WOODWORKERS ASSOCIATION OF ARKANSAS NEWSLETTER February 2015 Next Meeting: Saturday, April 4, 2015 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM New Deal Studios and Gallery, 2001 S. Louisiana St., Little Rock, AR 72206 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Show and Tell 2 Treasurer’s Report 2 Program 3 Corporate Sponsors 4 www.arkansaswoodworkers.org April Workshop Who: Butch Darrel and members of the Woodworker’s Association of Arkansas. If you have not paid dues for this year ($25), plan to do so at the door. What: All day workshop with Butch Darrel. He will present a morning program related to the making of a spice cabinet. The afternoon will be a hands on session. Where: New Deal Studios and Gallery, 2001 S. Louisiana St., Little Rock, AR 72206. Take Main Street south to Charles Bussey (20th St.) and turn right. There is a church across the street. When: Saturday, April 4, 2015, 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. This will replace our usual Tuesday evening meeting for April. Parking: Parking is available on the street. Tool and material list: Please bring the following tools for the afternoon session. If you don’t have all of them, there will be tools available for you to use. Dovetail saw, 1/4” bench chisel, router plane, combination or try square, sliding bevel, mallet or hammer, Xacto,or utility knife, 2 sharp pencils. Also, bring one board 5 inches wide x 24" x 1/2"-1" thick minimum. It should be some type of hardwood but not oak, ash or hickory. Walnut, cherry, or poplar are good choices. Lunch: You may bring your lunch or plan to join your fellow members at a local restaurant. Expect: A full day of learning and woodworking. 2015 Meeting Dates April 4, May 5, June 2, July 7, August 4, September 1, October 6, November 3, December 1 WOODWORKERS ASSOCIATION OF ARKANSAS Page 2 March Show and Tell Kim Fifer designed and made a hat stretcher. It consists of two wooden parts connected by a turn buckle to adjust the size. James Huntsman shared a storage box he built for his gun cleaning supplies. Treasurer’s Report Beginning Balance 1-1-2015 $3,132.47 Dues Collected $1,100.00 Funds Available $4,232.47 Expenditures: Printing and Postage Total expenditures for period Reconciled Balance 3-13-2015 $43.49 $43.49 $4,188.98 Funds on deposit with First Arkansas Bank & Trust Co. Total 2014 & 2015 Paid Membership: 86 as of March 13, 2015 (73 Members have paid dues for 2015) Daran Adams brought a clock base that he inlaid with a nautical theme. It is the home for a ship’s clock. WOODWORKERS ASSOCIATION OF ARKANSAS Page 3 March Program Eldon Pyburn presented how he built his pantorouter and how he uses it to make joinery. He brought multiple examples of they types of things that can be done by creating templates twice the size of the joinery that needs to be cut. He followed plans from woodgears.ca where the plans as well as instructions on how to make it work can be found. WOODWORKERS ASSOCIATION OF ARKANSAS Page 4 CORPORATE SPONSORS YOUR COMPANY NAME CAN BE HERE ! $150.00 PER YEAR REACHES OVER 100 WOODWORKERS 12 TIMES PER YEAR, PLUS A ONE YEAR FEATURE ON THE WOODWORKERS ASSOCIATION OF ARKANSAS WEBSITE www.arkansaswoodworkers.org Steen Hardwoods - The Finest Native Hardwoods In Central Arkansas Les Steen, Owner and Operator 116 East E Avenue, N. Little Rock Phone 501-753-4344 www.steenhardwoods.com Woodworkers Association of Arkansas 310 East A Ave North Little Rock, AR 72116—9206 2015 OFFICERS James Huntsman, President Email: [email protected] Daran Adams, Vice-President Jerry Gardner, Secretary -Treasurer Karen Mack, Newsletter Editor Board Members: Lewis Neidhardt, Tim Imhauser Angie Hefner Lee Villa Lonnie Oakes Pat Morris Meetings held first Tuesday of each month (Please note change of day, time and location for April on front page) at the Park Hill Presbyterian Church 3520 John F. Kennedy Blvd., North Little Rock, Arkansas 72116 Next Meeting: Saturday, April 4, 2015, 9:00 AM till 3:00 PM,
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