Tiger Tracks A PA C H E E L E M E N T A R Y S C H O O L April 13, 2015 Volume 6, Issue 29 McTeacher’s Night Tuesday Apache teachers and staff will be taking over the west main McDonalds on Tuesday April 14th from 5:008:00 pm to raise money for Apache. McDonald’s will be donating a potion of all the sales Tuesday night to Apache. All fundraising activities at Apache contribute to our activity fund which pays for busses for field trips, activity nights and other events AR ASSEMBLY The AR Awards assembly will be WEDNESDAY at 9:30 am. Tiger Calendar and extras around our school! So take a night off from cooking dinner and come eat McDonald’s prepared by none other than our capable teachers and staff! This Week: April 14-16: PARCC EOY, 5th grade April 15: AR Assembly 9:30 HALF DAY st April 16: 1 grade to PV April 17: 2nd grade to PV PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT HALF DAY WEDNESDAY This Month April 21-23: PARCC EOY, 4th grade April 28-30: PARCC EOY, 3rd grade April 30: 5th grade Honor Choir Clinic at Civic Center STUDENTS DISMISS AT 11:30 AM. BIKE RODEO AT APACHE May 7th from 12:45 til 2:45. 3rd and 5th graders who own a bicycle can bring their bicycle to school and keep it in the GYM. This event is put on by Conoco Phillips & Big Brothers Big Sisters of San Juan County. The group makes sure that your bicycle is set up for summer and will do some minor repairs/ maintenance on the bicycles. A course is established with centers that the participants will go through testing their abilities and making them better and safer riders. Students wishing to participate need to sign up with Mr. Quakenbush by April 23rd. KEEP CLIPPING THOSE BOX TOPS! PV Aladdin Field Trip permission slips and $2.00 must be turned in by Wednesday! Field Trip is Friday morning. School Day Schedule 7:45 Breakfast in the Classroom for all students : 8:00 Instruction Begins 2:45 pm Dismissal Half-Day Dismissal 11:30 It is the mission of Apache Elementary School Staff to use the best educational practices to develop proficient students. APACHE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 700 West Apache Farmington, NM 87401 505-599-8602 http://apache.fms.k12.nm.us/
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