An incredible 64-year push for No.1 Coke Plant and Byproducts

1 Company 1 Community 1 Magazine ArcelorMittal Dofasco April 2015 Vol. 7, No. 2
An incredible 64-year
push for No.1 Coke Plant
and Byproducts
Why strategy
Awards and Accolades
for Continuous
Improvement projects
The Pyramid Builders
Eliminating hazards
for a safe workplace
Personal Best:
Around the Bay
and more!
Global News
1 | ArcelorMittal Dofasco | April 2015
ArcelorMittal’s sustainable development creating value and reducing business disruptions
ArcelorMittal’s corporate responsibility strategy has been undergoing structural changes and
improvements with the primary goal to further reduce business disruptions and deliver greater economic
value for the company. The new approach is embedded in sustainable development and sustainability,
which are recognized as an important driver of shareholder value.
on stakeholder expectations and just beginning to see these trends
listen to what the stakeholders are in steel and mining. This might be
due to the higher environment
them what we want them to know profile of timber or fish, and the
direct line to consumers who
about us,’’ Alan says. The new
Over the past several months,
purchase wooden flooring or eat
approach, embedding previous
Alan Knight, General Manager,
fish. The focus on the environment
good practices, such as the one
Corporate Responsibility, and his
relating to reporting, grievance
was not as common in the steel
team have been studying our
mechanisms and community
industry in the past. However, it is
exposure to potential disruptions investment, goes one step further surely to become a mainstream
as well as emerging environmental and puts a greater focus on the
priority in the future. This is the
and social trends, a process which long-term issues stakeholders
reasoning behind the increased
has led to the definition of “the ten care about, and will continue to
focus on long-term thinking.
sustainability outcomes” that are care about in the future. ‘’We
now at the heart of our corporate want to think even more
A global framework for
responsibility strategy. These
local use
long-term, and by that I mean
outcomes, still underpinned by
Bearing in mind the diversity of
focus on long-term trends that
transparent governance, have
our company and the fact that we
could disrupt or shape our
been developed in close collabo- business plan, in particular, trends have an industrial footprint in 19
ration with entities across
linked to environmental and social countries with different social
ArcelorMittal and are to be a
and/or environmental issues, the
issues,’’ Alan adds.
framework for the future.
Other industries have already question remains whether the
The strategy so far has been addressed these issues and
sustainable development strategy
structured around four pillars
can address all of the questions
ArcelorMittal can certainly learn
- investing in people, making steel from them. In timber, for example, that arise “on the ground.” The
more sustainable, enriching our
answer to that lies in the flexibility
the practice of third party
communities, and the commitof the new approach. ‘’The
certification is well established.
ment that underlies the other
This means that when a consumer strategy is designed to help every
three: transparent governance.
single entity in the group. We are
purchases wood it is highly likely
The primary focus was on
trying to integrate an approach
that the wood is certified by a
which is sufficiently consistent to
corporate reporting and
forestry council, or another
look like ‘one company in one
organization. The situation is
community investment. ‘‘That
world’ but at the same time is
similar when it comes to fish,
approach achieved a lot, but we
diamonds, and around 60
sufficiently flexible at a commerthought that we needed to start
different raw materials, but we are cial level for every particular
listening more, to increase focus
Stefan Stojadinovic
[email protected] telling us rather than us telling
entity to implement. What is
absolutely clear about the
strategy is that we are not
expecting every country to do it
in the same way and at the same
pace around the world,’’ says Alan.
Some countries are more
advanced and set examples for
others to follow. ArcelorMittal
1. Safe, healthy, quality working lives for our people
South Africa has done well on
2. Products that accelerate more sustainable lifestyles
integrated reporting by talking
about the environmental issues
3. Products that create sustainable infrastructure
and incorporating them in the
4. Efficient use of resources and high recycling rates
financial report. Colleagues in the
5. Trusted user of air, land and water
U.S. are working on the “Sustain
6. Responsible energy user that helps create a lower carbon
the Great Lakes” project – workfuture
ing with various stakeholders to
help improve the quality and long- 7. Supply chains that our customers trust
term sustainability of the Great
8. Active and welcomed member of the community
Lakes, which is also a good
9. Pipeline of talented scientists and engineers for tomorrow example. Helping our customers
reduce their CO2 emissions and
10. Our contribution to society measured, shared and valued
their carbon footprint with
All underpinned by transparent good governance.
light-weight steel, particularly in
the automotive sector, is also a
very good example.
Ten sustainability outcomes are the foundation of ArcelorMittal’s new
sustainable development strategy
Focus on community
either to immediate local needs or engineers and scientists for
investment and STEM
in projects around STEM (science, tomorrow. It is obvious why
Community investment aims to
technology, engineering, and
ArcelorMittal needs them, but
allocate resources to support
maths). ‘’The reason why STEM
society as a whole needs them as
communities in ways that align
well. A lot of solutions to modern
with their needs and the ones of matters is because we as a
company, and society as a whole, challenges lie in science and
our businesses. This means that
the investment will be allocated
aren’t producing enough
engineering,’’ Alan concludes.
development outcomes
Transport Infrastructure
International Women’s Day
Steel, the fabric of life - providing steel for Marking International Women’s Day: ‘Your
transport infrastructure around the world contribution is a key element of our success’
Henri Blaffart tells female colleagues
ArcelorMittal Europe – Long Products supplied more than 20,000 tons of rebars which have been used in
the construction of seven new underground stations in Warsaw, the capital of Poland.
structures for construction
projects) has been collaborating
[email protected] with ArcelorMittal Warszawa since
2008. The relationship between
our companies, as well as the good
In previous editions we looked at customer service and reliability
how our steel is being used in cars, offered by ArcelorMittal
ships and several other
Warszawa, was the determining
transportation means, and how we factor why we were chosen for this
contribute to the fabric of life
around us. In this article, we focus
ArcelorMittal Warszawa
more specifically on how
supplied more than 20,000 rebars
ArcelorMittal steel is also helping
(reinforcing bars) from 20 mm to
build the infrastructure around
32 mm diameter in grade B500SP
transportation, as we shine a
EPSTAL for the construction of the
spotlight on a “super port” in Brazil new stations.
and new underground stations in
The construction of the
the capital of Poland.
central section of the second
Warsaw metro line began in
Helping Warsaw grow
September 2010. It is 6.1 km long,
Contributing to the expansion of
including 600 metres of tunnel
Warsaw’s underground in Poland,
under the Vistula River and a
ArcelorMittal Europe – Long
500-metre tunnel connecting the
Products supplied more than
first and second metro line. It has
20,000 tons of rebars which have seven stations, located 13 to 23
been used in the construction of
metres underground.
seven new underground stations.
“This is another important
project in Warsaw using our steel.
20,000 of rebars from
Our rebars are already present in
ArcelorMittal Warszawa
the Legia soccer stadium and in the
Stal Service (cut and bending
Museum of the History of Polish
company which supplies steel
Jews - now they have been used in
Stefan Stojadinovic
the construction of the second
metro line stations, offering
modern transportation solutions
that are much needed in a city with
as many traffic jams as Warsaw,”
The R&D Water Laboratory, located in Asturias (Spain) and is operated by a team of 10 women and
highlights Marek Kempa, CEO of
supports ArcelorMittal sites and mines from all around the world.
ArcelorMittal Warszawa.
representing only a limited
different ways. In Spain,
Stefan Stojadinovic
percentage of the total workforce. ArcelorMittal Zaragoza hosted an
Supplying steel for Brazil’s
[email protected]
However, at ArcelorMittal, we information session on uterine
‘super port’
want employees to be able to
cancer, the second most common
On the other side of the world,
realize their full potential
type of cancer among Spanish
ArcelorMittal Brazil has supplied
59,000 tons for the construction The world celebrated International regardless of their gender. In 2014, women between 15 and 44. In
Women’s Day on March 8, and
10 per cent of our managers were Ostrava, Czech Republic, a total of
of Açú Port in the country’s
ArcelorMittal colleagues around
female and we are determined to 815 women from ArcelorMittal
south-eastern state of Rio de
the world joined in to show respect see that figure increase in the
Ostrava and its subsidiaries were
Janeiro. The company supplied
and appreciation towards women. future. Several initiatives have
presented with a special gift bag.
41,000 tons of cut-and-bend
Henri Blaffart, EVP, MC
already been launched to that end, In Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
rebar, manufactured at the Belgo
member and Head of HR and
both at global and local level, with CEO Biju Nair and the management
Pronto unit, along with 18,000
more to come in 2015.
team hosted a celebration for all
tons of steel sheet piles. Sheet piles Corporate Services, decided to
address a few lines to the
One of our strengths is our
female employees. Each of the 212
are largely used in port terminals
thousands of women who are
extraordinarily diverse workforce. female colleagues received a gift
and shipyards as they offer a
As the world recently celebrated
to mark the occasion. ArcelorMittal
combination of high-strength and demonstrating their great skills
and talent day after day - in our
International Women’s Day, I would Luxembourg hosted a panel
durability together with lowplants, mines and offices – and
like to take the opportunity to
discussion on women and men in
weight characteristics.
thank our female colleagues who
leadership, with a special focus on
Known as the “super port” due who have helped make
gender diversity, valuing
to its size and the fact it will be able ArcelorMittal the global leader it is are doing an incredible job day
after day in our mines, our plants differences, and highlighting
to handle as much as 350 million
“There is no denying that the and our offices. Your contribution everyday challenges in both
tons per year of cargo, including up
is a key element of our success.”
production and management
to 100 million tons per year of iron steel and mining industry is
historically a male-dominated
ArcelorMittal sites have
ore, Açú Port is expected to
shown their appreciation in
become operational in April 2015. environment, with women
Local News
1 | ArcelorMittal Dofasco | April 2015
The playbook
Our company vision is ‘transforming tomorrow by striving for
World Class excellence today’. Our strengths, along with a focus on
our strategic priorities, targets and improvement system, will make
this a reality. Sean Donnelly, President and CEO, shares more on
what you need to know about our strategy playbook.
[email protected]
of where we’re headed as well as
the contribution required to help
the company succeed.”
As part of the 2014 Q4 and
Yearly results, employees have
been learning about ArcelorMittal
Dofasco’s performance strategy
– the priorities, targets and
improvement system that will
help us to meet and overcome our
challenges. Our company’s
strategy is continually assessed
and monitored, and it evolves
based on inputs from every
aspect of our business and the
environment in which we operate.
Each year, a diverse team
works with representatives from
each business area to update
ArcelorMittal Dofasco’s five-year
strategy. The result is an overall
company rolling five-year
strategy, as well as business unit
plans and performance targets
that deliver on it.
Sean Donnelly, President and
CEO, shares this strategy annually
with the ArcelorMittal Group
Management Board. In addition,
there are regular updates
provided in terms of performance
against the strategy and business
Here Sean provides more
context about our performance
What’s different about
our strategy?
“Our industry is so
volatile that if we
simply coast on
our successes,
our performance will
suffer. Our
require us to
push further –
to Play to Win.
That means
being the best
that we can be,
in everything
we do,
delivering World
Class solutions
and results and
creating World
Class experiences
for employees,
customers, suppliers,
government, regulators
and community. We must
always be striving for improvement so that when market
downturns happen (and they
will!), we are ready and prepared
– we can do this by focusing on
the things that are within our
Marie Verdun
While we discussed our
performance strategy, The
Playbook, as part of the Q1
results rollout, there are really two
aspects to strategy –
Why is it important to share
What are the key aspects of
organizational performance and
strategy information with all the strategy?
organizational health. Our
“The strategy really has to come
performance based strategy is
“Our strength is people and our
from who we are. This is the
the priorities, targets and
success requires that we are all
foundation on which we build. Our continuous improvement system
aligned on our goals and what it
vision is ‘Transforming tomorrow that will deliver on our aspiration
will take to continue to win. We all by striving for world class
to be World Class. The other side
contribute to our performance – excellence today.’ Our mission is
is what we refer to as the
every task and action either helps ‘Through the strength of our
organizational health strategy.
or hinders that. As a result, we all people, remain the North
This strategy sets out how to
need to understand the
American flat rolled leader in
create the environment we need
challenges we face and the
profitability and customer
to build in order to execute our
actions and plans that we have in satisfaction with the relentless
priorities and targets. The
place to overcome these. All
pursuit of continuous
Executive Team continues to work
employees need an understanding improvement.’
on the health strategy, which is
Our four strategic priorities
Journey to zero
Continue our drive to zero through strong
leadership, employee engagement, and a
consistent systems based approach
Beat the competition
• Secure full value and beat the
competition as the supplier of choice in
our chosen markets
• Drive product development for growth
of value added products and services
Operational excellence with
continuous improvement
Create value through operating with
excellence, optimizing our assets and
working with a continuous improvement
World Class Stakeholder
• Deliver World Class solutions and results
• Create World Class experiences for our
employees, customers, suppliers, government, regulators and our community
What are the priorities? We have four main priorities: Journey to Zero, Beat the Competition, Operational
Excellence with Continuous Improvement and World Class Stakeholder experiences.
Awards and Accolades
Our World Class Continuous
Improvement System projects
continue to turn heads with several
notable recognitions
Performance Excellence
Each year for the past five years ArcelorMittal Dofasco has
submitted outstanding projects in every category of the
company’s global Performance Excellence Awards (PEA). This
year’s entries were no exception – we were very proud of the
six projects put forward and the effort that went in to preparing
the submissions.
Health and Safety
Managing Risk: Achieving a Stepwise Improvement in Health &
Safety Performance through a “Stop. Challenge. Choose”
Environment & Corporate Responsibility
ArcelorMittal Dofasco - Team Orange: Creating a Caring
Community through Employee Engagement in Corporate
Operational Excellence
Reliability & Risk Management Improvement using ArcelorMittal
Dofasco Intelligent Condition Monitoring System (ICMS/Ivara
EXP) - The Journey at ArcelorMittal Dofasco
Customer Satisfaction and Margin Generation
New Product Developments Resulting in High Profit Margins
and Highly Satisfied Customers
Technical Innovation and R&D
Furthering Technology: Innovating Position Control and Flexible
Cooling of High Turbulence Roll Cooling (HTRC) to Support
Increased Mill Capability and Reduce Energy Consumption
the continuation and evolution of
our strong culture and values. We
have two key value sets: ‘Our
strength is people.’ and ‘Passion
for excellence.’ Both aspects of
the strategy build on the
foundation of our company, and I
look forward to continuing to talk
with employees about this
strategy and how we are
transforming tomorrow –
through our products, through
our process and through our
We’ve been doing quite well.
Shouldn’t we keep doing what
we’re doing?
“We have so many strengths: our
people, continuous improvement,
operational excellence, quality,
customer satisfaction and
technology, research and product
development. Leveraging these
strengths helps us to beat back
the challenges we face. However,
if we coast on our success, our
performance will suffer.
Our aspiration to be world
class in everything we do drives
this need for continuous
improvement and change or
adaptation. Think about a sporting
analogy… if you set a world record
in the 100 metre dash, you can
bet that your competitors are
training that much harder to catch
you. And in that analogy, a
hundredth of a second is the
difference between winning and
losing. To stay on top, you must
improve that record.”
What are the priorities?
We have four main priorities:
Journey to Zero, Beat the
Competition, Operational
Excellence with Continuous
Improvement and World Class
Stakeholder experiences.
Is there more that will be
shared with employees?
Yes. We will continue to talk about
various aspects of our strategy in
order to help employees
understand the business and how
we all contribute to our mutual
success…how we can all Play to
Win. We’ll talk more about both
the performance and health
aspects of strategy taking a closer
look at components of each.
Questions? Talk to your area
leadership or contact a member
of the Executive Team.
Innovation in Leadership, Management and HR
“Thanks a TON” – An Innovative Recognition Program with
Exceptional Results
It’s interesting to note that ArcelorMittal Dofasco is also
mentioned as a contributor or supporter in several of the 2015
finalists including “ArcelorMittal KLiP technology: a new way of
operating our lines at minimum cost, improved productivity and
line stability (Global R&D collaboration with Asturias, Dofasco,
and Sagunto), “S-in motion Light-Weight Steel Pick-Up”
(Collaboration with Global R&D Montataire and East Chicago),
“Value Plan: a breakthrough in mindset for the Continuous
Improvement process” (Tubarao, Brazil), and “Operational
Excellence - Better performance of Blast Furnace No.3 blow-in
and steel plant production ramp up” (Tubarao, Brazil).
Although our projects weren’t selected for the Peformance
Excellence Awards this year, the submissions do not stop at
these internal competitions. Two of our past PEA submissions
have received the “Steelie” for Innovation of the Year award
from worldsteel. One of our PEA submissions was recognized by
AIST and appeared in the November 2014 issue of AIST
Magazine. Past PEA submissions have also won awards from the
Ontario Society of Professional Engineers, Association for Iron
and Steel Technology and American Metal Market among
American Metal Market 2015
Awards for Steel Excellence
And this year, three of our PEA submissions have made the
finalist category in the 2015 American Metal Market 2015
Awards for Steel Excellence! They include:
• Best Innovation – Process: Innovating Position Control and
Flexible Cooling of High Turbulence Roll Cooling (HTRC) at
ArcelorMittal Dofasco’s Hot Mill
• Best Operational Improvements: KOBM Steelmaking
Innovation Through Automation
• Environmental Responsibility/Stewardship (including energy
conservation or delivery): Implementation of a Steam Driven
Turbo Generator at ArcelorMittal Dofasco for on-site power
The winners will be announced at the Steel Success Strategies
conference in New York City on June 8, 2015.
Association for Iron and Steel
Technology’s (AIST) Hunt-Kelly
Outstanding Paper Award.
Stephen Chung (Steelmaking), Joydeep Sengupta (R&D)
and Mehrnoosh Afnan-Alaie (World Class Manufacturing)
won the 2015 Association for Iron and Steel Technology’s
(AIST) Hunt-Kelly Outstanding Paper Award. The team earned
first place for their paper entitled “Stopper Rod Dithering Trials
at ArcelorMittal Dofasco’s No.1 Continuous Caster.” This award
is presented to the authors of the Association’s best published
paper in the previous year. The AIST Awards and Recognition
Program recognizes, through peer review, the active leadership
and significant contributions of individuals or companies to AIST
and the global iron and steel industry. The team will received the
award at the AIST President’s Award Breakfast on May 5, 2015
in Cleveland, Ohio. Congratulations Stephen, Joydeep and
Local News
1 | ArcelorMittal Dofasco | April 2015
The original
It was dubbed the “Million dollar butterfly” when it was built in 1951. An amazing 64 years later,
our No.1 Coke and Byproducts Plants teams pushed the last ovens clear of coke and scrubbed the
last blast of coke oven gas and byproducts on March 30, 2015
Marie Verdun
[email protected]
It was 1950 when construction
began on our No.1 Coke Plant. At
the same time, Dofasco was
building its first blast furnace, the
beginning of the company’s
position as an integrated steel mill.
The Coke Plant was fired up in the
Spring of 1951 and it took six
weeks for the ovens to warm up
to the point that it could begin
coking coal. It was referred to as
the “million dollar butterfly” as it
was commissioned in the spring
and had been under wraps,
literally, for most of the winter
before. Like a butterfly emerging
from its cocoon, the battery came
to life as the winter melted away.
It wasn’t long before two more
batteries were added, in 1956 and
The plant was an integral part
of Dofasco’s growth as an
integrated mill. With the advent of
oxygen steel, a North American
first, in 1954, our No.1 Coke Plant
supplied coke to the blast furnace
as well as Coke Oven Gas to help
heat the battery and melting and
heating processes in other parts of
the steelmaking plant.
It was a long run for the plant
and its people. No.1 was the oldest
Coke Plant in the ArcelorMittal
group. Keeping it operating
efficiently was the result of the
efforts and skill of our cokemaking
operations, maintenance and
technology teams. These teams,
as well as those at No.2 and No.3
Coke Plants have done an
outstanding job in operating and
maintaining our plants and are
often consulted for their
experience and expertise by
cokemakers around the world. Our
No.2 and No.3 facilities recently
scored at the top of the group
after an on-site audit and our
team has been cited for
benchmark operational practices
around the ArcelorMittal Group
and in the industry. These two
plants are currently undergoing a
major restoration – with $87
million being invested over five
Just prior to No.1’s closure,
approximately 85 operations,
maintenance and technology
employees worked at the plant. All
permanent employees have been
reassigned to other roles at
ArcelorMittal Dofasco, while
Cokemaking leadership and
Human Resources teams have
worked with casual employees to
match skills and performance to
additional openings that have or
may become available.
After the last push, and last
flow of gas, it takes several weeks
for the ovens to return to ambient
temperature just as they did to
warm up before the first push was
possible. Crews will clean out the
coal bunker at the Coke Plant,
while at Byproducts all the piping
and vessels will be cleaned and
purged to ensure they are
From left: Steve Koos (No.1 Coke Plant Team Member), Larry Kostur (Decommissioning Project Team Member) and Bill Jeffries (Byproducts
Technology-Process Reliability) share a laugh in front of the No.1 Coke Plant, on the day the operations team executed its last push of coke at
the facility, March 30, 2015.
inert. The structure, however, will
remain in place.
Thanks for the memories
For those working at the
Plant, the memories will be
treasured and the history
preserved for many years to
come. True to Dofasco’s
longstanding credo “Our strength
is people.” our colleagues at No.1
Coke and Byproducts say what
they’ll miss most after the closure
is the people. Bill Jeffries
(Byproducts Technology- Process
Reliability) has worked there for
34 of his 37 years with the
company and says: “The people
will be missed the most. We
were always a close knit group.
Almost everyone was referred to
by a nickname. Sometimes you
would be hard pressed
to remember what their
real names were.”
The memories
extend to on-the-job
as well. Bill’s biggest
memories are
two-fold: “The
preparation and
anxiety around Y2K
and perceived
potential disaster
followed by a feeling
of letdown when
nothing happened.
Then there was the
power blackout of
2003, spending
the duration of the
blackout in the
plant extending
battery backups
for monitoring
the processes
while finding
creative ways to
inert the plant
as utilities failed
one by one.”
Larry Kostur (Decommissioning Project Team Member)
has worked for 36 years in the
area as a Pipefitter, Group Leader
and Equipment Specialist. While
he officially retired in February
2015, he has come back to assist
with the decommissioning and
says it’s only fitting that he and
No.1 Coke Plant and Byproducts
retire together. “After spending
one year in Tin Maintenance, I was
transferred to Coke. I remember
being awed by the large-sized
piping systems up to 60” where in
Tin, 8” was considered large,” he
says. His legacy is strong at the
plant and when asked about his
proudest achievements he points
to the “Layout and fabrication of
many of the piping systems, some
of which still exist today.”
Steve Koos (No.1 Coke Plant
Team Member) has worked at the
plant for all but six weeks of his
35 years, having transferred to
No.1 Coke plant in 1981 after
being at the Foundry for only six
weeks. “I spent more time in here
than anywhere in my life. My
biggest memory will be working
with the guys…we’re all spreading
out now, it’s hard,” he says. Steve
says he started at the bottom and
worked his way up – he’s done
every job at the plant. “I’ve
touched everyone’s training here
throughout the years from door
cleaners to lid men. I’ll miss the
Active and retired colleagues
reminisced at a get-together to
celebrate the memories and mark
the end of an era at Dofasco.
Look for photos of the
get-together in the June edition of
1 Mag.
This May/June 1951 issue of Illustrated News,
the company’s first employee magazine,
featured a story on the newly constructed
No.1 Coke Plant. Construction had begun
in the Fall of 1950, coinciding with the
construction of No.1 Blast Furnace. The
battery took six weeks to heat up before
it was ready for coking coal. In the photo,
F.A. Sherman, President of Dofasco at the
time, is shown doing a ceremonial lighting
of the Coke ovens.
Local News
1 | ArcelorMittal Dofasco | April 2015
The Pyramid Builders
A new approach to hazard recognition and elimination is helping to pick up the pace
on our Journey to Zero
are posted to ensure success. To
date, 25 high priority trend related
action items have been completed
[email protected]
and 18 initiatives have been rolled
out. Examples include clearer
signage and educational
ArcelorMittal Dofasco’s Journey to presentations.
“By encouraging
Zero has prevented accidents and
documentation of unsafe
drastically reduced Lost Time
conditions and unsafe behaviours,
Injuries. However, our improveyou systematically identify and
ment rate has leveled without
significant gains. As our pursuit of eliminate them. This is the key to
Zero continues, we must focus on preventing injuries,” says Bill
Tuckett (Coach, CTS). “Employees
unsafe conditions and unsafe
are coming up with the ideas so
behaviours. Eliminating and
controlling them prior to accidents there tends to be more
happening is now the goal.
In CTS, as many as 50 to 60
Enter the Pyramid Builders
employees a month would walk in
a yellow drive way reserved for
Last April, a team from
Central Trades and Services (CTS) forklift manoeuvres. In February, it
moved to the next step and ran a only happened once. This
behaviour change was spurred by
World Class Manufacturing
an educational presentation and
(WCM) pilot project using the
signage mounted
Byrd’s Pyramid
on the green
The group « You have to find out walkway
called itself the
why the behaviour is pedestrians to
“Pyramid Builders”
and developed and happening and work walk there. The
green walkway
implemented a
backward to figure was also
four-step process
to identify, track,
out how we can stop extended
the entrance
control and/or
door with signs
eliminate hazards.
it from happening.
there too.
Of the 1,600
Claudio Pavan
hazards identified,
(Improvement Coach, biggest key to
83 per cent were
Manufacturing success was the
rectified by the
people who
Technology, CTS) » engagement of
employees on
the shop floor.
The new system was handed They see there are no
repercussions and that the
over to the Machine Shop
conditions are improving,” says
Steering Committee which
Jeff Nelson, (Business Unit
analyzes the data monthly and
identifies trends. Shop teams are Manager, CTS). “Once you realize
everyone is actually looking out
then assigned to investigate,
develop and execute action items for you, that really helps. Some
to control or eliminate the trend. people are not even aware of their
Key performance indicator trends own behaviour.”
Abigail Cukier
Jim Murray
From Left: Jeff Nelson, Martin Difrancesco, Bill Tuckett, Paul Sutherland, Sean Peacock, Pino Lauretani, Claudio Pavan and Brad Rattray (CTS)
were part of a World Class Manufacturing pilot team using the Byrd’s Pyramid concept to identify, track, control and/or eliminate hazards.
Also on the team were Chris Bayles (absent for the photo), Bob Newton (recently retired) and Marc Girard (recently passed away).
Brad Rattray (Machine Shop
Offsite Contract Coordinator)
says many employees have told
him communication has improved
throughout the shop.
“The system is a simple yet
effective way to encourage
participation, change the culture
of our employees and most
importantly, provide a safe
workplace. No matter how small
the issue, it can’t be disregarded. I
believe this is the mindset that can
finally propel ArcelorMittal
Dofasco on its Journey to Zero.”
A WCM Pillar, Pyramid
Builders System, was named to
honour the team’s work and will
be launched in all manufacturing
business units in 2015. The
Pyramid Builders System starts
with educating team members
about the safety pyramid and
looking at historical data. The next
step is to set up a convenient
station to collect data cards on
unsafe conditions and behaviours
that will be fed into a database.
Submissions are made
anonymously and no blame is
placed for behaviours. The team
analyzes the data to find trends
and the local steering committee
deploys improvement groups to
take action. The issues are
resolved through safety meetings,
training and improvement
Teams from Steelmaking,
Material Handling and Logistics,
Cold Rolled and Tin, Utilities and
Central Trades Services are
already part of the first wave of
the rollout, which began in
mid-March and will run through
June. From September to
December, another team from
CTS, as well as from Cokemaking,
Hot Mill, Pickling and Cold Rolling
and Tubular Products, will
“We will use the experiences
of these teams to further refine
our process,” adds Jim Murray,
Manager, Health and Safety. “In
2016, the plan is to get to the
point where this is a site-wide
The Byrd Accident Pyramid
represents a mathematical formula that indicates for every
one fatality there are 30 serious injuries, 300 minor injuries,
3,000 accidents without injury and 30,000 hazards
identified. It relies on the premise that the more information
we collect and the more hazards we know about, the more
effectively we can manage our safety.
The strength of steel.
The power of sport.
Learn more, or buy tickets, at
Local News
1 | ArcelorMittal Dofasco | April 2015
ArcelorMittal Dofasco is migrating to a new
Human Resources and Payroll System
New computer system will mean improved and more efficient processes
Bernard Buchanan
information through information
technology. The SAP solution is
[email protected] the standard for ArcelorMittal’s
global operations and has also
been the standard at Dofasco
ArcelorMittal Dofasco is
since 2003.
dedicated to continuously
Migrating the Human
improving all aspects of the
Resources and Payroll systems to
company’s business. That means SAP is a multi-project program.
improving processes and services The current phase will replace
through information systems
Time and Attendance, Pensions
that are effective, sustainable
and Benefits, Payroll and some
and able to support future
Human Resources functionality
requirements. It is for these
with the SAP-based system.
reasons that we are migrating to Although we think of these types
an SAP-based computer system of projects as driven by
for our Human Resources and
information technology, they are
Payroll systems.
much more about people and
SAP is a company best
business process. The focus of
known for its Enterprise
the project has been to ensure
Resource Planning (ERP)
that the migration is as smooth
software called ERP Central
as possible through extensive
Component (ECC) which
testing and training of users of
supports financial, order
the new system.
fulfillment, procurement, and
Continuous improvement is
human resource business
key in every aspect of our
processes. Using Enterprise
business. In the case of
Resource Planning integrates
PeopleSoft, status quo is not
business processes and
sustainable. Our financial systems
have already been upgraded to
SAP and we are now working on
the implementation of the HR
modules. While these types of
software upgrades can present
challenges, they also present us
with a significant opportunity to
improve our efficiency and
The new SAP system will be
launched in 2015 and regular
communications will be shared. In
addition, the implementation
team will be seeking input from
impacted departments.
Colleagues from
ArcelorMittal Sistemas in Brazil
are using their expertise and
experience to support us with
the technical implementation.
Key users will be trained through
the software testing process.
These key users will then train
other end users so that we are all
ready to switch to or “Go-Live”
with the new system.
While all Dofasco employees
will notice some changes, those
involved in working with HR and
financial processes in PeopleSoft
will be most affected. In addition
to HR and financial services,
employees who participate in or
manage time entry and approvals
(for example, CMMS and TARS
users) will be affected by the
change. Everyone who uses the
system will receive
comprehensive training to
prepare for the new technology.
Training will start in May for the
800-plus time approvers, with
other employees starting in June. After the “Go-Live”, all
employees and retirees will begin
to receive an updated pay
statement with more detailed
information. When the new pay
statements are available a guide
and reminder will be issued to
employees and retirees.
The new SAP system gives us the
opportunity to explore more
innovative solutions moving
forward like self serve options
that would not be available with
our older system. Colleagues in
Information Technology and
Systems, Financial and Human
Resources have been working
very hard to collaboratively make
this upgrade. The SAP finance
module was successfully
launched in 2013 and we look
forward to our HR
implementation in 2015.
Need to Know
• In 2015, ArcelorMittal Dofasco is switching from our current
human resources management system, PeopleSoft to SAP.
• Colleagues from ArcelorMittal Sistemas in Brazil have been on site
helping us with the technical scope.
As part of the project, employee and retiree personal information
used in our payroll system will now be stored on the ArcelorMittal
Sistemas secure server systems in Brazil following our obligations
under Dofasco’s Privacy In the Workplace policy. For more
information about ArcelorMittal Dofasco’s Privacy Policy, contact
[email protected].
Employees working with HR and financial processes in PeopleSoft
will be most affected, as will time-approvers.
All employees and retirees will notice that their pay statement
looks different and includes more information.
Most user training will be held at the Learning and Development
If you have any questions about the new system, please contact
[email protected].
Health and Wellness
Personal Best underway and beating
‘Around the Bay’ records!
This year’s edition of ArcelorMittal Dofasco’s Personal Best program has already yielded excellent results
and is sure to end the five-month challenge with a sprint finish.
Ours was the largest team entered into the 2015 Around the Bay Road Race. 127 Team Members participated alongside 11,000 others in the 5 km, 30 km and relay events. Our team also managed to raise more than
$25,000 for St. Joseph’s Healthcare in Hamilton all while staying healthy and fit.
Candice Olson
[email protected]
Mark Collis (IT) finishes the grueling 30 km
race with his daughter Amanda with whom
he often shares training runs and races.
This was Mark and Amanda’s 10th Around
the Bay 30 km race together (Mark has
done 18 total). Of the race, Mark says “For
the record, it was our slowest Bay finish
ever, but it was still a good day to get out
for a run and enjoy the sunshine after such
a long, cold winter.” Mark and Amanda
have also qualified for and completed four
Boston Marathons together (only the
second wheelchair team to do so). Read a
blog about Mark and Amanda’s running
journey here:
For the fourth year, our corporate
team ran or walked in the “Around
the Bay Race,” in support of St.
Joseph’s Healthcare Foundation.
Since 2012, we have had 425
runners participate and raised
more than $75,000. This year
saw ArcelorMittal Dofasco’s
largest numbers to date with 127
runners raising more than
$25,000 for the hospital. Senior
leadership ran alongside
employees and their families to
support our community’s
healthcare practitioners. Way to
go team!
The Personal Best program
has also evolved over the last
four years, with 250 participants
and several new programs
tailored to the needs of our
employees. A couple of six-week
initiatives were launched this year
including: Yoga for Busy Minds
and Mindfulness Meditation to
address stress and encourage
people to take time to relax.
Currently, 190 employees are
participating in the
Pedometer Challenge (Personal
Best’s version of the March
Madness Competition) with four
teams “racing” from Hamilton to
Vancouver. Divided by business
unit, participants add up the
steps they take each week and
the first team to reach Vancouver
(in terms of distance covered)
Also new for 2015 are two
new focus areas: “Get Up & Go”
for those who are already active,
and “Resiliency”, for people
wishing to focus on building
resilience. We have also added a
“Better Half” stream for
employees who would like to
participate along with their
spouses because being supported
at home is more likely to produce
However, it’s not just about
working out; healthy eating is also
a crucial component to Personal
Best success according to
Program Leader, Lindsay Knight.
To help employees learn
about good nutrition, Lindsay’s
team launched “Weightwise,” a
weight management program
focused on healthy, active living.
Members who suffer from
diabetes or pre-diabetes can also
sign up for “Healthwise” to focus
on improving their cardiovascular
health and blood sugar levels.
The success of the Around
the Bay Race and other Personal
Best programs depends on the
enthusiasm and dedication of
ArcelorMittal Dofasco employees.
Congratulations to all who
participated in the race and good
luck to those continuing their
Personal Best journey!
If you aren’t involved and
would like to learn more about
the Health and Wellness
programs and services available
to you and your family, contact
Lindsay Knight at lindsay.knight@ or Ext. 3922.
1 | ArcelorMittal Dofasco | April 2015
Local News
Canadian Blood Services Partner
for Life recognition awards
The people, places and events of ArcelorMittal Dofasco
2015 ArcelorMittal Dofasco CIS Men’s and Women’s Basketball
Championships Weekend
The Canadian Blood Services recently honoured ArcelorMittal Dofasco
employees during the “Partners for Life” recognition event for their
significant contribution to blood drives. The national NGO thanked
ArcelorMittal Dofasco for its continued support of blood collection and
for being a community leader that inspires other organizations to
donate. We have a long history of blood donation at ArcelorMittal
Dofasco. Employees have been giving blood since the early 1940s in
response to the needs of WWII. In 2014, employees donated 661 units
of blood through our on-site clinics making us the largest employee
group in Ontario. Our 2015 target is to donate 650 units of blood. Call
1-888-2-DONATE or go online to book an
appointment if you are interested in signing up for our next blood drive.
From March 12-15, 2015, ArcelorMittal Dofasco was the presenting sponsor of the 2015 Canadian Interuniversity Sport (CIS) Men’s and
Women’s Basketball Championships. The men’s tournament took place in Toronto at Ryerson University’s Mattamy Centre while the women’s
tournament was contested at Laval University in Quebec City. ArcelorMittal Dofasco is also the presenting sponsor for the CIS Mitchell Bowl
(football) and the CIS Athlete of the Week.
Tony Valeri, Vice President, Corporate Affairs (second from left), is
joined by CIS Board Member Drew Love (far right), to present players
from the Carleton Ravens with the W.P. McGee Trophy and
championship banner in honour of their achievements.
Katrina McFadden, Vice President, Human Resources and Corporate
Administration, presents players from the University of Windsor
Lancers with gold medals.
Stirring up support through Soupfest
Members of Team Orange came out on a cold, February evening to help youth-at-risk at the annual Living
Rock Soupfest. What started out as a modest way to raise money to help troubled youth has 13 years later
become one of the most popular annual fundraising events in Hamilton. More than 25 local restaurants
compete for titles such as “Best Soup” and “Most Creative Soup.” In addition to supporting the Soup Fest,
ArcelorMittal Dofasco’s Corporate Community Investment Fund also sponsors Living Rock’s Saturday Drop
In program.
Norma Bonner (Medical Services), receives a certificate of recognition
from Judy Compton (left) from Canadian Blood Services in recognition
of ArcelorMittal Dofasco’s continued support of blood collection.
ArcelorMittal Dofasco helps United Way of
Burlington and Greater Hamilton exceed
fundraising goal
In October, ArcelorMittal Dofasco and its employees launched a challenge to the community to give more
to the United Way during this year’s campaign. The “#Let’sDoGooder” campaign encouraged individuals to
donate to the United Way of Burlington and Greater Hamilton, matching increased leadership gifts – dollar
for dollar – up to $500,000. The matching was provided through the Corporate Community Investment
Fund and the Employee Donations Fund. The campaign goal was met and exceeded, resulting in more than
$6,800,000 in total donations. At the end of the campaign on March 5, the United Way paid tribute to
ArcelorMittal Dofasco and its employees’ contributions to the community.
From left: Donna Arnold (Financial Reporting) and Laurel Hines (Commercial Technology), serve bread to
event attendees Cindy and George Balansche.
Participants celebrate the United Way of Burlington and Greater Hamilton’s successful campaign as it
reached it’s goal of raising $6.8 million.
Union Gas awards ArcelorMittal Dofasco
for reducing energy consumption
Working together for Ontario’s manufacturing future
On Feb. 10, 2015, natural gas distributor, Union Gas, presented ArcelorMittal Dofasco with a rebate
cheque for $140,000. The Enersmart rebate was for energy conservation projects completed in 2014
which included furnace maintenance work on our galv lines, batch annealing natural gas regulator
replacements, steam trap repairs and a 2015 energy footprint assessment study.
From left: Zac Ford (Purchasing), Ian Shaw (Energy), David Dent (Union Gas), Brad DeMaeyer (Union Gas),
Jennifer Passalent (Purchasing), Mike Stinnissen (Galv), Sonya Pump (Energy), Neil Macfadyen (Union Gas),
Kevin Hunt (Hot Mill), Kyle Barless (Galv) proudly hold a cheque that reflects the hard work that
ArcelorMittal Dofasco employees undertook in 2014 to reduce energy usage.
In March, ArcelorMittal Dofasco hosted the Ontario Chamber of Commerce, the Hamilton Chamber of
Commerce and Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters for a special roundtable meeting. The Honourable
Brad Duguid, Ontario Minister of Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure, led a discussion
on supporting a competitive advanced manufacturing sector in Ontario. Participants at the event shared
their perspectives and recommendations on how the Government of Ontario can work with industry and
local stakeholders to foster innovation, increase productivity and attract investment in Ontario’s
manufacturing sector.
Ontario Minister of Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure, the Honourable Brad Duguid,
discusses what the Government of Ontario can do to assist and attract manufacturing investment in Ontario.
Local News
1 | ArcelorMittal Dofasco | April 2015
In Passing
Global News in Brief
Recent Retirees
Our sympathies to the families of the employees and retirees who
have recently passed away. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
To those employees who have recently announced their retirements:
“Thank you for your service and best wishes for a wonderful retirement!”
Paul Adourian, on January 26,
2015, at the age of 74. Paul worked
in Transportation and retired in
1992 with 28 years of service.
Ron Bannister, with 39 years of
service, Steelmaking
Murray Best, on February 1, 2015,
at the age of 59. Murray worked in
CTS - GMF - Field Execution Mobile
and retired in 2012 with 37 years of
Valentino Bisignani, on February
15, 2015, at the age of 81.
Valentino worked in the Foundry
and retired in 1992 with 27 years of
Marko Misina, on February 25,
2015, at the age of 87. Marko
worked in the #1 Melt Shop and
retired in 1990 with 35 years of
Cindy Mahy-Lokstet, with 34
years of service, CTS - On-site
Karen Duncan, with 38 years of
service, Order Fullfilment - Finishing John Scott, with 38 years of
service, Iron Maintenance Karen Fanjoy, with 30 years of
service, Central Shipping
Joseph Wirth, with 30 years of
Harold Lilly, with 34 years of
service, Heavy Equipment Repair
service, Cold Roll - Tim Mill Control
David Nicholson, on February 28,
2015, at the age of 74. David
worked in Employee Services and
retired in 1992 with 25 years of
Vasa Pankerichan, on February
25, 2015, at the age of 83. Vasa
worked in the No.3 Coke Ovens and
retired in 1996 with 25 years of
Clifford Boyd, on March 7, 2015,
at the age of 85. Clifford worked in Tony Price, on February 21, 2015,
Central Shipping and retired in 1982 at the age of 78. Tony worked in
with 35 years of service.
the Tin Mill - Mechanical and
retired in 1992 with 26 years of
Guido Di Stefano, on March 13,
2015, at the age of 86. Guido
F.H. Sherman Recreation and Learning Centre
OPENING DAY for golf!
Saturday, May 02 until Sept. 07 / 2015
“250 yard” Driving Range 18 Hole Miniature Golf
Bucket $ 7.00
Adults: $5.00
Driver/Iron Rental $2.00 each *Child12 years of age & under: $2.00
worked in the Foundry and retired in William Prince, on February 3,
Toddlers 3 & under FREE
1991 with 25 years of service.
2015, at the age of 81. William
worked in the Hot Mill and retired in Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday: 10:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.
Kenneth Earnshaw, on February
Monday and Wednesday: 12:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.
26, 2015, at the age of 67. Kenneth 1991 with 34 years of service.
No new customers after 9:15 p.m.
worked in CTS - Machine Repair and John Rakoczy, on February 13,
retired in 2009 with 24 years of
2015, at the age of 60. John
worked in Hot Rail with 40 years of
Gordon Farrenden, on February
16, 2015, at the age of 87. Gordon Fred Rowbottom, on February 5,
worked in the Hot Mill and retired in 2015, at the age of 80. Fred
1987 with 27 years of service.
worked in Cold Rolled Products and
retired in 1990 with 35 years of
Marino Grandin, on March 12,
2015, at the age of 71. Marino
worked in No.2 and 3 Coke Ovens
Stanley Shibish, on February 7,
and retired in 2008 with 28 years of 2015, at the age of 75. Stanley
worked in the Cold Mill - No.2 and
3 Pickle Line and retired in 1992
Neil Harrison, on March 3, 2015,
with 32 years of service.
at the age of 79. Neil worked in
Galvanize and retired in 1992 with
Hugh Stouph, on January 26,
33 years of service.
2015, at the age of 80. Hugh
worked in Mechanical - Tin Mill and
Jack Keith, on March 7, 2015, at
retired in 1992 with 28 years of
the age of 86. Jack worked in the
Cold Mill and retired in 1991 with
36 years of service.
Cornelio Troietto, on January 29,
Lewis Kowalski, on March 8, 2015, 2015, at the age of 88. Cornelio
worked in the Skid Shop and retired
at the age of 90. Lewis worked in
Central Maintenance and retired in in 1984 with 35 years of service.
1980 with 37 years of service.
Alan Watson, on March 3, 2015,
at the age of 88. Alan worked in the
Stjepan Krnezic, on March 4,
Foundry and retired in 1987 with
2015, at the age of 75. Stjepan
worked in Crane Repair and retired 25 years of service.
in 2004 with 36 years of service.
Kenneth Watterson, on February
26, 2015, at the age of 64. Kenneth
John Lapadich, on January 26,
worked in Cold Roll Finishing 2015, at the age of 80. John
Electrical Maintenance and retired
worked in Security and retired in
in 2002 with 30 years of service.
1998 with 27 years of service.
Sun-Pui Leung, on March 14,
2015, at the age of 70. Sun-Pui
worked in the Financial Department
and retired in 2009 with 32 years of
Lance Lusignea, on January 31,
2015, at the age of 52. Lance
worked in MHL with 28 years of
James MacAulay, on February 8,
2015, at the age of 85. James
worked in Pickling and Cold Roll and
retired in 1987 with 40 years of
Basil Whitehouse, on March 8,
2015, at the age of 89. Basil
worked in Hot Roll and retired in
1984 with 34 years of service.
Maizieres colleagues win third spot in steelChallenge
world finals
Colleagues Leandro Dijon de Oliveira Campos and Ghassan
Ghazal from our global R&D centre in Maizieres (France)
have won third place in the World Steel Association’s
steelChallenge world finals, after making it to the top spot
in the regional (Europe, CIS, Africa and Middle East)
category earlier this year. 02/23/2015
Newly discovered butterfly named after ArcelorMittal
Liberia ecologist
A new species of African butterfly has been named after an
ArcelorMittal Liberia ecologist. The recently discovered
species, Wing’s Epitola - Cephetola wingae, which belongs
to the family of Blues (Lycaenidae) - bears Wing-Yunn
Crawley’s name in recognition of her significant
contribution to ArcelorMittal Liberia’s Biodiversity
Conservation Programme, which aims to prevent or
compensate for the long-term impact of iron ore mining
operations on the environment. 03/13/2015
Heavy Plate Mill in Gijón will supply 23,000 tons of
heavy plate for the foundations of 29 wind turbines in
the Baltic Sea
ArcelorMittal’s factory in Gijón will supply 23,000 tons of
heavy plate for the construction of 29 jacket foundations
for the Wikinger offshore wind farm to be installed in the
Baltic Sea, in German waters. The shipments for this order
will be delivered between March 2015 and March 2016.
The installation of the jackets will start in the first quarter
of 2016 and is expected to be completed by the end of
summer the same year. 02/26/2015
ArcelorMittal set to invest €88 million in Germany this year
Around €88 million will be spent on modernizing and
increasing the competitiveness of the group’s production
sites in Germany. 03/18/2015
Joseph Woolley, on March 3,
Camp also includes the use of mini-putt/driving range, gym, rink
2015, at the age of 85. Joseph
floors, ball diamonds, soccer field, tennis courts, all-purpose court,
worked in the Hot Mill and retired in
swings, sprinklers and many more features.
1991 with 31 years of service.
A typical day at camp includes; singing the national anthem at the flag
pole, morning announcements, break into age groups and get
underway with arts and crafts, games, songs, water activities, theme
day (which can include dressing up) and many sporting events.
Join us this summer. Registration forms and parent handbooks are
available online and at the recreation park.
Learn more about programming at the Centre at under Corporate Responsibility
or call 905-560-5886, then press “0”.
Subscription Opt In
Canada Post subscribers: Do you wish to continue receiving 1 Magazine?
1 Magazine is published for ArcelorMittal Dofasco employees as well as retirees/surviving spouses. Current employees
receive the magazine at work by company mail, while retirees/surviving spouses receive the magazine by Canada Post mail.
If you are a retiree or surviving spouse and wish to continue to receive 1 Magazine, and haven’t already sent this card or an
email, please let us know! Beginning in September 2015, we will mail 1 Magazine only to those who have actively
subscribed. However, readers will have until Aug. 1, 2015 to let us know if you’d like to receive the magazine, and this
notice will be published in each issue until then. If you have more than one retiree in your household, please consider having
only one member opt in to save duplication. There is no cost for a subscription. You may subscribe one of two ways:
1) Fill out this card (only once!) and mail it to: 1 Magazine, ArcelorMittal Dofasco, 1330 Burlington Street East,
P.O. Box 2460, Hamilton, ON, L8N 3J5.
2) Send us an email (only once!) at [email protected].
Please include all of the information below.
First Name GM recognizes ArcelorMittal as Supplier of the Year
ArcelorMittal proudly accepted General Motors’ (GM)
Supplier of the Year award for the second consecutive year
at the automaker’s 23th annual ceremony held in Detroit
on March 5. The Supplier of the Year award was given to
just 78, or less than one per cent, of GM’s global suppliers.
Come and join in the fun at camp. Campers must be between four and
13 years of age. We have three exciting off-site trips this year.
Emerald Lake for fun, adventure and fishing with the Dofasco Retirees,
Splitsville for sonic bowling and Safari Niagara to see all kinds of
different animals. Of course we have swimming every Friday, along
with a Special lunch. Don’t forget the end of the year CARNIVAL!!
Gunther Wieth, on February 21,
2015, at the age of 85. Gunther
worked in the No.1 Hot Mill Cranes and retired in 1991 with 31
years of service.
Ernest Wren, on February 26,
2015, at the age of 84. Ernest
Josip Matesic, on February 1,
worked in Galvanize and retired in
2015, at the age of 79. Josip
worked in the Melt Shop and retired 1991 with 35 years of service.
in 1992 with 24 years of service.
Brian Young, on March 12, 2015,
at the age of 63. Brian worked in
Robert McMullen, on March 4,
the Tin Mill Finsihed Production and
2015, at the age of 80. Robert
retired in 2009 with 27 years of
worked in Cranes and retired in
1992 with 28 years of service.
Camp Steel-Away 2015 wants to
see you this summer!!
Last Name
Perm No.*
*If you are unsure of your Perm No., it is the number on your Greenshield Card (member ID AMDXXXXX-XX).
*If you choose not to subscribe to 1 Magazine, you will stop receiving the magazine next year in September, 2015. This notice will run each issue until August, 2015.
ArcelorMittal Galati continues energy efficiency investment
ArcelorMittal Galati has invested more than €7m to
upgrade a set of turbine blowers, aimed at reducing energy
consumption at blast furnace No.5. The turbine blowers
inject cold air into the blast furnaces, and are key to the
technological flow of the unit. Following the investment,
the company has cut steam consumption by half.
For more information, go to
1 | ArcelorMittal Dofasco | April 2015
1 Magazine is published six times
per year by ArcelorMittal Dofasco
for the company’s employees,
retirees and their families.
1 Company 1 Community 1 Magazine ArcelorMittal Dofasco April 2015 Vol. 7, No. 2
Marie Verdun,
[email protected]
Bernard Buchanan , Abigail Cukier,
Richard Do Couto, Jim Murray,
Janice O’Hoski, Candice Olson,
Stefan Stojadinovic,
Marie Verdun, Lydia Williams
Joseph Bucci, Yan Doublet,
Dofasco file photos,
Juan Fernández Lavandero,
Julio Ramos, Metro Warszawskie
(Warsaw Underground)
Layout and Printing:
Aylmer Express
Circulation: 13,000
Publication Mail Agreement
No part of this magazine may be
reproduced without prior written
permission of the publisher.
© Copyright 2015
ArcelorMittal Dofasco,
1330 Burlington St. East
Hamilton ON L8N 3J5
905 548 7200 ext. 2066
An incredible 64-year
push for No.1 Coke Plant
and Byproducts
Why strategy
Awards and Accolades
for Continuous
Improvement projects
The Pyramid Builders
Eliminating hazards
for a safe workplace
Personal Best:
Around the Bay
and more!
Cover Image:
On March 29, 2015 No.1 Coke plant
completed its last push. The plant operated
for 64 years, requiring 5,600 years of
employee service. The plant had 105 ovens
and produced 310,000 nT of coke annually
for a total of 25+ million tons of coke over its
career. Thank you No.1 Coke and Byproducts
team for your work and dedication over an
incredible 64-year run!
Join Us
: @ArcelorMittal_D
: /company/