20.05.2015 - Ashburton Primary School

Ashburton Primary School
Fakenham Road Ashburton 3147
MAY 20 2015
PH: 98852559 FAX: 98854703
Principal’s Report
Dear Families,
Educaon Week Open Morning
Monday May 18
What amazing performers we had at our
Educaon Week special assembly.
Congratulaons and thank you to:
* GRENADE FISH performing an original song
by Skaterboy.
* Uke Group along with the Junior Choir
performing the song ‘Budapest’.
* NET SET GO dancers
*Jasmine performing a keyboard melody
* Charlie performing ‘My Gun’ by the Rubens
on the drums.
* The Year 6 girls performing ‘It’s a Hard Knock
Original Poetry Reciters
* Victoria with her poem tled ‘Unicorns’.
* Jack with his poem tled ‘Capve’.
* Katja with her poem tled ‘Snow Leopard’.
* Bec with her poem tled ‘Black’.
* Hamish with his poem tled ‘Haiku’.
In SMILE this and next week we will be
discussing the concept of catastrophising.
Catastrophising means thinking about the
worst possible thing that could happen and
believing that it will happen. For example:
- “If I don’t do well in this test my whole year
will be ruined.”
- “If I sing at assembly I’ll probably make a fool
of myself.”
Catastrophising makes you feel worried and
miserable. You might not feel like doing
anything because you expect the worst. What
can you do instead?
Students will be making a ‘catastrophe scale’.
This is a linear record of events that may
happen in their life and placing them in order
from 1- 10. For example, 1 may be not being
the leader in the line on that day and 10 may
be losing something significant. The idea is to
help students ‘decatastrophise’ the event and
keep things in perspecve. You can ask
quesons such as,’ where on the catastrophe
scale might this event sit?’ ‘is this the worst
thing that has happened to you?’ Remember
your child’s catastrophe scale would be very
different to an adult’s version as they have
limited life experience and they view the world
from a different perspecve. Thus losing their
lunch box can be a big deal
Natalie Nelson
Diary Dates
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Friday 22 May
Year 5 Excursion
Parliament House
Friday 22 May
Cross Country Selected
students only
Ne9leton Park 9-1pm
Friday 29 May
Cross Country students
only to Parliament
Monday 8 June
Queens Birthday
Public Holiday
Tuesday 9-12
Year 5 Camp
Wednesday 10 June
Parents Associa@on
Mee@ng 7.30pm
Friday 12 June
Yrs 3/4 Hoop@me
Selected students
Wednesday 17 June
School Concert
Surnames A-L
Thursday 18 June
School Concert
Surnames M-Z
Enrolment 2016
If you have a child starng school in 2016,
enrolments are now being accepted in the Office unl the end of
July. Ashburton Primary School has an Enrolment Boundary Map
available on the school website and informaon and dates
regarding Open days.
Term 2 Uniform Shop
19 May
2 June
Uniform Shop will be on the
23rd June instead of the
16th for this month only.
Charisma Dance
If your child has paid for
Charisma Dance, please note
that the last session will be
held on Monday 25th May
instead of Tuesday 19th May.
Please put this date in your
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Australia has one of the highest reported incidences of food allergies in the world, and the numbers are
growing at an alarming rate. In fact, one in 10 babies born in Australia today will develop a food allergy.
An allergic reacon can quickly become life threatening and people can die from food allergy. While the
risk cannot be removed, it can be managed.
It’s up to all of us to be allergy aware – to know how to minimise the risk of a reacon, to know what to
do if a reacon happens, and to understand and support family, friends and colleagues living with food
At Ashburton Primary School we have a number of students with various allergies. Their reacons can
range from mild to anaphylaxis. Schools are advised to not be “nut free” as this can create a false sense
of security, as someone may unconsciously bring nut products on site.
We ask our parents to be aware that the school has children who can be affected by their allergies. We
ask you to think about the food you pack for your own child parcularly if they have a child with
anaphylaxis in their class or pod.
We would appreciate your child washing their hands thoroughly before coming to school if they may
have had something like peanut buJer.
The school ensures that parents are nofied if any acvity ( e.g cooking in class / Christmas canteen) may
impact on their child.
We thank you for your cooperaon to make each child’s day safe.
Free Goods—Please see Office
1. Four drawer lockable filing cabinet
2. Glass Top/Metal Frame Dining Table 150cm x75cm
The dining table is in the foyer between gym and hall if you want to
look at it—both for free.
Assembly Performance on Monday 25th May
Ellen B will be performing a song on the guitar and
Nathan K will be performing a song on the keyboard.
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Smile Awards
Tess D PAC
For your fabulous effort to write independently and contribute to class discussions.
Samuel D PVC For always being a respecOul member of our class and a great friend to others.
William H PMD For always including others in his play and ensuring that everyone gets a turn.
Isabella S PSW For always trying her best even when she thinks she won’t be able to do it!
Sam C 1LC
For his great effort in compleng set tasks and flying along in his reading.
Yaseen F 1ET For his amazing improvement in wring! You’ve worked hard, well done.
Lauren F 1TD For excellent efforts and determinaon with all her work at school and at home.
Lachlan M 1SN For adding interest and excitement to his extremely imaginave wring .
Arabella S 2LW For showing great determinaon to improve her reading. Well done and keep it up.
Woodrow 2JH Really trying hard to keep his belongings and his bag dy and organised . Well done!
Taya T 2HL
Showing courage and resilience by sll coming to school following her mishap at home
with the heater.
Ben P 3EM
For consistently demonstrang the school values of respect, resilience and responsibility.
For puQng 100% into all his school work. Great effort JP and keep it up!
Alice S 3DS
For always being cheerful, helpful and ready to learn. You are a wonderful class member
Paul P 4DW For his outstanding work with decimal numbers. Keep pushing yourself Paul, well done
Angus K 4DW For making posive and mature learning choices. Fantasc Angus!
Aland G 5KE For always showing a posive aQtude and displaying resilience when solving problems.
Jack R 5KT
For being able to discuss and share his ideas on the perils of perfeconism and wring an
amusing diary entry on the ‘perfect day’
Isabelle C 5DF For being a respecOul friend. Isabelle is a responsible member of our class.
Xavier B 5LP For contribung to class discussions and having a posive aQtude towards learning.
Ellie G 6CS
Her outstanding aQtude and manners on Year 6 Camp. Thanks for a fun week!
Kalila V 6MB For her resilience and involvement in Camp life.
Victoria G 6RR For always compleng her work at a high standard. Your effort is much appreciated.
Uke Group & Junior Choir
Rehearsals take place the first half of Tuesday lunchme. Students in Years 1-2
make up the Junior Choir, while students in Years 3-6 can be involved in the
Uke Group, playing the ukulele as an accompaniment to their singing. Many
excing performances are planned throughout each year! If your child would
like to join either the Junior Choir (Years 1-2) or Uke Group (Yrs 3-6), then they
can turn up to a Tuesday session or for more informaon please see Felicity
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School Concert Costumes for 2015 -(Also on Compass)
New Zealand Playhouse Incursion
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