Limnol. Oceanogr., 56(1), 2011, 257–267 2011, by the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Inc. doi:10.4319/lo.2011.56.1.0257 E Contrasting patterns of cadmium bioaccumulation in freshwater cladocerans Qiao-Guo Tan and Wen-Xiong Wang* Section of Marine Ecology and Biotechnology, Division of Life Science, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong Abstract We investigated the patterns of cadmium (Cd) bioaccumulation in three freshwater cladocerans with contrasting calcium (Ca) contents and Ca uptake and loss kinetics. Ca content and dissolved Cd uptake rate were significantly correlated. The large interspecies differences in sensitivity to aqueous Cd exposure were explained by the differences in the Cd uptake rate. The high-Ca species, Daphnia galeata and Ceriodaphnia dubia, had higher dissolved Cd uptake rates and were more sensitive to aqueous Cd exposure than the low-Ca species, Moina macrocopa. Food was the dominant Cd source for all of the cladocerans. Feeding on the same Cd-containing food, M. macrocopa attained the highest Cd body concentration due to its higher assimilation efficiency and ingestion rate, which led to its susceptibility to dietary Cd despite its relatively high intrinsic tolerance. C. dubia suffered most from the dietary Cd exposure, probably due to its higher intrinsic sensitivity. The efflux of Cd from the cladocerans was well described by a two-compartment model. Although the efflux rate constants from both compartments were comparable among the species, D. galeata had a much higher proportion of the internalized Cd distributed into the fast compartment, and thus eliminated Cd at a much faster rate. The diversity of Cd bioaccumulation patterns in cladocerans indicates that no simple generalization can be made from data on only a few species. Because cladocerans are often the major zooplankton in lakes, their contrasting Cd accumulation and loss suggest that the biogeochemistry of Cd would be different in waters dominated by different cladocerans. The interspecies variation in metal concentration among aquatic organisms is remarkable (Luoma and Rainbow 2005). Metal concentration in different invertebrates collected from the same water body can have differences by up to two orders of magnitude (Phillips and Rainbow 1988; Rainbow et al. 2004). Accordingly, the bioaccumulation-related physiological traits (e.g., accumulation rate, loss rate) can also vary substantially among species, even for those closely related (Buchwalter et al. 2008; Pan and Wang 2009). Comparative studies of the metal accumulation and elimination processes in the framework of a biodynamic model can provide insights and quantitative explanations for the observed interspecies variation in metal bioaccumulation (Luoma and Rainbow 2005). For example, the Cd concentration in different phantom midges feeding on the same prey varied by eight times, a finding that has been explained by their distinct assimilation efficiencies (Croteau et al. 2001). Pan and Wang (2009) explained the 65-fold difference in Cu concentration in five marine bivalves collected from the field using laboratory quantified biodynamic parameters (i.e., assimilation efficiency and efflux rate constant). Because bioaccumulation is the link between exposure and toxicity, the biodynamics can also provide insights into the risks associated with metal exposure. For instance, the high Cd uptake rate coupled with low elimination rate in several aquatic insects agreed well with their higher sensitivity to metal stress as observed in the field (Buchwalter et al. 2007, 2008). Nevertheless, the relationship between metal accumulation (and subsequently body concentration) and toxicity is usually complicated due to the existence of detoxification (e.g., binding to metallothioneins and formation of insoluble granules), especially in the case of chronic exposure (Rainbow 2002). Cladocerans play important roles in freshwater food webs because they are often the major grazers of algae and the prey of planktivorous fish. Among the cladocerans, Daphnia spp. have received more attention than (any) other cladocerans in metal bioaccumulation and ecotoxicological studies, partly due to their relatively higher sensitivity to metals (Mark and Solbe´ 1998; Sarma and Nandini 2006). For example, Daphnia is ranked the sixth highest in the sensitivity to acute Cd exposure out of 55 freshwater genera, whereas Ceriodaphnia, Moina, and Alona are ranked thirteenth, seventeenth, and twenty-sixth, respectively (USEPA 2001). The large interspecies difference in sensitivity to metals impedes the extrapolation of the results obtained from one cladoceran to another, even if they are closely related species, and therefore necessitates an understanding of the underlying mechanisms governing the sensitivity of cladocerans. Among cladoceran species, Daphnia spp. have higher Ca content than Ceriodaphnia spp. and non-Daphnia species (Wærva˚gen et al. 2002; Jeziorski and Yan 2006; Tan and Wang 2010). Water is the dominant Ca source for cladocerans, and a positive correlation has been found between the body Ca content and the Ca influx rate from water (Tan and Wang 2010). Cd2+, as a mimic of Ca2+, can enter cells through the Ca uptake pathways, including the Ca channel and Na+–Ca2+ exchangers (Craig et al. 1999; Ahearn et al. 2001; Burke et al. 2003). Significant coupling between Cd and Ca uptake in fish has been observed (Zhang and Wang 2007). It is thus intriguing to examine whether there are corresponding differences in Cd bioaccumulation among cladocerans with contrasting Ca contents and Ca biokinetics, and whether the bioaccumulation * Corresponding author: [email protected] 257 258 Tan and Wang can be used to explain the differences in their sensitivity to Cd. In the present study, we quantified the Cd biodynamics in three cladoceran species, Ceriodaphnia dubia, Daphnia galeata, and Moina macrocopa. These species are closely related (Olesen 2000), and nevertheless they have contrasting Ca contents and Ca biodynamics (Tan and Wang 2010). The responses of these cladocerans to both aqueous and dietary Cd exposure were investigated in parallel. The results obtained from this study were compared with those previously documented for Daphnia magna (Tan and Wang 2009; Q.-G. Tan and W.-X. Wang unpubl.). Our objectives were to test the relationship between the Cd and Ca influx rates among different cladocerans, and to examine the interspecies differences in Cd bioaccumulation as well as their differential responses to Cd exposure. Methods Culturing of organisms—Ceriodaphnia dubia and Moina macrocopa were obtained from C. K. Wong at Chinese University of Hong Kong, and Daphnia galeata was obtained from P. B. Han at Jinan University (Guangzhou, China). The animals were routinely cultured in filtered (GF/C, Whatman) creek water, and the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (60 pg per cell) was offered as food. The creek water was collected from an unpolluted creek on the campus of The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology (22u20911.30N, 114u15959.40E, Hong Kong). An aliquot of at least 10 mL of water was allocated to each individual, and the water was refreshed every 2 to 3 d. The algae (C. reinhardtii) were batch cultured in Woods Hole modified CHU 10 (WC) medium (Guillard and Lorenzen 1972) with an inoculation cell density of approximately 104 cells mL21. After 5 d of growth with aeration, the cell density increased to approximately 106 cells mL21. The algal culture was then centrifuged, and the pellet was resuspended into filtered creek water and offered to the animals at the daily dose of 5 3 105 to 106 cells (13.7– 27.3 mg carbon) per individual, depending on the age of the animals. A temperature of 23.5uC and a light–dark photoperiod of 14 h : 10 h were used to culture the organisms for all experiments. Also for all experiments, cladocerans in the early adult stage (i.e., C. dubia: 5 d, 0.9 mm body length; D. galeata: 5 d, 1.6 mm; and M. macrocopa: 3 d, 1.3 mm) were used, except where noted. Newly born (, 24 h) cladocerans were separated from the routine cultures and raised in an Elendt M7 medium (20 mg Ca L21; Samel et al. 1999) until early adulthood following the same protocol as described for the routine culture. A simplified Elendt M7 (SM7, 20 mg Ca L21) medium was used in cases where the complexation of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) with Cd had to be avoided. The SM7 medium contains only CaCl2, MgSO4, K2HPO4, KH2PO4, NaNO3, NaHCO3, Na2SiO3, H3BO3, and KCl. The pH values of M7 and SM7 media were adjusted to 8.00–8.20 before use by adding HCl or NaOH as necessary. Influx of Cd from solution and sensitivity to aqueous Cd exposure—The influx rates of Cd from solution were quantified in the three cladoceran species using the radiotracer technique across the Cd concentration range of 1 to 200 mg L21. For each species, three replicates, each containing 20 individuals in 100 mL of exposure medium, were used for each Cd concentration. The exposure media were prepared by adding an appropriate volume of CdCl2 stock solution (1000 mg Cd mL21) into the SM7 medium spiked with 109Cd (as CdCl2, half life: 163.5 d) at the concentration of 3 to 6 mCi L21 (or 1.3–2.6 mg L21), and the media were equilibrated overnight. The total Cd concentration was thus the sum of the stable and the radioactive Cd. The cladocerans were exposed in the media for 8 h, during which the animals were picked out for radioactivity measurement every 2 h. Before each measurement, the animals were collected in a mesh and allowed to swim for approximately 1 min in a series of three beakers each containing 200 mL of SM7 medium to remove the weakly adsorbed 109Cd. At the end of exposure, the animals were filtered onto a polycarbonate membrane, dried at 60uC for 2 d, and weighed to the nearest 10 mg. At the start and end of exposure, an aliquot of 0.5 mL of exposure medium was also sampled for radioactivity measurement, and the average of the two values was considered as the radioactivity in the exposure medium and was used in calculating influx rates. The decreases in radioactivity in the medium due to uptake by cladocerans were negligible in all of the experiments. The newly accumulated Cd (C, mg g21) was calculated with the following equation: C~A|Cw =Aw ð1Þ where A is the radioactivity in the animals (counts per min g21, CPM g21), Aw is the average radioactivity in the exposure solution (CPM L 21 ), and C w is the Cd concentration in the exposure solution (mg L21). The increase in radioactivity in animals formed a linear pattern. A linear regression (not through the origin) was thus conducted between C and the duration of exposure (h), and the slope was considered as the influx rate (Jw, mg g21 h21), which was expressed on a dry weight (dry wt) basis. The sensitivity of cladocerans (early adult stage) to aqueous Cd exposure was quantified by conducting 48-h acute toxicity tests in SM7 medium. Each test consisted of a control and five Cd concentrations. Four replicates, each containing 10 individuals in 100 mL of test medium, were used for each treatment. After 48 h of exposure, the cladocerans that did not resume swimming upon gentle agitation were considered as immobilized and counted. The 48-h median effective concentration (EC50) and 95% confidence intervals were calculated according to the trimmed Spearman-Karber method based on the nominal Cd concentrations (Hamilton et al. 1977). Dietary assimilation of Cd and sensitivity to dietary Cd exposure—The assimilation efficiencies (AE) of Cd from algae (C. reinhardtii) ingested by the three cladoceran species were quantified under five food concentrations, ranging from 2 3 103 to 105 cells mL21. The algae (C. reinhardtii) used in the pulse feeding were radiolabeled in modified WC medium (with Zn, Cu, and EDTA eliminated Cladoceran cadmium bioaccumulation from the standard recipe). Specifically, algae at the exponential phase were centrifuged and resuspended into the modified WC medium spiked with 109 Cd (20– 35 mCi L21) with the initial cell density at around 2 3 105 cells mL21. After 3 d of growth, the cell density reached approximately 106 cells mL21. The radiolabeled algae were then centrifuged and resuspended in M7 medium. The centrifugation and resuspension process was repeated once to remove the weakly bound 109Cd. After being counted for cell density using a hemocytometer, the algae were immediately used in the AE experiments. Three replicate beakers were employed for each species 3 food concentration treatment. Each beaker contained 20 to 40 individuals (exact number recorded) in 200 mL of M7 medium. The 109Cd-labeled algae were added into each beaker at the corresponding concentration, and the animals were allowed to feed in the dark for 20 min. After the pulse feeding, the animals were gently rinsed with M7 medium and measured for radioactivity. Then, the animals were transferred to a new M7 medium (10 mL per individual) with the addition of nonlabeled algae at the corresponding concentration for the 24-h to 48-h depuration, during which the animals were periodically measured for radioactivity. After each measurement, the medium and food were refreshed in order to reduce the recycling of egested 109Cd and maintain the food concentration. We quantified the ingestion rates of the animals after dietary Cd exposure. Three treatments were used, including a control, a low-Cd, and a high-Cd treatment. Algae were cultured in a WC medium spiked with 32 mg L21 of Cd when used as a low-Cd food or 108 mg L21 of Cd when used as a high-Cd food. The free Cd2+ concentrations for culturing the low-Cd and high-Cd food were 1.0 and 10.0 mg L21, respectively, as calculated by MINEQL+ (version 4.50, Environmental Research Software, Hallowell, Maine). The animals were fed the algae daily at the dose of 5 3 105 to 106 cells per individual from birth (i.e., , 24 h) for 5 d. The 5-d duration was chosen due to the short life span of M. macrocopa (Tan and Wang 2010). The concentration of EDTA contained in the Elendt M7 medium (1.68 mmol L21) ensured that the uptake of Cd from water by cladocerans was negligible. At the end of the dietary exposure, three subsamples of each cohort were collected, rinsed with clean medium, and used for Cd body burden measurement. The remaining individuals were used for ingestion rate measurement. Three replicates were used for each treatment, and each replicate contained 20 individuals in 100 mL of M7 medium with the addition of 104 cells mL21 of 109Cd-labeled algae (C. reinhardtii). The animals were allowed to feed in the dark for 20 min and then were picked out, rinsed, and measured for radioactivity. Afterward, the animals were collected and dried at 60uC for 2 d and weighed to the nearest 10 mg. The radioactivity in the algal cells was measured by first filtering 1 mL of the algal suspension with known cell density onto a 1-mm polycarbonate membrane, and then rinsing and measuring it for radioactivity. The weight-specific ingestion rate (IR, g g21 d21) was calculated based on the radioactivity in the animals after the 20-min feeding and the radioactivity in an algal cell. 259 Efflux of Cd—The efflux of Cd from cladocerans was also quantified using the radiotracer technique. Briefly, the animals were radiolabeled with 109Cd and then depurated in a clean environment, and the elimination rate of 109Cd was monitored. The animals were labeled by culturing them in SM7 medium spiked with 109Cd (3 mCi L21) for 3 d, during which food (C. reinhardtii) was added daily at the dose of 5 3 105 to 106 cells per individual. After the 3-d exposure, the age of C. dubia, D. galeata, and M. macrocopa individuals was 5, 5, and 3 d, respectively. For each species, the animals were divided into three replicates, each containing 40 to 50 individuals, and depurated in M7 medium for 6 d. Ten milliliters of medium were allocated to each individual, and 106 algal cells were offered to each individual daily. The radioactivity in the animals was measured every half day during the first 4 d and every day during the last 2 d. After each measurement, the medium was refreshed, and new food was added. The efflux rate constant (ke) of Cd was estimated according to the decrease in radioactivity in animals over time. Chemical analysis and statistics—The cladocerans for Cd content measurement were collected by filtering them onto a polycarbonate membrane, after which they were rinsed with clean medium, dried at 60uC for 2 d, and weighed to the nearest 10 mg. The algae for Cd content measurement were centrifuged and resuspended into M7 medium. The centrifugation and resuspension process was repeated twice in order to eliminate the weakly adsorbed Cd. Two aliquots, 1 mL each of the concentrated algal suspension, were filtered onto a preweighed GF/F (Whatman) filter and dried (60uC, 2 d) for weight measurement. Another two aliquots of the algae were digested in HNO3 for Cd measurement. Both the cladoceran and algal samples were digested in 1 mL of 40% HNO3 at 80uC for 2 d and diluted appropriately for Cd measurement. The Cd concentrations in the biological and water samples were measured using furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (AAnalyst 800, PerkinElmer). The concentration range of the standard curve was 0.25 to 2 mg L21. All the measured Cd concentrations of the media for the influx rate experiment and toxicity tests were within 10% deviation of the nominal concentration (59% within 5% deviation), and thus the nominal concentrations were used for all calculations. The radioactivity of 109Cd was measured using a Wallac 1480 NaI(T1) gamma counter (Turku). Groups of data (i.e., AE, ke, IR) were compared with an analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Tukey’s multiple comparison tests. The percentages (i.e., AE, relative IR) were arcsine-transformed to meet the mathematical assumption of normal distribution before the ANOVA. Significant difference was accepted at p , 0.05. All statistical analyses were conducted in Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) 16.0. Results Aqueous Cd uptake and sensitivity of cladocerans—The influx rates of Cd in the three cladoceran species were 260 Tan and Wang Fig. 1. (A) The relationship between influx rate of Cd from solution (Jw) and Cd concentration in medium (Cw) described by linear regression on the log–log plot. Ceriodaphnia dubia: Jw 5 0.042 3 Cw0.711; Daphnia galeata: Jw 5 0.056 3 Cw0.833; Moina macrocopa: Jw 5 0.0035 3 Cw1.050; Daphnia magna: Jw 5 0.129 3 Cw0.855. (B) The percentage of individuals immobilized after a 48-h exposure to medium containing different concentrations of Cd. The concentration–response curves were four-parameter logistic regressions generated with SigmaPlot 10. Data for D. magna were from Q.-G. Tan and W.-X. Wang (unpubl.). The error bars represent standard deviations (n 5 3 in A, n 5 4 in B). quantified across the Cd concentration range of 1 to 200 mg L21. No obvious saturation of influx was observed within this concentration range. The relationship between the influx rate and Cd concentration could be satisfactorily described by a linear regression on the log–log plot (Fig. 1A). Due to the low specific activity of the radiotracer (109Cd, , 2.3 mCi mg21), the lowest Cd concentration we used (1.3 mg L21) was relatively high and can only be found in contaminated waters (USEPA 2001; Croteau et al. 2002). However, the Cd uptake kinetics we obtained can be extrapolated to lower Cd concentrations considering that no saturation occurred, and the extrapolation has been shown to be valid in D. magna (Yu and Wang 2002a; also see D. magna in Fig. 1A). Daphnia galeata consistently had the highest influx rates, while M. macrocopa had the lowest. The magnitude of interspecies difference in influx rate was dependent on the aqueous Cd concentration, and the influx rate in D. galeata was approximately one order of magnitude higher than that in M. macrocopa. Moina macrocopa was much more tolerant to aqueous Cd than the other two species (Fig. 1B). The 48-h EC50 of M. macrocopa was 737 mg Cd L21, which was 5.3 and 7.2 times higher than that of C. dubia and D. galeata, respectively (Table 1). Table 1. The 48-h median effective concentration (EC50) of Cd and the calculated median effective influx rate (EJ50) of Cd in four cladoceran species. Values in parentheses are 95% confidence intervals. The EJ50 was calculated as the influx rate of Cd at the Cd concentration of EC50 (see Fig. 1 for the equations). Species C. dubia D. galeata M. macrocopa D. magna* EC50 (mg L21) 138 102 737 17.3 (134, 144) (91.8, 114) (637, 852) (16.1, 18.5) EJ50 (mg g21 h21) 1.40 2.65 3.59 1.56 * Data from Q.-G. Tan and W.-X. Wang (unpubl.). (1.36, (2.42, (3.08, (1.46, 1.44) 2.90) 4.18) 1.66) Dietary Cd assimilation and sensitivity of cladocerans— The AE of Cd can be estimated from the percentage of the pulse-ingested 109Cd retained in animals at the point when the depuration curve begins to level off (Fig. 2). This is because the physiological loss of assimilated Cd is a much slower process than the egestion of unassimilated Cd. The AE values of Cd in C. dubia, D. galeata, and M. macrocopa were therefore calculated as the percentage of 109Cd retained in the animal after 24, 32, and 24 h of depuration, respectively. The results are listed in Table 2. The Cd AE decreased significantly with increased food concentration (2-way ANOVA, F4,30 5 75.1, p , 0.001) and was significantly different among species (2-way ANOVA, F2,30 5 100.4, p , 0.001). Moina macrocopa had the highest AE (51.1–76.0%), while there was no significant difference between C. dubia (24.2–74.5%) and D. galeata (26.5–53.6%). The decrease in Cd AE with increasing food concentration was most conspicuous in C. dubia (3-fold), while the AE in M. macrocopa was least affected by food concentration (1.5-fold). For the dietary exposure experiment, the measured specific Cd content of algae used in the control, low-Cd, and high-Cd treatments was 0.038 6 0.003 mg g21, 84.2 6 0.6 mg g21, and 286 6 27 mg g21 dry weight (n 5 2), respectively. After 5 d of exposure to Cd-loaded algae, the Cd concentration in cladocerans was elevated in a dosedependent manner, but it was lower than the Cd concentration in the algae on which they were fed. Moina macrocopa consistently had the highest Cd concentration (Fig. 3A); however, C. dubia showed the highest sensitivity to dietary exposure when measured in terms of weightspecific ingestion rate (Fig. 3B). The weight-specific IR of C. dubia, D. galeata, and M. macrocopa in the control treatment were 0.40 6 0.02 g g21 d21, 0.35 6 0.01 g g21 d21, and 0.44 6 0.04 g g21 d21, respectively. The IR of C. dubia feeding on high-Cd algae was reduced to 51% of the control. Feeding on high-Cd algae also caused a significant Cladoceran cadmium bioaccumulation 261 slower rate (Fig. 4). The depuration data were well fitted by a two-compartmental elimination model, which assumed no exchange between compartments (Fig. 4). A linear regression was conducted between the natural log (i.e., ln) of the percentage of 109Cd retained in cladocerans and the time of depuration between day 1.5 and 6 for each curve (Fig. 4, dotted lines). The absolute value of the slope was considered as the efflux rate constant of the slow compartment (ke2), and e(y2intercept) was the percentage of 109Cd in the slow compartment at the start of depuration. The efflux rate constant of the fast compartment (ke1) was estimated from the depuration data between day 0 and 1.5 after the slow compartment was subtracted (Newman and Clements 2008). There was no significant interspecies difference in ke1 (2.26–2.70 d21, F2,6 5 0.479, p 5 0.641). Although significant differences in ke2 (0.073–0.105 d21) were observed among the three species, the differences were , 1.5-fold (Table 3). There were large interspecies differences in the distribution of Cd in different compartments. At the start of depuration, a much higher proportion (67.3%) of Cd in D. galeata was in the fast compartment than in C. dubia (28.2%) and M. macrocopa (39.9%; Fig. 4). Therefore, at the end of the 6-d depuration, D. galeata retained the least percentage of Cd. Discussion Fig. 2. The percentage of 109Cd retained in cladocerans (i.e., Ceriodaphnia dubia, Daphnia galeata, and Moina macrocopa) during the 24- to 48-h depuration under different food concentrations (i.e., 2 3 103 to 105 cells mL21 of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii). The 109Cd was ingested during the 20-min pulse feeding on 109Cd-labeled C. reinhardtii. The dashed lines indicate the time point for calculating the assimilation efficiency. reduction in IR in M. macrocopa (to 80%), but not in D. galeata. No significant reduction in IR was observed in animals that were fed low-Cd algae. Efflux of Cd—During the 6-d depuration, Cd was rapidly eliminated from the cladocerans initially (i.e., between 0 and 1.5 d) and was then eliminated at a much The consistently lower Cd uptake rate in M. macrocopa was expected based on our previous findings that this species had a strikingly low Ca uptake rate (Tan and Wang 2010) and that Cd is taken up by aquatic organisms as a mimic of Ca through Ca uptake pathways (Craig et al. 1999; Ahearn et al. 2001; Burke et al. 2003). In our previous studies, we quantified the Ca influx rates and Ca content in Daphnia magna and the three cladocerans investigated in the present study (Tan and Wang 2009; Tan and Wang 2010). By putting these data together, a positive correlation can be found between the Ca and Cd uptake rate in the four cladoceran species (including Daphnia magna); however, the correlation is not significant (p 5 0.076, Fig. 5A). As mentioned in Tan and Wang (2010), the Ca influx rate quantified during a short period (i.e., 4 h) might not be representative of the average influx rate due to the inherently large fluctuation across the molt cycle, and it is probably underestimated to a different extent in different species. Therefore, we also conducted a correlation analysis between the Cd influx rate and the specific Ca content (% of dry wt) of cladocerans (Fig. 5B), considering that the Ca content provides a time-integrated measure of Ca influx rate. The correlation was strong (R2 5 0.965) and significant (p 5 0.018), which means that high-Ca cladoceran species had a higher Cd influx rate. Pan and Wang (2009) found that the large interspecies differences in the Cu uptake rate in five bivalves can be explained by the differences in their filtration rate. However, M. macrocopa, which has the highest filtration rate, actually had the lowest Cd uptake rate, which suggests that the uptake of Cd in cladocerans is not limited by metal diffusion to uptake sites. 262 Tan and Wang Table 2. The assimilation efficiency of Cd (%) in Ceriodaphnia dubia, Daphnia galeata, and Moina macrocopa feeding on algae (Chlamydomonas reinhardtii) of different concentrations (105 cells mL21 5 2.73 mg C L21). Values are mean 6 standard deviation (n 5 3). The means in each column that do not share a common superscript letter were significantly different. Food concentration (cells mL21) Species 23103 53103 104 23104 105 C. dubia D. galeata M. macrocopa 74.560.8a 53.665.6b 76.065.9a 60.965.3ab 54.767.1a 70.562.2b 47.860.6a 48.963.0a 73.667.4b 32.161.4a 41.865.5a 65.366.5b 24.262.6a 26.562.4a 51.163.3b Among the four species investigated, D. magna was the most sensitive to aqueous Cd exposure, followed by D. galeata and C. dubia. Moina macrocopa was the most tolerant species and had a strikingly high EC50 (i.e., 737 mg L21), which is similar to the results of Garcia et al. (2004), who reported a 24-h LC50 (median lethal concentration, equivalent to EC50 of the present study) of 680 mg L21 in 24-h neonatal M. macrocopa. By comparing the Cd influx rate and sensitivity to aqueous Cd exposure among the four cladoceran species, it is clear that species with higher influx rate also had higher sensitivity (Fig. 1). Therefore, the interspecies differences in influx rate provide Fig. 3. (A) The body Cd concentration in Ceriodaphnia dubia (C.d.), Daphnia galeata (D.g.), and Moina macrocopa (M.m.) after a 5-d feeding on algae (Chlamydomonas reinhardtii) contaminated by Cd (Cd concentration in algae [mg g21]: control 0.038 6 0.003, low 84.2 6 0.6, high 286 6 27). (B) The weight-specific IR of cladocerans relative to the corresponding control treatment. The means in each column that do not share a common superscript letter were significantly different. The error bars represent standard deviations (n 5 3). a sound explanation for the large differences in sensitivity to aqueous Cd exposure. It was possible that the majority of metal incorporated during the acute exposure remained in the metabolically available pool and thus exerted toxicity instead of being detoxified in different species (Rainbow 2002). Alternatively, because the species with a higher Cd uptake rate also had a higher Ca uptake rate, their higher sensitivity might be a result of higher susceptibility of Ca uptake to the disturbance by Cd. In accordance with this speculation, Grosell and Brix (2009) reported that the freshwater snail Lymnaea stagnalis, which has a high Ca uptake rate (0.32 mg g21 wet weight h21), were hypersensitive to Pb (EC20 , 4 mg L21) due to the reduction of Ca uptake by Pb exposure. By substituting EC50 values into the uptake kinetics equations (Fig. 1A), we obtained the Cd influx rate corresponding to 50% immobilization (or median effective influx rate, EJ50; Table 1). While EC50 reflects the tolerance of a species to aqueous Cd exposure, EJ50, which excludes the confounding effect of interspecies differences in bioaccumulation capability, reflects the intrinsic tolerance of the species to internalized Cd. Compared to the large variation in EC50 (42.6-fold) among species, the EJ50 values were remarkably stable, with only a 2.6-fold variation (Table 1), indicating that the four cladocerans actually have quite comparable intrinsic sensitivity to Cd. Taken together, we suggest that the four parameters, including Ca content, Ca influx rate, Cd influx rate, and sensitivity to aqueous Cd exposure, are intercorrelated in cladocerans. Therefore, assuming similar detoxification rates, if any, we expect cladocerans with higher Ca content to be more sensitive to Cd exposure. Among the freshwater zooplankton, Daphnia spp. have higher Ca content than Ceriodaphnia spp. or non-daphnid cladocerans and copepods, and D. magna have the highest contents among the cladocerans for which Ca content has been measured (Wærva˚gen et al. 2002; Jeziorski and Yan 2006). In line with our expectation, the sensitivity to acute Cd exposure in freshwater zooplankton follows the same order: Daphnia spp. . Ceriodaphnia spp. . non-daphnid cladocerans (M. macrocopa and Alona affinis) and copepods (Cyclops varicans), with D. magna being the most sensitive species (USEPA 2001). Moina macrocopa consistently had a higher AE of Cd than C. dubia and D. galeata, especially at high food levels. The Cd AE in M. macrocopa was quite similar to that quantified in D. magna (50–80%) within the similar food concentration range (Yu and Wang 2002b). The higher AE Cladoceran cadmium bioaccumulation Fig. 4. The percentage of 109Cd retained in cladocerans during the 6-d depuration. The cladocerans were exposed in 109Cd-spiked medium (containing food) for 3 d before the depuration. The dots are the measured values, and the error bars represent standard deviations (n 5 3). The depuration data were fitted with two-compartment first-order elimination model (i.e., the solid curves). Ceriodaphnia dubia: y 5 28.2e22.26x + 71.8e20.070x, Daphnia galeata: y 5 67.3e22.53x + 32.7e20.093x, Moina macrocopa: y 5 39.9e22.70x + 60.1e20.073x. The dotted lines represent the elimination from the slow compartment. in M. macrocopa than in C. dubia and D. galeata agrees well with the higher Cd concentration in the former species than in the latter two species after feeding on the same Cdcontaminated food sources (Fig. 3A). The Cd concentration in M. macrocopa was 51–59% of the Cd concentration in the algae on which they were fed, while that in C. dubia and D. galeata was only 11–21% and 9–10% of that in the algae, respectively. AE is an important parameter in determining the trophic transfer of elements in aquatic food webs (Wang 2002). M. macrocopa, which has a higher Cd AE, theoretically has a greater potential to transfer Cd from primary producers to predators at higher trophic levels (e.g., predatory invertebrates, zooplanktivorous fish). Although Cd is usually biodiminished along the planktonic food chain (Wang 2002; Tsui and Wang 2007), predators at higher trophic levels are still at the risk of suffering from dietary Cd toxicity due to their longer life span and higher sensitivity. For instance, feeding on M. macrocopa containing 56.6 mg g21 of Cd led to the Cd concentration in catfish reaching the permissible limit of 0.20 mg g21 wet weight and adversely affected the growth of that fish (Ruangsomboon and Wongrat 2006). In the present study, 263 the Cd concentration in M. macrocopa fed on the algae cultured under an environmentally realistic Cd concentration (Cd2+: 1.0 mg L21) reached 42.7 mg g21, which is near the potentially hazardous level. This is noteworthy considering the value of M. macrocopa in aquaculture as feed for fish larvae (Evangelista et al. 2005). It has been previously observed that a higher ambient Ca concentration leads to a lower Cd AE in D. magna (Tan and Wang 2008), and that elevating dietary Ca concentration reduces gastrointestinal Cd assimilation in rainbow trout (Franklin et al. 2005). Both observations suggest that Cd and Ca share common pathways for entering gut epithelial cells. Therefore, we expected to see that the species with a higher Ca AE would also have a higher Cd AE, just like the coupling between Ca and Cd uptake from water that we observed (Fig. 5). However, compared to Cd AE, Ca AE was found to be significantly lower in M. macrocopa (5.3%) than in C. dubia (10.6%) or D. galeata (12.4%) (Tan and Wang 2010). One possible reason for the decoupling between Cd and Ca assimilation could be that other Cd uptake routes contributed substantially to the assimilation of Cd, besides those shared with Ca. The relative importance of food as a source of Cd (Sf) can be calculated using the equation Sf ~ Jf |100% Jf zJw Jf ~AE|IR|Cf ð2Þ ð3Þ where Jf and Jw are the influx rate of Cd from food and water (mg g21 d21), respectively, IR is the weight-specific ingestion rate (g g21 d21), and Cf is the Cd concentration in food (mg g21). The Sf values in the three cladoceran species were estimated for two food concentrations (i.e., 104 and 5 3 104 cell mL21), both of which are environmentally realistic (DeMott et al. 2004). The AE values at the 5 3 104 cells mL21 food level (24.5%, 32.0%, and 57.4% in C. dubia, D. galeata, and M. macrocopa, respectively) were estimated by fitting an exponential decay model with food concentration to the quantified Cd AE (Tan and Wang 2009). The IR values at 104 cells mL21 were measured in the dietary toxicity experiment as described previously, and the IR values at 5 3 104 cells mL21 were taken from Tan and Wang 2010 (Table 4). In the dietary toxicity experiment, the Cd concentration in algae cultured in the medium containing 1.0 mg Cd2+ L21 (equivalent to 1.2 mg Cd L21 in SM7 medium as calculated using MINEQL+) was Table 3. The efflux rate constant of Cd from the fast compartment (ke1) and slow compartment (ke2), the estimated proportion of Cd influx into different compartments (f1, f2), and the calculated ratio of steady-state Cd concentration in the two compartments (Css1 : Css2). Values are mean 6 standard deviation (n 5 3). The means in each column that do not share a common superscript letter were significantly different. Species ke1 (d21) ke2 (d21) f1 : f2 Css1 : Css2 C. dubia D. galeata M. macrocopa 2.2660.19a 0.07060.003a 2.5360.17a 2.7060.83a 0.09360.004b 0.07360.012a 0.70 : 0.30 0.93 : 0.07 0.81 : 0.19 1.0 : 3.8 1.0 : 0.7 1.0 : 2.2 264 Tan and Wang Fig. 5. The correlation between the Cd influx rate from solution (JCd) and (A) the Ca influx rate from solution (JCa), (B) the specific Ca content of four cladoceran species. C.d. 5 Ceriodaphnia dubia, D.g. 5 Daphnia galeata, D.m. 5 Daphnia magna, M.m. 5 Moina macrocopa. The Ca influx rate and the Ca content of C.d., D.g., and M.m. are from Tan and Wang (2010); the Ca influx rate (at 20 mg Ca L21) and the Ca content of D.m. are from Tan and Wang (2009); the Cd influx rate of D.m. is from Q.-G. Tan and W.-X. Wang (unpubl.). 84.2 mg g21. We thus used 1.2 mg Cd L21 to calculate Jw and accordingly set Cf to be 84.2 mg g21. The calculated Sf values are listed in Table 4. Food was the major (i.e., . 90%) Cd source for all three species, especially for M. macrocopa, with a remarkably low Jw and a high AE. The dominant role of dietary Cd found in the present study is in agreement with the observations for D. magna (Guan and Wang 2006; Tan and Wang 2008). We can probably extrapolate this finding to other planktonic cladoceran species because cladocerans have relatively high feeding activity (e.g., . 0.5 g g21 d21) when provided with abundant food, which is necessary for fueling their rapid growth and frequent reproduction (Sarma et al. 2005; Tan and Wang 2010). As food was the major Cd source for the cladocerans, it is important to assess the risk posed by dietary Cd exposure. Moina macrocopa had the highest Cd concentration after the dietary exposure; however, this species was less affected (in terms of ingestion rate) than C. dubia. Daphnia galeata showed the highest tolerance to dietary exposure. We can qualitatively explain the differential responses of these species by using the body concentration together with EJ50 (as an indicator of tolerance to internalized Cd as described already; see Table 1). For example, the highest sensitivity to dietary exposure in C. dubia is the result of its highest intrinsic sensitivity (i.e., lowest EJ50) and intermediate body concentration. Although M. macrocopa had the highest accumulation, it is less sensitive than C. dubia due to its highest intrinsic tolerance (i.e., highest EJ50). However, we found poor quantitative correlation between the sensitivity to dietaryassimilated Cd (i.e., reduction in ingestion rate) and the ratio of body concentration to EJ50 (results not shown). Altogether, the results suggest that although it is reasonable to postulate that a species with higher tolerance to Cd incorporated from water should have higher tolerance to Cd assimilated from food, the correlation between the two ‘‘tolerances’’ is not linear. The high sensitivity of C. dubia to dietary Cd was also observed by Sofyan et al. (2007), although the sensitivity they registered was much higher. They reported that C. dubia feeding on algae (Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata) containing 3.11 mg Cd g21 for 7 d reduced the feeding rate to less than 40% of the control, while feeding on algae containing 0.56 mg Cd g21 significantly inhibited reproduction. In comparison, D. magna showed lower sensitivity. Feeding on algae (P. subcapitata) containing 62 mg Cd g21 for 21 d (16 h per day) reduced the number of neonates Table 4. The relative importance of diet as the source of Cd (Sf) for different cladoceran species at two food (Chlamydomonas reinhardtii) concentration levels (i.e., 104 and 5 3 104 cells mL21). For the calculation, waterborne Cd concentration was assumed to be 1.2 mg L21 (or 1.0 mg L21 Cd2+ in SM7 medium), and the corresponding Cd concentration in our given diet was 84.2 mg g21. Jw, influx rate of Cd from solution. IR, weight-specific ingestion rate. Food concentration (cells mL21) Species C. dubia D. galeata M. macrocopa 104 Influx rate of Cd Jw (mg g21 d21) IR (g g21 d21) 1.15 1.56 0.10 * Data from Tan and Wang (2010). 0.40 0.35 0.44 53104 Sf (%) IR*(g g21 d21) Sf (%) 93.3 90.2 99.6 0.83 0.76 1.37 93.6 91.6 99.8 Cladoceran cadmium bioaccumulation Fig. 6. The measured (see Fig. 4A) and predicted Cd concentration in Ceriodaphnia dubia (C.d.), Daphnia galeata (D.g.), and Moina macrocopa (M.m.) after feeding on Cdcontaminated algae (84.2 6 0.6 mg Cd g21) for 5 d. The prediction was made based on the two-compartment model (see Discussion for details). The assimilation efficiency and ingestion rate data were from those listed (or used) in Table 4 at 5 3 104 cell mL21. produced by approximately 30% but caused no mortality in D. magna (Geffard et al. 2008). Moreover, Goulet et al. (2007) observed no adverse effects of Cd-loaded algae (C. reinhardtii, 70 mg g21) on the survival, feeding, growth, and reproduction of D. magna during the 21-d culture. The elimination of Cd from D. galeata was much faster than from the other two species (Fig. 4). This is due to the larger fraction of Cd distributed in the fast compartment rather than to the slightly higher ke2 in D. galeata (Table 3). After 3 d of exposure to both dietary and aqueous Cd, 28.2%, 71.8%, and 39.9% of Cd was distributed in the fast compartment in C. dubia, D. galeata, and M. macrocopa, respectively (Fig. 4). Based on these results, we estimated the fraction of Cd influx into different compartments using the two-compartment biodynamic model (Guan and Wang 2006; Newman and Clements 2008): Cssi ~ fi |Jin kei zgi f1 zf2 ~1 Ct,i ~Cssi (1{e{(kei zgi )|t ) Ct ~Ct,1 zCt,2 ð4Þ ð5Þ ð6Þ ð7Þ where Cssi (mg g21) is the steady-state (i.e., the state when influx equals efflux) Cd concentration in cladocerans distributed in the fast (subscript 1) or slow (subscript 2) compartment; Jin (mg g21 d21) is the total Cd influx from both water and food; fi is the fraction of Jin distributed into compartment i; gi (d21) is the growth rate constant of compartment i; and Ct,i and Ct (mg g21) are the Cd concentration in cladocerans at the exposure time of t (d). The ratio of C3,1 : C3,2 was 0.393 (i.e., 28.2% : 71.8%), 2.06 (i.e., 67.3% : 32.7%), and 0.664 (i.e., 39.9% : 60.1%) in C. dubia, D. galeata, and M. macrocopa, respectively (Fig. 4; 265 Eq. 6). By assuming that g1 5 g2 5 0.3 based on our previous results on D. magna (Tan and Wang 2009), the estimated f1 : f2 and Css1 : Css2 ratios are listed in Table 3. The majority of the Cd (. 70%) was distributed into the fast compartment upon internalization in all three species, but especially in D. galeata (93%). However, after reaching the steady state, the slow compartment contained the majority of Cd in C. dubia (79%) and M. macrocopa (69%). In contrast, D. galeata only had 41% of the total Cd in the slow compartment. In addition, we validated the twocompartment model (Eqs. 3–6) by predicting the Cd concentration in cladocerans after the 5-d feeding on low-Cd–contaminated algae (see Fig. 4). The predicted concentrations were 93% to 115% of the measured values (Fig. 6). The large interspecies variation in all of the investigated bioaccumulation-related physiological traits indicates that even the closely related freshwater cladocerans cannot be treated as a homogeneous group in terms of metal bioaccumulation. Therefore, in order to obtain a sound generalization, any comparative study should not only be based on the evolutionary phylogeny, but also on the understanding of the physiological factors governing the metal bioaccumulation (e.g., the Ca biokinetics in the present study for Cd bioaccumulation). As zooplankton play important roles in the biogeochemical cycle of trace metals in lake ecosystems (Twiss et al. 1996), metal biogeochemistry is thus expected to be different in lakes dominated by different cladocerans. In conclusion, there was a positive correlation between the cladoceran Ca content and the Cd influx rate, presumably due to the coupling of Ca and Cd during their uptake. The species with a higher influx rate of Cd from water was more susceptible to aqueous Cd stress. The differential susceptibility to dietary Cd exposure among cladocerans could also be explained by the differences in their bioaccumulation capability and their intrinsic sensitivity. Because food was the dominant Cd source for cladocerans, the dietary toxicity of Cd should be taken into account when assessing the risks of Cd exposure. Ceriodaphnia dubia can serve as good bioindicator considering its high sensitivity to dietary Cd exposure and its widespread distribution. Daphnia galeata, with a relatively lower AE and a higher elimination rate, acts as a recycler of Cd, whereas M. macrocopa, with just the opposite characteristics, acts as an accumulator of Cd and has higher potential to transfer Cd to higher trophic levels. Acknowledgments We thank the two anonymous reviewers for their constructive comments. 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