Newsletter INSIDE THIS ISSUE First Friday Events Editor’s Note Sponsors First Friday Events 2 Gallery/Business Listings & Map 3 Stop by IOS TOWER STUD m P May 1, 5-8 for And Sign Up out gh u ro th gs in Draw r the Evening fo k or w rt A l ia Spec by the Artists to bring attention to issues adversely affecting woman and children, but also create visual images of childhood memories. Dan Theisen, has been drawing for over fifty years, and his artwork, on displays his traditional pencil drawings of nature, and the places he loved while growing up. Tiffany Scanlan, is a mixed media artist who uses her space to spotlight her many interests, and the various media styles she uses to create her amazing artwork. James Warren, works primarily in wood, responding to the beauty and tactile feel of wood to create lathe turnings, bowls and decorative vessels. He also creates oil paintings detailing his love of stories from the old West, and memories of growing up in rural Michigan. ARTIST of the FREE ON TRANSPORTATI IOS BETWEEN STUD 4 Check out our Website COURTESY OF & Tower Studios Tower Studios & Gallery is located at 38 N. 4th Street, Masonic Temple, 5th floor. Six artists, working in various medias occupy the adjoining spaces: Marilyn Knell is an animal advocate and enjoys painting animals (especially endangered or abused) in unusual situations, poses and colors. She also paints abstracts in which, she says, “the viewer is free to interpret the painting however they like.” Teresa Mealick, recently joined our studio and her “Only New to You” is a collection of her artwork created from recyclable and found objects, and by using decades-old molds she produces old-style ceramic pieces. Linda Regula, oil painter and author, not only uses her paintings and writing May 1, 2015 Issue 64 Gallery Dan Linda Marilyn Teresa MONTH Tiffany Jim Editor’s Note Inviting all local artist to display their artwork at May 1, 2015 • 5 to 8pm Join us in The District, for our First Friday’s Art Walk each month. You are invited to meet creative artists, visit their studios and galleries. Also stop in to see businesses who are participating in, and supporting this growing art movement. See the artwork of the nearly 300 artists who make each art walk an exciting event. We also invite you to listen to live music, sample refreshments, and join in the conversation about our movement’s long-term goal to rejuvenate the District. To contribute articles, photos, events or art related information please contact me at jana.pryor@, by the 15th of the month prior to printing. Primrose 2nd Annual Summer Solistice Arts Festival JUNE 20, 2015 • 1 PM TO 4 PM ® 4212 Northepointe Drive Zanesville, OH Jana Pryor For More Information call, Cindy Clark at 450-1100 Photo Art If you look back at yourself as a child turning to the camera you can once again know who you are Kay Israel Heart of Art Featured Artist is Richard Eubanks Nora Daniel 2015 ARTCOZ OFFICERS David Mitzel – President Diana Geidenberger – Vice President Susan Nash – Treasurer Denny Norman – Secretary John McIntire Library’s Carnegie Wing Gallery will display paintings by Nora Daniel. The show will run May 1-29, 2015. The offices of the Artist Colony of Zanesville and of the Arts Council of Muskingum County are in the There will be an artist’s reception on Friday, May 8, 2015 from 5:30-7:00 PM Pure Arts Center 22 Woodlawn Ave. Zanesville OH 43701 740-868-8022 to which the public is invited. The Carnegie Wing Gallery is free and open to the public Monday through Friday, 10AM to 5PM Email – [email protected] Mission Statement: To create and sustain community development and economic growth through the arts. Join Fringe To become a member, mail to: The Artist Colony of Zanesville Friday, May 1, 2015 from 5-8 pm P.O. Box 1313, Zanesville, OH 43702 with $25 membership fee to celebrate their SUCCESSFUL ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY! Name ___________________________________ Address _________________________________ Come and enjoy a wonderful experience and celebration! Great Music, wine tasting and much more! Phone Number __________________________ Email ___________________________________ Website _________________________________ Coz sponsors The Arst Colony of Zanesville History (COZ): The idea that “the arts would bring people of all social and economic backgrounds together and would be an excellent tool for revitalizing old and under used downtown buildings” was presented to Dana Matz and Tom Poorman in 2003 by Alan Corill. It began with 3 locaons. Bylaws were accepted in 2005...Fast forward to 2013. We now average just under 40 locaons, oen with nearly 300 arsts represented. COZ SPONSORS Mission Statement: To create a vibrant “community” of living and working arsts whose studios are open to the public and available as a cultural resource. *To develop inexpensive living and working space for arsts to create and market their art. *To make available to the public dozens of arsts’ work, and to make available the viewing of the process of making art. To contribute arcles, photos, events, or art related informaon please contact Jana Pryor at, (by 15th of month prior to prinng) To obtain informaon about membership contact The Arst Colony of Zanesville at 740-588-0537……. 20113-14 COZ Board: Linda Regula, President ~ David Mitzel, Vice President ~ Susan Stubbins, Treasurer ~ Diana Geidenberger, Secretary First Page 2 •••• Friday Art Walk Downtown The Artist Collective Gallery G II welcomes Charlie Leasure, Artisan (Joleen Kinsel, Natasha Oliver, Carrie Turner) is celebrating their Charlie has a good collection of sculpted wood items with a functional purpose yet makes a strong art statement. He has both wood items and metal sculptures on display in Room 101. Kristen Brown Art Classes are being offered in Gallery G on Thurdays, 4:30 – 6:30 p.m. with a live painting extravaganza! Visit us Friday, May 1 from 5-8 p.m. The targeted students are teens. Materials are provided. The charge is $10 per lesson. The Artist Collective is located in the Masonic Temple in room 512. GALLERY G Muskingum Valley New Tech Academy (MVNTA) Geometry students will have artwork on display at the Masonic Temple for the Friday Artwalk. New Business Koky’s Pizza Please 57 South 6th Street 740-868-4142 3 Year Anniversary Welco me! ZAAP Gallery The Annual ZAAP Auction takes place Friday, May 1st. This year’s auction features two tables of silent auction items and a “live” auction. Jeff Koehler is returning as auctioneer for the “live” auction that begins at 8:45. All items are available for pre-auction bidding. Silent auction tables close at 8:15 and 8:30. You don’t want to miss a chance at getting a treasure from a ZAAP artist or supporter! Joleen, Carrie, and Natasha will be doing live painting demonstrations throughout the evening in the main gallery area of The Artist Collective. In addition, the regular displaying artists will be on hand to discuss their work, provide demos highlighting their artwork style, and creating artwork live in their areas as well. So, if you’ve had questions about HOW to make something or wanted to chat with our artists more in depth or see our artists working live, this is the time! Come enjoy and learn from us! The Artist Collective showcases work by Elli Bartemes, Jessica Bradley, Summer Clark, Paul Dumas, Lise Grear, Alexandria Ortiz, DeDe Parker, Jim Parker, Chris Porter (new this month!), James Rodgers, William Joseph Tickhill, and Lynsey Yarger. All work is for sale and very reasonably priced. Work includes oil paintings, acrylic paintings, prints, jewelry, greeting cards, and much more. Original artwork makes a great, unique gift and supports the local economy and growing artist infrastructure. The Artist Collective displays artwork by new and exciting artists in the main gallery every First Friday and is booked through 2015. TAC is also open on most Monday afternoons from 12-4 p.m. and by appointment. So, stop up and see us all for art, music, conversation, new and old friends, food, drinks, fun, and so much more! The elevator will be running and we’ll be waiting for you on the 5th floor! •••• Page 3 MAP OF PARTICIPATING ARTISTS’ STUDIOS/GALLERIES & BUSINESSES JOHN MCINTIRE LIBRARY WELCOME CENTER SECREST AUDITORIUM SHINNICK STREET MAP OF ARTISTS’ STUDIOS/GALLERIES & BUSINESSCALIFORNIA STREET CITY ES H 2 P 12 MARKET STREET P 4-7-9-10-11-1517-18-19-2021-22-23-24 Masonic Temple P COUNTY COURT HOUSE G A E P 6TH STREET ZAK’S HALL C 5TH STREET P 4TH STREET B F 3RD STREET ZANE’S LANDING FREIGHT SHOP COUNTY BUILDING D 6 5-16 MAIN STREET 1 Z-BUS E TIMES RECORDER SOUTH STREET 8 3 PARTICIPATING STUDIOS/GALLERIES 1. Yan Sun Art Museum 604 Main St. Yan Sun 2. Studio 202 & Art Galleries 26 North 3rd Street (rear) Susan Nash & Susan Stubbins 3. Seiler Studio 129 South 7th Street Michael Seiler 4. Gallery G at the Masonic Temple 38 North 4th Street Gallery G I Room 100 – Artists: Don Allen, Ron Apperson, Chris Carver, Allen Deaver, Thomas Fannon, Jean Graap, Bob Grayson, Doug Grayson, Judy Ivoska, Jennifer Komaromy, Marc Nickels, Vance Pulley, Lauren Shackelford, Gallery G Youth Artists. Gallery G II Room 101 – Artists: Paul Bailey, Becky Joseph, Charlie Leasure, Joe & Lisa Murphy, Sue Pollock Straker, Bob “Yabo” Wilson 5. Z.A.A.P. Gallery 625 Main Street Barb Hanning, Kay Israel, John & Janet Taylor-Lehman, Kathleen Jenkins, Debbie Lutz Beckert, Mary Ann Bucci, Gary Graham, Susan Nash, Susan Stubbins James Warren, Theresa Mealick, Tiffany Scanlan 8. Alan Cottrill Sculpture Studio 110 South Sixth Street Alan Cottrill 9. Artist Collective 38 North 4th Street, 5th Floor Natasha Oliver, Carrie Turner, Joleen Kinsel 10. Julie’s ARTery at the Masonic Temple 38 N. 4th Street ~ Downstairs 11. “The Palette” Masonic Temple Rooms 404-405 12. G. Schimmel Fitness & Gallery 35 N. 4th Street 15. Heart of Art Gallery The Masonic Temple, Gallery G, Room 101 Art Facilitator Dianna Geidenberger 16. Valhalla Fiber Arts 625 Main Street, Basement Jane M. Evans 21. Felumlee’s Timeless Treasures and Museum The Masonic Temple, Room 201-204 22. Trevor Miller Art Studio The Masonic Temple, Room 231 23. Melissa Hughes Art Studio The Masonic Temple, Room 416 24. Kristen Brown Art Studio The Masonic Temple, Room 406 PARTICIPATING BUSINESSES A. Bryan Place Comedy Club 49 6th Street, Funny Friday B. Mike Nelson Flames, Frames & More 23 Market Street C. Treehouse Coffee Shop 333 Market Street LIndsay Anderson D. John McIntire Library 220 North Fifth Street 17. Zanesville Multi Cultural Dance Center The Masonic Temple, Room 102 Paulette Knazek and Anita Jackson E. Jack’s Place 630 Main Street 18. Ron Cole Aircraft Art Studio The Masonic Temple, Room 312 F. Fringe Hair Salon 3rd & Market Street, Zane’s Landing Freight Shops 6. Paul Emory Studio & Gallery 621 Rear Main Street Paul Emory and Nora Daniels 19. Abby Guss Art Studio The Masonic Temple, Room 420 7. Tower Galleries & Studios 38 North 4th Street, 5th Floor Marilyn Knell, Linda Regula, Dan Theisen, 20. Studio 511 The Masonic Temple, Room 511 Juan & Joyce Torres G. Gemini’s Eclectic Emporium 522 Market Street H. Four Turns Bakery 111 No. 4th Street P FREE Parking after 5p.m. Participating ArtCoz Member Participating Artist/Business
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