Document 89916

March 10, 2012
Volume E4, Issue 1
Yampa Valley Piecemakers Quilt Guild
Quilter's Connection
Presidents Message
Dear Yampa Valley Piecemakers,
The days are getting longer and we will be getting ready to do
the outside activities. The sun shines but it’s still very frozen out
there. I know I am trying to get all the winter projects done before
spring has truly sprung.
The guild had many first last month, and we met them with
enthusiasm. The first sew meeting went great I was able to get
a bunch of little things done, we had about 22 people show up
we had a short meeting at 6:30p and then went back to sewing.
The block of the month was very successful lots of variety and
great ideas in appliqué. This month will be a block with as many
different materials as possible, my mind has been spinning with
ideas, and I better get busy. Last but not least Linda gave us the
challenge for the sew meeting prairie points. Your project need
to be done by the next sew meeting April 17. We are really
stepping out of our boxes. Thanks for all the participation.
Please note that we have a program by Denise Knapp at our
meeting here in March followed by a workshop Scrap Happy II. I
am so excited she really is a wonderful teacher you will learn so
many tips the day will be great. If you haven’t signed up please
do we still have room.
Sincerely your friend,
Lorrae, Bless you all
Quilter's Connection
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The History of Irish Chain Block
The cover of a well worn pattern book of mine displays a lovely cottage in Ireland with an Irish Chain quilt in
front. It brings to mind coziness of distant times and places making you want to sit right down and
commence sewing. But there is some uncertainty whether the picture could be an example of another
romantic myth or if the pattern truly came from Ireland.
Current documentation on the Irish Chain quilt pattern indicates that it was developed in America in the
early 1800s. Quilt historian Barbara Brackman, states that 1814 is the earliest known date for this pattern.
She goes on to say, “Dated examples appear consistently across the decades, indicating the design's
popularity throughout the nineteenth and twentieth centuries”.
Little is certain in regards to the history of quilt patterns and there is now evidence that the seeds of the
pattern originated in Ireland. The book, West Virginia Quilts and Quiltmakers, pictures an interesting quilt.
The photograph shows a small section. It was brought to America from Ireland and is very similar to this
pattern. It is made much like a traditional Single Irish Chain but done on point making the chains appear in
the shape of squares rather than diamonds.
This quilt was made about 1805 and was stitched with linen thread typical of
thread used in Ireland. The quilting was done in a popular quilting design used
in Ireland at the time. It was brought to West Virginia from Ireland when the
maker, Margaret Kee, emigrated here in 1807. We find this pattern has been
used more recently in Ireland sometimes by the name "Mosaic" or "American
Barbara Brackman suggests that the this pattern might have been inspired by a
similar weaving design. By the second half of the 18th century itinerant
weavers were known to weave elaborate double-weave patterns done in
geometric patterns including the Irish Chain.
One of the reasons that this pattern has been so popular over the years is that
it leaves a nice solid space between the chains to display the maker's
needlework skills. Choice of fabric design and color can give this quilt many
different looks.
p168, "Clues in the Calico", by Barbara Brackman
pp40-41, "West Virginia Quilts and Quiltmakers", by Fawn Valentine
webpage, "Coverlets, Dated and Otherwise"
p126 and
p136 "Kansas Quilts and Quilters" by Brackman, Chinn, Davis & Thompson
p159 "Quiltmaking in America: Beyond the Myths" Laurel Horton (editor)
Quilter's Connection
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Easy Rule II™
Easy Square Jr.™ (6.5" x 6.5")
3 yds. Light Fabric
1 1/2 yds. Dark Fabric
1/2 yd. Binding
Cutting Instructions
Light Fabric
Dark Fabric
6 1/2" strips
2 1/2" strips
2 1/2" strips
Used in 9-patch construction
Border Strips
2 1/2" strips
Used in 9-patch construction
2 1/2" strips
Border Strips
2 1/2" strips
Making the Quilt Top
Step 1: Sew five 2 1/2" light fabric strips and ten 2 1/2" dark fabric strips together into five strip sets of dark-light-dark.
Press the seams carefully, keeping the strip set straight.
Step 2: Cross-cut the dark-light-dark sets at 2 1/2" intervals to yield 72 units. First, trim the beginning
edge square, then cut units by keeping the seam lines and edges parallel with markings on the ruler.
Step 3: Sew six 2 1/2" light fabric strips and three 2 1/2" dark fabric strips together into three strip sets of light-dark-light.
Press the seams carefully, keeping the strip set straight.
Stitch the four remaining 2 1/2" strips of light green print fabric on both sides of the two remaining 2 1/2" background strips.
Press seams toward light green print fabric. Cut these two units into forty 2 1/2" pieces. Set aside for the 9 patch lattice posts.
Step 4: Cross-cut the light-dark-light sets at 2 1/2" intervals to yield 36 units.
Step 5: Sew two dark-light-dark units on both sides of one light-dark-light unit to make a nine-patch
block. Make 36 nine-patch blocks.
Step 6: From the 6 1/2" strips, cut 31 squares.
Quilter's Connection
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Step 7: Begin sewing the nine-patch blocks and plain 6 1/2" squares together side-by-side, alternating them. Each row has
seven blocks. Note that a pieced block is in each corner. Five of the rows have four pieced blocks and four have three pieced
blocks. Press all the seams toward the plain squares. The seams alternate when sewing the rows together.
Step 8: Next, sew the rows together, pinning at seam intersections. Press the top of the quilt.
Step 9: Sew the remaining light strips together, end-to-end, for the side borders and for the top and bottom borders. Do the
same with the dark strips. Make light-dark-light strip sets with these long strips. These pieced strips will make the borders for
each side of the quilt.
Step 10:Measure the length and width of the quilt in several places through the middle.
Take an average of these measurements in each direction if necessary. Cut the side borders to the measurement of the length,
and the top and bottom borders to the measurement of the width. Pin and sew the side borders to the quilt. Press toward the
Step 11:Add the extra nine-patch blocks to both ends of the top and bottom borders, pinning and matching seams. Press
toward the borders. Sew to the top and bottom of the quilt.
Step 12: Press the quilt top.
Step 13: Layer with batting and backing. Finish quilt as desired.
Quilting Suggestion
Quilt (by hand or machine) diagonal lines through the "chain", or diagonal lines on both sides of the chain, as shown in the
photograph of the quilt.
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Quilter's Connection
Irish Cream Chocolate Cheesecake
Submitted By: Elaine
Photo By: Priscilla
Prep Time: 20 Minutes
Cook Time: 1 Hour 20
Ready In: 9 Hours 20
Servings: 12
"If you like Irish cream and chocolate, you'll love this recipe. "
1 1/2 cups chocolate cookie crumbs
1/3 cup confectioners' sugar
1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1/4 cup butter
3 (8 ounce) packages cream cheese,
1 1/4 cups white sugar
1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
3 eggs
1/2 cup sour cream
1/4 cup Irish cream liqueur
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). In a large bowl, mix together the
cookie crumbs, confectioners' sugar and 1/3 cup cocoa. Add melted butter and stir
until well mixed. Pat into the bottom of a 9 inch springform pan. Bake in preheated
oven for 10 minutes; set aside. Increase oven temperature to 450 degrees F (230
degrees C).
2. In a large bowl, combine cream cheese, white sugar, 1/4 cup cocoa and flour. Beat at
medium speed until well blended and smooth. Add eggs one at a time, mixing well
after each addition. Blend in the sour cream and Irish cream liqueur; mixing on low
speed. Pour filling over baked crust.
3. Bake at 450 degrees F (230 degrees C) for 10 minutes. Reduce oven temperature to
250 degrees F (120 degrees C), and continue baking for 60 minutes.
4. With a knife, loosen cake from rim of pan. Let cool, then remove the rim of pan. Chill
before serving. If your cake cracks, a helpful tip is to dampen a spatula and smooth
the top, then sprinkle with some chocolate wafer crumbs.
Printed from 2/26
Quilter's Connection
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Yampa Valley Piecemakers minutes for meeting for Feb. 21, 2012
Lorrae called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m... We had a committee report from Deb
Berhinger on the art walk; it was a successful evening with many people coming to the
Embroidery Shoppe. Deb won the chocolate contest with the help of Elaine Gray. She
gave the money that she won to the guild for the quilt show award money. The guild
had paid the entry fees and the for the supplies for the chocolate.
Susan Domer handed out the material for the next block the BOM great turn out.
Linda Pinnt showed us the sew challenge for the sew meetings Prairie points.
Lorrae announced the workshop for March and had the signup sheet.
Bonnie announced the bags in the back needed to be made into quilts for charity.
Meeting was adjourned and we went back to sewing
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Quilter's Connection
Programs for 2012 YVPM
March 20,
March 24,
April 17,
April 21,
May 22,
June 19,
July 17,
Aug 14,
Sept 22,
Oct 16,
Nov 20,
Program by Denice Knapp
Workshop by Denice Knapp, Scrap
Happy II
Sewing meeting 2:00p.m. To 8:00 p.m.
Workshop by Linda Pinnt, Mini
Shop Hop, Poker Run
Program by Madeleine Vail
Getting ready for the Fair
Picnic with DMQG
Cowboy Quilts Jean Roesler
Folk Art Applique’/Jean
Sewing meeting 2:00p.m. To 8:00p.m.
Christmas Party
Note that the Sept. 21, meeting is on Friday.
Note the Aug. 14, meeting will be held in Hayden
Note the May 22, meeting will be held downtown with a pot luck to follow in
the Alice Pleasant park.
Newsletter Advertising
All advertising is business card size
Members - $5.00/month (3 month minimum)
Nonmembers - $8.00/month (3 month minimum)
Advertising must be paid in advance. No ads will appear in the newsletter before
payment is received. In order to coordinate payments with newsletter publication,
payment must be received at least 45 days in advance of the first month’s ad.
Complete the form below and make checks payable to:
PO Box 1578
Craig, CO 81626-1578
Electronic copies of your ad should be sent to: [email protected].
Thank you for supporting our guild with your advertisement in our newsletter.
Payment enclosed for advertising from ________________ to _______________
Quilter's Connection
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Yampa Valley
Back Page Story Headline
Quilt Guild
P.O. Box 1578
Craig Co, 81626
Lorrae Moon
Cindy Looper
Vice President
Roxanne Vailette
Eva Hinkle
Donna Carter
Weíre on the Web!
See us at:
P.O. Box 1578
Craig Co., 81626
Don’t forget to renew your membership.
Dues remain at $20.00 (with an e-mailed newsletter)
And $25.00 for a postage service mailed newsletter.
We have had many e-mail messages returned which is a concern, since we
communicate so much information by e-mail.
Therefore we are asking that all membership renewals include an updated
Membership form. You can pick a form up at the January meeting or
Download one from our website at