Celebrate! by PEARL LOUISE KRUSH Fabric courtesy of Troy Riverwoods Make this colorful little wall hanging with easy appliqué and quick-corner Snowball blocks! Cutting Directions Note: Cut all 42" strips horizontally from selvage to selvage. From each of the red dot, blue dot, and green dot, cut: Two 21⁄2" x 42" strips; recut into twentyfour 21⁄2" squares (for block corners) Reserve remaining green dot fabric for scarf appliqué Reserve remaining fabrics for pom-pom From the blue snowflake, cut: One 141⁄2" x 181⁄2" piece (for quilt center) From the solid white, cut: One 21⁄2" x 141⁄2" strip (for quilt center) Reserve remaining fabric for snowman and sign appliqués side of each 21⁄2" red dot, blue dot, and green dot square. 2. Place a marked green dot square right sides together on one corner of a 61⁄2" blue snowman square (Block Diagrams). Sew on the line, trim 1⁄4" away from the line through both layers, then press the triangle open. Repeat on the remaining corners, orienting the lines 61⁄2" x 61⁄2". Make a total of six blue blocks. 3. Repeat step 2 to make six green blocks using marked red dot squares for the corners and green snowman squares for the centers. In the same manner, make six red blocks using marked blue dot squares for the corners and red snowman squares for the centers. From each of the blue snowman, red snowman, and green snowman, cut: One 61⁄2" x 42" strip; recut into six 61⁄2" squares (for block centers) From the red diagonal stripe, cut: Two 21⁄2" x 42" strips; recut into two 21⁄2" x 181⁄2" strips and two 21⁄2" x 201⁄2" strips (for inner border) Four 21⁄2" x 42" strips (for binding) Make 6 Directions Note: When piecing, use a 1⁄4" seam allowance throughout and sew all pieces with right sides together and raw edges even, using matching thread. Press seams toward the darker fabric or as indicated. Snowball Block Assembly 1. Draw a diagonal line on the wrong The Quilter February/March 2014 Make 6 Make 6 Block Diagrams Materials Skill level: Beginner Block size sewn into quilt: 6" x 6" Number of blocks: 18 Finished quilt size: 30" x 36" ✿ One 4" x 6" piece of orange print (for nose appliqué) ✿ One 6" x 42" strip each of red dot, blue dot, and green dot (Nos. 1632/2, 1632/1, and 1632/3, includes scarf appliqué) ✿ One fat sixteenth (41⁄2" x 22") of red swirl (No. 1631/2, for mitten and hat appliqués) ✿ One fat sixteenth of green stripe (No. 1634/3, for hat brim appliqué)* ✿ One fat quarter (18" x 22") of blue snowflake (No. 1635/1) ✿ One fat quarter of solid white (includes snowman and sign appliqués) ✿ 1⁄4 yd. each of blue snowman, red snowman, and green snowman (Nos. 1630/1, 1630/2, and 1630/3) ✿ 2⁄3 yd. of red diagonal stripe (No. 1634/2, includes sign post appliqué and binding)* ✿ 361⁄2" x 421⁄2" piece of backing ✿ 361⁄2" x 421⁄2" piece of batting ✿ 1 yd. of double-sided fusible web (for appliqué, if fusing) ✿ Thread in colors to match fabrics ✿ Embroidery needle ✿ Embroidery floss in black *This fabric is directional. . Ordering Information Yardage is based on scraps, fat sixteenths, fat quarters, and 42" wide useable flannel fabric from Troy Riverwoods' The Blizzard Bunch collection designed by Pearl Louise Krush. Fabric to make the entire quilt (includes backing, binding, and embroidery floss) is available for $34.95 (includes s&h within continental U.S.) from Thimble Cottage Quilt Village of Rapid City, SD, while supplies last. Phone 1-605-341-6569 or visit www.thimblecottage.com. The Quilter February/March 2014 the bottom up. Following manufacturer's instructions, fuse in place. Machine appliqué around the raw edge of each shape using matching or contrasting thread. Stitch the eyes and mouth using two strands of black floss. Trace the pom-pom shape directly onto the designated fabrics, cut out neatly, and set aside for use in step 7. 5. Layer the quilt top right side up on top of the batting and the wrong side of the backing. Baste the layers together and quilt as desired. Trim backing and batting even with the top. 6. Bind as desired using the four 21⁄2" x 42" red diagonal stripe strips. (See Quilting Basics under Freebies> Techniques for help.) 7. Dimensional hat pom-pom. Stack the three pom-pom shapes with the blue circle on top. Place the stack on the end of the hat. Sew to the quilt by sewing 1⁄4" away from the outer edge through all layers. Clip the outer edge of the stacked circles up to the sewn line at 1⁄4" intervals. Fluff the edges with your fingers to finish. Pearl Louise Krush, a professional designer from Rapid City, South Dakota, is the owner of Pearl Louise Designs pattern company and Thimble Cottage Quilt Village. For more information, visit www.thimblecottage.com. To see more fabrics by Troy Riverwoods, visit www.troy-corp.com. ❖ Quilt Layout Diagram Quilt Assembly and Finishing Note: Refer to the Quilt Layout Diagram for steps 1 through 3. The appliqué patterns do not require a seam allowance. Press border seams away from the quilt center after adding each strip. 1. Sew the 21⁄2" x 141⁄2" white strip to the bottom of the 141⁄2" x 181⁄2" blue snowflake piece. Press. The quilt center now measures 141⁄2" x 201⁄2". 2. Inner border. Using the red diagonal stripe strips and noting print orientation, stitch the 21⁄2" x 201⁄2" strips to the sides of the quilt center and then the 21⁄2" x 181⁄2" strips to the top and bottom. The quilt top now measures 181⁄2" x 241⁄2". 3. Outer (pieced) border. Noting placement, sew three blocks together for the top border. Make another strip for the bottom border. Stitch to the quilt top. Again noting placement, sew six blocks together for the left border. Make another strip for the right border. Stitch to the quilt top. The top now measures 301⁄2" x 361⁄2". 4. Appliqué. Using the patterns provided, trace all of the shapes except for the pom-pom face down onto one paper side of the fusible web, leaving at least 1⁄2" between them. Cut out roughly and remove the paper backing. Referring to the Appliqué Placement Diagram, arrange the shapes on the quilt top, building the design from The Quilter February/March 2014 Appliqué Placement Diagram Page 1 of 5 Arm Cut 1 and 1 reverse solid white Scarf Cut 1 green dot Scarf Tie Cut 1 green dot Scarf Tie Cut 1 green dot The Quilter February/March 2014 Page 2 of 5 Snowman Cut 1 solid White Match Line A B The Quilter February/March 2014 Page 3 of 5 Snowman Cut 1 solid white A Match Line B The Quilter February/March 2014 C Page 4 of 5 Sign Cut 1 solid white C The Quilter February/March 2014 Match Line D Match Line D Mitten Cut 1 and 1 reverse red swirl Page 5 of 5 Hat Brim Cut 1 green stripe Nose Cut 1 orange print Sign Post Cut 1 red stripe Hat Cut 1 red swirl Pom-Pom Cut 1 blue dot Cut 1 red dot Cut 1 green dot
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