McCUNE • TOMORROW CIILlfORNl1I TECH THEN FINALS CQlif,rniQ Instilllte of Techn()l()gy Volume XLIX - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - Thursday, March 11 , 1948- -- - - -- -- - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Reyn~lds Brings '-.-H_IS_TO_R_IA_N_TO_HE_A_D_HU_N_TI_NG_T_ON--->I No. 20 McCune to Entertain Techmen Alummum Coach r = = = = = ;'" To Tech Today be~:~t~d~:;,~:~~~s~~~eal~~ Comedy to Highlight Show Set For:B30 Tomorrow In ., Culh ertson Ca rrying the st ory of alumi- without delay, a ll veterans with childre n s hould secure a n um, America's fastes t growing photos tatic copy of e a c h new industry, the d isplay coach of the Alumin um Division of the child's bir th certificate with· Undergrads Urged to Bring Dates; Rey nolds Meta l Company w ill be out d elay.' Vetera.ns w ith dependa n ts Dance to Follow in Humanities Lounge o n exhibit at the I nstitute on othe r tha n children s hould Thursday , March 11t h, between furn ish co pies o f th ei r ow n Th e H ank McC.une sh ow sched uled fol' tomorrow nigh t at 7:00 10 a. m . and 2 p.m. at a centra.! birth certi fi ca tes and fill out a in Culbertson has been set hac k unt il 8:30, the reason being that location just south of the Me· depend e ncy for m obtained a rrangeme n ts fOI" th e regula r broadcast to be held at Tec h were chani cal Engineering Buildjng. from the Vet erans Office. Turn unab le to be made. rns tead McC un e w ill hdng hi s cast for a n after The display coach is a n e ntire· in a ll papers to Mrs. Collin gs, broadcast show whi ch w ill la.s t from S:30 until 9:30. Immediately Iy novel step in bringing the Veterans Office, 118 Throop. followi ng th e show t he re wi ll be a recol'd dance in Dabney Hall story of this newest a nd most ,-:::=============-,.:. \V ~I,.:.:e::,. e_, :. ::''h.:.:n.:.:,.:.e::n.::ts::'.:.:"::'i:l:!~h:::e.:.:s::c::.: l'ved. a maz ing of a ll meta ls to a much <i> • Bot h the s how a.nd the dance larger number of persons. T h e are free, bu t beca use of ,t he lim· coach itself is a pproximately 85 ited seating ca pac ity of Cu lbertpe r cent al u m inu m . rt carries The Cal tec h ""omen's Club, an narily class ified as art, s uch as son, it is suggested th at m e n who a co mpl ete line of a luminum mill products made by the Reyno lds o rganization of the wives of fac· etc hings, pain t in gs, sc ulp ture, br ing dates ar ri ve in time to inMeta ls Compa ny. Also included ul ty mem bers a nd graciuate stu· ce ra mics, dra wings, an d photog- s ure getti ng good seats. Th b program, arra nged chief· in the dis play are many finished dents, is s ponsoring a f a mily~ ra phy (must be de\relopec1 and style a rt show to be he ld in the printed by th e entrant) . The al'- Iy by Bud Mi tten t ha l and Jack parts. Biology Library from Wednes- ra nge me nt , lighti ng, "and m ount- Ottesta d, wi l! be the last impor· New Uses day , Apl'iI 7, thro ugh Satul'day, in g o f th e entries w ill be under tant school socia l event of secP ,'ogressive manufacturers are lea rning that a luminum is ideal- April 10. The exhibi t w ill be th e direction of t he Pasade na Art o nd term , and it a ffords a n excellent oppor tuni ty for a n evely s u ited for ma ny types of open to th e public from 10:00 [nsti t ute. ning of fine enterta inment. McE n t.I'y t='I'occdu T'C m eta l product s, It offe rs strength a.m. until 6:00 each day a nd E n t rants must notify either Cun e's cast incl udes a girl quar· that can equal that of steel but Friday e vening until 10:30 p.m. Stud e l1 t~ , E mplo yecs E ligi blc Mrs. H. J. Ste wa r t, 2751 North tet, t hi ptee n piece band and nuat the same time its light weigh t, Entries at'e so licited from all Ma rengo, Altadena; or Mrs. R. m erous ot hel' att raction s. which is practically one·third 1n s pite of n ot being a.ble to tha.t of steel, makes it easier to perso ns co nne cted with th e Insti- D. Gray , 3059 San ta Rosa, Altahand le throughout the ma nufac· tu te, including studen ts, 0 f dena; by m a il no later than have Virg inia Mayo as gues t star, course. As many as three en- Ma rch 20th; g iving na me, tele- as was o r ig ina lly pla nned, Mcturing processes. Since 1939 the base price of tri es pe r perso n will be acce pted phone numbe r, address, num be r Cu ne's s how promises to be terrifi c ente r ta inmen t. a lumin um has dropped 30 per and they may be anyth ing ordi- of entries, a nd type o f e ntries. ce n't. And t h is decli ne in price h as been achieved in the face of a n increase in the compOSite base price of other m et a ls of more t ha n 100 per cent. F r eig h t Savin gs To these s ubsta ntia l reductions in the in it ial cos t and ha ndling \ costs, may be added s izable reductions in freight costs. Th is improved eco nomic pOSition of a luminum is causing many manufacturers to investigate it. Aluminum's light weight has helped it to forge to the front I in t he m an u facture of trans porta· tion equipment. Already t r uck and trailer bod ies, bus bodies, a.utomo bile pa rts a nd ai.rplanes are utilizing its u nequ alled advantages. Art Exhibit Set by Tech Women's Club TO I ,I!:." V E 'J'11:\.: I-I _(') I'. J. K \\1 i1 l1a Ct~ S h w ling, pl-o min c nt Caltec h h istul'Y III'ofcsSU I', was ann o un ccd S UJl cJal' as t h e n e w tl il'ccto,' of th t' HU!lti ngto n l , ibra l')," H e will co n t.inu e to give OC(";Is io ll ' ll l('ctul'CS at t he In sti tu te. J. E. Wallace Sterling to Head Huntington Library Group Caltech Expert on Current History To Retain Ties With Institute The a ppointment of Dr .. 1. E. Wa llace Sterlin g as Director of the He nry E. H unt ingto n L ibra.ry and Art Gal le ry was announ ced today by Dr. Hobert A. l'vlillika n, Chairma n of the L ibrary Board of Tru st.ees. This a ppointment is to become effective on July 1, 1948. The directorship '" of th e Libra ry has been vacan t since th e retirement ,of t he late Dr. Max. F arrand se veral yea rs . ag~·n Tech ~'acnlt.y Si n ce 19:\7 Dr. S te l' ling received hi s Ph.D. from Stanford Uni ve rsity te n years 'ago a nd served a lso as a member of the Resea.rch Staff of the Hoover Wa r Library at tha t institu t ion . Since 1937 he has been a m em be r of t he facu lty of the California Ins titute of Technol oJ::,ry' a nd is now Edward S. Harkness Professor of History ancI Gove rnme nt. H e was on leav e from the I nstitute, ID39-40, as a. Fellow of t he Social Science R esea rch Council and aga in in the autumn of 1947 w hen h e was a m embe r of the resident civi lia n facu lty of the Na tiona. \Val' Coll ege. W as hin g· Altadena Scene 0f Blacker-FIeminq Dine-Dance Affair Last Friday sa w Fleming and Blacker pOOling their talents a n d resources for one of the plushier af fa irs of the curren t social season. The occasion was a formal dinne r·dance a t the Altadena To wn and Count&y Club. Tech Student's Poster Wins Hoganhurger ' TICKET 'Midst ca ndleli g h t and flowers a nd aga ins t a background of light class ica l mu s ic the attending couples enjoyed a n excellent dinner which fea tured a n entree of roast prime r ibs. Thro ug hou t the evening ta ble ser vice of reo Made up of pare nts of Caltech fres hments was provided, a fea- s tudents and other civ ic m inded ron, D. C, tu re which a ppea red to be well, people of t his area interested in Th e acce ptance o f hi ;;; ncw post a pprecia ted by those present. Su- I student welfare. th e Cal tec h wi ll llecessitate Dr. Sterl in g's pCl'b mu sic for dancing was pm· ' Service League fills a definite res ignatio n of his I'egu la r a ca· vided by Eddie Miller and his I need of the s tudent body. demi c post at the Ca liforn ia I n· orchestra, \vhi ch included such Many Sel'vices s titu te, blJt it is a n ticipated that people as Na ppy La m a re, Ray Mere ly to enumerate t he funche w ill co ntinu e to g ive occa- Haduc, Matty Matlock, and Brad lions performed by the Service Co wan. s io nal lectu r es. League would do the organizaSCl'io u s ).JOss Som c Co m bo tion an injustice, but even a pa rIn co mm en ting upon the new These fe ll ows pro ved that they tia l lis t may givE" an idea of the appoin tment Dr. Millika n stated, co uld turn ou t s uave da nce mu- se rvices offered. "The Tru stees of t h e Libra ry a re s ic as wo rt hy of acc as their The Service League ca n make muc h gratified at being able to more famous jazz work, and their a loa n to you; if your wife is exs~cure , for the impo r ta nt post of olTerings included a gene rous se· pecting an addition to the famDirector, a man o f Dr. Ste rlin g's lection of waltzes, tangoes, rhum- ily, they can loa n you the cr ib, sc holarly in terests, adm in ist ra- bas and sambas, in addi tion to the baby carriage, a nd other ti ve a bil ity, an d experience in t he dreamy stuff. simila r par aphernalia through library problems. His t l'c\tns fer Decora tions were characterized their fur n iture loan se rvice; they from the Ca li~or n ia lnsli t ute wi:1 by unus ua l lig hting effects and I ca n refer: you to ~ reJ?utable docbe a ve ry sel'lOUS loss to the Dl- , dominated by large replica s of tor, de~tIs t , psychiatrist, or oth~r vis ion of Huma niti es there, bUl1 t he sh ields of t he respective profess lOnal man throu?h . the ir 01'. Sterli ng's dee p interest in the houses on one wall of the ba ll- catalogue of such agenC Ies; they wo rk of the Divis io n may be ex- room. ca n send someone to handl e de· pected to conl,inue." .. ta ils for you if you are sick and Kubb lc llc·c lcctcd ca n not attend to them yourself. If worrying over th e girl Ann oun cem e n t was a lso made fri e nd keeps you from s tudying, of the r'e·lecetion of Dr. Edwin th ey ca n arrange for you to see P. Hubble as a Trustee of th e Lian expert in the fie ld of emobrary for an additional te n-y ea r tiona l counselling. Seniors: is term. In addition to Dr. Milli· U. S. De par tm e nt of A'g riculka n a nd Dr. Hubble, the ot he r ture ha s a nn ounced opportuni- mo ther coming to see you gradthree Trustees of t he L ibrary at ties for s umm er employment for ua te ? W o rried a bout what to do th e prese nt ti me a re for me r Pres· s tudents o n their White Pine with her while you take the girl ident H erbert H oover, Willi am Blister Ru st Cont rol work in the friend to the P rom ? The Service League ca n take her off of you r B. Munro, a nd J a mes R . P a ge. forests of Ca lifo rnia. AI! types ha nds for the evening. of jobs are avai lable-supervisH ealth Se rvices ory, technical, and laboring. The The Service League al so stands de tails of these jobs are de- as t he driving force behind the sc ribed in a leaflet in t he Place- Well Baby Clinic, th e m ovement THURSDAY, MARCH 11 . Uppe r Class Luncheo n Club at the Train- ment Office. These jobs are for ing Table, 12 :00. to expand t he h ea lth service to Throop C lub Meeting, 12 :20 p .m. s ingle men. Living w ill be in incl ud e s uch things as a convaDancing C lass, Culbertson Hall , 1 :30 Governmen t ca mps in the for- lescen t ward , and t h e effort to GIge mClu b Rehearsa l in Throop Club, ests. 8:30 p. m . ma ke the California Street crossFRIDAY, M A RCH 12Appl ication blanks are avail- ing safe for me n go ing to P.T. Hank McC une Show In Culbertson H<lll, 6 :30 p.m., Dance afterward il) Dabney able in t he P lace ment Office, 120 The Servke League ca n be Lounge . T h l'oop Ha ll. rea ched through the Caltech post SUNDAY, MARCH 14--. Musica le in Dabney Lmlnge, 1 :3 0 p.m. office, box 51, or by calling Mrs. MONDAY, M AR CH 1$Ray Gerhart, Mrs, J ohn Gee INTERVIEW SCHEDULE Fi nals begin. Cla rk, or Mrs, J . W . Beadle (At. TUESQAY, MARCH 16SEE PAGE 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , 4-8567). ChrTs t ian Science Organi zation in 208 Service Group Offers Varied Aid I Forest Employment Open This Summer CQmplIS CQlendQf Dabney, 7 :30 p.m . S ho wn a bove, le ft to l·iJ.,t h t, a r c A lex "Co l'n bit ll " Coo llc,', v icC' lIl'cs iti en LhTI a'!Sp ira n t; Ji m Haw· t h o rn e , fam o us cJ jsk jockcy a u d c<Uldid ate rOI ' p l'c s iilcllt, a nd Bob lfa n fe, Wi n n e l" of H aw· t ho rne's C<11U1)a ig uol1ostc r contest. A p.u·t o[ I-I a u re's J 2 by 21. root. wi nn i n g c n tl'Y is s ho wn in t h e back gl'olllld. COO I IC I~ a nd Ha wth or ne aI'e ('IHa'ug lcd in a fiO foot Mobius strip, a lso cn tC l'cd by a Caltcch stullc n t, P hil H a lvCl·so n. . '" Ricketts . Men Enjoy Two Month's Work Climaxed as Novel Apache Dance Huge Entr~ 'S V·IC t d DryA nnounce Su rpassi ng all expecta ti ons, Ricketts' famed Apa che Dance with its novel, undergro und entran ce via tunnels a nd ladde rs turned in to such a s uccess th at it promises to be an annual event on t he social calendar. Plen ty of Atm oSI)h elOe Most of the belles coo pe rated beautifully in the m atte r of costumes, and th e Rowdies added their 'tough ness to ercreate the atmos phere of the cheap, Parisian, undel1ground hangout. The decorations, cons isting prj· mari ly of curvaceous nud es in s ilhouette wel'e entire ly a ppropriat e, accompanied by the privacy of secluded ca nd le lit booths. Spirit of the evening \~a s climaxed by the singing of sen timenta l ba llads led by Mons ieur Hal Nee ly. H is m usic was ex· cellent, a nd hi s boys really joined in to th e s pirit of the occas ion. Sou ven i r s Colorful bow garters; handed out to t he lad ies as meme ntos of an unu s ua l evening, are a bout the only vestiges now remai nin g of th e Rick etts Ro ndezvous, but even without these coveted tokens m ost of the house men wi 11 rem ember t he Apa ch Prance as the illest da nce of the y ea r. The " H awtho rn e for Pres i· de n t" pos tel' contesl winne r was announced last Friday. He was T ech student Bob H aufe, with h is 12x21 foot ca mp a ign postel'. This ma mmoth placard, with a n area equa l to t hat of 2356 s heets of tiss ue paper, is the resu lt of two months in te nsive work by Haufe. The e ntire project was completeq (i n section s) in his two·ma n room a t t he cost Daylight Saving Moves Fiuals One Hour Closer Day Hgh t Saving Ti me goes into effect this Sunday morrl,ing. It is impor ta nt that t he students of Caltech realize th is , it was announ ced thi s wee k. Along wi th the rest of the state, the I ns t itute w ill lose one ha ul' Sunday morning, bringing the entire schedu le one h out" a h ead . Mea ls in the student h ouses and fin a ls wi ll be sc heduled on t he new tim e, so th ose 8:00 a.m. fin a ls will sta rt in t he cold light of a 7:00 a. m. s un. Tt is urged t ha.t a ll stud ents I'emember this cha nge and adjus t thei r schedu les acco rd ingly . of Ig reat incon ven ience to himself a nd hi s roo mmate. llmvth Ol'nc E n ters R ace T he con tes t opened at t h e begin ning of t he term when Hawthorn e decided to ente r the Preside ntia l ra ce with A lex "Cornball" Coope r (a nother dis k jockey) as runn ing mate. There we re ap proximately a hundred ent r ies, none of whi ch ap· p roach the size of th e winner. The pos te rs are on di s play In Hawthorne's KXLA stud io where the winn ing e n t ry occupied one entire wa ll. Hoga nburger A w a l-d ed p,'izes include two record albums, a nd appropriate ly, a Ho: ganbu l'ge r. Th e latter, measuring 22 in ches ac ross a nd 14 th iCk, and weighing 60 pounds , will be awarded Saturday at the "Chili Kin g," across CDlorado from P. C. C. This will be the second H oganburger to be awa rded by Hawt horne a nd al so the seco nd won by a Tec h ma n. The first went to Bill H a rri s in a weight g uessing co ntest some m on t hs ago. Eve ryone is invited t o Rick· etts Lou nge to help ea t th e monst rosity afte r the p resen ta tion. THE Page 2 Tne C(Jlif()rni(J Tecll • CAMVUS CALIFORNIA TECH - - - -- - - - - - - - Thursday, March 1 J., 1948 13~I:WI~S • I I • ~ I Talkin' It Over S"UAHfS' CI RCl V ; Dabney was just a bit of a ' dena no longer is in s uch a state was seen cuddling a sed uctive THE i with T h e Goon lege year except during examinations and bunch of early bi rds tlli s last I that t he bee r-ser vin g bartenders I creat ure in whi te named Eileen holiday periods. Callfo'nia Institl.lto of Te(:hnology week end. While everyone else have to ask the pa.trons if they who used to be seen quite fre- Dear Sir: L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _l 1201 East California St r()c~ Pasadena, Cal. The sports prog r am sw ings Subscri ption rates: $1.:)0 per year. was rollicking and frollicking in have a drink out in the car. Doug quently with another person As everyone k now s, this is the 19~7~e!jdt~ ~;f~f-f~~~jnmt:!:de~~vC;lr: dim ly li t a nd completely blacked Ma cLean seemed fa scinated by whose name I ca n't think of. time of the year when the su n in to high gear this week_ fornia, under the Act of March 3,1019. ou t indoor place::;, Dabneymen the slot machines down s tairs but All in a ll the turn was excel- makes it s annual t "ek to ViSI't The local rack eteers a re s howOffices: Lower Flem ing I Tele8hone: SYcamore 6-1 121 Ext. 180 (at least 15 of them) went to a nevertheless he left at some fan- ent in s pite of severe financial the northern latitudes. Now t hat ing more form and power than istrib~~~r ~!,;:~~e~~i~~rDi cest fine healthy beach party. Oddly tas tica lly ea rly hou r , up to no th- strain it put on the wallets. Evi- t he sh adows of Gates and Crellin Bugsy Seagle; the track squad is Editorial Staff enough, one man even went in to ing good, of course. Boyd Gage dently T echmen, like to dress up are too s hort to reach to the sun- s howi ng mom ents of grandeur; Managing Editor............................Dick King t he water. In gene ra l their ac- was putting on qui te a dancing in s pi te of rumors to the con- dial in back of Gates, it has been the baseballers a re ready to start ~~~sre E~~~~r:::::::: ::::::::::::::::::~~~h ~c~~t~~ tivities were jus t a bout the same exh ibition w h ich is not to be trary_ call ed to my attention that this s winging at the s phero id, and News Editor..............................Jim Hummel as everyo ne else's but they were construed a s making an exhibiRJcketts Votes For Sex venerable ltimepiece, which in the tile·tappers are prepping for News S.:.:Miam.. ·wr·ith·C·BOb··6j{~~ron~~~t; doing it outdoors . Frank \Volf lion of him self while dancing. It Not to be outdone, the Rowdi es the past has been accurate the firs t meet. ~:~tndBiilB~ou~1~stI~n~Oko~':t~ was dow n th ere with the g irl he wa s indeed a g r eat s troke of for- put on t heir annual terrific Apa- enough for setting my watch, has J oh nny Lamb's tennis boys Stan Harrison. is curre n tly leading a s tra.y , Bar- tun e to have , mu sic by Eddie che dance, whose ma in th eme emerged from t h e winter shaRewrite Staff .................... Bob Haufe, ch ief b B f k " '11 Of h I b h ff lied displayed g r ea t depth a n d Dick Marsh, Lee Ross, Eric Johannsen ara aggs. A ew more wee - m l er. course, t ere are a - seems to e t at s tu ca sex. dows a fu ll minutes s trength in knocking over the Special Walt Writers .... MitchCarl Cotton, C. Bear, Davison, Price,J.Bud Mit- ends like thi s one a nd F"'ank will ways people like Pete Mason who Led by the artistic genius of Bob slo\v. Loyola lads. The nices t feature ten thal, John Whittlesey, Tom Stix have to go to a sanitarium. s pent most of the evening out- Haufe, the decorations were sexA I ..' Sports Staff Eari Thorne Hefner, Butler, Neal Pings d oa rs WIt . I1 I118 ' d a te an d peopI e satlO . na I f rom t h e many d I' ff ers t l e. present s ItuatIOn IS ca- of thi s m atch , besides it being ill Paul ............ Saltman, Bil l Forma l ..' .·acag Gothard, Don Peterson B lacker a nd F leming put their li ke Tom Stix who s gen t mos t of en t (but " basically" the sam e) tastrophiC to those of us who s hutout, was the fact t hat our Photographers.............. Harold BlIugh, Ralph have not yet accepted such mod top two m en were only s pectaLOVbergBu!~~SI Ts:~rf heads and ba nkbook s together the evening indoors-i n the bar. silhouettes on the wa lls and the . " Manager ...................................... BiIi Bradley for a formal. One note of progMitch Cotton, J. C. Bear and cozy litt le cubicles to the stupen-! e~'n td~Vl~es :sI t~e ra~I~ ~nd lthe tors. I'm referring to Charlie V. Circulation Manager ................Abner Kaplan ress was t he fact that the Alta - Co. did th eir best too to keep the dous horizonta l nude that cov- e ec rIC c oc, e r e WIt Imp are (I can't spell or pronounce it) _"_u'_'oo_"_5...":..'...I............................................:....::..:: ..C::.h....:..'__ ".:....:5...'0:..0.....-.:.._ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ upstairs es tablishment open but e red the fro nt of the d ining Caltch a~tron ome rs to concen- a nd Bill S hivar, who Coach III ~ ~ ~ bus iness in genera l wa s So poor room. Orilgi na lly it was "au nat- t ra t~ theIr efforts towards ren:t- t hinks will carry considerable V ~ 1"""'1' L -...:::that the concession closed about ural" but because of the r eac- edy m g the defect, w~atever It weight in the conference. The s trongest opposition should come UI..IO\' C From a Stranger" t he h elp of on ly on e woman! It ten a nd everybody grav ita te..d to tions of some Frosh, the Protec- m ay be. at PI.lyho use marks a. th r illing follow·up to his the large one in the basement. tor of the Morals decided to add Perhaps the fonowing will be fr om Redlands and Pomona this Dealing in s us penseful action rece n t performance as the hea r t· Pl' . t ed a li ttle cove ra'ge. 'he lpful in dete rmining the rea- seaso n . Although both teams and marital intrigue, Frank Vos- less killer of "Undercurrent," in Already fil'm~~ planted th ere Frosh Ted P olk was undaunt- son why t~~ s~ndial is behind were soundly beaten by t he Bruins Saturday, you mu s t keep in per's drama "LOve From a which he co-sta rred with Kath· were Stan H olditch a nd wife \ ed, how ever, as the amount of accepted CIVIl tIme. Stranger" began a two-week run arine Hepburn. Pinky Moore and wife and Big coverage h is da te possessed ran (1) .There has a lready bee~ a mind that UCLA is just an annex at Pasadena P lay house I a s t collusIOn . to effect . a one-th Ird for the Los Angeles Tennis Club. "Teaming wi th him is Aud rey Jim and his old old a close second. night. New Look Goes c.ompl'om.lse on ~h e Jssue of day· T otte r, the young dramatic act- fla me. On e of the topics seemed Tyson Hot The contradictory position of reSs who drew acclaim for h er to be why J im was called Big George Roe and Al Sereno ~ Ight savmg, w~lCh was sneaked Two fine performances were a hu s band as a s tra ngel' becomes performance with Robert Mont- Jim and from th e color of his seemed to feel it wa s good too, III on u s some m ght when no one turn ed in a t the C.onference Remore electric as he becomes a gom e ry in "Lady in the Lake," in face it had something to do with as both their dates came in the was awake. The mos t outpotential m u r del'. Shadows her fi rs t s tarri ng role, as th e the H. Price memoria l trophy . new look. This didn't last as (2) Gremlins have been s peed- lays Saturday. standing w as HaJ Tyson's 46' le ngthen as thi s a mazing stor y young psychiatrist who ri s ks he r . Geol'ge and Al subbed as seaming eas twa rd around the ea rth H el' m a u'S Got "It" ·tened san1e at the equ<l,tor, and by absorbing 11 %" put. wtth Levin of Oxy of the attractive bride and her life a nd he!' reputation for the Herman Walquis t, Fleming st resses a nd s hol I' h' leading and one put left, lO T h e hand some husband unfolds. man s he loves." I-louse Brain and Deef Trust, is much more than was l'eally nec- a sma J fractIOn of the eart s Form" grabbed t he pellet and 1n long runs in London, New H e rbert Mars ha ll, a s the s uave I' I' essary angular momentum ha ve slowed so s uccess ully mu sc lllg in on . it down twe nty.on e minutes. a lmos t threw ~t out of the park. York and two film prodUctions, bu t sinister "other man. " J oin· al tl1e [''e ma le n10 n opoly . See n at A s it us ually does, this da nce (3) The speed of li gh t h as Doc was so overj oyed that he althe pJ ay has provided lovers of ing tile three s tars i s DorotllY the barn da nce w ith not one but brought out m ost of the s nakes, mystery and m en tal m eander- Patrick as the lovely vic tim. two beautiful damsels, H e rma n a lt hough due to the Southern dropped off, a nd it takes the m os t swallow ed his two-bit ciings with much fodder for ama- - - - -- - --- - - - - -_ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ Calif. brownout (w ith wh ich the sun's light twen ty-nin e minutes gar that he a lways splurges on teur detectivin'g. for each meet. If Ty k eeps work· rowdies were cooperating 100% ) to reach u s now. H e le n Schoeni directs th e Playit would be difficult to say exact· (4) Or may be the s undial n eeds ing there is li ttle doubt that he hou se s tagin g wit h James Seay MARCH 10, 11 AND 12Sec later bulletin fo r definite informa- ly who wa sdoing what, where to have its face lifted, for the will crack the school record, only GENERA L ELE CTR IC COMPANY, Schc - tion on their need for CHEM ISTS in R e ~ and how. as T he Stranger and Patri cia nectady, summer a nd fa ll llnes are not in two feet away. Bob Funk ran New York. Mr. H. C. Hill and Mr. search Dept. SClirfe. Seniors and Graduates in ELECTR1 - APRIL 5O'Callagha n as The Girl. one of the best 220 laps on the \ Vooster Uster style for winter an d s pring. ~~~S I ~~~ C:tE~~~~~C:n~ CE~~~C~~I~~ RIC HFIELD OI L CORP., Los Angeles, ha lf·mile re lay. Starting ten "High ' Vall" Follows The only noticeable absen ce Willia m J . Dixon. GINEERING, who are interested in work- Calif.-Mr. T. F. Suliivan. Senior and grading in the East. uate students who are interested in pro· was that of Ex-Pres. W ooster and yards behind h e fa iled by inches Double Life" Mr. Hill wilt lalk to Seniors and Grad- ducing opera ti ons in the petroleum indus· in nipping Oxy's anchor. On a Ronald Colman's triumph, "A uates in any opt ion who may want to dis. try. Several outstanding undergraduates, date wh o it is r umored in u sua lly , cuss working wi t h them i n the East and ~uni,or s . who. arhe interested.. in surnmer reliable sources have said that j. straightaway t he Tiger would Double Life," closes tonight a t who w ere not interviewed in December ,mp oym,:,nt In t e same activity. Primary . In terest In ME and related types o f enst ill be picking d irt ou t of h is t he Crown Theate r. This Acad· MARCH 12_ 1 I ginecrs, bu t one or two civil or electrical the dance was entire ly too vUIeye. Mr. H . E. Calt;-ah,,!n of HAN FORD ~N G I- . majors may also be considered. Upper ha lf emy Aw a rd contend er is unqualiNEER WORKS W i ll InterView BS candidates of class scholastically well -rounded per- gar and low for res pectable a nd fiedly recommended to discrimi- in CHEMISTRY who arc interested in nu - sonalilies. ' "importan t" people to a.ttend so Get our firs t look at Peerless MEN'S CLOTHING clear and resca~c h work and living in the APRIL 8 AND 9 _ nating cinemadicts. State of Washington. NORTH AMERICAN AVIATION. INC.- they w en t elsewhere. I'm s ure ' Priesler's n ine old m en .this · a ftFURNISHINGS Starting ItomOlTOW is "High .PROCTER ~ GAMBLE CO., Mr. P. A. Mr William Nance R icketts will COrrect this situ a- 1 el'noon as they club it out w ith NIChol, S~pefl~te ndent of L.o ~g Beach BS- Ae, ME, CE ' EE. Wall," a mys tery th rill er s tar- Plant. Re-tntervlew of men notified. MS-Ae, ME, CE, EE interested in Air- toin in the future. out li ttle n e ig hbors from the craft Engineering. No Industrial Engineerring Robert Taylor, Audry T ot· MARCH 19AMERICAN SMELTING AND REFIN ING ing avai lable. Fridays t;ll 9 :30 p.m. North- PCC. W e're still hoping te l', and Herbert MarshalL '" COMPANY- Salt La ke City. Utah.- Mr. R. , Ph D's or P~ofessionals who want practo develop another Bob Feller. C. Bc.ckstead. For h.Hther deto!lIl :s wlltch ti ca l engineer"'Q, but not theoretical, in Thrilling P lot bu lletin boards. abo'/e opt ions. TYP ING-Theses and term papers. 5Y. Spot offers to be made at time of in. 459 East Colorado Street "Taylor, as a s upposed homici- MARCH 30 AND 316-8B09. BOEING AIRPLAN E COMPANY- Mr. J. terview. dal m aniac, accu sed of killing his C. Sanders Staff Enginee r- Personnel, and APRIL 14-MICHAELS-STERNS Tuxedo and vest, 30 Sy . 2 -3871 - Pasade na I waist, medium length. After 2 p.m. call TH E TEXAS COMPANY- for work at wife, battling the most h opeless Mr. L T. Goodmanson, Chief of Wind Tun PUBUC STENOGRAPHER AT. 2-4595. nel. . . . B<!acon Research l aboratories, Beacon New p.,rtlcularlY .lnterested II') PhD and Pr,?f. York. PhD and MS candidates in Chemodds faced by any man, and with degree men to Aeron<!uftcs. ,,\Iso Senior iSlry Chemica l and Mechanical Engineer- TYP ING-At my home. SYcamore 961 East Green Street and Graduate students In Electrtcal, Aero- ing , , naut ical, Civil and Mechan ical Engineer- APRIL 2~ Caltech Students Welcome At ing., Should be in up!?Cr half of c!ass schoSTANOLI ND OIL AND GAS COMPANY, SYcamore 3-715& J~s.tlf=aHy, take part In ext.ra-currlcular ~c- C.a~per, Wyor:ning. Mr.. W .. 5. McCabe Di2·PIECE ALL-WOQL f tlvltl es o!",d have persona.llty. Must deSire VISion Geologist. InterViewing men notified. 10 work In Seattle, Washington. APRIL 29Mis. Gann APRIL 1 SlANOLIND OIL AND GAS COMPANY STANDARD OIL CO., OVERSEAS, NEW Mr. l. F. Peterson, Production Dept. CHEM: JERSEY- Mr. R. L Rale. For details as to ICAl , MECHAN ICAL GEOLOGICAL AND type of open ings sec Placement bulletin ELECTR ICAL ENG INEERS who ate interboard. ested in oil prodUction work and who will APRIL 1 AND 2 gradua te by September I 1948, with either UNION OIL COMPANY CO OF CAUF., a as o( more advanced degree, and Juniors Los Angeles, Ca lif.-Mr. J . P. Rockfeilow. who will grilduale at I,:,ast by June, 1949, Senior and Gradua te students who will and who Wish to obtain summer employfit into two ~year Refinery Trainee Program. mont from June to September'r1948. Lead to practical work, research process FOR A DEFI NITE APPOIN ME NT AND 129 N. Raymond. Pasadena or pilot plant operllt ions pos itjon ~ Primar- APPL ICATION BLANK , PLEASE CONTACT 881 E. jly to be used in manufactuding depart- THE PLACEMENT SECR ETARY, ROOM 120. SYcamore 6-5100· ment in refin<!ry. THROOP HALL, AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. PubU,hod o",y Thu,way dudn. fh. co'- • U Tlil: -= Interview Scnedule I I 11fJ9d & eat4efl CI(Jssified Ads Neigbborboob ([burcb I~ _A Colorado PASADENA WRAPPING SERVICE CAMPUS BARBER SHOP A Church of Liberal Religion 225 W e st California Street In Coffee Shop Buildinq SUNDAY WORSHIP" A.M. REV. CURTIS BEACH uThe Vitality of Jesus" (OLD DORM) WHEN YOU ARE HUNGRY WHEN YOU ARE THIRSTY Expert Mail Wrappinq Distinctive Gift )'Irappinq Telephone SYcamore 3-3468 808 East Colorado, Pasadena, 'CallL Doaald J. Atkinson* Switched to Wildroot Cream-Oil Beeause He Flunked the Finger Nail Test IT'S THE SKIP INN 1352 E. WALNUT SYeamore 3-6704 • STARTS FRIDAY, MAR. ,12th ROBT. TAYLOR AUDREY T017ER PLUS- "CAGED FURY" OAK KNOLL (4 Doors East of Lake tasteful sim plIcity In her wedding rings and sliver ,. • by Brock ConI. Daily From 12 BUSTER CRABBE MARY BETH HUGHES Open Till 2 A.M. 902 East California SaLNlI.. - Beer - Plale Lunches FOUR-DAY LAUNDRY ~~ CROWN "HIGH WALL" NEED RELAXATION THREE-DAY CLEANING SERVICE ~~OpenFrL& I HERB. MARSHALL WHEN YOU JUST LET A VET SERVE YOU S4Z·s0 2 FIRST-RUN JUTSI 0' CLEANERS and TAILORS SPORT SUITS • GENERAL ADMISSION MATINEE Adults SSe WHY ACT like a donkey ju.t b ecause you/ ean 8S\II pointed? Don't "burro" your roomm ate', bottle • . . or Wildroot Cream-Oil, that isl G et some for yourself. Sec how it grooms your h air neatly and nat ura lly without that gooey look I See h ow quickly it goes to work relievin&: annoying dryness a nd removing ugly, lOO&e dandruffl Wildroot Cream-Oil h a ir tonic i,!l non-alcoholic - it con~ tams soothing L anolin. Helps you pass the Fingernail Teat. No wonder Wildroot Cream-Oil is "again and again the choice ol men who put good grooming tint '" Get a tube Eveninq Adults 74e Junior SOc Child 20e Always • CONVENIENT PARKING orukbottle today at any drug or- toilet goods coun.~t=er~.~And:::::"'_~~~t: I your barbec for a professional a pplication. *of 38 IHII..atJ1 T".,.tUe, Ke.mon, Junior 40c N. Y. • CROWN . 129 N. Rayniond. Pasad'l"a • Thursday, March 11,1948 - - - - - - - - - - -- Poets pulled a head of Oxy, While, _R:::e:::d:::la:::n:::d:::s:::,:C:::"':::I: te:::c:h:::,: a: n: d=p:o:m:o:n =a; finished in th a t order. ~I_ Wh ittier gained Cl' tota l of 37% poin ts; Oxy, 3G; Redlan ds, 20; Froth Sports Roundup Tech, 17; and Pomona, 10%. - By E arl H efner. The Beaver freshmen also L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • wou nd up in four th place as th e Fros h ho rse h iders have l!een Tigercubs won with 34 3/5 , followed by Redla nd s wi th 27; Po- practic ing for three weeks now <JJld Norm Macdo nald may come mona with 22 1/5; T ech, 19; a nd up wit h a winning team if early Whitt ier, 5 1/5 . season form is any indication of Confer e n ce Load ed th e future. Despite the lack of It was forcibly demonLsrated quantity on the Frosh team, to the Beaver s pikemen t hat they the re is defin itely some fine maface a stiff seaso n as the talent- terial in the dozen, boys that are ed performe rs from the oL her in- a u t there every afternoon. s t itutions kep t walking off with U (lset V m-slty the paints. How ever , the TechThe underclassmen g~ve bo th men managed to collect a little gravy with some fine perform· the Va(,sity firs t and sec 0 n d s t r ings quite a surprise w hen ances of their own. Howell l'yson was the va r- they beat each squad in a pair sity's only first place winne r i n of pract ice games last week. It taking the shot put with a hea ve is only fair to mention that of 46' 11 J.,4 " . T he 88U re lay team Coach Preisle r did not use either of Dwight Schl'Oeciel', Doug Mac· of hi s stal,ting pitchers until a.ftLean, Stan Barnes, and Bob er th e Frosh had made their five Funk wa s. nosed out by a hair runs in the game against the by the Whi ttier aggregatipn to firs t team, but we're certain t hat. the Fres hmen won't run u p take seco nd s pot. Martin Wa lt tied fo r seco nd in against a Chuck Norman in their the po le vault in reac:hing a regu lar games this season - 'a t h eight of 12 feet, while Ray least we hope not! It."obable L i n e-uIJ Heggla ncl tied for third in the high jump. Dwigh t Schroeder T he outfield as yet is not defingot off a fine leap to place th ird ite, but we can give you an idea in the broa d jump. of the infield combination you will be' seeing soon. At first base {Continued on Page 4) CARL'S CALTECH BARBERS 5 GOOD BARBERS- APPOINTMENTS IF DESIRED ON CALIFORNIA NEAR LAKE SKIS RENTALS - REPAIRS - TOGS HOLIDAY HOUSE Lake and Colorado SYcamore 6-7806 Open Friday Eveninqs Till 9 P.M. CALIFORNIA TECH - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - Page3 ·DilBNEY TAKES SECOND; Be(/ver NO RECORDS BROKEN Tech Fourth In Relay Meet The Whitti er tra<.: k tea m emerged victorious in the closi ng minutes o f the Conference R elay Meet last Saturday afternoon at the Occidental field. By ta king fil'st place in the pole vault, the THE SPOtts 1 t was Big Hed all th e way, as thl mermen from F lem ing demo ns trated th eir superior s peed and s tyle to t he rest of the houses to emerge from the In tel'house Swimming Meet last Thursday with morc than twice as many pOints in the win colu mn as their nearest riva l. The final ta lly lists Fleming, 58.5; Dabney, 29; Ricketts, 25.5; Blacker, 17, and Throop, 6. Hal'd-Fong ltt ~l cet Though most of the ti m es were ra ther slow when comp ~ns F leming moved up to a secondpa red with the Interho use recThe swimming seaso n will get place in the interhouse bowli ng ords, the meet was hard fo ught league this week while 0 the r all the way. under way Friday at 4:30 p.m. as sta ndings rema ined unchanged. }.'I'csh m cn S h ow Pl'om ise the' varsity stages a preliminary meet with P.C.C. at their ou t- Five games were won by FlemSeve ra l promising frosh apdoor pool. The meet has been ar- ing while Ricke tts took but peared in th e line-up of winner s; th ree, and all other houses took Libbey of F'lemin g and Reed of ranged by coach Bob Merrick to four. R icketts No. 2 rolled t his get the men se t for the conferThroop; thus raising hopes for week's high team se ries of 2115, ence s~ a so n which begins next . . . D b the future of the swimming t while theIr oppOSItIon, a ney L a nky Bob Stoke ly was named team. erm. . . No.1, fired high game of 766. Scol'in g Pro~pects are fall' fo~ thIS s.ea- Standings to date: Throop, 69 first-.s tring . all·conference guard Medley Re lay (300 feet)-T ime at a recent S.C.l. C. Coaches and son WIth two ou~s tandlllg SWIm· wins, Ricketts and Fleming, 46 mel's, Palmer In the breast I; Dabney, 40, and Blacker, Ma nagers meeting, a nd two of 1:03.2. 1. Flem in g; 2. Dabney; 3. his team mates, Pa.ul SaUman and Rkketts; 4. Blac ker. stroke and Jay Mon tgomery in 39. Bill Cox, we re g iven hqnol'able 50-ya rd free sty le-Time 0:26.5. the back st roke. There is one . Bal'1'aclo llg h R o l ls High 1. Liffey (F;) 2. Hogness (R;) mention. notable deficiency, however, in A stella r performance was Whittier's co·champion Poets 3. Stix (F;) '1. Furth (F;) 5. diving. Any divers will be we l- turned in by Bob Barraclough of dom inated the first selection Wright (R.) corned by the team. Dabney as he shot a cool 227 Diving- I. Hammond (F;) 2. with 'Bill Moore at .forward and game. A stubborn seven-pin in W ate rs (D;) 3. Burnb (B;) 4. FairGordon Pederson at guard. High. w i ll be Winston Royce w ho ap- the tenth frame robbed him of 20 pears to have the "reach" that additional pOints and leaglle high sco ring L oc ke Olson of Pomona all ( F';) 5. Morrison (F.) IOO-y ard free style Time, is so necessai·y to a fi rs t base- H igh series was turned in was awarded the ce nter posi. ma n . Al Sereno, who d id such by Bob Le vy of Rlcketts with tion, and Occiden ta l's Bob Olsen 1:03.9- 1. Libbey (F;) 2. Waters (D; ) 3. (tie ) Sch uster (G) and a swell job at first string for- scores of 200-208-152-560. Othe r made t he othe r forward s pot. Hogness (R;) 5. Cotton (B.) ward on the cage squad,18 de- hi'ghs: Woo d y Bratnober of Secon d '! 'ca m Back s troke (200 feet)-Time, veloping into a nice second sack- Throop, 220 game and 555 series; The Beave rs were no t able to 51.7- 1. Wa lqulst (F;) 2. Falrall er and his hitting eye may prove Bill Roo t of Ricketts , 200 game troublesome to opposing pitch- and 525 se ries; and Bill Culbert- place a man on the second string (F;) 3. Pilling (R;) 4. Morrison which Jiste,l Jim Black (Occi· ( D; ) 5. R obinso n (D.) ers in gam~s ,this s pring. so n of Dabney, 198 game and 514 den ta l) at cente r, Bob Redfield Breast st roke (200 feet) - Time Duane Neverman holds down series. (Pomo na) ami Don L eo na rd 51.7- 1. Reed (T;) 2. Waters (D;) s hort and does a very neat job Currently hLgh averages are (Redlands) at forw a rds, and 3. Asquith (R;) 4. Sawyer (B;) a.t fielding a fa st ball. Over in he ld by: Woody Bratnober, 173; Don H a nkin s (Occidental ) and 5. Prevost (B.) the ho t co rner will probably be R ay Heggland, 170; Bob Levy, Paul R a ine (Redlands) fi lling in F n relay (400 feet) _ Haydn Sanders who looks like 165; Bill Root, 162; and Roger the guard spot s. Making honor- Time, 1:12.9-1. Fleming; 2. J)abhe may not only make good at Anderson, 162. able mention a long with Cox and ney; 3. Ricketts; 4. Blacker. thlrd, but at helping with t h e There will be no bowling for Saltman w ere Bob E ssig (Porno- _ _ __ _ __ __ _ _ __ pitching. the next three weeks, and the na,) Jean Martin and Don Ward- man (Whittier) and Connie Gul(Continued on Page 4) league will reconvene April 5. lixso n (Occidental. ) Meets Sch eduled CALIFORNIA The loop's coaches also sch edWE ARE READY FOR PHARMACY uled inter-sc hoo l sw im, golf and PRESCRIPTIONS PHARMACISTS tennis meets. The conference swim meet was set for May 8 a t· 575 S. Lake Street Pasadena, Cal. which ~ ime all league FreshSYcamore 2-6222 m an and Varsity swimmers will BASEBALL - TRACK - TENNIS compete. Whittier was named as host to the conference golf tourAssociated Oil Sta. nament whi ch will be held May Lake & San Pasqual 14, and R ed lands will be the slte of the league tennis tou rney th e Not a classy layout, but 27 SOUTH EL MOLINO SY_ 6-4161 sa me week-end. Best Products & Service Redlands announced t hat t h e Bulldogs will again p la.y host to cage teams next December in a basketball tournament sim ilar to the one held last December. Swim Encoun ters T he Beavers have two d ua l sw im meets with Oxy scheduled, and a triangular meet with R edlands a nd Pomona. I n golf t he (An MGM release) Eng ineers will meet Redlands, Whittier and Pomona twice a nd "F our leaf clover ' has t ur ned into a rea l fo ur leaf Oxy only once thi s spring, w hile clover for ark-pilot , Art M ooney. H is record is in the net s port matches are k eeping jukes in clover. sch ed uled with each league An experienced hand in t he music b iz - Art fo llows schoo l. t hat famo us experien ce rule in t h e choice o f a cigarette, t oo. "I' ve smoked many different brands PASADENA BOWUNG COURTS a nd compared," says Art, "and Camels s uit me best ." 9 70 Eas t Colota d o 'Try Came ls! D iscover for yourse lf why, w ith Re nde zvous of Calt!;ch Bowlers Open II a .m . to I a .m. SY. 3· 1 ~ 4 1 smokers who have tried and comp ared, C amels are Specia l Stude nt Ra te before 6 P.M. except Sa turday. Sunday. and Holidays the "choice of experience" 1 11::==========================::1 Swim Season Fleming Second F 'd InIHBowling Group Conference o rl ay Team Names Bob StokeIy Spring Conference Schedules Ready SPRING SPORTS CHAMBERLAIN ATHLETIC CO. • • • Ills ART MOONEy/S hoi arrangemenl of ""m Looking Over a Four Leal Clover" 20c Per Line R. 1. Reynoid aTobllcco ComplnJ Winston-Salem, North Carolln. . reat record "":' And here's another g ___\':09 ~~e are SrJPA CAMEL • my ci9aref.te ! IS YOUR COIJ.EGE SPORTS SHOP Headquarlers for Tennis Sportswear WYNN MACE Tennis Shop Phone SYcamore 6 - 5804 904 EAST CALIFORNIA ST. Pasadena. Calif. Ice Skate _ Special Reduced Rates for Parties Pasadena Winter Gardens 17l South Arroyo Pkwy. Page 4 _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ T H E CAL I FOR N I ATE C H - - - - - - - -- - - - Thursday, March 11, 1948 Seiden,IIWechsler K~ropoulous Host To Give ASME Talks To Fireside Group Winning out over a field of fullr very able 'Contestap.1ts at Monday's ASME meellng, Bill Seiden and Joe W echsler were cnosen to represent Caltech the Regional Student Convention to b heJd on our campus April 23rd and 24th. '1'0 Profes· SOl'S Daugherty. Hollander and Huse fell the difficult task of judging the excellent papers and their presentation. in P apers Pl'csented Peter Kyropoulos and TECH FOURTH (Continued from Page 3) IW1, Hackelman tRI. 10.0. Distance Medley (440, 880, 1320, mile) Redlands (Dunning, Wagne r, Jones, Weed) Sunday Night Fireside of the term. Refreshments at thi s high· ly success fu l gathering included hot buttered popcorn, doughnuts, and galJons of hot spiced CIder. Mr . Kyropoulos gave an H1ter esting talk on European universities and their extremely excluSIve fraternities . Dueling and soaring, he related, are prominent features of student body ac· tivlties on the continent. Those competing were: Bill Mor e Sch edul ed Seiden discussmg the "TJ1eory of Many enjoyable Sundays are P lastic Strain Propagation," Joe in prospect for next term's F IreWechsle r demonstrating his side series. Mr. Stott, Caltech mode l cran e in connectIOn with Assistant Comptroller, will inhis topic "The Engineering ExVIte a group of Techmen to his perience Derived From Model beach home in Balboa for the· Building Hobbies ," Hugh Carter clay. Members of th e Board of presenting practical theories in Trustees and Institute Associh is talk, "Toward a Science of ates, mcluding prominent busiHousing," and Jim H arder speaking on the "Economical Di stllla- peting \\lith representatives from tion of Sea Water." Stanford, Berkeley, Santa Clara, At t he AprIl ConventIon, Sei- and US c. for five prizes ranging den and Wechsler will be com· I from fifty to ten do llars. (Continued from Page 3) Throop's own Louis Stallk amp will be seeing a lot of action as chucker for the Frosh. "Stall" did a great job for last fall's Throop softball club and may do just as well with the Baby Beavers. Dean Daily will be there to chuck, too, and althou gh Dean has only pitched softball befo re, he may get a chance to use t hat arm before the seapon 1S over. Behind the plate wi ll be la st faU's Frosh football co· captain, \V alt Preiffer, and Walt looks mighty fine as signal·call· er thus far. Oxy, Whitt ier, Ca ltec h 10:573. 4 man 8SQ.-Whitt,er I Barton, Tucke r, Brownell, Hays), Caltech, Oxy, Redlands. I :31.3. Shuttle hurdles--Oxy ( Frie ze, Lawrence, Murray , Inman), Redlands, Pomona, Wh ither I ·00 7. shot put and diSCUS. John Lewjs 4 man Mlle----Redlands (Wagner, Tague, placed a Beaver stranglehold on Dunning, Smith), Oxy, Caltech, Pomona the dbcus eVent by placing sec- 3 27 .8. Discus-Yates (W)j Baker (0), MertinS .~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. . ond. A team composed of Chuck (RI, Pearson (0). I 1'4V2". Shot put-Tyson (T), LeVin (OJ, Yates Paulsen, Ken Berg, Walt Ed(W), Meehan (W) 46'11W'. I wards, and Bob Cobb l'an off with Javelln--Coster (OJ, Nlppe lt (0). Mc- I second s pot in the sprint medley. LelJen (Rl, Flowers (RI 181'9". HAROLD O. GRONDAHL Hi9 h jump---Doty (0), Robinson (P), Varsity : lOD-Hays (W), Wel sh (PI, Barion tie between Heggland tTl, and laughead (W), 6'2 3/8" Represent tng Broad Jum p -Tucker {WI, Brownell nessmen who have shown an (WI, Schroeder (TI, Ch inn (TI. 22'4Y4". NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE Pole vault---Crandall (WI, t ie fo r secactive interest in Caltech, are to ond among Walt (T), Pike (0), lapp {PI, be hosts. Henney (01. 12'6". Fl"Osh p (' I·ronll \\1eU D1l1ll 11UllVe Art Miller look honors in the frosh fracas by wife wlI1ning first s pot in both the were hosts at the concluding FROSH SPORTS ROUNDUP I Mo~t I>o lm l ul' lOy" F un cti on The Fireside series was voted the most popular "Y" function in the recent questionnaire. It is hoped that next term even more people will partjcipate. COMPANY Frosh: lOa-Mason (RI. 102. 4 man Mile- Redlands. 3 '39.4 4 man 880--0CCldental. I :33 8, Sprint medley-Redlands. 3.49.8. Pole vault- Pu lliam {PIll' Javelm-- Flnner. (PI, 154'2". Shot put- Mil er (Tl 38'8%". Discus-Miller (Tl 112'9W' . 234 E. Colorado St ., Pasadena Phone SY 2-7141 Jonker's Florists \'au can walk 10 Ihis new shop which is only three doors South of Lake & California St. to order Corsages OR TO TELEGRAPH Flowers OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS TELEPHONE YOUR ORDERS SY. 3·7167 OUR "Tukkin" Shirt multi-needle knit • It's like aT-shirt with long sleeves . . . or a lightweight sweat shirt ... all colton and easily washable $2.75 • HOTALING'S , Two Stores lor Men 54 East Colorado Street 921 East Colorado Street THE HIGH-SIGN OF REFRESHMENT ~~ "W W ~ ( faoM A nailS . lte Chesterfield 1 s1110 Of STATEMENTS ..OMINENT TO I"h. III>CCO fAaMEaSI k ·t's a goo d ·garette. Cl terfield. I t tn t '" smoke Ches d tobaccO flavor. ntag e of mil It has a Teal goo M Til buY a good perce When they " Liggett & 'l:eripe , sweet toba~C~spall the toP best tobaccos· · f":~b~ccO thell want t, e . d _ ~ see a basket. 0" ~ 71~Yrice to get tt. . .J . • ,,,t<e£WIL'£, t<. e . P 10,,.CeO f"·"£ , J .-.:: The pause that refreshes Bo nlED UNDER AUTHORITY Of THE CO CA.COLA COMPANY BY -::C;;;OiC;-:A~.C~OLA BOTTLING CO. OF L OS ANGELES @ \ 9-48, The Coca ·CoIa Company ,fiLWAYS MILDER IDETTER TASTING @OOLER SMOKING
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