8th May 2015 Dear Year 1 Parents and Carers, Re: Jamie Oliver`s

Jacqueline E. Steele
8th May 2015
Dear Year 1 Parents and Carers,
Re: Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution – Friday 15th May at Westfield
We are all thrilled to be invited to this exciting event and thank Aleksandra’s mummy for making this possible.
As you are aware, the venue is at Westfield and therefore the easiest route and method of transport is via bus
using public transport. It is a very short and direct route, plus it will be a good experience for the children.
Furthermore, it’s free of charge for the children!
We will leave the Academy in small groups from 8.30 am onwards to arrive by 9.30 am. Please be as
prompt as possible, as some groups will depart the Academy almost immediately, in order to reach
the destination on time.
We will be returning before lunch.
There is no payment needed.
All children must wear their full academy uniform as usual.
If you would like to accompany us on this trip, please indicate below on the reply slip. We will notify parents
as soon as possible if they can join us.
Please be assured, we have informed the company of food allergies and medical conditions and the appropriate
medication will be taken with us on the trip as a precaution.
Yours sincerely,
Jacqueline E Steele
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PERMISSION SLIP – TRIP TO THE JAMIE OLIVER FOOD REVOLUTION
Please complete and return by TUESDAY 12TH MAY 2015
Child’s Name: ____________________________________________
I give/do not give* permission for my child to travel by public bus to attend the above event at Westfield on
Friday 15th May.
I would like to join Year 1 on the trip and understand that I will be responsible for my own travel costs using
Acton Lane
an Oyster card or a contactless payment card.
Signed: _________________________________ (parent/carer)
London W3 8NR
Tel: 0203 110 0717
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.arkprioryprimary.org
Follow us on Twitter: @ARKPriory
Jacqueline E. Steele
Acton Lane
London W3 8NR
Tel: 0203 110 0717
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.arkprioryprimary.org
Follow us on Twitter: @ARKPriory