Watershed High School Minneapolis, Minnesota Annual Report – 2012-2013 This version submitted October 15, 2013, with board approval. Table of Contents 1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................................. 3 Watershed’s Mission ................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Watershed’s Vision ..................................................................................................................................................................... 3 School History ............................................................................................................................................................................. 3 2. Governance .................................................................................................................................................................................. 3 2012-2013 School Year Charter Public School Board .................................................................................................................. 4 3. School Management and Administration ................................................................................................................................... 5 2012-13 School Management and Faculty Information .............................................................................................................. 5 4. 2012-13 Teaching Faculty Information ......................................................................................................................................... 6 5. School Admissions and Enrollment ............................................................................................................................................. 6 6. Academic Progress ...................................................................................................................................................................... 7 Curriculum ................................................................................................................................................................................... 7 The Watershed Alternative ........................................................................................................................................................ 7 Academic Accountability Data ................................................................................................................................................... 7 Passing Rates: Watershed High School ................................................................................................................................. 8 Senior Year .................................................................................................................................................................................. 8 7. Innovative Practices ..................................................................................................................................................................... 8 J-Term .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Articulture ................................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Music Ensemble .......................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Pillsbury House Partnership ....................................................................................................................................................... 9 Learning Year for Acceleration..................................................................................................................................................10 8. Program Challenges and Strategies ...........................................................................................................................................10 9. Finances ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 11 Financial challenges in 2012-13 ................................................................................................................................................... 11 10. Authorizer .................................................................................................................................................................................. 11 11. Nonprofit Status......................................................................................................................................................................... 11 12. Attachments .............................................................................................................................................................................. 12 Watershed High School Registration Form .............................................................................................................................. 13 Watershed 4-Year Budget .............................................................................................................................................................. 14 Appendix A ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 15 Appendix B ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 40 Appendix C ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 42 Watershed High School Annual Report 2012-13 2 1. Introduction The purpose of this annual report is to provide information for all stakeholders in Watershed High School. This includes family, staff, students, taxpayers, our sponsor, future authorizers, and other interested parties. Watershed’s Mission (adopted 4/26/2010) Watershed High School, a public charter school since 2002, seeks to nurture the intellect, stimulate the will, and embrace the creative potential of youth in a balanced environment that engenders reverence, respect, and responsibility for nature and the needs of other human beings. The school began to use Community, Creativity and Service as a key phrase for planning and marketing tool during the 2008-2009 school year. Watershed’s Vision (adopted 4/26/2010) Through interactive creative media and self-directed artistic expression, students engage in the learning process. Through planning and implementation of service learning projects, students develop leadership and communication skills, compassion and maturity. Students, teachers, parents and supporters come together to create a community that honors the gifts of each individual while fostering mutual caring and responsibility. School History Watershed began as a private Waldorf High School in 1996 and converted to a charter public school in 2002. Watershed emphasized Waldorf methods during its early charter years and continues to maintain some of Waldorf’s philosophy. However, as Waldorf-trained teachers retired or moved on and were replaced by new teachers, the school’s identity and culture have gradually shifted to a more traditional model. Watershed continues to emphasize its rich, liberal arts curriculum; a focus on creativity and service to community along with a caring, accepting faculty and student body. In April 2013, Watershed received notice from its landlord that they would be reclaiming the location at 4544 4th Avenue South for their own purposes. The exit date requested was no later than June 10, giving the organization only 45 days to find and negotiate a new facility. Watershed was fortunate in securing an existing school site at 6541 16th Avenue South in Richfield, MN and moved into the facility in late June 2013. 2. Governance General Board elections took place in late September 2012. On that ballot, two teachers and one community member were elected to fill out the board configuration. Early in 2013, the new board members (three WHS representatives) participated in a day-long required training of Governance, Finance and Human Relations presented by Ship’s Wheel consulting firm. All participants received their certification as required by the state. The board also received continued oversight from its Watershed High School Annual Report 2012-13 3 authorizer, Innovative Quality Schools for 2012-13 to assure that the board fulfilled its mandated duties. 2012-2013 School Year Charter Public School Board This table contains information for all board members 2012-2013 – Election Dates 9/16 to 9/23/2012. For 2013-14, anticipated Election Date is 9/27/2013. Name Board Position Classification Date Seated Phone Email Attendance Rate 7/2011 to 6/2012 Jason Kinsley Secretary Teacher 10/2011 612.871.4363 [email protected] 100% Mark Eilers Treasurer Parent 10/2011 952.922.1975 Meilers.watershedhs@ gmail.com 100% Brian Balsaitis Director Parent 3/2012 612.871.4363 [email protected] 100% Anita Kempf * Director Community 5/2011 612.332.9566 [email protected]. mn.us 60% Jenni Ellingson * Director Community 10/2011 612.871.4363 [email protected] 12% Todd Ley Director Community 9/2012 612.799.8552 [email protected] 75% Liz Heyer Director Community 9/2012 612.730.4549 [email protected] 87% Courtney Farlow Director Teacher 9/2012 612.871.4363 [email protected] 100% Matt Hirman Director Teacher 9/2012 612.871.4363 [email protected] 100% Destiny Sparks Ex-officio Administrator 9/2010 612.871.4363 [email protected] 100% Paul Kinsley Ex-officio Administrator 4/2011 651.373.5522 [email protected] 100% * Board member did not complete the term. Watershed High School Annual Report 2012-13 4 3. School Management and Administration Paul Kinsley has received master’s degrees in Special Education and Psychology at Augustana College, Special Education Licensure at the University of St. Thomas, and Education Administration at St. Cloud State University. He is nearing completion on his doctorate degree in Education Administration at Bethel University, with only his dissertation writing left to complete. For nine years, he worked in an alternative-setting Middle/High School in rural Minnesota where academic performance had been non-existent. Kinsley and the team he worked with reversed the academic downslide of the school, and it continues today as a bright beacon for students who don’t fit the mainstream educational setting. Kinsley brings that philosophy and 13 years of working in Alternative Education to Watershed in the hopes of recreating that success in a metropolitan setting. Over the past year, he worked with staff and creditors to establish a new financial and educational direction for Watershed. He is pleased to report that at the end of FY13, WHS has a positive fund balance of $27,101 or 3.4% and is out of Statutory Operating Deficit. This is an increase of revenues over expenditures of $199,455 for this fiscal year. Destiny Sparks, Director of Education, has been working in education for 18 years and in charter schools since 2002. She has served as a paraprofessional, teacher, school board chair, district assessment coordinator, and a director of teaching and learning. She graduated from Bethel University and has completed graduate courses through St. John’s University and St. Mary’s University. 2012-13 School Management and Faculty Information This table contains information for ALL members of the school management/administrative team and also includes faculty employed by the school that did not serve as classroom instructors (e.g., curriculum coordinators, social workers, counselors, administrative assistants, paraprofessionals, custodial, technology, librarians). Name File Number Assignment Years Employed Left during 2012-13 Returning 2013-14 Daphne Bodene -- Educational assistant 6 no yes Paul M. Kinsley 418641 Executive Director 2 no yes Virginia Zeyer 220714 Director of SPED new no no Destiny Sparks 351070 Education Director 2 no yes Seth Tupper 446337 Social Worker 5 no yes Sandra Smith -- Administrative Assistant 1 no no Watershed High School Annual Report 2012-13 5 4. 2012-13 Teaching Faculty Information Watershed‘s teacher retention from 2010-11 to 2011-12 was 8%. This table contains information for ALL teachers employed by the school or providing services contractually (e.g., special education, reading specialist, speech therapist, school psychologist). Name File Number Assignment Left during 2012-13 Returning 2013-14 Paul M. Kinsley 418641 Executive Director no yes Destiny Sparks 351070 Director of Education no yes John Weil 337128 Mathematics no no Jason Kinsley 401598 Social Studies no yes Courtney Farlow 426897 Special Education no yes Chase Tuseth 469064 Science no no Shawn Mattner 446880 Language Arts yes no Melissa Kibler 460242 Language Arts no yes Matt Hirman 424812 Special Education no no Marc Gutman 404318 Math, Technology no yes Seth Tupper 446337 Social Worker no yes Virginia Zeyer 220714 Director of Special Education no no 5. School Admissions and Enrollment This table identifies the actual number of students enrolled at the school during 2007-08, 2008-09, 200910, 2010-11, and 2011-12. The 2012-13 school year attendance is estimated. Data is based on October 1 Average Daily Membership (ADM). School Year Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 Total 2007-08 12 11 31 29 83 2008-09 19 28 16 33 96 2009-10 13 23 27 10 73 2010-11 13 20 26 21 80 2011-12 13 17 22 21 73 2012-13 12 21 19 24 76 2013-14 * 7 15 19 23 64 *estimated enrollment for FY14 Watershed High School Annual Report 2012-13 6 Approximately 80% of our students in 2012-2013 were from the Minneapolis area; the remainder of our students came from the surrounding suburbs. Many students transfer after first quarter midterms are distributed at their local schools; they see they are having difficulty and look for an alternative. Watershed High School admits students of any race, color, national or ethnic origin to all rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students enrolled at our school. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, physical disability, color, national, or ethnic origin in administration of our education policies, admissions, and athletic or other schooladministered programs. Watershed uses a one-page Enrollment Form (attached). After students enroll, they and their families complete additional paperwork to finalize registration and satisfy reporting requirements. Also attached are the Student Introduction Form and the Family Questionnaire. All forms are on our website at http://www.watershedhs.org. 6. Academic Progress Curriculum Watershed’s overall curricular goal is to inspire creative thinking and build problem-solving skills. The general emphasis is in liberal arts. During FY13, visual and theater arts were reduced due to budget restraints. Watershed’s graduation requirements meet or exceed Minnesota graduation standards in all subject areas. The Watershed Alternative While Watershed is not an alternative learning center, the majority of our students are seeking alternative educational opportunities. They often feel like square pegs in round holes until they arrive here. Our emphasis on community, creativity, and service is lived out through festivals and inclusive events, creativity in all classes, and service learning projects. We emphasize that we are “family” and teach the four components of Lakota society: Belonging, Mastery, Independence and Generosity. Our goal is to develop productive citizens that take their talents and skills and put them to positive use in society. Academic Accountability Data The chart on page 8 is a compilation of our yearly Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment (MCA) scores as compared to previous classes and to the state of Minnesota. The most current year also gives comparison to the Minneapolis School District scores. It was imperative that during the FY13 school year that WHS implemented an improvement plan and a concise math curriculum that aligned with Minnesota State Standards in order to deliver satisfactory gains in the area of math. The goal of Watershed was to include a more comprehensive assessment program such as NWEA to measure academic growth throughout the year. Attached we have provided the FY 13 NWEA assessment results. WHS uses these results to both identify problem areas for students and implement strategies to assist the students in their academic growth. Watershed High School Annual Report 2012-13 7 Passing Rates: Watershed High School Watershed 2009-10 Watershed 2010-11 Watershed 2011-12 Watershed2 2012-13 Minneapolis 2012-13 State of MN 2012-13 MCA Reading 76 76 45.5 26 57.7 76.8 MCA Math 27 8 12.5 15 27.2 61.3 MCA Writing 70 58 76.9 75 80.9 91.9 It is important to note that our cell size is extremely small when it comes to assessment percentages. Thirteen students tested in Math, 19 students in Reading, and 12 students in Writing. (See growth chart in Appendix C.) During FY13, we focused on improving our MCA math scores by purchasing the NWEA assessment program, developing Title 1 services and increased math related course offerings. We analyzed the data, interviewed the stakeholders and determined that the problem to be directly correlated to the instructor techniques. Changes have been made to rectify this situation. Senior Year To graduate from Watershed, seniors must complete a senior project, an “over and above” for-credit experience done on students’ own time, presented to the entire school community, and evaluated by a team of faculty. Projects in 2012-2013 included the building of a recording studio within the facility, a North Korean food study, creating origami cranes for peace, an Anime/Manga project, metal sculptures, a Real Estate shadowing program, Kigurumi sewing project. 7. Innovative Practices According to our contract with Innovative Quality Schools, Watershed has 4 Performance Indicators it must adhere to and make progress on implementation and results. These four indicators are as follows: 1. Mission and goals of the School and Program Performance Indicators 2. Governance of the School Performance Indicators 3. Evaluation of School/Student performance Indicators 4. Finance Performance Indicators During FY 13, Watershed worked to implement many of the academic performance indicators that were required in the contract. Listed below are those efforts: 1. Contracted services with NWEA 2. Contracted Services with Ed-Visions for Hope Survey 3. Efforts to develop partnership with Rasmussen College for CIS implementation 4. Student/parent/teacher input regarding school 5. Student follow-up after graduation Watershed has received its evaluation from IQS on these benchmarks, a copy of which is attached to this report. Watershed High School Annual Report 2012-13 8 In order to increase our academic performance, we are employing a new mode of instruction for the 2013-14 year. Our special education is staff serving as integrated co-teachers in performance-based cohorts. Students are grouped based on their NWEA math and reading scores into four distinct cohorts for core classes and mix for electives. The Rembrandt cohort is far above grade level in both math and reading; the Monet cohort is at or above grade level in reading but is low in math; the Picasso cohort is at or above grade level in math but is low in reading; while the DaVinci cohort is significantly below grade level in both reading and math. Unlike outmoded tracking systems, this one is fluid so that kids can move between groups as their scores increase. With the performancebased cohorts, we have changed our special education delivery method from pull-out classes to integrated co-teaching so that there is a special education teacher or paraprofessional in the majority of the core classes for DaVinci, Monet and Picasso. J-Term Watershed offered its January term in 2011-12. This was a fourteen-day period between the first and second semester in which students focused on one all-day class or two half-day classes at a time. Among the offerings: (a) production of a full-length play in a dinner theater format at the end of the J-Term; (b) forensic science; (c) sustainability; (d) art history; and history of zombies. Student and staff satisfaction were again high, according to class polls. Teachers noted that the intense time together helped build school community. Articulture Watershed began working with the nonprofit group, Articulture, after teachers attended a training regarding arts-infused teaching methods there. The mission of Articulture is: “To educate, enrich, and nurture through the visual arts.” The group employs experienced teachers who are passionate about working with students to help them become emerging artists. Watershed had a talented artist-in-residence (Marilyn Lindstrom) for the spring quarter who taught our students mosaic making. The culmination of which is a beautiful tile mural in the front lobby of our new building. Music Ensemble Watershed’s music ensemble is taught by community expert and local musical celebrity, Chastity Brown. She works with a group of select students who audition for their place in the ensemble. The students work on writing music, recording, and of course, playing music. The students respond remarkably well to Chastity and look up to her as someone who is “living the dream.” Pillsbury House Partnership Watershed initiated a partnership with Pillsbury House to assist the students with various outside activities. One of the programs offered by Pillsbury House was Furthering Achievement through a Network of Support (FANS), which assisted students in their pursuit of a higher education by holding 30 weekly sessions on Wednesday evenings. After completion of the program, each participant was entitled to $500.00 to apply towards their college experience. These funds could be used for tuition, books, housing or technology equipment. WHS had two students complete the program. In addition, Pillsbury offered a program, Power of Voice (POV), which helped students understand Watershed High School Annual Report 2012-13 9 expression through the arts and the potential of the spoken word. Both of these programs will continue in FY 14. Learning Year for Acceleration Watershed received state approval for a Learning Year Program (LYP), which allows students to accelerate their progress through high school. During this past summer school session, WHS provided more of an ecological and environmental theme for its participating students. More than 20 students participated in this program over the summer with each attaining school credits for their participation. In addition, WHS provided after school programs in math, college prep, and visual art. With the use of these programs, WHS was able to increase its annual revenue by nearly and additional 6 ADM. Students who participate in LYP courses are required to develop a Continuous Learning Plan (CLP) in conjunction with parents and the school staff. These CLP’s help track student progress towards their academic and other goals. Unfortunately, WHS will no longer be participating in this program due to MDE changes and guidelines. Any student who needs to recapture lost credits will now be required to attend a district ALC, thus eliminating a potential funding source to the school. 8. Program Challenges and Strategies General curricular programming was grade-level based. This is problematic when some of our grades are significantly larger than others. We try to keep class sizes to about 15-18 students for maximum educational benefit. During 2012-13, class sizes were generally favorable to students and teachers, but not to our finances. In entering FY 14, WHS has changed its delivery model to a performance based cohort model, which allows both staff and students to work simultaneously on challenges that most encounter. In addition, a push-in model of SpEd services is being implemented to allow the students more contact with the regular education professionals while still having the support of special education services with them in the classrooms. We are hopeful that this will enhance the learning of all our students. During FY13, Watershed’s goal was to live within our budget and operate within our means while paying down our debt. Our original projected ADM was an enrollment of 72 students and the year ended with an ADM of 79. Our major challenge was working within MDE’s budgeted allotment program of paying 64% over 8 months, with the holdback monies coming in July. WHS was able to bank its additional funds throughout the school year which enabled us to only be in need of a short term loan of $5,000 to meet our annual budgetary expenses. That note was paid back within 20 days of its inception. Many Watershed teachers were relatively new to teaching; however, many have achieved success in other fields before turning to education. To support their development, the school increased staff development opportunities with trainings, continuing education conferences, and the development of a professional learning community. Watershed High School Annual Report 2012-13 10 9. Finances Watershed entered the 2012-13 school year with financial challenges. Here are the financial highlights from the FY12-13 audit: As of the close of FY10-11, Watershed’s governmental funds reported a total ending fund deficit of - $242,414, a decrease of - $131,694 in comparison with the prior year balance of - $110,720. As a result of the ending fund deficit, Watershed continued to be in Statutory Operating Deficit (SOD). Fund balance as of 6/30/12 is -$172,354 (audited) Fund balance as of 6/30/13 is $27,101 (audited) Financial challenges in 2012-13 Watershed High School entered the FY13 school year in Statutory Operating Deficit (SOD), with a negative fund balance of $172,354. In addition, WHS paid off its long term note to Citizens Independent Bank and termed out its $85,000 line of credit to expire in September 2015. In June of 2013, WHS secured a short term note of $5,000 from NonProfits Assistance Fund to ensure monies were available to meet financial responsibilities caused by the holdback of funds from MDE. The goal of the school was to eliminate that negative fund balance while providing academic alternatives to the student body and increase educational growth as measured by approved assessment tools. In the past, the only measure of academic progress available to WHS was the state MCA’s. This past year, WHS implemented the NWEA , to measure academic growth on an individual student basis and the Hope Survey, “intended to measure students’ non-academic outcomes such as self efficacy, optimism, and problem solving ability, which impact traditional academic achievement.” These programs were administered throughout the school year to every student that was enrolled in the Watershed program. 10. Authorizer As of July 1, 2012, Innovative Quality Schools became the official authorizer of Watershed High School, and continues to work with the administration in developing innovative methods to educate students and assist with the oversight of business functions. For more information about Innovative Quality Schools, go to http://iqsmn.org. 11. Nonprofit Status Reports can be found at: http://www.ag.state.mn.us/Charities/CharitySearch.asp Watershed High School Annual Report 2012-13 11 12. Attachments Refer to the following pages for this form and report: Watershed High School Registration Form Watershed High School 4-Year SOD Budget Appendix A: IQS Oversight Review for FY13 Appendix B: WHS Growth and Grad Passing 2013 Appendix C: MAP Results FY13 Watershed High School Annual Report 2012-13 12 Watershed High School Registration Form Registration Form Grade _____ for the 20_____-20_____ academic year Date______________________________ STUDENT’S Name: (Last)____________________________ (First)_____________________________ Home Address: ______________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Last School Attended: ________________________________________________________________ School Address: ______________________________________________________________________ School Phone: ____________________________ PARENT/GUARDIAN NAME:_____________________________________________________________ Home Address: _______________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Phone 1: _____________________________ Phone 2: ________________________________ Email: ________________________________________________________________________ PARENT/GUARDIAN NAME:____________________________________________________________ Home Address: _______________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Phone 1: _____________________________ Phone 2: ________________________________ Email: ________________________________________________________________________ Signature(s): Parent/Guardian: ___________________________________________________________________Date_____________ Parent/Guardian: ___________________________________________________________________Date_____________ Watershed High School admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of disability, race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its education policies, admissions policies, and athletic or other school– administered programs. Watershed High School Annual Report 2012-13 13 Watershed 4-Year Budget 2011 Actual FUND 01 GENERAL FUND REVENUE Local Sources 050 Student Fees 060 Admissions & Activity Fees 092 Interest 096 Gifts/Private Grants 099 Miscellaneous 620 Sales of Materials (Net) 639 Non-state loans Total Local Revenue State Sources 211 General Education Aid 335-211 Q Comp 348-300 Lease Aid 360 Special Education (@ 90% exp) Total State Revenue Federal Sources 152-400 Stimulus-Jobs Fund 401-400 Title I 414-400 Title II 419-400 Federal Special Education 425-400 CEIS Total Federal Revenue EXPENSE 100 152-100 335-100 740-100 401-100 200 335-200 740-200 401-200 414-303 419-303 305 320 329 330 340 350 360 366 414-366 419-366 369 370 348-370 419-377 419-378 740-394 401 419-401 430 460 461 520 530 555 419-555 730 740 790 820 895 2012 Budget 2012 Revised Budget 73 2013 Proj 78 2014 Proj 82 2015 Proj 86 3,419.55 0.00 0.31 7,860.46 1,330.14 2,857.52 (98,784.00) (83,316.02) 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,000.00 0.00 16,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 0.00 6,500.00 100.00 0.00 1,500.00 10,100.00 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 4,000.00 500.00 1,000.00 0.00 10,500.00 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 4,000.00 500.00 1,000.00 0.00 10,500.00 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 4,000.00 500.00 1,000.00 0.00 10,500.00 606,575.92 20,879.04 125,664.00 76,886.93 830,005.89 507,435.00 16,185.00 101,400.00 77,000.00 702,020.00 592,976.00 23,837.00 113,858.00 96,175.00 826,846.00 626,079.00 0.00 121,680.00 109,600.00 857,359.00 654,873.00 0.00 127,920.00 112,000.00 894,793.00 683,666.00 0.00 134,160.00 114,412.00 932,238.00 17,401.77 0.00 0.00 17,256.99 0.00 34,658.76 0.00 0.00 0.00 17,000.00 0.00 17,000.00 0.00 15,750.00 1,428.00 24,482.00 3,000.00 44,660.00 0.00 17,100.00 1,500.00 24,500.00 3,000.00 46,100.00 0.00 18,298.00 1,500.00 24,500.00 3,000.00 47,298.00 0.00 19,345.00 1,500.00 24,500.00 3,000.00 48,345.00 TOTAL FUND 01 REVENUE 781,348.63 735,020.00 881,606.00 913,959.00 952,591.00 991,083.00 Salaries Federal Jobs Fund Q Comp Stipends & Other Pay State Special Education Salaries Title I Salaries Benefits Q Comp Benefits State Special Education Benefits Title I Benefits Title II Prof Dev-Inhouse Special Ed Purchased Services Purchased Services Communication Postage/Parcel Utilities Insurance Repair & Maintenance Student Travel Travel & Conferences Title II Prof Dev-- Instate Fed Sped Travel & Conferences Entry Fees/Stud Trav (394 in UFARS) Operating Leases Building Lease School Social Worker Psychologist State Sped Purchased Services Non-Instructional Supplies Fed Sped Non-instructional Supplies Instructional Supplies Textbooks & Workbooks Standardized Tests Building Improvements Furniture & Equipment Technology Equipment Technology Equipment Loan Principal (Capital Loan) Loan Interest Other Debt Service Dues, Lic, Memberships Other TOTAL FUND 01 EXPENSE 309,523.77 17,401.77 5,800.00 76,037.96 0.00 90,310.01 1,164.75 17,229.28 0.00 0.00 9,825.00 60,369.87 2,401.98 2,009.83 19,663.38 3,921.53 1,643.60 14,231.25 600.00 0.00 0.00 120.00 1,962.43 147,227.38 0.00 4,461.90 10,650.00 8,133.80 798.99 4,296.66 118.21 214.00 7,170.00 4,975.24 685.81 0.00 39,938.56 11,776.12 14,775.00 8,175.07 730.00 900,514.25 224,000.00 0.00 14,500.00 0.00 0.00 62,592.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 94,000.00 63,750.00 4,000.00 2,000.00 26,000.00 6,000.00 3,000.00 17,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 600.00 1,500.00 112,667.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7,325.00 0.00 4,000.00 500.00 0.00 1,200.00 1,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 43,862.00 8,808.00 0.00 8,466.00 0.00 711,770.00 210,504.00 0.00 23,700.00 74,000.00 13,796.00 49,479.10 0.00 12,761.00 1,952.00 1,000.00 12,105.64 110,500.00 4,000.00 2,000.00 28,340.00 6,300.00 1,700.00 19,000.00 0.00 428.00 1,000.00 600.00 1,500.00 126,509.00 7,876.65 0.00 20,100.00 7,325.00 2,000.00 3,000.00 2,500.00 0.00 1,200.00 1,000.00 6,500.00 1,500.00 43,862.00 8,808.00 0.00 8,466.00 0.00 815,312.39 210,504.00 0.00 0.00 84,800.00 13,796.00 50,877.92 0.00 14,595.20 1,952.13 1,000.00 13,000.00 110,500.00 4,000.00 2,000.00 29,000.00 6,300.00 2,000.00 20,050.00 0.00 500.00 1,000.00 600.00 1,500.00 135,174.00 8,500.00 0.00 20,100.00 8,000.00 2,000.00 3,500.00 2,000.00 0.00 1,200.00 1,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 3,895.00 6,700.00 0.00 8,500.00 0.00 771,544.25 228,504.00 0.00 0.00 84,800.00 13,796.00 57,228.94 0.00 14,955.20 2,021.11 1,000.00 13,000.00 110,500.00 4,000.00 2,000.00 29,000.00 6,300.00 2,000.00 21,060.00 0.00 500.00 1,000.00 600.00 1,500.00 142,106.00 8,500.00 0.00 20,100.00 9,000.00 2,000.00 4,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 1,200.00 1,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 4,000.00 0.00 8,500.00 0.00 801,171.25 265,504.00 0.00 0.00 84,800.00 13,796.00 64,442.46 0.00 15,315.20 2,090.09 1,000.00 13,000.00 110,500.00 4,000.00 2,000.00 29,000.00 6,300.00 2,000.00 22,115.00 0.00 500.00 1,000.00 600.00 1,500.00 149,038.00 8,500.00 0.00 20,100.00 10,000.00 2,000.00 4,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 1,200.00 1,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 4,000.00 0.00 8,500.00 0.00 854,800.75 FUND 01 REVENUE LESS EXPENSE (119,165.62) Fund Balance Beginning Fund Balance Ending * (110,720.00) (229,885.62) 23,250.00 66,293.61 142,414.75 151,419.75 136,282.25 (229,885.62) (206,635.62) (229,885.62) (163,592.01) (163,592.01) (21,177.26) (21,177.26) 130,242.49 130,242.49 266,524.74 At 6/30/11 Watershed had an unspendable balance of $15,000 and a restricted balance of $85,000 making fund balance per MDE $329,886 Watershed High School Annual Report 2012-13 14 Appendix A Innovative Quality Schools___________________________________ IQS Oversight Process School Name: Watershed Current School Year: 2012-13 Paul M. Kinsley Title: Executive Director Address of the School: Name of School Contact: Email Address: [email protected] Office Phone:612.871.4363 Cell:651.373.5522 Name of Board Chair: Brian Balsaitis Email address: [email protected] Office Phone: 612.871.4363 Cell:612.360.9220 1. IQS Cadre Oversight Team: Jerry Robicheau, Nora Whalen, Tom Watkins, and Tom Tapper 2. Dates of IQS site visits to the school during this year: September 12, 2012, October 5, 2012, October 26, 2012, and March 8, 2013. In attendance from IQS for those meetings were, Jerry Robicheau, Lead Cadre, Nora Whalen, program cadre, Tom Watkins, Student performance cadre, and Tom tapper, Governance and finance cadre. Attending from Watershed were Paul Kingsley, Executive Director, Destiny Sparks Director of Education and Brian Balsaitis Board Chair. In addition, Nora Whalen visited two additional times with Watershed staff and students. Tom Watkins had additional conversations with Destiny Sparks and Paul Kingsley. Tom Tapper had additional conversations with Paul Kingsley. 3. Dates of IQS attendance at board meetings and IQS cadre attending. Identify if it was in person or by electronic means. August 21, 2012 Jerry Robicheau met with the Watershed Board in person. Additional meetings were held with the Administration and Board Chair. 4. Specific issues to be addressed in addition to the oversight of the five areas in the attached. Watershed High School Annual Report 2012-13 15 The following are the performance measures to be used by the IQS Cadre Team for oversight of this school. The names of individuals interviewed or the method used to determine the conclusions reached are identified for each of the six parts of this process and are noted in the “Comments” section following each area. The following scale is to be used when rating each of the performance indicators: 0 or 1 – None or an insignificant amount of the information is evident which provides the reviewer evidence that this indicator is being met; 1 or 2 A minimum of information is evident. The school was generally unable to present evidence that this indicator is being met; 3 – Most of the information is evident and the indicator is being met; 4 – All of the information is evident and the indicator is being met in an exemplary manner 1. Mission & Goals of the School and Program Model Performance Indicators: a. Rating The program model implemented is consistent with that described in its charter application including any amendments. (1)Is the school program model as described in the contract clearly evident in practice? _2___ (2) Are the staff, board, leaders, etc. reasonably able to articulate what it is? How determined and comments: There are intentions made on all charter application goals and special attention being made to Appendix 1-A. Watershed implemented NWEA MAP assessment, using data to determine math goals. They were transparent with students/staff, targeting those more than two yrs below. Students could speak to their scores and what they mean in their math goals, a great sign. The CIS program has yet to be offered, but team is working w/ Rasmussen to implement next year. HOPE survey taken by at least 2/3 of students, there are still plans for alumni survey, and while there was a student survey done, a parent and staff survey needs to take place. Discussion continues regarding the timeframe for the Appendix 1-A of the IQS contract. We encourage Paul and Destiny to create their own timeline for implementation. They have made adequate steps in implementing several pieces of the performance goals. Continued communication on how/when each step will be implemented will better serve the board and faculty. There continues to be challenges/crisis such as staffing issues or facility demands that take attention away from program/purpose. They administration team does an amazing job under crisis and has made important decisions to move Watershed forward. Taking time now to carefully set a scheduled plan will allow for full implementation of the goals. Watershed High School Annual Report 2012-13 16 b. The “purposes” of the school as defined in the Charter Law at 124D.10 Subd 1. and in the approved application/current contract are being addressed in the School. (1)The purposes are in the contract. Does the board, teachers, leadership know what they are for their school? Yes (2) Is it clear the purposes are being addressed at the school? Yes How determined and comments: Yes _3_ See previous comments regarding Appendix 1-A. Regarding the statute, Watershed team, staff, board and leadership speak passionately to the goals of the school and the opportunities they are providing to students who have been hurt by the current traditional model. They are looking to reach at-risk youth and build a community of learners. This comes out most clearly in interviews with students. They believe in their school. Daily attendance continues to be a concern and needs to be investigated as to why students are not attending. c. Staff, board and students (when appropriate) have a clear understanding as to the mission of the school and are able to articulate this. (1)Are staff, board, leaders able to articulate the mission? Yes __3__ How determined and comments: In interviews and discussions with staff, board chair, and students there is a clear sense of community, arts focus, strong identity, welcoming community. Students and faculty have a strong voice in the operations of the school. There continues to be a need to recruit more students and the challenge in being a welcoming school to all is compounded with the need to attract students who want to be active members of the small community. Both students and board chair voiced the need to get the “right kids in the building.” Strengthening the message of welcoming and open to all students in an arts environment will be critical to the enrollment survival of the school, especially in light of the recent move. Paul and Destiny mentioned a production video being made that will highlight the program. Due to limited access to the space this summer, this seems critical for recruiting new families, and expanding their recruiting efforts over social media. d. The curriculum supports the mission and program model. (1)Does the school curriculum support the mission/model of the school? Watershed High School Annual Report 2012-13 __3__ 17 (2)Is the curriculum adequate including digital to carry-out the mission? How determined and comments: Strong arts program and students speak highly of the creative opportunities they have in the arts. Further program offers a variety of opportunities for students to develop art skills within technology. Students and staff spoke most positively about J-term opportunities and administration noted that attendance may have improved at that time of the year. May want to consider developing a calendar that uses this model more, especially if it positively impacts attendance. Outside of J-term, the model is daily schedule is traditional, although infused with art. Art is a real selling point of the school, including how small the program is, and should continue to be highlighted. May want to consider how to imbed art into math, more specifically. Watershed offered additional math courses, for remediation, as elective options this year and students were strongly encouraged, but not required, to take them. There is no data at this point whether the electives impacted students’ performances. Data collection and discussion is needed. e. State standards, school board standards and authorizer requirements are embedded into the curriculum of the school. (1)Is there a central place where how each standard is taught (grade/course) __2__ This should be an electronic system for easy updating. Yes (2) Do teachers know which standards they are accountable for teaching? Is this documented by the teacher? Yes How determined and comments: The biggest concern here continues to be whether Watershed is making improvements in their math program. They will have another change of math faculty this year. They now have systems in place to determine skill levels of students but whether they use the data to influence instruction has yet to be determined. Faculty need to be trained in Descartes system as well as what the Hope Survey measures, in order for it to influence the program. In interviews with students, they were well aware of their scores on NWEA testing and thoughtfully addressed how they were preparing for the MCA math tests (most interviewed were juniors). f. Staff development is provided in support of the mission and program model. Watershed High School Annual Report 2012-13 _2.5__ 18 (1)Does the school have a written staff development plan? Strategic Plan in process. No discussion about staff development plan written down, although significant details about what training/development needs to happen. (2) Are teachers key to its development? Yes (3) Is there evidence that it is being carried out? Teachers have active voice in determining program (4) Is the impact of the plan evaluated by what teachers do? How Determined and comments: Watershed leadership continues to make difficult decisions regarding staffing. Paul and Destiny turned over most of the staff two years ago, before taking on IQS as an authorizer. In discussions with staff, there is a strong sense of ownership and commitment to the school. They see the changes as necessary to improving the school. Watershed is in transition and needs time to see necessary improvements. So much of the implementation required in the Appendix, such as consistent NWEA assessment, the Hope Study, specific targets for attendance and course completion, requires buy in and participation from the faculty. They seem to have the right people on the bus and what they do with professional development in the next six months will be critical to the implementation of their program COMPOSITE RATING OF THIS SECTION: 15.5__ IQS Cadre reviewing section No. 1: Nora Whalen Comments: If the school can continue to recruit and retain the right number of students, the program can succeed. The team has been working incredibly hard with what it has. Further, using data, both assessment but also attendance, course completion, credit progress, and student satisfaction (Hope Survey Data), to drive instruction and programming is critical. It can feel overwhelming to get it all aligned but it empowers the staff and the students towards change. May want to consider finding support among other small schools that are doing similar programs. Would support from The MN Association of Alternative Programs provide some guidance, mentorship and support? Paul does have some networks to guide finance and governance but the faculty may also feel less isolated and supported w/ such networking. 2. Governance of the School Performance Indicators: a. The Board is organized consistent the following: rd 1) The “ongoing board” must be elected prior to the completion of the schools 3 year of operation consistent with the Board Bylaws. 2) Board must consist of at least five members who are not related to each other. 3) At least one member must be a licensed teacher at the school. Watershed High School Annual Report 2012-13 19 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) At least one member must be a parent/legal guardian of a student attending the school. At least one member must be an interested community member who is neither an employee of the school nor a parent of a student at the school. Charter school employees may not serve on the board other than for a teacher who is 2. a. (3) above. Neither the schools administrator nor the financial officer may be on the board in other than in an ex-officio capacity. Contractors (or employees of contractors) providing facilities services, goods to the school may not serve on the board. How determined and comments: b. Discussion with Executive Director and Board Chair _3__ Criminal background checks have been conducted on each board member and are on file. __4__ How determined and comments: c. No Board Members have any conflicts of interest as defined in law and statements to this effect are filed annually. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) An individual may not serve on the board if the individual, an immediate family member, or the individual’s partner is an owner, employee or an agent of, or a contractor with a for profit or nonprofit entity or an individual with whom the school contracts directly or indirectly for professional services, goods or facilities Written statement (see contract appendix) is filed each year by each board member. If a conflict of interest exists, any contract that is entered into is void An employee, agent or board member of the authorizer who participates in the initial review, approval, ongoing oversight, evaluation or charter renewal or non-renewal process or decisionmaking may serve on the board of any school chartered by that authorizer. The conflict of interest does not apply to a teacher of the school who serves on the board whether the teacher is a school employee or employed through a cooperative under Chapter 308A (Coop Law). How determined and comments: __4___ There was the potential of a conflict with one board member serving in a management capacity of a company doing business with Watershed. However the potential conflict did not materialize as the Board member was not longer associated with the company and the school did not purchase any materials from the company d. Each board member has annually signed a statement of assurance Watershed High School Annual Report 2012-13 20 that they agree to follow state and federal laws applicable to charter schools. (This form is in the contract Appendi x.) Should occur at/by the annual meeting. ___3_ How determined and comments: e. The Board complies with the Minnesota Open Meeting Law. _4___ How determined and comments: Board posted agendas f. The Board follows its By-laws and periodically reviews them for possible revision including when required to by law. If any changes to the By-laws are contemplated, the authorizer has approved the changes prior to the board adoption of the changes (1) By-Laws are adhered to (See Appendix 2 of the contract) (2) All By-Law changes are submitted to IQS for approval prior to adoption by the Board g. How determined and comments: _4___ The Board has adopted the required policies and maintains them in a policy manual. _3___ (1)The Board has a process for at least annually adopting required policies and the school leadership is able to articulate that process. (2) The board minutes validates that the board has adopted policies as required by law. (3) The school has a written policy manual (such as MSBA manual) How determined and comments: h. The Board has developed a strategic plan (optional). _2___ How determined and comments: Watershed High School Annual Report 2012-13 21 The schools was in contact with a person to assist in the development of a strategic plan. However, the plan is still in the works. i. The Board makes key decisions including: (1) sets the policy of the school; (2) sets performance expectations consistent with the contract with the authorizer for the school and the director; (3) adopts an annual budget and monitors/reviews the budget regularly; (4) approves all expenditures or has authorized leadership to do so; (5) reviews and accepts the annual audit; (6) reviews student/school performance regularly; (7) reviews the annual report and adopts a school improvement plan; (8) sets performance expectations of the director/leadership team, and reviews the performance at least annually; (9) Other How determined and comments: __4__ Review of board agenda. 3. 4. The Board meetings are conducted following an orderly process, an agenda is provided to each board member at least three days prior to each meeting as well as being posted and the minutes of previous meetings are approved and published. How determined and comments: __4__ The board has a process by which it monitors the budget at least quarterly by a committee or the entire board. __4__ How determined and comments: Review of board agenda and meeting with treasure of the board 5. The Board has a “board development plan” including annual training Watershed High School Annual Report 2012-13 22 provided by competent providers. a. Evidence of required training is provided for all board members. New members must begin training within six months after being seated and complete the training within 12 months to remain eligible to be on the board. _2___ How determined and comments: This has yet to be determined how Watershed is in compliance. COMPOSITE RATING OF THIS SECTION: _41__ IQS Cadre reviewing section 2. Jerry Robicheau Comments: Watershed administration and board have done due diligence in ensuring that they are in full compliance with governance issues 3. Evaluation of School/Student Performance Indicators NOTE: The specific performance indicators may be different than in this template. If that is the case, the indicators in the IQS/School Contract prevail. A. General provisions: a. The school has a process for determining the student’s academic levels of performance when they enter school in order to establish a baseline from which improvement can be determined. “Enter school” means at any time, not just at kindergarten _3___ How determined and comments: Watershed High School Annual Report 2012-13 23 The education director met with each student to discuss MAP results in fall and to set goals. MAP results were also discussed with parents in the fall. Based upon several conversations with staff, it appears that the HOPE Survey, school survey data and Descartes will become more a part of data process with students. b. Performance is assessed against the expectations in the contract. _3___ How determined and comments: MAP, MCA and Student Survey results were analyzed and used in planning. c. NCLB evaluations are conducted as required by current law. _3___ How determined and comments: MCA was administered, and graduation records are included in data files for review. d. Expectations focus on the percentage of students making one year’s growth and more than one year’s growth per year of instruction. _3___ How determined and comments: As appropriate, intended MCA and MAP growth rates were included in fall discussion with students. e. A growth model or value added growth model method of data analysis is used. The key cohort used to make contract renewal decisions will be the three-year cohort of continuously enrolled students. While the performance of all students will be included in the analysis, it is the “three year cohort” on which the school will be judged for contract renewal purposes __tbd__ How determined and comments: 2013 MCA results expected in late June or early July, 2013 Watershed High School Annual Report 2012-13 24 B. Academic performance in reading and math (1) The school is making adequate yearly progress (AYP) as determined by the Department. __3__ How determined and comments: MMR results for 2013 are expected in August, 2013. According to the data available on the MDE website, WHS made AYP in 2012, but not in 2011. (2) MCA Proficiency: Students perform as well or better than comparable sites in reading, math, writing and science as measured by the MCA’s. (a) Does not meet expectations: >10 percentage points below comparable sites. (b) Approaching expectations: between 5.1 and 9.9 percentage points below Comparable sites (c) Meets expectations: within 5 percentage points of comparison groups (d) Exceeds expectations: exceeds comparison sites by more than 5 percentage points. READING MATH SCIENCE OVERALL FOR 2012: Comparison charter sites with similar Free-Reduced Price Meals, Spec Ed: ROCHESTER OFF-CAMPUS CHARTER HIGH SAGE ACADEMY CHARTER SCHOOL RIVER VALLEY ACADEMY ALC __3__ __4__ __4__ __4__ (3) MCA Growth: Students who are continuously enrolled for 3 years are Making growth as measured by the MCA: (a) Does not meet standard: High growth of < 20% and low growth of > than 30% (b) Approaching standard: Low growth % > than high growth % (c) Meets standard: High growth > low growth (d) Exceeds standard: Low growth is < 20% and high growth is > 35% How determined and comments: Watershed High School _tbd___ Annual Report 2012-13 25 Results are not available at this time (4) MCA Growth (Comparison Groups). Students who are continuously Enrolled for 3 or more years are making greater growth than comparison Groups. (a) Does not meet standard: >10%age points below comparison groups (b) Approaching standard: 6-10 %age points < comparison groups (c) Meets standard: Within 5 %age points of comparison groups (d) Exceeds standards: Exceeds comparison groups by > 5 %age points How determined and comments: __tbd_ Results are not available at this time (5) Continuously enrolled students will perform at or above the national Median on the MAP assessment. (1) Does not meet standard: < 40% of students performed at or above the national average (2) Approaching standard: 40-49% of students performed at or above the national average (3) Meets standard: 50-65% of students performed at or above the national average (4) Exceeds standards: >65% of students performed at or above the national average How determined and comments: READING _3___ MATH _1___ These ratings are based upon students with fall 2012 and spring 2013 scores. Watershed High School Annual Report 2012-13 26 (6) Other Academic Measures (a) Each high school student prior to graduation will successfully complete PSEO or some type of postsecondary program such as College in the Schools (CIS) classes (1) Does not meet standard: < 40% complete one class (2) Approaching standard: 20% complete two classes (3) Meets standards: 10% complete four classes (one semester) (4) Exceeds standard: > 20% complete one year * Students who do not complete at least one college class may meet this standard by completing an approved work experience program in lieu of college level classes. How determined and comments: __1__ Of 7 graduating seniors, 2 participated in PSEO, or 28.6% (b) Graduation with five or fewer years of high school (1) Does not meet criteria: < 80% (2) Approaching criteria: 80-84% (3) Meets criteria: 85-90% (4) Exceeds criteria: > 90% How determined and comments: __1__ Of 26 seniors served in 2012-13, seven graduated (26.9%) C. Student/family Responsibility Goals 1. Student attendance (Percentage of students who attend 90% of the time): (a) Does not meet criteria <80% (b) Approaching criteria: 80-85% (c) Meets criteria: 85-90% Watershed High School Annual Report 2012-13 27 (d) Exceeds criteria: >90% How determined and comments: __1__ Out of 92 students, 29 attended 90% or more of enrolled days (31.5%) 2. 3. Students will indicate the level of their satisfaction with the school in the areas of safety, acceptance and learning. (1) less than 70 % = Does not meet criteria (2) between 70 to 79% = Approaching criteria (3) 80 to 89% = Meets criteria (4) At or above 90% = Exceeds criteria Students will report increased levels of confidence regarding their Future as measured by the HOPE Analysis. How determined and comments: __3__ 77% of students say the Director of Education makes me feel safe 95% of students say the Director of Education sets a positive school atmosphere 76% of students say the Director of Education is respected by students Scales increasing from fall to spring on Hope Survey: Belongingness, Task Mastery, Academic Press, Autonomy, Emotional Engagement, and Behavioral Engagement (6) Scales decreasing or staying the same: Hope, and Performance (2) D. Parents of all students will report a positive school climate and challenging academic program: (1) Does not meet criteria: Below 70% (2) Approaching criteria: 70 - 79% (3) Meets criteria: 80 - 89% (4) Exceeds criteria: > 90% How determined and comments: E. __tbd__ Teachers will report their level of satisfaction with the school and with their professional roles with the school: Watershed High School Annual Report 2012-13 28 (1)Does not meet criteria: Below 70% (2)Approaching criteria: 70-79% (3)Meets criteria: 80-90% (4)Exceeds standards: >90% How determined and comments: _tbd___ F. Student Follow Up The school will do a follow-up of all students who graduate during the first three years following graduation to determine the impact of the school on their futures. How determined and comments: __tbd__ The 2013-14 school year will be the first year in which this follow-up will occur. G.Innovation Areas 1. The school will initiate a variety of efforts to improve attendance including online learning both in-school and out of school; work-based learning; independent learning with the school validating the learning; and other methodologies. IQS will aid in the design of the models and also conducting the research. 2. The school will initiate a portfolio model of assessment to determine standards acquisition for three or more standards. The portfolio model will be equated to standardized methodologies as a part of the research. IQS will aid in the design and conducting the research. How determined and comments: _2___ Work-based program will be up this fall. Online – one class ready. Independent study – not ready – not part of the current model. Watershed High School Annual Report 2012-13 29 COMPOSITE RATING OF THIS SECTION: __42 IQS Cadre reviewing section 3: Tom Watkins Comments: Still Needed: 2012 MCA student data file (Excel format – AYP growth from MDE Educator Portal 2013 MCA student data file (Excel format) when available in late June or early July Parent Survey – positive climate and challenging academic program Teacher Survey – satisfaction with the school and professional roles 4. Finance Performance Indicators a. The school has a budget approved by the board prior to July 1 of each year and the budget is being followed or amended when necessary based on student enrollment changes or other appropriate reasons. How reviewed and comments: In an end of year conference, the Director indicated that his board reviews the budget at each meeting. A review of his website confirmed his statement. However, it is unclear what the Board actually sees and approves. Greater care (by IQS oversight team) should be taken in subsequent years to ensure the Board has adequate and appropriate information. _3_ b. The school finances are appropriately managed either by the school or a finance management company. School invoices are being paid within 30 days. How reviewed comments: The school uses the services of a professional accounting firm, Design for Learning, to oversee their budget on an on-going basis. _2__ Watershed High School Annual Report 2012-13 30 c. The school is not in statutory operating debt (SOD). If it is, an SOD plan has been filed with the commissioner, has been approved and the school is meeting the provisions of the plan. How reviewed and comments: __4__ The school will end the year with a negative fund balance but will ‘rise above’ the statutory operating debt level. Good progress is being made to come out of their current status of deficit spending. d. State finance reports are filed appropriately and on time. How reviewed and comments: At one time during 2012-13 the schools was required to report its enrollment and failed to so on time. It was quickly corrected. __3__ e.The school is not being used as a method of providing education or generating revenue for students who are being home-schooled except as provided for in MN law. How reviewed and comments: ADM’s are all generated by ‘in-school’ enrollment. ___1_ f. State/federal taxes, pensions, insurance, etc. are paid as required. How reviewed and comments: __3__ g. The Board monitors the budget on a regular basis. How reviewed and comments: Watershed High School Annual Report 2012-13 31 Note 4a comment _2__ h.The budget includes a fund balance for anticipated future needs such as technology, curriculum, salary, etc. How reviewed and comments: Currently, the school has a negative fund balance making it virtually impossible to be able to anticipate and plan for the future. __4__ Annual audit review i.The fund balance: (1) Is 20 percent or higher or the school has a plan for meeting that threshold (2) Is better or comparable to the district in which the school is located or neighboring districts. Include a statement of the fund balances for the current year and the preceding two years How reviewed and comments: As the school is working on its plan to address SOD the fund balance is being addresses accordingly __2__ j. The patterns of expenditures are consistent with the mission, program and goals of the school. (address the percentage for administ. costs) How reviewed and comments: Watershed High School Annual Report 2012-13 32 Based upon a review of their 2011-12 audit, the proportion of expenditures dedicated to instruction and instructional support systems is consistent with educational best practices. __3__ k. The School audit information is filed as scheduled with the MDE, the audit is completed on time and the audit does not identify any material weaknesses and includes a copy of all School agreements for corporate management services. If the audit report identifies one or more findings of a material weakness the School must submit a written report to the commissioner how the material weakness will be resolved. How reviewed and comments: l. __3__ All findings of previous year’s audits have been appropriately addressed and do not reappear in the current audit. How reviewed and comments: _3___ COMPOSITE RATING OF THIS SECTION: __57_ IQS cadre who reviewed section 4. Tom Tapper Comments: Watershed has made important changes in its budget that will help bring the fund balance back into the ‘black.’ However, based upon the Director’s comments, the coming school year will have some unknowns and uncertainties that may potentially set back that progress. The largest change is in the location. While the former location was less than ideal, the new location may find the school needing to increase their recruitment efforts in order to keep existing students and attract new students to the program. They will need to increase their enrollment by more than 20 students to begin the school year. This is a large task. One additional observation, the school is in the process of updating their strategic plan. Based upon a review of the plan forwarded to me by Mr. Kinsley, in its current form it is incomplete. Most of the Watershed High School Annual Report 2012-13 33 ‘benchmarks’ remain open ended. In addition, as an observer, specific goals related to improving student attendance and student academic performance lack focus and fail to reflect their importance. 5. Operations of the School Performance Indicators 5. Data on the following reflects appropriate management: i. Staff qualifications/licensure are in compliance including criminal background checks on all employees __4__ How reviewed and comments: ii. Staff assignments and turnover is stable (less than 10 percent/year. Note if a consistent pattern of staff staying at the school for one or two years) __3_ How reviewed and comments: iii. The class size or staff/student ratios are as provided in the approved charter (if it is) ___3_ How reviewed and comments: iv. Enrollment process is followed and enrollment planning is accurate (a)If a grade(s) are over subscribed, is a lottery held? (b) If a lottery is held is it fair? How reviewed and comments: ___3_ v. Transportation system is functioning well How reviewed and comments: __3__ vi. Complaint and resolution procedures are followed How reviewed and comments: __4__ To the authorizer knowledge there has been m not complaints filed vii. Board policies are being implemented How reviewed and comments: Watershed High School Annual Report 2012-13 __4__ 34 viii. The School has appropriate insurance and authorizer and MDE are named as parties. __4__ How reviewed and comments: ix. The school maintains the following information on its website: (a) Names, phone numbers, email addresses and category of board representation (teacher, parent, community member) and beginning and end date of the board term; (b) Names of board members on board sanctioned committees; (c) Minutes of board meetings and of board committee meetings; (d) Identification of Innovative Quality Schools as the authorizer of The school and the name, email and phone number of the IQS Executive Director as well as the IQS website; (e) The school Annual Report and Site Improvement Plan; (f) The current contract agreement with Innovative Quality Schools; (g) The lottery process the school uses (would use) if more students seek to enroll than there are spaces for. This must be posted regardless of whether the school actually needs to use a lottery. How reviewed and comments: x. __4__ The school provides its Annual Report: (a) Completed consistent with the IQS timeline (to be determined) (b) Includes all the information required by law including the following and identifies where a need/problem exists: 1. A description of the schools model, length of the year, enrollment by grades/age and demographics over the past three years, staffing and attrition rate, etc. 2. Governance and management of the school (names/positions and brief description of duties. Organizational chart (optional) 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Academic performance consistent with the contract with IQS, Description of the innovative practices and results, Awards or special recognition received Extra-curricular activities Financial status including the audit results Operational matters such as facilities, transportation, etc. A brief description of IQS, how IQS is involved with the school, IQS website and how to contact IQS. (IQS will provide this info) 10. Summary of the IQS Annual Report to the school and how to access the complete report 11. Other information at the schools discretion Watershed High School Annual Report 2012-13 35 (c) The School Improvement Plan (It is best to include this as a section of the Annual Report but timelines may require that it be a separate report). (1) Identifies specific areas which will be improved based on data included In the Annual Report (2) Identifies specific areas which will be improved based on IQS Annual Report to the School (d) The Annual Report is provided to the commissioner, IQS, employees of the school, parents/legal guardians. This report must be provided by U.S. mail or electronic mail. By law, posting on the website alone will not meet this criteria. How reviewed and comments: 6. __3__ Compliance with state and federal standards i. State and federal laws are being followed: (a)special education (Note: a severe discrepancy model cannot be used for learning disabilities. An RtI model must be used (b)ELL program (c) discipline, (A Responsive Classroom or PBIS model are encouraged) (d) food/nutrition (e)If state or federal audits/compliance reviews have been conducted, are Issues noted? If so identify them here. How reviewed and comments: __3__ ii. Non-discrimination laws are appropriately followed How reviewed and comments: iii. Evidence of required immunizations are on file for all students Watershed High School Annual Report 2012-13 __4__ __4__ 36 How reviewed and comments: iv. Relating to non-sectarian issues: 1. The school has filed the assurances with MDE relating to non-sectarian operations 2. The school is meeting each of the provisions regarding the assurance provided in IQS Contract Appendix 6. How reviewed and comments: __4__ 7. Management Systems i. The school has appropriate software to manage state reports How reviewed and comments: _4___ ii. The school has internal operations that result in a well managed school including mgt. chart; position descriptions; professional performance/improvement evaluations; functioning committees, etc. __4__ How reviewed and comments: iii. State reporting is completed accurately and timely based on MDE information How reviewed and comments: 8. __4__ Facilities i. Health and Safety laws are being adhered to including Fire Marshall standards _4___ How reviewed and comments: ii. The School has adequate space and provides an environment conducive to learning __4__ How reviewed and comments: Watershed High School Annual Report 2012-13 37 iii. The lease was approved by the department and is being adhered to. __4__ How reviewed and comments: iv. The lease is not with a “related party” as defined in Mn Law 124D.10 Subd 23a. How reviewed and comments: __4__ COMPOSITE RATING OF THIS SECTION: __74_ IQS cadre who reviewed section 5: Jerry Robicheau Comments: 6. Other: This section will include specific items which are unique to this school which require follow-up by IQS. The most frequent situation will be a follow-up of an issue addressed in Appendix 1-A for Transfer Schools, follow-up of a complaint, or the school Annual Report and Site Improvement Plan (SIP). a. Follow-up of Appendix 1-A. (State each issue and the Cadre findings) b. The Site Improvement Plan (SIP) from the previous year is being implemented as prepared. How reviewed and comments: c. ____ Other issues identified by IQS or MDE which required specific evidence of completion. Please specify these: (1) (2) (3) ____ How reviewed and comments: Watershed High School Annual Report 2012-13 38 The following are the composite scores of this review: 1. School Model __15.5__ Contract issues needing to be addressed: See report above 2. Governance Contract issues needing to be addressed: See report above __41__ 3. Performance Contract issues needing to be addressed: See report above _42___ 4. Finance Contract issues needing to be addressed: See report above __65__ 5. Operations Contract issues needing to be addressed: See report above __34__ 6. Other Contract issues needing to be addressed; See report above Cadre final comments about the school: Overall the administration and board have work to address the financial issue the school faced at the beginning of the 2012-13 school year. Further, they have been willing to make adjustment is the school performance to address areas of concerns. Watershed High School Annual Report 2012-13 39 Appendix B WATERSHED and Comparison Site MCA Growth for 2012-13 Based on Data Reported by the Minnesota Department of Education for MMR Accountability Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment (MCA) scores for 10th grade Reading and 11th grade Math are reported by the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) for school accountability purposes in the Multiple Measurement Rating (MMR) System and provided to the public on the MDE Data Center. MCA Growth Z-scores (Z) for 2010-2013 for Watershed High School (WHS) were compared to those from two demographically similar schools. WHS performed above the two comparison schools in eight cases (shown in green and blue below), and in three of these cases, also performed above the relevant statewide targets (blue). In the 18 cases where WHS was compared to the other schools, WHS was never the lowest performing school. However, the generally negative Growth Z-scores in the tables below indicate that in most cases, students at WHS and comparison sites are losing ground relative to their statewide peers who had similar MCA Reading and Math scores as 8th graders. For reference, the statewide Growth Z-score targets for free-reduced price meals students for 2012-13 were approximately +.09 in both subjects. SCHOOLWIDE GROWTH 2010 2011 2012 2013 School Subject N Z* N Z* N Z* N Z* ROCHESTER O-C-C SAGE ACADEMY WATERSHED ROCHESTER O-C-C SAGE ACADEMY WATERSHED ROCHESTER O-C-C SAGE ACADEMY WATERSHED Combined Combined Combined Math Math Math Reading Reading Reading 11 18 20 8 0.03 -1.23 -0.03 -0.64 -0.69 -0.32 -0.32 -0.71 -0.78 -0.58 -0.25 8 11 -0.63 0.14 10 0.53 -0.92 -0.66 -0.28 -0.74 0.58 -0.36 -1.06 -0.97 -0.12 31 22 10 23 11 10 19 29 15 23 13 3 15 16 12 8 19 17 20 12 11 9 7 6 11 -0.31 -0.46 -0.24 -0.53 -0.13 -0.30 0.08 -1.07 -0.19 SUBGROUP GROWTH (primarily free-reduced price meals and special education)** School Subject N Z* N Z* N Z* N Z* ROCHESTER O-C-C SAGE ACADEMY WATERSHED ROCHESTER O-C-C SAGE ACADEMY WATERSHED ROCHESTER O-C-C SAGE ACADEMY WATERSHED Combined Combined Combined Math Math Math Reading Reading Reading 24 32 13 13 16 -0.05 -1.06 -0.08 0.82 -0.98 -0.47 -0.39 -0.13 -0.63 -1.03 -0.99 -1.14 -0.96 -0.01 -0.39 -1.04 4.68 -0.73 -0.88 -1.13 0.33 25 36 10 19 14 11 16 28 26 25 13 5 17 15 21 8 6 22 0.03 0.12 17 33 24 6 24 12 11 9 12 -0.27 -0.27 -0.02 -0.79 0.00 0.07 0.01 -1.01 -0.11 * Z = Growth Z-Score. Some Growth Z-Scores were interpolated from the publicly-reported averages and group counts. ** From the Achievement Gap Reduction (AGR) portion of the MMR. The N reflects "double counting" of students in multiple groups. Report tabulated by Tom Watkins, IQS Review Team - 10/12/13 Watershed High School Annual Report 2012-13 40 Watershed High School GRAD/MCA Passing Rate Trend From the Minnesota Department of Education Data Center Color Coding: = WHS is above Minneapolis Public Schools Average = WHS is at or above Comparison Schools = WHS is below one Comparison School = WHS is below both Comparison Schools READING State MPLS 2009 77.6% 57.4% 2010 78.1% 58.2% 2011 78.7% 58.1% 2012 80.4% 61.8% 2013 57.8% 41.6% WHS 72.0% 76.2% 76.2% 45.5% 26.3% SAGE R-O-C 71.4% 65.4% 28.6% 45.0% 37.5% 54.8% 36.8% 54.5% 30.0% 33.3% State MPLS 2009 57.3% 39.5% 2010 57.8% 39.9% 2011 59.2% 42.3% 2012 57.7% 38.3% 2013 66.4% 45.3% WHS 36.4% 27.3% 16.7% 25.0% 7.7% 3.2% 9.5% 16.7% 20.0% 23.5% 16.7% 7.1% 22.2% 28.6% State MPLS 2009 89.5% 72.0% 2010 90.6% 77.0% 2011 89.1% 74.5% 2012 91.9% 80.9% 2013 87.8% 71.7% WHS 68.8% 70.0% 58.3% 76.9% 75.0% SAGE R-O-C 62.5% 58.3% 57.1% 72.2% 64.7% 63.6% 50.0% 76.9% 64.3% 41.7% MATH SAGE R-O-C WRITING SAGE = Sage Academy Charter School R-O-C = Rochester Off-Campus Charter High School Report tabulated by Tom Watkins, IQS Review Team - 10/12/13 Watershed High School Annual Report 2012-13 41 Appendix C 9th Grade READING Median Mean 9th Grade SCIENCE Median Mean 10th Grade READING Median Mean 10th Grade SCIENCE Median Mean 11th Grade READING Median Mean 11th Grade SCIENCE Median Mean 12th Grade READING Median Mean 12th Grade SCIENCE Median Mean Fall 228 220 Standard Winter 224 222 222 Spring 228 221 9th Grade MATH Median Mean Fall 230 227 Standard Winter 229 229 235 Spring 230 228 Fall 217 216 Standard Winter 220 218 213 Spring 219 216 9th Grade LANG Median Mean Fall 221 216 Standard Winter 219 212 221 Spring 223 221 Fall 223 220 Standard Winter 224 222 223 Spring 220 223 10th Grade MATH Median Mean Fall 223 223 Standard Winter 226 224 236 Spring 226 225 Fall 214 213 Standard Winter 213 214 215 Spring 213 215 10th Grade LANG Median Mean Fall 222 213 Standard Winter 223 219 222 Spring 216 217 Fall 233 230 Standard Winter 229 229 223 Spring 226 220 11th Grade MATH Median Mean Fall 230 229 Standard Winter 233 233 237 Spring 231 223 Fall 212 215 Standard Winter 215 214 215 Spring 215 214 11th Grade LANG Median Mean Fall 228 224 Standard Winter 224 224 223 Spring 222 219 Fall 232 233 Standard Winter 235 231 223 Spring 234 232 12th Grade MATH Median Mean Fall 234 232 Standard Winter 235 233 237 Spring 227 235 Fall 233 233 Standard Winter 234 233 215 Spring 223 221 12th Grade LANG Median Mean Fall 224 225 Standard Winter 228 222 223 Spring 228 225 Note: Shaded areas represent scores that are at or above Grade standards. Watershed High School Annual Report 2012-13 42
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