2016 Exhibitor Prospectus - Assistive Technology Industry Association

Exhibitor Prospectus
"Having so many vendors all in one place so you could try each company's
products out for a direct comparison all in a matter of a couple of hours was
very nice. I have never been to a conference with such an expansive Exhibit
Hall before." ATIA attendee
When: February 3 - 6, 2016
Where: Caribe Royal All-Suites Resort & Convention Center
Orlando, FL USA
Over 2600 senior-level program directors, special education teachers,
therapists, and service providers from the across the US and the world YOUR CUSTOMERS - will participate in ATIA 2016 Orlando. Make sure your
company is represented at this conference. Booth space is available. Sign up
The leaders and professionals who attend ATIA recognize the value of being
at your sessions and spending time in your booth learning about new
products. Exhibitors have the unique opportunity to share information about
their organizations with these key decision makers. What solutions are
people searching for? Take a look at the wide range of AT needs indicated by
attendees at ATIA 2015.
Accessibility of online course materials
Accessible Design (W3C & WCAG)
Augmentative and Alternative Communication
Cognitive disabilities, TBI
Deaf Blind
Deafness/Hard of Hearing
Education: Reading, Writing, Math,
Learning/Study Skills, Common Core
Higher Education, Post-Secondary Education
Independent Living/Workplace
ATIA 2015 Survey results show:
 89% of respondents visit the exhibit
hall to view the latest in technology.
 45% meet with manufacturers while
at the conference.
 76% of respondents say they spent 3
hours or more in the Exhibit Hall.
Learning Disabilities
Mobile technologies – IOS, and Android
Multiple Disabilities
Orientation & Mobility
Policy Development and Implementation
Severe Intellectual Disabilities
Text-to-speech and Screen Readers
Use of devices in the Hospital and other
Care Centers
Video Descriptions and Captions
Visual Impairment and Magnification
Exhibit Hall Hours*
Wednesday, February 3
5:30PM – 7:30PM Exhibit Hall Preview
Thursday, February 4
Exhibit Hall Closed for Lunch
Exhibit Hall Passport to Prizes
10:15AM – 5:30PM
1:00PM – 2:00PM
3:20PM – 4:30PM
Friday, February 5
Exhibit Hall Closed for Lunch
Exhibit Hall Passport to Prizes
10:15AM – 5:30PM
1:00PM – 2:00PM
3:20PM – 4:30PM
Saturday, February 6
9:00AM – 12:00PM
*Exhibit Hall hours subject to change
“This is the ONE conference a year
where educators come to make
purchasing decisions, right in time for
building budgets.” – ATIA Exhibitor
Booth Prices
Regular 10'x10' Booth
Inside Exhibit Hall
Standard Booth fee: $3,550
ATIA Member Booth Fee: $1,800
Premium 8’x10’ Booth
Outside Exhibit Hall
Standard Booth fee: $4,500
ATIA Member Booth Fee: $3,000
Non-Profit/Government Agency Booth fee: $1,500
Special introductory discounts!
First Time Exhibitors – 10’x10’ Booth $3,140
First Time Member-Exhibitors – 10’x10’ Booth $1,650
Your Exhibit Booth Registration includes:
Standard Booth
Two Complimentary Full Conference Registrations*
Additional staff registration - $200, includes access to all educational sessions
Pre- and post-show access to the attendee list
Priority Points toward Booth Selection for future years
Priority scheduling for education sessions at the conference
Membership has its
ATIA is the premier organization for
manufacturers, sellers and providers of
technology-based assistive devices
and/or services. Members include forprofit, not-for-profit, and private
organizations located across the globe.
With Membership you:
Gain business advantage with
reduced fees on conference booths
and priority booth scheduling.
 Gain information through ATIA
committees and member activities.
 Gain influence and work to impact
important industry and government
trends worldwide
For more information on membership
visit www.atia.org/membership.
ATIA Member Booth
Two Complimentary Full Conference Registrations*
Additional staff registration - $150, includes access to all educational sessions
Pre- and post-show access to the attendee list
Priority Points toward Booth Selection for future years
Priority scheduling for education sessions at the conference
Non-Profit/Government Agency Booth
One complimentary Full Conference Registration*
Additional staff registration - $150, includes access to all educational sessions
*Per 10’x10’ booth purchased.
Purchase a Sponsorship and influence decision-makers, generate
the most leads and get your company recognized at the ATIA Conference.
Passport to Prizes - $300
Each attendee at ATIA 2016 receives a passport game card with YOUR
company name or logo. Attendees visit booths to receive a stamp. A daily
drawing highlights participating exhibitors and prizes they donate.
Learn more about
Exhibiting and view the
Exhibit Hall Floor Plan
Mobile App - $1,500
Purchase a banner ad displayed in our hugely popular mobile app! Once
clicked, the advertisement image displays, with capability to link out to
website. Push Notifications also available starting at $300.
ATIA Member Meeting Rooms - $800 to $1,000
ATIA member companies can reserve meeting space during the conference
for private events and meetings. Schedule focus groups, present new
products to decision makers, and maximize your time at the conference by
meeting face-to-face with your customers!
Talk about your products and
services to our ATIA
Additional sponsorships available. www.atia.org/exhibitors
Follow us! @ATIAorg, #ATIA16
Like us! facebook.com/ATIA.org
February 3 – February 6, 2016
Company Information
Caribe Royale Orlando All-Suite Hotel
and Convention Center
Exhibitor/Booth Application
Contact Email:
Company Address:
State/Prov/Postal Code/Country:
Exhibit Opportunities/Pricing*
Please select one of the following booth options:
Regular 10’x10’ Booth inside Exhibit Hall:
□ $1,800 Standard ATIA Member Booth Rate*
□ $3,550 Non-ATIA Member Booth Rate
Premium 10’x10’ Booth Outside the Exhibit Hall:
□ $3,000 Premium Member Booth Rate*
□ $4,500 Premium Non-Member Booth Rate
□ Add (1) more booth space from 2013: $250 off total
□ Add (2) more booth spaces from 2013: $750 off total
Introductory Discounts for First Time Exhibitor/Members:
□ $1,650 First Time Exhibitor Member Booth Rate
□ $2,750 First Time Exhibitor Premium Member Booth Rate
□ $3,140 First Time Exhibitor Non-Member Booth Rate
□ $4,250 First Time Exhibitor Premium Non-Member Booth
*Member renewals received after 3/31/15 may be subject to a late fee.
□ Add (3) more booth spaces from 2013: take $1,250 off total
□ Add (4) more booth spaces from 2013: take $1,750 off total
Booth Packages*:
□ Booth+: $2,000 - Member booth, Passport to Prizes, 1 Additional Registration – A $2,250 value
□ Booth++: $2,500 - Member booth, New Product Release Sponsorship, Passport to Prizes, 1 Additional Registration - a $2,750
Booth Fee Includes: Pre-and post-conference attendee registration lists, pipe and drape booth, ID sign, or draped (blue)
table, carpeting, two side chairs, wastebasket, 500 watts electrical connection and two complimentary exhibitor full
conference registrations per booth.
□ I, the authorized representative of the undersigned company, on behalf of said company subscribe and agree to all
terms, conditions, authorizations and covenants obtained in this Contract and the Rules & Regulations
governing ATIA. ATIA reserves the right to determine the eligibility of any exhibitor/organization for
participation in the ATIA conference.
*Prices are subject to change after March 1, 2015.
Contact ATIA Headquarters at [email protected] or (877) 687-2842 for more information about non-profit /government agency pricing and
on how to become an ATIA member, which can save you up to $1050 on booth fee!
Should you have any additional questions regarding booth pricing, space assignments, priority points, or any booth purchase r elated
information please contact ATIA Sales Management at ATIA Headquarters, Toll Free: (877) 687-2842, by Fax (312) 644-0575, or
[email protected]
Payment Information
Payment of 50% of the booth fees is due at the time application is received. You will not be recognized as an exhibitor at the
conference or receive confirmation until the deposit is received. Payment is due in full for 2016 Orlando booths by July 31, 2015.
If full payment is not received by this date, 1) your booth assignment made at the time of onsite space selection will be released
and your company will have to select another booth space from the available options at that time and 2) your company and
company information may not be included in ATIA conference marketing materials.
Payment by credit card should be made on the Exhibitor Service Center at
Checks should be made payable to ATIA and mailed to:
ATIA Membership and Exhibits, Lockbox Number 778332 Solutions Center, Chicago, IL 60677.