PRESS INFORMATION SWA AROVSK KI ARCH HITECTU URAL SOLUTIO S ONS SP PARKLE ED AT EUROLU E UCE, MILAN, AP PRIL 14 4-19 NEW IN NNOVATIVE CRYST TAL LIGHT TING DES SIGNS UNV VEILED April 21 1, 2015 - Positioned P ass the partne er of choice e for extraorrdinary lighting design solutions, s Swarovsski Architectural Solution ns unveiled three t cutting g-edge decorrative crysta al lighting inn novations for the fiirst time at Euroluce, the exhibition de evoted to glo obal lighting excellence, e in Milan, Italyy. Making their interna ational debut at the 54th edition of th he Salone del Mobile we ere the brea ath-taking customizzed Crystal Art Pieces Shimmering g Sea and Prismatic, as well as the luminairre Urban Spheres s. Crystal Bamboo, B Honeycomb, Crystal C Pane el and the sttunning Crysstal Art Piece e Crystal Morpho ology were showcased s o once again on n the world stage. s The specialized te eam of crysta al lighting experts at Swarovskki conceptualized, develo oped, renderred, and prod duced each of these inno ovative – and illum minating – creations c to add sparkling brilliance e to hospita ality, residen ntial and com mmercial architecttural project commissions worldwide.. nner, Head of Business s Operation ns and Swa arovski Arch hitectural Solutions S Johannes Oberdan e Swarovskii Architecturral Solutionss products displayed d att Euroluce this t year Europe,, says, “The continue e to reflect th he longstand ding competence and exxpertise of our o highly skkilled team of o lighting plannerss, designers and enginee ers. They com mbine finest craft with exxtraordinary and bespoke e turnkey design ssolutions tha at maximize the express sive, emotional, and transformative power of Swarovski S Crystalss. This is our core compettence on which we will draw on and widen w in the future.” Shimme ering Sea L Like the playy of light on the waves of an infinite sea, this Crysstal Art P Piece holds you in its ma agic spell. Its sparkling reflections r su uggest f feelings of bo oth wellbeing g and limitles ss freedom. S Shimmering Sea is a me ediation on the many mo oods of the ocean, o a various liight sourcess work to tra as ansform and d abstract it into a c crystal medle ey of watery art. Prismattic Pag ge 1 of 5 PRESS INFORMATION I Inspired by principles of o pure geom metry and parametric p d design, P Prismatic re eflects the natural crys stalline struc cture of pre ecious s stones – the e sharp edge es and cubicc shapes me eld together with a b bright clear radiance tto create uniquely u sha aped crystals. Its m modular sysstem allows for versatile e assembly leading to several s d different kind ds of forms in n a variety off sizes. y Crystal Morphology V Visually stun nning, this design floats in wave-like e fashion, viirtually w weightless. o shap pe, comprise ed of twentyy-eight Its smooth organic t thousand Swarovski S crystal bea ads, presents eye-ca atching p perspectives s from any angle tha at are simp ply impossib ble to p photograph. Crystal Bamboo I Inspired by the naturall beauty of bamboo, layers of similarly s shaped glasss rods are harmonioussly suspended and softtly set a aglow by the eir LED-illumiinated crysta al tips. E Extremely v versatile and d applicable to ceilings,, Crystal Ba amboo a allows for the creation of o individualiz zed installations. Diverse e color e effects can be b applied to the crystals to create a surprising s range of s sparkling atm mospheres. Spheres Urban S Pag ge 2 of 5 PRESS INFORMATION T These lumin naires are inspired by nothing lesss than the earth i itself. Each sphere of Murano M glasss translates the fragility, purity a and sheer beauty b of ou ur planet into o a dreamsccape of idea as and a aspirations. The T light source represe enting earth’’s core transsforms U Urban Spherres into invissible projectio on screens rather r than a mere g globes. Honeyc comb H Honeycomb combines crystal c and light in completely new ways. W a wide range of app With plications Ho oneycomb in ncorporates 1 13,500 S Swarovski crrystals per sq quare meter and is backllit by LEDs. Its I soft light and cha anging color moods impart a magica al, almost ce elestial a atmosphere. Crystal Panel R Realms of fa antasy dazzle the eyes, as Crystal Panel P alters spatial s p perception, m making room ms appear wid der and more e spacious. H Highly skilled d hands preccisely set eac ch individuall crystal into place, u uniquely tran nsforming wa alls, ceilings, stairs and fa acades. W Whatever th he source o of illuminatio on, Crystal Panel P takes on a r radiance thatt seems to spring from within. w Pag ge 3 of 5 PRESS INFORMATION ABOUT S SWAROVSKII ARCHITECT TURAL SOLUTIONS The Experts S is the specialists’ s divission of Swarovsski Lighting, form mally establishe ed in 2011. Its expert e team Swarovskii Architectural Solutions of architeccts, interior and product design ners, Swarovskii Architectural Solutions S develo ops innovative architectural a solutions that capitalize on the expresssive, emotional, and transforma ative power of crystal. c The tea am at Swarovski aims to create uniquely b the architeccture and style of o the building. integrated crystalline features that are in harmony with both el Services Unparalle Swarovskii Architectural Solutions S workss hand-in-hand interior designe ers, architects and a project own ners targeted to o help them realize the eir own vision with crystal. From F planning and purchasing to project management m an nd creation, an nd flawless implementtation, Swarovski Architectural Solutions has a proven track re ecord as a partn ner to the archittectural industryy and offers comprehensive support th hroughout the entire e duration of a project. Renowned Projects o the use of inno ovative technology and creativve ideas, crysta alline lighting fea atures by Swarrovski have alre eady added Thanks to brilliance to hotel suites and lobbies, casinos and leisure esta ablishments, res staurants and bars b and luxury residences style and b around the world. Projeccts include the Rockefeller Center and Dian ne von Fursten nberg Headqua arters—both in New York, V Canada a; Ritz Carlton Hotels H in Mosco ow and Berlin; Taj T Hotel in Sydney; Royal Spa a Kitzbühel, Sparkling Hill Resort in Vernon, umi hotel; Hyattt Regency Hote el Dubai, The Mariinsky M Theatter in St. Peterrsburg, Russia, as well as Austria; Singapore’s Nau er the world. private ressidences all ove Premium Products S offerss an established d portfolio of premium decora ative lighting and lighting soluttions to the Swarovskii Architectural Solutions design rea alm. In addition to the custom lighting applica ations offered by b Swarovski Arrchitectural Solu utions, Swarovsski Lighting includes tw wo very distinctt premium conssumer lighting brands; b Swarovsski, with its contemporary aestthetic, and Scho onbek, with its classic designs. Comb bined, Swarovskki and Schonbek k share more than 250 years off crystal and ligh hting history. etwork Global Ne Swarovskii Architectural Solutions S operattes out of two major m hubs in bo oth Plattsburgh, NY, USA and Vomp, V Austria, and is part of the glob bal Swarovski ne etwork. ABOUT S SWAROVSKII Swarovskii delivers a dive erse product po ortfolio of unmattched quality, crraftsmanship an nd creativity. Fo ounded in 1895 5 in Austria, Swarovskii Crystal Busine ess designs, manufactures m an nd markets crysstals, natural an nd created gem mstones, finishe ed products such as jjewelry, accesssories and ligh hting. The com mpany’s film diivision, Swarovvski Entertainm ment, produces artistically accomplished feature film ms with global box-office b appe eal. The Swarovvski Foundation n was set up to o honour the ph hilanthropic e company by supporting s creattivity and culture e, promoting we ellbeing and con nserving natural resources. spirit of the by the fifth gene eration of familyy members, Sw warovski Crystal Business has a global reach with approxima ately 2,480 Now run b stores in a around 170 coun ntries, more tha an 24,000 emplo oyees, and reve enue of about 2..33 billion euross in 2013. Togetther with its subsidiaryy companies Swarovski S Optikk (optical devicces) and Tyrolit (abrasives); Swarovski Cry ystal Business forms the Swarovskii Group. In 2013 3, the Group generated revenue of about 3.02 billion euros an nd employed mo ore than 30,000 0 people. Pag ge 4 of 5 PRESS INFORMATION FOR MO ORE INFORM MATION & INTERVIEW REQUESTS S MEDIA CONTACT NATIONAL INTERN Nadja Brakonier ural Solutionss Swarovsski Architectu nadja.brrakonier@sw m Mob. +4 43 664 852 8332 Tel. +43 3 5224 50018 832 www.arcchitecture.sw m www.sch ANY/AUSTRIIA/SWITZER RLAND GERMA Ella Grig gorovici ella@glo obe-stories.c com Tel. +49 9 89 8856911 19 Mob. +4 49 179 54899 958 ITALY a Fiandra Cristiana cristiana a.fiandra@ve eneziacongre Tel. +39 9 329 944 9385 Pag ge 5 of 5
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