JUNE 2015 - Ascension Lutheran Church

Ascension Lutheran Church
2911 Libal St.,
Green Bay, WI 54301
“They called the church together and related all that God had done with them,
and how God had opened a door of faith for the Gentiles.” - Acts 14:27
JUNE 2015
Sun Morning at a Glance
VBS, Silent Retreat
Finish Strong-Foundation
Youth & Family Programs
Youth Fundraisers
Christian Svc:
Home Sweet Home
Diaper & Food Collections
Rummage Sale & Meals
Council / Thank Yous, etc.
Nursery / Lawn Mowers
Golf Outing/Softball Team
Worship Participants
Updates/June B-days
Staff & Leaders
A recent church culture study has gotten a great amount of press coverage.
It reported that in greater numbers than before, many of the younger adult generation
have made an exit from established church worship, practice, and membership. I
heard this study repeated so many times in such a short period of time and through so
many different popular press outlets that the sheer cumulative echo of hearing it repeated so often seemed to add an additional layer of anxiety to the already troublesome finding. Maybe you felt that too? So perhaps a deep breath is in order?
Yes, it is a challenging time to be the church in our church-exiting culture. But, no, the
light has not gone out. God is still doing great things through His church. The Holy
Spirit is opening new doors and building new bridges. People are coming to faith and
growing in their faith in Jesus Christ.
Even so, yes, times have changed. Some say it’s harder now. Others say it has never been easy. Even so, back in the day, the church was surrounded by a supporting
culture that even provided some measure of social pressure to at least stay nominally
on the rolls of some church, even when a person’s faith wasn’t all that real. So at
least in some ways, the tide was coming in. Now, in all ways, the tide is going out.
Culture is pulling even the deeply genuine and faithful Christians away from the
church – Sunday youth sports, Sunday races and community social events, the sheer
exhaustion from an unrelenting, unrealistic schedule, the list goes on. So, no, it is not
an easy time to be the church. Yet, if the challenge of the times wakes us up, if it
shocks those of us who still do want to be the church that better intentionality and effort on all of our parts is needed, maybe there could be a silver lining in all this?
Recent communications from our local wider church, our Synod, has spoken to some
of these same dynamics. A synod letter writes, “There are big changes taking place
in the culture around us. Beliefs, attitudes and behaviors of people toward the Church
continue to change dramatically. The result is a challenging time for the life and mission of the Church.”
As Lutheran Christians,
we are redeemed by Christ
to be people of God,
inviting all to faith-filled worship,
challenging all to grow in faith,
reaching out to all
in faithful service and witness.
(Ascension’s vision statement)
In response to the challenge of the times, our synod has recently gone through a process of developing a new purpose statement followed by a brief list of missional directives. Notice how both parts begin with the phrase, “In Christ we are.”
In Christ we are
Stirred by the Spirit – Walking Together – Engaging the World in Love
In Christ we are
Collaborating with Partners in Ministry
Building Bridges Across Differences that Divide
Listening Deeply to the Voice of the Other
Feeding and Equipping Leaders
Yes, the church is alive and doing good ministry today. Yes, God is working among
us in this particular moment, opening the doors of faith. Yes, Christ is still calling you
to be part of it.
In Christ,
+ Pastor Luther Swenson
June Sunday Morning Worship-at-a-Glance Summer Schedule 8:00 & 9:30 a.m.
June 7
June 14
June 21
June 28
8:00 a.m. Worship
9:30 a.m. Worship
THANK-YOU to Nancy, Jennifer and
Heather Poley for organizing the
reception of yummy treats for Claire
McCarthy’s 25th anniversary celebration on May 31st, and for all those
who brought treats.
TAIZE WORSHIP: Did you like Ascension’s Quiet Lenten Prayer services on
Wednesdays during Lent? If so, you may be renewed by the peaceful worship and sacred space of monthly Taize services at St. Norbert Abbey (off of Webster Ave. or Riverside Dr.; not at St. Norbert College) in the Abbey Church the 3 rd Sunday of every
month, at 7:00 p.m. It’s best to go early to soak up the Christ-centered silence.
Mark Your Calendars for
Vacation Bible School: 7/26—7/31
Join us July 26th thru July 31st as we embark on an icy expedition to
overcome obstacles with God's awesome power!!
All 3 year olds (potty trained) thru 7th graders are invited to spend an
amazing week at Vacation Bible School/Crossways Day Camp.
Online registration is open now – click the link on the Ascension
Website or fill out a paper registration at the table in the Narthex,
where more information is available!
ASCENSION’S 4TH SILENT RETREAT: June 23-24 at St. Norbert Abbey.
(more details on hallway bulletin board)
Two-day, one night, silent retreat (short sessions, informal worship,
much time to think, pray, read, walk, SLOW DOWN).
Theme: NOTHING can separate us from God’s love (Romans 8:35-39).
For any Ascension adult (18 yrs. or older), men and women,
and any family or friend of Ascension members who are interested.
Begins 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday, June 23; ends 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, June 24.
Cost: $96. Will be lead by Pastor Lori; Mike Gilley available for Spiritual Direction;
Dan Weaver our resident retreat guitarist (the past years we’ve watched the sun set
as Dan plays guitar – quite memorable!). Consider “being still,
and knowing that God is God” for these days at the Abbey.
Finishing Strong… Foundation for Faith
As a congregation, we are in the last 7 months of our current three-year Foundation for Faith, Growing in the Spirit Capital Campaign which is providing the monies needed to support and pay down
the building loan on our new sanctuary. As a congregation, our need and goal now as we come to
the end of this appeal is for everyone to contribute so that we can Finish Strong!
The good news is that people are faithfully giving and collectively our giving continues to be right at
where we should be at this point. But the closer the end, the harder the race, so we invite all of us
in the congregation now, even those of us who were not here three years ago, to jump in and help
our congregation Finish Strong.
You can start giving to the Foundation for Faith appeal at any time. Just designate your gift as
“Foundation for Faith.” If people continue to give generously, and if everyone is faithful in fulfilling
the pledges they made, and if we collectively stay on track with our giving over the last half of this
year, we will have raised over $ 877,000 in the Foundation for Faith campaign! This will bring us to
the point of already being two-thirds done in our goal of paying for the new sanctuary and eliminating our construction debt. To God be the glory!
Another recent piece of good news helping us in this effort is that the church council, under the
guidance of our knowledgeable Finance Team, was able to refinance our loan so that we are projected to save approximately an additional $10,000 in interest.
As a congregation, when we started this massive project some six-plus years ago, we made a congregational decision to make as a goal the paying off of the sanctuary debt with only three successive three-year appeals. So, even as the current three-year appeal comes closer to completion at
the end of 2016, already this fall we will begin hear more about the next three-year campaign that
will end in 2019. A steering group of Ascension members is already brainstorming and making
plans for the next appeal. If, as a congregation, we get excited about this next appeal, and if everyone gives with equal sacrifice, we will be able to pay off the debt completely… at least that is our
lofty goal!
Thank you for your partnership in this ministry. Together we today continue to build on a legacy of
Christian proclamation in this community that was started 50 years ago here by those who were also called in their time to be equally as faithful, generous, and bold.
In the service of Christ Jesus our Lord,
Appeal Duration 1/1/13 to 12/31/15
Amount Pledged
Amount Received (as of 4/30)
Amount Remaining
Bible Story Summer Reading Challenge
Pick up youth Challenge Sheets starting June 7th
Looking for a way to keep your faith active and engaged this summer? Join the Bible Story Summer
Reading Challenge!
How it works:
1. Pledge! This summer pledge as a family, couple, or individual to read 2 Bible Stories each
week for duration of the summer. Choose either the Old Testament List OR the New Testament List
– If you are feeling particularly motivated, you can complete both lists by studying 4 stories a week.
2. Get a Bible! Story Bibles are recommended for families with small children. This challenge references the Spark Story Bible published by Augsburg Fortress. But you can use any Bible
you or your family likes.
3. Read! Starting at the beginning of the list, read 2 stories individually or as a group each
week. If a story is not in your Story Bible, then select a similar story that is.
4. Track your progress! Bible Story Maps are available to help track progress. You can pick
up copy in the narthex.
5. Discuss! Use one or more of the questions listed on the sheets and discuss. If you are doing this challenge solo, consider keeping a journal for reflection.
June 30th 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
We are all eagerly awaiting the beginning
of summer camp and are so excited to see
what God has in store for us this year.
Lets get together as group before you all
head over to Imago Dei Village.
Parents and Youth are welcome to join in
share in some different campfire treats and
fellowship. Each youth will get a gift to
take to camp that evening.
Please bring a lawn chair
Camp families – check your camp materials
for directions and times for drop off/pick up.
If you have not received all your forms
please contact Tracy (336-3561 or
[email protected]).
Arrival time is between 3:00-4:30 p.m. –
please do not arrive early.
Let Tracy know beforehand if
you will be arriving late.
Remember sunscreen and bug spray!
Senior High Youth — Stay Connected Over the Summer
Don’t let summer come between you and your faith family!
Stay connected to your friends (or make new friends!)
at Ascension by getting involved in our small group gatherings
around backyard fires or during special events.
Backyard fires on Monday nights (7 p.m.) starting June 1!
Youth Fundraiser$
Pink Flamingos
Rumor has it there are four flock of flamingos making its rounds each night.
They’re pink, they’re sneaky, and yes, they are coming to a neighborhood
near you!
You can still get your Flamingo Insurance by picking up your envelope on
the table in the narthex and returning it to Tracy’s mailbox outside her office.
Money raised from the Flamingo fundraiser will go towards the youth attending the High School Summer Mission Trip to Marvall, Arkansas and 8th Grade Urban Immersion Service Trip to the Twin Cities.
Upcoming Scrip order dates:
June 14, July 19, and August 16.
If you have any questions,
contact Lori Weaver at
[email protected]
or 920-430-8588.
Marcus Movie Tickets
Marcus movie tickets are $8.50 each —
and if you buy 2 tickets, you get a $3 voucher
for the concession stand!
Contact Geri Collette at [email protected]
or 336-3863.
A Ministry of:
Ascension Lutheran Church
2911 Libal Street
Green Bay, WI 54301
Home Sweet Home
1 Peter 4:10 “Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.”
Home Sweet Home is on the move in more ways than one! We have completed our seventh year
in partnership with St. John’s Homeless Shelter and assisted in transitioning 25 of their guests to
permanent housing this past season. It is a partnership in the truest sense. This summer our soft
goods portion of Home Sweet Home, which has been housed in the Schubert’s basement for these
past seven years, will find a new home in the basement of the Micah Center. The daytime homeless shelter is one of St. John’s newest ventures and is open year round offering a host of services
to their guests, including computers for job searches, AA classes, recreation and relaxation as well
as medical treatment. Their free will offering will provide a bit more space for Home Sweet Home
and even more volunteer opportunities for the ministry. Watch for more ways to get involved this
summer including inventory and organization of the furniture storage areas as well as the big move
of the soft goods!
Ascension will participate in United Way’s Community Diaper Drive.
A collection box is in the narthex until June 21st to collect donated packages
of diapers of any size. They will be shared with families in need. Let us help these
little ones have a snug and comfortable welcome into the world.
Resurrection Lutheran Church Council President and Food Pantry volunteer recently spoke to
our Sunday Adult Forum. He expressed gratitude for our monthly contributions to their food
pantry. They appreciate ANY non-perishable food items but stated their greatest need is for
items they can use to fill the pantry bags....items which are required to match Government
Commodity Bags for each family. The following items fall into this category:
Meals in a can (Spaghetti-o, Beef-A-Roni, beef stew) etc.
Meals in a box (Hamburger, Tuna, Chicken Helpers)
Canned Meats
Mac and Cheese
Pork and Beans, Baked Beans
Canned Soup
Canned fruit
Canned vegetables
Jell-O, Pudding
** Any other non-perishable food items you may wish to donate are also gratefully accepted
and are used to complete food bags for larger families.
ALL who brought items for the rummage sale,
all who helped to setup or clean up or during the sale,
and those who shopped at our sale.
Special thanks to Audrey Johnson, Nancy Hess and Nancy Poley
for their many hours of work and leadership!
Over $2,100 was raised and will go to Crossways Camping Ministries
and Resurrection Lutheran Church’s Food Pantry.
NEW Community Shelter Meal
On Saturday, May 16th, we served 170 meals of Ham, scalloped
potatoes, salad, mandarin oranges, dinner rolls and cookies. The team also sliced and wrapped
bread and bagged chips for clients lunches.
Many thanks to those who helped
with meal prep/serving:
Laura & Jacob Phillips, Karen Effertz,
Corny & Lynn Roemaat
Our cookie bakers:
Doreen Roscoe, Max Schilke, Holly Keyser,
Rita Krempin, Lynn Roemaat
The next meal is Sunday, June 21st.
Sign ups are on the bulletin board.
Another “Funtastic” Year at the East Side Boys and Girls Club
Thank you to all the dedicated volunteers for this past school year at the club. May 18 th was another exceptional meal, as 28 volunteers served a family-style, sit-down dinner of sliced baked
chicken breasts, mashed potatoes, gravy, dressing, California mixed vegies and mandarin orange
pineapple salad with frosted cupcakes for dessert. The volunteers included Ascension’s very own
8th grade confirmation class, who supplied the cupcakes and stayed ‘til the last dish was washed.
Thank you! In addition, we are very appreciative to the Woods Supper Club for use of their banquet dishes once again – we couldn’t offer a sit-down dinner without their partnership.
You too can get in on the fun. Watch for more details as we begin planning our Summer fun day
with the kids at the club. We are always looking for good ideas (including any contacts for area
business donations) for filling the goody bags that each child gets at this summer event. Please
contact any of the ministry leaders with your ideas – Pam Schubert (465-6454), Cathy McDermott
(406-3917), Susan Campbell (330-0578), Michele Knowles (336-3098).
1 Corinthians 3:8-9 “The one who plants and the one who waters have one purpose, and each
will be rewarded according to their own labor. For we are God’s fellow workers; you are God’s
field, God’s building.”
Council Highlights from meeting on May 12
 Tony Brunette attended the meeting to discuss the Property team activities and 2016 budget
early projections
 Core team meeting held for 2016 Capital Appeal
“Thank You’s” Received for the Congregation
 From the Resurrection Lutheran Church Food Pantry - “Dear Ascension Lutheran Members and
Friends, We can’t thank you enough for the 273 food items you donated to the food pantry. The
foods you donate are so needed and so wanted by our clients. We enjoyed our visit in April to
your church to tell you more about the food pantry and to meet so many of you. God Bless! ~,
Judy Anderson, Pantry Manager. (Ascension collects food pantry food items on the first Sunday
of each month. Thank you to all of you who participate donating these food items.)
 From New Community Shelter - “Dear Friends, I would like to thank you sincerely for your dona-
tion of $690.00 to the New Community Shelter. Today (April 24) there are over 100 people staying in our shelter, and another 225 or more people that will be at our Community Meal Program
tonight, and I know if they had a chance, they would want to thank you themselves! I know this
is true because I witness the appreciation… What would we do without you, our friends, our
guardian angels? Thank you so much for your kindness.” ~ Terri Refsguard, Executive Director.
Council Approves Exploration of a Possible 2017 Church Trip to “Luther Land” in Germany
in Celebration of the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation
The 500th anniversary of the Reformation will happen in 2017, which makes it an especially meaningful year to tour the famous Reformation sites of what is sometimes called “Luther Land.” Some of
the classic places to see include:
 Martin Luther’s birth place in Eisleben.
 The Castle Church in Wittenburg where Luther nailed up his 95 theses.
 Wartburg Castle where Luther hid out in disguise from those who were hunting him and during
those months translated the New Testament into the common language.
Church trips of this sort are common in many congregations but would be a new
thing for Ascension. We would team up with one of several established churchgroup touring agencies that specialize in this kind of group travel. The general
time frame we are looking at is in the spring of 2017, after Easter, in late April or
sometime in May. Information on costs, length of trip, itinerary, and exact dates
are still being worked on. If you are interested in hearing more this possible trip
and would like to be on an email list to receive information updates about it,
contact Pastor Luther at [email protected].
New ChristCare Group for Singles
Are you in your 50's or older, and would like to be a part of ChristCare Small group for singles?
Ascension member, Linda Glass, is excited to start a ChristCare group for singles in the fall.
Contact her at: 262-989-6199 and come to coffee at The Attic (730 Bodart St., GB 54301) on
Saturday, June 20 at 2:00 p.m. to talk about the possibility. Can't come to a coffee meeting? Still contact Linda to let her know you are interested. Meetings will begin in September,
and will be twice a month, 1st & 3rd Tuesdays, 6:30 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Ascension ChristCare Equippers, Mike Gilley and Pastor Lori, will be doing a training for new ChristCare Leaders at the end of summer/early fall. If you have sensed God’s nudging in your life to
become a ChristCare leader, please contact one of the Equippers soon, to begin the discussion:
Mike Gilley [email protected] or Pastor Lori [email protected]. As Equippers, we
walk with the ChristCare leaders on this journey being part of this vital ministry.
Dates for Fall 2015 ChristCare Leader training class:
 Tuesday, August 25th at 6:30 p.m.—informal time of getting to know one another—with ice cream!
 Saturday, September 26, 9:00 a.m.—noon;
 Saturday, October 17th, 9:00 a.m.— 2 p.m..
Contact Info***
Not meeting
In summer
For adults
Not meeting
In summer
Christopher &
Kristen Paquet
[email protected]
[email protected]
Parents of younger
school age
At church
Not meeting
In summer
[email protected]
20s and 30s
At Jen’s
Not meeting
In summer
Joyce Tucker
[email protected]
For adults
At church
Not meeting
In summer
Wendy Gilley
Deb Kralovetz
10th, 11th, 12th
At church
Not meeting
In summer
[email protected]
Empty Nesters
Not meeting
In summer
[email protected]
At Village
Not meeting
In summer
Chad & Cathy
[email protected]
For adults
At church
Not meeting
In summer
Pastor Lori
336-3561, ext. 104
[email protected]
Grief Group
Mandarin Garden
At church
Not meeting
In summer
Bill & Pam
[email protected]
For couples
Schubert’s Home
Watch calendar
For summer schedule
Kurt Piette
[email protected]
For adults
At church
At church
*At capacity
*At capacity
All groups * welcome new folks at any time! *(At this time the following groups are at capacity and not able to
take any more members - 2nd & 4th Monday at 11:45 a.m. AND 1st & 3rd Thursdays at 6:30 p.m.)
Important Nursery Announcement
Those of you who have used the nursery, know the loving care Olyvia has provided for
children since May 2011. Olyvia recently shared with us that she has been accepted
into a graduate program in psychology at Ball State in Muncie, Indiana. While we are
excited for Olyvia, we will be sad to see her go. Her tentative plans are to continue
working in our nursery until
August 2015.
Mutual Ministry is now accepting applications for the Nursery Attendant position. Our
hope is to have our new Nursery Attendant work with Olyvia before she leaves, making
for a smooth transition for the children.
This is a part time position with no benefits. Applicants:
 Must be available between 7:45 and 11:45 AM Sunday mornings and for additional
services during such times as Wednesday evening Lenten services, Easter, Christmas, Thanksgiving, etc.
 Do not need to be members of Ascension Lutheran Church
 Must be 18 year of age or older
 Be comfortable in a lead role overseeing adult and youth volunteers, communicating with parents and interacting with and caring for children
 Prior childcare experience is preferred but not required
Applications and a full job description are available in the church office or can be sent
to you electronically by emailing Valerie at [email protected]. Please submit
your completed applications and reference information to the church office by June 30,
Another task is the weekly mowing of the lawn here at Ascension.
Please contact our project leader, Jerry Kralovetz at 920-609-8860
to sign up to mow and with any questions.
Attention golfers... or even if you aren’t a golfer… come join us for the
6 Annual Ascension Lutheran Church Golf Outing
on Sunday, August 9th at Thornberry Creek Golf Course.
Enjoy an afternoon of fellowship, golf, dinner and laughter,
as we will play 9 holes beginning with a 3:00 p.m. shotgun start,
followed by a broasted chicken dinner.
Even if you don’t golf, stop out at 5:30 p.m. for dinner!
Deadline to sign up will be Sunday, August 2nd, 2015.
The price for 9 holes with cart and dinner is $36.00+tax per person.
Dinner only is $12.00+tax per person. (Gratuity is included in prices)
Sign Up in the Hallway Today! Prizes after play!
Any questions or for more information, please contact
Mark Becker at 920-434-7501 x106 or
[email protected] / www.golfthornberry.com
Softball season has begun!
Our co-ed softball team season has begun!
Games are played on Sunday nights at Cornerstone Park in West De Pere
Here is the schedule for anyone that would like to go cheer the team on!
Any questions, please contact Tom Arttus at 562-3593.
June 7
6:45 p.m.
Field 2
June 14
6:45 p.m.
Field 3
June 21
4:15 p.m.
Field 1
June 28
5:30 p.m.
Field 3
July 12
5:30 p.m.
Field 1
Worship Participants — June / July 2015
Summer Worship Participants
During the summer we ask for volunteers as lectors, greeters and counters (ushers and communion
assistants follow a set schedule). There is a sign up sheet on the bulletin board. As you can tell
from the chart below—we have lots of openings. Please volunteer for Sundays that you know
you will be here. Thanks!
Sunday, June 14
Usher Teams/Captains
Sunday, June 21
Usher Teams/Captains
Comm Assts (Bread)
Comm Assts (Wine)
Communion Runner
Sunday, June 28
Usher Teams/Captains
Sunday, July 5
Usher Teams/Captains
Comm Assts (Bread)
Comm Assts (Wine)
Communion Runner
8:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
Team 3—Gene Schmidt
Sonja Pigeon
Help needed
Help needed
Help needed
Team 3—Peter Daanen
Amy Jo Derenne
Help needed
Help needed
Help needed
Help needed
8:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
Team 4—Mark Becker
Team 4—Richard Postel
Mary Sue Lavin, Lynn Roemaat,
Deb Kralovetz, Pam Schubert,
Marilynn Quirk
Jill Voss (2 pastors)
Abbie Lavin,
Travis/Leah Kralovetz, Lois Beth,
Pat/Katy/Karla Hrdlicka
Deb Williams, Stephen Voss
Shelly Nicholson
Cathy McDermott
Help needed
Help needed
Mary Sue Lavin
Help needed
Help needed
Help needed
Help needed
8:00 a.m.
Team 1—Craig Effertz
Help needed
Help needed
Help needed
9:30 a.m.
Team 1—Kerry Burdick
Help needed
Help needed
Help needed
Help needed
8:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
Team 2—Dave Hongisto
Team 2—Dave McAninch
Kathy Reinke, Karen Schwake
Mike Gilley, Robin Daanen,
Jenny Greeneway
Marlene Schultz
Rochelle Reinke, Jeff Greeneway,
Wendy Gilley, Robin Schneider,
Kristin Lampe
Jacob/Lindsay/Sasha Klug
Kay Tupala
Amy Klug
Help needed
Help needed
Help needed
Help needed
Help needed
Help needed
Help needed
ALTAR GUILD—June: Lori Prevost, DeEtte Radant
Birthday wishes to those in our Ascension Family
who are celebrating their birthday in June
Congratulations to Amber Baird
and Kyle Hansen, who were
united in marriage on May 22,
Congratulations to Lindsay Baird
and James Durand, who were
united in marriage on May 31,
Our deepest sympathy to the
family of Sheila Postel, who died
on May 30th. No details are
available yet for the funeral.
A list of birthdays for June
are available at the Welcome Desk
Phone Number updates:
Rodney & Kazuko Luft have
discontinued their land line. Their
phone numbers are:
Rodney: 920-664-7575
Kazuko: 276-224-0400
Directory correction:
Karen Murto’s phone number is
New Address
Ray & Colleen Haulotte
411 Bryan St.
Green Bay, WI 54301
New Address (effective 6/18/15):
Bob & Judy Voss
1656 Swan Road, Apt. 1
De Pere, WI 54115
Phone Numbers
Please remember to contact the
church office and give a number
that can be used for our church
directory if you discontinue
your land line. Thanks!
If your birthday is in June and we missed it,
please let us know!
Online Tidings
Remember you can receive the Tidings monthly newsletter as a
PDF from a link on our website. If you would prefer this to a
paper copy mailed to your home, please e-mail the church office:
[email protected].
Ascension Lutheran Church
June 2015
6:00p PJs &
7:00p HS BackYard campfire
1st Sunday
Food Collection
8:00a Worship
9:30a Worship
9:00a Quilters
9:00a Tidings
6:30p Appeal
Team Mtg
9:00a Quilters
9:00a Bulletin
7:00p Christian
Svc Core Team
——————————-————- Office Manager Vacation Days—6/8-6/15 ——————–————————6:45p Softball game
8:00a Worship
9:30a Contemporary
7:00p HS BackYard campfire
6:30p Council
9:00a Quilters
8:00p Worship
Band Rehearsal
9:00a Bulletin
———————-7th Graders at Confirmation Camp 6/14—6/19 ———————6:45p Softball game
Fathers Day
8:00a Worship
9:30a Blend Worship
Chavez Baptism
10:00a NEW Comm
Shelter Lunch
4:15p Softball
8:00a Worship
9:30a Worship
7:00p HS BackYard campfire
8:00p Blended
9:00a Quilters
Silent Retreat
8:30 a.m. on 6/23 until
7:30 p.m.. 6/24 at St. Norbert Abbey
7:00p HS BackYard campfire
8:00p Worship
Band Rehearsal
9:00a Quilters
9:00a Tidings
5:30p Softball game
7:00p HS BackYard campfire
6:30p Camp
Kick Off
9:00a Bulletin
7:30a CC
At Voyager Park
2:00p CC
Mtg at Attic
8th Grade & College Age Mission Trip
To Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN 6/24-6/28
Rev. Luther Swenson, Lead Pastor:
Rev. Lori Swenson, Pastor of Congregational Care:
Tracy Bahn, Youth & Confirmation Director:
Cindy Sleeman, Sunday School Director:
Valerie VanderMeuse, Office Manager:
Nancy Jacobe, Bookkeeper:
Jeannine Walker, Business Support Manager:
Pam Schubert, Member Connections:
Mike Gilley, Spiritual Direction:
Claire McCarthy:
Emily DeVillers, Kris Liedtke, Jean Fredrickson:
Eric Ludvigson:
Patrick Marchant, Chancel Choir Director:
Dan Weaver:
Rick & Audrey Johnson:
Mike Sleeman:
Jennifer Poley, Nursery Coordinator:
Olyvia Kuchta:
Church Office Telephone:
Fax Machine:
Check out our website:
Prayer Chain Requests:
Home Sweet Home Donations:
Mark Becker ([email protected]):
David Wegge ([email protected]):
Lynn Roemaat ([email protected]):
Jeff Greeneway ([email protected]):
Mike Wathke ([email protected]):
Paulette Pocquette:
Joe Refsguard ([email protected])
Deb Kralovetz ([email protected]):
Tony Brunette ([email protected]):
Dennis Sachs:
Craig Hanke:
Mike Gilley & Pastor Lori:
Mike Gilley:
DeEtte Radant::
Katie Dehn:
Sue Grunewald:
Christopher Paquet:
Sue Ludvigson:
Peter Daanen:
Joyce Tucker:
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (volunteer)
Directors of Cherub Choir (volunteers)
Worship Band Director
[email protected]
Supplemental Music
Maintenance Technician
[email protected]
Nursery Attendants
[email protected]
Vice President
Mutual Ministry
Christian Service
Congregational Life & Growth
Learning Ministry
Worship & Music
ChristCare Equippers
Spiritual Direction
Altar Guild Core Team Leader
Prayer Chain/e-mail [email protected]
Prayer Chain/phone (425-3777)
SS Rotation Coordinator
Worship Participants Scheduler
Head Usher
Funeral Luncheon Coordinator
Due to HIPAA privacy laws, the church is often not informed when a
person is hospitalized. Please call the church office when you would like a
pastoral visit when you are in the hospital. Do not rely on the hospital to
call the church office, even if they have said they will.
Please call the church office directly, or have a family
member do so.
Prayer Chain Requests:
[email protected]
Or call Sue Grunewald at
Ascension Lutheran Church
2911 Libal St.
Green Bay, WI 54301
Through May 17 Sundays 8:00 and 10:30 a.m.
Beginning May 24 (Memorial Day—Labor Day Weekends): 8:00 and 9:30 a.m.
HOLY COMMUNION — 1st & 3rd Sundays
2nd Sunday at 10:30 a.m.
3rd Sunday at 10:30 a.m.
3rd Sundays at 8:00 a.m.
EDUCATION HOUR—9:15 a.m. (through May 17)
(Sunday School, Youth Forum, Adult Education)
Nursery Available Sundays Both Services
and during Education Hour
8:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Monday-Friday
Check out our website: www.ascensiongb.com
Facebook: Ascension Lutheran Church, Green Bay