Tiger Tracks A PA C H E E L E M E N T A R Y S C H O O L April 20, 2015 Volume 6, Issue 30 Earth Day in the Cafeteria April 22 is Earth Day, a time for all of us to be especially aware and appreciative of our Earth’s natural environment! This year your Student Nutrition Department will celebrate Earth Day in a “BIG” way by doing our part to show Mother Earth we care! Every act of consciousness makes a difference and together WE ARE!! On Wednesday, April 22, 2015 all meals served at all of our school sites will not require the use of any energy to prepare! We will turn off all ovens, warming cabinets, steam tables, etc. to conserve energy! “Water”, a diminishing precious natural resource will also be conserved as biodegradable trays/plates and/or paper sacks will be utilized at our elementary & secondary schools to serve all meals! Our students will still enjoy both breakfast and lunch meal service and will be provided information about Earth Day so they too will understand the significance of our combined efforts! BIKE RODEO AT APACHE May 7th from 12:45 til 2:45. 3rd and 5th graders who own a bicycle can bring their bicycle to school and keep it in the GYM. This event is put on by Conoco Phillips & Big Brothers Big Sisters of San Juan County. The group makes sure that your bicycle is set up for summer and will do some minor repairs/ maintenance on the bicycles. A course is established with centers that the participants will go through testing their abilities and making them better and safer riders. Students wishing to participate need to sign up with Mr. Quackenbush by April 23rd. PARCC END OF YEAR KEEP CLIPPING THOSE BOX TOPS! 3rd and 4th graders will have additional testing days this week for the PARCC End of Year (EOY) assessments. Please make every effort to have your child here, well-rested and ready to show what they have learned this year! Tiger Calendar This Week: April 21-23: PARCC EOY, 4th grade April 28-30: PARCC EOY, 3rd grade This Month April 30: 5th grade Honor Choir Clinic at Civic Center Next Month; May 1: 5th grade to Shindig May 4: Bilingual 5th grade to Canyon De Chelley, 7AM-6PM May 7: Bike Rodeo on the playground and gym, 12:45-2:30 May 11: 3rd and 4th grade SWIM, May 12: 5th grade SWIM, May 13: HALF DAY May 14: 5thgrade to release their trout @Cottonwood, 8 am Kinder(Chavez, Terry, Strange), Riverside Nature Center, Kinder( Johnson, Lee), Riverside Nature Center, 10:45-12:30 May 19: 3rd grade musical, 1:30 May 20: K-2 FIELD DAY May 21: Kinder picnic at Kiwanis May 22: 3rd grade to Brookside May 25: Memorial Day May 26: 5th grade Promotion Ceremony, Civic Center, 6 PM May 27: 2nd and 3rd grade hot dog picnic at lunch May 29: Last day of school, dismiss 11:45 School Day Schedule 7:45 Breakfast in the Classroom for all students 8:00 Instruction Begins 2:45 pm Dismissal Half-Day Dismissal 11:30 It is the mission of Apache Elementary School Staff to use the best educational practices to develop proficient students. APACHE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 700 West Apache Farmington, NM 87401 505-599-8602 http://apache.fms.k12.nm.us/
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