Dr. K. Pansters Tilburg University School of Catholic Theology Franciscan Study Centre Nieuwegracht 65 3512 LG Utrecht (Netherlands) E: [email protected] Tel.: 0031 (0)6 1566 1563 (Willem Marie Speelman) • Münster: Angelica Hilsebein, M.A. Fachstelle Franziskanische Forschung Überwasserkirchplatz 2 48143 Münster (Germany) Tel.: 0049 (0)251 495 6055 E: [email protected] International Conference Münster, 9-11 April 2015 Utrecht, 30-31 October 2015 Poverty: Problem and Path • Utrecht: Poverty: Problem and Path Information: International Conference Münster, 9-11 April 2015 Utrecht, 30-31 October 2015 • Catharijneconvent, Lange Nieuwstraat 38, Utrecht, Auditorium (www.catharijneconvent.nl) • Tilburg School of Theology, Nieuwegracht 61, Aeneaskamer (www.tilburguniversity.edu/about/schools/theology) Organized by Franciscan Study Centre (Utrecht, Tilburg School of Theology) Fachstelle Franziskanische Forschung (Münster) Locations: www.armut-armoede-poverty.net Poverty is a problem that challenges every period, every society, and every religion. Nowadays, we regard poverty as a global and complex problem that overwhelms many people and societies. The smoldering financial and sustained economic crisis not only exacerbates the situation of the existing poor, but also leads broader layers of society into poverty. Against this background, a fundamental debate on poverty and wealth is taking shape, combined with a search for sustainable forms of economy and a just society. On the one hand, this debate deals with the socio-economic causes and effects of involuntary poverty. On the other hand, it includes forms of voluntary poverty as a fruitful alternative. The Churches and religious orders, and the Franciscans in particular, are called to contribute to this discussion from their own, spiritual, perspectives. A valuable contribution has already been provided by Pope Francis in his Exhortation “Evangelii Gaudium’’. Like the first part of our international conference in Münster in April 2015, the second part in Utrecht will combine academic reflection with practical examples and impulses, both from an interdisciplinary perspective and a Franciscan approach to Poverty as a Problem and Poverty as a Path. In cooperation with Franziskanische Initiative 1219. Religions- und Kulturdialog e.V. (Berlin) Poverty: Problem and Path Friday 30 October 15.00-16.30 Tour Museum Catharijneconvent Catharijneconvent, Lange Nieuwstraat 38, Utrecht, Auditorium 16.30-17.00 Break Introduction: Poverty as a Problem and Poverty as a Path 9.15- 10.00 Coffee and Tea 10.00-10.30 Welcome, Introduction to the Theme Krijn Pansters (Utrecht), Poverty: Vice and Virtue Section I Poverty as a Problem I: Historical, Sociological, and Economic Perspectives Chair: Krijn Pansters 10.30-11.00 Jan Luiten van Zanden (Utrecht), Poverty and Underdevelopment in History 17.00-17.30 Frans Dokman (Nijmegen), Money and Missionary Congregations: The Cultural Dimensions 17.30-18.00 Discussion: Poverty as a Problem 18.00-19.30 Dinner Tilburg School of Theology, Nieuwegracht 61, Aeneaskamer Chair: 20.00-20.45 Keynote: Albino Barrera o.p. (Providence), Social Enterprises and Poverty Alleviation 20.45-21.30 Theatre 11.00-11.30 Anita Boele (Utrecht), ‘When did we see You hungry, and feed You?’ Ideas about Care and Charity in the Late Middle Ages 11.30-12.00 Jan Vranken (Antwerpen), The Social Strands of Poverty 12.00-12.30 Johan Graafland (Tilburg), Economic Freedom and Poverty: An Economic Analysis 12.30-14.00 Lunch Section II Poverty as a Problem II: Philosophical, Ethical, and Missiological Perspectives Chair: Willem Marie Speelman 14.00-14.30 Jos Phillips (Utrecht), Poverty, Global Justice and Human Rights: Philosophical Reflections 14.30-15.00 Louke van Wensveen (Brummen), Poverty Analysis from a Bumblebee Perspective Frans Dokman Saturday 31 October Catharijneconvent, Lange Nieuwstraat 38, Utrecht, Auditorium Section III Poverty as a Path: Interreligious, Religious, and Consumer Behavior Perspectives Chair: 12.00-12.30 Jeanine Schreurs (Maastricht), Living with Less: A Sustainable Lifestyle Perspective 12.30-14.00 Lunch Section IV Poverty as a Path: Franciscan, Spiritual and Theological Perspectives Chair: Pim Valkenberg 14.00-14.30 14.30-15.00 Jean-François Godet-Calogeras (St. Bonaventure), The Choice of Poverty by Clare and Francis of Assisi Jan van den Eijnden o.f.m. (Megen), Evangelical Poverty and Solidarity Hans van Bemmel o.f.m. (Megen), Food Banks: A Necessity? 15.00-15.30 Break 15.30-16.00 Timothy Johnson (St. Augustine), Only the Embrace of Sacred Poverty Delighted Them: Bodies, Possessions, and Franciscan Theologies 16.00-16.30 Marcel Sarot (Utrecht), Reflections, Impulses, Conclusions Johan Graafland 09.30-10.00 Marcel Poorthuis (Utrecht), Poverty in Interreligious Perspective 10.00-10.30 Pim Valkenberg (Washington, D.C.), Poverty and Asceticism in Islam Theology and Spirituality 10.30-11.00 Brooks Barber (Washington, D.C.), Poverty in Abu Hamid al-Ghazali’s Ihya’ ‘Ulum al-Din 11.00-11.30 Break 11.30-12.00 Willem Marie Speelman (Utrecht), Pope Francis and the Poor Church Further information and registration: http://www.armut-armoede-poverty.net https://www.facebook.com/franciscaansstudiecentrum The registration fee is € 70,00 (students free registration), including lunch and coffee/tea
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