means that the Executive members can reside in any state or in New Zealand, and can hold short meetings at any time in-between Council meetings. Any Working Parties or Subcommittees of Council can also take advantage of the service, communicating with each other from their own homes. I anticipate that the Council will still want to meet face-to-face once a year. I commend the proposal to everyone, and in particular, I urge any member who is thinking of putting themselves forward for an Executive position or a member of Council, to please do so! Madeleine Davis IDPF EPUB IWG, and ANZSI Council ideas T he IDPF Indexes Working Group continues to meet most weeks, working step-by-step through feedback received about the draft specification. All feedback has been gathered in a spreadsheet. When changes are made to the specification based on external feedback, issue numbers from the spreadsheet are added to the specification to show which suggestions resulted in which changes. When the specification has been approved, the next steps will be promotion (to editors, publishers, librarians and others) and skills development. My ideas about the first steps to learning about ebook indexes are in a separate article (below). We also hope there will be changes to indexing software packages and new publisher policies. As one way of sharing news about the specification, I will be speaking at VALA 2014 ( on ‘The EPUB standard and ebook indexes: better user access to information in ebooks’ in a session with the theme ‘Collaborate’. IDPF ideas for ANZSI IDPF is a member organisation, and works on a totally open basis — all members can join working groups, and the same email list is used for all groups so people can follow all discussions if they wish. an international group like this can pursue democratic decision-making is through the use of technology. We phone in for meetings, create documents in Google Drive, and use email for general communication. It is all relatively low-tech with a low barrier to entry, and although clunky at times, it does the job. The communication choices made by IDPF won’t necessarily be the ones that the new ANZSI Council will choose to use, but they do show that it is possible for a geographically dispersed group to work electronically. If IDPF can organise meetings with members from Japan, Sweden and the US, we should be able to manage various parts of Australia and New Zealand. The timing might not be ideal for everyone, but I hope a compromise will be found. ANZSI Council can potentially have nine elected members and five ex officio members. This makes for a large meeting, and some trial and error may be needed to find the best ways of sharing information and meeting effectively. ANZSI NSW has created a ‘Vision’ document, with the aim of gathering feedback. A summary incorporating feedback from members is included in this newsletter. Please read it, and share any experiences (good and bad) that you have had so we can learn together. I have been inspired by the positive spirit in the working groups, and the willingness to argue for the best options, but also to compromise when needed. The only way eBook indexing self-education XML — general knowledge E Codecademy ( This website provides free courses in a number of relevant areas (eg, XML, CSS). Many exercises have two panels so you can see the coding on one side and the resulting display on the other. book indexes can be created in many ways. Embedded indexes are currently created using XML by technologically savvy publishers with an XML-first policy. Recent improvements to InDesign have ensured that index links will now be maintained in EPUB output — this makes InDesign a viable software option for ebook indexes too. Until publishers start commissioning more ebook indexes, it will be hard to predict the requests that will be made of indexers, and the skills required. Nonetheless, this is a good time to expand your learning of all aspects of ebook indexing. I have listed websites that will help with selfeducation in the areas that I think will be important: XML — general knowledge; XML indexing and editing; Ebook indexing, EPUB3 and other ebook formats; and InDesign Creative Cloud (CC). Glenda Browne W3schools ( is perhaps better when you know a little already. I took the XML course and mini-quiz, and was told I just passed and would have to try harder next time. This can be a good site for finding answers to questions. Library Juice ( offers online courses covering a range of topics (including indexing). I did an XML course which ran for 4 weeks. Cost was US$175. There were four chat sessions, and a (continued on next page) 4 | ANZSI Newsletter forum where you could ask questions. There was almost no discussion between students, but the instructor answered queries. You could optionally do four quizzes and receive a certificate. A lot of the learning is self-directed, reading information that is freely available on the web. It was useful to have a pathway through the material, and I found that the quizzes prompted me to put what I was learning into action. XML indexing and editing Combs, Michele. March 2012. ‘XML indexing’. The Indexer v.30 n.1,, now also available free online at Gardiner, David. Digital publishing with XML: concepts for editors. Available free in PDF and EPUB formats at Walsh, Norman. December 2012. DocBook 5.1: the definitive guide. O’Reilly, html. Publishers’ guides will be crucial when you start embedded indexing. Ebook indexing, EPUB3 and other ebook formats Garrish, Matt. 2011. What is EPUB 3? An introduction to the EPUB specification for multimedia publishing, O’Reilly Media. Browne, Glenda. June 2012. Ebook indexes, EPUB and the International Digital Publishing Forum, Online Currents, pp 127-130, wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/OLC-June-2012 _ Browne-Article-Ebook-EPUB.pdf EPUB Indexes 1.0 (draft): Working Group Draft 20122013: _ -4yyEIJeze8xUC bT7SU1r5Queyd6SZK63bJ540SVJ0/edit?pli=1#. This will be moved to at some stage. Browne, Glenda and Coe, Mary. Ebook Navigation: browse, search and index, Australian Library Journal v.61 n.4, November 2012, pp.288-297, E-Book-Navigation.pdf Papers and presentations on EPUB and ebook indexing from the ANZSI 2013 indexing conference in Wellington, New Zealand by Jan Wright, Dave Ream and Glenda Browne are available at 5 | ANZSI Newsletter InDesign Creative Cloud (CC) InDesign is a large and complex program. To use it for indexing you only use selected features, however you will still need to have a general understanding of the way the software works. The indexing approach used in earlier versions of the program will apparently still apply in InDesign CC. The links below each give some of the information you need; downloading a demo copy and experimenting will be the final training step. Ewald, Laura A. 2012. Adobe InDesign CS6 Kvern, Olav Martin and Blatner, David. 2009. Working with Long Documents in Adobe InDesign CS3: Indexes (or Indices) White, Terry. 2013. Adobe InDesign CC – My Top 5 Favorite Features Indexing is the main feature mentioned in the EPUB output enhancements section starting at about 9.25. InDesign CC, html How to create an index in InDesign CS3 _ workshop/?id=vid0220 InDesign CS6 Indexing – Tutorial on how to create an Index for your Book! Episode 36: Long Documents, Part 4 – Indexing (VIDEO), the indesigner provides videos (mostly for a subscription fee) on a range of technical subjects. Those on InDesign 6 indexing are apparently geared towards concordance making and simple indexes, so while they cover the basics they do not show the creation of more intellectual indexes. Nonetheless, when I have time I am planning to subscribe to and explore a range of topics. Glenda Brown The publishing and indexing scene in WA W hen asked to write an article for the newsletter on the state of publishing and indexing in Western Australia, Shelley and I (the only two WA members of ANZSI at the time) decided to divide the task between us. Shelley contacted some local publishers and I contacted local information professionals via the WAIN (WA Information Network) discussion list. This section of our article reports on my approach to WA information professionals. and links to the relevant sections of the ANZSI website. I also referred to the very useful “Why have an index?” page on the UK Society of Indexer’s website: uk/index.php?id=132 While no conclusions can be drawn from such a small response, it does indicate that there’s a lot more work to be done in WA to promote the benefits of indexers and indexing (at least in the community of information professionals). I asked the following questions: For those of you who work for organisations that publish material (in hard copy and/or online), can you please provide some information about the indexing of those publications? Specifically: 1. Are your organisation’s publications indexed? If not, why not? 2. If indexes are produced, who produces them? (e.g. professional indexer, in-house indexer) 3. If an indexer is used, are they located in WA or elsewhere? 4. Are you or your organisation aware of Indexers Available on the ANZSI website? indexers _ available.asp I asked for a brief response to be returned within a week. Unfortunately, I received only two responses: Supreme Court Library ‘We have indexed our unreported judgments from the Supreme Court from about the 1960s to the present day - now of course online, but previously on catalogue cards. The District Court judgments are also indexed in a similar fashion. Annual Indexes of the above judgments are produced online and printed. We have also started doing retrospective, consolidated indexing of judgments from other courts, such as the Town Planning Appeal Tribunal Decisions and the Mining Wardens Decisions. ‘The indexing is an in-house project, with an in-house indexer. Yes we are aware of Indexers Available on the ANZSI website.’ WA Government Department ‘No the Department … in the past 10 years never used the services of an indexer, can you provide a few points on the benefits of appointing an indexer?’ In response to the query concerning the benefits of appointing an indexer, I provided detailed information 6 | ANZSI Newsletter Linda McNamara (full-time law librarian and very part-time freelance indexer, ANZSI WA Contact) I n order to get a feel for the publishing and indexing scene in WA, I sent out a quick email survey to seven local (WA) publishers. I explained that I am a freelance indexer and had been asked to write a brief article for the newsletter of our professional association regarding our local publishing / indexing scene. I asked the publishers the following questions: 1. Who is responsible for the index (assuming it has an index) — the author or the publisher? 2. If the publisher is responsible for the index, is a professional indexer used? 3. If a professional indexer is used, are they located in WA or elsewhere? 4. Are there non-fiction books that end up without an index because you (or the author) are not able to find an indexer? 5. Are you aware of the list of Indexers Available on the ANZSI website? I asked for a brief response by return email within a week. Six of the seven publishers responded, and their responses are summarised in the table following. Additional comments from Publisher A were as follows: ‘However, we have been working on a master index to most of our books, being that they are on WA history. Our policy is for three indexes in a book. People, places, and general, and sometimes, depending on the content, lists of ships as well separate from the main general index. It is ridiculous to combine all items in one.’ I have replied to this publisher, letting them know that a professional indexer would provide an index to their specifications, and if they required separate indexes this would be done. (continued on next page) I followed up with a thank you email to all those who had replied. Some of them replied, saying they would keep me in mind when they required an indexer. If it achieves nothing else, these publishers are now aware that there are professional indexers in WA, and those not previously aware of Indexers Available now are aware. Of the indexes I have produced in the last three years, about 70% have been for locally-produced books and journals. All of the locally-produced books have been self-published, so it will be interesting to see if I now pick up any work from these publishers. Shelley Campbell Freelance Indexer (and one third of WA ANZSI’s membership) Publisher A Historical WA material Publisher B e-publications Author or publisher responsible for index? Both Both. If the author Publisher provides an index I use it, if he/she doesn’t provide one but subsequently requests one, I provide it. Do you use a professional indexer? No No. I usually use the indexing function in Word 2010/13 or InDesign to create the index. If indexer used, are they located in WA or elsewhere? n/a Are there nonfiction books that end up without an index because not able to find an indexer? Yes. Some older authors refuse to index and I do not have the time, or the $, or sales, to justify expenditure Type of books published Aware of Indexers Irrelevant to me Available on ANZSI website? Publisher C Publisher D Material on Academic and their local area general Publisher E Publisher F General and Indigenous self-publishing material The author to cover costs, but we always discuss the issue and contract the indexer on behalf of the author Varies from title to title Professional indexer Always, no matter who is responsible If there is sufficient Absolutely budget n/a Elsewhere — the one I have used lives in Victoria Usually elsewhere. We don’t have any current indexers based in WA We wouldn’t choose based on location Both, depends on deadlines and the indexer’s availability and cost No Not so far No No No. Editorial make a decision on whether an index is required based on the type of publication and work this cost into our budget Yes, thanks. Yes Wasn’t but I am No, but am now. Yes now. Thank you. Easy grammar tip Publisher — If you can insert “by zombies” after the verb, you have the passive voice. “The book was indexed by zombies” for example! 7 | ANZSI Newsletter Etcetera W elcome to the newest column on the block, Etcetera, which has taken over from Nikki Davis’ Indaba column. Thank you to Nikki for doing such a sterling job for so long! We will be alternating with Terri Mackenzie’s Zazuki column. First of all, we should introduce ourselves. We are Denise Sutherland and Jane Douglas. Denise (at left, above) is an indexer in Canberra (and guest editor of this issue), and a member of the ACT Region Branch committee. Jane (on the right) is a new indexer and Queensland Branch committee member, who is also completing her Bachelor of Arts (Professional Writing and Publishing). Now, on with the show! T he Association of Southern African Indexers and Bibliographers (ASAIB) has recently launched its new website. The site provides easy access to their publications, papers from past conferences, and photos of society events. Members are able to update their own entries in the ‘Find an Indexer’ directory: A n interesting blog post about indexes in eBooks can be found on Peter Meyer’s A New Kind of Book blog: I ndexing a couple of years of the AusSI newsletter from the early 80s was a fascinating experience. In 1981 it seems members were just coming to terms with the possibility of personal computers becoming sufficiently affordable to be used by freelance indexers. In a talk at the November 1981 AusSi meeting, Stephen Lansdown suggested two possible computer systems for members’ consideration. ‘Low cost personal system: Exidy Micro-computer, 56k, dual floppy disks, 64 x 30 line screen, three month warranty. Not expandable to multi-user. ITOH 8510 [dot-matrix] printer. Price: $4,939 plus tax. ‘Medium cost business system: IMS 8000 microcomputer, 64k, dual floppy disks, 80 x 24 line screen, two year warranty. Multi-user expandable. ITOH 8510 [dotmatrix] Processing speed twice that of the Exidy. Price: $7,920 plus tax.’ In today’s terms, the medium-cost system would now sell for $27,733 (RBA), and that for a system with far less capacity than a contemporary mobile phone. 8 | ANZSI Newsletter I n the September 1982 edition of the AusSi Newsletter the following charming excerpt from a 1896 ladies’ journal appeared. ‘Indexing, in an age when time is valuable, is the rising profession that promises to give much employment to women. It is a sedentary occupation, requiring method and a knack of choosing comprehensive headings under which to range the various subjects and allusions found in the work. A lady has been entrusted the indexing of Hansard’s parliamentary debates; and this lady takes pupils and gives out work. A well-known editor employs women to index his journal. We hope to enter later more largely upon this field of activity, to which many women may look for employment. Meanwhile, we would suggest the indexing that women of Society might do better than any other — the cataloguing of the pictures, the china, the books and MSS, in country houses — the sorting and arranging of old family letters and archives lying in hopeless confusion in muniment chests. It would be easy to select and adopt a simple plan of cataloguing. ‘A lady I know earns £400 a year by indexing the autograph letters of a millionaire collector. Her plan is to summarise the contents of the letter; to give a short account of the writer; of the circumstances attending the writing of the letter; and explanations of the allusions therein. This involves much study at the British Museum, as the collection she is indexing is unique.’ (Wimble) A nd a final silly note: the comic Zits from 13 July 2013 mentions indexing; Pierce shows true dedication to the management of his tattoo collection! Jane Douglas Denise Sutherland Queensland Branch Meeting Tuesday 27th August 2013 at 6.00pm for a 7.00pm start The Ward Office, 2/63 Annerley Road (corner of Crown Street), Wooloongabba, Brisbane Guest Speaker: Greg Parker — the author and publisher of the Puzzle Wizard crossword magazines RSVP by Mon 26th August 2013 for catering to: Moira Brown: [email protected] phone 0416 097 629 Editing skills for ebooks Dr Agata Mrva-Montoya presented ‘Editing skills in the era of digital (r)evolution’ at the Society of Editors NSW meeting in Sydney on Tuesday 4 June 2013. Agata has worked at Sydney University Press since 2008, in a role combining editing, project management and social media. She is interested in the impact of new technologies on scholarly publishing, editing and books in general. She delivered her presentation on editing skills at the IPEd conference in Perth in April 2013, and she was a panellist at the joint ANZSI NSW–ACT regional conference on ebooks in July 2012. Agata started with a brief history of ebooks and an overview of ebook formats and digital workflows. She divided ebook formats into three categories by file type and features, ranging from basic files focused on presenting a linear story with limited interactivity (EPUB MOBI, HTML) to enhanced files with multimedia and hyperlinks (EPUB3, iBooks) to ebook apps that can be used on iOS and Android devices to present content in a non-linear way. She described three types of digital workflows based on various tools and markup languages: print-first, XML, XHMTL. She then explained that she had chosen an XHTML-based workflow for Sydney University Press because it was most versatile for producing both print books and ebooks. She noted that all three workflows could begin with use of word processing software, such as Microsoft Word. Agata than discussed the role of the editor in digital publishing. She noted that technology cannot do everything and that human beings, such as editors, will continue to be a part of quality book production. Editors should consider content, readers’ expectations, and technological enhancements when working with ebooks. They should consider how digital publishing will affect the way that people read and how content will be contained and presented. She recommended that editors develop proficiency in Microsoft Word as a basis, and that they learn basic technical skills in markup languages, such as XHTML, CSS, and Javascript. She predicted that editing, proofreading, and indexing will continue to be outsourced. Agata noted that hyperlinked indexes are being produced by the XHTML-based system used by Sydney University Press and provided a demonstration. Her advice for editors may well apply to indexers as well — develop basic technical skills and continue to think about new ways that people are reading and how content can be presented. Indexers who are knowledgeable about the ebook production process and able to discuss workflow with editors and to collaborate on ebook enhancements will be in demand. Mary Coe 9 | ANZSI Newsletter Learning by indexing: the UC Berkeley Extension course E arly last year, I felt a need to consolidate my indexing knowledge and fill in a few gaps. I completed the ANZSI Basic Indexing course quite a few years ago and, since then, have learnt ‘on the job’ with each index I’ve done, and through the wonderful, informal mentoring support of Max McMaster (and occasionally Mary Russell). I was also fortunate enough to be granted an ANZSI scholarship to the 2009 Conference in Sydney, which was a very valuable learning experience. For me, living in Perth and not having spare funds to travel to the eastern states means that the opportunity to participate in professional development courses in person is virtually non-existent. As there are very few indexers (or people interested in becoming indexers) resident in WA, it is probably not financially viable for ANZSI trainers to come to Perth to run a course for a handful of participants. To try and compensate for this, I have participated in at least three ANZSI Peer Review indexing opportunities over the past few years, and have found them to be excellent in developing my skills and confidence, particularly in unfamiliar areas like annual reports. Despite this, I still felt I needed more training. Over the course of a few weeks, I investigated the online/ distance courses accessible to ANZSI members. Most of them were too expensive or took too long to complete, or I was concerned that there was no consideration of Australian indexing practices contained in the courses. Time was an important factor for me, as I needed to balance the course workload with my family responsibilities, part-time work, and any indexing work I picked up during the time I was doing the course. So I didn’t want to commit to a course that would take a year or more to complete. After reading the detailed online information on the Berkeley course, I spoke to Max McMaster at length about what I wanted to achieve, and about the Berkeley course in detail. (Max is one of four instructors on the Berkeley course). In October, I decided to sign up for the course. The cost was US$650 (about the same in $A at that time), and I had six months to complete the coursework. I purchased the two textbooks (Mulvany’s Indexing Books, 2nd ed., and the ‘Indexing’ chapter from the Chicago Manual of Style, 16th ed.) and got to work as soon as I received my online access, which was the day after enrolling. You start the course by downloading student editions of each of the three major indexing software packages (MACREX, CINDEX and SKY Index), as you have to use all three to do the first few assignments. This is a steep learning curve for all participants, but a valuable one. Once you get to the major assignments towards the end of the coursework, you can choose which package you want to use to produce your indexes. Each of the 10 modules has online course notes, reading lists from the texts and activities to be completed (usually a mix of online research, short exercises, major assignments, and emails to share with other course participants on your experience with the assignments). Overall I found the course notes to be quite clear. Clarification was always available from the instructors, either by email or during the weekly online chat session, and extra notes on indexing practices in both Australia and Canada were included throughout the course notes to cater for international students. Sometimes the assignments were also modified depending on which country the student was based in. The assignments usually entailed making an index of some sort, and started off quite small and relatively easy, to get you used to the different software packages. The tasks varied from things I found quite simple to things that really stretched my abilities. The philosophy of the Berkeley instructors seems to be that it is more important for you to learn the correct practice and produce a good index, than to get it perfect the first time you attempt it. To this end, if they are not convinced you have understood the process and produced a good index, you will be asked to re-submit it after they have explained in more detail the process you have yet to master. Re-submission does entail losing a few marks, but it is more important that you firmly grasp the concepts. (I will admit that I did have to re-submit a few of mine, but I was happy that I ended up with good indexes, because for me that was the aim of doing the course). I think this is one of the strengths of the course, because not only do you come out at the end being able to produce good indexes, you also gain the understanding and knowledge of what makes a good index. Having said that, I wondered how the novice indexers on the course with me would find the process, but most of those I chatted to online seemed to be doing okay, although we were all at different stages of the course. I think you would realise fairly quickly if indexing was for you or not. I was probably in a better position than most of them, having done indexing for a few years on and off, but there were still things that caught me out. The three major assignments were reasonably substantial indexes: the first, a short text on a medical subject; the second, in the social sciences area; and the last, a lengthy (continued on next page) 10 | ANZSI Newsletter journal article in the legal area. These were all areas unfamiliar to me in an indexing sense, yet I ended up producing three good indexes. This experience has given me the confidence to index material out of my immediate comfort zone. Having successfully completed the course at the end of April this year, I now have more confidence that what I am doing is right, and feel I have the knowledge to make decisions based on what I have learnt. Completing the course has filled a few gaps in my knowledge and consolidated my understanding of indexing skills and practices, so I have achieved what I wanted from the course. My one gripe is that having completed the course, you don’t even receive a certificate of completion for all your hard work. The only recognition is a printout indicating completion of three units of a journalism course (yes a journalism course!). But for me, the advantages far outweigh this small disadvantage! I would recommend the Berkeley course to anyone wanting to extend their knowledge of indexing. I can’t comment on whether or not it would fully equip a novice to be an indexer, as this is not the situation I was in, but I think it would be worthwhile, particularly for those of us in ’remote’ locations who don’t get the opportunity to attend face to face courses. Shelley Campbell Freelance Indexer Introductory book indexing Held 11–12 July 2013 in Sydney A NZI NSW’s strategy of offering a generous discount to those willing to travel for a course seemed to be effective: four of the eight participants at the July introductory course were from outside NSW, coming from Queensland, Tasmania, the ACT, and New Zealand. Everyone had their own story about what had brought them to the course. Several of the students were editors looking to expand their skills into indexing. One participant is studying writing and editing at postgraduate level, but her course did not cover indexing, so she had come to ANZSI for training. Another, in the tax field, wanted to overhaul the apparently unhelpful index in a major reference work she uses very often. More than a few of the participants had seen indexes so awful that they felt that they could — with professional training — do better themselves! John Archer, from Tasmania, clearly demonstrated that lifelong learning can be a reality. A retired dairy farmer, now in his seventies, he had transcribed over 400 family letters as a retirement project, using voice-recognition software for the first time. He then published them with his own index, which he created using a multi-purpose, inexpensive software package. He is now writing a local history book and was looking to acquire more formal indexing skills, and to learn about the dedicated indexing software options. The students greatly appreciated the willingness of teacher Glenda Browne to share her practical tips as well as her detailed theoretical knowledge of indexing, both as a profession and as a small business venture. Glenda and Mary Coe also kindly brought in a range of general and specialist indexing publications which were available for students to peruse, and to purchase if they wished to acquire resources to supplement the course notes. Students at the NSW indexing course, Sydney 11–12 July 2013 Back row, L to R: Mel Keenan, John Archer, Mary Coe (host), Anna Farncomb, Jo Jarrah, Avril Vorsay Front row, L to R: Meredith Stokdijk, Maureen Butler, Celia Lindsay Photo by: Glenda Browne 11 | ANZSI Newsletter Two solid days on such a specialist topic may not be everyone’s choice of pastime, but all the participants seemed just as keen, if not more so, at the conclusion of the course, to join the indexing fellowship. Many thanks to ANZSI, and Glenda, for making this valuable training available. Celia Lindsay [email protected] Branch events Date and time Organiser Name of activity Venue Contact details Details at _ details. asp?id=320 Details at Tues 27 August Meet the Puzzle _ details. Qld Branch Wizard 6:00 pm asp?id=332 Details at Tues 3 Sept Golden Cinnamon _ details. NSW Branch AGM Restaurant 6.00 for 7.30 pm asp?id=329 Old Op Shop, Holy Details at Wed 4 Sept The Business of Vic Branch Trinity Anglican Church, _ details. 6:00 pm Indexing Kew asp?id=321 Details at Wed 2 Oct ANZSI Council AGM Elsternwick Club Vic Branch _ details. 7:00 pm & Dinner asp?id=319 Wed 7 August 6.00 pm Vic Branch On Indexing numbers & branch library launch ANZSI Newsletter other pages ANZSI News Annual General Meeting notice Distributed Council feedback IDPF Report eBooks self-education The publishing and indexing scene in WA Etcetera column Editing skills for eBooks Berkeley Extension Course Introductory book indexing course Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers Inc. PO Box 2059, Wattletree Road LPO, Malvern East VIC 3145, Australia 12 | ANZSI Newsletter Old Op Shop, Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Kew The Ward Office, 2 / 63 Annerley Road, Wooloongabba 1 3 3 4 4 6 8 9 10 11 Published by the Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers Inc. PO Box 2059, Wattletree Road LPO, Malvern East, VIC 3145, Australia © Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers Inc. ISSN 1832-3855 Opinions and statements expressed in the Newsletter are those of the respective authors. Newsletter schedule The next Newsletter will appear in September 2013. The contribution deadline is Friday, 30 August. The editor welcomes your contributions submitted by email to <[email protected]> Postage paid Newsletter of the Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers Inc. Volume 9 | number 8 | September 2013 ANZSI News Charging for Indexers Available t the request of some members, background to the unanimous adoption of a fee is presented in this issue of the Newsletter. Council runs a very tight budget and for 2011–12 it ran at a deficit. The financial figures in the 2011–12 annual report <www.anzsi. org/UserFiles/file/Annual%20Report%202012B.pdf> show that ANZSI, as an organisation, has over $124,000 in funds, but most of this is held by the branches. Council’s main source of funds is membership dues and it relies on the good will of branches to pick up the cost of specific projects, such as printing and distributing bookmarks, or financing the honorarium for EPUB work. Over the years Council has examined various options to develop a more sustainable financial situation. This included asking branches to make more of their finances available to Council. Most branches rejected this option, preferring to pay for specific one-off items, not core Council expenses. Council had already agreed to reduce expenses by making the newsletter available via email only from February 2014. Even so, Council urgently needed alternative sources of income to cover the basic services it provides to members, to prevent a further deficit for 2013–14. The ANZSI Constitution states at J.8: “The funds of the Society shall be derived from subscription fees, fees for attendance at training courses, sale of publications, fees for attendance at conferences, and such other sources as the Council may from time to time determine.” There was a clear message from members, via Branch Presidents, that members did not want membership fees to increase for 2013–14. I have asked the Treasurer, Max McMaster to supply this information on the decision. As at 1 May 2013 ANZSI Council’s assets stood at $12,272. Expenditure was running much higher than income, and had been for some time, so there was a necessity either to reduce services to members or to A increase revenue. The major source of Council revenue is from memberships, with small amounts of revenue from newsletter advertising, Council-organised training, and online service fees from branches. As Council is well aware of the need to reduce expenses, it has introduced an electronic only newsletter from 1 January 2014, thus saving around $1500 in printing and postage costs in the current financial year. The initial decision to introduce GST (for Australian members) was made by Council a couple of years ago, but had not been implemented. Council decided to introduce GST for the 2013–14 financial year. The Treasurer took three options to the full Council meeting in mid-May 2013. A number of assumptions were made. Although membership at that time was 206, the introduction of GST was likely to result in a loss of members, so calculations were based on 195 members. Changing to a higher membership fee was also likely to incur a further loss of membership so figures were calculated on 186 members. Since the calendar year membership was being phased out there were also 25 half-year memberships covering January – June 2014 to be considered, to bring these members back into line with the bulk of the members on financial year memberships. There were 96 members listed on Indexers Available, but calculations were based on 90, as some loss was expected. Option 1: Make no change to membership fees, except to add on GST for Australian members, i.e. A$88 for Australian members; A$66 for NZ members. Revenue $15,675. Option 2: Increase membership fees for all members. Australian fees to incur GST, i.e. A$110 for Australian members, A$83 for NZ members. Revenue $18,504 (Council document 37/056) Option 3: Keep membership fees as is, apart from the GST for Australian members (as in Option 1) but introduce an additional separate charge for Indexers Available. The (continued on next page) (ANZSI News, continued from previous page) suggested figure was A$38.50 for Australian members; A$29 for NZ members. Total revenue $19,045 (Council document 37/087) The May full Council meeting, at which all the Branch Presidents were represented, discussed the three options, and agreed unanimously that Option 3 was the most acceptable and recommended its adoption. Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers Inc. ANZSI Newsletter ISSN 1832-3855 Editor: Peter Judge <[email protected]> About the newsletter The newsletter is published monthly 11 times a year, with combined issues for January and February. Opinions expressed in the newsletter are those of the individual contributors, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the society. For details about contributions and editorial matters, refer to the ANZSI website at <>. Advertising rates Full page: $200.00 Half page $100.00 Quarter page: $50.00. These are all per issue – the former annual rate has been discontinued. ANZSI contact information ANZSI’s general email address is: <[email protected]>. Further contact details in PDF format are available on the ANZSI website at <>. Indexers Available equivalents After the ASI Conference I reported in the May Newsletter that one topic discussed at the ICRIS meeting was the various societies’ equivalents to Indexers Available, as the Society of Indexers prepares to launch its updated version. I was surprised to learn that ANZSI is the only society that doesn’t charge its members to advertise in their Indexers Available. Costs to advertise services on the various lists range from about $40 to $150 per year. ASI has found that while their membership numbers had dropped their revenue from their Indexers Available equivalent has not dropped. This means that the fee charged by ANZSI is less that that charged by other indexing societies. Information in Indexers Available Prior to the introduction of the fee, members elected whether to include their details. Many have been surprised to find they are listed, as they are no longer available for indexing work, and have asked to be removed. While we remind members it is their responsibility to update their entries, many have neglected to do so for some years. This has meant that Indexers Available contained out-dated and inaccurate information. Not a good image for a professional organisation. Advertising in Indexers Available is tax deductible for most members. Further, by including only those members who are prepared to pay, Indexers Available provides a much more marketable product to editors and publishers. They know the information in Indexers Available is up-to-date and the indexers listed are prepared to accept contract work. Improvements to Indexers Available The improvements to Indexers Available project is the responsibility of NSW Branch, and is led by Madeleine Davis. They are hoping to present these improvements to the joint ANZSI/Editors conference in May 2015. Comments I remind members that ANZSI welcomes their comments. I encourage members to contact their Branch Presidents or Council if they have any comments or suggestions. Council AGM The ANZSI Council AGM is on Wednesday 2 October. I encourage all members to examine the Agenda as one of the main items for decision is the modified Constitution. All members are welcome to attend the AGM and dinner. If you are unable to attend I encourage you to lodge a proxy voting form by 1 October. You can find all details at < details.asp?id=319>. Is this your last Newsletter? Now that I have your attention, don’t panic! This is just a reminder to members who still haven’t renewed their membership that this will be the last issue of the Newsletter they receive, as financial year subscriptions are due by the end of September. Mary Russell 2 | ANZSI Newsletter Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers Inc. Annual General Meeting The Annual General Meeting of the Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers will be held on Wednesday 2 October 2013 at 7.00 pm at the Elsternwick Club, 19 Sandham Street, Elsternwick Victoria (Melway 67, F2). Agenda 1. Minutes To approve the minutes of the Annual General Meeting held at the Elsternwick Club, 19 Sandham Street, Elsternwick, Victoria on Wednesday 31st October 2012. (Note: These may be found on the website at <>.) 2. Matters arising from the minutes not included elsewhere in the agenda 3. Annual Report To receive and approve the Annual Report on the Society’s activities in 2012–13. The Annual Report will be posted on the website following the Council meeting on 12 September 2013. 4. Treasurer’s Report To receive and approve an audited financial report from the Treasurer on the year 2012–13. The statement will be tabled at the meeting. 5. Council for 2013–14 To receive a report from the Returning Officer on nominations for the following positions and, if necessary, to hold an election President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Five council members (In the event there was only one nomination for each position. The election results are shown on the next page.) 6. Constitution To approve the following motion: That the revised Constitution as set out in document AGM 37/1 be approved. NB: Under the terms of the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012 (Vic) this is a special resolution and will require a majority of three quarters of those voting in person or by proxy to pass. It has been necessary to revise the Constitution following the passage of the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012 (Vic). Details of the proposed changes may be found on the website at < asp?id=319>. Document AGM 37/1 is the revised Constitution. Document AGM 37/2 sets out the old and revised constitutions in parallel texts, showing the various revisions. 7. Life membership To approve a recommendation from the Council for an award of life membership 8. Any other business Not requiring prior notice ANZSI Newsletter | 3 ANZSI: election of officers and Council 2013–14 At the close of nominations for ANZSI Officers and Council at 5.00 pm on Wednesday 28 August 2013, the following nominations had been received: President Glenda Browne Vice President Denise Sutherland Secretary Mei Yen Chua Treasurer Michael Wyatt Committee (five positions) Madeleine Davis Terri McKenzie There being only one nomination for each position, the above-named persons are elected unopposed. In accordance with Clause G1(k) of the Constitution nominations will be called at the AGM to fill the remaining three positions for councillors-at-large. Any member unable to attend the AGM who is interested in standing for one of these positions is invited to complete a nomination form and send it to the address on the form by noon on Tuesday 1 October 2013. Scanned signatures are acceptable. A nomination form may be downloaded from the website <>. For members attending the AGM, nomination forms will be available at the meeting. Jenny Restarick, Returning Officer 29 August 2013 The Victorian Indexing Club (The VIC) meeting in July G uest speaker Peter Dowling (pictured) drew an excellent crowd to the July meeting at the State Library of Victoria. This included 22 visitors (the largest cohort seen yet) associated with various historical societies, academic institutions, libraries and archives. Peter is the creator of the Index to imagery in Australian colonial illustrated newspapers, a two-volume, 1490-page privately produced publication, which indexes around 12,000 images in nearly all Australian colonial illustrated newspapers. Volume I indexes the images by subject, region and date, while Volume II indexes the images by creator. Peter’s love of 19th century realist art led him to study art history, gaining a PhD in imagery in Australian colonial illustrated newspapers. Graphic journalism was at its height during this era, and to assist in his research Peter devised a list of 27 subject headings into which he would categorise images. It was this aspect of his work that became the seed for his 2012 publication, after Peter realised that the newspapers were a rich but sadly under-utilised resource for art history and history. This steeled his resolve to make the images more accessible and propelled him down the path of indexing. Creating the index was a 15-year project which Peter says he never found boring, and he enjoyed seeing patterns develop in it as it grew. It was however not without some surprises and challenges – for instance, when Peter was well into the project, he was made aware of the Australian Pictorial Thesaurus. He decided to continue on with his own list of subject headings after encouragement from a member of 4 | ANZSI Newsletter the APT team. The self publishing stage also offered a lesson, as the page headers he’d created in his manuscript disappointingly didn’t transfer to the published work. But with that behind him, Peter set about marketing his index which is now held by every Australian State and Territory library, several university libraries, the Turnbull Library in New Zealand and the British Library. We came as a bit of a surprise to Peter, as when we approached him to speak to us he was not aware of ANZSI. He will be writing an article based on his presentation for the March 2014 edition of The Indexer; we also recorded the session with the idea of putting it up on the website as ANZSI’s first podcast. Vic Branch Committee has been toying with the idea of podcasts for some time now, as a means of sharing meetings of The VIC more widely. (This news also provided consolation to some disappointed people who were unable to get to the meeting due to a number of cancelled trains!) Having so many visitors provided us with a good opportunity to promote ANZSI, and it was good to see back issues of The Indexer and the ANZSI Newsletter disappear, along with ANZSI bookmarks, lanyards, membership forms and flyers about forthcoming meetings of The VIC. Nikki Davis Letters to the Editor: Is Indexers Available worth paying for? Two letters this month have put different viewpoints on the issue of charging for Indexers Available ... For: have just paid my $38.50 to retain my listing and feel it is well worth the small fee, which is tax-deductable anyway. I have been ‘found’ through my listing and it has provided me with ongoing work, beyond the initial title I was contracted to do. In 2003, I was contacted by Martin Thomas who was looking for an indexer for his book The Artificial Horizon: Imagining the Blue Mountains. He lives in Katoomba, and selected me because I also lived in the Blue Mountains, and had indicated History as one of my areas of strength. It was not a history as one would expect, but quite mystical in its approach, partly because of the hazy blue of the landscape, the aboriginal history in the area, and the number of people who would come to the mountains for the purpose of suicide. It was awarded the Gleebooks Prize for Literary and Cultural Criticism, one of the NSW Premier’s Literary Awards, in 2004. I If I had not been listed in Indexers Available I would not have been ‘found’ and therefore would have missed out on the experience of working with Martin on his wonderful book, and would not have been contracted for his subsequent work. I am currently working on a 50th anniversary book for the Australian Society of Authors, both proofreading and indexing. Again, I was ‘found’ in Indexers Available. These are just two examples of my benefiting from my listing in Indexers Available. When I am contacted by a publisher for whom I have not worked before I always ask where or how they found me. It is about 50/50 Indexers Available or word of mouth. I believe the fee is a very small price to pay for professional ‘advertising’. I also believe that if you are selected from Indexers Available it is a fair bet they had done their homework and looked at others listed and made their choice according to the information provided in the listing. It is important to keep your details up to date so your selection is based on your current work status and fields of strength. Barbara Bessant (NSW Branch) Against: am writing to protest at the new fee for appearing in Indexers Available. This has been presented as a fait accompli, without consultation with the membership. No real justification for the impost has been given by the President in either the June or July Newsletter; we are merely told that Council has decided to do it. I know that both the National Executive and the State branches have very healthy bank balances, so Council cannot claim that it is doing this because it needs the revenue. Council seems to have lost sight of the fact that it exists for its members. As a professional indexer, i.e. one who makes his living from indexing, a listing in Indexers Available is one of the the main things that has kept my membership active up to now. It is, or rather was, really the only practical thing that the membership subscription of $80 a year provided for working indexers. It means we are now paying $80 a year solely for the Newsletter. As a member since 1988, and as someone who served for fifteen years in various capacities, including national president and NSW state president, and as a member of the ANZSI panel of assessors for the last six years, I find this development extremely disappointing and unjustifiable. It is bureaucracy gone mad. I encourage other members who feel similarly to make their feelings known to Council. Garry Cousins (NSW Branch) I The power of the index F or the past ten years, Max McMaster has been compiling and cumulating the author and subject indexes to Chemistry in Australia, the journal of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute. Readers are able to access the indexes on the RACI’s website <>. For the July 2013 edition, Max switched roles for a bit and contributed an article entitled ‘The power of the index’. It covers the topic of how in this era of ‘publish or perish’, indexers are on hand to help scientists’ precious papers reach the research world. Nikki Davis ANZSI Newsletter | 5 News from Queensland O n Tuesday 27 August 2013, ANZSI Queensland members and industry colleagues were entertained by the Puzzle Wizard, aka Greg Parker. Greg suffered life threatening cancer as a young child, but this life crisis may have made him into the genius that he so obviously is today. Greg Parker first produced an 87-page book of puzzles using hand-written code and with some computer assistance. He planned to do this every three months, but found that he had to increase his volume of booklets to make a living. So he went about this dream with a willing heart and mind and a fair grasp of the computer programs which he himself devised in the process. Since then he has created not one every three months, but more like 17 different versions every 3 months, with a huge print run to satisfy his vast flocks of followers. Greg has turned his small business into a thriving and successful industry, which he thoroughly enjoys. He has a simple and honest attitude towards his creative puzzle business. He loves giving enjoyment to his clients, who from the size of his print runs, are absolutely craving his creative, inventive puzzles and who are happy solving the clues which he is still churning out some 14 years later. Puzzles are such fun, with the answers in the back for new puzzlers and rusty vocabularies. Have you tried to solve the Puzzle Wizard’s clues lately? Have a try and stretch your mind – it is rather different to indexing! Next meeting: 24 September, more details TBA – see website QLD Branch Moira Brown (President, Queensland Branch) Seated beside Puzzle Wizard Greg Parker is Moira Brown, and behind (l to r) are Jeni Lewington, Graham Potts, Marisa Trigger, David Muller. Photo Jane Douglas. WA Group dinner É cucina bar and restaurant, in Hay Street, Perth, was the venue for the WA Group dinner held on 24 July. Six people attended. Alex George, a botanist and botanical indexer, who some members would remember from the 2007 Melbourne ANZSI Conference; Jan McCahon Marshall and Jenna Lynch from the City of Perth History Centre, both of whom are involved with the indexing of oral histories; Frank Smith, an editor, and his wife; and myself. Where were Linda McNamara, WA Group rep, and Shelley Campbell, you might ask? Although both had intended to come to the dinner, life happens. Linda took a very sudden opportunity to travel to the UK to help celebrate her mother-in-law’s 80th birthday. Shelley phoned 6 | ANZSI Newsletter me from hospital to say she was having a plate inserted into her wrist after sustaining a major fracture following a fall during a canoeing trip. She is fortunately on the mend. Those of us who attended the dinner had a fantastic evening. The food and wine were excellent, we talked about all manner of things, including indexing, and the company was very agreeable. At the end of the evening, everyone present asked if we could make the get-together an annual event – a definite indication that they had enjoyed it! The dinner is already marked on next year’s ANZSI calendar. Max McMaster Zakuski W elcome to another bite of Zakuski. Congratulations to Denise Sutherland and her colleague Jane Douglas on their first column of Etcetera. Well done ladies! Every time I write this column I worry that I may not have enough information, but fear not, here are some more titbits to devour. A library with a difference To celebrate Seniors Week in October, Whitehorse Manningham Regional Library Service in Victoria is organizing a Human Library. This library operates like a conventional library except for one big difference: the books in the Human Library are people. The library aims to celebrate and promote diversity, encourage understanding and respect, break down barriers and build bridges, and challenge stereotypes and prejudices. Readers (or borrowers) are community members who have a genuine interest in learning more about others in the community. Visitors to such a library can borrow a human ‘book’ for a short discussion, and through these conversations, people can learn about different life experiences, backgrounds, skills and whatever else they can offer. If you are over 60 and would like to be a 'human book' please email Catherine Killmier on <[email protected]>. Footpath library An interesting item appeared on the 7 pm ABC News towards the end of July. Called the Footpath Library, this library is set up to bring a wide range of books to the homeless and disadvantaged. The books are donated and have to be in mint condition. It is not a lending library, but the books are dispersed to the homeless and then if they want they can give them back or give them to their friends or acquaintances. Since the news item was broadcast, the organization has been flooded with donations. You can also donate money, instead of books. They are very fussy as to the kind of books they want. This library is set up in Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne. Please check the website for details if you are interested: <>. 50 shades of grey literature The June/July2013 issue of Incite had an interesting article on Grey Literature. This is information produced by organisations where publishing is not their main role. Looking at the A-Z diagram under ‘I’ it consists of Image Directories, Inaugural Lectures, Indexes, Internet Reviews and Interviews. Under ‘D’ they had Databases, Directories, Discussion Papers and Dissertations <>. Librarian’s image reinvented If you were ever a fan of Lego as a child, one clever person has been still playing with it. Lego now has its own version of a Lego Librarian, from the typical stereotype to the downright sexy. All very amusing!! I quite like the warrior one and the one holding the whip!! No I am not bent and twisted!!! <>. Leunig homily As a regular reader of the Saturday Age’s Life and Style section, I came across this rather perceptive poem by cartoonist and social commentator Michael Leunig. This man reminds me of Eric Satie’s Trois Gymnopédies, which are impressionistic piano pieces that are sparse and rather whimsical in nature. Here is Michael’s poem : Wisdom How many mouse clicks to wisdom? What could it possibly be? Might it be three hundred million? Could it be something like three? Or maybe the nature of clicking Prevents any wisdom at all: A mouse is for choosing and picking But wisdom’s a hole in the wall. Quoted from The Saturday Age August 24, 2013. Terri Mackenzie Interim Victorian Branch President T here has been a change to the Executive of the Victorian Branch. Nikki Davis is the Acting Victorian Branch President following the resignation of Iris Bergmann. ANZSI Newsletter | 7 Quiet achievers in indexing – Prue Deacon Who has been the greatest influence on your career? think it would have to be John Balnaves, who taught the Information Retrieval Systems unit at the Canberra College of Advanced Education in the mid-1970s. This was one of the first units of my Graduate Diploma in Librarianship and I can well remember John pacing backwards and forwards expounding his wisdom. From him I learned the importance of looking at systems as a whole and aiming for excellence in all parts of a system. I How did you come to an indexing career? My indexing career has been in the areas of cataloguing, database indexing, thesaurus development and metadata. For most of it I was a librarian in the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing. My first library job was in the science and technology branch of the National Library, ANSTEL. Here I met my longest-standing colleague, Sandra Henderson. I enjoyed reference work and was horrified at the prospect of being rotated to Cataloguing after my first year. My placement was in the PRECIS indexing section where we provided the subject indexing for the Australian National Bibliography (ANB). To my surprise, I loved it. Of course PRECIS indexing was not costeffective and it was later abandoned by ANB. However, for me it provided an intensive grounding in looking at a book or article, determining what it was about and matching the concepts to index terms. At that time Jan Fullerton was head of Cataloguing and in the ANB team I met Jill Buckley (later Jill Buckley Smith), with whom I worked so closely on HealthInsite in recent years. I next moved to the Commonwealth Department of Health Library and managed cataloguing there for many years. I was initially attracted by the opportunity to work with MeSH, which had such a logical structure compared with Library of Congress subject headings. I always thought of myself as an indexer rather than a cataloguer and focused on subject indexing. It worried me that the international cataloguing rules were about descriptive cataloguing, ignoring subject access. I was also concerned that library systems catered for the catalogue record in detail while providing very poor search functionality. In the 1980s I managed the editing team for the ‘Bibliography of Australian Medicine and Health Services to 1950’. We created a database of 11,000 catalogue records with MeSH indexing. The name/title and subject indexes were published as a handsome four-volume work. Unfortunately these indexes were regarded by many as the output of the project. The database languished and finally 8 | ANZSI Newsletter disappeared when the National Library’s World 1 project was abandoned in the 1990s. I wonder how many other electronic records from this era have been lost because of maintenance difficulties. My next big project was developing a new thesaurus. The Department had expanded from health to incorporate community services. (Later housing and local government were added.) MeSH was no longer appropriate. However, I was able to use MeSH as the basis for health terms and for the overall structure. The thesaurus was first published in 1991 and I have recently been involved in preparing the 9th edition. What do you see as your greatest achievement? My greatest achievement was being part of the team that developed HealthInsite. In the mid-1990s, when websites were first being developed, Roxanne Missingham was one of the Department’s information services managers. Astutely, she snared the role of content management for the Library. Later, along with Jill Buckley Smith and Stephanie Tow, I was fortunate to move into a combined IT and librarian team to manage the Department’s internet and intranet sites. The Health Minister envisaged a ‘megahub’ to provide health information for all Australians. We created HealthInsite, a gateway to quality health information resources on other Australian websites. Metadata was crucial, providing the data for Prue in Patagonia site structure, search enhancement, personalisation and search results display. We also created a mechanism to keep the metadata up-to-date. As a former cataloguer, accustomed to being in the backroom, it was exciting for me to be working with my colleagues and IT professionals to build a very public website. It was also gratifying to be able to demonstrate the value of metadata so clearly. HealthInsite is still at <> but has been taken over by Healthdirect Australia and relaunched as a somewhat different site. What has been your biggest challenge? Retirement from the Australian Public Service. I am continuing some metadata and thesaurus contract work but there is simply not enough time for all the other things I want to do: bushwalking, embroidery, travel, gardening, reading, meeting friends for coffee etc. How do you try to achieve work–life balance? To a large extent, I compartmentalise my time. As an employee I aimed to work efficiently and avoid exceeding my (continued on next page) (Quiet achievers – Prue Deacon, continued from previous page) paid working hours. However, I spent a lot of time outside work on professional development activities – writing papers, committee/conference work and study. Of course, when I had children at home, they had some priority. Over the years I got to know my stress limits and when to take a break. These days I am an expert procrastinator and avoid worrying about the length of my to-do lists. I try to have lots of outdoor exercise. What do you like most about your work? What do you like least? In subject indexing and thesaurus development what I like most is working with words, concepts and fuzzy logic. I also enjoy the health subject area and read widely on health issues, especially evidence-based practice and the history of medicine. What I like least is the constant need to justify the costs of indexing to new managers with no experience of library work. What advice would you offer to indexers just starting out? Be very clear about what value you are adding in your work and learn how to explain that value to your managers or clients. If you could dine with a famous historical figure, who would it be? My first degree was in science and my initial thoughts on this question were about my heroes in science, people like Marie Curie and Louis Pasteur. On further reflection I have selected Rosalind Franklin, inspired by a recent biography written by her sister*. Franklin was the X-ray crystallographer whose work contributed to the discovery of the double helix structure of DNA. Colleagues went on to receive a Nobel Prize but, sadly, Franklin died in 1958 at the age of 37. Her role was not properly acknowledged at the time, even by the people who had used her X-ray diffraction images. There was some controversy about this but her contribution has now been recognised. I can understand Franklin’s passion for research and her (reputed) prickliness. Her personality has been depicted in many writings and films. I would love to chat with her about the people she worked with and find out her opinions of their personalities. *Glynn, Jenifer. My sister Rosalind Franklin. OUP, 2012. If you were a letter of the alphabet, which letter would you be and why? I am not keen about being a letter. I would rather be an exclamation mark, used judiciously to express happiness, joy or astonishment! ANZSI Newsletter | 9 Quiet Achiever: Alan Eddy Who has been the greatest influence on your career? areer here means my 40-plus years with the State Forests Department and what I chose to do after that. I single out A O P (Alf ) Lawrence OBE, who was appointed as a junior forester in 1923 in Victoria, as having the greatest influence. My brief encounters with him from 1946 until his retirement in 1969 from the chairmanship of the Forests Commission always left me with a new idea or challenge to chew over. He was not overtly a mentor, but his autocratic pronouncements and personal discipline stimulated productive, even lofty, thinking and action. C How did you come to an indexing career? I had been book reviews editor of Australian Forestry, proofreading papers, making referee’s comments and compiling the simple annual index. A librarian friend suggested in the mid-1970s that I would make a good indexer because I was pedantic and fussy over details, and it could be an interest in retirement. I attended a threeSaturday introduction to indexing offered by the Society in Melbourne, and my interest grew little by little until about 1990. What do you see as your greatest achievement? The answer to this tough question must be what was achieved while I was Principal of the Victorian School of Forestry, at Creswick, from January 1969 for about ten years. The School, established in 1910, had changed its regimes little during the depressed 1930s and the war years. The practical isolation of the School in a small goldfields 10 | ANZSI Newsletter town, and the fact that the nearly all the students were trainees bonded to the Victorian Public Service had made it simple for boarding-school rules to endure, despite the snowballing social changes of the 1960s. The times were unsettling for the young, in many countries. The age of students ranged from 17 to 20-plus, most having come straight from Year 12. The birthdate lottery for national service and service in Vietnam loomed as an interruption to further studies and getting on with a career in forestry. Clothing fashions had changed, and by 1967 hippies had become conspicuous. Teenage music dominated the radio, hairstyles for youths caused parents and teachers worries. Widespread availability of the Pill abetted social changes. By 1973 the voting age was lowered to 18 years. Perhaps these could rightly be called years of challenge for the young. The Forests Commission Victoria which ran the School was sensitive to sudden changes under fresh management; likewise the conservative town of Creswick, watching over its school. The principal of a residential college must sacrifice personal time with family and friends, and some recreations fall by the wayside. If I was at home I was on duty, 24/7 in today’s language. I was invited to join the board of the infant Sovereign Hill early in 1969, which turned out to be a growing interest. I was responsible for a school that grew and diversified successfully while it prepared its students for responsible positions in forest resource management. Without the dedicated support of a mainly new teaching staff, and the cooperation of the students, the story could have been quite different. The mood and morale of the School community changed quite quickly. Rules and procedures were altered at a controlled rate. The wholehearted support of the Forests Commission and the Board of Forestry Education throughout was magnificent. I claim my contributions to forestry education as a major achievement, being encouraged to say so now by opinions expressed recently by students of the 1970s. (continued on next page) (Quiet achievers – Alan Eddy, continued from previous page) Mine was a shared achievement because my wife accepted her role with unfailing good judgement and discretion. Overseas and Australian visitors would be brought to our house by the central quadrangle for lunch during an inspection of Victoria’s forestry school set in an arboretum, with native forest and pine plantations at the back door. What has been your biggest challenge? Accepting rejection of my index by an editor for one of the university presses because the four or so authors of chapters of a second edition of a textbook on education in the arts didn’t like it. I had stuck to style sheets and indexing specifications provided by the editor, and delivered on time. I was nonplussed when she phoned to say that they could not use my index. The editor agreed that the index satisfied the specifications and herself. She said the teacher-authors had then spent two days and nights, heads wrapped in wet towels, devising an index that suited them. How do you try to achieve work-life balance? My indexing assignments have been more a trickle than a flow. It has been simple to accommodate them within the routines of a small household, my weekly volunteering and few social commitments. My wife is content for an index to take over my daily life for ‘as long as it takes’. I become absorbed in the work to the extent that I neglect garden and other chores, until reminded. I am content to work every day when this is needed to meet a deadline. Not a good balance, true. What do you like most about your work? What do you like least? Most Producing something of value to readers of a book, to the style wanted by its publisher and fulfilling my understanding of a worthwhile index. There is always scope to include an impish entry in the index, in the hope that it will amuse some readers. Compiling an index is a sort of battle of wits. The calibre of an index depends as much on the comprehension and wit of the indexer as on following rules and conventions. Finding errors and inconsistencies provide opportunities to alert the editor and establish a clearer understanding of the indexer’s role. A freelance can work early and late, taking short or longer breaks as other commitments and the editor’s deadline allows. There is no travel to work, and no dress standards are required. Least Unreasonable deadlines, but the pleasure of demolishing an unreasonable deadline is worth a lot. An editor’s demand for the finished index by ‘COB Friday’ can be outrageous. Negotiation by phone is far more effective than emails, for editors need to be taught that Friday afternoon and sunrise on Monday are separated by more than 50 hours. What advice would you offer to indexers just starting out? Become familiar with the contents of the ANZSI website. Delve particularly into the Indexing Resources section. Test the water by enrolling for a basic course in book indexing, to give you a glimpse of how an indexer starts to think about compiling an index. Digest a couple of books on the art of indexing, making time to look critically through indexes in a range of books in the municipal library. Choose a few indexed books on subjects you know about and test the scope and depth of the indexing. Enrol for courses offered through the Society, and attend Branch events if times and distances allow it. Apply for membership and digest the Newsletters as they are issued. Do not expect freelance indexing to pay many bills. If you could dine with a famous historical figure, who would it be? To me that means ‘dine at his table with other guests’, not just the two of us. I would choose John Evelyn, the English diarist, linguist and writer of more than 30 books on a surprising range of subjects during his long life from 1620 to 1708. John Evelyn knew leading natural philosophers and writers, including Christopher Wren, Robert Hooke, Isaac Newton, Robert Boyle, and Samuel Pepys with whom he corresponded often. John Evelyn was a prominent original Fellow of the Royal Society, under the auspices of which Sylva, or a Discourse of Forest Trees, was published in 1664. In Paris he was a courtier around the uncrowned Charles II. He lived in turbulent times, under three kings, one of them publicly executed, and he left the English jurisdiction for his own safety when Cromwell held power. Evelyn lived though the Great Plague and the Great Fire. Who could refuse the chance of hearing his conversation with companions at table, observing what food was eaten, and what courtesies were followed ? If you were a letter of the alphabet, which letter would you be and why? M. It stands sturdy, and as close to the centre as can be. It is sounded with closed lips, suggesting discretion but not necessarily secrecy, or perhaps restrained agreement with something just heard. The twin dashes for this letter in Morse code should be a reminder to editors to pay close attention to hyphens, en and em dashes, and the use of spaces. ANZSI Newsletter | 11 ANZSI and Branch events Date and time Organiser Name of activity Venue Contact details Sun 22 Sept 11.00 am NZ Branch AGM 30 Fourth Avenue, Kingsland, Auckland Note revised venue Tues 24 Sept 6.00 pm Qld Branch General meeting Wooloongabba, Brisbane TBA – see website QLD Branch Wed 2 Oct 7.00 pm ANZSI ANZSI Council AGM & Dinner Elsternwick Club Details at <> Wed 2 Oct Vic Branch Vic Branch AGM follows ANZSI Elsternwick Club Tues 22 Oct 6.15 for 6.30 pm ACT Region AGM and dinner The Brassey, Barton 4 Nov to 2 Dec Intermediate/ NSW Branch practical indexing course online – ANZSI Newsletter ON OTHER PAGES ANZSI News ANZSI Newsletter ANZSI AGM agenda ANZSI Officers and Council 2013–14 The VIC in July Is Indexers Available worth paying for? News from Queensland WA Group dinner The power of indexing Zakuski Interim Victorian Branch President Quiet achiever – Prue Deacon Quiet achiever – Alan Eddy Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers Inc. PO Box 2059, Wattletree Road LPO, Malvern East VIC 3145, Australia Details at <> Contact <[email protected]> Details at <> 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 6 6 7 7 8 10 Published by the Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers Inc. PO Box 2059, Wattletree Road LPO, Malvern East, VIC 3145, Australia © Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers Inc. ISSN 1832-3855 Opinions and statements expressed in the Newsletter are those of the respective authors. Newsletter schedule The next Newsletter will appear in October 2013. The contribution deadline is Friday, 27 September. Please send contributions by email to the Editor Peter Judge <[email protected]>. Newsletter of the Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers Inc. Volume 9 | number 9 | October 2013 ANZSI News Annual report t the Council AGM on 2 October the ANZSI Annual report will be presented. The complete report will be available at <>. Sections of the report will be published in the Newsletter, starting with the work of Council and excerpts from the Membership report. A Over and out This is my final ANZSI News column. Officially at the AGMs on the 2 October I step down as ANZSI President and from the Victorian Branch Committee. I am taking a break from all ANZSI committees. Note that is ‘committees’ not indexing. As I sign off I wish you all good health and lots of enjoyment indexing. I conclude with the final words from The Sound Of Music – So Long, Farewell (the Children) Lyrics I’m glad to go, I cannot tell a lie I flit, I float, I fleetly flee, I fly The sun has gone to bed and so must I So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, goodbye Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye Goodbye Mary Russell ANZSI Annual Report 2012–13 President’s Introduc�on T he Council has pleasure in presenting its Annual Report for 2012–13. The report will be presented at the Annual General Meeting in Elsternwick on 2 October 2013. The report is compiled from contributions from all Council members and officials to represent all the work done by ANZSI. 2012–13 This financial year has been significant not only for ANZSI but for indexing in general with the work of the IDPF Indexes Working Group. Here are a few highlights • The first ANZSI Conference to be held in New Zealand was held in Wellington in March. It was a success and, with content of interest to publishers, provided a wonderful opportunity to promote indexing in New Zealand. • A comprehensive survey of members provided useful information about members, such as the type of indexing done and what other work they are doing. Back-of-book indexing is the main type of indexing done but, of the respondents indexing books; over half are only doing between one and five indexes a year. Indexing is typically only one way respondents earn an income with most doing other work, such as editing or proof reading. Income earned from indexing is typically less than 25% of total income and for three quarters of respondent it is either nothing or less the $15,000. • Training courses have been held around the Society. Introduction courses were run in Adelaide, Melbourne and Sydney. Intermediate or practical courses were run in a couple of different forms by New South Wales and Queensland Branch, (continued on next page) (ANZSI Annual Report, continued from previous page) • Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers Inc. • ANZSI Newsletter • Editor: Peter Judge <[email protected]> • ISSN 1832-3855 About the newsletter The newsletter is published monthly 11 times a year, with combined issues for January and February. Opinions expressed in the newsletter are those of the individual contributors, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the society. For details about contributions and editorial matters, refer to the ANZSI website at <>. Advertising rates Full page: $200.00 Half page $100.00 Quarter page: $50.00. These are all per issue – the former annual rate has been discontinued. ANZSI contact information ANZSI’s general email address is: <[email protected]>. Further contact details in PDF format are available on the ANZSI website at <>. as well as a Council run peer review on journal indexing. Specialist courses were also run on embedded indexing, indexing annual reports and InDesign indexing. To be able to formally recognise the contributions to ANZSI by nonmembers we established an Outstanding Contribution Award. The first recipient was Sylvia Ramsden. Our work on the International Digital Publishing Forum, EPUB Indexers Working Group continued through the work of the ANZSI Representative, Glenda Browne. ANZSI highlighted some of the issues relating to indexes in ebooks by sending a response to the ‘ALIA Ebook and elending issues paper’ and attending an ALIA event. Council runs a very tight budget. Its main source of funds is membership dues. It has no funds in reserve to fund any additional projects and is heavily reliant on the good will of Branches to pick up the cost of specific projects. Council continues to examine various options to develop a more sustainable financial situation. Since there was a strong message to Council not to increase fees, they unanimously decided to introduce a small fee to members to advertise in Indexers Available. In June we registered for GST. 2013–14 At this AGM the Victorian based Council is stepping down in at the AGM in October and handing over to a new Council team. We wish them well for the future. Thank you Extra big thank you to all the Victorian based members of Council who have worked tirelessly to ensure the smooth running of Council since taking over in January 2007 from the NSW based Council. Thank you to all Council members, officers and committee members, branch officers and committee members, state and territory representatives, members and non-members who volunteer their time to the Society and without whom the Society could not function. ANZSI Council Report 2012–13 Council membership Mary Russell President Alan Eddy Vice President Michael Ramsden Secretary Margaret Findlay Treasurer (to September 2012) Max McMaster Treasurer (from September 2012) Glenda Browne (from May 2013) Dominique (Nikki) Davis (from November 2012) Karen Gillen Max McMaster (to September 2012) Shirley Campbell President, ACT Region Branch Frances Paterson President, NSW Branch Julie Daymond-King President, New Zealand Branch Moira Brown President, Queensland Branch Dominique (Nikki) Davis President, Victorian Branch (until October 2012) Iris Bergmann President, Victorian Branch (from November 2012) (continued on next page) 2 | ANZSI Newsletter (ANZSI Council Report, continued from previous page) Officers of the Society Education Coordinator Editor of the Newsletter Membership Officer Web Manager Max McMaster (from December 2012) Peter Judge Karen Gillen Mary Russell State and Territory Representatives Northern Territory Frieda Evans North Queensland Jean Dartnall South Australia Jane Oliver Tasmania Christopher Brennan Western Australia Linda McNamara Chairs of Boards and Committees Awards Alan Walker (to December 2012) Garry Cousins (from December 2012) Board of Assessors Sherrey Quinn Conference Committee (2013) Tordis Flath Conference Committee (2015) Tracy Harwood (from March 2013) Promotions and Publicity Max McMaster (to December 2012) Dominique (Nikki) Davis (from December 2012) Margaret Findlay It was with sadness that the Society learned of the death, on 8 September 2012, of Margaret Findlay. Members of the Council and the Committee of the Victorian Branch attended Margaret’s funeral service in the Uniting Church in Hawthorn on 13 September. An obituary appeared in the Newsletter (Vol. 8, no. 9, October 2012). During her professional career Margaret managed the Cunningham Library at ACER in Camberwell. She was a member of AusSI (as it was then) in the early days and was employed as a consultant/organiser for the Society’s first conference In Marysville in 1995. Margaret then rejoined the Society in 1996 and continued as a member until her death. Following the success of the Marysville Conference she was heavily involved in organising the Hobart Conference in 1997 and all subsequent conferences held in Victoria. She was successively Treasurer of the Victorian Branch and then, from 2007–12 of ANZSI. She was a model committee member and contributed greatly to the Society. Margaret will be sadly missed. In memory of Margaret a donation of $200 was made to the Australian Cancer Research Fund Meetings Council met nine times during the year. As in the two immediately previous years a full meeting of the Council, including the ex officio members, was held at the Great Western Airport Motel and Conference Centre in Atwood, close to Melbourne Airport. Because of the conference in Wellington in March the meeting this year was held in May. Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012 (Vic) This Act supersedes the Associations Incorporation Act 1981 (Vic) under which the society was incorporated in October 2010. The Act came into force on 26th November 2012 and organisations using their own rules were allowed a twelve month period of grace to bring their rules into line with the new Model Rules. Council undertook a review of the Constitution and a revised Constitution was approved and will be put to the members at the Annual General Meeting on October 2013. Survey of Members The quinquennial survey of members was carried out, returns being due by June 2012. The results were analysed and presented to Council in September 2012 and were referred to branches for comment. A majority of members expressed a preference for the terms “Accreditation” and “Accredited Indexer” rather than “Registration” and “Registered Indexer”. and Council approved the use of the new terminology at its meeting in July 2012. Another interesting finding was that 76% of members earn less than $15,000 p.a from indexing and 55% less than $5,000. A summary of the results was printed in the Newsletter in (Vol. 8 No. 9, October 2012) and the full results are on the website with the Council papers for September 2012 ( ). (continued on next page) ANZSI Newsletter | 3 (ANZSI Council Report, continued from previous page) Renewal of Accreditation Consideration of this item occupied some six months. Council realised in December that there was an anomaly in the Constitution in that the policy of a five yearly renewal of accreditation ran counter to the provision that “The inclusion of a member’s name in the Register will entitle a member to be known as a Registered Indexer of the Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers so long as he or she remains a financial member of the Society.” On the recommendation of the ACT Region branch a motion to correct this anomaly had been put to the annual general meeting in 2007 but it was defeated. A similar motion in 2008 was also defeated. Renewal of Accreditation was scheduled to take place in 2012, five years after the first renewal exercise. At its meeting in December 2012 Council agreed that the Society needed to decide whether or not it wished to continue with the policy and that, if so, the anomaly needed to be resolved. Accordingly the scheduled renewal exercise did not take place. Two simple alternatives for criteria and procedures were suggested by the Chair of the Board of Assessors but were not accepted by the Council. Following consultation with the Board of Assessors the issue was referred to the meeting of the full Council in May. At that meeting the Council decided to discontinue the policy. Following this decision it was ascertained that, as a result of the first round of renewals in 2007, eleven members had not been granted renewal. Of these six did not wish to seek renewal, four had not responded, and one application for renewal was unsuccessful. Of the eleven two have since died and seven others are no longer members. The two remaining members were re-instated as accredited indexers as required by the Constitution. Education Coordinator Council created the position of Education Coordinator and appointed Max McMaster to the position. A position description was approved at the full meeting of the Council in May 2013. Draft Curriculum A draft curriculum for the Society’s basic course in indexing was prepared by Glenda Browne for the former Education Committee. The document was approved in principle in 2011–12. Following consultation with the branches it was formally approved by the Council meeting in May 2013 and has been posted on the website. ( UserFiles/file/Curriculum%20May%202013.pdf ). The draft curriculum is designed to set out the content of a course, or suite of courses, covering basic indexing principles and practical indexing Council Training Adelaide courses Council ran two separate courses back-to-back in Adelaide over three days, August, 6-8, 2012. Basic Book Indexing Parts 1 and 2 were conducted by Max McMaster (6-7 August), and a Web Indexing and Metadata course was conducted by Glenda Browne (8 August). The courses were organised by Jane Oliver (South Australian Group representative) and Janet Wilkinson-Smith. We are grateful to both organisers for their assistance in initiating and managing the courses. Twelve participants attended each day, which was the maximum the venue (DOME) could hold. Feedback following the courses indicated that all participants had gained enormously from the experience. Profit from the courses was $4,760, which was a very successful outcome for Council. AusSI/ANZSI Newsletter Peer Review The indexing of 37 years of the AusSI/ANZSI Newsletter involved 32 participants. Although the majority of the volunteers were from within the Society’s ranks, assistance was provided by some knowledgeable Australian nonSociety members, as well as some overseas indexers. Eight of the volunteers requested their indexing be peer reviewed to ensure their journal indexing skills were up to the mark, and this was capably done by Mary Russell. IDPF Indexes Working Group Glenda Browne agreed to continue in her role on this Group. A statement on the work of the group appears elsewhere in this report. Council is grateful to the ACT Region Branch for covering the cost of the honorarium. Librarians, as purchasers and lenders of books, are an important group in the ebook community. ANZSI Council sent a response to the ‘ALIA Ebooks and elending issues paper’, describing the work of IDPF and the IWG, and two ANZSI NSW members attended the associated meeting, and raised the question of ebook indexes. Review of ANZSI policies Council undertook a review of ANZSI policies. The following policies were reviewed and, following consultation with the branches, revisions were approved and have been posted on the website: Branding, Life Membership, Payments to Members, Proxy Voting and Recommended Rate for Indexing. (continued on next page) 4 | ANZSI Newsletter (ANZSI Council Report, continued from previous page) Membership and Subscriptions Subscriptions Council decided to hold the subscription at AUD80 plus GST for Australian members (an increase of 10% owing to the introduction of GST) and NZD80 for New Zealand members. It was also agreed that New Zealand members should have the option to pay their subscriptions into the New Zealand Branch’s bank account with the New Zealand branch Treasurer transferring the resulting income to the Council’s account in bulk, thus minimising bank transfer fees. Over the past year the Society continued the trial of two subscription options: (a) Calendar-year Subscription (1 January to 31 December); and (b) Financial-year Subscription (1 July to 30 June). After consideration in early 2013, it was resolved to discontinue dual membership renewal periods in favour of a single renewal date of 1st July, and that the Constitution be amended accordingly. It was later resolved that members due for renewal in January 2014 pay a pro rata subscription to bring them into line with those whose membership runs for the financial year. The amendment to the Constitution will be put to the members at the AGM in October 2013. Membership For some time, the Society has offered a ‘Student’ category of membership. In recent years, however, the number of members selecting this option has varied between one and two. In view of the small number and the relatively small concession it was resolved to discontinue this category of membership and to amend the Constitution accordingly. This amendment will be put to the members at the AGM in October 2013.. Substitute members at Council meetings The President of the New South Wales Branch was unable to attend the meeting of full Council in May and sought to nominate her Vice-President as a proxy. This, however, is not at present permitted by the Constitution, which makes no provision for proxies at council meetings. At the suggestion of the Secretary of the NSW branch a solution was found whereby the NSW Vice President was elected by the Council to fill one of the vacancies for councillors-at-large’. The revised Constitution, to be put to the AGM in October 2013, includes a provision for presidents of branches, if unable to attend, to nominate a proxy. Registration for GST In April 2011 Council considered a paper canvassing the option of registering for GST. The paper was referred to branches. Comments in support of the proposal were received from the ACT Region Branch and the New Zealand Branch and at its meeting in June 2011 Council formally resolved to take the steps necessary to register for GST. However, owing to the illness of the Treasurer the process of registration was not completed. Council took up this matter again in preparing the budget for 2013–14 and applied for registration. The process proved to be more complicated than anticipated as it was discovered that, when the Society changed its name to the current form in 2004 the change of name was not registered with the Australian Taxation Office as required under the rules for ABNs. Before the Society could register for GST it was first necessary to resolve this matter. An application is currently before the ATO to register for GST with effect from Monday 17 June 2013. Indexers Available The full Council meeting in May decided to charge a fee for an entry in Indexers Available of AUD38.50 (incl. GST) for members resident in Australia and NZD35 for members resident in New Zealand. This decision was taken in the context of a situation in which ANZSI faced a probable deficit in 2013–14. The alternative was to increase the subscription to AUD110 (incl. GST) for members resident in Australia and NZD100 for members resident in New Zealand. A brief explanation of the budget decision, and of this decision, appeared in the June issue of the Newsletter. A longer explanation appeared in the September 2013 issue. Prior to the introduction of the fee, members elected whether to include their details on Indexers Available, and it was their responsibility to manage their entries (i.e. to include accurate and up-to-date information about their qualifications, expertise and experience). While many members elected to include their details on Indexers Available, some have neglected to update their details on a regular basis. There have also been a number of other concerns related to the list, such as: members being included although they were no longer actually available to take on any indexing work; members indicating they had expertise in numerous areas but failing to provide any details of their qualifications, or publications indexed, to support their claims; and members listing their contact details but not including any qualifications and/or indicating any areas of expertise. As a result, much of the information available to potential clients has been inaccurate or at best uneven. It is hoped that, with the introduction of a fee for advertising in the forthcoming financial year, members will be encouraged to keep their entries accurate and up-to-date. Indexers Available will then be a far more useful product for both clients and indexers. (continued on next page) ANZSI Newsletter | 5 (ANZSI Council Report, continued from previous page) Risk Assessment The Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012 (Vic) requires incorporated associations to indemnify office holders against “any liability incurred in good faith by the office holder in the course of performing his or her duties as an office holder”. The term “office holder” is defined to include all members of the governing committee. The limit of indemnity is $20,000. The choice for the Society is to carry this risk itself or to insure against it. The Secretary and Treasurer carried out a review of the Society’s insurance needs and presented a paper to the full meeting of the Council in May. Council decided that, in general, the Society’s existing policy is adequate for the our needs. On the question of the indemnity Council decided that the cost of insuring was out of all proportion to the risk. Communication within ANZSI Glenda Browne presented a paper which was considered at the full meeting of the Council in May. Arising from the paper Council resolved to ask the NSW Branch to investigate the feasibility of the use of communications technology for meetings of the Council. Outstanding Contribution Award At the Annual General Meeting in October 2012 an Outstanding Contribution Award was presented to Sylvia Ramsden. The award was reported in the Newsletter for November 2012. At the full meeting of the Council in May a recommendation for a further award was approved. The award will be presented on a suitable occasion. Archives At its meeting in June 2013 Council considered the need to formulate an archives policy. As an initial step it was agreed to conduct an audit of the Society’s archives as part of the process of handing over to a new Council. Council 2013–14 At the full Council meeting in May members were informed that neither the current Executive, nor the two elected members of Council, would seek re-election when nominations were called for the election of officers and council members for 2013–14. Membership Report This is a selection of the major elements of the Membership Report section of the Annual Report. Table numbers are as they appeared in the Annual Report. Subscription periods The Society continued the trial of two subscription options: (a) Calendar-year Subscription (1 January to 31 December); and (b) Financial-year Subscription (1 July to 30 June) though this is likely to change. Total Membership at 30 June 2013 (AR Table 1) At 30 June 2013 ANZSI had a total of 198 members, of whom 29 are currently subscribing to a calendar-year membership subscription. Membership Figures at 30 June 2012 and 30 June 2013 (AR Table 2) The table below compares the total membership figures at 30 June 2012 with those at 30 June 2013. Gains and losses were calculated on the basis of the difference in overall total of branch memberships at the end of each financial year. It was gratifying to see membership numbers stabilising after the trend of diminishing subscriptions in the previous two financial years (losses of 21.3% in 2010–11 and 15% in 2011–12). Whereas losses were distributed evenly across the branches in 2011–12, this financial year NSW was the only branch to register a reduction in overall membership with a loss of close to 25%. Victorian membership was static with losses balanced out by gains in membership. The loss of NSW members was balanced by gains in the ACT Region, New Zealand and Queensland branches, with the greatest increase in membership being in the New Zealand Branch. (continued on next page) 6 | ANZSI Newsletter (ANZSI Membership Report, continued from previous page) Branch ACT and Region New South Wales New Zealand Queensland Victoria No branch affiliation Total membership Members at 30 June 2012 32 41 25 29 64 6 197 Members at 30 June 2013 35 31 30 30 64 8 198 Overall Gains 3 0 5 1 0 2 11 Overall Losses 0 10 0 0 0 0 10 Table 2. Membership figures at 30 June 2012 compared to 30 June 2013 Accredited Indexers (AR Table 4) The Table 4 below shows the number of accredited indexers by branch, in whole numbers and as a percentage of Life + Personal members. Branch ACT Region NSW NZ QLD VIC No Branch TOTALS Personal+Student+Life Members 33 31 29 30 62 8 193 Percentage Accredited Indexers Accredited Indexers 21 42 10 7 24 0 21 7 13 3 2 15 0 40 Table 4. Accredited Members at 30 June 2013 Indexers Available (AR Table 5) From 1 July 2013, a fee will be introduced for advertising in Indexers Available, and the Membership Secretary has been allocated the role of maintaining a register of subscribers. The statistics for those listed in Indexers Available at 30 June 2013 are presented in Table 5 which follows. Corporate members are not included as they do not advertise freelance indexing services. Branch ACT Region NSW NZ QLD VIC None TOTALS Personal+Student+Life Members Members Listed on Indexers Available 33 31 29 30 62 8 193 15 22 15 11 31 5 99 Percentage Personal+Student+Life Members Listed in Indexers Available 45 71 52 37 50 63 51 Table 5. Members listed on Indexers Available at 30 June 2013 ANZSI Newsletter | 7 Etcetera Eat Your Books at Your Books (EYB) is a great concept — an online index to your own cookbooks. It is an ‘e-book’ way to search all the recipes in your personal ‘p-book’ cookbook collection, quickly, elegantly, and easily. To use EYB, you sign up at their website <>. You can choose from a free membership which allows a maximum of five cookbooks from your collection — or choose a monthly (US$2.50) or annual (US$25.00) membership, to be able to add unlimited numbers of recipe sources. A lifetime membership is only US$50. You then create your own Bookshelf, selecting the cookbooks and cooking magazines you own. You can search on title, author, or ISBN. They have a massive collection, including many Australian titles such as Food Safari by Maeve O’Meara and Stephanie Alexander’s Cook’s Companion. They list over 400 cookbooks in the Australian Women’s Weekly series, but many of these have not been indexed (yet, maybe ANZSI members can improve on this!). Then you can search for any recipe name, ingredient, recipe type, ethnicity, cooking method … whatever you like! The search engine displays a list of all matching recipes from the books and magazines in your own collection. They can be displayed in a list, or in a beautiful ‘Pinterest’ style with photos of recipes where available. The EYB website does not present you with the actual recipe — you then need to go to the cookbooks or other recipe sources to get the recipe. But it helps searching for ‘That great curry we made last winter, which cookbook was it in again?’ Or if you want to find every recipe that contains poppy seeds in your cookbooks — it takes three seconds, and two of those are for typing in ‘poppy seeds’. Search results also provide category information and a full list of main ingredients (quantities and ‘pantry’ staples like salt and oil are not included); you can use this to create shopping lists within EYB. You can also use EYB to catalogue and organise your cookbook collection, and add personal recipes, like Nanna Jean’s Pumpkin Scone recipe, and individual recipes from a selection of food blogs and websites. You can use electronic bookmarks to ‘mark’ recipes, add tags to your favourite recipes, create menus for special events, and so on. The EYB mobile website works well on mobile phones (so you need to use a web browser on your phone to access the site — they don’t currently have an app), so you can search your cookbooks while you’re at the grocery store, choose a dish, and get an ingredients list on the fly! E 8 | ANZSI Newsletter The team of women who run EYB are not professional indexers; they include enthusiastic home cooks, a professional chef, a few editors and food writers, and information technology specialist Deborah Sauvé, who has ‘supervising indexers’ listed under her work experience. To date EYB have indexed over 800,000 recipes from over 4,500 popular cookbooks, magazines, food blogs, and websites. But there are thousands of cookbooks listed on their database which are waiting to be indexed. Paid-up members can index their own cookbooks (one at a time), adding them to the EYB database for all to use. You can ‘Request to Index’ and they will send you highly detailed indexing information on how to enter the cookbook within their system. The indexing/ categorisation is carried out using the EYB web interface. There are shortcut codes (ct=canned tomatoes, ps = parsley, and oo=olive oil, for example), standard lists of recipe categories, and a fair list of strict rules to make entering data quicker and consistent. The work is more database entry and categorisation, than ‘indexing from scratch’, but still interesting. We recommend checking out their Support page for more in-depth information, especially if you’re interested in indexing your own cookbooks in their system. There is also the possibility of approaching the EYB team directly, as a professional indexer, and being added to their list of indexers. This means you would be paid for indexing books in their system; but the rate of pay is very low, one ANZSI member was paid about 5¢ per database entry, which came to about $30 for a cookbook. But it would certainly offset your annual EYB membership fee. EYB can also be found online here: Facebook: <> Pintrest: <> Twitter <@EatYourBooks> Revenge by Index In July this year, American satirist Matt Seidel wrote this fabulously ridiculous piece, Détente by Index. This article discusses the fictional ‘legendary indexer’ Earl Sprague’s memoir, Invitation to a Subheading, and how it has been indexed, after Sprague’s demise, by his arch-rival Thor Henderson. The index is printed in full, and makes truly hilarious reading. The whole bitter story of Sprague and Henderson’s rivalry is revealed within the index entries. A small segment to whet your appetite: Amateurs: perils of hiring, 6; inability to distinguish his work from, 37-9 Art: indexing as, 92; of self-promotion, 1–250 (continued on next page) (Etcetera, continued from previous page) Hendarson: see Henderson Henderson: my surname, 8; passive-aggressive misspelling of, 17 Librarians: torrid affairs with, 17, 64, 108 Wife: see Adultery, Rival, Ennui, Thor, Children, and Disaster I contacted Matt to tell him how much professional indexers were loving this piece, and how spot on he was with (breaking!) many of the conventions. He wrote back that ‘having clumsily tried my hand at constructing a real index years ago, I can definitely say that it’s an art.’ It is published on The Millions website. The URL is rather unwieldy, so just search on ‘Détente by Index’ and you will find it. Denise Sutherland and Jane Douglas News from Queensland L Judy’s interest in writing has found application here, ast month Queensland Branch members and industry colleagues enjoyed an informative and entertaining initially in writing and researching the memoir of the presentation from Judy Frederiksen: editor, writer, proofreader late Bill Wallace when a friend of Bill’s had sought her and Honorary Liaison Officer between the Society of Editors help. Judy’s first ‘memoir’ project sparked an intriguing discussion among the audience, because Bill had inhabited (Qld) and the Queensland Writers Centre. Judy had a long and very successful earlier career in an island in North Queensland long before it became the banking, both in Australia and internationally, reaching tourist mecca that it is today. Another lively discussion arose Branch Manager. Her talk focused on how she moved on publishing contracts, and in particular on one dubious contract that Judy has been into editing. She gave a lively offered for this memoir. description of her previous Judy’s motto would have career and the many skills she to be ‘have a go’. As someone developed, and how these have starting out in a new field, she stood her in good stead as has accepted that there will be she moved to her new career. a certain amount of pro bono It was particularly interesting work. But this has gained her to hear of her willingness to references for her CV, helping have a go and say yes to the her build her portfolio and opportunities that came her leading to further work. way. Judy is clearly making a success, having worked on a Judy presented a virtual wide range of projects in the At the meeting were: (front row) Guest Speaker Judy Frederiksen, master class in how to make last four years. David Crosswell; (back row) Brian Clarke, Graham Potts, a career change, use contacts and networking and be willing Part of her strategy for the David Muller, Jeni Lewington. Photo Moira Brown. to seize every opportunity that move was completing a Post Graduate Certificate in Editing and Publishing at the comes your way. It was inspiring to hear how much University of Southern Queensland, which led to many industry experience and what a reputation for hard work useful connections with publishers and other colleagues. We you can gain if you are willing to put yourself out there and heard of the importance of networking, through contacts in have a go when starting a new venture. Rotary and writers’ groups for example, and of being in the David Muller (Editor, Musician) right place at the right time. But most impressive was her And see page 12 for upcoming Branch events in October energy and enthusiasm for creating her own opportunities. and November... China Society of Indexers conference If you have been thinking of going to the China Society of Indexers conference in Shanghai, 2–4 November, and you would like to be the ANZSI representative, please contact the incoming ANZSI Secretary, Mei Yen Chua <[email protected]>. Details are at <> (the page is in Chinese – use a site such as <> to translate it). Glenda Browne ANZSI Newsletter | 9 Tips and hints – using your unique Indexers Available link I f you are listed in Indexers Available you have a unique link for your name. For example, mine is <www.anzsi. org/site/indexers_available.asp?indexer=196>. Find your unique link by searching Indexers Available and clicking to view full details. Why not use this to promote your skills and experience? One way to do this is to include the link as a signature to your email. Most email packages allow you to create a Signature for your emails. Here is how to do it in a couple of packages. Creating a signature in Microsoft Outlook: 1. Open a new email 2. Click on the Signature button on the top line and select Signature 3. In the E-mail Signature tab click new. 4. Type a name for this new signature. 5. Type the contact details you want. 6. Add the text you want to cover the link to Indexers Available. For example you might type ‘Link to my indexing specialities and experience’. 7. Highlight the text. 8. Click on the Insert Hyperlink button (looks like blue dot with chain under it). 9. The text you typed should appear on the top line. 10. In the Address field near the bottom paste your unique Indexers Available link. 11. Click Save at bottom of small box (not OK at bottom right). News from New Zealand T he NZ Branch AGM passed off in useful style with lunch in Auckland on Sunday 22 September for six people and apologies from more than twice that. Most reports had been circulated in advance, so we were able to approve these, including amendments to our constitution, and revised position descriptions quite readily. The new committee for 2013–14 was elected:Julie Daymond-King (President), Jill Gallop (Treasurer), Rae Foster (Secretary), Tordis Flath (Vice-President), Susan Brookes (Mentoring Coordinator), Geoff Kelly (Training/ Events Coordinator – Wellington), Judy Graham (Librarian), Nelly Bess, Robin Briggs and Daphne Lawless. In addition, Lai Lam will be coordinating an Auckland region social group, meeting probably every second month to show-and-tell, chat, explore any interesting issues etc. Our first event is likely to be in late November in Helensville (a once-a-year venue, being 50k from Auckland central, but still officially part of the supercity.) We wish the new Council a productive and harmonious term of office. Julie Daymond-King, NZ Branch President 10 | ANZSI Newsletter Creating a signature in Gmail: 1. Sign into Gmail. 2. Click on the gear icon on the top right-hand side of the screen. 3. When the drop down menu appears, click on ‘Settings’. 4. Scroll down to find the ‘Signature’ setting. Paste your unique Indexers Available link into the Signature field along with any other contact information you wish to provide. 5. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on ‘Save changes’. Creating a signature in Mail, on a Mac: 1. Open Mail (in this case Version 5.3 Apple Inc.) 2. Select Mail Preferences and click the Signatures button. 3. Enter what you want in panel in box Next time you send a professional email you can add your new signature to your email. Mary Russell (with thanks to Gmail and Mail) Letter to the Editor In accordance with the preferences of some Council members, I have made several posts on the Discussion page of the ANZSI website, rather than sending them to the Newsletter. They cover the Indexers Available charge, communications within ANZSI, meeting procedures and minutes, and the circumstances surrounding the resignation of Iris Bergman. I am very concerned that the Council appears to have placed the Society and the Council members in an invidious position with respect to Consumer Affairs Victoria, and have perhaps laid ANZSI and themselves open to legal challenges. I also believe that the Council is not legally entitled to charge for members for a presence on Indexers Available. I invite all members to read these posts and reflect on them prior to the AGM next month. Don Jordan, Antipodes Indexing Members should note that the ANZSI Constitution was approved by Consumer Affairs Victoria at incorporation in 2010, and Section J (Finance) covers Don’s concerns by giving the Council power to levy the charge in question. Clause J8 reads: “The funds of the Society shall be derived from subscription fees, fees for attendance at training courses, sale of publications, fees for attendance at conferences, and such other sources as the Council may from time to time determine.” (my italics) Mary Russell ACT Region Branch AGM and 21st Anniversary Tuesday 22 October, Brassey Hotel, Barton E AGM at 6.30 pm, followed by dinner at 7.15pm njoy a convivial evening, with the new President of ANZSI presenting special awards. The menu offers two main courses, two desserts, and tea or coffee for $52.50 per person. Drinks are your own responsibility. Bring along your friends and partners – a great venue and great company! RSVP to Shirley Campbell by Tuesday 15 October, tel: 6285 1006 or at <[email protected]> if you will be attending, advising any special dietary requirements. Payment may be made by: • cheque or money order to ANZSI – ACT Region Branch, GPO Box 2069, Canberra ACT 2001, or • direct deposit to the CBA, BSB 062 907, ANZSI ACT Region account, Account number 10029711. If paying by direct deposit please quote your name in your payment. ANZSI ACT Region Branch is not registered for GST, and therefore does not issue tax invoices. Write, Edit, Index: a na�onal conference for editors, indexers, and publishing professionals ... … is the title of the 2015 conference to be held in Canberra, 6–9 May 2015, jointly hosted by the ACT Region Branch of ANZSI and the Canberra Society of Editors on behalf of ANZSI and the Institute of Professional Editors (IPEd). An organising committee, with a mix of editors and indexers, has been set up and is gently advancing plans. Rydges Lakeside has been selected to host our conference, and a deposit paid to confirm our booking. The four-star hotel has recently been refurbished and is looking pretty flash. With the trendy New Acton precinct continuing to grow, we think Rydges Lakeside will be an excellent venue. The committee has contacted two keynote speakers, who have both expressed interest, but have yet to be confirmed. We are going to set up a website using WordPress, and have a placeholder <> – graphic design and content to come! And now the conference committee is beginning to think about the most important element – the conference program. In these early stages, all ideas or suggestions for speakers or subjects are very welcome, so please send them our way: <[email protected]>. (And if you have any brilliant ideas to attract sponsorship, let us know about them too.) Tracy Harwood, Conference Convenor ANZSI Newsletter | 11 ANZSI and Branch events Date and time Organiser Name of activity Venue Contact details Tues 22 Oct 6.15 for 6.30 pm ACT Region AGM and dinner The Brassey, Barton Details at <> Tues 29 Oct 6.00 pm Qld Branch Susan Prior – award Wooloongabba, Brisbane winning editor Wed 6 Nov 6.00 pm Vic Branch 4 Nov to 2 Dec Sat 30 Nov 12.00 pm Details at <> The VIC: Old Op Shop, Holy Trinity Details at Newsletter indexing Anglican Church, Kew <> Contact <[email protected]> Intermediate/ NSW Branch practical indexing – Details at course online <> The Norman Hotel, Details at Qld Branch Xmas party lunch Wooloongabba, Brisbane <> ON OTHER PAGES ANZSI News 1 ANZSI Annual Report 2012–13, President’s Introduction 1 ANZSI Newsletter 2 ANZSI Annual Report 2012–13, Council Report 2 ANZSI Annual Report 2012–13, Membership Report 5 Etcetera 8 News from Queensland 9 China Society of Indexers conference 9 Tips and Hints – using your Indexers Available link 10 News from New Zealand 10 Letter to the Editor 10 ACT Region Branch AGM and 21st Anniversary dinner 11 Write, Edit, Index: the 2015 conference 11 Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers Inc. PO Box 2059, Wattletree Road LPO, Malvern East VIC 3145, Australia ANZSI Newsletter Published by the Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers Inc. PO Box 2059, Wattletree Road LPO, Malvern East, VIC 3145, Australia © Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers Inc. ISSN 1832-3855 Opinions and statements expressed in the Newsletter are those of the respective authors. Newsletter schedule The next Newsletter will appear in November 2013. The contribution deadline is Friday, 1November. Please send contributions by email to the Editor Peter Judge <[email protected]>. Newsletter of the Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers Inc. Volume 9 | number 10 | November 2013 President’s Report The new ANZSI Council will have met by now, but I wrote this before the first meeting. It covers my general aims for the coming year. These will be revised and expanded as we get together (electronically) to discuss the future. Outgoing Council Firstly, thank you to members of the outgoing Council for their hard work and careful thought over the years. In particular, thank you for the advice and thorough handover you have given me and other incoming executive members. As well as leading ANZSI, Mary Russell has played a key role in the international indexing community, especially as coordinator of ICRIS. She has also been a member of the Publicity and Promotion Committee, and has been – and will continue to be – a terrific webmaster. The move to incorporated status followed by changes to the Act and model rules has involved a lot of work updating our Constitution and other documents. Michael Ramsden has done the lion’s share of this and we are grateful for his knowledge and care in seeing the changes through. In addition he has maintained ongoing correspondence and regular sharing of documents for Council meetings. Last year our long-term Treasurer Margaret Findlay died. I first met her as I entered the hotel for the Marysville Conference in 1995 and have valued her long involvement with ANZSI and indexing. After her death Max McMaster ably stepped into the Treasurer’s role. I find it hard enough to make sense of my own financial records, so getting your head around ANZSI finances is a real achievement. Many outgoing Council members have been involved in specific areas of development, and I am pleased that some are continuing in these roles, including Mary Russell as webmaster and Karen Gillen as Membership Secretary (for some time). Alan Eddy is compiling an inventory of ANZSI records which will provide a valuable basis for future organisation. I’ll write more on individual committees in the next issue as one of the first tasks for the new Council will be to confirm these. New Council The newly elected members of Council were announced on page 4 of the September 2013 ANZSI Newsletter. We have elected members from Tasmania (a Queensland Branch member), Victoria, ACT and NSW, and, of course, ex officio members from New Zealand, Queensland, NSW, ACT and Victoria. I am delighted with the balance. We have relative newcomers and old hands; we have closed system (book) indexers and open system (database) indexers; and we have some continuity from the previous Council (Nikki Davis, who is now the Victorian President, and myself, with my brief service as a committee member). Aims Running Council requires a careful balancing act, as there are many competing claims for our time and money from our varied membership. The listed aims of ANZSI, at <>, provide a good basis from which to work. My first priority is to get multi-location Council communication and meeting structure working well. There are technical and organisational challenges involved in this, but I am confident that with a bit of effort and experimentation we can do it. Mary Coe has taken on the role of ‘Electronic Options Explorer’ and has been communicating with teleconferencing companies and assisting us all to get connected. My second priority is ongoing services (accreditation, awards, etc.) and my third is ongoing major projects. These are Indexers Available (and its relationship with the ANZSI website, and social media); Open System Indexing/ Database Indexing accreditation; and the 2015 conference in the ACT. I have confidence that these ongoing services (continued on next page) Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers Inc. ANZSI Newsletter ISSN 1832-3855 Editor: Peter Judge <[email protected]> About the newsletter The newsletter is published monthly 11 times a year, with combined issues for January and February. Opinions expressed in the newsletter are those of the individual contributors, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the society. For details about contributions and editorial matters, refer to the ANZSI website at <>. Advertising rates Full page: $200.00 Half page $100.00 Quarter page: $50.00. These are all per issue – the former annual rate has been discontinued. ANZSI contact information ANZSI’s general email address is: <[email protected]>. Further contact details in PDF format are available on the ANZSI website at <>. (President’s Report, continued from previous page) and projects will be managed successfully by their respective organisers and committees, and I will support them as needed. The ongoing project that I expect to be directly involved with is ebook indexing: • The EPUB standard development continues, mostly now looking at technical details and working with the general EPUB upgrade. • It is crucial that we promote ebook indexing to allied professionals, including librarians, editors, publishers, authors and technical writers, as well as to committed readers. If you are ever going to be talking to these groups and would like information or slides to use, please contact me. • It will also be important to develop ebook indexing training. The challenges include the fact that expectations haven’t been defined, and at this early stage we don’t know what technologies publishers will be using. Some of us have had informal discussions about the development of training modules to cover the topics that are likely to be important for future indexers. These could be used to provide consistent training in Australia and New Zealand. Developing training from scratch is a huge task, and we will be looking for indexers (and perhaps other people) with specific skills as we develop these courses. My preference is for this to be a year of consolidation, rather than the time to start anything new. We have a lot of important projects on the boil, and if we make solid progress on all of these we will have had a productive year. Glenda Browne, President ANZSI Annual Report 2012–13: Branch reports ACT Region Branch Committee members President Shirley Campbell Secretary Vacant (shared by Committee members) Treasurer Sherrey Quinn Members Edyth Binkowski, Barry Howarth, Denise Sutherland, Geraldine Triffitt Committee meetings The dates of Committee meetings are set to precede Council meetings so that the Committee is able to discuss items on the agenda, with their accompanying papers, for the forthcoming Council meeting. Meetings were held on the following dates: 17 July 2012, 4 September 2012, 8 October 2012 13 November 2012, 4 February 2013, 26 March 2013, 1 May 2013, 11 June 2013. Branch events Bowral conference, 28 / 29 July 2012: Biennial NSW/ACT Regional Conference. The theme of the conference was ‘From pbooks to ebooks’: focussing on digital publishing. Publishers’ representatives were invited to outline their plans and developments in relation to digital publishing. There were 23 delegates (14 NSW Branch; 8 ACT; 1 Qld – resident in ACT). (continued on next page) 2 | ANZSI Newsletter (ACT Region Branch Report, continued from previous page) Annual General Meeting, 16 October 2012: The AGM and the dinner which followed were very successful. Thirteen attended the AGM and sixteen the dinner. The dinner is the annual social get-together for ACT Region Branch members and friends. Frances Lennie’s visit, 24 November 2012: Eleven participants (including two members of the Canberra Society of Editors) met to hear Frances speak on Indexing as Art: Impressionism vs. Precisionism. On 26 November 2012 Diana Witt, a visiting indexer from the USA, joined five members of the Committee for a most enjoyable morning tea. On 22 April 2013, following the biennial ANZSI Conference in NZ in March, a meeting was held at which members who attended the conference in Wellington could share information and opinions about the papers and proceedings with other members. Training No training was held in the ACT but members and others interested were encouraged to participate in training sessions offered by the NSW Branch. Future events ‘Working with Words’, an afternoon session to discover how Denise Sutherland writes crosswords, cryptics and other puzzles: 6 July 2013. A visit to the National Gallery of Australia’s Research Library: 2 August 2013. 2013 Annual General Meeting will be held on 22 October 2013 which is the actual 21st anniversary of the founding of the ACT Region Branch. A celebration of the Branch is planned at a dinner to follow the AGM. New South Wales Branch Committee members President Frances Paterson Vice-President Glenda Browne Secretary Mary Coe Treasurer Sue Flaxman Members Madeleine Davis, Lorraine Doyle, Helen Enright, Elisabeth Thomas, Michael Wyatt Commi�ee mee�ngs The Committee has continued to meet by teleconference every month and, since Thomson Reuters facilities became unavailable, we have met using Skype. Committee members have also experimented with other teleconferencing facilities to test presenting documentation during meetings. Teleconferencing has made our meetings accessible to all Committee members who are located in both metropolitan Sydney and regional New South Wales. Our Yahoo Discussion Groups email list has made circulating messages and information easier and more transparent; and the DropBox site for storing correspondence means that we can all access past papers and minutes of meetings. Branch activities 28/29 July 2012: Regional conference ‘From pbooks to ebooks’ was held in conjunction with ACT Branch at Craigieburn in Bowral in the Southern Highlands. For the first time, indexers collaborated with publishers to consider the future of ebooks and digital indexing. 23 August 2012: NSW Branch Annual General Meeting was held at Golden Cinnamon Restaurant with Alan Walker as Returning Officer. The 2011–2012 Committee was re-elected for the new term, with the welcome addition of a new Committee member, Michael Wyatt. September 2012: Some NSW members attended a lunchtime event on ebooks run by the Australian Law Librarians Association (ALLA). 17 November 2012: Holiday gathering. Guest speaker Frances Lennie gave an illuminating presentation on Index as Canvas: Impressionism vs. Precisionism at Thomson Reuters in Pyrmont, followed by lunch at the Pyrmont Point Hotel. Training 7/8 July 2012: Introductory Book Indexing training course was held by Glenda Browne at Thomson Reuters in Pyrmont, with nine participants. 11 September 2012: Introduction to Embedded Indexing course was conducted by Jon Jermey, Mary Coe and Glenda Browne at NSW Writers’ Centre, Rozelle. The content included LibreOfficeWriter, CINDEX in embedded projects, and embedded indexes in ebooks. 1–28 February 2013: Intermediate/Practical indexing course, led by Glenda Browne, continued a new form of indexing training which Glenda is exploring, whereby students work at home, indexing a short book over four weeks. The groups have access to a YahooGroups mailing list to interact. The workshop had six participants, including two from South Africa, and it concluded with an optional face-to-face meeting (which didn’t include the South Africans, alas!). Social networking ANZSI has a Facebook page with 72 ‘Likes’ including non-members and other indexing societies and is joined to Twitter. Both are managed by ANZSI NSW members. (continued on next page) ANZSI Newsletter | 3 (ANZSI Branch Reports, continued from previous page) New Zealand Branch The 2012–13 year was probably the most successful so far for the New Zealand Branch. Our membership rose to 30, the greatest so far. Committee members President Julie Daymond-King Vice President Tordis Flath Secretary Rae Foster Treasurer Jill Gallop Members Nelly Bess, Robin Briggs, Geoff Kelly, Pam Strike, Meredith Thatcher Branch activities Nine members attended the AGM held in Auckland in August 2012. It is now planned that the next will also be held there. Otherwise, the only event held was the 3-day biennial Society conference held in Wellington, in March. This of course was a major event, requiring much effort from a few members and the willing assistance of several more. We believe we did raise the profile of indexing amongst the publishers here, as well as provide a pleasant and interesting opportunity for all Society members to learn and network. We were very gratified by the response from the participants, as well as the welcome injection to our finances. A revised local directory of freelance indexers was produced and issued in the lead-up to this event. The Branch would like to praise and thank the members of the outgoing Council, whom we greatly respect and admire. Best wishes to you all, and many thanks for your support over the years for the officers of our Branch. Queensland Branch Executive Committee President Moira Brown Vice-President Vacant Secretary Beryl Macdonald Treasurer Franz Pinz Members Mei Yen Chua, Vicki Law, Deirdre Kesteven, Jean Dartnall and Jan Rees. Executive Committee Meetings Three meetings were held: 16 August 2012; 9 April 2013; 12 June 2013. Branch activities The Annual General Meeting was held on 24 July 2012. Nine General Meetings of the Branch were held: 24 July 2012 – Amanda Greenslade, Graphic Designer and Editor, was our AGM guest speaker. 28 & 29 August 2012 – Indexing guru Max McMaster held an ‘Indexing Q & A ‘ evening in Brisbane and Townsville. 4 | ANZSI Newsletter 23 October 2012 – Lisa Jones, Curator of the Queensland Police Museum was our guest speaker. 27 November 2012 – Christmas Dinner Party at the Salisbury Hotel in Brisbane with Queensland members, their spouses and other industry colleagues. 26 February 2013 – Mei Yen Chua met interested trainees to discuss Queensland Branch’s online indexing course. 26 March 2013 – Palaeontologist Dr Susan Turner. 23 April 2013 – Queensland Branch turned 5 years old this year. We celebrated with guest speaker and Queensland member Jane Douglas, giving us her impressions of the 2013 ANZSI Conference, in Wellington, NZ. 28 May 2013 – Elizabeth Riley, Librarian and long standing Branch member, on the American Society for Indexers Conference in San Antonio, Texas. 25 June 2013 – Branch members were invited to bring along their indexes to a ‘Show and Tell’ evening. Training Online indexing training is a pilot program using Queensland Indexer Mei Yen Chua as Mentor. It will be run from March to October 2013. The 13 trainees are using The Indexing Companion and its Workbook by Glenda Browne and Jon Jermey as texts, along with other unindexed books, which it is hoped will give indexing experience and confidence to new trainees.. Publications and marketing A Freelance Directory of Queensland Indexers and a small brochure will be used for marketing Branch members. Along with the ANZSI bookmarks created by the Victorian Branch, we hope that the Queensland brochure will raise community awareness of Indexing in the community Future events 27 August 2013 – Greg Parker, the Puzzle Wizard will be our guest speaker in Brisbane. 23 November (Saturday) – Christmas Party Lunch at the Norman Hotel, Wooloongabba, Brisbane. Victorian Branch Committee President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Member Iris Bergmann Terri Mackenzie Ray Price Nikki Davis Mary Russell Commi�ee mee�ngs Seven meetings were held: 3 July 2012, 14 August 2012, 24 September 2012, 12 November 2012, 29 January 2013, 27 March 2013, 20 May 2013. (continued on next page) (Victorian Branch Report, continued from previous page) Branch events July – The VIC – Show and Tell August – The VIC – Afternoon with Frances Lennie September – The VIC – Indexing needlework tools October – The VIC – Visit to the Australian Road Research Board Library November – The VIC – Indexing and geotechnical engineering December – The VIC – Festive season index February – The VIC – Indexing with gusto! March – The VIC – Multiple author indexes April – The VIC – Indexing software June – The VIC – Visual indexes Training October 2012 – Basic Book Indexing Part 1 October 2012 – Basic Book Indexing Part 2 February 2013 – Basic Book Indexing Part 1 February 2013 – Basic Book Indexing Part 2 February 2013 – Embedded Indexing in MS Word February 2013 – Annual Report Indexing Future events September 2013 – The VIC – The business of indexing November 2013 – The VIC – Indexing the ANZSI/AusSI Newsletter December 2013 – The VIC – Christmas crossword Vale The Victorian Branch notes with sadness the deaths of two longstanding members, Margaret Findlay (whose passing is noted in the Council section of this Report) and Elizabeth Ellem-Wood. ANZSI Annual Report: Conferences ANZSI 2013 Conference: Intrepid Indexing without Borders Conference Committee Chair Tordis Flath Members Elizabeth Fisher, Meredith Thatcher (until December 2012) Jill Gallop provided advice and assistance on financial matters, NZ Branch members assisted from time to time. The Conference attracted 71 attendees, most from Australia, and 13 workshop participants. The Conference theme was carried through by many of our speakers. Our keynote speaker, Jan Wright, gave an inspiring address entitled ‘Intrepid Indexing: from the sea to the stars’. An important part of this Conference was looking at indexing for languages and cultures other than for Englishspeaking communities. Sessions covered Māori names and terms, East Asian (CJK) indexing, understanding Asian names, indexing practice in Japan, archiving and indexing history in the Pacific Islands, and database indexing for indigenous collections in Australia. Panel discussions and roundtable discussions proved popular with ideas and comments freely flowing! Topics covered were Māori names and terms; typesetting dilemmas; Asian names; publishers, editors and indexers; indexing techniques and EPUB; running an indexing business; future electronic indexing; Pacific Islands archives and indexing history; indexing numbers; military history indexing, and reports from overseas societies about developments in Canada, USA, China and the UK. Ebook publishing and the EPUB3 Standard and Charter were also covered. The Conference also included workshops on advice on tips and traps for indexers wishing to become accredited, advanced SkyIndex, and intermediate CINDEX. Jan Wright held an ‘InDesign’ workshop on Tuesday morning, 12 March, attended by 13 people including 2 non-members. The ICRIS meeting was held at the conference venue on Tuesday afternoon. The cocktail function on Wednesday evening was well-attended and useful as a ‘mixer’ for attendees. There were many requests pre-conference for a ‘Lord of the Rings’ tour and Hammonds Tours created a tour for ANZSI on Thursday, collected the 17-strong group near the conference venue, made sure they were provided with lunch, snacks and drinks, and showed them the city according to the Hobbits! The conference dinner on Thursday was attended by 52 people (including partners), diners were transported by charter coach to the art-deco style Roxy. On arrival, attendees were presented with pre-dinner drinks and platters and then treated to a performance by the ‘Improvisors’, a longestablished Wellington theatre sport group. Dinner was held in the art-deco style ‘Coco Restaurant’ and consisted of a moving buffet of platters delivered to the tables. Prizes were awarded to the best-dressed Art-Deco style diners and the main award was won by Tracy Harwood, from ACT. (continued on next page) ANZSI Newsletter | 5 (Conferences, continued from previous page) Trade tables were presented by Glenda Browne, CINDEX and ASI/SI (promoting indexing books), Capital Books (NZ books), Tordis Flath (jewellery and prints), and Wellington Quilters’ Guild (NZ-made souvenirs). Sponsorship for the Conference was received from Indexing Research (CINDEX), Capital Books (Wellington) and Unity Books (Wellington). Bookmarks from the National Library of Australia, Capital Books, Unity Books, ANZSI, and The Indexer were put in the conference satchels. The Conference sponsored the attendance of Carol Dawber (Dunedin) and Sandy Liddle (Queensland) with the payment of half their conference fees. Their reports appeared in the ANZSI Newsletter (April 2013). The venue was at the NZICA Conference Centre which also provided the catering. Many compliments were received about the layout, natural light, lunch area, outdoor seating, walking distance from accommodation and restaurants, and especially the NZICA staff and their ‘calm under fire’. A profit of $5059.48 was made. ANZSI 2015 Conference Write, Edit, Index: national conference for editors, indexers, and publishing professionals The conference will be held in Canberra, 6–9 May 2015. It will be hosted jointly by the ACT Region Branch of ANZSI and the Canberra Society of Editors (CSE), on behalf of ANZSI and the Institute of Professional Editors (IPEd). The two societies last jointly hosted a national conference in Canberra in 2001. ANZSI already had an established pattern of national conferences, but the joint conference helped to kick-start biennial conferences for Australian editors. A conference committee was formed early in 2013, comprising: Tracy Harwood (Convenor) ANZSI ACT/CSE Shirley Campbell ANZSI ACT Sherrey Quinn ANZSI ACT/CSE Geraldine Triffitt ANZSI ACT Denise Sutherland ANZSI ACT Karin Hosking ANZSI ACT/CSE. The committee began planning immediately, in order to have a date to announce at ANZSI’s conference in Wellington in March and at IPEd’s conference in Fremantle in April. Being mindful of the dates used by ANZSI’s sister societies, and by other relevant professions such as the Australian Publishers’ Association, the technical communicators, the science communicators, and writer’s festivals, as well as avoiding ‘annual report season’ in Canberra (July to October), the committee chose Wednesday 6 to Saturday 9 May 2015. These dates are clear of public holidays and school holidays and the weather in Canberra tends to be most stable in autumn. Wednesday will be set aside for workshops and training, and the conference proper will run for 2½ or 3 days, from Thursday through Saturday. After investigating 12 possible venues, Rydges Lakeside was selected to host our conference. An agreement has been signed between ANZSI Council and ACT Region Branch to formalise and support arrangements for the Branch to host the conference. A similar agreement between CSE and ACT Region Branch has been drafted and is currently with the CSE committee for consideration. Quotes have been sought from professional conference organisers, in the particular hope that we might be able to outsource some of our financial management. The quotes are fairly expensive, and we might have to think creatively about how to manage the finances. News from New Zealand Saturday 23 November, from 12.00 pm resident Julie Daymond-King will be hosting a garden party at 614 Inland Road, Helensville, and is delighted that our two Waikato members will be travelling up for the occasion. Julie plans to do look-ups from her (licensed) New Zealand Woman’s Weekly database 1933–59 of New Zealanders in the magazine, for anyone with families here in that period. You never know! There are probably over 100,000 people to be found, many with multiple records. Of course, there should also be plenty of interesting discussion and lots of flowers. (And fruit and vegetables, P 6 | ANZSI Newsletter but that’s the other half's department, and he'll be away at a geology conference. There is also a large rock collection for those kind of nuts.) Any members in the vicinity would be very welcome, as well as all the Aucklanders the party is intended for. Our newest member, Kate Guthrie, comes from Dunedin. Treasurer Jill Gallop will be organising a gettogether of the now four members there. Tordis has a similar group operating out of the Wellington area. So, we are really getting regionalised here in NZ. Kia ora, Julie Zakuski B etween 9 and 25 October, I was aboard the P & O Pacific Pearl on a Mutiny on the Bounty Cruise. On board this ship there were lectures about Norfolk Island, the Bounty and Captain James Cook. There was scenic cruising, as well as far too much eating, drinking and many activities on board ship. Ports included visits to Norfolk Island, Tonga, Fiji and Noumea. I visited the Museum of Fiji, which contained many historical artefacts as well as relics from colonial days – <> Writer’s walk Before my cruise began I had a day to spare in Sydney. Our hotel was very close to Circular Quay, and while strolling around the Opera House, I discovered a Writer’s Walk. This has plaques with many of our famous Australian writers, such as Henry Lawson, Banjo Paterson, and Neville Shute. Check it out next time you take a stroll around this very scenic area. Reading with the stars A few weeks ago I was browsing in my local library and came across a very interesting book: Reading with the stars: a celebration of books and libraries (Leonard Kniffel, author, editor, published by American Library Association Editions, Chicago, 2011). It deals with US celebrities, such as Barack Obama, Laura Bush, Bill Gates and Julie Andrews, and their love and appreciation of libraries. US President Barack Obama has an interesting quote: ‘At a time when book banning is back in vogue, libraries remind us that truth isn’t about who yells the loudest, but who has the right information.’ Actress Julie Andrews had this to say: ‘In my youth… the library was “the big place” … where you went and then suddenly you could access something magical.’ Every chapter has books that each celebrity recommends. It is quite an interesting read. Books summarised in haiku. While shopping in Myers, I happened to be browsing, yet again, in their book department. Amongst the orangecoloured Penguin Books I came across this literary gem: One Hundred Great Books in Haiku, by Manhattan attorney turned haiku humorist David Bader. The haiku was developed by Japanese Zen monks in the 16th century. It is a poem with just three unrhymed lines of five, seven and five syllables respectively. David Bader has applied this ancient poetic form to ‘100 Great Books’, from Chaucer to the Bard, Dickens etc. the poems feature the book summarized very briefly. Yes, there is even an index! A brief example (but they’re all brief!): Louisa May Alcott, Little Women Snowdrops hang like tears. Shy, sweet, saintly Beth has died. One down, three to go. As this is my last Zakuski for 2013 I want to wish you all Season’s Greetings and a safe and healthy 2014. On board the cruise our Entertainment Director, Gemma, always signed off by saying, ‘Toodle-pip!’ Terri Mackenzie Winner of ANZSI Medal 2013 T his year saw some changes in the composition of the panel of judges for the ANZSI Medal. Alan Walker stepped down as convenor after many years of service, and I (Garry Cousins) was invited to take his place, an offer which I accepted. Dr Jeremy Fisher, the inaugural winner of the ANZSI Medal, continued from previous years as a judge, and Frances Paterson, also a medal winner, and the immediate past President of the NSW Branch, joined the panel. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Alan Walker, as the outgoing chairman of the Awards Committee, for his service to the society. The Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers’ Medal is offered annually to the most outstanding index to a book or periodical compiled in Australia or New Zealand. The judges look for an index which goes beyond being competent, (continued on next page) ANZSI Newsletter | 7 (ANZSI Medal 2013, continued from previous page) or suitable for its particular purpose. The key word in the requirements is ‘outstanding’. We look for an index in which the indexer faced difficult challenges and met them in an elegant and admirable manner. This year only two entries for the Medal were received, but both were of a high standard. Both dealt with complex subject matter, and both showed a good grasp of the language appropriate to the texts. However, one of the two indexes stood out as remarkable, and that was Alan Walker’s index to former Prime Minister John Howard’s autobiography Lazarus Rising, published by HarperCollins in 2011 (revised edition). The indexer faced a considerable challenge in indexing this book because John Howard had a longer career than most politicians, and his career encompassed a number of portfolios both in opposition and in government. This meant the indexer was faced with organising a tremendous mass of material and, most importantly, was required to use great discretion in giving appropriate weight to important, and less important, topics. The indexer also needed in-depth knowledge of Australian politics and history to do the work justice. Alan Walker met these challenges admirably, providing an extremely detailed and comprehensive index, which at the same time is clearly organised and easy to use. The index is remarkable for an index to an autobiography in that there is no heading for the protagonist, i.e. John Howard. It takes considerable courage for an indexer to make this decision, as often the entry for the protagonist in a biography or an autobiography is the most lengthy and detailed in the index. To not have an entry for the protagonist means that the indexer must make the information that would usually be found in that entry available by other means, namely subject indexing. The outstanding feature of this index is its subject analysis and the exhaustive subject headings which that analysis has generated. Although there is no entry for John Howard himself, there is a an extensive entry for ‘Howard Government’ which is divided into a general entry containing references to cabinet members etc (including an entry for ‘JH as prime minister, 231-646’!), followed by an entry titled ‘Howard Government policies’. There is also an entry for ‘Howard family’, as well as all the individual members of the Howard family. And there are entries titled ‘personal and political relationships’ and ‘personal and political relationships (Howard’s)’. The latter contains much information that would normally be found under the heading for the protagonist (had there been one). Several of the subject headings deserve specific mention as they are particularly well thought out. The entry for the Australian Labor Party is especially good: first there is a general heading which includes references to 8 | ANZSI Newsletter State branches, then headings for periods in opposition, differentiated by who was leader in a given year, then entries for ALP leadership, then ALP policies. Similarly the entry for Liberal Party is equally extensive, being divided into a general entry, and one titled ‘Liberal Party leadership’, and complemented by an extensive entry on the Coalition in opposition titled ‘Opposition, Coalition in’, which is then subdivided by period. Other good, extensive entries include ‘elections’, ‘media’, interesting entries for ‘Sydney’ and ‘Melbourne’, a very large entry on the ‘United States’, which itself says much about the nature of the Howard government, and an interesting entry on symbolism. The index takes up 38 pages of the 688-page book, a proportion of index pages to pages of indexable text of 5.5%. Main treatment of topics are in bold, and photographs are indicated by plate numbers, which are placed at the end of references to text. An extensive network of cross-references anticipates readers’ queries well. The judges are therefore pleased to award the Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers’ Medal for 2013 to Alan Walker. This award makes Alan a three-time winner of the medal, a distinction he now shares with Max McMaster. We also congratulate HarperCollins as the publisher of this book. Garry Cousins Chairman, Awards Committee (Photo of Alan receiving his award by Ray Price) Award ceremony I t was with great pleasure (writes Glenda) that I attended the ACT Region AGM to present two awards – Honorary Life Membership to Edyth Binkowski and the Outstanding Contribution Award to Peter Judge. The official nominations will be on the ANZSI website, so I will just provide some highlights here. Honorary Life Membership to Edyth Binkowski Edyth joined AusSI in 1976, and has been a member of AusSI and later ANZSI continuously since then. She was also a member of the Society of Indexers in Australia prior to the formation of AusSI. Edyth has been a Registered/Accredited Indexer since 1985 – only nine indexers precede her on the Register. Edyth has been an ACT Region Branch committee member continuously from 1999, including stints as Branch Secretary and Minutes Secretary. She looks after the Branch archive and small library collection, and offers her home for meetings of the Branch committee. She was also a member of the National Committee (later Council) from 2002 to 2004. Edyth has written many items for the AusSI/ANZSI Newsletter as well as an article for The Indexer about a volunteer newsletter indexing project. Honorary Life Membership may be awarded to members in recognition of outstanding service to indexing and/or to the Society. Edyth is a true ‘quiet achiever’, who, without fuss or any thought of reward or glory, has made a sustained contribution to the Society. The ACT Region Branch nominated Edyth for outstanding service and this nomination was unanimously approved by ANZSI Council at the AGM. Outstanding Contribution Award to Peter Judge As ANZSI Newsletter editor from 2004, Peter Judge has made an enormous contribution to the Society. He was introduced to members in the October 2004 issue, but since then has kept out of the spotlight. Peter has produced the newsletter professionally, keeping to accurate deadlines and introducing changes in layout and style that reflect his personality. Peter’s monthly reminders to Council and Branch members to send in copy, with as many photos as possible, have kept us on the straight and narrow. When the level of copy has been light, Peter has included his own contributions to ensure that the publishing schedule was maintained. Peter’s enthusiasm for the job over the past nine years, together with his wit and personality, has endeared him to ANZSI. Max McMaster and Michael Ramsden nominated Peter for services to ANZSI by a non-member. We are delighted that Peter’s wife, Christine, was able to assist with the purchase of a handsome pair of cufflinks as our gift. ANZSI ACT and ANZSI Council kept their secrets well, as the awards came as a total surprise to both recipients. Congratulations, and thank you, Edyth and Peter. Glenda Browne, ANZSI President Top photo, l to r: Sherrey Quinn, Edyth Binkowski, Shirley Campbell, Glenda Browne; lower photo: Peter Judge, Shirley and Glenda. Photos by Denise Sutherland. ANZSI Newsletter | 9 North Queensland Regional Group T Dartnall he NQ Regional Group (this month’s featured group) people with no particular knowledge of indexing. The first has two members, Suzie Davis and myself, Jean steps were to convince everyone of the need for a controlled . We both live in Townsville and are retired from vocabulary and find one that was suitable. full time work, having developed our interest and practice Finding a thesaurus that covered our range of subjects as indexers through our work as librarians. There are no proved difficult, yet I was not keen to begin a new one from mainstream book publishers scratch. I believe I achieved a in North Queensland. Our good compromise beginning many authors, scientists with the APAIS thesaurus. The and scholars send their National Library of Australia work out of the region for makes this thesaurus free for publication. downloading by not-for-profit organisations. Starting with this Our indexing work structure and basic vocabulary, includes some annual I added, subtracted, edited reports, occasional or unusual and generally fiddled, guided publications, and work from by the knowledge of the CIC outside the region referred team about what questions through particular contacts or they were asked and how those interests. This does not mean, questions presented. though, that there is no local l to r: Teneale Grigg, CIC Co-ordinator, Jean Dartnall, outlet for indexing skills, as I Changes are made as need Barbara Pearson, former CIC Co-ordinator hope the following article will arises but on the whole we show. have a thesaurus that has now been stable for several years and provides some certainty Indexing community organisations for indexers and searchers. Anyone interested in accessing Community Information Centre this thesaurus can contact me <jeandartnall@hotmail. Since 2004 I have been part of the team of volunteers com> or the present CIC coordinator, Teneale Grigg, helping to operate the Townsville Community Information <[email protected]>. Centre (CIC). This is a not-for-profit organisation with Indexing Organisations a vision of Townsville as an informed community and a Probably the most technically interesting part of this project slogan of ‘Connects, Informs, Assists’. Our major sponsor arises from the differences between indexing documents and is the Townsville City Council, which, among other indexing organisations. In accommodating these differences contributions, funds a professional position designated it is sometimes necessary to deviate from what might be Coordinator. considered best professional practice for a document index. A major tool created and maintained by CIC is a • Organisations change. To maintain currency and accuracy, database containing details of about 2000 government organisation entries are updated at least annually, more and community organisations in Townsville. Subject areas often if CIC or the organisation identifies a need. While range through emergency, support, and welfare services, some organisations have no changes year to year and others arts bodies, and sporting and hobby clubs. This database change only personnel or contact details, some organisations is available to the general public: < change name, or focus, or add or delete programs. Changes au/townsville/infocentre/Pages/communitydirectory.aspx>. may require re-indexing. A user accustomed to finding a particular organisation via a particular heading in 2012, The database is used to create a number of printed may not be able to do so in 2013 and wrongly conclude information services and by staff of CIC to answer queries that the organisation has disappeared when it could be that present in person, by phone, letter or email. In the last located through a different search. Stability has to be financial year CIC answered 8580 such direct questions sacrificed for current accuracy. and the database received 13,875 page views (excluding • Organisations have opinions. The management, staff those from CIC and other users on the Townsville City and members of organisations listed in the database are Council domain.) themselves one of our client groups and it is necessary that Database Indexing When I joined CIC, then co-ordinator, Barbara Pearson, knowing my professional background, suggested I take over indexing the database. The database index was then in approximately the state you might expect of an index that had been kept for a number of years by a range of 10 | ANZSI Newsletter they are happy with how we represent them. For example, I spent many hours devising a series of headings and cross references with which the gay, bisexual, homosexual, lesbian, transvestite, transgender community could feel comfortable. This is technically ‘too many’ entry points for a small number of organisations. I must also confess that (continued on next page) (Northern Queensland Group, continued from previous page) I am not brave enough to decide between ‘boules’ and ‘bocce’. They are both in there with one entry each. • Organisations come and go. Fortunately the software suppresses subject headings with no attached organisations. However, there is a regular need for housekeeping of cross references. Large changes in the number of organisations in a particular subject area can result in too many entries under one heading, useless cross references, or other issues that make changes in the structure of the thesaurus desirable. • Organisations have jargon. Professional service providers may use the database for their own information needs as well as on behalf of their clients. The need to keep up with current usage and amalgamate technical and semi technical terms into a common indexing vocabulary remains a challenge. For example, the phrase ‘post school options’ is, at best, ambiguous to the general user but has a specific technical meaning, and is a sought term, in the world of service to people with disabilities. The index inevitably contains many terms that are just clutter to most users. This is a never ending, ever fascinating task. I wonder if other indexers are doing something similar: I would love to share experiences. Jean Dartnall NSW Branch social lunch at Blaxland Sunday 17 November, 12.00 for 12.30 pm lease join us for lunch at Glenda Browne’s house, 32a Ross Crescent, Blaxland. Spouses and partners also welcome. Bring drinks and a plate of food to share. RSVP to Glenda at <[email protected]> or telephone on +61 2 4739 8199. If the weather is fine we can go for a scenic walk in the afternoon. Students from Glenda’s February 2013 Intermediate/Practical Indexing course worked on an index to The Social History of Blaxland by Davina Curnow and are particularly welcome to take a stroll around the lovely town of Blaxland. Blaxland is in the Lower Blue Mountains and on the Blue Mountains train line from Sydney – just over an hour from Central Railway Station. Glenda’s house is a 10–15 minute walk from the station; however we are happy to pick people up from the station whenever they arrive. There is a train from Central at 10.16 am, arriving at Blaxland at 11.28 am. (NB: just check if there will be any track work on the day <>). If you are coming by car, the journey should take about an hour via the M2/M7 (from the North Shore) or M4 from the city. <> Mary Coe P ANZSI Newsletter | 11 ANZSI and Branch events Date and time Organiser Wed 6 Nov 6.00 pm Vic Branch 4 Nov to 2 Dec Sun 17 Nov 12 for 12.30 pm Name of activity Venue Contact details The VIC: Indexing Old Op Shop, Holy Trinity Details at ANZSI Newsletter Anglican Church, Kew <> Contact <[email protected]> Intermediate/ NSW Branch practical indexing – Details at course online <> Details on page 11 and at Glenda Browne’s house NSW Branch Social lunch 32a Ross Crs, Blaxland <> Sat 23 Nov from 12.00 pm NZ Branch Garden party 614 Inland Road, Helensville Details at <> Sat 30 Nov 12.00 pm Qld Branch Xmas party lunch The Norman Hotel, Wooloongabba, Brisbane Details at <> ANZSI Newsletter ON OTHER PAGES ANZSI President’s report ANZSI Newsletter ANZSI Annual Report 2012–13: Branch reports ANZSI Annual Report 2012–13: Conferences News from New Zealand Zakuski ANZSI Medal 2013 Award ceeremony Northern Queensland Regional Group NSW Branch social lunch, Blaxland Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers Inc. PO Box 2059, Wattletree Road LPO, Malvern East VIC 3145, Australia 1 2 2 5 6 7 7 9 10 11 Published by the Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers Inc. PO Box 2059, Wattletree Road LPO, Malvern East, VIC 3145, Australia © Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers Inc. ISSN 1832-3855 Opinions and statements expressed in the Newsletter are those of the respective authors. Newsletter schedule The next Newsletter will appear in December 2013. The contribution deadline is Friday, 29 November. Please send contributions by email to the Editor Peter Judge <[email protected]>. Newsle�er of the Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers Inc. Volume 9 | number 11 | December 2013 President’s Report T his report covers some actions arising out of the AGM held on 2 October, and notes on our �irst meeting as a new Council in late October. Cons�tu�on The ANZSI Constitution had to be revised following the passage of the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012 (Vic). The revised ANZSI Constitution was approved at the AGM on 2 October 2013. Following the AGM, Michael Ramsden forwarded a copy of the revised Constitution to Consumer Affairs Victoria (CAV). Our revised Constitution explicitly stated that in respect of matters relating to discipline and grievances we will be governed by the Model Rules. CAV advised that this is not suf�icient and that we have to write the text of those Model Rules into our Constitution. They advised that this change would not have to go to a special general meeting, but that we should report to the next AGM that the change had been made. The necessary provisions have been added to the Constitution (re-formatted to conform to the style of the rest of the Constitution and substituting ‘Council’ for ‘Committee’). The Table of Contents and Index have also been amended. The revised Constitution will be posted on the ANZSI website. Many thanks to Michael Ramsden for seeing these changes through, for chasing up a response from CAV, and for providing this update. Membership Following a vote at the ANZSI AGM on 2 October, it was decided to discontinue the option of a calendaryear subscription period. All ANZSI subscriptions will now cover the �inancial year (July to June). Please see the Membership Secretary’s note in this letter which contains details about the changeover process for those members currently subscribed on a calendaryear basis. Thanks to Karen Gillen for seeing this through. October mee�ng The new ANZSI Council has had its �irst meeting using teleconferencing with members connecting via telephone or Skype. In future we would also like to use web conferencing (which is cheaper and offers additional features) but we have experienced poor sound quality when we have trialled a mixture of phone and web access and need to explore this further. The main tasks at the meeting were con�irming of�icial details (addresses and bank accounts) and appointing people to various positions. We also decided not to renew our Yellow Pages telephone listing. Few calls were received so it was not considered to be worth the expense. Commi�ees Committee members who have been newly appointed or re-appointed are listed below. • Promotions and Publicity (Nikki Davis, Max McMaster and Karen Gillen) • Accreditation Board (Sherrey Quinn as Chairperson) • Indexers Available (Madeleine Davis, Mary Coe and Sherrey Quinn) • Awards (Garry Cousins) • Database/Open System Indexing Accreditation (Julie Daymond-King) • Newsletter Coordinator (Denise Sutherland) • Electronic Options Coordinator (Mary Coe) Not all Branch representative positions have yet been con�irmed. They will be announced in 2014. We still need to con�irm the ICRIS and Education Coordinator positions, and have put on hold the idea of having a Social Media Secretary. Thank you to those who are continuing , or starting, in these positions. Glenda Browne Council bios ... Over the next few issues we will be presenting brief bios of Council members, starting with the President and Vice-President. The President (on the right) Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers Inc. ANZSI Newsle�er ISSN 1832-3855 Editor: Peter Judge <[email protected]> About the newsle�er The newsletter is published monthly 11 times a year, with combined issues for January and February. Opinions expressed in the newsletter are those of the individual contributors, and do not necessarily re�lect the opinions of the society. For details about contributions and editorial matters, refer to the ANZSI website at: <> Adver�sing rates Full page: $200.00 Half page $100.00 Quarter page: $50.00 These are all per issue – the former annual rate has been discontinued. ANZSI contact informa�on ANZSI’s general email address is: <[email protected]> Further contact details in PDF format are available on the ANZSI website at: <> 2 | ANZSI Newsletter I live in the Blue Mountains in NSW with Jon Jermey (also an indexer), our daughter Jenny (a Year 12 student), and two chooks. Our son Bill has just �inished his university studies in Canberra. I studied indexing in a library diploma in 1988 and have been an indexer ever since (at times I’ve also been a medical librarian and TAFE teacher). I love the variety of indexing and the fact that I can work from home, for myself. I have been an ANZSI of�icial in some capacity most years since 1988. I teach indexing for ANZSI and other organisations. My index to my book The Indexing Companion was Highly Commended in the ANZSI Indexing awards. Two highlights have been receiving the IgNobel Award for Literature for an article on alphabetising entries starting with ‘The’ <webindexing. biz/ignobel-prize-for-literature/>, and working with ASI members on the IDPF EPUB Indexes Working Group. I love indexing and indexers, and feel lucky to have discovered my niche! Glenda Browne The Vice-President (on the le�) I have only relatively recently come to indexing; I did my training with Glenda in early 2011, and wish I’d discovered it sooner! I didn’t even know indexing existed as a profession until my sister (a historian) mentioned that she needed to get one of her books about Paci�ic art indexed (it was done by Robin Briggs from New Zealand). My degree is in graphic design, which I studied in Canberra in the mid-1980s. Over the following years I also started to teach myself to write puzzles, and got into web design. I started my business, Sutherland Studios <>, 16 years ago. I love working from home, and being my own boss. I still do a little graphic design, but now mainly work on app development, puzzle writing, editing and — of course — indexing. I am the author of nearly six books — four in Wiley’s For Dummies series, and two medical books (which are self-published — the second one is nearly �inished). I have also written quite a few children’s puzzle books, such as one for the Royal Flying Doctors, and one about the history of Canberra. Since joining ANZSI in 2011, I have served each year on the ACT Region committee, and attended the fabulous Wellington conference. I’m still learning so much about indexing, and love meeting indexers from far and wide. I am excited about being on Council this year, and will serve ANZSI members to the best of my ability. Canberra is my home. I live with my husband Ralph (who is an astrophysicist). We have two adult children, Rodger and Jenny, and two cute chihuahuas, Petal and Griff. In my spare time, I love cooking and knitting, and reading murder mysteries. Denise Sutherland Membership renewal: calendar-year subscrip�ons A s noted in the President’s Report, following a vote at the ANZSI AGM in October, it was decided to discontinue the option of a calendar-year subscription period. All subscriptions for ANZSI membership will now cover the �inancial year (i.e. July – June). A one-off pro-rata subscription for 6 months is being offered to bring those currently on a calendar-year subscription into line with those on �inancial-year subscriptions. The one-off pro-rata fees to cover the period 1 January 2014 – 30 June 2014 are: Personal Membership – Australia AU$44.00 (includes $4.00 GST) Personal Membership – New Zealand NZ$40.00 Corporate Membership – New Zealand NZ$50.00 Corporate Membership – Australia AU$55.00 (includes $5.00 GST) All members whose subscriptions are due for renewal at the end of December will receive a reminder email containing instructions on how to make an online payment or how to pay by cheque or money order. New Zealand members will also have the option to pay their subscription in NZ$ directly to the New Zealand branch. Any queries regarding the payment of this one-off pro-rata fee should be directed to the Membership Secretary <[email protected]>. Karen Gillen Membership Secretary Publicity and Promo�ons Commi�ee M embers of the 2012–13 P&P Committee are Nikki Davis (Convenor), Karen Gillen and Max McMaster. The function of the P&P Committee is probably obvious by its name, but you might not be aware of some of its recent projects. These include updating the Branding Policy, developing a set of downloadable ANZSI logos in a variety of formats and distribution of ANZSI bookmarks at a number of local and international conferences. If you have an interest in promoting ANZSI and would like either to join the Committee or be involved in a short-term project associated with it, please contact Nikki at <[email protected]>. Nikki Davis The IDPF EPUB Indexes Working Group has reached another important milestone, with the EPUB Indexes 1.0 speci�ication being promoted to Public Draft status (�ication). After the review period it will be elevated to Proposed Draft status for a �inal member review, followed by a member vote to approve it to become part of the EPUB suite of speci�ications ( The EPUB Indexes speci�ication includes a web-simulated index to work with the web-based speci�ication <>. This index shows the potential use of alpha links (e.g. click on ‘L’ to be taken to the L section) and generic cross references, which take you to a list of possible index entries. Follow the link at ‘epub:type attribute values’ and then explore the links to speci�ic terms. There is also an example of the index coded using the speci�ication <>. This gives you an idea of how an XML-coded index will look. We are expecting that indexing software will be enhanced to automate some of this, but a little �luency in XML will not go astray. (Already HTML/Prep has been updated to automate conversion of indexes: <www.levtechinc. com/publishing-indexing-products/utilities/htmlprep.asp>.) For more details, see the ASI announcement at <>. Glenda Browne IDPF EPUB Indexes Working Group ANZSI Newsletter | 3 Jane Douglas writes that, as a newcomer to indexing, one of the best investments she’s made is The Indexing Companion (Browne & Jermey). In addition to working on building a personal reference library, she’s scoured the Internet for useful resources. Indexers are a generous lot, so it’s not surprising that many resources are available free online. Some worthwhile examples are listed below, as well as some that come at a cost but are worth considering. Society websites The ANZSI website is a mine of resources, many of them free. The ‘Indexing Resources’ section contains links to information on subjects including indexing standards, eBooks and eBook indexing, and indexing in specialist subject areas. The ‘Employment Tips’ page <> is packed with useful information for those starting out in indexing and includes links to dozens of articles and books. Award winning indexes can be viewed by following links from the ANZSI Medal page < site/medal.asp>. The American Society of Indexers’ ‘Online Reference Sources’ page contains links dictionaries, thesauri, grammar tools and glossaries as well as extensive lists of links to information for self-employed indexers and subject-speci�ic reference sources <www.>. Other free resources on the ASI site include an ‘Index Evaluation Checklist’ <www.> and a list of recommended books and articles <>. ASI invite ANZSI members to join their online discussion groups and special interest groups. A list of these is available on both the ASI and ANZSI websites. The Society of Indexers (UK) website is the place to go to purchase individual copies of SI’s journal The Indexer (~AUD$19) or to subscribe (~AUD$55/year). SI’s quarterly newsletter SIdelights is available to ANZSI members for ~AUD$33 for four issues. 4 | ANZSI Newsletter Indexing courses ANZSI State branches host numerous courses including Basic and Introductory Book Indexing, Annual Report Indexing, and Database Indexing. Check with your local branch for upcoming courses. UC Berkeley Extension <http://extension.berkeley. edu> offers an introductory course entitled ‘Indexing: Theory and Application’. The course costs USD$650, may be commenced at any time and must be completed in 180 days. Tutors work in rotation throughout the year. At the time of writing Max McMaster was listed as the instructor for this course. The Society of Indexers (UK) ‘Training in Indexing’ course is available to ANZSI members. The course is delivered online and includes exams and tutorials. The course costs £1,297 (~AUD$2,333). Other resources Martha Osgood’s US-based Back Words Indexing website’s ‘Novice Notes’ page focuses on resources for prospective indexers including advice on getting started as an indexer, a list of articles, indexing blogs, and online indexing courses. <www.backwordsindexing. com/Novice/NoviceNotes.html> Newcomers is a collection of articles of interest to those new to indexing. Contributors include ANZSI President Glenda Browne and Berkeley indexing instructor Sylvia Coates. The eBook retails on Amazon for $9.99. There are many free courses available online for those wishing to extend their skills in digital technologies. For training in Adobe InDesign (layout) try the video tutorials at <>. Learn how to use Microsoft Word’s (very basic) indexing function with a ‘For Dummies’ tutorial <www.dummies. com/how-to/content/how-to-build-an-index-inword-2013.html>. Learn coding skills necessary for embedded indexing such as XML & XHTML with free courses at <>. Indexers seem committed to ongoing learning. With so many resources available free online, there is plenty of scope for expanding knowledge and improving skills. Jane Douglas and Denise Sutherland (continued on next page) Auckland garden party F ifty kilometres north-west of Auckland central is Helensville, part of the super-city, and seven fellow members travelled up to my place on 23 November, bringing various goodies for lunch as well. It was too hot to be outside for long, but the smoke bush (Cotinus coggygria Grace) was a big hit. Between lunch and afternoon tea, I showed the visitors copied pages from the old New Zealand Woman’s Weekly that I have indexed, and talked about some of my most exciting �inds, such as forgotten Robin Hyde journalism, Bruce Mason’s childhood work, and an article from 1952 about Colin McCahon as a jeweller. Part of my perceived role in this project has been to place such material with appropriate repositories. I showed the visitors the 2011 book So Brilliantly Clever by Peter Graham, about Juliet Hulme and Pauline Parker and the murder of the latter’s mother in 1954, published and probably indexed by one of our members, Lee Slater of Awa Press! This features a 1948 Woman’s Weekly photo of the Hulmes arriving in Christchurch that I found and got to the biographer. As af�icionados know, Juliet was already in New Zealand, separated from her family for the second time. Another spin-off was to write short articles for the modern magazine commenting on snippets from its past. I ended up doing this for 91 issues rather to my surprise. In addition, we looked up my database for rellies, and hoped we were on a roll when I found the reference to a photo and article about Daphne’s grandparent’s wedding �irst up. I found also that I was still likely to remember if I’d come across a surname, especially if I hadn’t, after all this time as an anthroponomastician. One version of Nicholl was family to one of our members. This name, and its variants, was the most dif�icult I encountered in the entire editing of the database, (over several months after the actual indexing.) Alas, we had no more scores for members’ ancestors, but a spot check on my indexing was undertaken. (Phew!) Just before afternoon teatime, Lai’s husband and a publisher friend Kit arrived from the airport and Hong Kong, and we all learned rather more about each other in telling her about ourselves over chocolate strawberries, rocky road and coffee. Many thanks to Lai for coordinating this event. By the way, I am happy to look up any of your old folk in New Zealand for the years 1933-1959. Men included! Julie Daymond-King, NZ President At the NZ party, l to r: Fiona Corcoran, Judy Graham, Julie Daymond-King (standing), Lesley Wilson, Julie McMeikan, Susan Brookes and Daphne Lawless. Photo by Lai Heung Lam. ANZSI Newsletter | 5 Handbook of indexing techniques: a guide for beginning indexers Fi�h edi�on, by Linda K. Fe�ers. Reviewed by Silvia Muscardin This handbook on indexing techniques is intended for three groups of people: • Occasional indexers, such as authors and technical writers, who may be required to index their own books • Anyone interested in becoming a professional indexer who is looking for concrete examples or techniques for learning how to index • Librarians who need a review of indexing techniques. hus begins Linda Fetters in her preface. The book is in its �ifth edition and it is clear to me that one of the reasons for its success is the clarity and conciseness of the style. The opening paragraph quoted above is an example: it states immediately and in a few words the aim of this work, its audience and its scope. It also states what this book it is not about and what it does not do. It does not deal in depth with indexing software, nor gives advice on how to start one’s own indexing business. It focuses exclusively on the technique of indexing, explained plainly and with appropriate examples to beginners, or anyone who needs a refresher. The book consists of eight chapters. Chapter 1 introduces the reader to the subject of indexing and offers an overview of the resources available to acquire the necessary skills: courses, seminars, internet discussion groups and professional organisations. Indexing standards are also explained. Chapters 2 to 6 examine the techniques and principles of book indexing, although, as the author says, 'they can be applied to technical manuals, magazines and journals, in-house databases, and various kinds of subject �iles (vertical �iles, personal collection of articles, and of�ice �iles)'. Challenging aspects of indexing, such as those found in specialist literature, are also dealt with. A good example of the dif�iculty of indexing personal names is exempli�ied by the indexing of biographies (Chapter 4). Chapter 7 is dedicated to periodicals. Fetters examines the two different approaches to indexing serials: the 'traditional' way of assigning headings much like keywords in an online environment, versus the 'book-like' style that allows you to pinpoint the concept treated by quoting the page it is found in. The other great difference from book indexing is, of course, the use of a thesaurus. Therefore, while each book index is different and tailor-made to the book, periodicals are indexed in a uniform manner by using a consistent set of terms. Chapter 8 looks at the future of indexing: electronic indexing. Electronic documents consist of: PDF �iles, T 6 | ANZSI Newsletter documents that require embedded indexing, XML and HTML �iles, e-books, online help �iles and websites. The author gives also an outline of taxonomies used for the structure and the searching of websites. It is a new industry and therefore in a state of �lux. This is re�lected both in the material to be indexed, as well as in the software used to index it. The indexer has to contend with many issues. The size of the job can be extensive, its nature wide-ranging and the content can be updated frequently. This is particularly true of websites. The indexer must also be prepared to quickly master new and very different indexing software programs; not all are dedicated indexing software and some are very expensive. This is work for established indexers. And an industry in need of standards. In all chapters, every aspect of the indexing process is illustrated with good examples. Rather than cluttering the writing with complicated explanations, the reader is directed to further reading, clearly identi�ied with references to the Classi�ied Bibliography and the Work Cited. In that way Fetters manages to keep the treatment of the subjects trim, while at the same time supplying all the information required to expand on each topic. In the process we encounter the challenges of indexing, beginning with the very �irst decision about what to include in and what to exclude from an index. Next comes the choice of headings and subheadings, of names, locators and cross-references, alphabetising entries, dealing with numbers, symbols and other features peculiar of specialist literature. Finally, editing the index and choosing the format or style. As a beginner in the world of indexing I found this book very relevant to me. It gave me an understanding of what indexing, especially back-of-book indexing, is truly about. It also brought home the difference between classifying and indexing (see 'Classi�ication and indexes' in Chapter 3, pp. 30-32). Chapter 7 was the focus of my attention. Indexing journal articles is part of my work and the treatment of this aspect of indexing was enormously useful to me. The basic difference between the two techniques for indexing journals ('traditional' versus 'book-like'), maybe obvious to some, was for me an eye-opener. I de�initely bene�itted from reading this chapter and I think it will help me improve my approach to journal indexing. The book has a US bias, but I did not �ind it an impediment to my understanding of the subject (continued on next page) (Book review, continued from previous page) matter. Examples are mainly related to North American literature, but if you substituted examples from Australian material you would not have to change anything else. The work’s succinctness and neat writing style makes the book highly readable and a great introduction to indexing for a beginner. Handbook of indexing techniques: a guide for beginning indexers, �ifth edition. Fetters, Linda K. Medford, New Jersey: Information Today, 2013, 178 pages. Silvia Muscardin Queensland Branch General Mee�ng O Tuesday 25 February ur February guest speaker, Susan Prior, was born in the UK, but fate led her to Australia, where she attended University as a mature-age student specialising in Journalism/Communications. For more than six years she was editor of On Line Opinion, an e-journal of current affairs and social debate. In 2009 she was nominated for, and was runner up in, the Sydney ‘Freelance Writers Good Editor Awards’. Susan has edited books – both �iction and non�iction – and has worked in corporate and academic editing roles. She is an advisory editor for the publication Eureka Street. While holidaying in Britain she organised an intern position with the BBC, and she is still an occasional guest on BBC radio, talking about life in Brisbane. Today, Susan is an experienced, professional freelance editor working from Brisbane. She is currently studying for a Masters degree in Writing, Editing and Publishing at the University of Queensland. Our February meeting starts at 6.00 for 7.00 pm, at the Ward Of�ice, 2/63 Annerley Road (corner of Crown Street), Woolloongabba, Brisbane (of�ice of Cr. Helen Abrahams of BCC). Entrance to the Meeting Room is via the back door entrance, which will be marked with the Queensland Branch logo. Free parking will be found at the back and side of the building, so please enter via Crown Street. Entrance fee and supper is $2.00. RSVP by Monday 24 February for catering, please, to Moira Brown at <[email protected]> or phone (07) 3160 6832 or 0416 097 629 At the following general meeting, on 25 March, we will welcome back Dr Susan Turner – palaeontologist, editor and indexer. Moira Brown (continued on next page) ANZSI Newsletter | 7 Branch events Date and time Organiser Tues 25 Feb 6 for 7.00 pm Qld Branch Wed 4 Dec 6.00 pm Tues 25 March 6 for 7.00 pm Vic Branch Qld Branch Name of activity Venue Old Op Shop, Holy The VIC: Christmas Trinity Anglican Church, Crossword Kew General meeting: 2/63 Annerley Road, Susan Prior, editor Woolloongabba, Brisbane General meeting: Dr Susan Turner ANZSI President’s report ANZSI Newsletter ANZSI Council bios: President and Vice-President Membership renewals: calendar-year subscriptions Publicity and promotions committee IDPF EPUB Indexes Working Group Etcetera NZ news: Auckland garden party Handbook of indexing techniques. Book review Queensland Branch February general meeting PO Box 43, Lawson NSW 2783, Australia Details at <> Details on page 7 and at <> 2/63 Annerley Road, See page 7 Woolloongabba, Brisbane ANZSI Newsle�er ON OTHER PAGES Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers Inc. Contact details 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 5 6 7 Published by the Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers Inc. PO Box 43, Lawson NSW 2783, Australia © Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers Inc. ISSN 1832-3855 Opinions and statements expressed in the Newsletter are those of the respective authors. Newsle�er schedule The next Newsletter will appear in February 2014. The contribution deadline is Friday, 30 January. Please send contributions by email to the Editor Peter Judge <[email protected]>.
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