Ashburton Primary School Fakenham Road Ashburton 3147 MARCH 11 2015 PH: 98852559 FAX: 98854703 Principal’s Report Dear Families, Resilience Parent Night We are thrilled to announce that Hugh Van Cuylenberg from the Resilience Project will be speaking to parents about resilience on Monday April 20 at 7:30pm in the school hall. I cannot recommend this night highly enough to all our parents. He is extremely engaging and very thought provoking. You will walk away feeling energised with ideas to use at home. Type in Hugh Van Cuylenberg into You Tube and you will see two talks about Resilience and Gra.tude. Many of his ideas we have adopted as part of our SMILE program. h4ps:// Please register your interest by emailing the school on [email protected] School Council Congratula.ons to the following people who have been nominated on school council for 2015: Patrick Stronell, Fraser McLisky, Joyce Chan, Paul Radelczyk, Josh Brown (DEECD and Natalie Nelson ((DEECD School Council Members for 2015 are: Sarah Quin, Robert Burns, Richard Zvirbulus, Patrick Stronell, Fraser McLisky, Joyce Chan, Paul Radelczyk and DEECD representa.ves Natalie Nelson, Julie Gilbert, Michelle DiGiovanni and Josh Brown. con.nue the work on improving numeracy with a focus from 2016 on, spelling and grammar and punctua.on. *Increase the acve parcipaon of students in their extra curricular learning- a huge focus over the four years will be on the integra.on of into student learning. *Improve each child’s capacity to create and maintain posive relaonships - an evalua.on of the SMILE program will occur and a look at SRC role and developing ways for children to demonstrate social responsibility. *Improve the effecve and efficient use of school resources – the focus over the next four years is to introduce COMPASS to streamline processes, manage the $900,000 on maintenance promised by DEECD and manage enrolment restric.ons to keep the school popula.on stable. School Reviewer Report The report from the School Reviewer, David Gurr is available on the website. The summary of the report states: Students at Ashburton Primary School tend to perform at level commensurate with the socio-educaonal advantage of their families, with learning outcomes consistently above state and naonal medians and mostly at a level comparable to similar schools. The mandated student and staff surveys, and a parent survey that school has constructed, suggest that this is an engaging and rich learning community where students are encouraged and supported to do their best. The school has benefi'ed over the previous period from major improvements to the buildings and grounds, resulng in a variety of high quality learning spaces that facilitate contemporary approaches to teaching and learning. The school is well led, with a stable leadership profile that has helped the school to not only minimise any adverse impacts of the building program, but also to show significant improvement in teaching and learning pracces. Staff plan and work together to cater for the needs of all students, and resources are both acquired and ulised to meet the goals and improvement foci of the school. The first School Council will be held on Tuesday March 17 at 7:30pm. Office bearers will be elected at this Ashburton Primary School Strategic Plan 2015- 2018 Thank you to the Strategic Plan sub commi4ee members for their support and assistance with the interpreta.on of data and the development of the new Strategic Plan. The full document has been endorsed by DEECD and is available on the school website. In essence the goals of the Strategic Plan are: Natalie Nelson *Improve student outcomes in numeracy and Principal wring from prep to Year 6- the first year we will Diary Dates A&'()*+,- P*./0*1 S2',,3 Page 2 TERM 1 Balance of School Expenses Due Friday 13 March Thursday 12 March Fair Mee6ng 7.30pm The balance of the 2015 School Expenses is due this Friday 13th March. If you paid a deposit only at the start of the year, the balance will be deducted automa.cally this Friday 13th March with the credit card number you supplied to Compass. You don’t need to do anything further. The balance is different for each year level and is listed below: Preps: $232.30 Year 1, 2 and 3: $222.75 Year 4: $291.20 Year 5: $188.60 Year 6: $280.50 Any families that have Payment Plans set up with Trish, please make sure you have updated all arrangements with Trish. Friday 13 March Sibling Photos Today Sunday 15 March Fair-2nd Hand Goods drop off 11-2pm Monday 16 March Compass Bookings Open for Parent Teacher Conferences Wednesday 18 March School Council 7.30pm Saturday 21 March Drop Off Lego Exhibits Hall 10-2pm Sunday 22 March GRAND FAIR Tuesday 24 March Curriculum Day Students do not aGend school Tuesday 24 March Parent/Teacher Conferences 12 noon-8pm Friday 27 March End Term 1 2.30pm Monday 20 April Parent Info Night ‘Resilience’ by Hugh Van Cuylenberg 7.30pm Tuesday 24th March-Curriculum Day and Parent Teacher Conferences between 12-8pm Tuesday 24th March is a Curriculum Day, children do not a4end school. On this day, Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held for all students in Years 1-6. If you have a student in Year 1 and 2-Parents and teacher only meet. If you have a child in Years 3,4,5 or 6—Parents, teacher and student a4end the “3 Way Conference”. From Monday 16th March you will be able to book in your .me on Compass (look out for the Parent guide on making your Booking in Compass coming home this Friday). Grand Fair Raffle Tickets Due All raffle .ckets are due back this Friday 13th March-please return to the Office A&'()*+,- P*./0*1 Page 3 Sibling Photos Win a Block of Chocolate A reminder that the Sibling Photos will take place on Friday 13th March. If you haven’t already paid and would like a sibling photo taken, please collect an envelope from the Office Before & AOer School Supervision A reminder to parents that children are not supervised in school grounds before 8.45am in the morning and aUer 3.45pm in the aUernoon. A teacher is on duty around the whole school from 8.45-9.00am and from 3.30-3.45pm aUer school and also one teacher at the 2 minute drop off zone. Please donate a family size chocolate block of any nut-free kind for the Lob-a-Choc at the Ashburton Primary School Grand Fair and come and try to win it back on the 22nd March 2015. Thank you to all of you who have already donated. Assembly Performance Indigo W will be singing and playing piano at Assembly on Monday 16th March. She will be performing ‘You Belong With Me’ A&'()*+,- P*./0*1 S2',,3 Page 4 Smile Awards James L 4KH His determina.on and persistence with his learning. Congratula.ons James, you are making great progress with your learning. Cate G 4DW For approaching all tasks with enthusiasm and her terrific efforts to ensure group work is fair. Compass Compass is our main form of communica.on between school and parents. Please check Compass on a regular basis. For important events that require parent consent or payment, an email reminder will be sent to parents. Please make sure your email and contact details are up to date on Compass. Compass does have an App for phones, however, for most like giving consent or payments a PC or iPad is best. Consent for excursions and payments cannot be done on your phones. If you are having any problems accessing Compass please let the Office know. Tiqbiz will con.nue for the, however will only be used for urgent alerts and reminders. Diary dates are best accessed via the school website or the Newsle4er. Congratula6ons to our SRC Representa6ves who received their badges at Assembly Volunteer at The Grand Fair To Volunteer your .me to help out on a stall at the Grand Fair, log into Volunteer Spot via the link on the Ashburton Primary School Grand Fair web page A&'()*+,- P*./0*1 S2',,3 Page 5 Missing Bookclub Are you missing a book from Bookclub? We have two books at the Office with no students name or grade wri4en on the order form. The .tles are: 1. Totally Rad book of secrets 2. Maths Puzzles ac.vity Cards Bookclub orders & money due this Friday 13th March A&'()*+,- P*./0*1 S2',,3 Page 6 The Department of Education and Ashburton Primary School do not endorse the products or services of any private advertiser. No responsibility is accepted by the Department of Education and Ashburton Primary School for the accuracy of information contained in advertisements or claims made by them.
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