Rules and Records for Generators Manifesting and Transporting Used and Scrap Tires Jaime Garza, Will Wyman, and Jonathan Diaz Texas Commission on Environmental Quality SBLGA Programs Offer: Technical Assistance with understanding the rules and meeting requirements. One to One Help. Compliance Tools. Free & Confidential. TCEQ Tire Rules. Title 30 Texas Administrative Code (TAC). – Chapter 328 Subchapter F: Management of Used and Scrap Tires. • • • • • Generators Transporters Scrap Tire Facilities Tire Storage Facilities Transportation Facilities Generator Requirements • Generator §328.53 - An entity, except a scrap tire energy recovery facility and a scrap tire recycling facility, that is a fleet operator, is an automotive dismantler, or is a whole new or used tire retailer, wholesaler, manufacturer, recapper or retreader. • 30 TAC §328.56(b) Each Generator shall be responsible for ensuring that used or scrap tires or tire pieces are transported by a registered transporter to an authorized facility. Generator Requirements • 30 TAC §328.56(c) – Each Generator shall use manifests, work orders, invoices or other records to document the removal and management of all scrap tires generated on-site. Generator Requirements • 30 TAC §328.58 (a) Generator Responsibility – Generators shall maintain a record of each individual load of used or scrap tires or tire pieces hauled from their business location. – The record shall be in the form of a 5-part manifest or similar documentation as approved by the ED. Generator Requirements • 30 TAC §328.58 (a) Generator Responsibility – Generator shall document on the manifest generator name, address, telephone number, number of tires removed, and registration number, if applicable. – Representative of the generator shall sign the manifest. Generator Requirements 328.56 • Registration required if storing more than 500 tires outside or 2,000 tires in trailers • Good used tires intended for sale to the consumer: – sorted, marked, classified, and arranged in an organized manner. Other Generator Requirements 328.56 • Tires stored outdoors are monitored for vectors and control measures are utilized every two weeks (water out, covered, documented). • Generators can self transport to an authorized facility, or between it’s own business locations without a registration. Transporter Requirements • Transporters must register with the TCEQ* • Keep Records for three years • Submit an annual report each year Transporter Requirements 328.57(c) • Transporters shall maintain records using a manifest system; • Each transporter shall be responsible for ensuring that used or scrap tires or tire pieces are transported to an authorized scrap tire facility; • Each transporter shall notify the generator of any changes to the manifest. A written notification must be received by the generator within two weeks of any changes. Manifest Requirements 328.58(b) • Transporter shall complete the information on the manifest pertaining to the transporter name, registration number, driver’s license number, and the state where the license was issued. • The transporter shall record the number and location of all whole used or scrap tires removed from the load and delivered. Manifest Requirements 328.58(b) • Transporter shall maintain a manifest record of each individual collection and delivery. • If the transporter removed, for beneficial reuse, tires from an individually manifested load, the transporter shall return the original manifest to the generator within 60 days of the date of collection.* Authorized Facilities 328.53 • Authorized Scrap Tire Facility – Registered scrap tire storage site – Scrap tire facility (processor, recycler, energy recovery) – Landfill – LRPUT – Beneficial Use Projects (guidance, process or storage) TCEQ Approved Manifest 328.58 • The record shall be in the form of a five-part manifest or other similar documentation approved by the executive director. • The use of alternate manifest need approval in writing from scrap tire program Whole Used or Scrap Tire Manifest TEXAS COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 1. GENERATOR INFORMATION AND CERTIFICATION: 2. TRANSPORTER INFORMATION AND CERTIFICATION: __________________________________________________ Date and Time of Pickup __________________________________________________ Company Name __________________________________________________ Registration Number/Type of Generator _______________________ Registration Number _(_____)____________________________________________ Area code/Telephone Number Print Name: _____________________________________ _________________________ Driver’s License Number Signature: ______________________________________ __________________________________________________ Company Name __________________________________________________ Street Address 3. SECONDARY TRANSPORTER INFORMATION AND CERTIFICATION: __________________________________________________ City State Zip __________________________________________________ Company Name ________________________ No. of Whole Passenger Tires _______________________ Registration Number ________________________ No. of Whole Truck Tires Has the generator been charged for the service: Yes No (circle one) _________________________ Driver’s License Number Print Name: _____________________________________ Signature: ______________________________________ I certify that the information provided above is true and correct. I am aware that falsification of this manifest may result in suspension, revocation, or denial of renewal of my generator registration. Print Name: _____________________________________ By my signature I certify that the information provided above is true and correct and that only wastes in item 1 of this manifest are contained in this load. I am aware that falsification of this manifest may result in suspension, revocation, or denial of renewal of my transporter registration. Signature: ______________________________________ ADJUSTMENT BOX Location and Intended Use of Removed Tires: # of Tires Picked Up: ___________________________ Passenger Tires Removed for Reuse: ___________________________ Truck Tires ___________________________ 4. PROCESSOR INFORMATION AND CERTIFICATION: __________________ Registration Number _______________ No. Passenger Tires _______________________________ Date and Time of Pickup _______________ OR _______________ lbs No. Truck Tires Weight of Tires _(_____)____________________________________________ Area code/Telephone Number __________________________________________________ Company Name __________________________________________________ Street Address __________________________________________________ City State Zip 5. STORAGE/DISPOSAL SITE INFORMATION AND CERTIFICATION: __________________ Registration Number _______________ No. Passenger Tires _______________________________ Date and Time of Pickup _______________ OR _______________ lbs No. Truck Tires Weight of Tires _(_____)____________________________________________ Area code/Telephone Number __________________________________________________ Company Name __________________________________________________ Street Address __________________________________________________ City State Zip I certify that the information provided above is true and correct and that I have been authorized by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality to accept whole used or scrap tires for storage, processing, or disposal. I am aware that falsification of this manifest may result in enforcement action. Signature: _________________________________________ Signature: _________________________________________ Print Name: _________________________________________ Print Name: _________________________________________ It is important to note that a copy of each transaction must be retained by each party for a period of three years. The end use or disposal facility operator must mail the original completed manifest back to the generator. Following each transaction, the copy separated from the manifest should be the bottom copy. Green – Generator; Yellow – Transporter; Blue – Processor; Pink – Disposal Facility; White (original signature page) – Generator TCEQ 10304 (02/08) Summary • Generator’s of Scrap and Used Tires – Manifest all tires – Use a registered transporter* – Monitor tires at least once every two weeks – Never store more then 500 scrap tires on the ground General Information on Scrap Tire Management • Ms. Cynthia Hackathorn • 817/588-5817 ance/tires/ NEED CONFIDENTIAL HELP Contact: – Jonathan Diaz 956-389-7428 [email protected] – Imelda Pena 956-389-7427 [email protected]
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