03.06.2015 - Ashburton Primary School

Ashburton Primary School
Fakenham Road Ashburton 3147
JUNE 3 2015
PH: 98852559 FAX: 98854703
Principal’s Report
Bendigo Bank and Ashburton Sports Pack
Thank you to Bendigo Bank for their con#nued
Dear Families,
support for the school. They have donated
Year 5 Camp
$1500 worth of spor#ng equipment as part of
This year we are very excited to be going to
their community ac#vi#es. Maggie, the Branch
Camp Manyung at Mt Eliza on Tuesday June 9 Manager, presented the pack to the school at
un#l Friday June 12. The camp is an adventure assembly this week.
style beach camp and organised by the YMCA.
This year the following staff will be a*ending
camp; Di French, Kevin Terrasson, Liam Purdy,
Kathryn Edwards, Josh Brown and Melissa
Billington. Julie Gilbert will be a*ending on
Tuesday and Wednesday and I will be a*ending
on Thursday and Friday. Thank you to parents
Lachlan Boyle and Sally Helm and student
teacher Lucy Creenaune for their willingness to
assist at camp. You will be able to hear Andrea
Martyn’s friendly voice at the end of the phone The Vegetable Garden
whilst Melissa is at camp with us. Please note “The vegetable garden has been a great
there will be no newsle*er next week.
success this term. Thanks to everyone in the
School Concert – Wednesday June 17 and
Thursday June 18
This year’s School Concert, The Decade Time
Machine, involves students in Prep-2
performing a dance, while students in Years 3-6
will be playing the ukulele as an
accompaniment to their singing. This year it
will be a mix of dance, drama and music. We
are very excited to be presen#ng “The Decade
Time Machine.”
Tickets are now on sale through TryBooking
visit: h*p://www.trybooking.com/HWKZ.
Ticket sales cover the cost of the new sound
system in the hall, sound expert on the day/
night, costumes, chair hire and other
miscellaneous items.
school for looking aer it and watering it.
On Friday 29th May we raised $168.75 that will
be used to buy soil and seedlings. On Friday the
Year 5 students prepared and sold the produce.
Thank you to everyone that donated the fresh
and delicious produce. Thanks to all the parents
who made this possible” Tom Z 5LP
Natalie Nelson
Diary Dates
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No?ces & Reminders
Monday 8 June
Queens Birthday
Public Holiday
No School
Tuesday 9-12 June
Year 5 Camp
Monday 22nd June is a Free Dress Day
wear a ‘Touch of Yellow’ & bring a gold coin
dona#on to go towards the Guide Dogs
Channel 10 News will broadcast the weather from
Ashburton Primary School Monday 22nd June at 6pm in
Prep Pod.
Wednesday 10 June
Parents Associa?on
Mee?ng 7.30pm
Friday 12 June
Yrs 3/4 Hoop?me
Selected students
Tuesday 16 June
School Council 7.30pm
Wednesday 17 June
School Concert
Surnames A-L
Thursday 18 June
School Concert
Surnames M-Z
Friday 19 June
Reports on Compass
Friday 19 June
Conference Bookings
Open on Compass at
Monday 22 June
Free Dress Day
Wear Touch of Yellow
Ivans Pies delivered
Subway Lunch
Channel 10 Weather
Friday 26 June
End Of Term 2
Dismiss at 2.30pm
Wear a touch of Red
Subway lunch forms go home Wednesday 3rd June Forms
and correct money due back on Monday 15th June.
(Subway Lunch is on June 22nd)
Last Day of Term Friday 26th June—Wear a Touch of Red for
‘Jump Rope for Heart’, school ends at 2.30pm
Camps, Sports & Excursion Fund (CSEF)-please see forms
aQached last pages of this NewsleQer. Health Care Card
Holders only eligible.
Mid Year Parent Teacher Conferences
The Mid year Parent Teacher Conferences will be conducted
during the week commencing June 22nd. Teachers will organise
conferences during administra#on and planning sessions and
before/aMer school. There will be an evening session available on
Tuesday 23rd June from 3.40-8.00pm.
The Mid Year Conferences are being offered as an opon this
year. Teachers will indicate on the report if they would like to
meet and parents can choose whether they require a mee#ng.
The reports will be able to be viewed on Compass on Friday 19th
June. The Conference Booking #mes will be made available from
4.30pm onwards on Friday 19th June. An updated Compass
Parent Guide on how to make your Parent Teacher Bookings will
be available soon.
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Year 6 Gradua?on &
Sports Photos Yrs 3-6
Please put this date in your
diary. The Year 6 Gradua#on
photos & all sports photos will
take place on Tuesday 21st July
(wear full school Uniform for
both, no sports uniforms
Term 2 Uniform Shop Dates
Uniform Shop will be on the 23rd
June instead of the 16th for this
month only.
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Smile Awards
Annabel R PMD For showing great listening and working quickly on her ac#vi#es. Well done Annabel.
Oliver T PSW For making excellent learning choices . He uses fantas#c Superhero Listening .
Nayton T PVC For se*ling into PVC so well ! We love having your smiling face in our class . Welcome!
For puRng in a fabulous effort to listen a*en#vely and ac#vely par#cipate in class.
Stephanie P 1LC For working hard to improve her handwri#ng and form her le*ers correctly.
Toby A 1TD
For his excellent weekend wri#ng.
Cooper R 1SN For always working on Reading Eggs and Mathle#cs at home and geRng excellent results.
Ginnie K 1ET For her interes#ng and well planned contribu#ons to ‘Show and Share’ Well done!
Julian D 2JB
For wri#ng such engaging and interes#ng stories throughout our narra#ve wri#ng unit.
Rhyannon B 2JH Her beau#ful expressive reading .
Sami R 2HL
For her no fuss aRtude following her playground fall. You are geRng be*er at wri#ng leMhanded
Ginger M 3CR Being such a good friend to her peers. Its lovely to see your smiling face every day!
Nicholas R 3CR Always trying so hard on all your classroom tasks. You are a pleasure to have in the class!
Jamon N 3EM For demonstra#ng a mature approach to his learning. Well done Jamon!
Harry R 3KA
For being kind and respecSul to everyone in our class. It’s great to see you always so happy!
Meredith H 3DS For being a fantas#c class member and always being ready to learn new things. Well done!
Bella N 4KH
Being a ‘strategic speller’ and using sound, visual and meaning strategies. Congratula#ons!
Liam O 4KH
His fantas#c group work skills. He always listens ac#vely, contributes thoughSully & encourages.
Lana S 5KT
For showing great interest and engagement in class discussion about accep#ng what cannot be
changed. Lana was able to contribute some thoughSul insights and examples.
Max M 5DF
Demonstra#ng resilience in the classroom. Max is a respecSul and responsible member of 5DF
Cathrine T 6MB Assis#ng her parents and teachers so willingly and being especially helpful to the Preps
Piper R 6MB
For working so hard to improve her skills.
Amelie M
For her op#mis#c outlook and ability to make others smile.
Michaela I 6RR For always believing in herself and having the aRtude and belief that ‘SHE CAN’ . Because of this
aRtude , ‘SHE WILL’.
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Enrolment 2016
If you have a child star#ng school in 2016,
enrolments are now being accepted in the Office un#l the end of July. Ashburton Primary
School has an Enrolment Boundary Map available on the school website and informa#on
and dates
From The Business Manager
The Andrews State Government has just introduced a new program called Camps,
Sports and Excursion Fund (CSEF). It will assist current Health Care Card holders, and it
is similar to the Educa#on Maintenance Allowance, which was phased out recently.
Please read the a*ached informa#on rela#ng to the CSEF, as it provides $125 for each
eligible primary school student to go towards camps, excursions, swimming programs,
sport and athle#cs programs. If you have a Health Care Card, please complete the
a*ached form (or collect one from the Office) and hand it in to the Office by 26th June. If
you have any queries, please contact me on 9885 2559.
Trish Griechen – Business Manager
The Department of Educa?on and Ashburton Primary School do not endorse the products or
services of any private adver?ser. No responsibility is accepted by the Department of Educa?on and
Ashburton Primary School for the accuracy of informa?on contained in adver?sements or claims
made by them.